HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 08-13Report to Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PLN 08 -13 Date: May 6, 2013 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Request for Extension of Lease Agreement with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for Paddling Facility on West Spit of Frenchman's Bay Recommendation: That Report PLN 08 -13 of the Director, City Development, regarding the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club's use of the west spit, be received; 2. That the request of the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club to extend its lease agreement with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for three years on an annual basis commencing with the period November 1, 2012 to October 31, 2013 and expiring October 31, 2015, to accommodate a temporary compound on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay for the storage of canoes and kayaks within trailers, associated with the Club's paddling facility, be supported by Pickering Council; and 3. Further, that the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PLN 08 -13 to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club. Executive Summary: Since the early 1990's, the West Rouge Canoe Club, now known as the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club (PRCC), has leased land from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) for a temporary, private paddling facility on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The facility consists of two trailers on wheels for the temporary storage of canoes and kayaks, and a parking area for up to five cars (see Site Detail, Attachment #2). The subject lands are zoned "R4" — Residential and this zoning does not permit the paddling facility. Thus, the TRCA and the PRCC also require, and have received for the last 20 years, concurrence from the City of Pickering to use the lands for the storage compound. The PRCC's present lease agreement with TRCA expired on October 31, 2012, and the PRCC has requested another lease extension (see Letter, Attachment #3). TRCA is proposing a lease extension for a three year period, to be renewed annually, and requests confirmation that the City continues to agree with this arrangement. Report PLN 08 -13 May 6, 2013 Subject: Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Page 2 City staff have reviewed the request and find it supportable. Its location does not interfere with the ongoing harbour entrance reconstruction project or the proposed Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan Implementation. Further, until such time as a permanent facility can be established (anticipated for the year 2016), the lease allows an active recreational group in Pickering to have parking with immediate access to a secure location for their boat storage and to the Bay. It is recommended Council support the lease extension. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the lease extension; however, future capital costs are anticipated to accommodate public washroom facilities and a parking lot, associated with the paddling facility as identified in the 2014 -2017 Draft Capital Forecast for the Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan. Background City staff have reviewed the request of the PRCC and the TRCA and have no objection to a three year extension to the lease agreement between PRCC and TRCA, ending October 31, 2015. The paddling activity is consistent with environmentally friendly recreation activities, which are suitable for the Bay and current park operations. City staff advise that the facility has operated without complaints from residents or park users. The Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan was updated in 2012, as a joint project by TRCA and the City of Pickering. The Master Plan identifies the location for a permanent PRCC facility approximately 250 metres west of the current temporary location. The new facility is also anticipated to support boat launches, floating docks, public washrooms, equipment storage and change rooms as well as short term vehicular and trailer parking (see Attachment #4). City staff have identified the public washroom component of the permanent facility in the 2014 — 2017 Draft Capital Forecast. Subject to budget approval, staff anticipate the facility will be relocated by 2016. Until the permanent facility is constructed, TRCA expects to keep the road serving the West Spit open in order to provide continued access to the PRCC facility. The Director of City Development, Culture & Recreation and Engineering & Public Works support PRCC's lease extension request and do not anticipate any conflicts with the harbour entrance reconstruction, and operation of the paddling facility. Accordingly, Council is also requested to support the lease extension. Report PLN 08 -13 Subject: Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Attachments May 6, 2013 Page 3 1. Location Map 2. Site Detail 3. Pickering Rouge Canoe Club Letter to Request a Lease Extension 4. Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan Prepared By: "Lcz� AshlgYea oPlan Nilesh urti, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design AY: jf Recommended for the consideration of Pickering CiWouncil Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Approved /Endorsed By: Catherine Rose, MCI ,RPP (Acting) Chief Planner Tom Melyrnluk, IVCIP, RPP Director, City Development Marisa Carpino, MAA Director, Culture creation Richa/rd Holbor , P.Eng. Director, Engineering & Public Works /9', 2,0 /3 ATTIMMENT#__l.__TO REPORT# - PL A/ 08-/13 PARK 'IWATERP BRUCE = SCOMBE MEMOR /A PAR ST m FRENCHMAN'S BA Y F E pM�NPpE j pR g�PGNPO\N SU Sr LAKE ONTARIO City of Pickering City Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 196 g 1 t -, 96, 213 195 203 209 -214,i'19,223-225,228-230232,244-279,281-315,319-327, OWNER T.R.C.A. DATE APR 17, 2013 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. PLN 08/13 SCALE 1:5,000 CHECKED BY AY H aTera etraEnterprise1 Ine. and its suppliers. 2013 MPAC and its a liera. All 1,1 hta Reservetl. All rights Reservetl. Not a plan of survey. Not o Ian o7 Surve PN_/f 2 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT!: ; r°LN tI -/3 FRENCHMAN'S BAY /SEE DETAIL'A' LAKE ONTARIO City of Pickering City Development Department KEY MAP FRENCHMAN'S HA Y SUBJECT LAND PARKING ° LOCATION OF ° EXISTING TRAILERS E3EACHPOINT PROMENADE City of Pickering City Development Department Detail 'A' 11 N canoe - nayaK www.Pldcer1n9R0ugeCC.0r9 ATT MENs #fro REPORT# ,—l'L N D E/3 Pickering Rouge Canoe Club P.O. Box 187, 91 September 11, 2012 ander Blvd., Toronto, Ontario M1 B 5M5 (905) 767 -3330 pickering rougecc. org Ms. Lori Colussi Manager, Leases & Risk Management - -- - - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 5 Shoreham Drive Downsview, ON M3N 1S4 Dear Ms. Colussc RE: Former Simpson Property – Paddling Facility Lot 272, Pt. Lots 271 and 273, Frenchman's Bay, Pickering Authority Project WF3A -92 Further to your letter of August 14, 2012 regarding renewal of the lease agreement between West Rouge Canoe Club and TRCA; we confirm that we would like to renew the lease agreement with the TRCA. Please note that West Rouge Canoe Club has changed its name to the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club. If you require confirmation of this change by copy of the approved letters of patent change, please let me know and I will forward a copy for your files. if you require any further information, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Sue Cox Commodore Pickering Rouge Canoe Club (formerly West Rouge Canoe Club) Email: suecoxo41(Whotmail.com Phone: 416 -561 -7490 C SEP 1 7 2012 PROP=ERTY DIVISION TRCA F RE-Pori � L ti a L-13 c h i ! 1 ; e 0 0 N � rn n m v U o E U oa o � L V m � o c a' m a� t`L I d zz f . N !! Uuf r C� �—I Cn C75 O 14� W MM� C7� i--1 U e�--i w (O U r >v°+ na O eve F s o Ji tj 14