HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 03-13 e��{a� Report to '�' Executive Committee - � � . PICKERING Report Number: CAO 03-13 Date: April 15, 2013 From: Tony Prevedel Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Hearing - Fiscal Impact Study of the Seaton Community, - Seaton Draft Plans of Subdivision, - Seaton Zoning By-law - Required Technical Studies File: A 1440 Recommendation: 1 That Report CAO 03-13 of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding the Seaton Phase 3 Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, Fiscal Impact Study, Draft Plans of Subdivision, Zoning By-law and various Technical Studies be received; 2. That Council endorse the City of Pickering Issues List for the Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Hearing, set out in Appendix I to Report CAO 03-13, and authorize staff, with the assistance of outside counsel and expert witnesses, to: (a) present the Issues List and defend the City's interests at the Seaton Community Phase Three OMB hearing; (b) request the Board's inclusion of those conditions of subdivision approval as generally set out in Appendix II to this Report, as may be necessary to address the City's concerns in the event the Board is prepared to approve any or all of the Seaton subdivision plans under consideration at the hearing; (c) present and defend the City's Seaton Zoning By-law at the Seaton Community Phase Three OMB hearing as generally set out in Appendix III to this Report; and (d) finalize as may be necessary and required through the Seaton Community Phase Three OMB hearing, the Seaton plans of subdivision subject to the conditions of approval, and the Seaton Zoning By-law; 3. That Council authorize staff to conduct discussions with the Seaton landowners to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding for Council's consideration, which MOU shall ensure that the development of Seaton does not create a financial burden on the City, and shall address to the City's satisfaction the financial issues identified in the Fiscal Impact Study of the Seaton Community prepared by Watson &Associates Economists Ltd. and dated April 4, 2013; and 4. Further, that Report CAO 03-13 of the Chief Administrative Officer be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Region of Durham, the Seaton landowners and the Whitevale and District Residents Association. 1 Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 2 Executive Summary: The City is preparing for an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing dealing with 21 plans of subdivision and zoning by-law amendment applications ' for the Seaton Community. It is scheduled to commence in late May 2013. In conjunction with these development applications, various studies were required including a fiscal impact study of the Seaton Community, a master environmental , servicing plan, a staged servicing and implementation strategy, functional servicing and ', stormwater reports for each of the neighbourhoods, and transportation studies. Topics I related to these studies are also the subject of the OMB hearing. � Staff has identified over 50 issues for the hearing on matters related to fiscal impact, water resources, draft plans of subdivision, and the zoning by-law. Council's position on these issues is required for the City's external counsel, external witnesses and City staff, to represent the City's interests at the OMB. It is therefore recommended that Council endorse the City's Issues List for the Seaton Community Phase Three OMB hearing and authorize staff to: present the Issues List and defend the City's interests at the OMB; request the Board's inclusion of the City's proposed conditions of draft approval should any subdivision be approved; present and defend the City's proposed zoning by-law for the lands; and finalize as necessary through the hearing process, the plans of subdivision, conditions of approval and zoning by-law. A critical issue for Pickering is to ensure that the development of Seaton not cause a financial burden on the City. To this end, Watson &Associates Economists Ltd. completed a study for the City providing a high-level estimate of the fiscal impact of the development of Seaton, on Pickering. The study concludes that the City will experience negative cash flow of approximately $7.7 million (at its worst around 2019), and a small surplus of approximately $4.4 million by 2031. To address the negative cash flow issue and ensure Seaton will not be a financial burden on the City, staff is also requesting Council's authorization to enter into discussion with the Seaton landowners to prepare a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to address these financial issues. Once completed, the MOU will be brought back to Council for consideration, and if acceptable, for approval. Financial Implications: The Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP) requires that a Fiscal Impact Study (FIS) be carried out to determine the cost of development of the Seaton Community services and facilities. The CPDP requires these costs to be estimated for the time period ending in the year 2031. City staff has retained Watson &Associates Economists Ltd. to prepare the FIS. The Executive Summary of the FIS is included in this Report as Attachment#1. The FIS concludes that the City is likely to realize a cumulative operating fund surplus of approximately $4.4 million by the year 2031. In the shorter term, however, the City will have negative cash flow. This arises because cost recovery, through development 2 Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 3 charges and otherwise, will lag behind the initial need to finance community facilities as the development of Seaton gets underway. The near-term cash flow problem will impose a financial burden on the City which needs to be addressed. Discussion of this issue with the Seaton landowners has been initiated and is ongoing. Furthermore, given the long term over which the CPDP requires the City to plan for the cost of Seaton community facilities and infrastructure, the anticipated long-term surplus of$4.4 million is also of some concern. Discussion with the Seaton landowners will therefore also consider various proposals and contributions that could help enhance the City's long-term surplus position. At the OMB, this issue will be addressed by asking the Board to include, as a condition of approval of any of the plans of subdivision that may be approved, a requirement that the landowners make satisfactory financial arrangements with the City to ensure that Seaton does not create a financial burden on the City. 1.0 Background 1.1 Staff is preparing for Phase Three of the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing for the Seaton Community 1.1.1 The Phase One hearing was held in September 2012 Phase One of the hearing dealt with the "Seaton Conformity Amendment" (Amendment 22 to the Pickering Official Plan). This Amendment brings the City's Plan into conformity with the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP). The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) gave its decision on September 28, 2012, approving the Seaton Conformity Amendment with the exception of the Neighbourhood Plan schedules, and two policies related to transportation and phasing. 1.1.2 The Phase Two hearing was held in late January and early February 2013 The purpose of Phase Two was to consider the approval of the remaining parts of the Conformity Amendment, being the six Neighbourhood Plan schedules and two contested policies. A num�er of housekeeping changes were also proposed to some of the policies and the Neighbourhood Plans. The Region of York was a party to the hearing and requested changes to two policies. One policy encouraged York Region, in cooperation with others, to realign and improve 14th Avenue between Donald Cousins Parkway and the York-Durham boundary in order to connect to the Whitevale Road By-pass". The policy was revised by deleting "realign" but maintains the reference �o "improve". 3 Re ort CAO 03-13 A ril 15 2013 p p � Subject: Seaton Community Page 4 The second policy addressed the preparation of a Staged Servicing and Implementation Strategy (SSIS) to describe the timing, sequencing and cost of delivery of major infrastructure and servicing including roads internal to Seaton, external linkages, and the Highway 407 interchanges, and other facilities and services. Of particular concern to the Region of York was the timing for external road connections. '� The policy was revised to provide greater clarity on how much development could take place prior to a transportation study being undertaken to determine the need, extent and timing of additional transportation improvements. The policy requires the future transportation study to be undertaken prior to ' development going beyond the Phase 1 development area as shown in the SSIS (see Seaton Development Phasing Plan, Attachment#2). The Phase 1 development permits up to approximately 13, 000 units. The revised policy also allows the conditions of draft approval to require (H) - Holding provisions on the zoning for lands beyond Phase 1. Prior to development proceeding beyond Phase 1, the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham, in consultation with the Region of York, must be satisfied with the completion of the transportation study and the implementation of the recommended transportation improvements. Marion Thomas was also a party to the hearing. At issue was the compatibility of the proposed land uses designated within the Hamlet Heritage Open Space around the Hamlet of Whitevale, The uses included a community park, two elementary schools, a neighbourood park, and a stormwater pond. The OMB considered the evidence and concluded the uses were compatible. In addition, Marion Thomas raised issues regarding the land use designations as they affected the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District, and compatibility of uses adjacent to the Whitevale Road Corridor and various lots with heritage structures on them. The OMB accepted the City�s evidence that heritage was considered in the preparation of Amendment 22 to the Pickering Official Plan, and in the design of the Neighbourhood Plans, and that the Plan provided direction for the review of development with respect to heritage matters. The OMB issued its decision on March 25, 2013 approving the revised schedules and policies recommended to the OMB by the City's expert witness. This decision is subject to the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council as a result of the Provincial Declaration of Interest in the appeals to the OMB of the Seaton landowners' official plan amendment applications. 4 Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 5 1.1.3 Phase Three hearing commences on May 27 and is seven weeks long Phase Three of the hearing will address issues related to: • the fiscal impact of development • water resources(including stormwater management) and servicing • transportation and transit issues • the phasing of servicing • the draft plans of subdivision, and conditions of approval, and • the zoning by-law Additional information about Phase Three is discussed under section 4.0 of this Report, Next Steps. 2.0 Organization of Supporting Information This Report contains several Appendices and a significant number of attachments. The four Appendices are: I City of Pickering Issues List for the Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board II Recommended Conditions of Approval for The Seaton Draft Plan of Subdivisions Applications III Draft Zoning By-law for the Seaton Applications to Amend the Zoning By-law IV List of Applicants, Application File Numbers, and Legal Description of Lands subject to the Applications The Attachments are included for informational and background purposes. The first Attachment is the Executive Summary from the FIS of Seaton prepared by Watson &Associates Economists Ltd.. A full copy of the FIS will be provided to members of Committee under separate cover and will also be made available to the public in the Central Library and on the City's website. A full listing of all of the attachments is included at the end this Report, following the discussion. 3.0 Discussion 3.1 The fiscal impact of the development of Seaton is of paramount importance to the City. 3.1.1 Seaton facilities and their cost The CPDP requires that a Fiscal Impact Study(FIS) be prepared to determine the cost of development of the Seaton Community services and facilities for the time period ending 2031. City staff retained Watson &Associates Economists Ltd. to prepare the FIS. The Executive Summary of the FIS is included in this Report as Attachment#1. 5 Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 6 With input from City staff, Watson &Associates Economists Ltd. has set out the cost of building and operating the facilities that will be built as the Seaton community develops. These facilities include: • parks (including neighbourhood parks, village greens, a district park, community parks and related equipment, as well as trailheads and the primary trail network) • two recreation complexes and two library branches, with preliminary designs scheduled for 2019 and 2028, as demand requires. The recreation facilities are proposed to include 4 ice rinks, 2 swimming pools, 2 fitness centers, 2 double gymnasiums and 60,000 ft.Z of community multi-purpose space, part of which will be a seniors' centre • two new fire stations and required equipment, with preliminary designs scheduled for 2015 and 2023 to service the growing community and surrounding areas • a future satellite operations centre to service central and northern Pickering • a portion of the Civic Center expansion attributable to increased administrative demands resulting from the development of Seaton • local roads, internal collector/arterial roads, sidewalk and streetlight enhancements to Regional roads; and • stormwater infrastructure (including stormwater ponds and low impact development measures, such as infiltration trenches and bioswales) The FIS proposes a combination of area specific and city-wide development charges to fund construction of the Seaton capital facilities. The transportation network for Seaton is proposed to be the subject of an area specific development charge, with the exception that certain elements of the transportation network (internal collector/arterial roads, regional road sidewalk and streetlight enhancements and local roads) are to be fully financed and built by the Seaton landowners. Stormwater infrastructure is also to be fully financed and built by the Seaton landowners. The capital facilities required for Fire Services, Parks and Recreation, Operations and Libraries are proposed to be the subject of a city-wide development charge. Addressing these costs in a city-wide development charge reflects the fact that these services provide benefits not only to the residents of Seaton but also to residents of other parts of the City. A city-wide approach to these particular costs gives the City greater flexibility regarding how development charge revenues can be spent. Revenue generated from a city-wide development charge can be spent on the highest priority project anywhere in the City, whereas area specific development charge revenues can only be spent within the Seaton development area. Another benefit of a city-wide development charge for these costs is that it will enable the City to increase its development charge funding levels in the long term for the entire City. This occurs because the provincial Development Charges Act requires municipalities to calculate new development charges based 6 Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 7 on the average level of service provided in the 10 years prior to any new development charge by-law. By including the Seaton capital facilities in a city-wide development charge, the City can increase the level of service for the entire City so as to generate more future development charge revenues for the whole City. 3.1.2 The City's financial position The FIS concludes that the City is likely to realize a cumulative operating fund surplus of approximately $4.4 million by the year 2031. In the shorter term, however, the City will be in a negative cash flow. Negative cash flow on a cumulative basis will be approximately $7.7 million until 2021 and $3 million from 2022-2027, at which point the City's financial position becomes positive. This negative position arises because cost recovery, through development charges and otherwise, will lag behind the initial need to finance and construct community facilities, such as the first fire station and recreation centre. The graph below shows the financial position of the City through 2031 as the various facilities are built. Seaton Major Capital Projects ____-- - -- _- ------ ----- ------- ------- --______--- i ;a ------------------� C C ! 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Nonetheless, ' the near-term cash flow problem is a financial challenge on the City which needs to be addressed. Furthermore, given the long term over which the CPDP requires the City to plan for the cost of Seaton community facilities (and the inherent uncertainty in long term projections), an anticipated surplus of only $4.4 million at the end of the planning period is also of concern. ', � Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 8 Staff have been in discussion with the Seaton landowners regarding various proposals and contributions to address the near-term cash flow problem and enhance the City's long-term surplus position. It is expected these discussions will result in the preparation of a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that ' will address the financial burden in an acceptable manner. Once completed, the draft MOU will be brought back to Council for consideration. Unless the MOU adequately addresses the financial burden, Seaton Community services and facilities would have to be financed by drawing on reserves, incurring debt, a temporary property tax increase (as a last resort), or some combination of those measures. Without an appropriate MOU, it might also be necessary to manage the near-term deficit by deferring construction of some of the Seaton community facilities. The CPDP contemplates that the City will implement "appropriate measures and financial arrangements" in advance of final approval of the plans of subdivision, so that the cost of developing Seaton is fairly shared by all benefiting parties. Consistent with the CPDP, Appendix II to this Report includes, as a condition of draft approval of the plans of subdivision, a requirement that the landowners make satisfactory financial arrangements with the City before their plans of subdivision can be given final approval for registration. 3.2 The Phase Three OMB hearing will consider issues related to the draft plans, conditions of approval, zoning by-law and supporting technical studies. 3.2.1 Draft Plans of Subdivision The City has received and circulated for comment 21 draft plans of subdivision. These applications have been appealed to the OMB. A list of the applications, file numbers, applicants, and legal description is provided in Appendix IV. One of the plans of subdivision is for the development of 80 hectares of employment lands, and 20 plans of subdivision are for the development of approximately 15,550 units of residential and mixed use development, covering the majority of the residential and mixed use lands (see Development Applications Location Map, Attachment#4). In February and March of 2013, following the Phase Two OMB hearing, the four of the five landowners submitted revised draft plans of subdivision. In light of the timing for the upcoming OMB hearing, a detailed review of the latest draft plans has not been completed, nor has there been time to discuss the City's issues with the applicants and make appropriate changes to the draft plans. This will occur through the Phase Three hearing process. A number of high level concerns were identified and included in the City's Issues List for the Phase Three Hearing (see Appendix I). Staff also prepared conditions of draft approval for the draft plans that would reflect and address 8 Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 9 these issues (see Appendix II). It is expected that revisions to the draft plans will be required in order to resolve many of the City's issues, and fulfill many of the conditions of subdivision approval. In considering the revisions, staff will also I� consider the detailed comments received from other City Departments, and others groups and agencies (such as the Pickering Heritage Advisory Committee). Accordingly staff is recommending that Council endorse the Issues List and authorize staff and its expert witnesses to present the List and defend the City's interests at the OMB, and work with the Board and other parties to the hearing to address these matters and make any necessary changes to the plans of subdivision and conditions of approval through the hearing process. 3.3 Zoning By-law The zoning by-law amendment applications are proposed to be dealt with in a comprehensive approach by creating a new stand alone by-law for the Seaton Urban Area. The draft by-law (see Appendix III) has been prepared to deal with all of the Seaton lands. However, only the lands that are subject to applications to amend the zoning by-law and are appealed to the OMB can be considered at this time. Therefore the draft zoning by-law schedules only reflect the Seaton landowners' lands that are before the OMB. The draft zoning by-law establishes new zoning categories and performance standards that are based on the approved Official Plan Amendment 22 for Seaton, the draft Seaton Sustainable Place-Making Guidelines and a zoning best practice review. The by-law schedules will be revised based on the final approved draft plans of subdivisions. The draft zoning by-law is anticipated to evolve as issues before the OMB are concluded, the detailed review of the subdivisions is completed, and based on input from the Seaton landowners. 3.4 Required Technical Studies 3.4.1 Master Environmental Servicing Plan Amendment In August 2008, a Phase 1 Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) report was completed by the Seaton Landowners. This report summarized existing conditions data and included data and analysis of the aquatic communities, terrestrial communities at existing and proposed road crossings of the Natural Heritage System (NHS), geology and hydrogeology, and existing municipal services and the existing transportation system within Seaton. In July 2010, a Phase 2 MESP report was completed. This report documented the findings of all MESP analyses of surface water and groundwater assessments, wetlands and woodlands assessments, a stormwater management (SWM) plan with targets for water quality and quantity controls and erosion controls, transportation and servicing concepts, fisheries compensation framework, community facilities recommendations, phasing, monitoring and future study requirements. 9 Report CAO 03-13 Aprii 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 10 In response to agency comments on the Phase 2 MESP report, an amendment to the Phase 2 MESP report, now termed the Master Environmental Servicing Plan Amendment (MESPA) report was completed in December 2011. Throughout 2012, staff provided additional comments expressing concerns over several parts of the report. This resulted in a revised MESPA that was completed and submitted to the City for review on February 15, 2013. Staff continue to have significant outstanding issues and concerns with the revised MESPA report as follows: (i) Whitevale Creek Quantity Control: Water quantity controls are required within Whitevale Creek, as recommended in the 2012 Duffins Creek Hydrology Update as well as the original Terms of Reference for the MESP. Past experience within the City of Pickering has shown that the impacts associated with allowing uncontrolled urban runoff are having detrimental impacts to the receiving watercourses such as, increased runoff volumes, flows and velocities that result in increased in-stream erosion potential in the form of channel widening and downcutting of the channel bed. (ii) SWM Pond Block Sizes and Locations: Through review of the revised MESPA a number of SWM ponds that warrant consideration for relocation and/or reconfiguration have been identified. Issues with pond location were associated with a number of factors such as geotechnical (due to stable slope locations), hydrogeological (location of the pond in relation to the groundwater table), or design considerations (large pond berms required, and major system flow requirements). It is unclear as to whether the proposed pond block sizes are appropriate for meeting the required level of control, and the City's SWM Design Guidelines. (iii) Erosion Control Criteria: The overall erosion control criteria for the Seaton development remains outstanding. Additional volume controls are required to meet erosion control requirements, however, these additional volume controls have not been agreed to, and further modelling is still underway. As well, it is not clear as to how the volume control requirement will be achieved given the proposed Low Impact Development (LID) strategy and staff have requested alternative LID measures be assessed in order to meet the volume control requirements. (iv)Watercourses of Concern: 17 watercourses of concern, where erosion may potentially occur regardless of the level of stormwater controls, have been identified. A mitigation strategy developed with input from TRCA, Ministry of Natural Resources, the Seaton landowners and the City, needs to be developed at the MESPA level that can be successfully implemented at the NFSSR stage. (v) Neighbourhood Functional Servicing and Stormwater Report (NFSSR) Table of Contents: Major revisions have occurred to the approved July 2011, Annotated Table of Contents without consultation with City staff. The revised 10 Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 11 Table of Contents affects the level of detail required to be provided within the NFSSR's, which substantially impacts the City's peer review process, and approval of the NFSSR's and Draft Plans of Subdivision. Consultation and agreement with all affected parties for revisions to the NFSSR Table of Contents needs to occur as part of a completed MESPA. 3.4.2 Neighbourhood Functional Servicing and Stormwater Reports The purpose of the NFSSRs is to demonstrate that the proposed Draft Plans of Subdivision and/or Site Plans can be appropriately serviced by grading, stormwater, roads, water, sanitary and storm sewers. Specifically for stormwater, the NFSSRs should confirm the servicing routes, environmental constraints, determine and justify the type, design, location and size of the SWM facilities and LID measures necessary to meet the specific targets set out in the MESPA. Five of the six NFSSRs were submitted on March 1, 2013 by the various consultants on behalf of the Seaton Landowners, in support of the 21 Draft Plans of Subdivisions. NFSSR's have been submitted for Neighbourhoods 16, 18, 19, 20 and 21. On December 15, 2011, City Council authorized staffto retain Soresen Gravely Lowes Consulting Associates Inc and SCS Consulting Group Ltd. for consulting services related to the technical review of the Seaton NFSSRs (Resolution #192/11). Given the unresolved issues with the MESPA noted above, SCS has noted that it is not practical to review the NFSSRs at this time until the higher level water resources issues are resolved at the MESPA stage, to the City's satisfaction. Notwithstanding this concern, the submitted reports were reviewed to determine if any information was not provided as required under policies 11.45 and 11.73 of Amendment 22. This review identified a number of pertinent issues which are � summarized below: (i) Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Assessments: The required slope stability field work, analysis and/or design and the required groundwater assessments to justify the location of the development and the block locations for SWM ponds and/or LID measures as well as the design, size and function of the SWM ponds and/or LID measures was not submitted. Without this information, the correct location and functionality of the proposed facilities cannot be determined, which may impact the Draft Plans of Subdivision. (ii) Adherence to the City's SWM Design Guidelines: The NFSSRs show several SWM pond facilities requiring berms/earthen embankments higher than 3 metres. The City's SWM Design Guidelines limit pond berms to 3 metres, as berms greater than 3 metres result in additional operation and maintenance resources, higher liability costs, increased risk of public safety, property damage and/or environmental damage, which could result in claims, 1 � charges and/or fines. As well, the required information to confirm that all Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 12 ; major system flow routes have a safe and secure outlet and can function has I not been submitted. The current LID strategy proposed at the MESPA level is relying on measures, such as increased top soil depth and roof leader disconnection that are not supported by the SWM Design Guidelines. Frontages less than 12 metres cannot have.roof leader disconnection due to the inherent flooding, standing water and nuisance drainage problems that may occur resulting in numerous complaints in the future. Increased top soil depth, while worthy, cannot be maintained in the long term as it is heavily subject to homeowner alteration. Additional LID measures, that are in public ownership are required. Due to this, the location and/or size of the proposed SWM facilities and/or � LID measures cannot be supported, which may impact the Draft Plans of j Subdivision. Finally, all SWM systems should be designed to be resilient to climate change in order to ensure that they can function properly and safely in any extreme event condition. (iii) Life-Cycle Costs: The NFSSRs did not complete a life-cycle cost analyses to ensure that the selected SWM strategy represented the lowest life-cycle cost (namely replacement costs). For example replacement costs for the types of facilities with high berms noted above are higher due to the nature of the construction of the berm (built in compacted lifts, typically with offsite soils supervised by geotechnical engineers, some may require clay cores) and seepage control costs (liners, chimney drains). The City would be responsible for replacing these facilities once their useful life has come to an end. The replacement costs for the SWM facilities has not been accounted for in the City's FIS as their useful life is well beyond the FIS time period. Accordingly staff is recommending that Council endorse the Issues List and authorize staff and its expert witnesses to present and defend the issues at the OMB, and work with the Board and other parties to the hearing to address these matters and make any necessary changes to the plans of subdivision and conditions of approval through the hearing process. 3.5 Transportation and Traffic Management Issues 3.5.1 Timing of the Whitevale By-pass over West Duffins Creek Council Resolution #94/11 requested that staff explore opportunities to include the Whitevale By-pass bridge over West Duffins Creek in first phase of development. The need for and timing of the bridge is part of the Region of Durham's Environmental Assessment (EA) for Infrastructure. In response to the Council's resolution, City staff sent a letter to the Region, and met with Regional staff City staff, Regional Staff, and the landowner's consultants, about the timing of the bridge. � 2 Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 13 II� The findings of the EA to date are that the bridge is not required in the short term, and may not be required until after 2031. According to the latest revised version of the SSIS, the implementation of the westward extension of the realigned Whitevale Road across West Duffins Creek to intersect with Altona Road is planned to be the responsibility of the Region of Durham; and that the timing will be looked at through in the transportation study that is required prior to development proceeding to Phase 2. A condition of subdivision approval requires this future transportation study to be completed, to the satisfaction of the City and the Region of Durham, in consultation with the Region of York. 3.5.2. Hamlet of Whitevale Traffic Impact and Management Study Given the findings on the timing for the Whitevale By-pass bridge over the West Duffins Creek, City staff recommended that a traffic impact and management study be prepared to assess the potential impacts of traffic on the Hamlet of Whitevale. The landowners' consultants have agreed to provide a report that will propose specific mitigation measures to address potential traffic infiltration through the Hamlet. That report is anticipated before the start of the Phase Three hearing. A condition of subdivision approval requires this study to be completed and its implementation agreed to, to the City's satisfaction. 3.5.3 Traffic Sensitivity Analysis A comprehensive Traffic Sensitivity Analysis is required by section 11.25 of the Pickering Official Plan. This analysis will provide a greater assurance to the City that the proposed roadway and transit infrastructure for the entire Seaton Urban Area is adequate for the safe and efficient movement of traffic and goods, and that the development will be phased in line with the delivery of roadway and transit infrastructure. This analysis is a comprehensive transportation planning exercise based on modeling, and addresses all modes of transportation. Traffic impact, transportation demand management, parking management, intersection control and signalization are the integral parts of this transportation planning exercise. A condition of subdivision approval requires the Traffic Sensitivity Analysis to be submitted, to the City's satisfaction. 3.5.4 Traffic Signalization Program City staff recommended that a traffic signal implementation program be prepared 13 to identify intersection locations that will require traffic signals, and to prepare an Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 14 implementation in advance of the warrants being met. This program shall include a funding for the signal installations, a priority list of signals, and the timing of the proposed installation. Based on the discussion between the City staff and the Seaton landowner's technical consultants, it was expected that this program will be submitted in conjunction with the NFSSRs. However, it is not part of the current submissions. A condition of subdivision approval requires the Program to be submitted to the City's satisfaction. 4.0 Next Steps 4.1 Information Session on the Seaton Community An information session on the proposed Seaton Community is scheduled for the afternoon of April 15t" in the Lobby at the Civic Complex. Staff will be available to speak about the proposed development including land use, servicing, zoning and subdivision of land. Display boards on the proposed development and required studies will also be available for public viewing from April 8t" to April 12tn in the Lobby. 4.2 Phase Three Hearing Details The Region of York remains a party to the Phase Three hearing again with respect to transportation and phasing issues. The Whitevale and District Residents Association is a party to the Phase Three hearing with respect to the transportation and phasing issues, the compatibility of the proposed subdivisions with heritage lots, and the fiscal impact of the development of Seaton on Pickering. Phase Three is currently split into two parts. The first part will address all non- water resources issues and will commence May 27. The second part, commencing June 17, will address water resources issues and any requisite changes to the draft plans, zoning by-laws and fiscal impact study. The OMB is considering a request by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) to further split the second part of the Phase Three hearing. The TRCA has asked that only the Master Environmental Servicing Plan Amendment (MESPA) be considered in June, in order to resolve the fundamental outstanding water resource issues. Further, the TRCA has asked that the remaining of the hearing be scheduled at a later date, following a decision on the MESPA phase (possibly September 2013) to deal with the Neighbourhood Functional Servicing and Stormwater Reports (NFSSRs) and any requisite changes to the draft plans, zoning by-laws and fiscal impact study. The OMB will consider this request at a pre-hearing conference scheduled for April 23, 2013. 14 Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 15 Appendix: Appendix I City of Pickering Issues List for the Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Appendix II Recommended Conditions of Approval for The Seaton Draft Plan of Subdivisions Applications Appendix III Draft Zoning By-law for the Seaton Applications to Amend the Zoning By-law Appendix IV List of Applicants, Application File Numbers, and Legal Description of Lands subject to the Applications Attachments: 1. Executive Summary from The Fiscal Impact of the Seaton Community Re: Cify of Pickering Service Provision, prepared for the City of Pickering, by Watson &Associates Economists Ltd., dated April 4, 2013 2. Seaton Development Phasing Plan from the Staged Servicing and Implementation Strategy, prepared by GHD et al, dated October 2012 3. Consolidated Neighbourhood Plan Schedule for Seaton 4. Location of Development Applications Appealed to the OMB 5.a Neighbourhood 16: Lamoreaux: Neighbourhood Plan Schedule 5.b Neighbourhood 16 Draft Zoning Schedule 5.c Location of Applications in Neighbourhood 16 5.d Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-03 and Zoning Amendment A03/08 5.e Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-03 statistics 5.f Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-04 and Zoning Amendment A04/08 5.g. Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-04 statistics 5.h Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-05 and Zoning Amendment A05/08 5.i Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-05 statistics 5.j Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-06 and Zoning Amendment A06/08 5.k Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-06 statistics 5.1 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-07 and Zoning Amendment A08/08 5.m Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-07 statistics 5.n Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-11 and Zoning Amendment A22/08 5.o Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-11 statistics 5.p Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-13 and Zoning Amendment A14/09 5.q Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-13 statistics 5.r Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-14 and Zoning Amendment A15/09 5.s Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-14 statistics 6.a Neighbourhood 17: Brock —Taunton Neighbourhood Plan Schedule 6.b Neighbourhood 17 Draft Zoning Schedule 6.c Location of Applications in Neighbourhood 17 15 Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page 16 7.a Neighbourhood 18: Mount Pleasant: Neighbourhood Plan Schedule I 7.b Neighbourhood 18 Draft Zoning Schedule 7.c Location of Applications in Neighbourhood 18 7.d Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-01 and Zoning Amendment A01/09 7 e Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-01 statistics 7.f Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-02 and Zoning Amendment A02/09 7.g. Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-02 statistics 7.h Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-05 and Zoning Amendment A05/09 7.i Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-05 statistics 7.j Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-06 and Zoning Amendment A06/09 7.k Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-06 statistics 7.1 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-07 and Zoning Amendment A07/09 7.m Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-07 statistics 7.n Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-08 and Zoning Amendment A08/09 ' 7.o Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-08 statistics 8.a Neighbourhood 19: Wilson Medows: Neighbourhood Plan Schedule 8.b Neighbourhood 19 Draft Zoning Schedule 8.c Location of Applications in Neighbourhood 19 8.d Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-12 and Zoning Amendment A23/08 8 e Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-12 statistics 8.f Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-03 and Zoning Amendment A03/09 8.g. Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-03 statistics 8.h Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-04 and Zoning Amendment A04/09 8.i Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-04 statistics 8.j Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-09 and Zoning Amendment A09/09 8.k Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-09 statistics 8.1 Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-11 and Zoning Amendment Al2/09 8.m Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-11 statistics 8.n Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-12 and Zoning Amendment A13/09 8 o Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-12 statistics 9.a Neighbourhood 20: Thompson Corners Neighbourhood Plan Schedule 9.b Neighbourhood 20 Draft Zoning Schedule 9.c Location of Applications in Neighbourhood 20 10.a Neighbourhood 21: Pickering Innovation Corridor: Neighbourhood Plan Schedule 10.b Neighbourhood 21 Draft Zoning Schedule 10.c Location of Applications in Neighbourhood 21 10.d Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2011-03 and Zoning Amendment A13/11 10 e Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2011-03 statistics 16 Report CAO 03-13 April 15, 2013 Subject: Seaton Community Page f'7 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: _ �---- .�/ Catherine Rose, MCIP, PP Tom Melym k, P, RPP , (Acting) Chief Planner Director, City Development , � � �, . � Marilee Gadzovski, .Sc.(Eng.), P.Eng. Ric rd Holbo � , P.Eng. Manager, Water Resources B' ector Engineering & Public Works �. : � - � Stan Karwowski, MBA, CMA �°' Paul Big o (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Director Co or e Services &Treasurer Treasurer I a� � � Ross Pym, MCI , RPP Marisa Carpino, M Principal Planner— Development Review Director, Culture R creation GM/CR:md Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit oun il S� zo (3 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 17 Appendix I to Report CAO 03-13 City of Pickering Issue List for the Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board 18 City of Pickering Issues List Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Hearing Planning & Design Fiscal Impact 1. Have appropriate financial measures, incentives, agreements and controNs been put in place to ensure the Seaton Community does not become a financial burden on the City of Pickering, as set out in section 2.14(c)(vii) of the Pickering �Dfficial Plan? If not, should the draft plans of subdivision be approved? Draft Plans of Subdivision 2. Do the draft plans of subdivision conform to, or are they consistent with, as the case may be, all applicable provincial land use planning policy and the applicable provisions of the Planning Act? 3. Do the draft plans of subdivision together with the City's proposed conditions of draft approval, as set out on Appendix II to City of Pickering Report CAO 03-13 conform to and implement Amendment 22 to the Pickering Official Plan and the Sustainable Place-making Guidelines, and do the draft plans of subdivision together with the City's proposed conditions of draft approval represent good planning and development that is in the public interest? 4. Are the widths of pedestrian walkway blocks appropriate? 5. Are the sizes of Neighbourhood parks appropriate and in conformity with the size range of section 11.13 (c) of the Pickering Official Plan? Should a facility fit be required to ensure the parks can be appropriately programmed? 6. Do all Neighbourhood parks have frontage on two local roads as required by section 11.13 (c) of the Pickering Official Plan? 7. Are the Village Greens appropriately distributed through the neighbourhoods in conformity with section 11.13 (d) of the Pickering Official Plan? 8. Are the trailheads shown in appropriate locations in conformity with Schedules VIII, X, XI and XIII and are they appropriately sized to serve as a trailhead? 9. Are the widths of local roads provided in conformity with section 11.29 (d} of the Pickering Official Plan? 10. Are the Gateway Sites appropriately planned and located in conformity with the Pickering Official Plan? 11. Are the lengths of the blocks appropriate and in conformity with block length in section 11.10 (c) of the Pickering Official Plan? 19 City of Pickering Issues List for the Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Hearing Page 2 12. Are additional mid-block roads and/or walkway blocks necessary to provide for appropriate pedestrian and vehicular circulation in the neighbourhoods? 13. Have alternatives to window streets been thoroughly considered and evaluated? 14. Are terminal views appropriately identified and located in conformity with the Pickering Official Plan? 15. Are appropriate lotting and housing forms provided to allow the opportunity for Mixed Commercial Clusters to be developed in conformity with the Pickering Official Plan? 16. Are the densities and range of housing types for each of the designations in conformity with the Pickering Official Plan? 17. Do the draft plans contribute to achieving the population target for Seaton? 18. Have the draft plans identified means of traffic calming along Whitevale Road as required by section 11.24 (b) of the Pickering Official Plan? 19. Do the lot sizes and setbacks along Whitevale Road west of Sideline 26 provide for an appropriate transition to higher density development located north and south of Whitevale Road in conformity with section 11.66 (d) of the Pickering Official Plan? 20. Do the draft plans provide for appropriate uses, lot sizes, setbacks and built form adjacent to built heritage resources located on heritage lots in conformity with section 11.62 (a) of the Pickering Official Plan? 21. Has there been a study undertaken to determine whether the amount of direct access/driveways proposed is appropriate and can be accommodated on Type C Arterial Roads and Collector Roads as required by sections 12.18 (g), 12.20 (g) and 12.21 (e) of the Pickering Official Plan? 22. Is back lotting onto arterial roads appropriate or are there other design options that could be considered? 23. Has an assessment of intersection and road capacity, including a travel demand sensitivity analysis, been undertaken for the neighbourhood within which the draft plan is situated, as required by section 11.25 of the Pickering Official Plan? 24. Should the draft plans be revised to meet the requirements of the City's proposed zoning by-law, as set out on Appendix III to City of Pickering Report CAO 03-13? Zoning By-law 25. Does the City's proposed zoning by-law conform to, or is it consistent with, as the case may be, all applicable provincial land use planning policy and the applicable provisions of the Planning Aci'? 20 City of Pickering Issues List for the Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Hearing Page 3 26. Does the City's proposed zoning by-law, as set out on Schedule "?", conform to and implement Amendment 22 to the Pickering Official Plan and the Sustainable Place-making Guidelines, and does the City's proposed zoning by-law implement the draft plans of subdivision, represent good planning, and is it in the public interest? Water Resources Master Environmental Servicing Plan Amendment (MESPA) 1. Does the February 2013 MESPA address previous concerns to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering? 2. Does the February 2013 MESPA meet the objectives of Section 4.6 of the Central Pickering Development Plan? 3. Does the February 2013 MESPA reflect the recommendations of the 2012 Duffins '� Creek Hydrology Update, specifically, are water quantity controls provided for Whitevale Creek? 4. Has adequate erosion control criteria been established to prevent increased risk of ' stream erosion? 5. Is the proposed Low Impact Development (LID) strategy presented in the February 2013 MESPA appropriate and feasible to ensure the overall water balance criteria and the erosion control criteria can be achieved given the site conditions, the proposed land use as well as the City's Stormwater Management (SWM) Design Guidelines? 6. Have alternate SWM pond locations been provided in the February 2013 MESPA that were requested by the City of Pickering? 7. Are the Table of Contents for the Neighbourhood Functional Servicing and Stormwater Reports (NFSSRs) submitted in the February 2013 MESPA appropriate? 8. Does the Table of Contents for the NFSSRs reflect the Table of Contents that was agreed to by all parties (Seaton Landowner Group, the City of Pickering and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority) in June 2011? 9. Has a satisfactory erosion mitigation strategy been developed at the MESPA level, in consultation with the City of Pickering, TRCA, MNR and the Seaton Landowner Group, to ensure that negative impacts regarding the 17 watercourses of concern within the Seaton Natural Heritage System (NHS) are minimized, which was 21 City of Pickering Issues List for the Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Hearing Page 4 previously identified in comments by City staff, such that implementation at the NFSSR stage can be successful? I Neighbourhood Functional Servicing and Stormwater Reports (NFSSRs) and Draft Plans of Subdivisions 10. Is the completion and submission of the NFSSRs premature prior to the MESPA being completed to the City of Pickering's satisfaction? 11. Have the NFSSRs been completed to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering as required by Policy 11.73 in Official Plan Amendment 22? 12. Has all the required information stated in the NFSSRs Table of Contents been provided in the submitted NFSSRs? 13. Do the NFSSRs conform to the City's SWM Design Guidelines as required by Official Plan Amendment 22 Policy 11.45 (j)? 14. Do the NFSSRs implement the required level of quantity controls, as defined in the 2012 Duffins Creek Hydrology Update; specifically are the unit release rates, and volume requirements applied in the appropriate manner? 15. Do the NFSSRs satisfactorily provide and justify the size and location of the SWM infrastructure blocks, including all related works, specifically taking into account the City's SWM Design Guidelines? 16. Has sufficient slope stability/geotechnical field work, analysis and/or design been completed and submitted in the NFSSRs to justify the location of the development as well as the block locations and design of the SWM pond and/or LID measures noted on the Draft Plans of Subdivisions? 17. Has sufficient groundwater/hydrogeological assessments been completed and submitted in the NFSSRs to justify the design, size and block locations of the SWM pond and/or LID measures noted on the Draft Plans of Subdivisions? 18. Does the development prevent increased risk of flooding and erosion, which is stated as an objective of City Council in Policy 11.37 (k) in OPA 22 and objective 4 in section 4.6 of the Central Pickering Development Plan? 22 City of Pickering Issues List for the Seaton Community Phase Three Ontario Municipal Board Hearing Page 5 19. Have the NFSSRS demonstrated that negative impacts to recharge, erosion, water quantity and quality are minimized as required by Official Plan Amendment 22 Policy 11.73 (i)? 20. Have the NFSSRs demonstrated that negative impacts to the watercourses, wetlands and woodlots are minimized as required by Official Plan Amendment 22 Policy 11.73 (i)? 21. Are all berms and/or embankments within proposed SWM Pond facilities less than 3 metres as noted in the City's SWM Design Guidelines and if not, should the draft plan within which the pond is located be revised? � 22. Are all berms and/or embankments within ro osed SWM facilities hi her than '� p P J 2 metres but less than 3 metres supported with designs in accordance with the Ontario Dam Safety Guidelines and completed by geotechnical engineers, as per City's SWM Design Guidelines? 23. Have full life-cycle cost analyses been completed to ensure the SWM strategy that was selected represents the lowest life-cycle cost (namely replacement costs) as required by Policy 11.45 (a) and stated as an objective of City Council in IPolicy � 11.37 (i) in Official Plan Amendment 22 as well as stated as objective 6 of section 4.6 of the Central Pickering Development Plan? 24. Has the SWM strategy been selected in consultation with the City of Pick�ring? 25. Do all major system SWM flow routes have a safe and secure outlet? Have sufficient functional details of the proposed major systems been presented in the NFSSRs as required by Policy 11.73(h) in Official Plan Amendment 22? 26. Does the selected SWM strategy minimize the risk of liability for the City of Pickering? 27. Has an overall erosion sediment and topsoil management control strategy been completed in the NFSSRs as required by Policy 11.73 (p)? J:\Documents\Development\D-1100\Seaton-OMB appeals�Phase 3 Hearing\Draft Issues List for Phase 3 Seaton OMB Hearing.doc 23 ' Appendix II to Report CAO 03-13 Recommended Conditions of Approval for The Seaton Draft Plan of Subdivisions Applications 24 i Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-03 �' Part Lot 25, Concession 3 and Part of Road allowance Befinreen Lots 24 and 25 Concession 3 , Zavala Developments Inc. '� City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by KLM Planning Partnership Inc. identified as Project Number P-1883 revised and dated Feb.25, 2013 which illustrates 172 lots for detached dwelling units, 10 lots for 20 semi detached dwelling units, future residential development blocks, a neighbourhood park block, a village green block, a school block, open space blocks and roadways and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-04 Part Lot 23 and 24, Concession 3 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, Affiliated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by KLM Planning Partnership Inc. identified as Project Number P-1884 revised and dated Feb.25, 2013 which illustrates 157 lots for detached dwelling units, 45 lots for 90 semi detached dwelling units, 23 blocks for 138 townhouse dwelling units, future residential development blocks, a neighbourhood park block, a village green block, two school blocks, stormwater management facility block, open space blocks, buffer blocks, roadways and road widening block, and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-05 Part Lot 27 and 28, Concession 4 Zavala Developments Inc. City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of ! subdivision prepared by KLM Planning Partnership Inc. identified as Project Number P-1885 revised and dated Feb.25, 2013 which illustrates 190 lots for detached dwelling units, 12 lots for 24 semi detached dwelling units, 30 blocks for 192 townhouse dwelling units, a medium density block for approximately 22 dwelling units, a high density block for approximately 10 dwelling units, a neighbourhood park block, a village green block, open space blocks, buffer blocks, roadways and road widening blocks and that incorporates the following revisions: 25 Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-06 Part Lot 26 and 27, Concession 4 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, Affiliated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere lnvestments Limited City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by KLM Planning Partnership Inc. identified as Project Number P-1886 revised and dated Feb.25, 2013 which illustrates 5 lots for detached dwelling units, 94 blocks for 560 townhouse dwelling units, two high density blocks for approximately 890 dwelling units, two commercial blocks that may contain approximately 99 dwelling units, a village green block, a school block, a stormwater management facility block, a buffer block, roadways and road widening blocks, and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-01 Part Lot 25, 26 and 27, Concession 5 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1360557 Ontario Limited, Affiliated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by KLM Planning Partnership Inc. identified as Projecf Number P-1976 revised and dated Feb.25, 2013 which illustrates 284 lots for detached dwelling units, 27 lots for 54 semi detached dwelling units, 67 blocks for 446 townhouse dwelling units, future residential development blocks, 3 village green blocks, a school block, 3 stormwater management facility blocks, open space blocks, buffer blocks, roadways and road widening blocks, and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-02 Part Lot 25, 26 and 27, Concession 4 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, Affiliated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering - 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by KLM Planning Partnership Inc. identified as Project Number P-1977 revised and dated Feb.25, 2013 which illustrates 208 lots for detached dwelling units, 111 lots for 222 semi detached dwelling units, 120 blocks for 814 townhouse dwelling units, two gateway blocks for approximately 142 dwelling units, two commercial/high density blocks that may contain approximately 3129 dwelling units, a future residential development block, 2 park blocks, 3 village green blocks, 3 school blocks, 2 stormwater management facility blocks, a reservoir block, open space blocks, buffer blocks, roadways and road widening blocks, and that incorporates the following revisions: 26 Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-03 Part Lot 24 and 25, Concession 5 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, Affiliated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by KLM Planning Partnership Inc. identified as Project Number P-1978 revised and dated Feb.25, 2013 which illustrates 166 lots for detached dwelling units, 50 lots for 100 semi detached dwelling units, 30 blocks for 182 townhouse dwelling units, future residential development blocks, a neighbourhood park block, 2 village green blocks, a school block, open space blocks, roadways and road widening blocks, and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-04 Part Lot 24, Concession 5 Zavala Developments Inc. City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by KLM Planning Partnership Inc. identified as Project Number P-1979 revised and dated Feb.25, 201.3 which illustrates 20 lots for detached dwelling units, 2 lots for 4 semi detached dwelling units, 3 blocks for 14 , townhouse dwelling units, future residential development blocks, a village green I block, and roadways and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-11 Part Lot 21 8� 22, Concession 4 and Part Lot 21, 22 & 23, Concession 5 Mattamy (Seaton) Limited City of Pickering 1., The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by Macaulay Shiomi Howson Limited, revised and dated March 15, 2013 which illustrates 69 blocks for 576 detached dwelling units, 24 ' blocks for 288 townhouse dwelling units, 8 blocks for 136 back-to-back dwelling �, units, future residential development blocks, a park block, 2 village green block, a trail head block, a school block, 5 stormwater management facility blocks, a servicing access block, open space blocks, roadways and road widening blocks, and that incorporates the following revisions: 27 Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-12 Part Lot 20 and 21, Concession 4 Mattamy (Seaton) Limited City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by Macaulay Shiomi Howson Limited, revised and dated December 20, 2012 which illustrates 57 blocks for 426 detached dwelling units, 3 village green block, a stormwater management facility block, a pumping station block, a future road access block, an open space block, and roadways and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-13 Part Lot 25 and 26 and Part of the Road Allowance Between Lots 24 and 25, Concession 3 Mattamy (Seaton) Limited � City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by Macaulay Shiomi Howson Limited, revised and dated March 15, 2013 which illustrates 24 blocks for 227 detached dwelling units, 9 blocks for 109 townhouse dwelling units, 2 medium density blocks for approximately 438 dwelling units, a high density block for approximately 318 dwelling units, future residential development blocks, a village green block, 2 stormwater management facility blocks, easement blocks, walkway blocks, reserve blocks and roadways, and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-07 Part Lots 23, 24, 25; and 26 Concession 3 and Part Lots 23 and 24 Concession 4 and Part of Road Allowance Between Lots 24 and 25 1133373 Ontario Inc. City of Pickering 1. : The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by GHD: identified as Project Number 03479 drawing DP-5, revised and dated Feb. 2013 which illustrates 113 lots for detached dwelling units, 48 lots for 96 semi detached dwelling units, 28 blocks for 152 townhouse dwelling units, 2 medium density blocks for approximately 46 dwelling units, a mixed corridor block for approximately 293 dwelling units, future residential development blocks, 2 community node commercial blocks, an open space block, reserve blocks, future road blocks and roadways and that incorporates the following revisions: 28 Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-11 Part Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25, Concession 4 1133373 Ontario Inc. City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by GHD. identified as Project Number 03479 drawing MLDP-5, revised and dated Feb. 2013 which illustrates 454 lots for detached dwelling units, 90 lots for 180 semi detached dwelling units, 76 blocks for 469 townhouse dwelling units, a future residential development block, 2 school blocks, a park block, a village green block, trail head blocks, open space blocks, a stormwater management facility block, walkway blocks, roadways and road widening blocks and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-12 Part Lots 23, 24 and 25 Concession 4 and Part Lots 23, and 24 Concession 5 - 1133373 Ontario Inc. City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by GHD. identified as Project Number 03479 drawing WDP-5, revised and dated Feb. 2013 which illustrates 361 lots for detached dwelling units, 113 lots for 226 semi detached dwelling units, 85 blocks for 514 townhouse dwelling units, future residential development blocks, a school block, 2 park blocks, an open space block, a stormwater management facility blocks, 2 local riode/commercial blocks, 2 commercial blocks, roadways and road widening blocks and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-14 Part Lots 24 Concession 3 1133373 Ontario Inc. City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by GHD. identified as Project Number 09088 drawing DP-5, revised and dated Feb. 2013 which illustrates 36 lots for detached dwelling units, 9 lots for 18 semi detached dwelling units, a medium density blocks for approximately 76 dwelling units, future residential development blocks, a school block, a community node commercial block, a walkway block and roadways, and that incorporates the following revisions: 29 Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-05 Part Lots 27, 28 and 29, Concession 5 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by Bousfields Inc, drawing number 0959-106dp (NE), revised and dated October 3, 2012 which illustrates 296 lots for detached dwelling units, 11 lots for 22 semi detached dwelling units, 72 blocks for 397 townhouse dwelling units, 5 blocks for 56 back-to-back dwelling units, a park block, a school block, 3 trail head block/vista blocks, roadways and road widening blocks, and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-06 Part Lots 29, 30 and 31, Concession 4 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by Bousfields Inc, drawing number 0959-108dp SW, revised and dated October 15, 2012 which illustrates 293 lots for detached dwelling units, 92 blocks for 545 townhouse dwelling units, future residential development blocks, a village green block, vista park blocks, a stormwater management facility block, walkway blocks, a future development block, roadways and road reserve blocks, and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-07 Part Lots 28 and 29, Concession 4 and Part of Road Allowance Between Lots 28 and 29 Concession 4 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by Bousfields Inc, drawing number 0959-99dp SE, revised and dated February 9, 2012 which illustrates 227 lots for detached dwelling units, , 23 blocks for 160 townhouse dwelling units, a village green block, vista park blocks, a stormwater management facility block and roadways, and that incorporates the following revisions: 30 Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-08 Part Lots 30, Concession 5 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by Bousfields Inc, drawing number 0959-107dp (NW), revised and dated October 3, 2012 which illustrates 331 lots for detached dwelling units, 7 lots for 14 semi detached dwelling units, 3 blocks for 13 townhouse dwelling units, 9 blocks for 106 back-to-back dwelling units, future residential development blocks, a village green block, a walkway block, roadways and reserve blocks, and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Draft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-09 Part Lots 24, Concession 5 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by Bousfields Inc, drawing number 0959-101dp (N19), revised and dated February 13, 2012 which illustrates 42 lots for detached dwelling units, 29 blocks for 139 townhouse dwelling units, a village green block, a vista park block, an open space block, a future residential development block, and roadways and road widening blocks, and that incorporates the following revisions: Conditions of Dra.ft Approval Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2011-03 Part Lots 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 and Part of the Road Allowances between Lots 22 and 23, 24 and 25, and Lots 26, and 27 Concession 5 Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation , City of Pickering 1. The Owner shall prepare the final plan generally on the basis of the draft plan of subdivision prepared by planningAlliance, identified as Neighbourhood 21 Phase 1 Employment Lands, revised and dated March 8, 2013 which illustrates 23 prestige employment general blocks, 7 prestige employment node blocks, 2 heritage blocks, natural heritage system blocks, stormwater management facility blocks, and roadways and, that incorporates the following revisions: 31 - Required revision to all Draft Plans of Subdivisions 1. (continued) • any revisions required to accommodate infrastructure required by the City approved Functional Servicing and Stormwater Report for the associated Neighbourhood • any revision required to accommodate an appropriate school block(s) • any revision required to reflect the requirements of the zoning by-law amendment as approved • any revision required to accommodate the approved Class Environmental Assessment for Regional Services within the Central Pickering Development Plan Area • any revision required to address the issues identified in the Procedural Order for OMB Case No. PL101016 et al, as agreed to, or by direction of the OMB • any revision required to conform with the City of Pickering's Seaton Sustainable Placemaking Guidelines, including but not limited to, all public lands • any revisions required to accommodate any recommendation resulting from studies required as conditions of approval � 2. That these conditions of draft plan of subdivision include all of the conditions listed I in the document "City of Pickering Seaton Standard Draft Plan of Subdivision � Conditions of Approval". ' 3. That additional conditions of approval will be established on the detailed lotting and road pattern when the design matters of the major issues noted in Condition 1 above have been resolved. 32 City of Pickering Seaton Standard Draft Plan of Subdivision Conditions of Approval Financial 1. That the Owner implement appropriate measures and financial agreements, such as front-ending agreements, cost sharing agreements and/or development charges to ensure that the approval and development of the plan of subdivision does not cause a financial burden on the City of Pickering. Subdivision Agreement 2. That the Owner enters into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and ' otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to all of the City's conditions of approval as issued by the Ontario Municipal Board. 3. The Owner hereby covenants and agrees that this agreement shall be deemed by the �' « „ parties hereto and their successors and assigns, to constitute other applicable law within the meaning of the Building Code Act, S.O. 1992, c23, as amended, or any successor or replacement legislation and the City's Chief Building Official shall not be required to issue, and the Owner hereby covenants and agrees not to request the issuance of, an buildin ermit with res ect to the Owners lands or art thereof until Y 9p p p such time as the Owner has, in the unfettered opinion of the City, fully complied with all such provisions of the agreement as are capable of compliance prior to construction of dwellings. This provision may be pleaded as an estoppels in any court appliction brought by the Owners to compel issuance of a building permit. Zoning 4. That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A XX/XX become final and binding. Street Name 5. That street names and signage to be provided to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. Development Charges 6. That the Owner satisfy the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act. 7. That the Owner agrees to submit progress reports for any DC reimbursable items identified through DC credits in a form satisfactory to the City of Pickering. Further, the Owner agrees to abide by the City's requirements for matters dealing with DC credits. i I I�I 1 ' 33 Phasing and Development Coordination 8. That if this subdivision is to be developed by more than one registration, the Owner will be required to submit a plan showing the proposed phasing, all to the satisfaction of the City. 9. That the Owner satisfy the City with respect to the disposition of future development blocks and acquisition of abutting severed parcels prior to draft plan registration. 10. That the Owner satisfy the City with respect to arrangements necessary to provide for coordination of services and roads with adjacent lands and any phasing of development that may be required. Architectural Control Guidelines 11. That the Owner, prior to the preparation of the subdivision agreement, shall engage a control architect, to the satisfaction of the Director, City Development Department, who will prepare streetscape/architectural control guidelines to the City's satisfaction, approval all models offered for sale and certify that all building permit plans comply with the City's approved guidelines. 12. That the Owner ensure that the engineering plans be coordinated with the streetscape/architectural control guidelines and further that the engineering plans coordinate the driveway, street hardware and street trees to ensure that conflicts do not exist, asphalt is minimized and all objectives of the streetscape/architectural control guidelines can be achieved. Parks and Village Greens 13. That the Owner convey to the City of Pickering the park block(s) (Block XXX) and the village green blocks (Blocks XXXX) at no cost and in a physical condition acceptable to the City for parkland dedications, to the satisfaction of the Director, City Development, in order to satisfy Section 42(1) of the Planning Act. 14. That the Owner satisfy, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering, that the Seaton Master Parks Agreement has been entered into and executed that establishes the requirements and process for parkland dedication in accordance with the Planning Act for the Seaton Neighbourhoods. 15. That prior to the City accepting any park or village green block, the Owner shall submit a facility fit plan with full grading information that demonstrates the park or village green block will functions to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. Second Access 16. That the Owner satisfy the City with respect to providing a second access to XXXXX Road until such time as proposed Street "A" is extended and intersects with an existing street and is open to public traffic. 2 34 17. That the Owner construct a temporary secondary emergency access at no cost to the City for this draft plan. The temporary access must be in a location and be �esigned to the satisfaction of the City. However, the subdivider acknowledges and agrees that if there is an opportunity in the future for the development of lands N/S/E/W of Street X in this draft plan, they may eliminate the need for a temporary access to the subject area by utilizing a future road system. Fencing 18. That the Owner satisfy the City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to the commencement of any works. 19. That the Owner agrees to install a fence next to the school, park, village greens, trail heads and walkway block to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. 20. That the Owner agrees to install a fence next to the open space (NHS), stormwater management block to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. 21. That the Owner agrees to install a fence adjacent to or backing onto lands having conflicts land uses, such as agricultural, commercial or recreationaL , i 22. That the Owner satisfy the City respecting the provision of appropriate aestY�etic details and design of all boundary fencing and noise attenuation fencing in locations recommended by the approved noise study for the subdivision. 23. That the Owner provide a fixed payment satisfactory to the City to provide for the long term maintenance and repairs of items such as enhancements to fences, entrance feature walls, medians that exceed the City's normal standards and which aa�e requested by the subdivider. Noise 24. That the Owner satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment regarding the approval of a noise study recommending noise control features to the satisfaction of the Region of Durham, and the City of Pickering. , 25. That the Owner agrees in the subdivision agreement to implement noise control measures and warning clauses as recommended in the noise report as approved by the City of Pickering. ' Archaeology Monitor 26. That the Owner submits an archaeology monitor report, preferably of First Nati�ns' ancestry, if available, for any significant mitigative excavation activities, on known pre-contact archaeological sites. The purpose of this monitor would be to work co-operatively with the applicant's licensed professional archaeologist in order to report back on the results of the mitigative excavation activities to interested First Nations to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. 3 35 Construction Management Plan 27. That the Owner make satisfactory arrangements with the City respecting a construction management plan, such Plan to contain, among other things: (i) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls as per the Erosion & Sediment Control Guideline for Urban Construction; (ii) addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and house construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on either existing streets or the proposed public street; (iii) insurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; (iv) the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site; (v) type and timing of construction fencing; (vi) location of construction trailers; (vii) details of the temporary construction access; ' Landscaping 28. That the Owner agrees to submit a Landscape Fencing Plan, with respect to the provision of a fence and landscaping, to the satisfaction of the Director, City Development Department, such Plan shall include a 1.5 metre black vinyl chain link fence next to all open space blocks, design of all wood or acoustic fencing. 29. That the Owner submits a street tree planting plan to the satisfaction of the City. 30. That the Owner satisfy the Director, City Development with the submission of a tree preservation plan which will illustrate the protection of trees and other natural features where appropriate, with specific attention to preservation in all pubic open spaces prior to the approval of a preliminary grading plan. Engineering Plans 31. That the Owner satisfy the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things, City services, roads, storm sewers, sidewalks, lot grading, streetlights, fencing and tree planting, and financially-secure such works. 32. That the engineering plans be coordinated with the architectural design objectives. 33. That the Owner revise the draft plan, as necessary to the satisfaction of the City to accommodate any unforeseen technical engineering issues which arise during the review of the final engineering drawings. Required revisions may include reducing the number of residential building lots or reconfiguring the roads or lots to the City's satisfaction. 4 36 34. That the Owner satisfy the City of Pickering for contributions for development review and inspection fees. Easement I 35. That the Owner convey to the City, at no costs: any easements as required; and, any reserves as required by the City. 36. That the Owner convey any easement to any utility to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction of the City and the utility. 37. That the Owner arrange at no costs to the City any easements required on third party lands for servicing and such easements shall be in a location as determined by the City and/or the Region and are to be granted upon request at any time after the draft approval. 38. That the Owner satisfy to the satisfaction of the Director, City Development Department any required easement for works, facilities or use rights that are required by the City of Pickering. Stormwater 39. That the Owner satisfy the Director, City Development Department respecting a stormwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provisions regarding easements. 40. That the Owner satisfy the Director, City Development Department for contributions for downstream stormwater management. 41. That the Owner satisfy the Director, City Development Department for design and implementation of diversion of stormwater from off-site lands as proposed in an � approved Neighbourhood Functional Servicing and Stormwater Report. 42. An access road for maintenance purposes will be required for all stormwater management facilities, LID measures and the associated outfall for this draft plan. Access road to be as per the City's Stormwater Management Design Guidelines. 43. The Owner shall obtain all required easement or conveyance of lands required for all stormwater management facilities, LID measures and the associated outFall to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering prior to registration of the plan of subdivision. 44. That the Owner agrees that no stormwater management pond will be built and/or preliminarily graded until all permits and/or approvals are received from the City, TRCA, MNR and/or MOE, as necessary. 45. That the Owner agrees that all stormwater management facilities and LID Measures will be designed to conform to the City of Pickering Stormwater Management Design Guidelines and TRCA's Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guidelines. 5 37 � _ Grading 46. That the Owner satisfy the Director, City Development Department respecting submission and approval of a grading and control plan. 47. That the Owner satisfy the Director, City Development Department respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis. 48. That the Owner satisfy the Director, City Development Department respecting the authorization from abutting land owners for all off-site grading. 49. That the Owner submits to the City a Landform Conservation Study, if required, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. Services 50. That the Owner satisfy the Director, City Development Department respecting construction of roads with curbs, storm sewers, sidewalks and boulevard designs through the submission and approval of a site servicing plan. 51. That the Owner satisfy the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the City. 52. That the Owner satisfy the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services. 53. That the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the subdivider. Other Approvals 54. That any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of the Environment or any utility for the development of this plan be obtained by the subdivider, and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City of Pickering as verification of these approvals. MESPA & NFSSR 55. That the Owner satisfy the City of Pickering regarding all matters required by the final Seaton Master Environmental Servicing Plan Amendment, including but not limited to the funding of all restoration projects as recommended in the final Seaton Master Environmental Servicing Plan Amendment and any recommendation of the studies and their supporting reports. 56. The subdivision agreement will provide that road crossings of the NHS shall be in accordance with municipal standards and the final MESPA and NFSSRs. Any restoration of the NHS will be limited to areas disturbed by development construction activities. 6 38 57. That the Owner submits a revised NFSSR to the City of Pickering based on the final approved MESPA, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. 58. That the Owner shall enter into an agreement with the City of Pickering committing to undertake the monitoring program as required by the MESPA and provide a letter of credit to the City of Pickering for the full cost of the implementation of the monitoring program. 59. That the Owner shall agree to implement all water ba�ance/infiltration measures identified in the approved NFSSR. Traffic - Roads 60. That the owner satisfy the City of Pickering respecting the submission of, approval of, and implementation program for the results of, the Hamlet of Whitevale Traffic Impact and Management Study, as generally referred to in section 11.74(c) of the Pickering Official Plan. 61. That the Owner of all draft plans that abut Whitevale Road shall submit a traffic calming strategy to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering 62. That the Owner satisfy the City of Pickering respecting the submission of, approval of, and implementation program for the results of, a Traffic Sensitivity Analysis as required by section 11.25 of the Pickering Official Plan, and shall include: a Traffic Impact Study; an intersection control plan; a traffic signal implementation program; a Traffic Management Implementation Plan; a transportation planning exercise; a Transportation Demand Management Plan; and, a Parking Management Plan. 63. That the Owner satisfy the City of Pickering that appropriate arrangements have been established for the installation of traffic control signals, including all costs, in a time frame acceptable to the City of Pickering, which includes installation of signals in advance of warrants. 64. That the Owner shall install a temporary turning circle whenever a road is to be continued in future developments. 65. That the Owner shall agree that any road connection that traverses the NHS must be acquired, constructed and dedicated as part of the development and be addressed in the subdivision agreement and the design shall maintain, to the extent practical, where not precluded by grading or other servicing constraints, the rural cross section of the historic concession roads. 66. That the Owner satisfy the City of Pickering respecting the submission of a future I transportation study as required by section 11.74(b) of the Pickering Official Plan .and the Owner acknowledge and agree that any lands that are outside the Phase I lands identified in the Stage Servicing and Implementation Strategy shall be subject to a holding zoning provision. 7 I 39 Closed Roads 67. That the Owner make appropriate arrangements for the conveyance of any City owned surplus closed road allowances, including the preparation of all required survey works, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. Model Homes 68. That the Owner enter into a model home agreement with the City, if applicable for this draft plan. All model homes must satisfy all requirements architectural control guidelines. Trail Heads 69. That the owner construct to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering all trail head within or abutting their draft plan to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. Fire 70. That the Owner agrees that no development will proceed on any land until adequate services are available including adequate water pressure to the satisfaction of the City's Fire Services Division. 71. That the Owner provide a fire break plan and other fire prevention measures to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. Development Block 72. That the Owner satisfy the City of Pickering with respect to the disposition of future development block and acquisition of abutting severed parcels prior to draft plan approval. This may require properties merging on title and that no building permit shall be requested until any land assembling has been completed to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. � Canada Post 73. That the Owner, through the approval of a Utility Coordination Plan for the location, is to enter into an agreement with Canada Post Corporation for the provision of a Community Mailbox including technical specifications and financial terms. 74. That the Owner agree to determine and provide a suitable temporary Community Mailbox location, if required, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. Heritage Lots 75. That the draft plan be appropriately revised surrounding any abutting heritage lot as identified on the Neighbourhood Plan, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering, to ensure a proper relationship between the heritage property and the new development. This revision may include a modification to the lotting and/or road pattern and may result in a different dwelling form and loss of lots. 8 40 76. That the applicant submits a Pre-Condition Survey for any abutting residential dwelling or heritage structure that are located within 30 metres of the limit of development of the draft plan. The findings of the study and survey must be prepared by a qualified professional and should be undertaken prior to any earthwork or construction the subject property. Lapsing 77. This draft approval shall apply only for a period of three years from date of issuance and shall laps unless extended by the City/OMB upon request be the owner. Placemaking Guidelines 78. That the Owner shall revise all plans to conform with the City of Pickering's Sustainable Placemaking Guidelines, including but not limited to, all public lands to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. Plan Revisions 79. The Owner acknowledge and agree that the draft plan of subdivision and associated conditions of approval may require revisions, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to implement or integrate any recommendation resulting from studies required as conditions of approval. 80. That the Owner revise the draft plan, as necessary to the satisfaction of the City to accommodate any unforeseen technical engineering issues which arise during the review of the final engineering drawings. Required revisions may include reducing the number of residential building lots or reconfiguring the roads or lots to the City's satisfaction. 81. That the Owner agree to implement the requirements of all studies that are required by the City of Pickering for the development of this draft plan of subdivision to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. Timing 82. That the owner, agree in the subdivision agreement that it will not commence any � construction works (including site servicing, topsoil stripping and grading) on the subject property until the works required for the construction of the regional services for service the subdivision have commenced. Endangered Species Act 83. That the owner satisfy the Endangered Species Act prior to any site alteration and the City be provided by the Owner with confirmation from the Ministry of Natural Resources of their approval. 9 41 Agreement Clauses 84. The subdivision agreement between the Owner and the City of Pickering shall contain, among other matters, the following provisions: 85. That the Owner agrees to include provisions whereby all offers of purchase and sale shall include information that.satisfies Subsection 59(4) of the Development Charges Act, 1997; 86. That the Owner agree not to initiate a marketing campaign or take any offers of sale and purchases or take any reservations of lots until the final Seaton Master Environmental Servicing Plan and the Functional Servicing and Stormwater Report for the associated Neighbourhood have been approved by the City of Pickering and the land needs for the stormwater management facilities have been accepted by the City of Pickering; 87. That the Owner agrees to implement those noise control measures recommended in the noise report required in Condition X; 88. That the Owner agrees to carry out, or cause to be carried out, to the satisfaction of the TRCA, the recommendations of the technical reports referenced in Condition XX; 89. That the Owner agrees to agree to, and implement, the requirements of the TRCA's conditions in wording acceptable to the TRCA; 90. That the Owner agrees to design and implement on-site erosion and sediment control; 91. That the Owner agrees to maintain all stormwater management and erosion and sedimentation control structures operating and in good repair during the construction period, in a manner satisfactory to the City of Pickering, TRCA and/or MNR; 92. That the Owner agrees to obtain all necessary permits pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06, as amended, from the TRCA; 93. That the Owner agrees to erect a permanent fence, to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering and TRCA, along the boundary of the development blocks and the publicly owned natural heritage system; 94. That the Owner agrees to commit to provide appropriate information to all perspective buyers of lots adjacent to the publicly owned natural heritage system through all agreements for purchase and sale, sales information, and community maps to ensure that the land owners are well informed that private use and/or access to the open space blocks shall not be permitted, and reflect the intent of the following: "The open space adjacent to the subject property is considered to be part of the publicly owned natural heritage system and will be maintained for environmental protection, and public use purposes. Please note that uses such as private picnics, barbeque or garden areas; and/or the dumping of refuse (e.g. grass/garden clippings household compostable goods, garbage etc.) are not permitted on these lands. In addition, access to the valley corridor such as private rear yard gates and/or ladders are prohibited." 10 42 i 95. That the Owner agrees to include provisions whereby all offers of purchase and sale shall include information that for all dwelling units with a single car garage that the � City's by-laws require two parking spaces for the dwelling which have been provided, one in the garage and one in the driveway and that the City's by-law restricts the width of the driveway to a maximum size width which does not allow two cars parked side by side. I I i I, 11 43 Appendix III to Report CAO 03-13 Draft Zoning By-law for the Seaton Applications to Amend the Zoning By-law 44 Table of Contents Draft-Apri13, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS � 1.0 ADMINISTRATION..............................................................................................5 HOW TO READ AND USE THIS BY-LAW............................................................................5 1.1 TITLE...................................................................................................................6 1.2 APPLICATION..............................................................................:........................6 ,._: rs;::;-: 1.3 PURPOSE...............................................................................;_::>:::::.....................6 .��:,;:.::; 1.4 REPEAL OF FORMER BY-LAWS.............................................:F':;:::`:.........................7 1.5 EFFECTIVE DATE......................:......................................�.'�.....:.............................7 1.6 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY....................................,�.,_::....<_,,_:::_,:........................7 1.7 CONFORMITY AND COMPLIANCE...............................�.....:.........�`:.::-:.....................7 1.8 ENFORCEMENT ............................................. �� �: _� =:.................7 ,. ................ 1.8.1 Administration.............................................`..::,:.............................:'.:_-.............7 �. - � �' �> 1.8.2 Penalties ....................................... ................................: ......7 1.9 SEVERABILITY........................................�.:,`�...............,:.. • ' ....8 1.10 ESTABLISHMENT OF ZONES................ ...:..... � � .....8 .........� .. ................... ......... 1.10.1 Zones _. �..,_..:,:_-�' ...................................8 ..................... . 1.10.2 Location of Zone............................................:....:.........................................9 1.10.3 Special Zone Symbols...�..................... ..: ............................................9 1.10.4 Density Provision..... � �: ............. ......: ..........................................9 _, �. 1.11 INTERPRETATION......................::...... -; '' .....................................9 ;.. 1.11.1 Zone Boundaries..... -� ..: ......:'. :....... .�° :.................................9 _.�_ . am� - 1.11.2 Definitions........................::. �...... �..:: .....,: -{�....:....................................9 1.11.3 Examples and-111ustrations. ........ ....:.. ........`: .:`...................................... 10 1.11.4 Reduction�of Lot;Area Due To Public Acquisition or Conveyance...... ...... 10 � z ; 2.0 GENERAL REGULATION::.............:...................................................................11 2.1 PROHIBJTED"USES. ......... :........ ........: ::............................................................ 11 .:; ,_ 2.2 HUMAN HABITATION NOT WITHIN MAIN BUILDINGS............................................... 11 ., 2.3 FRONTAGEON A STREET. ......:: ..::..... ............................................................. 11 ; , 2.4 PUBLIC USES PEF2MITTED IN ALL ZONES.............................................................. 11 2.5 LINEAR UTILITIES PERMITTED IN ALL ZONES......................................................... 12 2P6 PERMITTED YARD ENCROACHMENTS................................................................... 12 � . ' 2.7 LEGAL NON-CONFORMING USES......................................................................... 12 � `: 2.8 LEGAL NON-COMPLYING_,BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES.......................................... 13 2.9 LEGAL NON-COMPLYING LOTS............................................................................. 13 2.10 AIR CONDITIONERS........................................................................................... 13 2:11 SwIMM�N� PooLs............................................................................................ 13 � - __, �- 2.12 SATELLITE-�:DISH ANTENNA ................................................................................ 14 ,�,__: 2.13 ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT............................................................................ 14 2.14 HOME-BASED BUSINESS................................................................................... 14 , 2.15 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES........................................................... 15 I 2.16 STANDARDS FOR DETACHED PRIVATE GARAGES ACCESSED BY A DRIVEWAY FROM ASTREET................................................................................................................... 16 2.17 STANDARDS FOR DETACHED PRIVATE GARAGES ACCESSED BY A LANE............... 17 2.18 STANDARDS FOR ATTACHED PRIVATE GARAGES ON LOTS ACCESSED BY LANES . 17 2.19 STANDARDS FOR ATTACHED PRIVATE GARAGES ACCESSED BY A DRIVEWAY FROM A STREET...................................................................................................................... 17 2.20 COACH HOUSES.................................................................................................. 18 45 Seaton Area Zoning By-law � ' Table of Contents Draft—Apri13, 2013 2.21 LIVE WORK UNIT................................................................................................. 18 2.22 MODEL HOMES................................................................................................. 19 3.0 PARKING REGULATIONS..................................................................................20 3.1 PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS ...............:........................................................20 3.2 PART SPACES ...................................................................................................23 3.3 PARKING FOR MULTIPLE USES ON ONE LOT........................................................23 3.4 SIZE OF PARKING SPACES AND AISLES ...............................................................24 3.5 SETBACKS OF PARKING SPACES AND LOTS.........................................................24 3.6 STANDARDS FOR PARKING PADS.............................................::...:......................24 3.7 PARKING AND LOADING WITHIN YARDS.................................:'...............................25 3.8 PARKING SPACE USES....................................................:..................................25 3.9 RESTRICTIONS ON VEHICLES IN A RESIDENTIAL ZONE....:.:...:..::.............................25 a) Number of Vehicles......................................... � ::: ......... .....::...................25 � b) Size of Vehicles..............................................:�:................. .......:: .,..............25 c) Location of Vehicles............................... � ..; ,:................. .......:`: ...............25 c) Inoperative vehicles:.............................: �...::............................... ...... .,.....25 -; : . d) Construction Vehicles.................. � ............... ................... ..::. ..;...26 e) Oversize Vehicles:....................... � ; : _...... : .. ............................26 :�� � 3.10 LOADING STANDARDS ................... � :.... ....:_.....................................26 4.0 RESIDENTIAL ZONE REGULATIONS...........::...................................................27 4.1 USES PERMITTED................A.a;;:..::.......................::..............................................27 4.2 LOW DENSITY TYPE 1 (LD1�`ZONE_PROVISIONS.... ..`i ...................................28 4.2.1 Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type : :_...............................28 4.2.2 Additional Provisions ..... ..:`.... ....::: ....::...:........ :�................................29 :; - - 4.3 LOW DENSITY TYPE 1, HERITAGE LOT"LD'1-HL" PROV�S�oNS...............................29 4.4 LOW DENSITY TYPE 1 -TOWNHOUSE (LD1=T) ZONE PROVISIONS .........................30 4.4.1 Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type........................................30 ,__ . 4.4.2 Additional Provisions..................................................................................30 4.5 LOW D,_ENSITY TYPE 2 (LD2)ZONE PROVISIONS...................................................31 4:: ,. 4.5.1 Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type........................................31 4.5.2 AdditionaLProvisions ....`: ...:._.: .:`.............................................................32 : . 4.6 LOW DENSITY Tl'PE 2- MULTIPLE (LD2-M)ZONE PROVISIONS .............................33 4.6.1 : Lot and Buiiding Requirements by Building Type........................................33 ,; 4.6.2 _Additional Provisions..................................................................................34 �" 4.7 MEDIUM DENSITY—DETACHED&SEMI (MD-DS) ZONE PROVISIONS.....................35 �_ 4.7.1 Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type........................................35 �, 4.7.2 Additional:Provisions..................................................................................36 4.8 MEDIUM DENSITY—MULTIPLE (MD-M)ZONE PROVISIONS....................................37 .-_._ 4.8.1 Lot and Buiiding Requirements by Building Type........................................37 4:8.2 : Additional Provisions..................................................................................38 4.8.3' Addifional Apartment Provisions.................................................................38 4.9 HIGN DENSITY(H) ZONE PROVISIONS..................................................................39 4.9.1 Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type........................................39 4.9.2 Additional Apartment Provisions:................................................................40 4.10 EXCEPTIONS....................................................................................................41 5.0 MIXED USE ZONE REGULATION......................................................................42 5.1 USES PERMITfED...............................................................................................42 5.1.2 Additional Use Provisions...........................................................................43 5.2 MIXED CORRIDOR TYPE 1 (MC1�ZONE PROVISIONS............................................44 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 2 46 Table of Contents Draft—Apri13, 2013 ' 5.2.1 Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type........................................44 5.2.2 Additional Provisions..................................................................................45 5.2.3 Additional Apartment Standards.................................................................45 5.3 MIXED CORRIDOR TYPE 2 (MC2)ZONE PROVISIONS............................................46 5.3.1 Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type........................................46 5.3.2 Additional Provisions: .................................................................................47 5.3.3 Additional Apartment Provisions: ................................................................48 5.3.4 Additional Commercial Building Provisions:................................................48 �. ' 5.4 MIXED CORRIDOR TYPE 3—GATEWAY SITES (MC3) ZONE PROVISIONS................49 5.4.1 Lot and Building Requirements by Building Type..........:`::..........................49 5.4.2 Additional Apartment Provisions: ...............................:.....:..........................50 5.4.3 Additional Commercial Building Provisions:..........::....................................50 ' S.5 MINOR COMMERCIAL CLUSTERS—(MCC)ZONE PROVISIONS .......: >....................51 5.5.1 Building Types and Related Standards...............::..............:....:>.:;:,...............51 5.5.2 Additional Provisions: ............................ � .:`................... =: ...........51 5.6 LOCAL NODE (LN�AND COMMUNITY NODE(CN)-ZONE PROVISIONS .....52 5.6.1 Building Types and Related Standards: ...................................... �.....52 5.6.2 Additional Apartment Provisions: . `�:::............ .`.,: ................... .....:`....53 Y_....-:..�. .R..-_.'-...._. __ 5.6.3 Additional Commercial Provisions :.:::........... ' .:..................................53 5.6.4 Exceptions:........................................::...........::.:...::..:...................................54 5.7 COMMUNITY NODE—PEDESTRIAN PREDOMINANT AREA (CN—PP�—ZONE PROVISIONS .................................�.....::......................:.::.:..........................................55 .�— 5.7.1 Building Types and Related Standards.. ........: :,,..................................55 5.7.2 Additional Apartment Provisions:; ......,, ;....... Y A: ...............................56 5.7.3 Additional Commercial Provisions :; ._;_ .......� ................................56 5.8 EXCEPTIONS............................. ....... .......:. ...... ..::......................................57 �_ � _ , 6.0 EMPLOYMENT�AREA ZONE REGULATION........... .........................................58 _,,, 6.1 USE CATEGORIES PERMITTED.........':...................................................................58 �.-::.. 6.2 USE LIMITATIONS .. ........: ........ .....: s.............................................................59 6.3 USES�PROHIBITED......::.::...................:...':...........................................................59 —�- � . ;. 6.4 EMPLOYMENT ZONE—ZONE PROVISIONS :...........................................................61 6.4.1 Lot and:Building Requirements...:...............................................................61 6:4.�_ ,Additional Provisions: .................................................................................61 �.� _ , 6.4.3 Prestige Empl_oyment— Heritage Lot "PE-HL" Provisions ...........................62 ; .__ : 6.4 ExCEPTiorvs .......: .....................................................................................62 � ��-_:-- �-;: - . :.�:. � � 7.0 COMMUNITY USE ZONE REGULATIONS.........................................................63 ; 7.1 USES PERMITTED...............................................................................................63 7.2' COMMUNITY USE (CU)ZONE—ZONE PROVISIONS...............................................63 '7.2.1 Lot and Building Requirements...................................................................63 � 7:2.2 Height Mazimum ..........................................................................................63 7.2.3 Additional Provisions: .................................................................................63 :. .; 7.3 EXCEPTIONS: .....................................................................................................64 I ..� 8.0 NATURAL HERITAGE AND OPEN SPACE ZONES...........................................65 '� 8.1 USES PERMITTED...............................................................................................65 8.2 OPEN SPACE (OS�ZONE—ZONE PROVISIONS.....................................................66 8.2.1 Lot and Building Requirements...................................................................66 8.2.2 Height Maximum ..........................................................................................66 8.2.3 Additional Provisions: .................................................................................66 8.3 EXCEPTIONS: .....................................................................................................66 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 3 47 Table of Contents Draft—Apri13, 2013 9.0 UTILITY ZONE.....................................................................................................67 9.1 USES PERMITTED...............................................................................................67 9.2 UTILITY ZONE—ZONE PROVISIONS......................................................................67 9.2.1 Lot and Buiiding Requirements...................................................................67 9.3 EXCEPTIONS: .....................................................................................................67 10.0 DEFINITIONS....................................................................................................68 11. HOLDING PROVISIONS.....................................................................................86 12. ZONING MAPS .................�.................................................. � .....................87 � _ - �� E � �x � � ':=��r " - �>���u� .�:M��,. _ �,G _ - � _ �` _ �,, ssz. _ �� ��. .� x_ � , �;. �.. �: 9 �' �� s I " �r � :_��-_ �� ����� �_ � ;,� �� �� � � � � � __ ;�� �°:� °=:�.� s��` . },, v� � Seaton Area Zoning By-law 4 48 Section 1.0 Draft—April3, 2013 1 .0 ADMINISTRATION How to Read and Use This By-law This introduction explains how to read and use this Zoning By-law and is solely for the purposes of assisting the reader. Readers unfamiliar with zoning by-laws are encouraged to read this introduction. <>. ��, This introduction does not constitute a legal part of this By-law All properties within the boundaries of this zoning By-law have a zone associated with them as shown on the maps in Section 12. Each zone is subject to requirements and restrictions. These requirements and restrictions are found in Sections 4 through 9. These Sections are differentiated based on five broad land use categories — Residential, Mixed Use, Em.ployment, Community Use and Natural Heritage and Open Space. � z�, ,�_ : Within each Section/land use category, multiple zones are described. At the beginning of each Section 4 through 9, the permitted uses for each zone are laid ' out in a table format, with any qualifications numbered within the table and listed directly following the table. Following the table of permitted uses, each zone contains�a,table setting out minimum and maximum reguirements for lots and buildings addressing such matters as lot area,:lot frontage, yard setbacks, building height among others. In the residential and mixed use zone categories, these requirements are set out according to different building types. In the other zone categories, these requirements are generall�y-set according`to the zone. Site specific provisions, where req�uired, are detailed following the provisions of each zone. ` ��In addition to the zone specific requirements and restrictions, a number of ` general provisions apply to development in all zones. These general provisions are set out in Section 2 and address such general matters as yard encroachments, legal non-conforming uses, garages and accessory buildings, swimming pools and other accessory structures, accessory dwelling units, and home-based businesses among others. Section 3 contains parking regulations that also apply to development in all zones. The recommended process to verify the zoning applicable to a property is to: a) Locate the property in the maps in Section 12 and identify which zone it is in; 49 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 5 Section 1.0 Draft—April3, 2013 b) Determine which Section / land use category in the by-law that the zone is contained in (ie. Section 4 Residential); c) Review the permitted uses applicable to that zone that are contained in the "Uses Permitted" table at the beginning of each Section 4 through 9; d) Review the zone provisions applicable to that zone that are contained in the "Lot and Building Requirements" table in the second subsection of each Section 4 through 9; _ e) Review any applicable site-specific zones contained with�in Sections 4 through 9; -= f� Review the general provisions and parking regulations in Sections 2 and 3; and g) Contact the city to ensure up-to-date information and whether the property is subject to any variances. � � _; ..� .� ` 1 .1 Title � - ' This By-law may be cited as the "Seaton Zoning By-law":`Reference to "zoning By-law" and "this By-law" within this document shall-mean the "Seaton Zoning By-law", unless otherwise specified__ � ;: - 1 .2 Application , = - This By-law is intended to apply to the Seaton Urban Area in the Corporation of the City of Pickering,that are bounded by the C.P. Rail line to the south, the West Duffins Creek to the west, H.ighway 7 to',the north and Sideline 16/the Pickering- Ajax boundary to the east and also including lands approximately 600 metres north of Highway 7 and west of North Road and approximately 1.1 km north of Highway 7 and west of Sideline 32 The By-law will be applied to the above noted Seaton Urban lands through amendment once draft plans of subdivision are approved. The lands to which tliis by-law currently apply are shown on Schedule 1. The provisions of By-law ,�' 3037 shall continue to apply to the lands within the Seaton Urban Area that are notshown on Schedule 1. � Despite the boundary noted above, the By-law does not apply to lands within the Hamlets of Brougham, Green River or Whitevale. 1.3 Purpose The purpose of this By-law is: a) to regulate the use of land, buildings and structures, and to regulate the construction and alteration of buildings and structures by statutory authority granted by the Ontario Planning Act; and Seaton Area Zoning By-law 6 50 Section 1.0 Draft—April3, 2013 b) to implement the policies within the Pickering Official Plan pertaining to the Seaton Urban Area. 1 .4 Repeal of former By-laws The provisions of By-law 3037 of the City of Pickering, and the associated , amendments, are repealed in the areas that are covered by this By-law as shown on Schedule 1. 1 .5 Effective Date _ �" This By-law shall come into force the day that it is passed if no appeals are received. If appeals are received, the appealed portions shall come into force when all such appeals have been withdrawn or finally disposed of and the rest of the By-law shall come into force the day the By:-1aw is passed. ,� `:'"'� .: 1 .6 Certificate of Occupancy�. . a) No person shall change the type of use of any�land, building or structure in the area defined by this By-law without obtaining a certificate of occupancy. � � b) Certificates of occupancy stiall not be required for residential uses, other than group homes, home occupations, bed and breakfast establishments and the introduction of a second suite. � �:: . 1 .7 Conformity and Compliance a) No person shall use any land, building or structure, or erect or alter any building or structure, after the passage of this By-law, except in conformity and compliance°with the provisions of this By-law. b� Nothing in this By law exempts compliance with other by-laws, legislation or the requirement to obtain any license, permission, permit, authority or �. approval required by this By-law, any other by-law or any other legislation. 1 :8 : Enforceme�nt 1.8.1 Administration � The Chief Building Officer of the City of Pickering or his or her designate administers th'is By-law. 1.8.2 Penalties Any person who contravenes this By-law is guilty of offence and liable to fines under the Planning Act. This includes a director or officer of a corporation who knowingly contravenes this By-law. 51 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 7 Section 1.0 Draft—April3, 2013 1 .9 Severability A court decision that one or more of the provisions of this By-law are invalid in whole or in part of does not affect the validity, effectiveness or enforceability of the other provisions or parts of the provisions of this By-law. 1 .10 Establishme�t of Zones 1.10.1 Zones All lands covered by this By-law, as described in section 1.2; are contained within one of these zones: �`:. '�T~' SYMBOL ZONE �;=;,_ -`- Low Density Type 1 � LD 1 � ' LD1-HL Low Density Type 1 — Heritage Lot _ Low Density Type 1 —Townhouses - _ �� LD1-T Low Density Type 2 __ LD2 Low Density Type 2 — Multiple �� LD2-M Medium Density — Detached & Semi MD-DS Medium Density— Multiple MD-M High Density H Mixed Corridor Type 1 MC1 Mixed Corridor Type 2 _ .�` = MC2 .. Mixed Corridor'Type 3 = -�� `� MC3 � . Minor Commercial Cluster MCC Local Node LN Community Node CN Community Node,= Pedestrian Predominant Area CN-PP Prestige Employment General PEG , Prestige Employment Node PEN :�� Prestige Employment— Heritage Lot PE-HL Employment Service ES `f Community_Use CU �� District/Corrimunity Park DCP �;;s Open Space` ': OS Stormwater Management SWM Golf Course GC Natural`Heritage System NHS Hamlet Heritage Open Space HHOS Cemetery CE Utility UT Seaton Area Zoning By-law $ 52 Section 1.0 Draft—April3, 2013 1.10.2 Location of Zone Zones are shown on the zoning maps in Section 12. The lands within each zone are subject to the provisions of that zone, as well as the general regulations of this By-law. 1.10.3 Special Zone Symbols Special zone symbols, indicated by a dash and number following a zone symbol on zoning maps in Section 12, correspond to site-specific provisfons. These site- specific provisions are found, when applicable, following the general provisions of that zone. �w �� 1.10.4 Density Provision =- �f For blocks containing more than one unit, a minimum and maximum density number is identified on the zone schedule following the letter "D" after the zone symbol with the minimum density number immediately following the "D" symbol and a maximum density number following the "P' symbol after the minimum density number. `��: __ � 1 .111nterpretation E � 1.11.1 Zone Boundaries -� :�. a) If the zone boundary is shown�yin Secfion 12 -;� � i) As following a`street, lane, railway right-of-way, electric transmission line righf=of-way or watercourse, then the centre line of the street, /ane,'railway right-of-way, electric transmission line right-of-way, municipal boundary'or watercourse is the boundary; ii) As substantially following lot lines shown on a registered plan of subdivision;'then the lot lines are the boundary; and �iii) As not being in accordance with the above provisions, then zon� .� , " boundary shall be scaled from the schedules in Section 12. .��° : � �b),_. In addition to the above; if the zone boundary separates a lot into portions, " ,._ each portion;of the lot shall be used in accordance with the provisior,s of �this By-law for�the applicable zone. 1.11.2 Definitions a) Throughout this By-law, any italicized word is defined in Section10 to provide clarity and ensure that the By-law and its intent are applied consistently. b) Where a use is defined, it shall not be interpreted to include any other defined use unless it is stated in the definition to the contrary. Seaton Area Zoning By-law 9 53 Section 1.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 1.11.3 Examples and Illustrations Any illustrations throughout this By-law, as well as examples and margin notes, are for clarification and convenience and are not part of this By-law. 1.11.4 Reduction of Lot Area Due To Public Acquisition or Conveyance Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, where a non-complying lot is created as a result of the acquisition of part of a lot by a public authority, a building or structure may be erected, altered or repaired and used on such lot, provided that such building or structure conforms with all other provisions of this By-law other than the reduced frontage, reduced lot area, gross floor area and lot coverage requirements. A building or structure may be'erected, altered or repaired with reduced lot coverage and gross floor area as would have been allowed for the lot as it existed prior to such public acquisition or conveyance. �: 1- ��x � ��q�-. �.. -��,.�, ��.. �� � � � = y��. � ��� ...�� r � � � ��:� �:; .���:z=:,�� __ ��;_ _ �'� � .� _ � - fi v _ � � � - --w°'= - .� = ��;,� . �� �u � ���,��- - `� � � � ��._ -.���. ��`�'�� _,�r � �, �� �� � � � �-� - � �. -�-� � -y� �:. - Seaton Area Zoning By-law �� 54 Section 2.0 Draft—April3, 2013 2.0 GENERAL REGULATION 2.1 Prohibited Uses With respect to any lands to which this By-law applies, all uses are prohibited unless specifically permitted in this By-law. 2.2 Human Habitation Not Within Main Buildings� No truck, bus, coach, street car body, railway car, major recreational;`equipment or other motor vehicle shall be used for human habitation whether or not the same is mounted on �>.< .. wheels or other forms of mounting or foundations. �': � �:: ..; 2.3 Frontage on A Street � � ` �Y-� : a) No lot shall have built upon it a building for any purpose in any zone unless the lot abuts a street for a minimum of 4.5 metres.; However, where a lot is separated from a street by land owned by the City, the Region of Durham or the Province of Ontario which land is held by such public agency for future road widening purposes or as a 0.3 metre reserve, a building may be erected upon such lot if registered rights-of-way giving access to a street have been granted and such access scheme is part of a development agreement pursuant to the Planning Act. ;.. b) Where a building is developed abutting a driveway constifuting a common area or common element as part of a condominium Fregistered under the Condominium Act such driveway shall be cleemed to be a street for purposes of applying the provisions of this By-law. _ 2.4 Public Uses Permitted In Al1�Zones a) Notwithstanding anything else in this, By-1aw,`the City or Region of Durham or any of their local boards as defined in The Municipal Act, any communications or transportation ..� sys,tem owned or operated by or for the City or Region of Durham, and any agency of the Federal or Provincial Government, may, for the purposes of the public service, use 'any land or erect or use any building or structure in any zone subject to the use or building or structure being in compliance with the most restrictive regulations contained in such zone for any use and the parking requirements of Section 3 of this By-law, for such use. Any buildiiigs erected or used in a Residential Zone under the provisions of this Section, shall.be designed so as not to intrude into the residential character of the area. � b) This exemption�for use in any zone shall not apply to: i) the Natural Heritage System (NHS) Zone except for the uses otherwise permitted in the NHS Zone; ii) permit any outdoor storage, or a waste transfer or waste processing facility; or iii) any land or building used by any local School Board, University or College. 55 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 11 Section 2.0 Draft—Apri/3, 2013 2.5 Linear Utilities Permitted in All Zones a) Notwithstanding anything else in this By-law, a utility company including Veridian, Bell, Rogers, Telus, Hydro One, Enbridge and other similar utility company may use any land or erect or use any building or structure in any zone for the purpose of a linear utility subject to the building or structure being in compliance with the most restrictive regulations contained in such zone for any use and the parking requirements of Section 3 of this By-law, for such use. Any building or structure erected or used in a Residential Zone under the provisions of this Section, shall be designed so as not to intrude into the residential character of the area. f'! P$`., b) This exemption for use in any zone shall not apply to: ,� "�J i) the Natural Heritage System (NHS) Zone except for fhe uses otherwise permitted in the NHS Zone; ii) permit any outdoor storage or works/maintenance yards; or iii) permit any land or building to be used for administrative offices, retail purposes, or vehicular or equipment maintenance. � �..,. .� . 2.6 Permitted Yard Encroachments � � I No part of any required yard shall be obstructed except as follows: a) Projections such as window sills, chimney breasts, belt courses, cornices, eaves, eave troughs and other similar architectural features may be permitted in any required yard, provided that no such feature projects into the required yard more than 0.6 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less; b) A fire escape or exterior staircase may encroach into a required side yard or rear yard 1.5 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less; c) An unenclosed ramp for wheelchair access may encroach into any required yard; d) A porch or deck may encroach into any required yard to a maximum of 1.5 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less; e) A balcony may encroach into any required yard to a maximum of 1.0 metres, except into a required side yard where it shall encroach not more than one-third of its width or ,•1.0 metres, whichever is less; and fi� = A bay window or alcove, without foundation, having a maximum width of 3 metres may encroach into any required yard to a maximum of 0.6 metres or half the distance of the required yard, whichever is less. 2.7 Legal Non-Conforming Uses a) A legal non-conforming use is a use of land and/or building that legally existed on the date this By-law came into effect under the Planning Act. To be legal, the use must have been permitted on the lands in the zoning by-law that was in effect before this By- law came into effect or if it was established before the first By-law for the City of Pickering or the By-law for the original Township was passed. b) This By-law shall not prevent the use of any land, building or structure for any purpose prohibited by this By-law if such land, building or structure was lawfully used for such Seaton Area Zoning By-law 12 56 I Section 2.0 Draft—April3, 2013 purpose on the day of passing of this By-law, and provided that such land, building or structure continues to be used for that purpose. 2.8 Legal Non-Complying Buildings or Structures a) A legal non-complying building or structure is a building or structure that vvas legally erected in a location it was in when this By-law came into effect under the Planning Act. To be legal, the location of the building or structure must have been authorized on the lands in the zoning bylaw that was in effect before this By-law came into effect, or if it was erected before the first by-law for the City of Pickering or`the by-law for the original Township was passed. � c) A non-complying building or structure which existed legally prior to the passing of this By-law may be enlarged, repaired, renovated or reconstructed provided th�at the enlargement, repair, renovation or reconstructior�, ' = i) does not further increase the extent of a non compliance with a minimum yard setback requirement; and ii) complies with all other applicable provisions of this By-1aw. 2.9 Legal Non-complying Lots I, . A lot which existed legally prior to the effective date of this'By-1aw, that does not meet the lot area and/or lotfrontage requirements of the applicable Zone, shall_be deemed to conform to this By-law. Such lots may be used and buildings may be erected, enlarged, repaired or renovated on the lot provided that the use`and th�e buildings or structures comply with all other provisions of this By-law . _ - - � ��. _ - - ��u� 2.10 Air Conditioners � X , Air Conditioners are permitted on a lot provided they are located in the rear yard or interior side yard. In addition,'such units shall not be located any closer than 0.6 metres to an interior lot line and shall not be located on any easements in favour of the City. �; .. _ 2 11F�Swimming Pools � : �_ Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, an unenclosed, outdoor swimming pool, or hot tub may be permitted:as an accessory use to a residential use in accordance with the following provisions: a) Such`accessory.swimming pool, or hot tub shall only be located in a rear yard; b) Any swimming pool, hot tub, or associated water circulating, heating or treatment i equipment shall be set back 1.2 metres from any side or rear lot line; ' c) Any deck associated with an aboveground pool, or hot tub to a maximum �eight of 1.2 metres will be in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.6 of this By-law; d) Any recreational equipment, including slides, associated with a swimming pool, or hot tub shall not exceed a maximum height of 2.4 metres; e) An accessory outdoor swimming pool shall not be included in lot coverage calculations provided that no part of the swimming pool, or hot tub wall protrudes more than 1.2 metres above the established grade. 57 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 13 Section 2.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 2.12 Satellite Dish Antenna Satellite dish antennae are permitted in any Zone provided that: a) it does not exceed a diameter of 1.3 metres; and b) it is not attached to the front fa�ade of the principal building or any accessory structure or building in the front yard. 2.13 Accessory Dwelling Unit , a) Despite any provision in this By-1aw to the contrary, in any zone that permits a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling or a townhouse dwelling, an accessory dwelling unit is permitted within the detached dwelling,semi-detached dwelling or townhouse dwelling provided: i) a total of three (3) parking spaces are provided on the property where the accessory dwelling unit is located; ii) the maximum floor area of an accessory dwelling unit shall be one hundred (100) square metres; and `� iii) a home-based business is prohibited in either dwelling unit of a dwelling containing an accessory dwelling unit. b) An accessory dwelling unit may be permitted within a coach house on a lot containing a detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling or a street townhouse dwelling provided there is only one accessory dwelling unit on the lot and the requirements of section 2.13 a) are met. ;� 2.14 Home-Based Business a} A home-based business is�permitted within a dwelling unit provided the home-based business is used by the resident of the dwelling unit and the resident is either a sole proprietor, partner, shareholder, or officer of the company operating the home-based business;-or an employee who uses their dwelling unit as their principal place of business:_ .. b) €6:; The following specific uses a�e prohibited in a home-based business: - i) ,, adult entertainment establishment; ii) �: `. animal hospital/veterinarian clinic; iii) �`assembly, convention or conference hall; iv) automobile body shop; v) comrrmercial fitness/recreation centre; vi) contractor's yard; vii) dating/escort service; viii) funeral home; ix) heavy machinery repair, sa/es, service; x) kennel/animal boarding service; xi) night club; Seaton Area Zoning By-law 14 5g Section 2.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 xii) place of amusement; xiii) public bath/whirlpool; xiv) restaurant; xv) retail store; ' xvi) taxi service; xvii) vehicle dealership; xviii) vehicle repairshop; xix) warehousing; and ,� xx) wholesaling. c) In addition, any use which constitutes a nuisance, or any use which is offensive or obnoxious in any way, including but not limiting the generality of the foregoing, any use which creates an adverse effect through the gene ation of traffic, parking, noise, , vibration, dust, fumes, gas, odour, waste, hazardous waste, emissions, smoke, glare, � radiation, electrical interference, or any use involving the use or storage of hazardous, I toxic, or contaminant substances which constitutes a threat to public health and safety, !, or any combination thereof, is prohibited in a home-based business. ! d) The maximum combined floor area that all home-based businesses within one dwelling unit may occupy is 25 per cent of�he finished floor`area of that dwelling unit to a ' maximum of 50 square metres. ' e) No use or activity relating to a horrie-based�usiness is permitted in a private garage or accessory building or structure, however, limited storage relating to a home-based business is permitted to the'extent that it does not prevent the parking of the number of vehicles the pnvate garage or.accessory building or structure was designed to accommoda�te, '� � No outdoor storage oc�visible display relating to a home-based business is permitted. � g) Customer or client parking is not required to be provided on the lot. h) . � External changes or:_alterations required for or relating to a home-based business which would change the overall residential character of the dwelling are not permitted. i) Despite the uses proFiibited in a home-based business as specified in Section 2.14 b), the selling:of pro�ucts assembled or developed on the premises is a permitted use in a home based business, and the sale and distribution of catalogue items is a permitted use in a home-based business provided that no catalogue items are stored on the premises. , 2.15 Accessory Buildings and Structures a) Accessory buildings and structures are permitted on a lot where a principal building housing a principal permitted use, already exists or is under construction. 59 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 15 Section 2.0 Draft—April3, 2013 b) Except as may be provided herein, accessory buildino�� �n� s�:���c�ui�c-s are only permitted to be erected in the rear yard; b) Accessory buildings and accessory structures must be set back a minimum of 1.2 metres from all lot lines except that the setback from the interior side lot line may be reduced to 0.6 metres if there are no doors or windows on the wall facing the interior side lot line; c) No accessory building shall exceed a height of 3.5 metres. d) The total lot coverage of all accessory buildings, excluding detached private garages, shall not exceed 5 percent of the lot area. Where a detached private garage is also provided on the lot, the total lot coverage of all accessory builclings and detached private garages shall not exceed 15 percent of the.lot area. e) Human Habitation is not permitted in an accessory building or accessory structure except for a coach house. 2.16 Standards for Detached Private Garages Accessed by a Driveway From a Street Detached private garages associated with a residential use that are accessed only by a drivewayfrom a street are subject to the:following requirements.. : a) Permitted locations and_setbacks from lot li�nes: Detached private garages accessed only by�a private drivewayfrom a streetshall be located: � � i) a minimum distance from an exterior:lot line equal to the flankage yard requirement for the main building, ii) a minimum of 1.2 metres from:the interior side lot line, but notwithstanding this provision: �A) the setback from the interior side lot line may be reduced to 0.6 metres if there �r` _ are no doors or windows on the wall facing the interior side lot line; and �_ �, B) a detaclied private garage may share a common wall with another detached private garage on an abutting lot and no setback from the interior side lot line - ,_ is required�on that side of the lot. iii) a'minimum ofA�.6 metres from the rearlot line; iv) no closer than 6 metres to the lot line abutting the street where the wall of the private garege containing the opening for vehicular access faces the lot line abutting the street; v) no closer than 2.0 metres to the main building on the lot other than a private garage connected to the main building by an enclosed or covered walkway. b) Maximum Heighr` The maximum pe��:�i��e� ,�e;y�t �t �. �e�ache� Nrrva�e �;ar��ge is 3. � ��-,e�res for a f!at rcof and 4.5 metres for a pitched roof. Seaton Area Zoning By-law 16 60 Section 2.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 c) The maximum lot coverage of a detached private garage shall not exceed 12 percent of the lot area. 2.17 Standards for Detached Private Garages Accessed by a Lane Detached private garages associated with residential uses that are accessed only by a /ane are subject to the following requirements. �:= � ._._ a) Permitted locations and setbacks from lot lines: Detached private garages are permitted in a rear yard and�rnterior side yard only, and shall be located: - i) a minimum distance of 0.6 metres from the rear3lot line; and ` ii) a minimum of 1.2 metres from the interior sia'e lot line, but notwithstanding this provision: �s' A) the setback from the interior side lot line may be`reduced to 0.6 metres if there are no doors or windows on the wall facing the interior side lot line; and, B) a detached private garage may share a common wall with another detached private garage on an abutting lot and no setback from the interior side lot line is required on that side`of the'lot. b) Setbacks from main building: All detached private garages shall be setback a minimum of 5.0 metres from the main building on the lot. The parking of motor v hre cles is not permitted in the setback area. c) Maximum He�ght � The maximum permitted height of any defached private garage is 3.5 metres for a flat roof and 4.5 metres for atpitched roof: 2.18 Standards for Attached Private Garages on Lots Accessed by Lanes Attaehed private garages associated with a residential use that are only accessed by a lane are subject to the following requirements. a) Permitted Locations___ Attached private.garages, which are deemed to be part of the main building on the lot, are permitted provided that the wall facing the lane: i) is located no further than 7.5 metres from the rear lot line; and, ii) is located no closer than 0.6 metres to the rear lot line. 2.19 Standards for Attached Private Garages Accessed by a ; Driveway from a Street ' Attached private garages associated with a residential use that are accessed only by a driveway from a street are subject to the following requirements. 6� Seaton Area Zoning By-law �7 Section 2.0 Draft—April 3, 2013 a) Permitted locations and setbacks from lot lines: Attached private garages accessed only by a driveway from a street shali be located: i) a minimum distance from a side lot line equal to the minimum side yard requirement for the main building; ii) no closer than 6.0 metres to the lot line abutting the street where the wall of the private garage containing the opening for vehicular access faces the lot line abutting the street.. b) No part of a private garage shall project beyond the front wall of the first storey of the dwelling except where a porch is provided, in which case the private garage shall not project beyond the front of the porch. c) The maximum driveway width that faces a street shall be fhe following: i) for lots having a lot frontage of less than 9;0 metres shall be 3.0 metres; ii) for lots having a lot frontage between 9.0 �metres and�less than 11.0 metres shall �x be 4.6 metres, iii) for lots between 11.0 metres and less than 18.0 metres shall be 6.0 metres; iv) for lots greater than 18.0 metres shall be no wider than the width of the garage door and tapered so that the maximum width is 6.0 metres at the street line. 2.20 Coach Houses � A coach house shall be permitted on a corner lot with a frontage of 10 m or greater where the corner lot has access to a rear lane provided there is not an accessory dwelling unit in the detached, semi-detached or townhouse dwelling and provided the coach house: a) is located a minimum distance of 0.6 mefres;from the rearlot line; b) is located a minimum of 1:2`metres from the interior side lot line; c) is setback a minimum of 5.0 metres from the main building on the lot. The parking of motor veiiicles is nof permitted in the setback area; and d) has -a maximum height of 8 metres. 2.21 Live Work Unit a) The following specific uses are permitted in a live work unit: i) art gallery; � ii) cafe; � ' iii) restaurant;=:`' iv) medical otfice; v) convenience store; vi) dry-cleaner's�distribution station; vii) office; viii)personal service establishment; and ix) retail store. Seaton Area Zoning By-law �$ 62 Section 2.0 Draft—April3, 2013 2.22 Model Homes , a) A maximum of 8 model homes together with not fewer than two parking spaces per model home may be constructed on each draft plan of subdivision submitted to the City of Pickering, prior to registration of that plan of subdivision. �:w ��r - � _ ,�� :�< � ��:� ,.�. � - a;;�;::. "�":;:u °:��_ - '� - � �_ � , �.�, �._ .�� ,:���_ _- �f ''`'`- _ ��,_ _ _ , _ � �,� � � _ - _ ,�..�., ti„ o �-` - .� .F Y� -- _ ,�.��"- �� �L z - �;�' - � _ .� - _ �;_ - �` - - - u.�es` . - � _ '� .� r �:� _ f�� I = 63 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 19 � Section 3.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 3.0 PARKING REGULATIONS 3.1 Parking Space Requirements Every building or structure erected, enlarged or used in accordance with the provisions of this By-law shall be provided with the minimum required number of parking spaces specified in Table 1 on the same lot. Table 1: Minimum Parking Requirements Residential Uses Detached dwelling 2 spaces per dwelling unif Semi-detached dwelling 2 spaces per dwelling unit Accessory dwelling unit 1 space per dwelling unit Street townhouse dwelling 2 spaces,per dwelling unit Duplex dwelling 2 spaces,per dwelling unit - Multiple attached dwelling 1.25 parking space per dwelling unit for residenfs arid 0:25 of a parking space per dwellin unit for visitors Block townhouse dwelling �: 2 spaces per dwelling unit plus 0.25 of a � ;' .. _ parkin space per dwellin unit for visitors Back-to-back townhouse dwelling 2 spaces per dwelling.unit Apartment dwelling 1.25 parking space_per dwelling unit for �. . residents and 0:25 of a parking space per dwellin unit for visitors Live work unit � 2 spaces per live work unit Bed and Breakfast establishment 2 spaces per dwelling unit plus 1.0 parking �� s ace er uest room Retirement Home � � ' 0:3 parking spaces per living unit for residents - _ �and 0.05 parking spaces per living unit for visitors for retirement home uses Nursing Home or Long-Term Care 1.0 parking spaces per 3 resident bed � Commercial Uses: i ' Animal Care Establishment ` 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area Art Gallery � 4.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of �-, ross leasable floor area Assembly Hall, Convention Hall or 10.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of Conference Hall ross leasable floor area Arena 1.0 space per 4 seats of permanent fixed seating (where permanent fixed seating is open-style bench or pew, each 0.5 m of bench or pew space is equal to one (1) seat for the ur ose of calculatin re uired arkin Bake Shop 6.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area Seaton Area Zoning By-law 20 64 Section 3.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 Commercial Uses: (continued) Financial Institution 5.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area Cafe 6.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area Car washing establishment 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasabie floor area Medical otfice 6.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area :E-' Commercial fitness/recreation centre 5.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area` Commercial school 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ; ross leasable floor:area Convenience store 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area Day Care Centre 3.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area Dry-Cleaner's Distributing Station 4.5 parking spaces pe�:100 square metres of ross�leasable floor'area Funeral home 5.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area Garden Centre � 3.2 parking spaces per 100 square metres of . gross leasable floor area for retail sales and display'of products and/or office; and 1.1 parking;spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area for warehousing and/or - wholesalin Gas bar, including an accessory convenience 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of store and/or cafe ross leasable floor area Home improvement centre 3.0'parking spaces per 100 square metres of ,;_ tgross leasable floor area Hotel �1.0 space per guest room; - _ _ _ plus 10.0 spaces per 100 m2 GFA- non- - '° '�:= residential used for public use areas inciuding .� , - �-�;. - . "`°° meeting rooms, conference rooms, recreational �,,,��,y �°�°= , facilities, dining and lounge areas and other � � :- commercial facilities, but excluding bedrooms, � .��; kitchens, laundry rooms, washrooms, lobbies, �` hallways, elevators, stairways and recreational '�-. ��'� facilities directly related to the function of the � overni ht accommodation Nightclub and Tavern%bar/pub 10.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of " ross leasable floor area '� Office 3.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ,, ross leasable floor area Personal Service Establishment 5.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area Place of amusement other than a bowling 5.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of alle ross leasable floor area 65 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 21 '� Section 3.0 Draft—April3, 2013 Commercial Uses: (continued) Place of Worship 1 parking space per 5 fixed seats or 4m of bench space, or 10.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area of assembl floor area whichever is the reater Private c/ub 5.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area Retail store 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area Restaurant 6.0 parking spaces per 10Q'square metres of ross leasable floor area � Service and repairshop (non-vehicle) 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor'area Supermarket 5.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable`floor area Vehicle dealership 3.0 parking;spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area Vehicle Repair Shop 4 spaces per repair bay Veterinary clinic 4.5 parking spaces'per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area Industrial Uses Section 3.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 Industrial Uses: (continued) Ancillary retail sales 3.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area ' Storage and warehousing as an accessory 1.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of use gross leasable floor area up to 2,000 square metres of gross leasabie floor area plus 0.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area over 2,000 square metres of gross leasable floor area ���= --- Community/Open Space Uses Arena { 1.0 space per 4 seats,of permanent fixed seating (where permanent fixed seating is open-style bench=or pew, each'1.0 metre of bench or pew space is equal to one (1) seat for the ur ose;of calculatin re uired arkin Community Centre 1 space pe�i4 persons capacity or 3:5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area,-whichever is reater` Community gardens 1 space per garden plot Emergency service facility 3.5 spaces per 100 square metres of gross �=� floor area Elementary school � 1:5 parking spaces per classroom plus day care centre re uirements if a licabie _- Secondary school 3 parking spaces per classroom Private school =,_, 3 park'ing spaces per classroom Library 3.0 parking spaces per 100 square metres of ross leasable floor area Golf Course 50 parking spaces for every 9 holes � Curling rinks, tennis courts, bowling`alleys or, 4 parking spaces per ice sheet, court or lane or i similar recreational facilities .. �`� _ similar recreational feature provided that, where facilities for a tavern/bar/pub or assembly hall are provided, the greater parking �- _ requirement for either the recreational facilities �� = or for the assembl floor area shall appl 3.2 Part Spaces = Where parking spaces are calculated by gross floor area, or similar calculation, and the required parking is a f�action, the number of parking spaces shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number. 3.3 Parking for Multiple Uses on One Lot a) Despite Section 3.1, where there are multiple retail, service commercial and personal service uses on a lot within a Minor Commercial Cluster "MCC". Local Node "LN", Community Node "CN", Community Node — Pedestrain Predominant Area "CN-PP", Mixed Corridor Type 2 "MC2", Mixed Corridor Type 3 "MC3" and Employment Service "ES" zone, the minimum required parking shall be as follows: � . 67 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 23 Section 3.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 i) On a lot with less than 2,800 square metres of gross leasable area: 4.5 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area provided that where a restaurant, supermarket, nightclub, tavern/bar/pub or assembly hall, convention hall or conference hall occupies ten percent or more of the gross leasable area, the individual parking requirements for that use shall apply to the gross leasable area devoted that that use; ii) On a lot with between 2,800 square metres to 28,000 square metres of gross leasable floor area: 4.5 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area; iii) On a lot with more than 28,000 square metres of gross leasable floor area: 5.0 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area. b) For all other uses in all other zones, where more than one'use is being used on a lot, the required parking space will be the sum of the parkingrrequired for all uses on the lot. � : 3.4 Size of Parking Spaces and Aisles � � � a) Parking spaces shall be a minimum of 2.6 metres in width=and 5.3 metres in length, exclusive of any land used for access, manoeuvring, driveway or similar purpose. b) Parking lot ais/es shall be a minimum of 3.8 metres in width for one way traffic and a minimum of 6.5 metres in width for two way_trafFic. 3.5 Setbacks of Parking Spaces and Lots a) No parking lot or parking space shall be permitted within 3 metres of a street line or within any daylighting triangle:. b) No parking lot or parking space shall be permitted within 3 metres of a property line abutting a residential zone. c) Notwifhstanding Section 3.5 a) and b), individual parking spaces for single detached, semi-detached and townhouse dwellings may be located: �, i) within 3 metres of a street line; and ii) � in a side or rear yard of a residential zone a minimum of 1.0 metre from the nearest `rear lot line and 0.6 to the nearest side lot line except where the rear lot line abuts a lane in which�case the parking space shall be set back a minimum of 0.6 metres. 3.6 Standards for Parking Pads a) One parking pad shall be permitted on a lot instead of, or in addition to, a detached private garage where: i) an attached private garage does not form part of the dwelling on the lot; and, ii) the parking pad is located in accordance with the regulations for detached private garages. - - -- - - - %=, s�. _ Section 3.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 b) In addition, a parking pad shall be permitted in addition to, an attached or detached private garage on a lot accessed by a lane and can be located in the yard adjacent to the private garage. 3.7 Parking and Loading within yards a) In the Community Node — Pedestrian Predominant Area "CN-PP" Zone, no parking lot shall be located in the front yard or between a building and the street line or between a building and the edge of a private street; ', b) No loading space shall be permitted an the front yard of any�zone. I 3.8 Parking Space Uses �� ' ' The storage of goods, including for sale or display, is not permitted within required parking spaces. The storage of motor vehicles for sale and d,isp.lay is not exempt from this provision. 3.9 Restrictions on Vehicles in a-Residential Zone � No person shall, in any Residential Zone, use any lot, building or structure for the parking or storage of vehicles except in accordance with the following provisions: �::-;: a) Number of Vehicles � - A maximum of four (4) vehicles, only-one of which.may be a trailer, are permitted to park on the driveway of any lot in a residential zone. b) Size of Vehicles �� , ,,:� �� i) For those vehicles parked on any lot; ftie maximum permissible height is 2.6 metres, and the maximum permissible length is-6.7 metres; ii) Notwithstanding section (i), one vehicle`parked on a driveway in a side or rear yard ' can be of a size up to a maximum permissible height of 3.5 metres, and a maximum permissible length of 8.0 metres; and i�ii)t� height is measured from the established grade immediately beside the vehicle up ° to the vehicle's highest point, which excludes lights, antennas and other such items �. ancillary to the vehide's�body. c) Location of Vehicles _,` No part of any front or flankage yard except a driveway is to be used for the parking or storage of vehicles and no vehicle is to encroach onto any road allowance. c) Inoperative vehicles: The parking or storage of an inoperative vehicle is not permitted on any lot in a residential zone, unless it is entirely within a fully enclosed building or structure. 69 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 25 Section 3.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 d) Construction Vehicles The parking or storage of a construction vehicle or a commercial vehicle is not permitted on any lot in a residential zone, unless it is entirely within a fully enclosed building or structure. e) Oversize Vehicles: A vehicle that exceeds the maximum permissible vehicle size provisions of Section 3.9b), is permitted to park temporarily on a lot in a residential zone-for the sole purpose of delivering to, servicing, building or constructing the premises-on that lot. 3.10 Loading Standards `� a) For every building or structure to be erected for, altered for, or its use: converted to a commercial or industrial use, involving the frequent shipping, loading or unloading of persons, animals, goods, wares or merchandise, off-street loading spaces shall be F , provided and maintained upon the same lot on which the,p:rincipal use is locafed and in accordance with the following: b) Any required off-street loading space shall: _ ! i) not be used for the purpose of offering commodities for sale or display; ' ii) provide for the temporary parking of one`commercial vehicle; iii) not be not less than 3.5 metres in width nor less than 9 metres in length, nor less than 4.5 metres`in clear and unobstructed height, exclusive of any land used for access, manoeuvring, dr`iveway or a similar purpose; iv) not be upon`or partly upon any street, lane or alley; and, v) : have adequate access to permit ingress and egress of a commercial vehicle from a _- street by means of driveways, aisles, manoeuvring areas or similar areas, no part -°= ' of which access is to be'used for the temporary parking or storage of any motor �.= - - ==vehicle. __ � Seaton Area Zoning By-law 26 70 Section 4.0 Draft—April 3, 2013 4.0 RESIDENTIAL ZONE REGULATIONS 4.1 Uses Permitted The following Table 2 establishes the uses permitted in the Low Density Type 1 (LD1), Low Density Type 1 —Townhouse (LD1-T), Low Density Type 1 — Heritage Lot (LD1-HL) Low Density Type 2 (LD2), Low Density Type 2 — Multiple (LD2-M), Medium Density— Detached & Semi (MD-DS), Mediura�:=Density— Multiple (MD-M) and High Density (HD) zones. - Table 2: Permitted Uses in Residentiaf Zones Use Zone LD1 LD1- LD1- LD2 LD2- MD- MD- HD i T HL M DS M Detached dwellin * '� �_.__;; " * Semi-detached * � * ``� * dwellin - Street townhouse * '� -' * dwellin Du lex dwellin * _ - * * Multiple attached = * - * � dwellin - -_ - Block townhouse *_� � * * dwellin - = Back-to-back * * * townhouse = � N w � � � � � � � Z i � .� � � � � � � � � a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � � � � � � o c � J � a� a� a � � � o o o o 0 0 0 � � c� Qco � o � o o � o � �^ � 0 �� N N � � N � � �� I � � I N N N N �N '•� � i� � � �' O O � � � y (� Q Q � Z Z �' '� Z M ('7 � ' � i II L I .J � a, i O � O � O � c- _ � +' � _.t.:-' �--� � �-• C � � � � N ' � � N �N � N N cn � a � � � ° � °� � � � �_ �:�_ � � � �_ � � �.,� � � � �- tfl co z "c'o c� z z z cfl cB z z z .i '� N ; Q �' � � a � ° , � � � � E � I N � � _ � a� � � � d- _ � �r- �r �r � �L cC �- N CV N = N N N N � T � _ � a � J K , 0 �� � � O � �x � � �X W - N � 'j � �, � '� a� a � � ` : � � � � � � � � � p � ,, � .� a � N c� _ � � N Cfl N:Cfl � � � L �, � N �`'S � � �-- O N O � O' � O O O O Q. � a. � � d � -� 0 �., w.. -�.� �� � ,��, � X Ca � i � � � � � � � O � � � '� J ca � � �n "- � � �- � �n �n in "- � �n � N '� � .. � � >- I �c-i ° � �ri ° � v v� a �-i ° S � rr �r m c� `h i .-. � � ,, .�, � _- "., .� � � � Q � c� s � ;�. c c� �n � c� a� ; � _ � � i � � ° � o c� � � � � ca �, o � o c� � � � J ,� � F- ° �o �� ° "- � �' � ° _ ° ° � o "� c� �' � E ° ° .� � c � �L >- y c�i ° � � ri � c�i ri o= �i ° � � o c�i �i -- a> o ; �c ca ,� `� �, . � r � N `'a \ � � a� � � � � � � a� � L .c � O � � O � � N � � N E � � � '� cn = o o � �`- o � �= �n �n � in �� a� o �� o �� � � � � J � cB � � � � o� 00 � f� � �'�' t�,� f� � f� � ` � .� u) N � ,� . c4 /1 � �N N �N N 1 N - � � � N N :� _ � � c� � � v � � � ' � � � (� � C +-+ � V O O v � lf) .� O :�' � O �' O :t' , � � O L � O� O � tf) M � � C � � C � C � M � �IQ � ' N M � N N dN � � N � � � C� Q� �� � 3 � � p m ,� ',,c c a a � � � = = a a �_ � � 'D � � N O `� � �; �aa � a � a � � � � a � o J p • H .� � a � .c c�a � � � .� � �' J o � aai � � a� c�,a � a� � � � � Q � o � � � a� a� a� s a� a� � a� a � a� , a� a� � a� c o � y- a � c� � � � � � c� •� c� � •� -a c� o � N N a� � � � � .� � �. � � � � � � � � � � � � +-. cn 'd' d� I�— m � � � � rn � � � � � � � a� � � � � � cn 72 Section 4.0 Draft—April3, 2013 Notes: NR = No Requirement 1. With a minimum 5 metre separation between private garage and dwelling. 2. Where semi-detached dwellings on abutting lots share a common wall, no interior side yard shall be required, but where the dwellings do not share a common wall, a setback of 0.9 metres shall be required. 4.2.2 Additional Provisions a) No person shall erect more than one detached dwelling on any,residential lot. � : 4.3 Low Density Type 1 , Heritage Lot "LD1 =HL" Provisions '� a) On lands zoned LD1-HL the minimum lot size and minimum lot frontage shall be the lot size and lot frontage existing on the date this by-law came into effect. b) The minimum yards shall be the yards existing on the date this by-law came into effect. However, yards, except the front yard, may be decreased by 10% subject to an approved site plan application. `,�e��;.. �� _: � =:�°°� �= _=�-_ �:; � w.. �� �� _ .�.�^ . . - � � - .�;:,�. - ::,;��. 4 �� �_. �-;_ ��. � �� ,�_ ° 1 y�k.�..°" _ , � - " _�'--ai.'S` - �� '�' .'.,��� �:.- `��� �x� � °e=„m,°°-:�,:� �i a ''� x,. - �`��`- ,.""`�� _ - -_ �''�`��b. �:-'�•, .��`C:: _ -� �� �� _ e�=` I 73 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 29 0 � s � � � � x .� � � � � � � o 0 0 0 � _ � � � � ai c noi �, � � � a = � � ~ = ic�a � Q � � o o � � � �lJ v� OV? N � � M II u�i � *�' I � ca `�^ � � � � � � � � c •� = � i � o 0 � � o � � Q Q Z ch c� Z Q ~ � � c i � ra� � a� .N � N � �.`� � � o � o cr� �; � � �„=� N � N N � V � � � � o O � ~ = a � �= a� : � � � �_ N L F- r cB � a �, � � � : cfl c� Z 6 _ Z Z CO cCf Z �, J , _ •Q � ''' Q � � � � G y � ' � = � � � � � 0 � � � I � d' � d' y1 N p t � �l t0 �` N a_ N ''N , N � � �� J � � � M _ � � � � � � � X .� � � � � � � � � � O O O O O O O '� Z � � � � r- � �- a � w � � ,� " cn a = c � °� o 0 0 0 0 0 � ';� JO N N � O O `O O i I � � � �+ � ', N � � � � � � = y � � �" Q � � QQ Z Z M ('�� Z M � M � I J � 'a N C � � � � N � � M N w-R+ � � _ �-. � �-. � H Q- . fA �� � � N �>N N � � N O � � � a � V � �':� � L() � (n T � . � � � � �2 � �2 � �' � �2 � � "� �' �` I� >- co ca Z c� c� Z Z Z co co Z Z Z � N N i � � ' � Q Q i � Q a � � � � � � � � tA o � � � � � � � d-:_ _ ��- _ � �- �r � � a • � J � � �L� �C �- N f cV� = N ,, ��N N N N � � � � � �m •N O r O W S �....` W QJ :.: N N v �j a� �, ;.� �ia� a � � � � � �= � � � � � p � Q � � a � N � � � NCONCO s� � � L. � � � � � � � � O NO � O. � O O O O � � � � "_' � _ � _ � 3 .�' � `� ` .� � � � O X � a � i - � i � � �� v.. � L � � � O � '� 'J �E �" � L(� `�' (D lf� Lt� ln � � `i` � � Lf� tf) N m � �ii ,� tL >- �ri ° S � �r � ;� �ri ° � - � � � � �n =z � N -� � � � �., I� � c� a� � � � - c � � � p N �— ca � � o _ o c� � _ � ~ � � � o _ o ca � � � J � � � c ° � yo � � ... � ° � O . ° ° °:4- � .� � ° ° °_ •..• G> o � �i >- . ca ri ° � � ch � ri.:= c�i `~ ri ° � � `� c� ri; N � ; -a = N � � � � -�- � ,r==�.� i ,� � O O N � V1 �, _� � � � �� tn = �.. _ � � � � � � v � -� 'v '� +� � -� �, � � o ° � a�i � o a�i `n `� � � c � � � �� � 'c � � � � J �L ca; yrn � yti r� cat` � �aco � co � I �` 1 ` � }� 3 ^ � � � I U N N C�N N N ' v,N N � � � o � � � � � � � = � = � � T � C � O ln O � O O � � d I I m •� i i r � - N 00 d� I� � ti � � � � Q N N �N N a � ar � qA � 'a � I-� � c � � II � .� � � � � .C � = a�i -a N � � � �„ � � �, a a� � � � a� � a� � c�i � � (B U L � J � o �� � � .� � � � aa a � � Q c — �.� ' � � a� a� a� -� a� a� � a� , � a� , � a� � a� � o � o I a 1 � cu � -a a� v -a ca •— � � '— .c o +� i� �� � � � � � � � � � � ..c � � =' � � � m � � � � "- (� �' (0 �= t0 •"=' (0 � (0 � (0 ��?. (E N c/') �' 'd' � m `I�� � � � � � � � � � � � � � v1 75 Section 4.0 Draft—April3, 2013 Notes: 1. With a minimum 5 metre separation between garage and dwelling. 2. Where semi-detached dwellings on abutting lots share a common wall, no interior side yard shall be required, but where the dwellings do not share a common wall, a setback of 0.9 metres shall be required. 4.5.2 Additional Provisions a) The maximum lot frontage for a detached dwelling shall be 11 metres. b) No person shall erect more than one detached dwelling on any residential lot. � _ -. � -- - �_. - - � �� 4� � f��> - ,. _- , _,�_ - �,_ -=__.. � _ { _ _ � � _ _ - - _ �_ �,� ��= � �` - _ �r � -_ _ _ - -`�� _�:.- - ,�-:u - __ �:�� _ =_ .� :: -_�� - �=�:.;,6 - _ �;�x, - �� -_ ,�_ Seaton Area Zoning By-law 32 76 r� M I Z � � � � � K .� � � � � � � � � � O O O O CO N O � _ � � � � � � � a a� � a� � � � � a � � c � °� o � o 0 0 0 0 � �! O N � � M � N N � � ".' � � � � � , � � � � � � � � � '� � QQ Z c+� � �M � Z r- � � � Z c o � � - N � �.n; C � � N � N � � N J -� fn � � U N � U N � 0 N � � � �2 � °• Q.' � -�2 � � � o 'N Q N � �- cfl cv Z Z -_ Z CO co Z Z Z co i T- . 1 � •0 � N • � � � � � '` � � � � � i L � � _ � � � d' �t ;= �h � � '�t O � a Q � � � R3 �` , N N N N N N M I Q � � e OQ J �"'�_'' �p O C O C O .C O C ° N .� � ic a�i a� a � � a � � ; � � °� � � � � � ...� a rn � a� � rn � � � rn rn � c� .� � N � � ; _ o � ` � >- o a� � o a� o a� c� o 0 o a� � � Q. '' � e N �' a H � � � Q F- � � x ca � o _ � � � � � � o � � J � .�. r ca � c� � "- c� � � ` � �n � �n `'- c� �n ._. � � �n � � >- �ri ° � �r ,-�r v� �r� ' �ci ° � ui � � � a� � � p � � � Q L - - pp c� 3 O � � �` � o io � ±' �' � J � a ` � � o � � � . � � � � � o � � C� � ; � � o � o o � � o 0 0 0 = o o � � o G .N � � � �L �- c�i � cfl c�i c�i ri ch. c�i .� co c�i . � � o � - N N � _ � a� �. � � a� � o � c c , � L' -� J ��.+ � � 7 � - � •� t� = C � � � � � � � � . � � � � � � '� � � N � � �,� 0 1� � � 2 �L CO � Cfl CO r- M � � � Q � � � ._ � � II� � � � � � �' to (/� � C '�-� d � O tf� O O O � �' � m � � J C( a CO (O � c0 � O � C� � c- � � C'7 � I� Z CA p � � ' � � '� � � ~ a '� � � �' � �' a�i � �c N ca rn � °. O "r � � 3 � v' � a � �° � � ,� v°'i � °' � J � o a� ° ��� � � " � � � � � a� a � a� o a o r, ° a �c, � `� rn � v� � � � � � = � = Q�c, a �c = = � � a o v � � � � � � ocLa � c`aQO � c`� � � � 3 � ,'� � ca33 —° o � `° � � �r �- m � �� � � �� � � � � � � �' oa � � .� m ° a m �- m � 77 Section 4.0 Draft—April3, 2013 Notes: NR = No Requirement 1. With a minimum 5 metre separation between garage and dwelling. 2. Front landscaped open space shall be measured from the front wall of the building to the edge of the private street. 4.6.2 Additional Provisions a) Minimum depth of an individual back-to-back townhouse dwelling unit shall be 13 metres. � b) Maximum number of townhouse dwellings in a townhouse buildings.shall be 8. c) Maximum number of back-to-back townhouse dwellings in a back-to-back townhouse buildings shall be 16. � d) The minimum separation between block townhouse buildings on the same lot shall be 1.2 metres for a side wall to side wall condition, 12 metres for a rear wall to rear wall condition, and 13.5 metres for a front wall to front wall condition...°� . e) No private streets shall be permitted between the front wall of a block townhouse building and a public street. fl Block townhouse buildings adjacent to_a public street s}iall have their main front doors oriented to the public street. � = _ , � . .� __ = = _ ,F- = � _ ��_ .� . " - � _ � _ _ == F =- �_, �-- �= ��� __ :� - _ � �~� Seaton Area Zoning By-law 34 78 � M t � � � � � � )C .� � � t!') � � � � � N N N N N N � _ � � � � � � ai a a� i c +�-� a� v � � y � � a � � � � � � o 0 0 0 � � C � � J O �� ° �°c� �°n N �°c� �°n .� �� N � � � w � � � N � � _ , N N N N � � � � O � ��_`:;; � E L � � � � � O C O C ,F, � Q Q Z M M Z (� � M � 'y �T: ,� �='``a� , •� � a� �.. �. � o N � a � � _ �� � � _ � m a i � � � � � �z.�,o � � � �Z o � � � � Q � � �` CO (B.� N Z Z CO (4 � N Z Z ' O � M � � � � Q v � � � N � � � a � _ � � � � � � ¢ .� � tn = � a� � � ��_ d- � �t � � � � U� "a p� � �L �II � N N N - N N N Q� 0 0 � � � `P � o p � = o xs �s �s ,. � � t� �ia� a � � � � E � � � � � � .� ° � � �: a � c� co` i� co c� cfl :rn rn s� � � � � � � >- r- o � o � o �o 0 0 � ' �� a � , �` ca � � � c »� € .,� �`a � � � � x oa � � � �" � � � � � � � � +, ca L � �n cB �n � �n cB �n � � � � � � � >- �ci ° � €r � �, �ri ° � � � � � i C � m � � v.+ � � � �1 � Cfl N � � � >' � � � � 'a� � ° � oca � � c� � o � o ,� ca � � _ ., � � y N � = o � � o o � � � = o o �`o o � � � � o o - .o +�+ � � w+ � �L � y c�i � 3 � = c'� c'� p c�i +, � �_; p � M ;`� � � N ~ � cc c� � � �. Q 0 � °' � � E a� � , a� � � a� a� � I d � S J � O � � � N � �_ N E � tn � � 'a � I� co � � � � o o � � �= � o � o � `� +, � � �L c� � ao d ti I� � r� � � c�=��co � � � � tNl� N '� � .N � � c� ' � � � � � _ � c �:: � `� 3 � " • � `—° � C *+ a1 I f4 O t4 � � � � � � O � � � ti � rQ ' ' c°v � a' � yoo � � � c � °° � m �i � r 3 � 3 � � � r� � ; � � a � � .� c � � � '� � a a � � �� � � y j� G� � � _ � � � N 'a ca � � `' .�� � a � � � � c.� a� � a�i � ca ° � o �� � a � a � � � � a � � � � Q � a �a � o _ � —° c s � � z a� a� � a� � a� a a� a� � a� y z c o r o � � cu � � � c� �= c� rn •� � ca � n o +� � � � � �° � � � � � � � � .� � � � *r *' cn d' � � m I,0 � � � 3 � � � cii � rn � 3 � 3 � ZZr v�i 79 co M N L Q� �> > �--� � ..Q � � L .� � � L W � � � � � � � I � � �4 �- � O �� _ '� �' � � � � .� � �: H O � O C — , �� �_ �} _� � f ni (B � � i � � �_ � c a� Q o � � i � � � � E ' � � � f � . i O d� N �` � V O � ��-' f6 O � �_ _ � L Y W .��^ - 6' - '. � U � � i � � � � _�? �� c� -� � " I -�!? � N ` - � I O � � �� ��. :� � (B •� � � = N � ,� � `� a Y - -- � � a 6 cu o a� - c � � O V � � � - � .� O � � (� � �` ^` L `, � � � � 4-- � � N � ,� _ _ � � � � � � p � � � � .N o _- .�, p �9 �. _ t�o � -� O O . � � �, a � m '� � � a� a� _ � .� c � � o � o � N � � � � � o � � � � � � � .� Q F- Q � � O N O a=+ �'' U � � vf N d' � N 80 r � _ � � � � � E ° x � x .� �n � �n �s-� � � � � � �n � � N N N N CO N O ' O �2 = � � � � � � � � � � � � +� � V � � N a = � c � °' o 0 0 0 � o 0 Q � � J O N � � c'�� d�' N Z N N "� ' N i- � � � 'I � p 'a w i � � � � N C � � y � � � � �, � .._, � �, � ,�, � � •� � � � Lf� C tf) � � � C c- C � � � _ � Q Q Z N � N � Z � � r � Z Z � 0 fV "-. .*.' Q � � � � � � m . � � a `� � = a� `� � = a� � � 0 •� � � � :�z o � � � :�Z o � � �n � � � C� >- � � ° NZ Z cflca ° NZ Z � � M I o y >' � �, Q. � ; � Y �V ni O � = � a � � �' � � � �� x � p � � � a� � �- ' �r =�r � d- d- � N c� o i •N � � � �L �C �I N N ` N N N N O � � M � • Q 9 � - " � ► p � � � _ : as- � N a � ` L " ` ' c� L � 0. � � o � ° � ° � ° .� o ,_ ° � m � � .� � 'i � � � � � �:�� °� � � � � � � "_' � .� °3a rn � a� � , rn � � . a� rn � �n c� o � c c c c O � � � � � c� o a� 4 o a�' o a� c� o o a� r` � N � � - a � � � � � � � � , E � M � � �. � X � a � o _ � � ��o;-_ N � ' _ � ca ° � � "- ia �n � E�=� �n �i "- c� � � 0 � � N � �L >- �ri ° � d� � - v� � ` �ri: ° 3 c� ui � � � � m � 0 � � � � � � � ° o �a -, = a��-` _ E a� a� � � � � � a � � ° � � � � , _� �_ � o � :ir � � y � � oo � � o 0 0 ` o oo � � � o � � o � � >- ri � co c�i c�i c� c�i r�i � m o � c�i � � N � _ � � a� � � � � �a � � `' � �, � � � �. � ..., � .«, � � � � �, � .�. � ` �� cn � ,� o � ay � •c � 'c � 'c cv o : `a �c �n o � ,�„^j a �. � '�����! �L �II Cfl � l.f) � Lf� � � (h � `.ln � � lf') � '� (C •N � � � ; � � � ~ I'�� E � � � � �- 3 �. � � � � c �-• a� , � ° :�- �n � � �, ° ° � :±,,P � � ' Q � � � c� c c� � cfl �n o c >- � 00 �2 +I Q a � � � � r � M � f� � z Z m � m � � bD � � � � � �C � � F— y I O � t�n � �n � � � � � A = � � � � � � � � V d .�„ � � o � +� .� � 3 � � � � � � � c�a � � y = � � � � J o � ° a�i �� � � c�ua�i � c�aa � d ooa' °' a� o a � _ ,... -'-' c� a� a� a� a� �- � a� k = w = � � t = c o � o � � .� � � � a� L .� � �- � Q� � �c � - 'Ca Y = a o +' 00 a� = °' � c � .� � � .� � � � � � � v3 °' ca � 03 = � " °o � � � "= oca "= c� o *= c� o � � � � �a 3 Q � � o � v v°1i d' �t � �0 � 3 .� � 3 �� 3 �.� O � ca � m .� a Q � 00 1— m �n 8� Section 4.0 Draft—April3, 2013 Notes: NR = No Requirement 1. With a minimum 5 metre separation between garage and dwel/ing. 2. Front landscaped open space shall be measured from the front wall of the building to the edge of the private street. 4.8.2 Additional Provisions a) Minimum depth of an individual back to back townhouse dwelling unit shall be 13 metres b) Maximum number of townhouse dwellings in a townhouse buildings,�sh�alf be 8. ,�- : c) Maximum number of back-to-back townhouse dwellings in a back-to-back townhouse buildings shall be 16. � d) The minimum separation between block townhouse buildings on the same lot shall be 1.2 metres for a side wall to side wall condition, 12 metres for a rear wall to rear wall condition, and � 13.5 metres for a front wall to front wall condition._� , I, I e) No private streets shall be permitted between"the front wall of�a;block townhouse building and 'i a public street. �` - fl Block townhouse buildings adjacent to a public street shal_I_have their main front doors oriented to the public street. � - 4.8.3 Additional Apartment Provisions . a) Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 m b) Minimum ground floor height: 4.5 metres (floor to floor) c) Maximum buildingwidth: ,60 m = d) Maximum building depth: 35 m -- e) A minimum pedestrian perception step-back oi �i.� rn. sna�i �e requirea apove i�7e �+ srorey. fl Where the rear or side yard of_the apartment site abuts a property in the Low Density or : Medium Density zone, the building height above 12 metres shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a height of 12 metres at the 7.5 metre setback from adjoining LowDensity or Medium Density Zones. Where a /ane abuts the site, the /ane shall be included for the purposes of establishing the angular plane. �_ - : �._ __ �,_ _. Seaton Area Zoning By-law 38 $2 rn M _ � x ,� � � � � � M CO N � = t� � � � •C � � � �a� p � � � = cv Z Z a ".• a � � c�i C p C f�p � � o 0 � �LJ � Ofn Z d�- N _ �, .., � � .� = C N N �s � � °� " � � � � � �' � � c- C � C � Q Q z � � c- 7 � y -- � � o L aa �� H ^ . � _ � RS �N_'. � � O = � � � �- t� � : Z Z M � � "" � s 1 � . � � Q � Q � N � � � Z Z ' I � � +� � �, r� �_ � � a = _ � .� E-- � � a a� p � ,,r, c � � � � .c �c? � v� ,� �r .� • �, � � t� � L� cC � N�� � ���" N � N � ' LO O � � _cn � � L � � Q O N . ' ��' � � y' A � t �t- � a � � � � � cB (� F' (B � �+ '� RS � � �-i- � � � 2 � � fA �- f� O�` O � � "��> � L' � � — �;as � O � � � s � � v� a� +, � . � �- � � .N '� � .� j x c � � � o � � .� �� 00 .a � � o � �n� � �n "' � � ��`. c � tL >- � � � ,' �ci ° n:�� , O � � T N �, a. fn � � ; � ,�,, -�`C� � �:..-. C C ""' � � � � C � N = oa � o o.� � ° �� � c�a O � � � c� o �:c� � � � �L � N ('7 Mw.. � �f � � � N � � _ � ` '� �, , { -� -a � �- � a a� + � �� . _ � �n c � p a� : � � � � ` � o:= � � �, � � � J � c�a � ° �c-i � � a`� .. � � � � �_,� c� N � � N � � a � � � - � c� � � �� c m � � a� c � a� o � .� -Q � °n i � c p � � � JQ � t°� � �' .� o 'c �- o ,� � � s o � r� � � o � � � � a.+ .C �" y � o � \ "J �"1 � = J O � � � � C> O O = � I� � Q � p G � = 4� G r" -_ = N Z i. U � o � � 'a � '� a � � � �c � _ � � „ o x o +, � � � � � � V V 3 G) .rr L1. W .�' � � � � � � 4 � � ��.. � �a c0 � 3 O � `� � � �r E- m � Q .� � �a .� m .a .�.. a z z � �.; � 83 Section 4.0 Draft—April3, 2013 4.9.2 Additional Apartment Provisions: a) The minimum net density shall be 140 units per hectare. b) The maximum net density shall be 250 units per hectare. c) Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 metres d) Minimum ground floorheight: 4.5 metres (floor to floor) e) Maximum building width: 60 metres =�� fl Buildings taller than 12 storeys shall have a podium and a tower component to the building, which shall meet the following requirements: ��`� i) The minimum height of a podium: 3 storeys` l 10.5 m , ii) The maximum height of a podium: 5 storeys l 16 m iii) Minimum setbackfrom a podium to a tower. 5 metres - iv) Maximum floor plate within a tower. N� 800 m2 � g) For bui/dings 12 storeys and less, a minimum pedestrian pereeption step-back of 1.5 m. shall be required between the 4th storey and the 8th storey. An additfonal pedestrian perception step- back of 1.5 m. shall be required above the 8th storey befween 80% and 90% of the building height. - � h) Where the rear or side yard of the apartment site abuts a property in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the building height above 12 metres shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a height of 12 metres at the 7.5 metre setback from adjoining Low Density or Medium Density Zones. Where a lane abuts the site, the lane shall be included for the purposes of establishing the angular plane. ,,�i° � �� �� _ •::��:�- � �. ��� `��.. �,�`:- __ a�- .�:--- _ __ `�:��.��,� R� �� � �� �� �; � �� } =_ �-� .�� _ ';=�Q .��� �: -- � ���� �� ~�a;,� Seaton Area Zoning By-law 40 84 � d- N � � � d � � _ C� vi O x � �N W � , N .p � � � n. � � � .�: � � ;� -� � .V � �`� � � � � �n ' � _ � � 0 O � � � � N > � � � _ � � � � � _ c°n a� �, � ° `° �, r` >,a c � F'' � � Q, o �n � c�u '� � � ), N ao O � O � ` W V �c�4 � L � Q) N � � � L ` i � � � � O (�B I n j �' t 4 -•.� .�.+ O L ,+� '� •L � X � � ,.z � � � � � 0 � � 4 � — ��., O L . O O � � � W c� ._ •– +r : � � � •_ v_ Q o � � � Q. ��+ ' � � � � � � >, N O � a� � U � � � � �. i Q- � � a a) ac3, � � �-� � � � d � � �� � .0 C �C C ,� � � a U � � � � � � � � � � L . � � � < � V o a cA m n. o � � � � � N � C N U � J � � J `'� � � � � � �� n� 'G ,�- � � 4-� s t�n F'- � � •• � y"I T y"' � � m T � .�• °'�C� � y � -� � y � ` �: : ' � � � � �^ ,� �:. � � � � � � � � Q � � ° � � � _ �� � � o °' � o � Q „ � Q ,� ��; u� � � � _ -� � o � o "�`` � � � �� � � a� � a� - � N � > � > _ � � � N N N - A :�' �' m � � � .—°'� � � � '� Q� ~ ~ N (,� � *k � � *k � co o � � � W o o Q 0 0 — � o � � o � � ,� � � o � � a� O � L N � v cn '� H N J �. N 85 Section 5.0 Draft Apri13, 2013 5.0 MIXED USE ZONE REGULATION 5.1 Uses Permitted The following Table 12 establishes the uses permitted in the Mixed Corridor Type 1 (MC1), Mixed Corridor Type 2 (MC2), Mixed Corridor Type 3 (MC3), Minor Commercial Cluster (MCC), Local Node (LN), Community Node (CN) and Community Node — Pedestrian Predominant Area (CN-PP) zones. Table 12: Permitted Uses in Mixed Use Zones :< Use Zone MC1 MC2 MC3 MCC LN CN CN- PP Street townhouse * " dwellin Duplex dwellin * * _ Multiple attached * * dwellin Block townhouse * * *1 " �1' *1 buildin Back-to-back * * *1 ` �1 *1 townhouse - - Stacked townhouse * *1 °F1 *1 A artment dwellin * * * * * * * Live work unit * *1 * *1 .. *1 * Accesso dwellin unit * * � Nursing Home or Long- * * � * * Term Care - Section 5.0 Draft Apri13, 2013 Home improvement * centre Home occu ation * * * Hotel * * * Ni htclub * * * * * Tavern/bar/ ub * * * * * Office * * * * * *2 Personal service * * * * * * Establishment Place of amusement * * * �`* ' Place of worshi * * * * �* Private club * * * * *2 Retail store * * * *-' * * Service and repair * * �` * * sho �I Su ermarket * * * � Vehicle dealershi * * - Vehicle Re air Sho * * .�, Veterina clinic * * � * ' * *2 �'� Notes 1. In combination with an apartment dwelling on the same site 2. Not permitted on the ground floor.-._ � 5.1.2 Additional Use Provisions � a) Within a MC2, MC3, LN or CN zone, a drive-through facility and�associated stacking/anes shall not be permitted between a building and a streef line for any building located within 15 metres of a pubic street. '` b) A car washing establishment shall only be permitted by site specific by-law. �� _ ;' �� - - - .� - � _ _ _ �'� �� _ �--�:=�� `� �� = ` _= �_==: � - ,�-- ,� ° �:n = ,� - - - r _ :�.� I 8� Seaton Area Zoning By-law 43 I, I �- �I � x � s � � � � E � � � x .� � � � �n � �n �n � � � � � N N N N Cfl N O ' O O � _ �- c- � � c- r- � � N � � �4 O � a cn , � � a Q � o o � o � � o � � � V O N O O M '�h N Z N O N � � � w � � � � � � � N N N U �, � _ � i � � c � � � � � � � � � �-- � Q Q Z N � N � Z �- � � � Z Z N N Q � � � �' cv � � v� � � cn M L � i a � c� 2 � � � 2 � � �° y •� at°i � � �Z o � � � � �z o � � �n � M �L (q � � �` g` CO (B � N Z�� Z � (B � N Z Z f` Cfl O O U c � -=-_ � N � p `,- }s �� M X N � a � `� � � � � �� � '� � V :_ � �� d-�' v� � � �r �- � � � o Q � � � � �L RS N N N N N N O N � M I � � � s T � O�/� O � L.� L_`.� . L � ��n 5... a •V/ � L � :�' �.�y�.� � :�-_+ . O __ O y-_ M � •� �- I- ,O � � � � � � � � ' °`� �� � � � � � Q � i �� `�+ � � � � �O�,��- O� � � _ � O� � � Ln N � �4 a � ,,_, � � � � �, O � ,�O �� O � Ch E - O O � I� � , a � , ^' � � �L � W � � = � � � � V x � a � � � � � I � O � N � � � � � �cC � � - Lf') `�' � Ln LC') . -- � > Ln ..� ``'-� � Lf') N �a -a x � � >- �ci ° � � �r � v� �t ���ri ° � c� �ri .-. r � � � � � o� � c�; — : — V � r- � � o o,� � � p � "" .,-- � � � ;� =� � , � � 0 � � tn rv � = oa o � � Lo 0 0 0 � o � � �- � o r � a� � � �i � ri � co � ri c�i c� c�i �? ri � co � o c�i G) � - � � � w " �, _ � �' � � w . � _ .� � � � � � �° � <� � F- � •�' � o � � �= � �' � � � � L � � � �L � � co � �n � �n � � ° ui '4 � �°c� O � � ° � c � � � � � � � N 'i c� � � L � � c � a� � o � �n o o �`=-` - � O � 3 � M N CO lf) O � � � O •� a� � � Q a � � � M � � z z m U op -° , y `� � ; � � � � � � � � �, � 'c X � � � ":� � a�i � � � � � d � � r� o *' '� E- , 3 � a� � � �0 � � � 3 � � *r y � "� � J ° � ',c a�i '� c��a � � a°�i � � a a� a � � � � � o Q g T- ° a � � � �, � �, °' � �, �' a��i �.c � '� = : � _ ,� '� � � � N � = � � c � � � � � � � Q � � a v � � � a o 3a � �, N � � ��.i. � o ca ".. ca o � �° o � a � m .� a Q � ' ° � v cn Lt� ui I— m I� � � � � �,� Q .Q Op I� GO v� 8� i Section 5.0 Draft—Apri/3, 2013 ' Notes: NR = No Requirement 1. With a minimum 5 metre separation between garage and dwelling. 2. For 75% of the building facing the street, 25% can have a greater yard. , 3. Except that for an underground garage the minimum setback is 0 metres. 4. Front landscaped open space shall be measured from the front wall of the building to the edge of the private street. 5.2.2 Additional Provisions ,�-. a) Minimum depth of individual dwelling units in a back-to-back townhouse�dwelling: 13 metres b) Maximum number of townhouse dwellings in a townhouse buildings shall be 8. c) Maximum number of back-to-back townhouse dwellings in�a back-to-back townhouse buildings shall be 16. d) The minimum separation between block townhouse buildings on the same lof shall be 1.2 metres for a side wall to side wall condition, 12 metres for a rear wall to rear wall condition, and 13.5 metres for a front wall to front wall condition: : a-� e) No private streets shall be permitted between the front wall of a block townhouse building and a public street. ,�, � � fl Block townhouse buildings adjacent to a public street shall have their main front doors oriented to the public street. �. 5.2.3 Additional Apartment Standards� � �_� ..;:_ . ' -,- a) Minimum balcony dep�h. i -1.5 m ,�; _ _ b) Minimum ground floor height `4.5 metres (floor,to floor) c) Maximum building width: �� 60 m _ - d) Minirnum lot a'epth: 35 m .��w, `° - d) A minimum pedesfirian perception step-back of 1.5 m. shall be required above the 4th storey. � : e) \/Vhere the rear or side,yard of the apartment site abuts a property in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the buildirig height above 12 metres shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a heig'ht of 12 metres at the 7.5 metre setback from adjoining Low Density or Medium Density Zones: Where a /ane abuts the site, the lane shall be included for the purposes of establishing the angular plane. 89 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 45 co d- � I � � � � � � � � I � � � � � � � � � � N N N N CO N N O � � � r � � c- N . � aQ � �l � � � � � � � a � � � t L J y O (�� N � � M � N Z Z � O � � � N i �r � � � � � i C � N N N N N U � � � I � �.-, � ;r � �• � �-• � •.- � � Q Q �, Z N � N � Z � � N � N � Z .� N � N y " � i � N � N s`� - � � � � � � � =_L , � � � N N � N N � '�: �"�' � � �� � �2 �-' � � -a= � � � � M � � , i� �- ' CO tBZ Z Z cfl QSZZ Z Z f� O C� c �'_ � ', - N p ; ' � M � N � 3 �. � x N � � � Qtn � � .� � a�� v� 4 �t �r �r � d- �r � � � � � � �l �II � N :- N N N N N N O ++ Q N ' - ..- O � J � L F � L.. 5... - L L a L O "-- O �' O :t' O �' O �' L •N >., � O , `� C= _-:' � _�: �- � v- C "" �� � �oQ F- �La� B ' � �- � � � � °� � � � � � � � � � o � � � � i rn� a� � rn � � co rn rn � rn � � .,� � _ tA >- o a� - ` - o a� o a� i� o 0 o a� o a� r` n. Q, � � I � � L c I -�. v..� � � � V X � a li � � ` � � :: � � i - � v �I O c � � �a �° c� � ��, � � �n � in = �n <_in � � � .� c� � c° � � � — c � � c E `�? � � � E �n � E ° '� � �� � � � � a� o � o � a� � �r\i vi � � c � o .�; Z N N � � :«:. � .,,, N ,U � •- � � � � � � tQ 'L � � p tq � ,e � Q � � U U � � N — L — � N � � � � � � � � � Z z � p � � � � � N � b o � � � ° -a � c a�i � � � � � V � i N � "_' � n1 = � � � � � tE � O � � � � � a f� � � �; Q � � M t� � � � O �-�- � �. ': � � p -Q O H � � � ��` � � .� ..0 `� � � o a� a t .� c �n � � c N � � � � � � �... L, p O � x � f � � O � O � vL- M � � - � � a` "'� .Q �' � `F" � � � v � � � � �:'� � � � � � � � o �`�' ,._ � ' � � � � � ° E c� � � Q N � O N M � N � � p � O N � U L a � �� N � � � -� U ` C c+7 � .�-. 0 � � � •N � � _'' O � � 0 � � > O � N � � U >, O v � RS ;. ,�� � � � — O f� � (4 � � � � � �=` a � � fB '� � � � � �...� � � tn.::. '� C � L (0 > � � O p � � O ..-. tn � � , � C -Q �+ C -�, � � �� � � � U " �� � C�'i� � � °.;� o �.n � U � � � �•. - o � oo ,.� : i c� c�i ui � o c �c � c� c� ai � — �. � � � � �� u� c .� cn � � � �_,: . � � N � � � � � � � � � � � o � � � N � � c c ` ,� � � ca, 0 o'i � °��' � � .� �, a� o: ° o � � c v� � cn — ,� � �.:-- .Q ..-� � �. c o � � � ia � � ��:: � � . : � � � � .� a� � `_� a� .:� � � �� � � �_ � c� � L � � Q- �� � U a p p �€� � � `� O O N V � � Q � � Y ��� � � � �,�. M Lf� ,� � � �n (/� 'a U � cB � � .-`-, � N � N C = > p � � L — �. � C '� L � N 0 � �'' � �+' � (� � � a � � � � •� ;�, � � Q � N -Q � � � � t � o � � o o � � � � � � m I z � a� L � ti � a � � � `� � ai � m � � � � � � � � � � � c� � � en y � .� o � o ,� a cTf � c c � � � � c a� � • � � � � � � � � S 'c o � � � � � �� o 0 0 ,� � � � � �- V � ,. �+ � � � � �' •L � N C1 t� � . . -� co � '� - .� tq � � L U ,(6 � 0 � •� � � N = � U� N c = = G� � ,C . Z � LL W Q >,IL Q � � � I- � Z al � � ° a a �, � � 3aa �� c� o � � � oo ° o � o � M o Cn �Q m N C� m � mZZrNC'7 � Lf7 � tII � U � � � N 91 Section 5.0 Draft—April3, 2013 5.3.3 Additional Apartment Provisions: a) Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 metres b) Minimum ground floor height: 4.5 metres (floor to floor) c) Maximum building width: 60 metres d) Minimum lot depth: 35 m e) Buildings taller than 12 storeys shall have a podium and a tower component to the building, which shall meet the following requirements: � i) The minimum Height of a podium: 3 storeys /=9 0:5 m ii) The maximum Height of a podium: 5 storeys�l 16 m iii) Minimum setback from a podium to a tower. 5 metres iv) Maximum floor plate within a tower. 80,0:`m2 fl For buildings 12 storeys and less, a minimum pedes`trian perception step-back of 1.5 m. shall be required above the 4th storey and below the 8th storey. An additional pedestrian perception step-back of 1.5 m. shall be required above the.8th storey between 80% and 90% of the building height. `� g) Where the rear or side yard of the apartment site abuts a property in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the building height above 12 metres shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a height of 12 metres at the 7.5 metre setback from adjoining Low Density or Medium Density Zones. Where a /ane abuts the site, the lane shall be included for the purposes of establishing the angular plane. _ ` ,:; 5.3.4 Additional Commercial Building Provisions: a) In no case shall parking be permitfed between a building and the front lot Iine. b) Parking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 metre landscape strip between the parking lot and the street line.'�- - - c) A primary entrance door open to the public shall be incorporated into the front wall of the building facing the front lot line. d) The minimum ground floor area for a retail/commercial use within a live work unit shall be 70 sq. m: e) The maximum gross/easab/e area for a retail/commercial use within a live work unit shall be 200 sq. m. d) The maximum gross/easable area for a retail store within a building with sole retail /commercial uses shall be 4,000 sq. m. Seaton Area Zoning By-law 48 92 rn � � � c,a, ai � c v� N � .-. � M � � � � ��• � � X \ X C " t6 C (a � � � � � — � N � � � � � � � .� � � A Z �N Cfl lf') CO � (6 � � � � N � � v � � � � . L � � a � � _ � � a�°i � �n � � O �_ � ,� � � >- I� rn � •N o Q v) i >, d v.+ O .O � N J � � � C Q � � U � � O V � � '� z � o N U � - �; Q N v T `� C � N . �� �:� �`- � =' N x ,r � a �� � � � � Q � � � � � � � � � � a� I M � � � �L Rf � ON ON _ � � U ° �. 3 - a� �, a � ° °+,' � �' � i � >, � p N ��^ � � "— s�� � � . � � � •iaa; � L �' r�Lo � N � I � w; �I'� o �n � � cn +�+ � .,.� �"� � � � >- r� o r� s-�� � � � � Act� a� � cu � � ca � a� � H � � "" � � "-',a _ Rf � � O � oa ' � � � '� `� � � � xM � '� .a � �L � N N � � � ��, � � � �� � U � `V .� �� � m � � � � � a � � � � � � �, � � � o i � � � � � � ,�;���-• � � � x � �L � o o N � � ����" � N � �� ,,_, _ � ¢�,. M C � � � � ' � � � � *,. � � N � � � � J v:, � � � �`�,X Q N d (0 � � � (A lC � L � � O ��-' � 'U '- � t'�.r.:' �` �S •— �, � �L c0 �t ch rn � � - O � � � � � � � � 'a a� ai ca a, � o � w 'i. _ � c o �' I� � � -� L `� L �a � � � Q jz z a � a� �; � � c = � � m O •� a� � � � o � � cu �• m � .a 'a � o � `� � o � � c � i L O � ,�,� � �' v.+ +� � N � � � r � O 0 � I— � '� � �..' o �,_, � � L ui � J O � a� � o o � � � -� Q � � a � � � � yZ O X �,� O '� � c- � � c0 � � '� � O � I.L W Q rn � '� +�- � � � Q � � � � N � LA F— m Q �Q m L. � ZZ � NM N 93 Section 5.0 Draft—Apri(3, 2013 5.4.2 Additional Apartment Provisions: a) Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 metres b) Minimum ground floor height: 4.5 metres (floor to floor) c) Maximum building width: 60 metres d) Buildings taller than 12 storeys shall have a podium and a tower component to the building, which shall meet the following requirements: � i) The minimum height of a podium: 3 storeys / 10.5 m ii) The maximum height of a podium: 5 storeys/16 m iii) Minimum setback from a podium to a tower. `5 metres iv) Maximum floor plate within a tower. : 800 m2 e) For buildings 12 storeys and less, a minimum pedestrian perception step-back of , 1.5 m. shall be required above the 4ih storey and below the 8th storey. An additional pedestrian perception step-back of.1.5 m. shall be required above the gtn storey between 80% and 90% of the building height. fl Where the rear or side yard of_the apartment site abuts a property in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the building height above 12 metres shall be limited by a 45-degree angularplane measured from a height of 12 metres at the 7.5 metre setbackfrom adjoining Low Density or_Medium Density Zones. Where a lane abuts the site, the lane shall be included for the purposes of establishing the ' angular plane. g) Townhouse=dwellings, back to back townhouse dwellings and stacked townhouse dwellings constructed on'a site in conjunction with an apartment dwelling shall meet the setback, amenity area,.landscaped open space and height requirements of the MC2 zone for tfiose dwelling types: h) , The minimum net density shall be 60 units per hectare. 5.4.3 Additional Commercial Building Provisions: _a),_ In no case shall parking be permitted between a building and the front lot line. b) Parking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 metre /andscape strip between the parking/ot=and the street line. c) A primary entrance door open to the public shall be incorporated into the front wall of the building facing the front lot line. d) The maximum gross/easab/e area for a retail store within a building with sole retail /commercial uses shall be 4,000 sq. m. Seaton Area Zoning By-law 50 94 � � o � � � c� a� � � ���`�� � � I x x � � � E � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � "� � .� � � � �n o � � N N � +� +� � � _ � � l� � N � N 0 � � � � � U � � � � � � +�-' � fn � C � � � � � � � � � L � � . y�-+ .� � L � � (� C 'V � � L � Q Q N Z :� c6 cv � � c .,_, .,.... � , a� o � � co �n N i � � o � � � � a ;� � � � � � a� .� U � � � � IZ rn ` � � � � :� .� , o � -a cu � ��� = ,� a � � � � � � � � a� Y � � � � � �' � (n � _ : � � .�"` � "'' o usi °o o � U N � � � � � � _` _Q � � r°� a� cy � L � 2 �L fB CV O N � . � �S U c`rj •(I� O U i ~� N � � � C •� � � � . � = � O — c�E 'i � i6 � � N �. .Q `'_ ca � � � �� � � L � � � Q � � y � � a ��� � � � � tn � � � � � wa �ip� �� � p � p � "--' � � ap N � � � �-,o -a a� oti .� ° > c� c � .� � �+ � i r � — � U (6 � � � Q (� �: � v Fi� ��� � L � O �- � � � a � �, -� � � � � N � •v cc o � � E� a c = o � � � Rf L � �l �, N N - � '� U � Q � � � � � a ::a� � o o a� (� � � �., � �''": � � .��`��ca � � � � V � p a � � � �� � a' � `� .� L � Ri I � � �� N (� > C � � �L � O O �� t0 (B ��= CiS O O � N (tf � � � Q) L � �n .Q N � � , � � - � �, � c� co � i L- („) > '� L L � N = {� � �iv 0 . = �_Q ' � � � � i� � ,,., o �, �, � � � . � � m c — � : -�+ o T o i a�' � c o � = � � r�a, �c � a tA .� N d � J �L ce,� � c� � `� c � a� � � � � tn a� � � � • � � � a� � —� .� -a o 0 V � N F- '� � � �- ` o � � �_ � � � � � 'o � � Q .-��-_ : � °�' .� .�,-= � � � �-J. L � �.� � �L �-. Q � L rt+._,- I� .� � � Q � � _ � � o o � o L .a c� I � p � � _ o °� � . ' o I � c � I� � .N c cu o `' � � ca � c� I � o � � � < a o � � cn co = "� � � � > c� .� a� � � > � � � � � � Q � z r... a� � � * � ° �co °� '>. Q � � � ,� � a � � c�a �j � m U ~ � , N .� N � � C N � � � � � � a1 � -� � N � � �� +� O O O = � Q !•� � a��i ��,o � � � a, c� �� � � �° � � � � �, � � � a� .� ti � � c " �a o '� �� t— 'Y "-' � � � a� � o � '� � � � �' � � �� a� � c � a� •— a� o � m � � , $ .�'o y Z � � a � � Q I�— c�a t�— � � � r � a , y a .� �, � i i Q N N o �ri � � � cn LA � f-�- � I J m � � Z Z � � � .n � � a cn 95 N � � cp � � � N C f� N � � U �.'' ���� � ,, � x \ x '� � ,�, � c � � o t �� � .� � � Z � . � E � � .� � � � T ° � �ncMO � c � � ' � � � � N ° c`a , i a � � = U � _: ; c � � � � � O � ,� � � >- ,r` a� � .N ^ � z � o 0 •O J p �.1 � C L � N = � � � v � a p Z � 0 � Z „e � o Q� Z V �=` Q cV = "'- �'' ._ d � X � X � ;_ cYj 0 U �,;. � � (6 .� (0 s ' � .� N o Z � a �� � � � � .Y Q I a� >, = � � c�a � � � � � I ^ -}�, �= � LL fII �- ON ON NO C a Z � � � � � -r � ^ N - � :� o V -'' L � - 0 � Q U = '� a� a� � � �-�o -� � � 'a � �n o, � u� � =.-:in .,� -p � � tn �- I` O t� a � � � V � �G Z �' `� Q� �, z "., � a � � (6 -J � i � � � �n°� , � `f �1�+ � � � �L � N N :� � � � -� � q1 � O � � '� .a � � �n�� � ` � Z w .� � � � � � � = � a I! � � � � �f - Q � N J � LL � p p � � � - a; '}' '''' .�-� ��-- � U � � I� ', � Uj 'a � �" � ° � � � a� � °' � �. � � � � � N � � o � � � �� �� .-. � �— � '� ti � � ° � i Z � � °' : J � � � � } �`� � �n � � � ��. � a� ro � o � 3 � Q � � JQ IIZ Z � L � �, � � � A � � � .-� � Co � Q L Z � c� � .c� � c� a� u� � � � � L L- O -��. � �C � � d -�'�, fA � ,a-, O "a � Q N � � O � N V � �+ *+ � � � .� +., ti � O ' �' � J m O � � '� o o Q U � � � o � � � c �'� yz � cu � Q •°- � � � a � aa _ u� cr u W �� o � � � � 4 � �� � � o � ¢ � � N Ln Ln f- m Q -Q �l � � Z Z r- (�j N 96 Section 5.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 5.6.2 Additional Apartment Provisions: a) Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 metres b) Minimum ground floor height: 4.5 metres (floor to floor) c) Maximum building width: 60 metres d) Buildings taller than 12 storeys shall have a podium and a tower component to the building, which shall meet the following requirements: i) The minimum height of a podium: 3 storeys / 1;0;5 m ii) The maximum height of a podium: 5 storeys/�-1�6 m iii) Minimum setbackfrom a podium to a tower. 5 metres"� iv) Maximum floor plate within a tower. 800 m? � �-°? I e) For buildings 12 storeys and less, a minimum pedesfrran perception step-back of 1.5 m. shall be required above the 4th storey and below the 8��s orey. An additional pedestrian perception step-back of 1.5 m. shall be required above the 8th storey between 80% and 90%0 of the � building height. � � , � Where the rear or side yard of the apartment site abuts;a property in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the building height above 12 metres shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a heighf of 12 metres at the 7.5 metre setback from adjoining Low Density or Medium Density Zones. Where a /ane abuts the site, the lane shall be included for the purposes of establishing the angular plane. g) Townhouse dwellings, back to back townhouse dwellings and stacked townhouse dwellings constructed on a site in conjunction with`an apartment dwelling shall meet the setback, amenity area, landscaped�open space.and height requirements of the MC2 zone for those dwelling types. ��° , � 5.6.3 Additional Commercial-Provisions � a) Parking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 metre landscape strip between the parking lot and the'street line. b) �A primary entrance door open to the public shall be incorporated into the front wall of all '�: building facing the front lot line:�:�` c) Within the Local Nod�e (LN) zone, the total gross leasable area on the ground floor of all buildings available for the retailing of goods and services shall not exceed 13,000 sq. metres. � �-• d) Within the LocalyNode (LN) zone, the maximum gross leasable area for a retail store within a building with sole retail /commercial uses shall be 7,000 sq. m. e) Within a Community Node (CN) zone and any adjacent CN-PP zone, the total gross/easab/e area on the ground floor of all bui/dings within the two zones that are available for the retailing of goods and services shall not exceed 20,000 sq. metres. fl The maximum front yard setback applies to all buildings located within 30 metres of an adjacent arterial road, and for such buildings, the maximum front yard setback applies to 75% of the front wall; 25% of each front wall can have a greater front yard setback. 97 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 53 Section 5.0 Draft–April3, 2013 g), At least 60% of the surFace area of each wall facing and located within 30 metres of an adjacent arteria/road shall be comprised of openings. This provision only applies to that proportion of the wall that is within 3.0 metres of established grade. h) A minimum of 40% of the street line abutting an adjacent arterial road shall be the location of a front wall that is set back no further than 5 metres from the street line. 5.6.4 Exceptions: a) Notwithstanding Section 5.6.3 e), the gross leasable area on the ground floor of all buildings within the Community Node (CN) zone straddling Taunton Road between SL 22 and SL 24 including any adjacent CN-PP zone shall note exceed 60,000 sq.=metres for the retailing of goods and services. .� .- -- �. .�i:_ ` =:����•. , �:;.- - -�.�:� ��-�u;�= �x �-v. ��..v �. °� � ` = �_- _ ., = �= _- ��- == �' --- �` ,._ � :_ = �� =- -_ � -= �:- = = = �__: - _ �_� _ ��� - A� _ �,. – _- �: �— -- Seaton Area Zoning By-law 54 98 � � � � a�. m Z ]' U � � c� � N � � O ¢ x � c \ � � •� c � � � � � � �V� ".. � � � � .� -°a N � � � u-� � � � L � � O c� N M uj a � � = N CO c- I� Cfl N 'a � � � � � . � � L � . �'^ .� . -{-+ N y� � � � N a�i c = a�ic'a `n � E � � � � � N � � �- r` c�1 cts cCS rn � I � .-. €;_ o a °' . °' r..' ,� -� a o o � -i .� ; � G z U = Q ; � � M Z �' � O � z fr , z ca �= ca � o V � � - Q � � a � - :r � a i c x cvX ui = � o �_ ,k � � � �� � � �a � +' � L V � � � °' � � � `� � � °� Q � � '� � �L Rl O N N ;�� O N Uj O � � N � `� = O '� , �,� . � �«- � � � � a i � � v (0 � (0 � — .� � � � '� � � �� Q- � _ °' aro'� . rna � o �n � ° � cv � ,,r 'L � � v> >- r` `�= o-� a� o � `� �- � cv °� � �s t N � V � � � � � � � � I � � a ,� ca � � � � a , a � c� � � � � � � � _ '� � � Ll �- ;�N N N � � � � N � 'a � RS .a � p , � � � -. �L i fn Z �„ C � n C � o � � ���, � � c = I � p � , � � � N a��� �� _ � � � � �i �o 0 0 " � � � N -._;� ^� � +.� �`= � � � � � Li. � � � � � � � � N� � 1 '�'� � (� = C � � � � � � � , �``�� -- cC c ; Q� d fn Op � � � � �L cC �Y Ln M ��C � *u T O � � � � � V O � - d`F - Z � � � � ' � � °' o � I �� V N A M 00 � O � � N � � � - , :~ Q � � JQ Z r- Z � a � � �j m _ � N � � _ •«� � � � � � � � � � � � � � L � � C � � °` N . N � O � � �C � � = O L yr �F- �+ � •� O � � Q = N N �0 � O � N �, ',,� 7 -� � N t �. I� co O � '� �i H � �C � � � o +�. � � 4-1 � U m � C � � � � � Z �` � � � c p � ,.,,, � � � �j � U •-, (U o r � � a � � � � a — u, d n o x � � o � � � � o � IQ,� � � � � o � tLwQ �n � cn Ln Lf� I— N m ;Q � �l m � � Z Z � N C+� c/� 99 Section 6.0 Draft—April3, 2013 5.7.2 Additional Apartment Provisions: a) Minimum balcony depth: 1.5 metres b) Minimum ground floor height: 4.5 metres (floor to floor) c) Maximum buildrng width: 60 metres d) Buildings taller than 12 storeys shall have a podium and a tower component to the building, which shall meet the following requirements: i) The minimum height of a podium: 3 storeys / 10.5 m ii) The maximum height of a podium: 5'storeys l 16 m iii) Minimum setback from a podium to a tower. `5 metres iv) Maximum floor plate within a tower. 800 m2 e) For buildings 12 storeys and less, a minimum pedestrian perception step-back of 1.5 m. shall be required above the 4th storey and below th`e 8'h storey. An additional pedestrian perception step-back of 1.5 m. shall be required above the gtn storey between 80% and 90% of the building height. ' � Where the rear or side yard of�the apartment site abuts a property in the Low Density or Medium Density zone, the building height above 12 metres shall be limited by a 45-degree angular plane measured from a height of 12 metres at the 7.5 metre setbackfrom adjoining Low Density or Medium_Density Zones. Where a lane abuts the site, the lane shall be included for fhe purposes of establishing the angular plane. � g) Residential uses shall be prohibited on the ground floor of apartment dwellings facing the street or the private street within the CN-PP Zone. 5.7.3 Additional Commercial Provisions: a) Parking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 metre landscape strip between the parking lot and the street line. -�b) The CN-PP zone shall straddle each side of a street or a private street. Where the CN-PP Zone does not straddle each side of a street, a private street shall be .;;,provided where: �=i), the front of'all buildings or structures located within the CN-PP zone, face ' each other along the private street provided, however, that buildings located on corners may front on two intersecting streets/private streets. ii) buildings shall be separated by a minimum 17 metres and a maximum of 20 metres to accommodate pedestrian sidewalks, two through lanes of traffic and parking parallel to the traffic /anes. iii) pedestrian sidewalks on each side of the private street shall have a width of at least 3 metres. c) A primary entrance door open to the public shall be incorporated into the front wall of the building facing the front lot line along a street or facing the pedestrian sidewalk along a private street. Seaton Area Zoning By-law 56 1 00 Section 6.0 Draft—April3, 2013 d) At least 60% of the surface area of each wall facing the street, or facing the pedestrian sidewalk along a private street, shall be comprised of openings. This provision only appiies to that proportion of the wall that is within 3.0 metres of established grade. e) A minimum of 75% of the street line abutting the street, or facing the pedestrian sidewalk along a private street, shall be the location of a front wall that is set back no further than 5 metres from the street line. ry� fl The minimum ground floor area for an individual permitted use shall be 70 sq. m. and the maximum gross leasable area for an individual permitted use shall be 500 sq. metres. , -_ �' g) The width of each individual permitted use facing the�street, or facing the pedestrian sidewalk along a private street, shall not'exceed 15 mefres: h) A minimum of 6,000 sq. m. of gross/easab/e area for the retailing of goods and services shall be provided within the CN=:PP zone except that within the CN-PP zone located immediately north and/or south of Taunton Road between SL 22 and SL 24 shall have a minimum gross leasable area fo"r the retailing of goods and services of 7,500 sq. metres. � 5.8 Exceptions _ � _ �,�� - - � �' �� a _ � - � = � °� : �°��� �-=����. 6��� �.�.�.,,.'�'�,.�..���;':°�".1�� - �M.�.� a����'. ,� L;°�.�: �`�"�""� - � ...n.q.:e°�. 6�'.,`. �� p4 "u ;: .� . " 4� __ ��=. _ �..�.��.. '7ttl.1 ' x,.. � ..'. 101 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 57 Section 6.0 Draft—April3, 2013 6.0 EMPLOYMENT AREA ZONE REGULATION 6.1 Use Categories Permitted The following Tables 19 and 20 establish the permitted uses in the Prestige Employment General (PEG), Prestige Employment Node (PEN), Prestige Employment— Heritage Lot (PE-HL) and Employment Service (ES) zones. a) The following categories of uses shall be permitted. The list of specific uses after each underlined category are intended as examples only. Other similar uses which may fall under the category will also be permitted.� ` Table 19: Categories of Uses Permitted in Employment Zones Use Zone PEG PEN PE-HL � ES Liqht manufacturinq: such as assembly, * _ processing, packaging and fabricating wholly within an enclosed buildin . � Food processinq: such as bakery, dairy, * canne , distiller , brewe , meat roeessor. Business services: such as industnal�supply;_ . * * industrial equipment repair, contractor shop,� ; service and repair shop. = - ', Graphics and desiqn: such as printing, -_ - * �* * !, publishin , ra hic desi -n, web desi n I Educational / resear,ch: such as community ` '� * college, university;trade school; training = _ � centre, adult education, laboratory and - research and development facilit . I I Visitor and Convention services such as * � hotels, Assemblv, Convention or Conference ____ Halls`� Data and communications: such as film, * * * `radio and television studio, call centre, data `�� centre, programming and software development, phone, phone and internet rovider. �� - b) The following`�specific uses shall be permitted in addition to those permitted uses in 6.1 a). �_'_ , Table 20: Specific Uses Permitted in Employment Zones Use Zone PEG PEN , PE-HL ES Office * * * * Commercial Fitness/Recreation Centre * 1 * Medical office * 1 * * Seaton Area Zoning By-law 58 102 Section 6.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 � Restaurant * 1 * * Bake sho * 1 * * Cafe * 1 * � Personal Service Establishments * 1 * * Da Care Centre *(1 * * D -C/eaner's distributin station * 1 * Convenience store * 1 * Financial Institution * 1 * Gas bar, including an accessory car ��` -` * washing establishment, convenience store and/or cafe � Ancil/a retail sales * * D -cleanin establishments * Storage and warehousing as an * accesso use � �. �`. _ Note: 6 (1) Uses are permitted within an office, hotel or other sirnilar multi-tenant industrial building. 6.2 Use Limitations s - - ,� a) Uses permitted in the ES zone sfiall be clustered on a lot with a minimum of 4 retail /commercial units on a lot'�. ��' �= -, b) ES zones shall abuf an arterial road and be located within 100 metres of a signalized intersection and a transit stop,. c) Only one service station shall be locat d within 100 metres of a signalized intersection. '' t-= _ � � d) _Eor ancillary re`tail sales, up to a maximum of 15% of the total gross leasable area of a use may be used for the display and retail sale of products manufactured, fabricated, processed or assembled on the premises provided the retail sales and � r:: display area is separated from the principal industrial use by solid partition walls. The maximum gross/easab/e area for ancillary retail sales may be increased to � - :25% provided the`total gross/easab/e area of the use is less than 1000 m2. 6.3 � Uses Prohibited � The following uses shall be prohibited in the PEG and PEN zones: a) Retail stores; b) Outdoor storage; c) Waste processing station, waste transfer station and recycling facilities; Seaton Area Zoning By-law 59 103 Section 6.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 d) Freight transfer, trucking terminals and similar uses; e) Vehicle dealership, vehicle repair shop and automobile body shops; fl Places of worship; and g) Elementary schools, secondary schools and private schools. �- .��'': � �6 � �_<•__` � _ � = �_= :: �:-::_ � _ _ _ � .- ` � - .�_ _ � F G��� �� - =� - � °:_ �..� - �� . - � - - _ _ � � � �= _ �,�,� _ ��, _ � _ �. -- .��.: - ,� - �_ �:�-:=t..,, ,� �� ��` F.-�' `v�a Seaton Area Zoning By-law 60 104 � � � � � ;,_, �' ' -� � �� � � � � � .� c � � � W � r � � Z � � � o � � x .� � � N � a� �a � � � � � � Q Z � � � � �� ; a� � - � o '� o .n � � �x � � � � � � � � � a c� r� c� � a� c � �, � c � c .n o � p � � � � � a�i � C N � �' Q i � O .L tn , . � a i � N � �f4 W i ; cB � � M N aC �- � � � � C v � � � N " = C � Ch M (� � � `� tA N .� � � � (U � N � cC � �L �0 � � � N � V cvj :� -a � > � •� � Q � _ (B � � � h (Q v.. - .� � Q � c!� p � � � � .c' � �, �' � p � �i a� a �? �c? �r? � � o � � `� � o = � a � �, � � ti .Q `� o � Q Q N � ` � �- _�` � a � � � Q � � . i .,-. cII N (� � d < 6s=-` >. :. � � �� -r C � I . � � � p � � � �' � � � � � � � ^ o x o a �nr in �ri ' = i � `� �- O ,a � � � �L � o a � � � � � a� .N aT W W � �,� -a o � '� -a a� •• � ``uc� � � � ti C U N '-' � C . � io � � '� � v.. � � � � � � � j�N � �, Q�, � � � � 0 a N N N � � :`� � Oj � � � � F- � LL �` � � N Q ��.� U) N � � � � L 'a � _ � O �,� � ,y=� � _ � _ � � y" �, =�c� ;.'. C '� � N N ,-�}, O J *; � � � � �'� �- .� N � � I O O O � L � "J � � � � c o � � c� c� � N� , Q � �� � � �� .� W � � c� N co co � i� � c�n �, � ,��e O � � � � c c c � ' � o � � c� ca o o � .' (V � ca � � � o ._ � � o >. � u) � � cp � C •y .j j ._. � a �� � � � W � � � � N �> t�i� oi � Q U = � � Q� � N � ` Q � � � O rn rn � — � p� � � � N `� � o co � p`_ c c � iu ` � � � m � m � � � J . � � � � � � � � � � � c O � ° � � N N 3 °vi � c� o 'c � Q, � rn z _ - � � -� ° � ,c� o a`�i N o � o o E � o o °o � � o � °��' � W J = �, Q Z Z �- — Q L� � Q � o o � o � 4- Q �, � N o � � � � � p f W W Cn � co cn Cfl Cfl I— W N � � W tfl � � ci � i cn - 105 Section 6.0 Draft—April3, 2013 6.4.3 Prestige Employment— Heritage Lot "PE-HL" Provisions a) Notwithstanding the provisions in Section 6.4.1, on lands zoned PE-HL, the minimum lot size shall be the lot size existing on the date this by-law came into effect and the minimum yards shall be the yards existing on the date this by-law came into effect. However, yards except the front yard may be decreased by 10% subject to an approved site plan application. 6.4 Exceptions: - � � - �-��.,� ��� � �-�:° �x: � ��= � � E�p _ �� ��,. `=M�,�RS .."fi�..`��'°.. ���- ���� .�.'�-. _ '�''s� LE ���, ._�. ��__-�" i.���K t:Fe"' �„�,� _ _ -`�� c`x° - ���; _ - ..�' G'°"z> P3 - _ @ - - z:z -- �..,.'�:.,n- . . d;' u.�<�y.,. � _ +'�:i � �� . .+�" "- '`��g:� �`�j"`�'°" . '�u�+ _- q" s+�n�'� ��__:.-�.. �' +rt�+� '�..'�. ' �+� _ _�:� �-.�� �� r:: � Seaton Area Zoning By-law 62 106 Section 7.0 Draft—April 3, 2013 7.0 COMMUNITY USE ZONE REGULATIONS 7.1 Uses Permitted The following Table 22 establishes the uses permitted in the Community Use (CU) zone. Table 22: Permitted Uses in the Community Use Zone Use Zone CU � ;�° Arena ! � Elementa school * �r a���°� Seconda school * �`�'�` ���:;.°_ Private school * - �° __ Places of worshi * Libra * = -�- s�S� ..n._.Fd� Communit centre * - �"" = Da Care Centre * - Emergency service * _� �'� facilit 7.2 Community Use (CU) Zone - Zone Provisions 7.2.1 Lot and Building Requirements ° _ The following Table 23 establishe_s the zones standards that apply to the Community Use (CU) zone. � � = - ���`_ � Table 23 Community Use'(CU) Zone Standards �4 _. —_ Building Min. Min. Lot Min. Max. Min. Min. Min. Rear Max. � Type Lot Frontage Front Front ' lnterior Flankage Yard Height �, Area Yard � Yard Side Yard - Yard _ - __ , :- All uses NR 30'm _ 3 m, 4.5 m�'� 1.5 m 3 m 7.5 m See 7.2.2 Notes: NR = No Requirement 1. The rriaximum front yard setback shall not apply to garage bays for emergency vehicles. _ - ,�._._., � � 7.2.2 Height Maximum� a) The maximum height of a Day Care Centre shall be 10.5 m. b) The maximum height of a Secondary School and Community Centre shall be 16 m. c) The maximum height of all other uses shall be 12.5 m 7.2.3 Additional Provisions: a) In no case shall parking be permitted between a building and the front lot line. 1 0 / eaton Area Zoning By-law 63 Section 7.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 b) Parking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 metre landscape strip between the parking lot and the street line. c) Parking lots abutting a residential zone shall be set back 3 m from the lot line with an intervening landscape strip. d) A primary entrance door shall be incorporated into the front wall of the building facing the front lot Irne. e) In the case of a p/ace of worship, the gross floor area of worship must be a minimum of 50% of the total gross floor area of the building. fl Where an adjacent zone permits a minimum front yard or flank'age yard of 0 m., the minimum front yard and minimum flankage yard shall be 0 m where the adjacent flankage yards or front � yards are located along the same street. -. g) Where the use is adjacent to a detached, semi-detached, townhouse or multiple attached dwelling, the minimum interiorside yard shall be 3�metre and shall be increased by 1 metre for every metre of height in excess of 8 metres to a maximum of 7:5 metres. ` �` � � ,; 7.3 Exceptions: - _ _ �-- �-x �_� -=_ :�� ,�� � _ _ - � - _ � = �r = �� � �� � , � �, i �: �=P�. �� _= �.�.- �:�� - �� o�� _- �.�� -_= �� Seaton Area Zoning By-law 64 108 Section 8.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 8.0 NATURAL HERITAGE AND OPEN SPACE ZONES 8.1 Uses Permitted The following Table 24 estabiishes the uses permitted in the District/Community Park (DCP), Open Space (OS), Stormwater Management (SWM), Golf Course (GC), Natural Heritage System (NHS), Cemetery (CE) zones and Hamlet Heritage Open Space (HHOS). �`:- Table 24: Permitted Uses in Open Space Zones � Use Zone DCP OS SWM GC � NHS CE HHOS Arena * Communit Centre * Communit ardens * * * * Libra * Outdoor public swimming pool * _ f � Outdoor skatin rink * ` * Illuminated la fields / courts * * * Non-illuminated play fields / *` * * * courts ` Passive fringe areas to play fields * `* * * / courts = Pla round * * * * * Picnic area ���� * * * * t Unor anized la areas ' * * * * * Public trails, trailheads; rest ` * * * * * areas �� - Stormwater management ° * * * * * facilities = Existin detached dwellin s * * * * Forest;fish and wildlife * management and associated scientific and educatiorial:.=uses Go1f Gourse * Associafed arkin lots �_= � * * * Cemete �_ .�; * P/ace of Worshi , � ` * Other social and institutional uses * Renewable ener s stems * � 09 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 65 Section 8.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 8.2 Open Space (OS) Zone — Zone Provisions i 8.2.1 Lot and Building Requirements ! The following Table 25 establishes the zone standards that appiy to the District/Community Park (DCP), Neighbourhood Park/Village Green (NPNG), Stormwater Management (SWM), Golf Course (GC), Natural Heritage System (NHS) and Cemetery (CE) zones. Tabl� 25: Open Space Zone Standards Zone Min. Max. Min. Min. Min. Rear Max. Front Front /nterior Flank- Yard Coverage Yard Yard Side age Yard Yard DCP 3 m 6 1.5 m = 3 m 7.5 m 25% OS 3m NR 1.5m � "F 3m 7.5m 5% SWMP n/a NR NR NR NR 0%`' GC 15m NR 6m '6m : 15m NR NHS n/a NR NR NR ' NR NR CE 15m NR , � 6m 6m 7.5m NR HHOS 15m NR 6m -.- _ 6m 15m 25% Notes: = = � NR = No Requirement = _ - 8.2.2 Height Maximum 6 a) The maximum3Jijeight of a Community Centre shall be 16 m. .� = _ .� b) The maximum height of all other uses shall be 12.5 m. 8.2.3 Additional Provisions: - a) � Farking lots abutting a street shall incorporate a 2.5 metre landscape strip between the parking lot and the street line. b) Parking lots abutting a residential zone shall be set back 3 metre from the lot line with�an interven�ng landscape strip. � : c) Expansions to existing detached dwellings shall meet the lot and building requirements of Section 4.2.2. 8.3 Exceptions: Seaton Area Zoning By-law 66 110 Section 8.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 9.0 UTILITY ZONE 9.1 Uses Permitted ' The following Table 26 establishes the uses permitted in the Utility (UT) zone. Table 26: Utility (UT) Zone Standards x�1'A;Yaa 34 —..`����F�3�,.: �- �i�«'�,'�.� .3�-�•�..�. ���.��k�i�����.aS. ' � . . . � _ � -� Use � ����� Permission Water stora e and/or treatment facilities * Sewa e treatmentfacilities �.;:�=..y.___; * Gas, oil or eothermal i elines �' `� * Transmission and distribution of electric power, excluding generation of " * electric ower � Limited access highways, including associated bridges,�overpasses and * � transit corridors ,�'�". � ---= �: I�, 9.2 Utility Zone — Zone Provisions � ��� .�:� - ; 9.2.1 Lot and Building Requirements �i, a) Buildings shall be in compliance witfi�the most restrictive provisions of any �, zone(s) adjacent to the Utility (UT) zone . I I � 9.3 Exce tion.s� �� _ _ � p �� � - � � :�.. - '� �� = _ ��. _ == I __ _ i _ � }. ; - .�e� - � - � � �-r � � __- _ ___ �� _ °� - - -- - �.. -�� _-,_= �-����� �_s= ��x ~6�.�����ti Seaton Area Zoning By-law 6� 111 � Section 9.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 10.ODEFINITIONS "Accessory Dwelling Unit" means one self contained dwelling unit contained within a permitted detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, townhouse dwelling or coach house. "Accessory" means a use or building naturally or normally incidental to, subordinate to or exclusively devoted to a principal use or building and located on the same lot as the principal use or building. "Adverse effect" means: a) impairment of the quality of the environment for any use that can be made � of it; �" - b) injury or damage to property or to plant o�rRanimal life; c) harm or material discomfort to any person; d) impairment of the health of any person; � =, - e) impairment of the safety of any person; ' fl rendering any property unfit for its existing or permitted use; g) loss of enjoyment of normal:use of property; and/or h) interference with a residential;use or conduct of business. "Adult Entertainment Establishment" means any premises or part thereof used in the pursuance of a business, if: _,. i. entertainment or-;services that are designed to appeal to exotic or sexual appetites are offered or provided in the premises or_part of the premises, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, indudes services or entertainment in which a principal feature or characteristic is nudity or partial=nudity of any person; or ii. body rubs, including the kneading; manipulating, rubbing, ,�`massaging, touching or stimulating by any means of a person's body are performed, offered or solicited in the ��: premises or part of the premises, but does not include � , premises or part or them where body-rubs performed, offered or solicited are for the purpose of inedical or :therapeutic treatment and are performed or offered by , persons otherwise duly qualified, licensed or registered to do so under the laws of the Province of Ontario; or iii. adult vicleos are sold, rented, or offered or displayed for sale or rental, where the proportion of adult videos to other videos exceeds 1:10 "Adult Video" means any cinematographic film, videotape, video disc, or other medium designed to produce visual images that may be viewed as moving pictures, classified by the Ontario Film Review Board or any successor agency, as both "restricted" and "adult sex film", or any similar successor designation. Seaton Area Zoning By-law 6$ 112 Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 "Air Conditioner" means any mechanical equipment which is required for residential domestic use and which must be installed outdoors including central air conditioning units, heat pumps, heat exchange units, emergency generators and other such equipment. "Aisle, Parking Lot" means an internal roadway immediately adjacent to a parking or loading space which provides vehicular access to and_from the parking or loading space, and is not a driveway. "Alterations, Structural" means any change in the supp�orting.members of a building and "structurally altered" and "structurally altering"shall have a corresponding meaning. "Amenity Area" means an area of land located anywhere on a lot, or'the roof of I � a parking structure, private garage or any other building which includes ` landscape area, but which may also include areas of decking, decorative paving or other similar surface and includes a balcony, porch or deck and which has direct access from the interior of the dwelling unit. "Ancillary Retail Sales" means a retail use which is associated with, but clearly subordinate to, a principal use,: i. with a maximum gross leasable area of.15% of the ° building; ii. with a maximum gross leasable area of 250 square metres per ancillary retail use, or service commercial use; and, a��`�� � iii. without`�separate d�rect extenor access. � _ - �;:� "Angular Plane" mean-s an imaginary flat surFace projecting over a lot, at an inclined�gle,measure up from the horizontal. �; , ``Animal Boarding Establishment" means a building, structure or part thereof, � where dogs and cats and othe'r domesticated animals, excluding livestock, are ��bred, raised, groomed; trained or kept for a fee on a temporary basis and may include outdoor facilities. "Animal Care Establishment" means a building, structure or part thereof, where dogs and cats and other domesticated animals, excluding livestock, are groomed and/or kept for a fee on a daily basis. "Arena" means a building or part thereof, in which the principal facilities provide for recreational activities such as curling, skating, hockey, lacrosse, broomball or other similar athletic activities, and which facilities may include dressing rooms, concession booths for the provision of food and refreshments, bleachers, equipment for making artificial ice and other such accessory facilities. Seaton Area Zoning By-law 69 113 Section 9.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 ' "Art Gallery" means a premises where paintings, sculptures, or other works of art are exhibited or sold. "Arterial Road" means a road identified in the Pickering Official Plan as Arterial Road Type A, B or C. "Assembly Hall" or "Convention Hall" or "Conference Hall" means a building or part of a building designed or intended to be used for such purposes as civic meetings, educational meetings, political meetings, conventions;conferences, trade shows, recreational activities or social activities and may include ancillary banquet facilities. "Automobile Body Shop" means an establishment engaged in repairing or painting of vehicle bodies. "Bake Shop" means an establishment where baked goods are made and sold to the public. � "Balcony" means an attached covered or uncovered platform projecting from the face of an exterior wall, including above a porch, which is only directly accessible from within a building, usually.surrounded by_a balustrade or railing; and does not have direct e�erior access to grade. "Basement" means that portion of arbuilding below#he=first storey. "Bed and Breakfast Establishment" means the provision of lodging with or without meals for the traveling'public within a detached dwelling. "Block" means all land fronting on one side of a street between the nearest streets, intersecting, meeting or crossmg said street. �� � �, : "Building" means a structure occupying an area greater than 10 m2 and �consisting of any_combination of walls, roof and floor but shall not include a : mobile home. "Building, Apartment" means a building containing more than four dwelling units where the units`are connected by an interior corridor. "Building� Back to Back Townhouse" means a building containing a minimum of 4 units that is divided vertically and where each unit is divided by common walls, including a common rear wall without a rear yard setback, and whereby each unit has an independent entrance to the unit from the outside accessed through the front yard or exterior side yard. "Building, Block Townhouse or Block Townhouse Building" means a building or structure that is vertically divided into a minimum of three dwelling Seaton Area Zoning By-law 70 114 Section 9.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 units, each of which has an independent entrance from grade to the front and rear of the building, and each of which are divided vertically above grade by a common wall adjoining dwelling units or a private garage above grade and where all dwelling units are located on one lot and accessed from a private street, laneway or common condominium driveway. "Building Height" means the vertical distance between the established grade, and in the case of a flat roof, the highest point of the roof surface or parapet wall, or in the case of a mansard roof the deck line, or in the case of a gabled, hip or gambrel roof, the mean height level between eaves and ridge.: A penthouse, tower, cupola, steeple or other roof structure which is used`only-as an ornament upon or to house the mechanical equipment of any bu�lding shall be disregarded in calculating the height of such building. `Building, Multiple Attached" means a building containing three or more dwelling units, with the dwelling units accessed by one orumore common entrances and may contain some of the dwelling units accessed directly from the outside. "Building, Principal or Main" means a building, which constitutes, by reason of its use, the primary purpose for which the lot is used. "Building, Street Townhouse or Street Townhouse Building" means a building or structure that is vertically divided into a minimum of three dwelling units, each of which has an independent entrance from grade to the front and rear of the buildir�g�and each of which are divided vertically above grade by a common wall adjoining dwelling units ora private garage above grade and where ;� each dwelling unit Is located on an individual lot. "Cafe" means a restaurant with a maximum gross leasable area of 100 square metres and which serves non-alcoholic beverages, snacks and light meals and does not include a drive-through facility. � "Cemetery" means the lands used or intended to be used for the interment of `fiuman remains. "Car Washing Esfablishment" means a public garage for washing or cleaning motor vehicles for gain. "Coach House" means a detached building containing a private garage on the ground floor and an accessory dwelling unit on the second floor. "Commercial Fitness / Recreational Centre" means a commercial establishment in which indoor fitness and recreational facilities such as bowling alleys, miniature golf courses, roller skating rinks, squash courts, swimming pools, exercise classes and other similar indoor recreational facilities are Seaton Area Zoning By-law 7� 115 Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 provided and operated for gain or profit, but does not an arena, stadium or place of amusement or entertainment as defined herein. "Commercial Vehicle" means a motor vehicle having permanently attached thereto, a truck or delivery body and may include but is not limited to a catering or canteen truck, bus, cube van, tow truck, tilt and load truck, dump truck, tractor trailer, ambulance, hearse, fire apparatus and tractor used for hauling purposes. "Community Centre" means a multi-purpose facility or part of that facility owned and operated by the City of Pickering, which offers a variety=of programs and facilities of a recreational, cultural, community service, ir�formation or instructional nature. _ "Construction Vehicle" means a vehicle ordinarily.used for building and construction purposes, such as a dump truck,_bulldozer, back-hoe, or grader, and ancillary equipment used thereto. "Contractor's Yard" means a premises of any general contractor or builder where equipment and/or materials are stored or where a contractor performs shop or assembly work. �- � "Convenience Store" means a retail store with_a maximum leasable floor area of 300 square metres where articles for sale,�are restricted to a limited range of goods, primarily food, toiletries, housewares;stationary and other similar daily household necessities;=but does not mclude a supermarket. �- aa �e -�' ' Coverage means the proportion of the;ground floor area of all the buildings and structures on the lot to the lot area expressed as a percentage. "Dating/Escort service" means a�service providing companionship for and by individuals for-profit or personal gain. � - - �{`Day Care Centr_e"-�means i. indoor and oi�tdoor prerriises where more than 5 children are provided with temporary care and/or guidance for a continuous period but does not provide overnight accommodation and are licensed in accordance with the applicable Provincial Act; or, _ : ii. mdoor_and`outdoor premises in which care is offered or supplied on a regular schedule to adults for a portion of a day but does not provide overnight accommodation. "Daylighting Triangle" means an area free of buildings, structures, fences and hedges up to 0.9 metres in height and which area is to be determined by measuring, from the point of intersection of street lines on a corner lot, the distance required by this By-law along each such street line and joining such Seaton Area Zoning By-law 72 116 Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 points with a straight line. The triangular-shaped land between the intersecting streef lines and the straight line joining the points the required distance along the street lines is the daylighting triangle. "Deck" means a raised platform attached to the exterior wall of a building and with direct access from within a building and from grade. "Development Agreement" means an executed contract between a �. : developer/property owner and the City of Pickering that is reguired in order to implement development and may include a subdivision agre_ement, site plan agreement, or other similar agreements for development ��� � .__ _`- �;-,,. "Driveway" means that portion of a lot used to provide vehicular access from a roadway to an off-street parking or loading area located on the same lot:as the principal use. On a lot containing a detached,�semi-detached or townhouse dwelling, the driveway may contain a parking space. �= . "Drive-Through Facility" means the use of land, buildings or structures, or parts thereof, to provide or dispense products or services through an attendant or a window or an automated machine, to persons remaining in motorized vehicles that are in a designated stacking lane. A drive through facility may be in combination with other uses. A drive-through facility does not include a vehicle repair shop, gas bar, car washing establishment or kiosks located within parking garage or public parkin�.lot. "Dry-Cleaner's Distributing`;Station" means premises used for the purpose of receiving articles.or goods of fabric to be?,laundered or dry-cleaned elsewhere and does not`include a dry cleaning establishment. __ _ "Dry Cleaning Establishment" means premises in which the business of laundry o� dry cleaning-.is housed and where the cleaning, drying, ironing, and finishing of such`goods is conducted. � "Dwelling" means a buildmg=or part of a building containing one or more dwelling units, but does not include a mobile home or a trailer. "Dwelling, Apartment" means a dwelling unit in an apartment building. "Dwe/ling, Back-to-Back Townhouse" means a dwelling unit in a back-to-back townhouse building. "Dwelling, Block Townhouse or Block Townhouse Dwelling" means a dwelling unit in a block townhouse building. "Dwelling, Detached or Detached Dwelling" means a building containing only one primary dwelling unit but may also include an accessory dwelling unit. � � � Seaton Area Zoning By-law 73 Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 "Dwelling, Duplex" means a dwelling unit in a building that is divided into two (2) separate dwelling units, each with an entrance that is either independent or through a common vestibule. "Dwelling, Multiple Attached or Multiple Attached Dwelling" means a dwelling unit in a multiple-unit building. � "Dwelling, Semi-Detached or Semi-Detached Dwelling" means a dwelling unit in a building that is divided vertically into two dwelling units=that share a common wall above grade. �° "Dwelling, Street Townhouse" means a dwelling,un�t�n a townhouse building. "Dwelling Unit" means one or more habitable rooms containing separate kitchen and bathroom facilities for the private use of one or more persons as a single housekeeping unit. "Erect" means build, construct, reconstruct, alter and/or relocate a building, structure or part thereof and shall^include any preliminary physical operation such as excavating, piling, cribbing, filling or draining, strcicturally altering any existing building or structure by an addition; deletion, enlargement or extension. "Existing" means existing as of the date of#he final_passing of this By-law. "Financial Institution" meansa building; or part thereof, where money is deposited, withdrawn, kept, lent or excfi'anged. "Floor area" means the total area of all.floors of a building within the outside walls or outside finished furred parfitions`of the walls, but does not include a porch, non=walk-in bay:window, attic, basement, enclosed or roofed walkways or ,�- loading dock. �,� � "``Front Wall" means the closest point, measured at grade level, of the wall of a `building facing or most nearly facing the street from which the building has its principal access. ! "Frontage" means all property abutting on one side of a street measured along the street line. "Funeral Home" means a building, or part of a building, used for furnishing funeral supplies and services to the public and includes facilities intended for the preparation of human body for interment or cremation and may include chapels, visitation rooms, and administrative offices. Seaton Area Zoning By-law 74 118 Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 "Garage, Private" means a building, structure or part thereof, including a carport, used for the parking of motor vehicles having adequate access to a driveway. "Gas Bar" means a building or structure used for the dispensing of motor vehicle fuels and accessories and may include an accessory convenience store. "Golf Course" means a premises operated for the purpose of playing golf, and includes a golf course, driving range, miniature golf facilities and=such accessory uses as a restaurant, banquet facility retail store, fitness centre and other buildings or structures devoted to the maintenance and operation of the golf course. �� "Governmental Authority" means the Governmenf of Canada or the Province of Ontario or any public board or commission.established by either, or the ., Corporation of the Regional Municipality of Durham or Th,e Corporation of the City of Pickering or any local board or commission, and includes any conservation authority. '� "Grade" or "Established Grade" means when used with reference to a building, the average elevation of the finished surface of the ground where it meets the exterior of the front of such building; :and when used with reference to a,structure shall mean the average elevation�of the finished surface of the grounds immediately surrounding such strucfure, exclusive in both cases of any artificial embankment .��: � � "Gross Floor rea" means-the aggregafe_of all floor areas of a building or structure abo�or below established grade,which floor areas are measured between the exterior faces of the exterior walls of the building at each floor level j but excluding any porch, veranda, cellar, mechanical room or penthouse, or areas dedicated to parking within the building. For the purposes of this definition, t�e walls of�an inner court shall be deemed to be exterior walls. � � "Gross Leasable Floor Area�" means the total gross floor area designed for T `tenant occupancy and,exclusive use, including basements, mezzanines and upper floors if any, expressed in square metres and measured from the centre line of�oint partitions;and from outside wall faces. "Ground F:I_oor"'means the floor of a building approximately at or first above grade. "Ground Floor Area" means the area of that portion of a lot occupied by a building or structure, exclusive of any porch, private garage, veranda or sunroom, unless such sunroom is habitable at all seasons. 119 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 75 Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 "Heavy Machinery Repair, Sales, Service" means the service, repair, or sales of machinery or mechanical equipment of an industrial nature. "Height" means, when the regulation establishes a specific dimension, the vertical distance between the established grade to the highest point of a structure excluding architectural features such as, but not limited to, chimneys, cupolas, clock towers, weather vanes, steeples, and radio transmission towers. When the regulation establishes height in storeys, means the number of storeys. The height requirements of this By-law shall not apply to roof top mechanical penthouses provided they occupy less than 10 percent of the aggregate area of the roof of the building on which they are located and are-extend no higher than 5 metres above the maximum permitted height. "Herein" means in this By-law and shall not be limited to any particular section of this By-law. �_, "Home-Based Business" means an accessory bus.i,ness or occupation use conducted for gain or profit in a dwelling unit by a resident of that dwelling unit which is clearly subordinate to the primary residential use of that unit, and which does not create a public nuisance or adverse effect on the abutting lands and/or surrounding community. _ � :- "Home Improvement Centre" means a building or part�of a building wherein building materials, hardware or accessories, including lumber, are displayed or offered for sale. _ "Hotel" means a building, or group of buildings, each containing sleeping accommodation, catering primarily:to the,traveling public, for rent or hire for temporary lodging Hotel may also include restaurant, public hall and ancillary retail uses which are incidental and subordinate to the primary hotel function and oriented to serve the hotel patrons. �� "Inoperative Vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is mechanically inoperative, 'and/or is in a state that precludes immediate use. "Lane" rneans a ttioroughfare that provides secondary means of vehicular access, or in the case of a lot which fronts onto public or private open space the primary means, of vehicular access to an abutting property which is maintained by a condominium corporation as a private road condominium or by a governmental authority. "Landscaped Open Space" means the open unobstructed space from ground to sky at grade which is suitable for the growth and maintenance of grass, flowers, bushes and other landscaping and includes any surfaced walk, patio or similar area but does not include any driveway, or ramp, whether surFaced or not, Seaton Area Zoning By-law 76 120 Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 any curb, retaining wall, parking area, interior courtyard, or any easement for the purposes of underground or overhead utilities or services where located within a front yard or exterior side yard. "Landscaped Open Space, Front" or "Front Landscaped Open Space" means landscaped open space within a front yard. "Landscape Strip" means an area which shall include a planting screen, or landscaped earth berm, or a combination of these features, and which may include fences and walls as part of the area. Walkways may:#�averse the Iandscape strip. ` `� � "Livestock" means cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry; horses,`ponies, donkeys ' and mules. { !, � �� "Live Work Unit" means a townhouse dwelling, multiple.dwelling or a stacked ' townhouse dwelling, where the ground floor; or part thereof; is used for � commercial purposes and where the commercial-and residential components can ', be accessed by a common internal entrance. �, � "Loading Space" means an unobstructed area of land which is provided and maintained upon the same lot or lots upon which the principal use is located and which area is provided for the temporary parking of one commercial motor vehicle while merchandise or materials are being loaded or unloaded from such I, vehicles. x��' I f_ "Lot" means�a parcel of lantl"owned by�one person or one group of persons which meets�fhe requirements of this By-law having regard to the use to which it is put or the use to which it is proposed to be put or, if it does not meet the , requirements of this By=1aw, is the entire holding of that one person or one group of persons put-to that use at the date of the passing of this By-law or, is a parcel of land which has been Jegally excused from meeting the requirements of this By- 1aw. _ � - '"Lot Area" means the total horizontal area of a lot, less the horizontal area of any part of the lot which does not lie within a zone in which the proposed use is � permitted. �, ' -- "Lot Coverage" means the total horizontal area of the part of the lot area covered by all buildings above ground level excluding eave projections to a maximum of 0.6 metres. "Lot Depth" means the average horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. If the front and rear lot lines are not parallel, the lot depth shall be measured by a straight line joining the mid-point of the front lot line with the mid- point of the rear lot line. Where there is no rear lot line, the lot depth shall be 1 21 Seaton Area Zoning By-law �7 Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 measured by a straight line joining the mid-point of the front lot line with the apex of the triangle formed by the side lot lines. "Lot Frontage" means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines of a lot measured at the minimum applicable front yard setback. Frontages shall be determined in a manner that is most compatible with the surrounding development where possible, otherwise the shorter boundary abutting a street shall be deemed to be the frontage. "Lot Line" means a line delineating any boundary of a lot.s� • "Lot Line, Front" means the lot line which separates a lot from the street in front of it "Lot Line, Rear" means the lot line opposite to;and most distant from, the front lot line, but where the side lot lines intersect,,as in the case of a triangular lot, the rear lot line shall be represented by the point of intersection. "Lot Line, Side" means all lot lines which join both a front lot line and a rear lot line. "Lot, Residential" means a lot situated in a residential zone and having a lot frontage and lot area in accordance with the requirements.of the zone in which the same is situated. � "Medical Office" means premises designed and used for the diagnosis, ' examination, and medical, surgical or physiotherapeutic treatment of human �' patients, and which may include pharmacies and dispensaries which are limited to a maximum of 50 square-metres in gross;leasable area, waiting rooms, treatment rooms, blood testing clinics, but�shall not include overnight � accommodation for in-patient care. "IVlobile Home" means a factory-built dwe/ling unit manufactured in accordance E��with CSA standards that is designed to be made mobile and is intended to `.provide permanent residence but does not include any trailer otherwise defined in this By-law. "Model Home" means a dwelling unit which is not used for residential purposes, but which is used exclusively for sales, display and marketing pursuant to an agreement with the City of Pickering. "Motor Vehicle" means automobile, motorcycle, motor assisted bicycle or any other vehicle propelled or driven other than by muscular power, but does not include a street car, or other motor vehicles running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farm tractor, riding lawn-mower, self- propelled implement of husbandry or road-building machine within the meaning of the Highway Traffic Act. R.S.O. 1990, or successor thereto. Seaton Area Zoning By-law 78 122 Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 "Non-Complying" means a lot, building or structure which is permitted by this ' By-law but which does not meet the regulations of the Zone in which it is located as of the date of passage of this By-law. "Non-Conforming" means an use or activity of any land, building or structure which is not an identified permitted use for the Zone in which it is located as of the date of passage of this By-law. `- ?::{ "Nightclub" means a building, or part thereof, whose primary�function is the provision of theatrical performances, pre-recorded music; or liyve.musical entertainment, whether such music is provided for listen ng or�dancing by the patrons, or any combination of the above functions�,F.and where food and/or beverages may be served, but does not includefa restaurant or an adult. entertainment establishment. "Nursing Home or Long-Term Care" means a buildir�y n which persons are I'� �- °e.: cared for and lodged, where, in addition to sleeping accommodation and meals, �, personal care, nursing services and medical care are provided or made available. � I "Office" means a building or part thereof, where administrative and clerical �I functions are carried out in the managemenf of-a business, profession, !, organization or public administration but shall not include a medical office. I "Openings" means spaces/perforations in walls that contain windows, doors or � entrance features or any combination thereof. ', � "Outside Storage" means the occasional or continuous keeping of goods, inventory, materials or macliinery or equipr�ient outside, but does not include , damaged, impounded or inoperable vehicles. "Parking Area" means one or more parking spaces, including related aisles, for the parking or storage of vehicles. "Parking Garage" means a building, or part thereof, used for the parking of vehicles and may include any permitted use in the first storey, but shall not includ"e any area where vehicles for sale or repair are kept or stored. A parking garage includes underground parking and parking structure. "Parking Lot" means a lot or portion thereof provided for the parking of motor vehicles accessory or incidental to the main use. "Parking Space" means an area of land that is accessible by a driveway or aisle, having access to a street or lane that is reserved for the purpose of the temporary parking or storage of one motor vehicle. 1 23 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 79 Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 "Parking Pad" means an open area of land that is paved and/or treated with a stable surFace that is used for the parking and/or storage of vehicles and which is exclusively devoted to a residential use on the same lot. "Pedestrian Perception Step-back" means the horizontal distance that the top outer edge of the exterior wall of a storey must be offset, towards the interior of the building, measured from the outer edge of the exterior wall of the storey directly below it, or from the outer edge of the exterior wall of the:storey that the by-law indicates from which it is to be offset � - � "Person" means an individual, association, firm, partnership or incorporated company. �`` "Personal Service Establishment" means a building, structure, or part thereof, where services area provided and administered to individual and personal needs and where retail sale of goods accessory to the service provided is permitted and include, but is not limited to, hair care, aesfhetics, healtli`and beauty treatment, dressmaking, tailoring, shoe shinning and repair; lau,ndromat and laundry depot. "Place of Amusement" means,premises which are devoted to the offering of facilities for the playing of any game for the amusement`of the public, and includes a cinema or other theatre., billiard or pool rooms, bowling alleys, or, electronic games. � "Place of Worship" means a facility the primary use of which is the practice of religion, but which may include accessory uses subordinate and incidental to the primary use such as classrooms for religious instruction, programs for community social benefit, assembly are�as, kitchens, offices and a residence for the faith group leader. Other thaniday_care which shall be permitted, a place of worship shall not include a private school or residential or commercial uses. "Pod'ium"`means that portion of the first two storeys of an apartment dwelling, long-term care dwelling or refiirement dwelling, excluding a parking structure, � .mechanical floor area, storage'area, service room and/or refuse and loading , area, that is permitted to encroach into a required front and/or exterior side yard. "Porch" means a roofed deck or portico structure attached to the exterior wall of a building.. A basement may be located under the porch. ' "Primary Entrance Door" means the principal entrance by which the public enters or exits a building or individual retail/commercial unit. "Private Club" means a building, or part thereof, used for social, cultural, athletic or recreational activities by its members and guests or by a fraternal organization which are not operated for profit. Seaton Area Zoning By-law $� 1 24 Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 "Public Bath/Whirlpool" means indoor or outdoor premises where people may bathe, swim, or lounge within pools or tanks of water. "Public Hospital" means any institution, building or other premises established for the treatment of persons afflicted with or suffering from sickness, disease or injury, or for the treatment of convalescent or chronically ill persons that is approved under the Public Hospitals Act as a public hospital and may include a gift shop, cafeteria or other accessory uses normally associated,�with a hospital. �=.� � "Rear Lane Townhouses" means a building that is vertically;divided into a minimum of three and a maximum of eight dwelling units;'each`of which has independent entrances at grade to the front and rear of'the building, "Retail/commercial uniY' means a building or separate unit within a,building that is separately owned or leased and used for refail or commercial purposes. "Retirement home" means a building in which 6 or more persons are cared for and lodged, where, in addition to sleeping accommodation and meals, at least one other personal care service is provided such as`nursing services, assistance � with feeding, assistance with bathing or assistance with personal hygiene. I "Restaurant" means a building or part of a building where the principal business is the preparation of food for retail sale to the public for immediate consumption on or off the premises-�or both on and off the premises but shall not include a night club. .��' _ � "Retail Store�'means premises in which goods and merchandise are offered or kept for retail sale or rental to the public. Tfiis definition shall not include any establishment otherwise"defined iri�this .By=1aw. "School, Commercial" or "Commercial School" means a building, or part the�eof, where instruction"of a skill is provided for profit and may include � `instruction in a trade, business; art, music, dance, cooking, athletic skill or any � other specialized insfruction but does not include a commercial fitness/recreation centre a college or university. �_ _ . =c . I'-�'::_�.-.' "School, Elemen�ary" or "Secondary School" means a place of instruction maintained and operated under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority. "School, Private" means a place of instruction (excepting a commercial school or private career college) offering courses equivalent to those customarily offered in a place of instruction maintained and operated under the jurisdiction of a government authoritywhere instruction is given. 1 25 Seaton Area Zoning By-law $� Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 "Service and Repair Shop" means a premises for the servicing, repairing or renting, of articles, goods or materials but shall not include any vehicle, recreational vehicle or boats. "Setback" means the distance between a building and a lot line. In calculating the setback the horizontal distance from the respective lot line shall be use�. "Shelter" means a building or structure used solely for the purposes,of providing temporary shelter and shall not be used for human habitation �= "Stacking Lane" means an area of land that is used exclusively for queued vehicles whose occupants are waiting to be provided with goods:, materials or services from a drive-through facility. � -' "Storey" means that portion of a building other'than a basement, cellar, or attic, included between the surface of any floor, and the surface of the floor, roof deck or ridge next above it. E "Storey, First" means the storey with its floor closest to grade and having its ceiling more than 1.8 metres above grade. _ "Storey, Half" means that portion of a bu�lding situated within the roof or having its floor level not lower than 1.2 metres below:the line where the roof and outer walls meet and having_a roof not steeper than forty-five degrees (45°) above the horizontal. _- = Note: not in text�but keep�for now in case we need to regulate �;_-:°- _ "Street" means a public highway._ - "Street Line" means the dividing line between a lot and a street. "Street, Private" means �a) a right-of-way or_roadway that is used by vehicles and is maintained by a condominium corp;oration,=_'- `b,) a private road condominium, which provides access to individual free hold lots, c) a roadway maintained by a corporation to provide vehicular and pedestrian access to parking lots and individual retail/commercial units; d) a private right Section 9.0 Draft—Apri/3, 2013 "Supermarket" means a building, or part thereof, containing a departmentalized food store, but does not include a convenience store. "Tandem Parking Space" means two or more parking spaces abutting each other end to end with only one having access to an aisle. "Tavern/bar/pub" means an establishment which supplies alcoholic drinks and may provide food and entertainment and contains a walk-up bar�or counter where patrons may order, obtain and pay for food and alcoholic drmks �:� � "Taxi Service" means the operation of a service providin`g�taxicab motor vehicles with drivers used for hire for the conveyance�Of goods and passengers. � "Tower" means the storeys within that portion of a building or structure or part thereof located above the podium. �=� � "Tower Floor Plate" means the average floor area of ai'I`storeys within that portion of a building or structure or part thereof located above the podium, measured to the exterior faces of exterior walls of each storey of a building or structure. � - . � _ "Trailer" means any vehicle so constructed.that it is suitable for being attached to a motor vehicle for the purpose of being drawn or propelled by the said motor vehicle, and capable of being used for living, sleeping;,or eating accommodation, �_:_T = . or the transportation of:a boat, snowmobile; tent, or materials, and shall be considered a separate vehicle and not part of the motor vehicle by which it is drawn. Any items or materials:'placed onTa trailerfor the purpose of transport are to be conside4ed as part of fhe_trailer. "Vehicle" means a ca`r; truck, trailer, recreational vehicle including boats, van, motorcycle, spowmobile, or any other vehicle required to be licensed. "Vehicle Dealership" means a building, or part thereof, where new or used ` motor vehicles are displayed and/or offered for sale, rent or lease including the outside storage and_display of vehicles and may include an associated vehicle repair rshop. "Veterinarian clinic" means a building or part of a building providing the services of a veterinarian, and facilities for the medical treatment, examination, surgery, diagnosis, grooming, general health care, and observation of domestic animals and birds. "Vehicle Repair Shop" means a premises used to conduct diagnostic services, repairs, detail and cleaning services or equipping of vehicles or in which the replacement of parts and services to vehicles are completed while the customer waits. � 2� Seaton Area Zoning By-law 83 Section 9.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 "Waste" means a material licensed or included within a Certificate of Approval issued by Federal, Provincial, or Regional Governments which is not hazardous and not needed by the generator of that material, that is destined for either final disposal or for reprocessing to create a useable product or material, but does not include a byproduct of a manufacturing process that is used, unaltered, in another manufacturing process. "Waste, Hazardous" means any substance or material licensed or included within a Certificate of Approval issued by Federal, Provincial;�or Regional Governments that, by reason of its toxic, caustic, corrosive or otherwise injurious properties, may be detrimental or deleterious to the health`of any person handling or otherwise coming into contact with such material or^substance:- "Waste Processing Station" means a facility within an endosed building whose primary purpose is the sorting and processing of waste to create a new product or raw material on site. "Waste Transfer Station" means a facility within an enclosed building whose primary purpose is the collection and storage of waste or hazardous waste for shipment, and which may include limited sorting or preparation of that waste to facilitate its shipment for final disposal or to a waste processing station, but does not include salvage yards or scrap`metal yards. "Warehousing" means the housing or storage of goods, wares, merchandise, food-stuffs, substances, articles, or things before wholesale distribution to a �:<__, retailer. �` ��� .� _ �, _- _ � . ._ ; _ ,. "Wholesaling" rimeans tfie distribution of�goods, wares, merchandise, food- stuffs, substances, articles, or things, iri large quantities, to a business or retailer for eventual or_.further distribution, processing, assembly, or retail sale. �`" � - - � �"Yard" means any open, uncovered, unoccupied space appurtenant to a building � �'"Yard, Flankage" `means a side yard adjacent to a street. "Yard, Front" means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the front/ot line, and the nearest wall of any main building on the lot for which the yard is required. "` "Yard, Interior Side" means a side yard not adjacent to a street. "Yard, Rear" means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the rear lot line and the nearest wall of any main building on the lot for which the yard is required. Seaton Area Zoning By-law $4 128 Section 9.0 Draft—April3, 2013 "Yard, Side" means a yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard befinreen the side lot line and the nearest wall of any building or structure on the lot for which the yard is required. �:�- ��. ;__::�:� _.�-:�;�����,�.�- ���4 `;. �� ,�.; - � . �rs�` � �" �:=` ��� � °��..... ���,<z � �..,�.�- ���: ��°" ;.,� = - _ i =��,�. ':�, :;�� - .. ,; . . . _, �, . ; , o - -� .., ��y �3 ��� � - ���� � �`�"..�. �^., - - - �F�, ,� c�--=`�`� � ���- � I �;.,, �� ���a._� � .�- ��'�°- "��, � ��, �°���.`��. u�=� " I �°`��u:.. �°�� ��� �.�� �°�:.a �=s_ m,.�r .� - � �: ., .�= 1 29 Seaton Area Zoning By-law 85 l _ Section 10.0 Draft—Apri13, 2013 11 . HOLDING PROVISIONS Notwithstanding any other provisions of this By-law, where a zone symbol is preceded by an open bracket and the letter "H" and a closed bracket, the lands subject to that zone shall be used only for the uses, buildings and structures that existed at the date of the passing of this by-law, until the "H" is removed. Council may pass a by-law to remove the Holding (H) Symbol�thereby placing the lands in the zone indicated by the zone symbol, when al.l�of the applicable requirements have been met. = = I Holding Zones -- The following provisions apply to the properties specified: Note : Lands that will be subject to a Holding Zone will be,:based on the approved Stage Servicing and Implementation Stra#egy. ' �==- - - � _�� �� ��„� c°�_t_ �� -- _-_ -- � _ - = _ �� - _ }� -_ =_ = :�� .- �`� : �_ - _ t� �v�:_ . �A �� �� = � .� - - �� �= �� � - ,� �, ,� �, = �_�- a� Seaton Area Zoning By-law 86 130 Section 11.0 Draft—April3, 2013 12. ZONING MAPS The zones and zone boundaries are shown on the Zone Maps which are attached to and form part of this By-Law. ��::�-:n �-�� �-�.� r:� �.� :��n�`,� � ���� �. a �� � ��_ - - - � � ; � -�.�'r .�:> `�°- � :�.� �' ` �: - m� = „� q��� 'n�.`� ,� ° `.,..,� � �� � _ _ ,�.� _� �-6-�s_ . - �=� �=�4�v �: 1�=�x - -�; =�,�- � �= � - - �� - - �. � - °� ;: °���� z �`° �._ �� �.:. - - � ���� �� �`�"�A _� � _ �`��.`.:: � - Seaton Area Zoning By-law 87 131 i I z�� , �� u II , II �1�--�1 N I r I I � 1 N � ri V I I �_ � i l II . . IIJ��lJl1�-11'�1� � � o' ` - � II -- ,-- / � crj��� e� . ,� � �\;�`��- c ^= . . I I �D �.. .�,�__ � � U r� !� � �y n U � /I V \���j����/ V ( ' V j�I �LIjJ � T 0 � U � � � /� --'% � 1����-- I � _ _�_� Ir- - -- -J(- � ��.�__J�� \� � \L Lll r � `II t� J . � LC� I Ln �\� M I I t0 �-�- �I fj � ;p t,I�� N r V j V J�I �I ��i/ (�-�du_ V ��� � . Q II tt f tJl-=-� \1 \ � ��. 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City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2008-04 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/08 Part Lot 23 and 24, Concession 3 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, Affiliated Realty Corporation Limited and � Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2008-05 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 05/08 Part Lot 27 and 28, Concession 4 Zavala Devetopments Inc. City of Pickering , Plan of Subdivision: SP-2008-06 II Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/08 Part Lot 26 and 27, Concession 4 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, Affiliated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2009-01 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/09 Part Lot 25, 26 and 27, Concession 5 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, Affiliated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2009-02 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/09 Part Lot 25, 26 and 27, Concession 4 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, Affiliated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering 157 � Plan of Subdivision: S-P2009-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 03/09 Part Lot 24 and 25, Concession 5 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, Affiliated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited ' City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2009-04 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 04/09 Part Lot 24, Concession 5 Zavala Developments Inc. City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2009-11 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 12/09 Part Lot 21 & 22, Concession 4 and Part Lot 21 22 & 23, Concession 5 Mattamy (Seaton) Limited City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2009-12 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/09 Part Lot 20 and 21, Concession 4 Mattamy (Seaton) Limited City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2009-13 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 14/09 Part Lot 25 and 26 and Part of the Road Allowance Between Lots 24 and 25, Concession 3 Mattamy (Seaton) Limited City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2008-07 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/08 Part Lots 23, 24, 25, and 26 Concession 3 and Part Lots 23 and 24 Concession 4 and Part of Road Allowance Between Lots 24 and 25 1133373 Ontario Inc. City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2008-11 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 22/08 Part Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25, Concession 4 1133373 Ontario Inc. City of Pickering 158 Plan of Subdivision: SP-2008-12 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 23/08 Part Lots 23, 24 and 25 Concession 4 and Part Lots 23, and 24 Concession 5 1133373 Ontario Inc. City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2009-14 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 15/09 Part Lots 24 Concession 3 1133373 Ontario Inc. City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2009-05 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 05/09 Part Lots 27 28 and 29 Concession 5 , , White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2009-06 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 06/09 Part Lots 29, 30 and 31, Concession 4 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2009-07 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 07/09 Part Lots 28 and 29, Concession 4 and Part of Road Allowance Between Lots 28 and 29 Concession 4 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2009-08 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 08/09 Part Lots 30, Concession 5 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2009-09 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 09/09 Part Lots 24, Concession 5 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering Plan of Subdivision: SP-2011-03 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/11 Part Lots 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 and Part of the Road Allowances befinreen Lots 22 and 23, 24 and 25, and Lots 26, and 27 Concession 5 Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation City of Pickering , 159 I ATTACHMENT# �. TO REPORT#«�3 �3 W�tson 8.Assaciates THE FISCAL IMPACT OF THE � C O N O M 1 5 T S �.��. ' SEATON COMMUNITY RE: CITY OF PICKERING SERVICE PROVISION i-,�_•� � s ..��� . +� = �_< _ �, � � . �,, '. °_ t•st . ,`; s= ,,,'; � — — '�.� i�r R : _ . . �._ t Executive Summarv Onlv � �.=�-�.-�-� -_ Plaza Three 101-2000 A�gentia Rd. Mississauga,Ontario Canada L5N1V9 Phone:{905}272-3600 Fax:(905)272-3602 e-mail:info@watson-econ.ca www.watsan-econ.ca APRIL 4, 2013 � I'I�nnin� fr�r ��-owth 160 ATTACHMENT# �- i� ��,�s�� ;:z��,3 ; ���LL�.�.�.�. , EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickeringlSeaton financial impact-executive summary.docx � 6� .__ ATTACHMENT# 1 ��0 ;����;,, -,��3 c� EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Obiective This report has been prepared for the City of Pickering in order to provide a high level estimate of the fiscal impact that development of the Seaton Community is expected to have on City property taxes, development charges and debenture debt requirements. This evaluation addresses annual impacts 2013-2031, with broad reference to the post 2031 period. ', 2. Growth Forecast a) Phase 1 of the Seaton development (2015-2021) is assumed to develop 12,872 housing units', occupied by 36,541 persons' plus 7,395,049 sq.ft. of institutional, retail, community commercial, office and employment lands development (non-residential) accommodating 9,295 employees (Table ES-1). b) Subsequent phases of the Seaton development (2022-2031) are assumed to add 7,712 housing units, occupied by 18,822 persons, plus 9,812,249 sq.ft. of non-residential floor area accommodating 10,939 employees. c) The final phase of the Seaton development ("Intensification") 2032-2050, could potentially add 6,516 high density housing units, plus a variable amount of non- residential development and employment. 3. Caaital Requirements This fiscal impact analysis is based on the assumption that all Seaton collector/arterial roads, Regional road sidewalk and streetlight enhancements (as per Table ES-6), local roads and stormwater infrastructure are to be fu11v funded (and constructed) by the Seaton landowners. This financing arrangement is assumed to apply fully to roads within the Provincially-owned lands as well. In addition, it is assumed that the Seaton District parkland area is to be acquired by the City at no cost. The capital and operating funding for the remaining Seaton capital requirements is addressed herein. ' Inclusive of 849 units(and 2,437 population)to be developed in 2021, post completion of Phase 1. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickeringlSeaton financia/impact-executive summary.docx 162 .GAo� _: ATTACHMENT# � TO R�PG�T��-r , = rn � v .-i rn v v �n o� m a N v c� � v v r.i rn d� �. in �n m rn .� o �n rn v � a m N o 0o N N d� m m � w m m .� � o r� r.i m �-+ �n w �o o ro � v rn rv �o ri ri .1 ri .-i rn .-i .-i ri ri �-i ri o 0 O ~ N I-- c _ a �n v� �v .� �n �n m m v �n m �n m � in �n �n .-i v _ � C Op I� M lfl C 1� lO 00 O 00 N l0 Q N lD l0 lD M O1 _ T N I� .--I N n'1 00 N lD V tD M 00 00 M 1� I'�f _ p C > C e-1 [+1 M I� _ p. z O J _ w � " m w = o - �- C Ol O1 Ol Ol 00 Ol O� N O1 O1 O1 O� Ol O� O� O� O1 h o0 O ' �n �n in �n io �n �n m in in �n �n �n �n �n �n i.n n o �t d 1� O I� I� f� I� h lD I� I� I� I� I� 1� h h t� M N 00 / � 'II ey �Il 1� N T C c-i O � a J � W � m h V 1� I� O 1� N I� O I� I� I� O I� I� I� I� tD 00 C v1 �--� O O c�'1 O N O M O O O M O O O O � �'1 o rn o �n o v �n v �n a �n �n �n v �n �n �n �n rn m - rn .-i ui oi rn vi o iri oi vi �ri ui m vi vi vi �ri rv m � o m � �n m �n n � m � � � m � � �n in o r� .--I .-i N N 00 N N O D] - c-1 c-I .N C lD lD lD l0 C � y 1� I� I� I� O O 6 \ Y I� f� I� 1� a--1 c-1 � � W W W 00 U'1 lfl � a J 3 M f�'1 (Y1 CII m m C LL fU � c-I c-I J C OJ O DO �0 CO N W CY O 00 1� c-I O lD O � � O N lD N ul 1� Vl O N o0 [O lD �/1 a-1 ? � � p O �'1 �f1 V1 t!1 N V O ul 01 1� Ol N I� O L � �"� � N �''1 O m O �--i N N tD' [7 I� n � � O N N N Ql Ql Vl lfl N 00 Ql N I� N E Q � � M lll N N �--I N �--I lD 01 �-i a-I C �+ W � U C m o �� _ � o o m o o rn o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m f0 a° ` z _ � � l0 N lD CO N tD O lD N lD lD lD N l0 lO l0 lD N N d � O �C O .--1 ci N N Ol N N Ol 00 a � LL � � h V n n n � � vm � � fri � � � � � � � � � � m c .i o u ' ' ' o `O �n � Q O '� j W > � Cl a?+ — 1� O 00 O O i� N l� O Ol Ol I� � n'1 � 3 � � �C y i lD N �-i N I� v v V' N � 1� � l0 ei � � M 1� d � I F E � r� a N o rv ti �n � 7 � E o � o r� � � � �v r� t� m �. n � n r� � n � n o m � � i� U "6 s+ c-I Ol .--I .-I Q1 .-/ .-1 I� .--I .--1 c-I c-I c-I c-I c-I ci �-1 N I� V � Q �� = c � r� v n n o r� � .� n n � � n r� � n n �n m ti O J N Ol O] Ql 01 C Ql Q1 �-1 Q1 Ol � Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol N Ol a-i C � �, O o0 O O M O O I� O O O O O O O O O t11 M c-I 3 � C LL 1� O1 I� I� I� I� 1� N I� 1� I� I� I� 1� I� I� I� n'1 1� O � O1 � y� � Ur v1 l0 � �n O U C N C O U •C � Q ^ O N O O O O O N O O O O O O O O O O O N p� 4� � � L1 O N O O N O O N O O O O O O O O O O O N � �, w Q V 00 d' CY l7 V V m V V a a � V C '7 V N 'W O^ OJ Q/ (6 ,. 3 � �, c ,� .� � � ,� ti �n .� .� .� .� � r� n n t� n m �v m c�a � � O N N N N N N c-I V N N N �-i t+l m m tn M lD N l0 � � p� I N N N N N N N l.l1 N N 1� lD lll lll lll ll'1 1n M 00 n'1 C C ri C ta � � ul ln t!1 l/1 u1 u1 V1 �D vl vl m .--i 00 � N N �L I � ^� E ti N Y fl' > O U d � N � � d C C � m rn rn rn m m oo r� rn rn oo � o� o0 0o m oo m c� a � � ° 2 m m m m m m m � m m oo N m m m m M N � o0 01 � � ;°, '�' oo m o0 0o w o� o� co eo � m � m m m m m r� n �n Y v p ta- � ri ,-i .-i .-i ri .-i ri � ri .-i �ti � o o � a m 3 0 `m c > oo m ao m m oo m n oo ao 00 00 0o m m o0 0o m .� oo ° > m v m m m m m m m � m m m m m m m m m (v t� m v v n L - m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m N N � � � v '� = a�i ri ri vi a � Y � .., o -o o � �C X �0 � � �.. O O O O O O �--i � O O r+1 Ol N m � Y C = a+ lfl lIl Ifl lll L!1 lA tn ln �/1 ln Lfl CO V Q1 Y L I� I� I� I� t� t� h N I� I� �D rn � � � � � ttl I� p a 'Q C uj N 1� C C = � � � \ O uJ m f6 c in � .�-i .� .-� ti ,-, .� m v .� .--i � m m °i p N 3 = �n �n �n �n �n �n v �n �n �n m m �n E 'on �c � � n t� n n n t� N n t� m oo N p v � o J Ul lIl ei 1� Y w C � p � � U y v W � U) O � U N N`0 fa _ � 3 m c W o t v1 lD I� o0 01 O .--� ..fl N M C �n lD I� 00 al O .-f y " O 'a .--I "' O (0 !i c-I �--1 c�l c-I N N 7 N N N N N N N N M M C � O 3 V y (q v O O O O O O O V1 O O O O O O O O O O N V �„� Q � N N N N N N N � N N N N N N N N N N � � � W � � � N � � � � N � � � � C L O L 7 O d �/1 o- � Z .. n � 163 m_-.�.-_�,�..C�u-,_ ATTAGHMENT# � TO REPG�i�3��3 � (iv) c) Because of uncertainties concerning the timing and density of development expected to occur on Seaton employment lands, it is proposed that the development charge for that area be imposed on a land area basis (rather than a building floor area basis). This approach also encourages intensification, benefits the City's capital funding cash flow , and avoids the industrial expansion exemption revenue loss. An additional property tax ', funding requirement would be involved (re DC exemptions for industrial expansions) if ' this recommendation is not accepted. ' d) The estimated City-wide stormwater management charge is expected to be significantly reduced, as a result of holding the growth-related program constant and spreading the costs over Seaton development, as well as the rest of Pickering. j The five "soft service" components of the charge are expected to increase substantially as a result of the impact of Seaton, which is of benefit to the City. These charges have been calculated on a City-wide basis, consistent with standard municipal practice. This provides the City with increased flexibility in terms of the way in which it prioritizes development charge projects and deploys the DC reserve funds. The transportation development charge for Seaton has been estimated on an area- specific basis in order to facilitate front-end financing and any other cost recovery arrangements outlined in paragraph 9(c) below. The development charge for Transportation applicable to the rest of the City has not yet been estimated, but is expected to be higher than the Seaton transportation charge, consistent with the existing charge. e) It is proposed that the City's non-residential charges be expanded to cover all services in the City's next development charge by-law. This is consistent with general municipal practice but differs from the City's current (2009) approach. 5. Operatinq Expenditure Requirements Seaton's operating expenditure requirements have been estimated in four categories: • the operating cost implications of the various facilities in the Seaton capital program; • per capita and per expenditure estimates for services such as General Government and HQ program administration and support, which are not addressed on a facility basis; • the development charge funding gap which relates to DC exemptions, expenditures beyond the service level cap, the 10% statutory deduction and ineligible services such as the City Hall expansion; and • capital spending from the current budget and associated reserve contributions. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:1PickeringlSeaton financral impact-executive summary.docx 165 ' g y.3�?,r-4i"._r,n.c��%ti.E'f i'"`.,r.�•�.tiw.ti`c,.' .��.�"a.,-�'�2 5 j,:(��V � ,��, ='� l� REVISED �"'� 4. Development Charqes . � � a) The estimated Phase 1 City-wide development charge for services other than roads that can be imposed to fund the capital program totals $7,449, also excluding local (but not City-wide) stormwater infrastructure, which is to be fully funded by the landowners (Table ES-2). b) Pickering's development charges are among the lowest in the GTA. The estimated Ciiy- wide development charges (excluding stormwater management, which does not form part of many municipal charges, and roads which is proposed to be an area-specific charge in order to facilitate developer front-end financing) is similar to the Cii�s current charges (Table ES-2). This is as a result of a reduced level of benefit being provided to e�sting development by the Seaton works, facility replacement cost updates to 2012 and because of demographic differences relating to occupancy declines in Seaton vs. the rest of Pickering. Table ES—Z - , Comparison of Existing City and Proposed Pickering Development Charges Estimated Service Current 2013-2021 $/sdu $/sq.ft. $/sdu $/sq.ft. City-wide Fre $ 271 $ - $ 557 $ 0.23 Parks&Recreation $ 2,788 $ - $ 5,008 $ 0.38 Operations ind.w/Transportation $ 488 $ O.ZO Library $ 538 $ - $ 852 $ 0.06 � Studies $ 91 $ - $ 141 $ 0.06 City-wide Stormwater Management $ 1,424 $ 0.94 $ 403 $ 0.20 Sutrtotal� $ 5,112 $ 0.94 $ 7,449 $ 1.13 . � Transportation -Seaton Area-specific n/a $ 2,024 Z $ 0.66 -Rest of Pickering $ 5,002 $ 3.10 n/a n/a Total $ 10,114 $ 4.04 .$ 9,473 $ 1.79 Seaton Employment Land Area Charge $ - $ - $ - $ 24,599 (per net acre}1 1 Calculation outlined in paragraph 4.4.6 ZA City-wide Transportation charge would be approx.$3,200/SDU n/a=not available H:\°ickering\I�caton Fh i G�EsSnaiesx�sxlD�Sucinary • Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickeringLSeaton financia/impact docx - 164 m_-.�.-_�,�..C�u-,_ ATTAGHMENT# � TO REPG�i�3��3 � (iv) c) Because of uncertainties concerning the timing and density of development expected to occur on Seaton employment lands, it is proposed that the development charge for that area be imposed on a land area basis (rather than a building floor area basis). This approach also encourages intensification, benefits the City's capital funding cash flow , and avoids the industrial expansion exemption revenue loss. An additional property tax ', funding requirement would be involved (re DC exemptions for industrial expansions) if ' this recommendation is not accepted. ' d) The estimated City-wide stormwater management charge is expected to be significantly reduced, as a result of holding the growth-related program constant and spreading the costs over Seaton development, as well as the rest of Pickering. j The five "soft service" components of the charge are expected to increase substantially as a result of the impact of Seaton, which is of benefit to the City. These charges have been calculated on a City-wide basis, consistent with standard municipal practice. This provides the City with increased flexibility in terms of the way in which it prioritizes development charge projects and deploys the DC reserve funds. The transportation development charge for Seaton has been estimated on an area- specific basis in order to facilitate front-end financing and any other cost recovery arrangements outlined in paragraph 9(c) below. The development charge for Transportation applicable to the rest of the City has not yet been estimated, but is expected to be higher than the Seaton transportation charge, consistent with the existing charge. e) It is proposed that the City's non-residential charges be expanded to cover all services in the City's next development charge by-law. This is consistent with general municipal practice but differs from the City's current (2009) approach. 5. Operatinq Expenditure Requirements Seaton's operating expenditure requirements have been estimated in four categories: • the operating cost implications of the various facilities in the Seaton capital program; • per capita and per expenditure estimates for services such as General Government and HQ program administration and support, which are not addressed on a facility basis; • the development charge funding gap which relates to DC exemptions, expenditures beyond the service level cap, the 10% statutory deduction and ineligible services such as the City Hall expansion; and • capital spending from the current budget and associated reserve contributions. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:1PickeringlSeaton financral impact-executive summary.docx 165 ATTACHMENT� � i� �s����;�� >���3 c�� 6. Seaton Propertv Tax Revenues Using 2012 tax rates, the Seaton growth forecast has been translated into assessment increments based on assessment samples taken for development considered to be comparable by the landowners. By the end of Phase 1 in 2021, these tax revenues are expected to cumulate to $18.1 million/year (2012 $). Sensitivity tests have been applied in item#8 below, to broadly consider the implications of lower assessment levels and/or slower growth rates. 7. Operatinct and Capital Fund Impacts a) The Phase 1 operating fund impacts for Seaton show an annual deficit each year 2015- 2019, in the $0.3-2.5 million/year range. The annual deficits have been levelled to some extent, through the assumed issuance of a 10-year debenture for the $7 million City Hall expansion. b) The City is facing a cumulative operating fund shortfall in the order of $6.7 million by 2021, as a result of Seaton Phase 1 (2015-2021). Seaton Phase 2 (2022-2031) shows annual operating fund surpluses with one minor exception. The cumulative operating fund surplus is in the order of$11.1 million as a result of Seaton Phase 2 ($4.4 million surplus 2015-31). The components of these shortfalls and surpluses are summarized in Table ES-3. c) The Seaton non-road capital program is to be funded by development charge revenues and contributions from the operating fund addressing development charge recovery gaps. City-wide Development Charges for services other than roads in Phase 1 is expected to produce $103.2 million in revenue for the $121.2 million non-roads capital program for Phase 1. The remaining $18.0 million will need to be tax funded, $13.3 million can be attributed to Seaton alone, and $4.7 million attributed to South Pickering. In Phase 2, a further balance of$18.8 million ($15.4 million attributed to Seaton and $3.4 million to South Pickering) is required to be tax funded for the $84.0 million non-roads capital program in Phase 2. d) Figure ES-1 graphs the annual capital revenues and expenditures, showing the peaks in 2020/21 and 2029/30. These are expected to be fundable without debt, based on the growth, development charge, and tax funding estimates, which have been used. e) The Seaton roads capital program is expected to be front end financed by the landowners, which leaves the City in a revenue neutral position for this particular service. Seaton area-specific Development Charges for roads are expected to produce $42.1 million in revenue for the $46.1 million road capital program for the 2013-2031 period. The remaining $4.0 million is understood to be the funding responsibility of the landowners. Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:1PickeringlSeaton financial impact-executive summary.docx 166 ATTACHNlENT# �- TO REPORT#� (��> Table ES-3 Seaton Operating Fund Impact Millions(2012$) Financial Component Seaton Phase 1 Seaton Phase 2 Total 2015-2021 2022-2031 Revenue PropertyTaxes 64.6 300.0 364.6 Non-tax Revenues 10.9 51.3 62.2 Total Revenue 75.5 351.3 426.8 Expenditures Facility-related Operating(excl SWM) (24.6) (128.3) (153.0) SWMOperatingCosts (2.0) (15.8) (17.8) PerCapita/EmployeeOperating (34.4) (162.2) (196.6) Capital From Current (3.1) (15.3) (18.4) Transfers to Capital (i.e. DC Exempt.,10%Deduction) (15.3) (31.2) (46.4) City Hall Debt (4.8) (3.2) (8.0) Total Expenditures (82.2) (340.2) 422.4 ForecastTotal OperatingSurplus(Deficit)Overthe Period (6.7) 11.1 4.4 H:\Picl:ering\[Pidrering FIS.xlsx]Table ES-3�ES 4 Figure ES-1 Seaton Annual DC Non-road Capital Expenditures and Funding Sources(2012$) (excluding5torm Water Management) � 40 II c ° 35 � 30 25 20 15 10 5 _ : ... �., ,.,;,� _ 0 „ 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 �:DevelopmentCharges ■TaxContributions pDCCapitalExpenditures H:1Pickering\[Pickenng FIS.xlsx]Figure ES-1 Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickeringlSeaton financial impact-executive summary.docx I 167 ATTACHMENT n_Z -fOyFs�r�Ca�r��� 3�3 (vii> fl Seaton growth-related capital expenditures post 2031 are expected to be limited but have not been considered in detail. Significant development charge revenues would be gradually generated over the succeeding 20-year period, if the assumed level of redevelopment materializes. 8. Sensitivitv Analvsis a) The fiscal circumstances noted above would be negatively affected if the forecast rate of Seaton growth is lower than anticipated and/or if the actual average assessment per unit is less than the average for the assessment sample which was used as an estimate. Variances within this range are possible and should be considered as part of assessing the downside risk. In this regard, the implications of two possible scenarios were broadly examined. They are as follows: 1. Reduced Growth Rate — Phase 1 residential development at an average rate of 1,200 single detached equivalent units per year, rather than 1,500 and/or employment land absorption at an average rate of 25 acres per year, rather than 40. For example, this could involve a reduced rate of high density development. In this case, the fiscal impact would depend on whether the City anticipated the growth slowdown in time to defer capital investments and per capita operating cost increases. The City would be able to minimize the problem through sound management, but a reduction in the cumulative Phase 1 operating position and/or DC reserve fund requirement of several million $ could be involved. 2. Reduced Assessment Values — Average per unit and per acre assessment values which are 90% of those in the sample. If nothing else changed, this would add $6.5 million to the cumulative Phase 1 operating deficit and $36.5 million to the Phase 2 deficit. 9. Overall Conclusion a) Based on the assumptions herein, the Seaton development to 2031 is expected to produce a cumulative Operating Fund surplus over the 17 year period, of approximately $4.4 million, if no special funding assistance is provided to the City by the landowners (beyond what is referenced in paragraph (c) below). b) The forecast summarized on Table ES-4 "Cumulative (Deficit)/Surplus" indicates that cumulative deficits for the first six years, ranging up to $7.7 million, are anticipated. c) The proposed Seaton area-specific development charge for roads and related services was addressed. It is understood that the landowners will front-end finance and/or construct the Seaton road program, including both local roads and the development charge program (Table ES-6). They will fully assume the funding responsibility, with the Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickeringlSeaton financia/impact-executive summary.docx 168 ��rrac��ENr�_�_ . �o ►������ . ��� . � ���� ������ roads development charge revenues and development charge credits, flowed through to them by the City, in order to provide the basis for their internal recovery of costs. It is assumed that any road costs not covered by development charges as a result of exemptions or deductions will be funded by the landowners themselves. This arrangement reflects the rationale for establishing an area-specific development charge for this service, the small charge that is involved and previous undertakings made by the landowners. This leaves the City "revenue neutral" with respect to Seaton's road requirements. d) Accordingly, the City's annual operating impact of Seaton is estimated in Table ES-4 and Figure E8-3. These estimates are without specific consideration of the downside risk of potentially lower assessment values being realized (which could, conceivably also vary on the high side in some cases). e) The Seaton capital requirements are largely to be funded by development charges. The capital cost components which are not DC-fundable are covered by transfers which have been provided from the Operating Fund. As a result, the Seaton capital program is potentially fully funded, subject to the potential need for interim funding 2015-2020, as discussed in Section 7, above. The 2015-31 capital forecast is presented in Tables ES- , 5 and ES-6 (roads). fl In recent months, the landowners group has offered to make various financial contributions which would serve to eliminate a significant portion of the funding gap noted above. These contributions, beyond the approach to funding the road program outlined in paragraph (c), have not been referenced herein. I Watson&Associates Economrsts Ltd. H:U'ickeringlSeaton financial impact-executive summary.docx 169 _��__._,:.___�-v.���:..�_�-,_:- ATTACHMENT# 1 �� �crL���:���� ; (iX> TABLE ES-4 PICKERING'S SEATON-RELATED TAX FUND IMPACT Year Tax Fund(Deficit)/ Cumulative Surplus (Deficit)/Surplus Table 7-1 (excl interest cost) 2015 $ (1,242,147) $ (1,242,147) 2016 $ (2,302,572) $ (3,544,718) 2017 $ (2,490,475) $ (6,035,193) 2018 $ (1,318,178) $ (7,353,371) 2019 $ (315,904) $ (7,669,275) 2020 $ 292,909 $ (7,376,366) 2021 $ 700,726 $ (6,675,640) 2022 $ 2,765,527 $ (3,910,113) 2023 $ 961,589 $ (2,948,524) 2024 $ 60,288 $ (2,888,236) 2025 $ 55,469 $ (2,832,767) 2026 $ 1,401,025 $ (1,431,742) 2027 $ 1,839,475 $ 407,732 2028 $ 1,828,153 $ 2,235,886 2029 $ 450,692 $ 2,686,578 2030 $ (45,327) $ 2,641,251 2031 $ 1,794,664 $ 4,435,914 Total $ 4,435,914 1 Excludingfull roads funding I I Figure ES3 Annual Operating Fund(Deficit)/Surplus as per Table 7-1(without additional Landowner Funding) � Ss 0 � $6 $4 $2 $- 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 20 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 $(z) $�4) $(6) $($) $(10) �Table7-1(Deficit)/Surplus �Cumulative H'.\Fickerin,��Vickerin�FIS.xlsxjRevised Summa�� Watson&Associates Economists Ltd. H:IPickeringlSeaton financial impact-executive summary.docx � 70 "_""�.-, --n-�.,�..,�..�-.R.a.,,.- ATTA�HMENT,� � �� ����;��;r 3�3 ; ----- �-,.a-�...a�.,s X $ o 0 0 0 0 0 � o in � � o � o o � o� r� o r � m c� o m � o in o 0 0 0 o r o rn in o c� ui m rn co o rn � �p M �[l h o m C� �n C) C o rn r o N I� N o t0 o N O N � � O O R � � I� N (O t0 N 7 N (V M 1� N � _ H � � � r � � � � i i � i i � � i i i � O _ l"1 O N � i i i � p i Q � i � m i i i i i m i O ' 0 O �O M � � e�f (7 O (p - N � � - m � i � i � � � � i i � m � i i � �p m � � ' N fp t� t0 V N � N O t7 tp N p � � r N � i � i � i i � i i i � � � i � i M � m N � � 0 i � p i � i � i � i � i � i i � 0 N , , O c") � O N O ' O O � � i � i � � � i � i � � r � � � � N r O V c`�') M m N N R t") � � i O � i i i i i � � � � � � � i � i � � o � o m N N � N ' o 0 o i p i � i i � i � i p i � � i � Q N M O M C�J � Q C N M f") m W � U oN � , o , ,� , , , , , , , , , ° � � ' ' � a° K o c� o � N N m � N N � Gt � C ��p � p � � r i i i i � � � � i � i i � � � � rn � � o � r M � , u Z W N y � b W F-e- � � � O I� O (O i i � �p � i i i � i � � N 1 �NjJ V U N No [�+l � h M N � � �U . 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'S 01 c '^ v� w r °i u E x ` m m o � -- A o o =° � m a� � � m m d o � '� m m E - s c, v� <n c� E c� W � ` m w in w ;, w m c� � r � m a` a - a z > o ci r= a z • • • ¢ • � in v� a • • o • • • in � .v 0 �i wi v vi �o � y Q � C O � � 17� R n �` G/�O Ci�TH�����1���r;°�2 d� i�� s`�;€-i€ y' �`�� �X�� TABLE ES-6 '� SEATON ROADS AND RELATED CAPITAL PROGRAM il 2012$ I Prj.No DC Reco�rable I Increased Sen4ce Needs Attributable to Mticipated Gross Benefit To E�asting Non- Timing Residential 2 Devalopment CapitalCost /PostPeriod Residential Res% (year) Es6mate Capacity Total Share Share ExternalRoads 1 Sideline 16(North&South) 2018 3,200,000 160,000 5% 3,040,000 2,249,600 790,400 74.0% 2 ValleyFarmRdlntersectionlmprovements- z016 500,000 200,000 25% 600,000 444,000 156,000 74.0% 2 intersections including signali�tion External Roads Sub•total 4,000,000 360,000 3,640,000 2,693,600 946,400 Regional Road Enhancements 9 SidewaiksandSVeetlightingonTaunion 2018 1,748,OD0 67,400 5% 1,660,600 1,228.844 431,756 74.0% 10a Sidewaiks&Streetlighting on Brock-5th Concto 407' 2015 608,000 30,4D0 5% 577,600 427,424 150,176 74.0% 10b Sidewalks&Streetlighting on Brock-Taunton to 5th Conc. 2017 760,OOD 38,000 5% 722,000 534,280 187,720 74.0% 11 Sidewaiks and Streetlighting on SL 22 2018 2,584,000 129,200 5% 2,454,800 1,816,552 638,248 74.0% ...... � ...�.�..W... W_.. ----- .�.�._......W. _ 12 SidewalksandSVeetlightingonSL26 2D15 1,368,000 68400 5% 1,299,600 961,7D4 337,896 74.0% 13 Sidewalks and SVeetlighting on Whitevale Bypass 2018 2,204,000 110,200 5% 2,093,800 1,549,412 544,388 74.0% 14 Sidewalks and Streetlighting on S Side of Hwy7 2020 1,159,000 57,950 5% 1,101,050 814,777 286,273 74.0% .___.__.__._.__....___...._......_._._......__._................_.__._._._..__.__.__..._.......__..__..__..__......,..,_......_..,.,._...._....__.._...._....._._.._.__._._......_....._....__.__.._._ ........_...__........,a.__.____........, o new �ites Road Multi-Use Path,Finch Aeenue to Seaton 2015 990,000 99,000 10% 891,000 659,340 231,660 74.0% Boundary(bridge) new Taunton Road Mul6-Use Path,Seaton Boundary(bridge) 2016 90,000 9,000 10% 81,000 59,940 21,060 74.0% � to V�Slliam Jackson Dno2 � 15 Trails on Regional Roads 2018 2,897,500 144,875 5% 2,752,625 2,036,943 715,683 74.0% Regional Roads Fshancements Sub-total 14,408,500 774,425 13,634,075 10,089,216 3,544,860 74�% Intemal Seaton Roads 16 Sideline240�ersiang 2018 2,240,000 112,000 5% 2,128,000 1,574,720 553,280 74.0% 17 Sideline24WithinNHS 2018 2,300,OD0 115,000 5% 2,185,000 1,616,900 568,100 74.0% 18 NewSWcturesforSideline24 2018 3,100,000 155,000 5% 2,945,000 2,179,300 765,700 74.0% � 19 O�.ersiangE-WCollector-SL22&26northofTaunton 2024 770,000 38,500 5% 731,500 541,310 190,190 74.0% 20 E-W Collector SL 22&26 north of Taunton with NHS 2024 460,000 23,000 5% 437,000 323,380 113,620 74.0% 21 Structures on E-W Collector north ofTaunton 2024 800,000 40,OOD 5% 760,D00 562,400 197,600 74.0% . 6 MuiberryLaneCollector-(i.e.RoadXl)-930m 2016 651,000 32,550 5% 618,450 457,653 160,797 74.0% new O�rsiang Fifth Concession Road,Brock Road to SL 16 2015 580,000 145,000 25% 435,000 321,900 113,100 74.0% 22 O�.ersiangCollector-SL26toWhitevaleBypass 2017 1,015,000 50,750 5% 964,250 713,545 250,705 74.0% 23 Collector-SL26toWhiteBypasswithinNHS 2017 805,000 40,250 5% 764,750 565,915 198,835 74.0% 24 New Structure forCollector-SL 26 to Vvhitevale Bypass 2017 1,000,000 50,000 5% 950,000 703,000 247,000 74.0% 25 O�ersiang E-WCollector-North Rdto Whitevale 2022 2,695,000 134,750 5% 2,560,250 1,894,565 665,665 74.0% 26 E-WCoiledorwithinNHS 2022 1,265,000 63,250 5% 1,201,750 889,295 312,455 74.0% 27 New Structures for abo� 2022 8,500,000 425,000 5% 8,075,000 5,975,500 2,099,500 74.0% 28 O�.ersiangCollector-abo�eroadloWnitevaleBypass 2015 630,000 31,500 5% 598,500 442,890 155,610 74.0% 29 O�.ersiang new road on ebsting Brock north of 3rd 2015 840,000 42,000 5% 798,000 590,520 207,480 74.0% Internal Seaton Roads Sub-total 27,651,000 1,498,550 26,152,450 19,352,813 6,799,637 Total 46,059,500 2,632,975 43,426,525 32,135,629 11,290,897 �2013 Cost mo�,ed to 2015 for Seaton purposes. 2 Seaton 2031 population 55,363.Seaton Employment 20,234. Res%=55,363=(55,363+20,234)=74%. H_iRr_h.eringl�Saston R�1 DC 6tlrr�tes.>_Isx]P.oads�C VVa;son&Associates Economrs;s Ltc. H:1;=ickeringiSeaton financial impact-executive summary.docx � 72 ATTACHMENT#=TO REPORT# �A 3 < � < U ,�, Z a � > � N w � Q � �.¢. w Z H . � U a Y 2 Q a N O 0 Q O � > Z J z W � "' O 7 w = p Q m a ao � W W o a " a "'a � F � � a � a ,�i,w Z S 3 v"'i U 41 ��;+ � � i L i ? 3 + � t�� ��3 LL. - """'", 8 - � . i � .--....,.. __._'."' • � 8 ,_ ,�"'""' ""' i_ I � ���� � �_ "�-.. ���. + � ._..... o . j, � . :"\\ � � \ � o �� � ` ' o � ����� ' �� . \�. <i -�_ ' _�.. a��oae-- --��--� E �� ii� _—'_S ),- �" � — R �\j st� .LbO � �I��.._ } " " _ � \ ,� _� O '' I. I � . �.., . . . . ,- m • I I — { I � �� \ � ,� � ._a.= \ ♦ � ��..�. 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SP-2008-03 &A 003/08 B�_195 � �_19p67� �89-198� �_199 V L-200 m 15.5 qBL-202w BL-203' 59�� 1 � 17.0 W BL-�-p.6 � 15.5 149 L 2��:� BL-244.i 26.0 V1 ��LS 2].5 71.5 � � 59.1 u ��a9.8 3B.5g � �47 U 2j.5o rn �73� �74 � m 2 �ZO �'' 2].5 � 2]. 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F�g �S, ,� ��s 6ti �a155m� � P �y O'�� �; �'\�. �, � °j y ti��. ��a �`�(�=�� ' 3 sv� � e B�,'° 6 � �� ]g_� )39 `� 8� J,9 � B��2p 6 � 82 `{y y p�15.5m. BJ � e<��9 el� . �9 F �s� " N � FUCL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPUGNTS SUBAI/7TED PLAN ARE AI/A/LABLE FOR V1EWlNG L' . THE COY OF P/CKER/NG PLANNWG&Dfl�£LOP,UEM DEPARTMEN.' '�. � 7H15 MAP WAS PRODUCED BY TNE COY OF�C�P,�G � PLANN/NG.4 DEUELOPMENJ DE R " INFORMA7/ON&SUPPOR7 f v/ 5, JANUARY 30, ?008. ATTACHMENT# �� TO REPO�T���3 Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-03 Part Lot 25, Concession 3 and Part of Road allowance Between Lots 24 and 25 Concession 3 � Zavala Developments Inc. City of Pickering � Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 13.7 metre fronta e 59 I Detached 12.8 metre fronta e 67 Detached 11.6 metre fronta e 46 i Semi Detached 9.1 m fronta e 20 -- Total Dwelling Units 192 Elementa School Block 0.21 ha Park Block 1.17 ha Villa e Green Block 0.16 ha O en S ace Block 0.06 ha Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.44 ha Roads 3.49 ha � I i 180 ATTACHMENT# �-� TO REPORT#���3 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN HUNLEY HOMES LTD. SP-2008-04 &A 004/08 (2013) iI ' i / i � y �� I I I i I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' 0 .2 2 2a.o M2' ,� "E �i v BL-247 � ,�m ,,� (e�L�� e� s �z,.s. w � U 6u67.5m 30.0 ��� N � EL SCHOOL , � o \`p���� ��6�T,r`�44 �BC�24 ry�OF BL 250 J N N W A V(P O� N BLOCK 7 ^ . H' '1 Q J'`� ti FT �5 RS p `�' /� 20.1 183 18.3 18.? te.3 18.3 50.0 �n �J � O A=D.2S3fH0. F`6:�, �y e 33 (�� '� ? V.V. 'J ' (0.625tACS.) �,�^' �P'e �' �y �p 3 3y, ' ^ � q' � 0y` @ `s�9 o p aq �p�Cir-4 "��3'•o A=0.344tHo. STREEf �=���m. "4" _ � V . w.w ,� g.5�� ��ST°, @� s5 s,� 7 �' � (o.asof��s) n o F, �ti .9 °,�RF ��C B •''7 : � \� w � m ti`' �F' � S 3 , Fl 're��y h``ao o , 3g .°20 ?o rn '•' 'S� � 0 6 S� ����.�� �Q �s � 's'� S �o�V�o :� �0 2�.5 � h °Y h � �s�� k� S2 � �s b� B3 ?3 `O O h ^w`` ,�38 �'27 a V n' e U� �5.5 .0 ~ `? I g'S 'J, 'b" �@ O� ?>3 �? > � O O O B ' 3. 9� .� �5 y 9�.t y °o, 7 0_„�`\' 31 �2? ' m vi �n O C'�� �a h P� �' eC g 2., F �B � ?> �o z> -h _oB� + �p:o hy��ry�p 6�Q�'/r4 ^ � v OC�o� �M 3 'g p:5'IOm. �].�6 'S �27> �nE�F � 9 zj5 \/ a�S '' ti�B e s„� 'a,, s �<v p�•�' ry" �3 18.3 N �'?q 'Sti' ? �8 ? o �a (Oa <�C�5'�' F h^ �� �j'`y "� � � .� ^2S z�s�'. p ti ' � 7 °a ,�+ o / S y� � ^2 ?S �e m 0 eF ,� ,: I, ''°B Ss � : BL-249 �°o`'�. B' "'oti" � 6 � v } ' ¢m eh �F � h � °d3 �°'y ��,1 �s m�6 � 77 e° N PARK FT � o h 'B, �yo yo,��,-yF � ,° > m ' � m A=0.638tHa. (�f " '�F "��',y"�� ST S� �o^' ��' �`S �2 (i.5��tncs) �a z� o � 'a s� � 0 r.�' a> n os� �5 0^6 3 �p is FF�, � � o y, I .S y �� tO , y`�? 0 y �an R,?6� �G`�yE ^ � tih „P'E �B3�Oryti ^'�oy�,.�''s��s' 4 ��o �O��� ���y�, 0 /O�i >> ^�,�y� o y p is � �CJ.�. p w l�0 2'v -6�s'^�ry^^ryyh �?� ��6'' �0 � / �O � 0 '6� �ry: � N�6? O " BLOCK 248 A�`� s's���bhry ���e'BS ;: ,SS �,� ��, a ELEMENTARY SCHOOL o�e �h T �rs';.��hy � �� SBS o`� 0v� �B,t B3 ���� �s 1�"�"� / A=1.888tHa. ,, ��o ,s � �'� ��B �� o � o „O `? q� � �� ��9 �B o 1 /vPORTION OF STORA�WATER � o (4.665fAcs.) ' o �. 4� s r _I ,•^ �� B3 ry O�`? '�"��0 1�s ��'� 3 "�C�'F�,F • .�•O MANAGEMEM FACIU7Y - h.� p �' TO BE CONSiRUCTED IN ) �' ° ry��o��s� � � � ��SOQ� �83 10,�h'�y ryy.� 6 0 ,� 4� NATURAL HERfTA6E SYSTEI a •�70 :� '�B�.O'�' e roy��0 0-6� o n.�� _ A=t.503tHa. >� � �' ��y `cTn ��s��'y " � �O ��6 `� a �' / . 2).5 �B� ti^is' /� �s �,�,� y.p�o �B ,o � � � ? 3 ` �� ^.�y� y� tV'8 J 1,� � Q \ ., o.728�5^�" �•O�0'��s FT �0v 's�6°0tiy. "v p� 0 � Q� . � ^. ,tih��y ,Ly�O �y. "ey, �s�h�' ,� 1 / � , ��c' 93 ^,�" � `r�. ,'\'s @ 's P o °' � � �� °� ��s ^�'L hry ti"^y ry?e 6•' �es "�V�hF V �P� . . ST � " 29 �, �'"' h^ �a o , / y,' R�A ti�3?�s ST 6',s ^.�M1,� .,� tiy,�y B� �S 0,�� �v' }S��e`` 7��JO ^. 2q9 o B�hh�a3�FFj �s��s���y'�'� ryy� ` � L 0� s >sS7e ��$��5 �^ �y "�'B� 6�'` ti�y �.�° /,�`, / ) ? `�' � / � 7>7 �' O �M1 h�.h\{X s) B�1 ^1 \ } �B sS2� :� �e ^1 n �, \y �?e� 6'. ?e� "G,�^s �4J?zjS?�•^ e,^. 3 � ^'0� �^� �e� ?e v�,�� � Q a 6�'�S �?o m is�T ST� eJ a h�' �"��: '��gv O 'S / � g ' 2�J4 b 1 JS 7�5 ���, l�6 '� h Ph0 ti h �?B O �`5 / / � s �� a �4 0�`� ''s .° � : : � P \a� � 9( ro�)q?S �a� 'ea << 's �' � �^y 6 s o� B<. �3 r � `� �o v v s �? o• �O S 2 I "�S„� �3 3 ..7)S_s ,' 1� �^'s s' r� B?e �ryy 534�-3 Sr oo I � �^ � " y s, ?e / e ti� � �3j 2^\ 'B3 �ry^ ��'��� 's' � e<O o'S 9 � �y��� �3 ^� ^ �� �6 8n S3o�l'�4 / I � z6 ST '� ^ �� � s O 0.���s ^��, �'FF� �'s,s �a,�; �ry�.y ; ^ 2C� S B) �e.l ��6��,�o^hy o 2� h� / / I . :� B�s O�^ 1�'��O�s's s�6'��ory��� �yF�� y . 9 � '� o / p,`f-F' ry ^� `L B� s��s e��h", S 5� 3 a3 `�'�,��p y� ^� �j e� 0 �°� p0 � s o `: �e3'ry�^�p,1 ry � p B� 8, Pi �p \ ��' `�lQ 'e� ��ry" �, �:0t�B? .^' � /y h` I :6 1 . e S O �S � ti B3 FFl ?s �'�1tp,�: N ,��'��^?6� Q" F\�� �J .y^, l �)6,'�Jry� 1� O,)6, / OF. I J ' 0 `���s� �' {s���y y� 3q ���C h �L� �s)6 3'�'r,� ��6��°j�"��° g ,�" O� �,\ � `� �h �6 s� �1.� / J 3 �gryry1y ry � ,' ;s'�~�^ ry I /a3 �.ti�5 r�,Q ^s� �6 O�ry ,� � �?s'�^',\^ ti� �0�6�� 9+ ��s �' � ,s�� �^� ry ��s�s � x° / / � '6'rL t'^ ry p o I 's�ry c, rya �. e<. ,s ti � ^ s ,`� P I 25Z ,s�ry 1^ �y� � S Jq �6��Y N OG � O� Q I ,s 6 0 "�h' y.S � . ( ry �O '6 � o ry ry ,'s� ` o � I ` � o r�,^'.�'s ��S r� �� 7? S ' �' t� :3 R:�� b�,y- . as s�9 � .,,�. r�,, ryo.`ze. °". �,;� I 2S' M8Sq5?>ry �L .S 355 27.1 2 7/ � \ �Y 8�5725 p1.2p5.E N87• • I I I �°. N56 O, �� l \ � j'' _ i� I � /V FULL SCALE COPIES OF THE APPL/CANTS _ SUBA!/TlEO P[AN ARE A�A/L4BLE FOR U/EW/NG AT THf COY OF P/CKER/NG PLANNING&DE✓ELOP.NEN7 DfP,9RLU£M TH/S MAP WAS PRODUCED BY TH£C/7Y OF PC R 6 COY 0£✓ELOPMEM D /NFORb/AT/ON�SUPPORT l£5, , - MARCH 21, 2073. � ATTACHMENT#s�TO R�PORT#�� Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-04 Part Lot 23 and'24, Concession 3 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, Affiliated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 13.7 meter fronta e 5 Detached 12.8 metre fronta e 38 Detached 11.6 metre fronta e 114 Semi Detached 9.1 m fronta e 90 Street Townhouse 7.5 m fronta e 138 Total Dwelling Units� 385 Two Elementa Part School Block 2.21 ha Park Block 0.63 ha Villa e Green Block 0.34 ha Stormwater Mana ement Facili 2.36 ha O en S ace Block 0.16 ha Buffer Blocks 0.18 ha Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.93 ha � Road Widenin Block 0.03 ha Roads 8.68 ha 182 • �-�- .�_� ATTACHMENT#�.TO REPORT��`�3 ' INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN ZAVALA DEVELOPMENTS INC. SP-2008-05 &A 005/08 (2013) lN I AKIU' KtHL I T c.,VRr'vRr�nvrv � _- -- oR_PUNO�__ _ J I I N]S35b5'E a5A 20.11] N 68'� 2' N 7335'OS" E 186.237 ' 68'07'25"E fio.� ° „ � - - 72' 0'15" E 755.622 54.193 ��o ��� �"-�N„� em>sm �w�sm I ' � = o � � m �Jp'Jw r°ia m o'n 3 .,�, �n N w p w m .i m n 159 � 760 z�9 o a . 3).J ]15 m J � OM � tO1>t1.1 t1] f.611.6�t.611.�fi 1B� 1BJ 613 5p� O� N 7335' _ �.]2� 163 t1]11J 1].J tiJ til 1}.]�T +a.>+3� �s.s °'o -e�.a�STREET �=zsv:�. �b� _ hn �� b 1n Sm. ^� � - � R� � 2u « STREET i-is3sm. "2' �o.o �� n.o �0 3 0 170 °� R i n ° e e ' �° 3� �o.o � 1L6t1.61pP 1]9 1].B 1]9 f].8 tk.6� 60: .e, 's - m = _ ' � >.> - - 6uo7.S� � e fc N n � � q m o u > in rn i�.o ry 59 0 °184 ° � w.o T Q� ]).) � v � ). O = RB� n m >5 �^9' '' ry E n.�s� � i.e °58 m � n °183 �o ^ � ry � � s�. �5 1' . 6- ' a m m � w rm.� °i LP, f.57 � �I " 263 ,(�FIEET �6 �8�13 � m P�A ° C��36 Z w.o � � ��.000 �>.> XP � �,�, I�a,z.e,ia,�.a u' ! - - 0 J " ., � 7 n °56 ro n181aa o n R p� as.o E 3 z� E ° STREET �nuxm. "3' a _ n. 3p.o o A=1.273tHo. .� e180 za.o �o J m � E - 8� �55 3o.oW_L_' ( ) za.3 ., � °o ° e o _ m j 3 aia5fnc:. e „ 7 � „ e n. . - p �.J9^ $ I].B 11.611.6t1.6t1.611 �1.612.8 139 SS 3 3 -p PLA -�b.� o. � �>.5^" ~ E p �)� O � 3�3 O O -� � PIN�63 ����s.� n� N bo e bn � �� 3I1.0 0 � ro 10� `o m �o � rn .i m 54 N ! W � e � �. �� �n In ¢'� >.> - Ci � - a�.a _ � o� � n �777 « ? � m.o . � i7 N . n � Z].5 Z ����� = � b m v~rn (n u�Vw h�i � � .�"�53 33. Z Z . �BB Nn H �N n � �n^n n.tS8 �m o b a E E N i].9tt.6ti tt t1.6it.bft.6tt.61�.)tS.B o R��T 183 20.t ' ^ � � ' � �13 n PU1N 4�K-2425�zs:,�. '4' =sZ az� 789„e�,a`,s3STR �� �53 ia.�i�.� _ i>.o "g e N e3I 0` z h 51 m. n.e - ' EET i�u.tm ,9.� w I L� I o .6 1.6tt.fitt.611.611.6 � _ ' m ^ � V 4 �4 � n.o �50 3 3 ��gp q n.o u.c u.e n.s ua zao 0 ri.� �Q.s � - s. �n in o ».o � �- 1�J!� 3 � ti J.�AV(l� .>� n49 N.� h� �97� �n�n�nN E o 233 � o - o. o in N� �.e _ �'/ye 3j �, . v I I� ' g �16 i n< � .i + u� �w r�'oJ... J �=48 <oro -'I ma >a92� 0207 m21 `� 9y�5 ° 8 ' Ie,� R �O� '17� 1].4it.6tf.611.6�t.b�t.6tf.6 t.6��.Ofi � n � Z� O� 7 ].S ��S a A=0.542tHa. £ Q � .0 I ]]� N�n � R- y 47 w Z >.93_ m206 213� (t.339tqn.J � N I ez „ e. � �d.o �18� �STREET i-iossm. Sp_�o.am =46 zJe94� z>s >.s m � � � ^. o . ' N! �19� � tL611.61t6�1.6i28.,N �:a5 e 3poPo U '895- W 4205 �Siqe o 0pj 3 I O o ^ �0 G u '•� '� � 04>s 275m �F. $ w.o � Z '� � 1JA� � v> ia.6 �44' ^Q�O Ow� o.s96 n jA �3].5 27 Ok, N� ° �Z�� 9 �3]6.948 0�73g � �443 N�N .vJ��N �79�= '203is s? �'S� � � �� ^ o � �o v�' _ o �22'3 N147�5 p3� ea�y �2q' =o =� a 198_ 202� / � 2,F � ° p m b.0 ])5 ^. �3� v146�� .�38 a a 4j 799 _ p /- eP °3 ° " e N � „4� - �,13s m`� �ap 22'Ot' S°W �., 0� g"F- /�/ �n 'e � � ^ ;,1 a5 � ' s 31.90 3 p 'Q,e �3�09 4 �i�\'� I a in m � W�.00�nis� v �4p= pe 33g"' a�ai.�O ��ss q"S o N a .o E ' 8 � tpe/ J % �°io e � z�6� �.o p `r�c v _' � F''4' m m 'L�� 9 F. � �I N 27 �a,° 1J.�^�.6 i.6^1Sw Z z>.e .�°.;�� Ni° ��9,5 0 / � I I Z m ^ e a^„s -0 1 p0 c�' p ao.o Z a � �O'a. �y�:36 0� •.j� / /\.�* o o zns N `rym �J u.>t�o ta>n s ? � � a N73'35'OS" .s. h e z . ^' n° - ''`�s�6 a � BN+K ,\"� 86.574 " � I ^ � n n S N74'S2 15 W �4oF 2� ° e � 49.637 � ne y 50.03# / /to?�p f'°oo. N62'S0���E �� o.o o a�.s \ N82'44.�oqE g > � '. I .�•38 4a6 n 81 62 �w�sm 3g �°n R e f 14 su0�� 217 � E � �N8�Z07 k$p / I� �3' 218���.a.�. DRIP 3g�7 p. �0�epP1' SooO Sx.z �a N m SI e J�3(�E w �� / I � ON ° �^�, _ NI ' \ � . � �tW.om. � � � 4�,C � 'cn N : e'� o n'_ oN c . C� „ }I o �� � '� 3e.a N �. �R 4 : N & �i � g Z O n ]>.5 �]S - I I1 o �a _ W ]OA 3>.5 tOE C��F � N28'4'S5" �° E e�� N E Z � �I i3.863 PART ��3 E �>N° � ^ ° ' 3 ° LAN 4 0R- �`6¢ � N� W �(fA � PIN]6395-0�N - w 3o.a o E 2^ �N 236 m ' ^ e w 0 �LF�NS ;A� �1S �A=0.5593Ha � in S (1.SRiACC) ).5 J Z].5 � bA a �I C'Pf 2� N N o"i N� �0 3 E E f� I PIN 26385-0123 NOq 6�°0o q� 8 ,� � � I ONTARIO REALTY CORPORATION tiN2S•34p53� ° �3 n q i°�L-j ��.o S7REE7 L-t�,sm'11'° 'o in I ,y 2S. qs S, inl o p2.9 2 3S.s�8 F ��o.oaoi J� ���232 W 1 � Z� � . 3230 a� ND) 39sSe62 N73' 5'0 " � �2 1.� 4° W Z IS 45 � '�� .°°'^I �94n i P{,RT 1 N .m � �_m A=0.760tHa. I I N . FULL SCALE COPIES OF THf APPL/G4/✓T'S SUBAIITlED PUIN ARE A�A/LABLE FOR✓lEW/NC AT THE COY OF P/CKER/NG PLANNING&DEYELOPMEM DEPART.UfML TH6,t/AP WAS PRODUCEO BY THE C/N OF P/CKER�/NJGT , /NFOR/ON£&SUPPORT�R�C�K; , � MARCN 27, 2073. ATTACHMENT# � � TO REPORT#��� ' Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-05 Part Lot 27 and 28, Concession 4 Zavala Developments Inc. - City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 13.7 meter fronta e 79 Detached 12.8 metre fronta e 33 Detached 11.6 metre fronta e 78 Semi Detached 9.1 m fronta e 24 Street Townhouse 7.5 m fronta e 72 Lane Townhouses 4.0 m fronta e 120 Medium Densi Block 22 Hi h Densit Block 10 Total Dwelling Units 438 Park Block 1.27 ha Villa e Green Block 0.55 ha O en S ace Blocks 0.15 ha Buffer Blocks 0.02 ha Road Widenin Block 0.12 ha Roads 6.39 ha 184 ^ ATTACHMEIVT� 5s TO REPORT��13 � INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN HUNLEY HOMES LTD. SP-2008-06 &A 006/08(2013) � 16.0� � 6u0).5m NI )WJ.Sm I . 'b�t.6��.6�e.��te3� 633 �.� ��.�13.]�ti�� I' ��fl�.Om. R_us.sm. r I e� � STREET �_.��. >..3„ t13 t)-0 56.] t).0 o I I f o a� t).0 ' . 6u0]Sm '° O o . o m N �m ^ � n N n vPROxouiE LOUnON 0! J0.0 �]5 e p y 'Y^. SfCFWIAiER k 541rtM+STiNC6 ' U e �O^ T1u�18wAi� EAGERrtM�Eu � 283 N Z�.S m O n N o o p� O m 18J 0 o m 2).5 ^ �O O � n m m � za.3 zao o• vs E I g „ 3o.om a �^.s . . �.0 �o E oE m ]1.]33.6 �_ rc �� 2�.5 � m� „ �m� N < o � $ p 30.0 =�.5 F n 29.6 n 1].5 �O � a o J oE 1� ?y'^. "U? . _�� � - = � � � m o O �^ n 0 O 'p �� � a O� m'm� m qi 2J.5 10.0 �m)3 N m m � TT^ ]J5 1O � T � o o� � i� � N 15$ oE o n I 5�p]Sm \a��ieary �a3^ zo.� n.o � .y� � ' ° s�m� BLOCK 75 S.S I 1>13.J �r�Sl� m m m �. I I 1J.0 95 >$ °p` \ _ n.o ,..s,an,,.s„a _ ° STR "3° �>.= �'I� i>.o z�.= � � Bp` o n o n i�.o 3�o�.sm � 6j° `o i R e I � �a BL-17 >.8 n ��-� � ��� n m30.0 �m3].5 �vy.E ]6.5 2>,= � on � npp 8 n.e . ns >. ."� o n m^ �bS. = o n e I >.5 e m'm m'm� i).8 >a �^ o ns ao.o n. >.5 �,y _ 1>.5 0� �✓1 _ � M n A �.1 = � - � � ^ O � n `.,5.0 "E�. m m m m �Y n ��.� � \\ 30.0 �].5 ?���CK�4 �O O m' �orwonw.c iou�au o n o n - m �: �1o�cousrx�iu� m�� ?� ^ N �`�+� n N y � � ,� w*uwu�aAn.cc ssreu m �.s �cY.o 'Y° v3 BLOCK 105 mUa° ��s / o o'^'�E e J ry * m" m E o ELEMENTARY SCHOOL � �.�/ V 'J e m � A=2.536tHa. � O n 3�. ]t.5]l.5 m m o M '�°U O (6.2fiJ3/.cz) . 50.0 O m' S o ' n N N m � P �M� Y p i n om'S � oUp ��o w 2�S N �ry " n O� ? � n t SE�mnncGS�� I o m10.0 m m� m n �m� N „N r,n R�p W 2J.5 N � Y in E sSFU ]W�.Sm I �Q o o N m O ON `.��}T� tl. Yn \\ n° I � 6u0)Sm J "U n s"O�sm ° `e�^ BLOCK 27 m m � 3 ca � �o a 52.9 R�11].pr�. 63.0 N m u �?m �J.O 55.0 1)A Q.�20.�m, Sj�3�»fi"y`W�6 3,�a�3 m e e \\ B.p °" R�iaa.a�. -" i � S7REET ���R.���a�^. '��� a' '�J m m N�e m E n P`^ IB n�.5o N Oo c�m 1).� 42.0 a0.8 �uOl.Sm r l00 �3 mm� n .p0 ae.z ,_ I? ., � i � i� BL-51 BL-52 BL-53 m.i� � �,� m m o ZnS �� � m� a J� 5u@�.5m ry Su0>.Sm° y}j 3�.5 = rv�o n Y n m'� °Oa' W 2e.0 n 30.Oa o o V�JS SW).Sm n IuO�3mr n Iu0).Sm ��n � �J.S m � n� e „ � o ., � BL-58�BL-57 BL-56 �-� - ,E,rn 'cY.i� �1.5 ��2--].5-- r �O-E O I n 123 �,y �5 `m O J n ��5 0�Q O�n m � . . � I F 30Amm _ °0]ZJ.S - a'm m'2)l I p o � �� STREET �-i.a_.. "6' n.e 1°.' �, �m� o e w - 32.5 _ � ,^,�I I 9 � I n Z)A� 25A 3aS � m vEi :(Yj^o N m ns ns o x.am m �mz�. BL-5�BL-60 BL-61 BLOCK 106 y � �e o, m E E o E N <e o� 3W�.Sm 3uO�.5m au0).Sm V.G. �m� m 0 N O n p n � . .`f'" i- 3uo�.sm z,e]Sm aW�Sm A=0.3003Ha. m � BL-64 m m I0 �I I^ m m a' o m.°, � L-63 6L-62 m>.,z.s� BLOCK 89 v azo zs.e� 3s.5 N n.o ��o�s,� o � o+ - = ^STR '8' STREET ��zezxm. `8' N yN H.D.�=o.o+o-rna awism I s�i.sm �„ois�,� � �s.� ss.e .aa s3.a * n o° " �zo BLOCK 65 BLOCK 66 6LOCK 67 BLOCK 68 m� BL-97°BL-98° BL-99 N m e�o�s„ �„o�� s„m.s„ 5„ozy,., m " " A BLOCK 104 ^ ^ ' �� BL-�07 y COMM. . e�os.om e�os.o.� aws.a,� sas.om azz w m� BLOCK 100 BLOCK 103 a�ocK�s BLOCK 72 BLOCK 71 �BLOCK 70y LOCK 69 � ^. i ' r A=0.760tHO. � 3�5 St.] N 3�.3 J9.3 r: �u06.Om il� �m O HIGH DENSITY 3 COMM. ° �1eJ�"`�� s� STREEf �-..at� � ��5 � 3 �5. A=0.886tHa. � A=0.879tHO. as,,,w _ � � (z�esx.ec) N (ains�l , ss.s yys 'o'.o .os r n.s r at.t 3 �u� n.o �°""' � BLOCK 74 n BLOCK 75 ^* BLOCK 76 BL-7� BLOCK 78 +��o ' �° �� L-11 &A6.om BW6.d� � t>.a m m 6u06.Om �W6.Om �+O6.Om BL-709 _� 9L-175 � BL-108 / � N FULL SCiILf COP/ES OF 7F1£APP[/CANT'S SUBN/7TED PL4N ARE A✓A/LABLE FOR lOEW/N6 AT THE C/7Y OF P/CKER/NG PLANNING&DEYELOP.UENT DEPrIRTAIEM. TH/5.UAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE C/lY OF��� PC/7Y OE�ELOPA/£NT D /NFORMAT/ON&SUPPOR7 / 5, MARCH 21 2013. - -- - A�ACHMENT#� TO REPORT �'°►° #_ Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-06 Part Lot 26 and 27, Concession 4 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, Affitiated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 12.8 metre fronta e 1 ' Detached 11.6 metre fronta e 4 Street Townhouse 7.5 m fronta e 266 Street Townhouse 6.0 m fronta e 66 Lane Townhouses 4.0 m fronta e 228 Hi h Densi Block 890 Commercial/Mixed Use Block 99 Total Dwelling Units 1,554 Elementa School Block 2.53 ha Villa e Green Block 0.30 ha Stormwater Mana ement Facili 1.13 ha Buffer Blocks 0.01 ha Road Widenin Block 0.28 ha Roads 6.84 ha 186 _ _ ,�..��-n� ATTACHf�ENT�S�._.TO R����T�c�� � - - _ � 3-�� � INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN , 1133373 ONTARIO INC. � SP-2008-07&A 008/08 (2013) � SUB—CENTRAL NODE COMMERCIAL � BLOCK195 � (70.26 ha — 25.3 ac.) � FUT.ROAD . � BLOCK 201 +° y (0.02ha.-O.OSac.) ', � � — i _ _, _ f . FUT.ROA� BLOCK200 . (0.02ha.-O.OSac.) �• TAUNTON ROAD — Regional Road No. 4 NNRF Wn�r SIE LP�na15Wy, MIXED CORRIDOR � BLOCK192 � (4.26 ha — 10.05 ac. ; SUB—CENTRAL NODE COMMERCIAL 293 units BLOCK796 (@ 60u/ha.+/—) (6.50 ha — 16.t ac.) r i —'� _. _—— ._.� '� e •� 'A� . . .� .-�.� m '°' ' ' . ! STREET 'B' g °iBOS,' ,., - . _ '°e��.�a�' � �N�� =�€✓ � _ 6 ���'� N' �" � S�R ��.' o z �u � N•� 5 � u Q - �;�us• �,m� ,• ' � �SZREEj. =,G�� � _ ��'" •� ,N� :w „ �W'° �- W _.,SZREE-,.. =r w � �o o�; �.' � . . �, - � v�:.,u,� .. � ?o`oq - " yyy$� ' 90 (n � ¢f�' . _ ° � q q� � 'p m _ �� � � w F- r W � ne w W � W H - �J W K U1 ' a]9• N � � u .y stts o . u�o � I O 4 m OoEU SvAQ oE �� 063$ _ _ _ $N: m ; leuu-c�y �� • n - u - u u _ 4�o I el➢]tt99 •-"` Sr��� � N � � FULL SCALE COP/ES OF THE APPVCANI'S SUBII/7TED PLAN ARE A✓A/LABL£FOR V/EW/NG A7 . THf C/IY OF P/CKfR/NG PLANN/NG G OEUELOPAIEM OfPARTMEM. THIS AuP WAS PRODUCfD BY THE C/7Y OF P/CKER/NG PL4NN/NG&OfUELOPMEM OEPARTAIEM, /NFORAAA7/ON&SUPPORT SEFNCE$ A/ARCH?7,�C�.'f 0 � �--.A . ATTACHMENT#� T0 RE�CRT�� � � '' Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-07 Part Lots 23, 24, 25, and 26 Concession 3 and Part Lots 23 and 24 Concession 4 and Part of Road Allowance Befinreen Lots 24 and 25 1133373 Ontario Inc. City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 11.0 metre fronta e 39 Detached 9.0 metre fronta e 74 Semi - Detached 7.5 metre fronta e 96 Street Townhouse 7.2 m fronta e 19 Lane Townhouse 6.0 m fronta e 133 Medium Densi Blocks 46 Mixed Corridor Block � 293 Total Dwelling Units 700 Sub Central Node Commercial Blocks 16.76 ha O en S ace Blocks 0.03 ha Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.08 ha Road Reserve Blocks 0.01 ha Roads 6.38 ha 188 ----- - - -_ _� -� ,._. ��� �t�-iT���{��V6��( t,' ��a 6 C� �y �I�i�I �+-� �e,�.•�ti 222W� =�'3WISh �22ke2 ' RWeVQhh � �o�oO4p ��W�W4i �� 2 �����y 0 Ws�i°m ,5i i�W��o oeoma,� �. !�� �::� WQ�P��e .s r ___--------•-- < 2� o •, �s2o = ` ;f#: �asa �': e� ;Yf�ie:� �oaN :E ! C23 .:;, _ '..' .'�, m�� ;3;>'- `•!'e—v�e . HY . ' .7i .!° 4 h ; •7. F - . _ a oti � ���W - 04• v�. a� ! ' t �� C� � •�: � �'e . � •3�_ � ;� �.� } - , t --=—��-. , � _Q� c' � •3v �� J.7� .!. �7• 0 f� •; _ W _ .3 ! W . `.�, '4' ^2. °��i'. � �:� . � i.._: i• � �• +yti33b1S:. �� . Z t 6 �` � Q . I E O4.'•+4 � E5i ' � . U �` 'W °g; i J V � � - d�eee° eS .06 j • p� Z Z N -_`,ayrS' y E§i ,�, � Q J O 0 . . �� YPq` q rn .� �'m ��� . a `� . ie'� , d�" � �, . OOQo� M � °.9:" '�• h # ` - � W F- r a;�', •N'" : � � Z � O �� W � O p v ---____�� �a'x;, ` � N M a `. � \ y° ,A'g :;, . ry ` �� •'� �� V ���, �\� _ ��!°J,. ,,eeen s � Z ---------� ,.�•R'e_�. t ' °'� �'', O - .E�5 E E E E E!E!^ Q S •+C•A•!E .$:a- 's�i� ,,� . � ��. •`. c¢ '•J E� �a � ��� jR. e!5_9d3'"ss6�� Z �. .F� e�e' 66� N��j���iM1 ...5��\ . .. •�• ' i'> >.l.1332ll5 '� 1 `�'� a .� �, .i� �ee �G; e' _ R� �'�,. :6. ti. i c'��, � . ! .Y.133ill5 0 " ' p•• a__' . Ia - 4a€� - % - g. � ' ' '�``_ `I� ' _ „"i u;= '-°�`� \ � 1 6�EE��� �_ c � z q .:'Y.,° �•� . , — �S� .M.13321150 � ` �`�d o ''•s ° . I �. ''� 'R � vee`e •�'; �Y�� � � . . '�a .`J.1332ll5 d'� • � i� __ - °`*•�' ' ' `'' ��,���I + . , i a?s iI^ _ �� 4 . 1 ___ '_ ' --_ --- ---- —___,_,_..___,__, r-- 1 `_'�--_�z..__-__.-_____ -- 189 ATTACHMENT#�TO REPOAT#`��� Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-11 Part Lots 22, 23, 24 and 25, Concession 4 1133373 Ontario Inc. City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 11.0 metre fronta e 206 Detached 9.0 metre fronta e 248 Semi - Detached 7.5 metre fronta e 180 Street Townhouse 7.2 m fronta e 55 Lane Townhouse 6.0 m fronta e 414 Tofial Dwelling Units 1,103 , Elementa School Block � 2.47 ha Seconda School Block 6.95 ha Park Block 1.72 ha Villa e Green Block 0.34 Trail Head Blocks 0.70 O en S ace Blocks 0.18 ha Stormwater Mana ement Facili Blocks 1.48 ha Walkwa Blocks 0.05 ha Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.03 ha Road Widenin Block. 0.47 ha Roads 12.26 ha 190 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT#�R�3 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN REVISED MATTAMY (SEATON) LIMITED SP-2009-13 &A 014/09 (2013) �A�� PROPOSED DEVE ....HEAD � " BLOCKJ g�pCKK a,mR�,� o�1ReXrve BLOCKL TAUNTON ROA[ ppp2iy ��� 03mRmrve 0.00<M YISST�O'E 3Y ii2AIL :3'. '° „e "'°'uwt mn ma�ioi �s-i . HEAD %� ^• "° ^. .�, „ . — _ NATURAL HERITAGE SYSTEM ��`�'h': � � BLOCK 1 x�.,yp-E zy y ii/ BLOCK2 �����r F�� ..e�oacti $g BLOCK3 F– M�z��m ' �,.za.a. ,"•I � ��-\o$•M61�' MEDNM�FMSRY _ �W - maz. 6=a11 .�%o'} is.w U.bvu N�zi.. r�.. c=zta a � y BLOqc to D6 ' BLOCKC'�J� ��uuy� .� � B 6 � . o�. . e� �.� ,�= W ��;�° . ,a „� • � � � =a�. o��� � o������� N � # ~.� — ' � � W m�E� s II .,,E�Z e`�� ar �s CJ'(R BLOCKH ��^°�.� ��w � �.� � , $ STREET4 _ �+ ^"••�^ � _ W u10'JYXM1 W BLDCXI6 B7�K� � a.ni�6 ' 6 e�0GK5 �� ��£� BLOCK25 � W ; �/ B o..a,.,.B �� r- — ��m a�o�+�� �i e PRO ,�,,,,.a.N b. BLOCKIS W ���� BLOCKA � BLOCNI ��'y�N �y�ouem a. °BLOCH 1] PARK ^• vw�MY�,?^'- nim � �� 0.361a. yq �o.ofiu a '•1 � 0`� .A I N,'��- , .� � � a..a �S7REET 5 '�.�.°' •S� �E'C� � .. R � _ . \�� zi N � BLOCK ifi � B�0 %qeari.e W �o-� Z o�� ��.siv� ��, £ ��., � � � 3,m�� ., ��o �y � �4�o g�o� '�iMad l0E 6��`�'bi—� ,�m e>�p x m m�&x m �d ��t��'gw -+ �° ; „�.,�• _ �3�m w NATURAL HERITAGE SYSTEM BLOCK D..g � ���x¢��� E 8 � � sTR� �� aa. ���a� a s�o� — � �° < s.M��` � . = — = �� - � , � g�o � : /� �qo1]�� �p�� 3t �Ip�/ U s�.a�' .Ni]RD�N„ y0m B��e.� 'tg`U�` � ' � 'Oi i ��ocK� ,„�,,,,,''A�_ e _ . b� x59vTY+E� �u �� iRAIL � �.w,,.a.v� W I' HEAD ,__ �g ° g� t t � STRE g�,°o-�m-a - �o��t~i� 9'6' s W { �' �a � „ ��,,� y z � . •34� m e�ocK� N e�o�� �µ mi# v R ��� mi �.o-v'.e il U0.E0.ESDEMS .m.. E _ , $� �;g � ��,, o c� y,e,o.w-� �STREET 14= . ` .,nv7a� �. — . ___ I BLOCK3] � - SiP6B FURIRE ' L _ _ RESIOENTI.OL . ..... . Snh mmm PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT � N FULL SCALE COPIES OF THf APPL/CANT'S � SUBAfITT£D PLqN ARE A✓A/LABLE FOR V/EW/NC AT THE COY OF PICKER/NG PLANN/N6&DEU£LOP.NENJ DfPART,UEM. � TH/5 A/AP WAS PRODUC£D BY THE C/7Y OF��� C/7Y DEYELOPMENT D£ . � . /NFORMAT/ON�SUPPORT E lC 5 MARGH 20, 7013. ATTACHMENT# S TO REPORT#���3 Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-13 Part Lot 25 and 26 and Part of the Road Allowance Between Lots 24 and 25, Concession 3 Mattamy (Seaton) Limited City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 11.0 metre fronta e 65 Detached 9.1 metre fronta e 162 Street Townhouse 7.0 m fronta e 92 � Lane Townhouse 6.0 m fronta e 17 Medium Densi Blocks 438 � Hi h Densi Block 318 ' Total Dwel�ling Units 1,092 Park Block 0.36 ha O en S ace Easement Blocks 0.71 ha Stormwater Mana ement Facili Blocks 0.51 ha Walkwa Blocks 0.02 ha Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.35 ha Road Reserve Blocks 0.01 ha Roads 5.71 ha 192 ATTACHMENT#�TO REPORT#��3 ° INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN LEBOVIC ENTERPRISES LIMITED SP-2009-14 &A 015/09 (2013) T�U I�TON ROAD — Regionai ' Road � a SUB—CENTRAL NODE COMMERCIAL , ROAD ALLOWANCE�� ° BLOCK 50 � BLOCK 56 `°�"°_,"°` (4.81 ha.-11.9 ac.) � �— ,. .__; , , .: i � ' � � -- � �'.'� ��' J " GAS PIPELINE a= Q s � � � _ G G G G G G� p P� STREET 'B' ~ ° I W m ' MEDIUM DENSITY Y BLOCK 46 a (1.91ha.-4.7ac.) , � 40u/ha. ¢ � —< 3 a,/°" pH— C PART LOT ,�ue ��oH_ � BLOCK48 � (0.001ha- &y/�1�i 1� Q W mEm�V ' � •a� I/oM_ia+E°i.N W � �9 1B y7a " � � }0 ~• ��• 32 31 OH I + '> • • 34�3 p �oH_ � +��• 8 37 36 35 . 39 , n.o 1 Q � � .2 „ ,o T ,A, e yo= � 1 �y 43 .5 STREE ',� �� V;� ';� o �o .o� %o >_ , uo = — 7 B g 10O Q �� � :180 Q �1 0 } t` '� O � � O 19: W ` 12 O o$ 1� WALKWAY 020°. w � � BLOCK��2 — fa.a��e- m1 ' O 21• � ROAD LL WA CE �ZZ, BL CK 55 $ � — (� - I 023• OZ�e I ELEWENTARY SCHOOL OZ`+� / BLOLN 51 ,e��y (t.87 na-4.6 oc.) �0 _ ' �� a Q ( a PA T O.Jm RESERYE .(�C � p BL CK BLOCK 53 �\ �ST�Qo .02 a oi..rv e / �� � FULL SCALE COP/ES OF THE APPL/CANTS SUBbIITIED P(AN ARE A✓AILABGE FOR l4EW/N6 A7 . TH£C/IY OF P/CKER/NG PLANNING&DEY£COP,NEN7 DEPART.UENT TH/S A/AP WAS PRODUCED BY THE C/7Y OF PC R G � � � C/7Y OEYELOP,UE/✓f D � /NFORMATION&SUPPOR� / 5, MARCN 21, 2073. ATTACHMENT#�_TO REP�RT#��� Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-14 Part Lots 24 Concession 3 1133373 Ontario Inc. City of Pickering �� �I Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan �I, Dwellin Units Detached 11.0 metre fronta e 19 Detached 9.0 metre fronta e 17 Semi - Detached 7.5 m fronta e 18 Medium Densi Block 76 Total Dwelling Units 130 Elementa School Block 1.87 ha Sub Central Node Block 4.81 ha Walkwa Block 0.01 Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.09 ha Road Widenin Block 0.65 ha Roads 1.03 ha 194 ATTACHMENT#�TO REPORT#�� o � � _� � 3��a • f E 3 . � _ ° � E�- E Q v�i .vo F`- u 2' - L^ _ v - � °' - J v � . a C m � Q v a o o � � c S `o �Q �-1 2 = * a v H H j m .p v > � Z m c p �3 a �I L�I � C O >. w ° ¢ ° � ;; y O a,I- � y m _ ° c ° s - I X It p ,N O - > - 9 in f l� z� Z' 'm Z' E w � = O t C s z � � a`, u u° '' _ _ Z u a Z a � ' v \ m" = u'°. w . �° v o 3 �" E� o E o - s f „ . �,'°c �z � �0 � ° E :`- E o� m x w :: y _ _°-' = S o, �`_ � H � y 3 i0 �w = O1 " o ' o LL p� s Y L in cn F F z > = E � C7 a a° a`V in ` in � z r � . °'E� Ww � �, •� �� � � � � ��]� � � zE�� Y •� U U N i N y � � 1� � _ I cna zmZ C____�___�-1 _ 1 ___ 1 1_- � � 1__ � O � � m 1 ATTACHMENT#�TO REFORT#3� o � N E ^ � � C � O y O s c s �� '0 10 0 _ � ~ � O .0 Y .0 pf U p1 �N i�N N zmz � � �- - - - - - - � ii � � � ii � � i � � � I �� 1 � � �II I�_— _— _�-, � \� _ �JLJL—ILJLJI---II II II ' � ` - � -- �����I � � � I �—� I C) �� �� O ' _ "`/=�\ N � � Il��^ — --- z I � ll �r�� __--- �I_l��� �— ) � —�r �-, �I I I� ,� I 1 / �� II �r � ` � ����I lLJ ` P �---- � � li � � - -�' �----- / \i\ � — l`� I—J�—J . . -� I i � ' � �� ` ��� � , � ` '' � � � � � ��� � �� ` . � ` I' � /�' ��r (` ,���=�o ` � __—_\\ ` . �I �� ��:_^1I I � �� � $ 1��/ I�_.__J�_��._ � �� � � l ��_-Jr�-_)� � \\ � l I� 1=.-�r�.—_� o � \\ � � ♦ � � ----- 1`. � ♦ __—�\ `� i fr:___�ir�lf�l���l z `� ��� � 3 I \! 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'N O O�'' � 1 R '� ATTACHMENT#�TO REPORT#y��� - � � � N 3 `��° � ` - F . o � . a C N � � � _ �' °- v E � 00 � ' ~ Q ri a � o° - V h� ~ " � o. o. _ - T . U � 2 �e ° �-O v v a a H H v E - °� �' y � p � LL O = O w a v� ` a a � z a; o o� � � v "m ` `o_ o, x LL � Im/1 L j = > Z' � � " _ � E _ _ o - 9 9 T � z z Z' 'm Z' E � � �p c '° w c � ° i � °�' o � s � � ` -ua -o � w �; m � 'o > � � W U` 7 � 7 ° f '_` E E o, � � ' L `w r o 0 0 � ° v v E m .��-° 'L° r � o � `o m � :: r J z I� m m o ._ _ E :� E � E o, c J o '� o, x x E .. � m E E � E � - = S o, � � � p � � �n � -� F u z "> i a u �" w = f � f "x � � u c� = a u a a �n a �n z" LL � z � � � o � O ° � •�• � W = 0�� � 1� � �• �� � � � � � � �� � � g �nazfz :, ° � r 1`-i�l W il� �_�-= , `' , I�'-(1 U � __� � ; � o� � �,� � >��'_ �b�� _ __ � � ,. �'� � �',� ; � - , U� � � ,�, �• � � . 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I � \ �, � � � � ��-. ������� , �� �Z: i� / i i W ,� � ,�� , ��������\� �, , ' ��- �� \ \ -1�-+� `', .� �� i z \\\� \��\� � i - � ,--� \ \; ; \ � o A�\ � � _, - , ��.._ � A � !�'�� ���� � � \ ' � ,, I ��\ ' �O � \ y' -� �/ \; ��I /„ ` 1 � � ' � 1 . , ���� w,� "`" � , �, . - � ��� - �,� � - � �i c� ��� `�.�...., D � ` � ,\ [_� � ��i! � --, ��i�� �\ � � � i � _;.� .' � ° ���� ° ` � �, i � � ��ya Q 3� N � / m E-`-°o f J - th Q oa Z�U - � -- g�z a � _ °� �U� �3'_ O �Q K N N � � . ��IQ- ��m'�° 0 � �11J� E`�°-'�� 7 07� =O- _O SOLLI /�� °'��p � . W d} � ZO °-'�cv> � Z Q a] U zE� � " AiTACHMENT#?o TO RE�OAT��'�3 �� Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-08 Part Lots 30, Concession 5 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 13.1 meter fronta e 8 Detached 12.2 metre fronta e 69 Detached 11.0 metre fronta e 93 Detached 9.1 metre fronta e 161 Semi Detached 7.6 m fronta e 14 Street Townhouse 6.0 m fronta e 13 Back-to-Back Townhouse 6.1 m fronta e 106 Total Dwelling Units 464 Villa e Green Block 0.26 ha Walkwa Block 0.01 ha Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.06 ha Roads 6.63 ha 212 ATTACHMENT#_Z�L__TO �E��t�T�3A�3i' INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN WHITE SUN DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED SP-2009-08 &A 08/09(2012) I ' I � ,, � � � B B B B B B B B e B B B B B B 6}B B A A A A A p p q �� � — �i � va � � m ° � ° � .°- Ri � � a� � ?. isn i .. f33 t]2 tu fv tu � i1i 1� ,g� � S ]1 t2t �]l �]1 ti] t1i N �` I �i =u H+� Street'B'� SVeet'B' 1 _ ' 1 � ` � � > >u �� I �� iR�S t'd tY� �8 � 9t � 9F "�� "1 `y � 3 � f3 gi F R3 �2 aS Y3 9! .:F3 [C Y3 r.. �. ;� � D D D G C C C C C�C C C C G C ��p 0 D G C C Ce G C C C C C � i i ��B �p 0 D D D D D 0 �� D 0 D 0 D D D 0 D � C C C �� i ii1 [ �„B �va O � B ��R��"F�"�I-° � ����80�8�'8 8 Ei � 8� i . I t ,c�� ° g�4'r ,�,..�c� q ..�a.,c x� �� N i �;'�ry�. �o 0 0�� B.SVeet'C'n _ W _ St�eet'C' , t� _ � ' ;�� �g°� ^ fn 9, ..�a.�n,n�o�o., „ „ �� >n pj i ewa��szu o� •'�,• +'�i�,e °SSS8gE SgS�8S8GSffi38gm S �. � Reed�'irtai ��j��J��D 0 D D 0 D D 0 � D D D D D � D P C C G C C � Rese /� � "�j O p D �D D 0 D D°„� '00 � 0 D � 0 D�D D D D D 0„�� i � o.oi�� '�° °�,o ^F1 A�Xi F � tS!8 FS.:A1 Fi A�3 SR�ai�S s�:� � i ' � ¢9' '�� c o �y�' �su _ . � M1.'� .�o ��B e a o c�ca a.�o.� c.i �w a a c !+a.�a o . i t, � m. > ' Street'D'�+� ^ = �, 9 ,Street'D'� i Potential Future �^ � - " �� Natu� Residenfial @ Blk.353 0 '6 ��M �n g „ a��°'� "�°���$� , ��; (z @ m Village .p N ,� � �o Developmenf � � o ° p �TT� 4 °' o D D o 0 0 o D D o o ' H 184m i� "� Green � ,cg o � ° 0 1T1" � s s s s s s o°,�, 'W by Others o.2s5 na , .�0�o o��ro° � � � � � s m e t�m {z ' � ,'� � � `,��;o� �ee e m �u ,u v c tmm �� �IOCk3S� �~�oaa'J .'°�'�o .y��~,�� �' ,�tT o_16fa � _ �us �Street'F' n v 187m 'p Ftasidanbal a , �� ,+ O �� i� Resarve� fi . �fo O�0�� lSf� �o�� i. iw .°.��m jO 0.046 ha� o�r ,�. �°,3ieg.��� , POf.tl ��� % � > �, '>�._� c19Dm '�rn � ? �3 `�, 9� Z S '�7�e� V,�� ` pO �`. L0 �� k �" �iN � i �•' ° Bc `�1��o �'i „2!:0. � �•� � m � ' 1&/0 �ti ' / n� �: c,3�J�� �' � o �'! ,� ,t1 k. `�j� �"� ��y `1$�Q i� �4n�s313�` � �s o���'�, .a ' •# i. � `� ;���c, iZ !' a,a ��b �. r er� �W . , �'�bs �'�a=_�` �/ °pz�b_ oo 'CS,,°� . �'�m, , �,. � '1$� '�y ;� — �l �r 131:o�31f = �- °?l8 ' 8,p°°�. �u� � ��c, � i0 . .� �- u310 = �,�0277 e� m��3 �� .iw �" � ��g�� iW ��' 336- u�y _ ' ,ng; tS�� ° �� Stre ��^ j J = s M yµ-n � 33i= 30q - �,o ,�e�, mef ° � `6 � n = + o ' ' �� �,� ,���°c° ,r� y a�e � .d � M1 � . ------------- � — �, � —, L h, � Z a . — - - a, m a � �o���., v� , �a� i I, w aw °,�a_ e� ,�"v � �� .� ,c v �1 ��>� a ae'z i 6 ,� �amT• '" e ° je . �' '� � D - Pote�7tia/Futu►e I'� i � ��' '�°au teei� J'�o� � �� �� ° $ _' �� Elementary School � e'�'�� 5` �"a � �. �'o� " Q ; (Hamlet Heiitage open I; � �a�'�'� °�o� ° s ' `° G '� � ON 5 ; P � �i � `e�`V•', J��'c ��° ,,�eet, � �' „"", Nztam S ace Bbck354 „�� ','�' � o'�,� �, '�• � ,x. w,i�ar e S ;`f}� c o,,� °'°, ' r a,�' � V,� :.214 m . I�' o.ois� m'6,'a��m '{j' p ��p °, b �«e � I �o e�'' �jf � M'c,a o o R'e? �"r �i 2�a �B ,�,YIS m 4 I', II ��,��� `��° � c��� °x+� o ;�a � w�+s° Naturral Heritage '°� ,, � � � °ztr a ° ^ N s" 3ystem �!, I Hamlet eti�v zj ,�>. �� ° " "" - ' ��+°m I�' i Heritage m'�' �'v �,�� ' ,�` � � ra = � ��9 m ; � , Open Space �°�h�' �h � � ��# �i � ��'� , N a�°° � - - �i, S I � 'b� e s e ,� ,�� ,z� „� ��z+m — — — — �,.,. "'�° R+� st��t��r � :m m �. Hamlet I0 �' I � � ,°_ �a Herifage �; n � � � �. � � \ � -------, '� Open Space �,, I � � � N FULL SCALE COPlfS OF TH£APPUCANT3 SUBAI/TlED PLAN ARE AUA/CABLE FOR VIEW/NG A7 THE C/7Y OF P/CK£RWG PLANN/N6&DE✓ELOPA./ENT D£PART.U£NT. �, � TN/5 MAP WAS PRODUC£D BY THf Cl7Y OF l��� PLANN/NG&DEI�ELOPAfEM DEH4R � /NFORMA7/ON&SUPPORT 3�w s, D£CEAIBfR 27, 2012. _ � ATTACHMENT#�m TO R�PORT#7Q�� � Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-07 Part Lots 28 and 29, Concession 4 and Part of Road Allowance Between Lots 28 and 29 Concession 4 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 13.1 meter fronta e 17 Detached 12.2 metre fronta e 71 Detached 11.0 metre fronta e 83 Detached 9.1 metre fronta e 56 Lane Townhouse 5.2 m fronta e 160 Total Dwelling Units 387 Villa e Green Block 0.54 ha Vista Park Block 0.11 ha Stormwater Mana ement Facili Block 2.18ha Roads 5.78 ha 210 I � ATTACHMENT#� TO REPOAT#3 A 3 J� INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED I SUBMITTED PLAN � WHITE SUN DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED , SP-2009-07 &A 07/09(2012) ' --�- ---�•-- Pa � Naturel Heritage �+,,�,�,, I � �pB�l SPBCB� �m 7°1°m SOUTHEAST CORNER � \ -- __— LOT 28, CONCE55/ON 5 � i "_"_'__'____'___l___'____'_"__"'_"_'_'_____"""___ , . Whitevale Road ----------------- ----------- ------------ i f � � � � � � � a � � � « -u I I \ �q A A B B 9 B B B B B B B B B B N ' '� � ti� �� B B B B B B B B ; I � _ � � �,o = " uv�, G � _ ,� — T �, - vv�. � �or 28 co� , � L D 71 29, CONC _ ,v u Street'B'v � ��s � =a Cemetery I \ m �A C 9' �SNRC�R � _ T3E c c c c c c c m tt5� a p :n e s e e �S1 = =2�a Y I xµ� Y N.�� �s s ��; ;n„ Natu►al He►itsge Neig�uihood � ,�*; N y w� , „_,;,„� J ;�, System i B�e � (Hemlet He�itage � ���';m � �•vsttvetuC v ; $ ,�'� I � o�n S��) \ m o� y „ �Y a� e �9 M,�� 9 � � BBBBBeean� p'B9 . I '4 c � B SPb$ 4 +� . m��u �� $ �v ra,v r,9�� � * �v J' � Stteet'B� �� '� °�y Blk 251 �. m,�¢: a� Village Green _ _ 6 m�'" 0.546 ha �,r i m gis� � �a — — Street'D' -„� � �� Y ,� ., ��., � ., ,� v ',�a . eu�ts c,7f6 ��, f1 R 6 8 6 8 ��W d �� � + �\L _ oLit�r e c+'A�" C c o o �o Y p o ' , m 0 13�-�a ,R'P S � � �70�" 'fi "� %m � i o 1W��.s� 'L� ,`j �e. I Y° �� �76 "o� .o :B� o��a °`��O�+,`N e �i. ��t�' o i0"' 95�n � ��� :A��O�• m � '�o° 'a'6 '�N5'�' _ � 196' � ;.fl c,o�•. � o°$�'3 � � ��6 ym � � �4�� � =� o�* � .v'g' , 10 / � '�� 1W' y ;� "o Ib'' , � '�� �W m / — Natural Heritage ��s+= e�:� iP , � S��SFBlII ��' ��e S�ee L V'��m ' �, � � 19e� '� o � / � ti � � a�e .,� � .. ,,, � "'S��O,c � ` Ja\e�ypass �8 0 g �P ,,, b. �r��e e : �� La�e 056a .YD° � , °` QroP .,z�� �h �.� ,�� , =�u N swr,a oa,o�. o. ',�� v -�m i �„�m,. Pond ak +p s a , ,�' :� . � � �` ' La�e, J o� ��$'$� � '� NetU/el HB/ItBge ;e �' � � / � — �qy��,�o°° `� ��� SySfBrt! i qbR9 %;sl '1� ` �e•N J °�' isl_"o .M '/y/ . � � p� � � ��" S�ye.l �A a� :ISe�.> u 7IA_ �I''tr c W� � � � „1R' ,� �� °f75� "�y' _-�° ' ��y \\ aad : / �� „ �� " � °n+_ ,'qa :�a � Awrva ; � �y j$ � ��_ 4 a ^A Y.� s: �� � 8� y ��.R'_� '" o � 4: w..y � ccccccc�71' 000gRAq {3 - . �, c � "S`�7Y` _ 19=oc„°,° o 0 �_"_____'_______" =151 08 ' ° Rwtl ♦ Futue � — � Reaerva Y Dav�bp�M UI ' •�" �' C s� � ,+ Blk 254 N :�yy m - � �s SWM Pond 1u,u,v 11 ,`_y�� a 2.186 ha �� + � R 8 g 6 � �' Naturel He►itage 'a e a-a o -------,, � svsrem �. � A. � --------------- , , � � N FULC SCACf COP/ES OF TH£APPL/CANT$ SUBU/TlED P[AN ARE AVA/(ABLE FOR VIEw/NC AT THE COY OF P/CKER/NG PLANN/NG&DEI�ELOPAlEM DEPARTA/EN7 THlS MAP Wi15 PRODUCEO BY THE Cl7Y OF G PLANN/NG&OtVELOPA/ENT D INFORAfATION.4 SUPPOR7 SfRU/CES DECEMB£R 27, 2012. ATTACHMENT#.� TO REPORT��� � Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-06 Part Lots 29, 30 and 31, Concession 4 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 13.1 meter fronta e 45 Detached 12.2 metre fronta e 63 Detached 11.0 metre fronta e 114 Detached 9.1 metre fronta e 71 Street Townhouse 6.0 m fronta e 465 Lane Townhouse 5.2 m fronta e 80 Total Dwelling Units 838 Villa e Green Block 0.34 ha Vista Park Block 0.28 ha � Stormwater Mana ement Facili Blocks 0.80 ha Walkwa Blocks 0.03 ha Future Develo ment Block 0.03 ha Road Reserve Block 0.12 ha Roads 9.40 ha 208 �� ATTACHMENT#�7' TO REPOAT#�3A�3 ; INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN WHITE SUN DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED SP-2009-06 &A 06/09(2012) Whitevale Road --- I Vill ge �O White vale � j L 0 29, CONc � � ���� � Elementa Hamlet Heritage ry Neighbourhood — � Open Space School (Hamlet Heritage Pa� Hamlet Heritage Open Space) (Hamlet Heritage Open Space Open Space) p� SY�� n� YA L A n� A ��'�rc C C CYC�CLC C G C C G C C C C C•C• L G G C C " $ �e S& fd � ld l6 1'e I� � o�azm x� t'e1�RtilSi@i'e1919Pa�.k" F.F�°�,FFF�t'eFAA -o Street'C - W�m �`a� Street'S' _ � `1 =a „SVeet'E' _ n ��. -� � � A � G�+SA° . � .. •}� '�,�, ,v u� u�n 2Q_ s - � U V i = ,�u u _ '� e c c c e :13�e „ .�, e...�.�.���n � � .� a�!`u�, a� �211 : �_ ���E = n ����� n ���1�l� � .... -. � � a o 1ffi' :1Ye s � q '' =� �U�= C D D D D D D D C u �- � ��YJ� f p m � p�q'. }" " �f10' = 6 �u3A = =H � =Tt =7� � . . �t7�' CA a�. � x�w s ��^' ,W"n.� al � . mw.o, m ,� m � ' „`' ,=y �"= d„ �' =e ��ss = -n ��n= _�� � . . � �, a M � a�. �' , M n � .eu.nm: .._ � o.�os y,- o��e�. - :YA fl�'a r _ � ��x : _p ��m= =�s ouN _ _ �. i.� � �_�a �u+m f a _-.7ti e._. C� _ _ - e = _ - - - - �al Heritage . a z�e ; o U V a M U U� �- � U � 3 �' m Street'K' ' m �,,,��- y �ta m > stem „R vn- ��a m ° �Y �nd� � a n_n -O _Woo�t _ !L -IBooCI= d=710 v� d - �tro= N N M � t°np-�ttY- � �tum . A n r}, � F � -t� ���o = m =q ��ee_ in=m � m e � _ =�u � e+as m �v; ,�„� � -u ��a = = =b ���_ =eo maea ,>, ,u�: � k� Ti'2P`�� a � .>• - N a N ° , ' �"y �A �=• R,� = � =u ��m = =w ��a= n � � ���. �,� m� _ M a„ �^. ?,sm ; i ?y n n'�: ° �cee � :11moa = =W �op= ,Ro - � e.. c. 'Wm �> �`d �, °y�° U ��s m�� _ =s� � a= :m �r� o 0 0 o g a„ce " - W sveet'�'w �+, , '�'� , � ae"a "– ��em�a= =���m: b.o_on" $gagR � 'u , ?�m� ,',�� a.=aa; .,� 0 �re � - my� _ =9 �om: �°o�"" q _wt �"" �°'a" ���'� ° 0 x -y ;,7Am.�s e: 211«G _ilmm9 � 'S1 oW ` �� w�m000�000 �o o�o �sie �� e . " ��em - n.° ' 0a.. ,'6P C :Yb e m m a :tc m 1t a `S o�� ,g, ,� e�.:TM. �, Blk.392 ;1D4 m B s 5 8 B�^ �'�m . .'b�: e" a e v e e - yp: Stteel �n �`"o�^�" °oo�oM 00,.. Village - .,.�.,., .��dD �15I: F'- �� � v �: m 21 e � y ��a �ro µ osTM� Green ' Street��..�.� ,., ,. ,,,�0`p � a° 'dp° � "' � b m x �d �,� 'o��.,,w°" e�.9.e�µ ospew i�osin� ' . 0.349 ha R 8 8 6 8 fe E 8 c!�8 eS CS 6 ffi� e ,pi# SUeet'R� Bk. 5 0 � p,��� µ BK�'B �501re W�l ,�' '0 D 0 D D D D 0 D D D D D D ����` s ' q �' 5' eo zw. os�r ��"' �v' • 97. o5tMw w�" ' 7171 ' 31. A 3 � � a o sTM o0fi91u „ ° BµTN 01a1 t�p \0 Blk t] �z � '°„ Y O6 lu � wv�326 O�N W SUEC B�m OSTI i�T�o � Wal� q p 3 TM . \8 OS 0.0)9 he' i 1�o !y Bk.393 �y "Wa°�� � P .' OSTi . . s 01M� Su • �,TH OOt3� v xA 006 Pvk � xA � 0.0161u BIk.386 � -BY�T14 lr .q,a• q 3� Q 01� B&.31fi e�T�o a Res.aa.re ��,;; _ t aoso�, �osir �PPf. 31� °sM� .� ew-3's os'rt� :175 o EP. N �. BIk.396 . �m oasin. a - _ � � :,o.inn� -e o?�' osr+ owin, �,�. eikx� +-"*• �_ s�n..� p' vs i �oiw 3tia ostn�. e�ru� a��..� m :17E; �..� �"W Po� �a Rn.Rasane y �o�i�n, oSM .�- gv.. o a � (f1'� o.e� ° 6'C�p,� su .- my� a�'�' e�x.3�z oso�w s�s� � �i. m 17E�o $yS� 0.807ha 0.023b Rea.Ree.erveJ P�Q, r 0.083 ps'HM 0��� � el�� 3p� �05.� 1 • '4 RmE t+�,o o.atona n o W . Stce �TM��� �pStN. �8�a 'i'�16 �' �• awene BIk.3W �'p ��eu.198 i BK B 6 .p�52�`° �g � '4t' 0.13�N Re..n..� °. �ql � o.l� .ay;. o�pHM •n ea'� .w . •�,,$o • e e+�g ♦ �s� o.omn. x ��. J�a�o o�Nw .M °� - r S s �d o 0 0 ° . lld/Helltage v�eu�as, •n=��. +� . osm� o o, ee:� oso'"° �"'°' 4Pef.*�•� x � �' Y ' � o�os System o.oiiw a. Rn. cb°�D%'�' „ ' - n i" 3oz' os�^'_ `w «".°�� '�i'4':`4° "�� 'w e, x � .,., • ek e+,.� e� x Bpoes�• 3 x E'; '4x. o g Sl g'g 8 �°�'�� os�w Sttee�'C1 e0�. s C� s ,s 1U° y a o � � i� µTM '�. s �o D D._D � � II . e,,.��N 0'os� Ba,YOM poss^' � ww ¢ '°T Wk°i'°> w.nM or"�` e' TM"' "fi'3"` er 8 OOI<�lu 05300 x.S�N o0� . � Bk.�N� oO�N . a�Ol FWUe � Poten'fial s.,o �oa,� a ,,.TM n o'o��� ;eBypass ` �, � � swiviP �s x o��� a ; ,,.... e eV oTM . . ��\feV 0.584ha c osni� y $6d .�." 3.��� '° M p�op� �,� "� Natural Hentage System Whitevale Golf& �,�' Country Club � � N FULG SG1L£COPIES Of TH£APPL/CANTS , SUBMRTEO PL1N ARE A✓A/lABLE FOR llEW/NG AT TNE Cl7Y Of P/CKER/NG PL4NN/N6&OE�ELOPMENT D£P.9RTMENT. TH/5 MAP Wi15 PRDDUC£D BY THE Cl7Y OF��G PL4NN/NG d DE✓fLOPM£N7 DE E T, /NFORA.IATION&SUPPORT /C 5. DEC£MBER 27, 7012. � _ _._ _...�,.._.�,.__.._ ___u�� ��TACF���E��iT��7 i �� R���;�.�;�'�o�-; y-13 F Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-05 Part Lots 27, 28 and 29, Concession 5 White Sun Development Limited City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 13.0 meter fronta e 58 Detached 12.0 metre fronta e � 161 Detached 11.0 metre fronta e 77 Semi Detached 7.6 m fronta e 22 Street Townhouse 7.6 m fronta e 21 Street Townhouse 6.0 m fronta e 376 Back-to-Back Townhouse 6.1 m fronta e 56 Total Dwelling Units 771 Elementa School Block 2.41 ha Park Block 1.61 ha Vista Park /Trail Head Blocks 0.12 ha Roads 8.66 ha Road Widenin Blocks 0.04 ha I I 206 —.�.__..._ --��-------�----�– ATTACHMENT#�TO RE�ORT���31i INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN WHITE SUN DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED SP-2009-05 &A 05/09(2012) F O O U N)�7: ' Y t S B S C i �a ��: s - 101 �° "a, �o= Aa�„�m- :a .A� =M u - a,�'� � e_ ��= a��e wwnilr,r.o,sraAem � ,,,,��= =n� : =O V o�m= Iv 0 11 ] �i -T!u�M_ p u�_ _�m '" ` O? �O '_Mu o�=p " " s?°- �=e� = '1O � a Q . � � � @ • � w N +� N� NaNNHerpegeSy9eni 0?N h -p u p�!J :710 �y s� , � s m$' �¢o - - � 6 .a„s `o�!�•o P ��„ �. z ,o ,p o cO S 6 "5�ae� W ,,,d c e Nalu21F6�Itpe5y.lwn .S.E � •' B r G - ��p�18 Q Q � � � � _`11 Y�Z � ��, °s , ,e � „' 6 y 5. _ptr J„ oa- b- A #6 ;,n �.er�ic.kmr °!= 7� gaegi P d'� �,.�' �' � g >p � o+ei. � .00 a �� a , o , oa.�b ,x = n b � S � ♦ "4 erot wsnnie �Z 4� o„ � y0 s �S=g�-tlrn „ ,,, 5`�e� W• t �A .+` ..a °a s°Y = '`y�.+. � ^rm a 8' �s � S�et'P � J m M+ ;a., r N ^a; =ra - � �� - m 28, �w�i?�C a� - =m LOT 27, - � LOT Ma =� }T t Z Bbck385 Park °y; �±}s � ��' �n V m School 1.618 ha °?�y ' . 4 !L y � � 2.401 hn e� .'m _ a11 E � N m •''A ar:m �n � �p�-�c .;$@ ar�M+a� a fl � a „ H o. e ' ''4 ;y.n„� ,a e r e a a e +�9 � �` ,� �ie� ! 93'ay� 999�y�S� � ° .'�� ,�0 °" � l i ,v,v,v .�,u^' .,.,'� '4 �.�� 5 _���so-eec�n�r v ,��Y � � � 4 '�r —�� 6 E i 3�� 3� i i 5� � �,1►�. � � . . e e e a e a s � i Sd"a�o m�m i�g'1dtlSt6l�ffitlil � � 'Oe � m� Y streeci•�v,v ,».0� o.aroe. �,�C' •� m�Y7 � ��.�.�� .� � �°b �C 5S 'p'���yNO ���� m� � ���g���`� •y �" �'� , Street'I'9 y __��v�v y " �m �Q¢��Pe O. Z ���g��� y�� . . ��6°8 m c a G : m I '��. ml .a —: ffi wmrniwe+wsr.mm '�,�Z � �s� •aa `- � �em,a�rrmewsya�., '� ��� ■�d�� L� Q°II�p ' �� c 711 > e e e e e e e � ' =� " � • � � � ♦ n n n e '�i n � e e e e SWIHEAST LORNER � �� tl d M 9 Ri P3 � �� � � � �or za couccsvav s � �il '-----------------------'------------------------- WHITEVALE ROAD °--------'------------------------ u u -N f-f f-r- I--�� � — �-�-����, i n T �R_ ��NCESSiON � N FULC SCALE COP/ES O£THE APPC/CAN75 SUBMOTEO PLAN ARE AUa/bIBLf FOR VIEw/NG AT � TH£C/7Y OF P/CK£R/NG P[ANN/NG&DEUELOPMEM DEPART,UENT. THlS 1IAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE COY OF P/CKERWG PLANN/NG&OEYELOPMfM DEPART,UENT, /NFORAL47/ON 1�SUPPORT SERNCES, . DECEMBER 27, 20jZ.O� 1 ATTaCHMENT# _TO R��ORT���3 ; Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-02 Part Lot 25, 26 and 27, Concession 4 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, A�liated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 13.7 meter fronta e 55 Detached 12.8 metre fronta e 45 Detached 11.6.metre fronta e 108 Semi Detached 9.1 m fronta e 222 Street Townhouse 7.5 m fronta e 462 Street Townhouse 6.0 m fronta e 245 Lane Townhouse 4.0 m fronta e 107 Gatewa Blocks 142 Commercial/Hi h Densi Blocks 3129 Total Dwelling Units 4515 3 Elementa School Blocks 7.32 ha 2 Park blocks 3.10 ha 2 Villa e Green Blocks 1.44 ha Reservoir Block 1.77 ha Stormwate� Mana ement Facili Blocks 2.37 ha O en S ace Blocks 0.17 ha � Buffer Blocks 0.33 ha Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.01 ha Road Widenin Block 0.60 ha Roads 21.80 ha 204 ATTACHMENT# 7� TO REPORT#3�� INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN HUNLEY HOMES LTD. , 1350557 ONTARIO LTD. AFFILIATED REALTY CROP LTD. & CHESTERMERE INVESTMENTS LTD. SP-2009-02 &A 002/09 (2013) ���,a a.,. e�'a R� t 6 I _'7 • ���� ..�a ",,,�-..�. '°"'"� e� Y�� �.+' . ` � , s c '- ' � � i7 ° -� �, ,� ;��' ° �` � @P f '^ � i� �i �3 �� � S '� L 0 T 27, CONCESSION 5 �� O T O�GO CES OlJ ;i`' �'""2 CONCE r.=��".Y,.� � ' ���— � MaP � _ _ �: � � � 3 f iS7 � N ROAD ALLOWANCE BEPNEEN CONCESSIONS 4 AND 5 n•.r�r c �Mk11iEVA�ROAD �(�' 'B�-153 N a�� .S�� I "g .w�:xn,, h BLOCK449 BLONK 1 '' I . � BLOCK457 _ ��1 RESER�R/N.P. .P. $� J. .4 n�' 4 4ruu� � ��$ ,-!'�_'. . pp 'Ci ]�E n �);C'- �`�': '�l `� ry . gn �t , y N,�! _ " I e„ S a �.,�mTR` smcrr��.,_ a d „�W •n ,e 3'' �4 sa=i� w-�'.n q I �.�: � .� ,j a'a�° {� :� a3 � BLOCK{48 �s�'^ `$S, ry`' °',p a-1°� t-� jPF Ci �di �d7 '..0 � � �E.=m.�{SOioa �•�''� ��xo-�� - ��,ZpEl�. 4r "ie �'.'V� N }a±�_„� srncrr . _ � � ^3 , '� h Ef + at ' , - z � r.,. _�, t;,,'° •,�` �F p, " 4 � 8 c ..,� y � '�,�m i .,r-s� � � .r N 3ea'ie� ��n �:' srncE* '�p �,:� � t" f '� - �� N f �° ° 31�\ SiI2EEf 6J5'' - .a � s�] .v, _ a. _ ' a. aa i ! Z �i� ,�-' _ - g§ 's .,:-'w P'n`' P i ���e J •„! _ ' a�^F�n _ _ �,���d� � �• 0. - � x.,._ - - „�,:a. - - o�; ��"�,.. '°, ,.- _ • VI - SiREE� `v� _ � � ,SfREEf �m.. I a iy { m un ..a. r.n ��db �a� ` �yy..�. so / -W 4. . `z�i ' y�a ay�Y� *�� t '� �.,2" ..�., �` ., s"°` `':-"� �. ��� � R �m .p�9 '-- R ~=�93�$1 N �a9 �^�t �.+E `-'"` '�'2s'= �R' " ...` .� ` � '�� g^y.C' d n = BLOCK450 `., � � � v+{� :s*� �� y � �x �i' :s7aE[r� .. A aA �a o y •' ti Rb, w � a � ['s2 7p ' �_ °E~ s n � '� i ��'Ca w,°im�'� a�...e� � r '�; is 31tj � v��` �VW�x g ; .."''O '^'" 3 N �� � �� z{ 7 v�t N �,�,.-'sn*�� � : �c+n aaan � BL 444 � �1 �i �, uj avl� •.��p Y g Y s, �`n - SiREET �1= CODUERCV.LM�GM DEN4tt �SiR_.•23 3 j t�'E � y r BLO[K I 6 BLOCK 447 � t �S "�t�. s,i.�"u - t .`` "'� i� o "A 's, „ �y ' ELEYENTAx�Y SfipOL ,.�� z - r .�» „ < �� �y�i i�� � . ..Ei" ° e�aK.ss, : N+d.el J�SiREEf �'3D` rv �WU. 9 t�) . ��1 ` S.W.Y. �° ,°,,.va.°°��„� ' � ��3 S� "�.=' si� , t �� e',�,�,� �' , - - � . _ •nn,� �, �h a; - u _ nJ _ �e � - .� ,�. I .s a`- � r '�SfREEi� ' SRtEET 't9' •oa•1 �m � J°1 S� � �"�r "W hi e 'e' " ^ G R1, _ : '�mYU ����a� � SfREET✓vs'3}• : SIR 7�' ��� �r�p�'bt��T 2�. �� � ��i u L° x-3 ..� w o = • :%�� SS/ON ' ,.. ,;. � ^� N � L 0 T 26, CONCESS i a 9 / � SSION 4 e�� � W � '. STREEf '16' �SfREET BLOCK 445 ��S f i� m � � �o. w - '� _ u� o MiGH OE�tv ! '�1�' A� ._ � a ^ ��{ _u _ _W AR. � ^�Y . ��� �LSS1b '-'4c R a �7 ' mMOi` ♦�.sc� !�. i�. s'z ,.,. , , --' ��� �� � }�' j�' x �SiREET u . e. A �.ar.9vL+ by 5lREEf r u"�5" ! _'SfREEf (u11111503un�) E ��� �N� � 3^:uq^� � - 6V a 3�i -W'�a, ,.� ,�.7r E r=. m] R � � F ��" --' 1� _ ,P'd . _ � , ',;, °'°°c �"„ �5ya� g y � S�REET "11' =SiREEf �'1J" �o.esiF � 9+n n� -�A R k C' _ i- ' i'_ BLOCK 446 � " }�'� � f � - r�u[H�uir saoa ''_R'__" - �•. um..�i y�'^+.� sracer •io'Y � �ti��i'� xssa�,s'e�+ssasea � � � �. 4tb. �^ a �S. �♦ / o �j w)s']0�5t � � � I I � I �A� '• FU[L SC.aLE COPIES OF TNf APPLICANTS SUBA//7TED PL1N ARE AUA/L1BL£FOR NEWMG AT THE G7Y OF P/CK£R/NG PLANN/NG&DEUELOPAIENT DEPARZUEM. TH/5 AfAP WAS PRODUCED BY THf ClN OF��/7�G Cl7Y DEYELOPU£M DE ��fl�r � INFORMAT/ON&SUPPORT SER✓lCES, AAARCH 27, 2073. ATTACHMENT#.�. Tp REpQR��34 3 � Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-01 Part Lot 25, 26 and 27, Concession 5 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, A�liated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 13.7 meter fronta e 146 Detached 12.8 metre fronta e 41 Detached 11.6 metre fronta e 95 Detached 10.7 metre fronta e 2 Semi Detached 9.1 m fronta e 54 Street Townhouse 7.5 m fronta e 280 Lane Townhouse 4.0 m fronta e 166 Total Dwelling Units 784 Seconda School Block 5.85 ha 3 Villa e Green Blocks 0.95 ha Stormwater Mana ement Facili Blocks 2.27 ha O en S ace Blocks 0.31 ha Buffer Blocks 0.01 Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.02 ha Road Widenin Block 0.20 ha Roads 12.52 ha 202 ATTACHMENT#�TO REPORT#�� INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED P HUNLEY HOMES LTD, , 1350557 ONTARIO LTD. AFFILIATED REALTY CROP LTD. & CHESTERMERE INVESTMENTS LTD. SP-2009-01 &A 001/09(2013) � � CESSION 5 I L O T 27, CONCESSION 5 L O T 26,wTMLL��CONCESS/ON 5 I L OT 25, I ' I x��N)0'�6's0'E �n ios z� I . I - H�P'�6y�0vE t65.ei6_ 8 L i �,. _� R s �� I _ _,y�i 'v.G.• m . . �: I .J � I _ �"tlL a�.�fi � . 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ROAD RO�D ALLOWANCE BEN.EEN LONCESSIONS 4 AND 5 � . 8 w T'k]'t5''E" I . pN]6]86-0003 � �� AKNIMCS)LPQN'F --- I 1e - - - - - - � _ 1011l,CChC[SSCW I ' V.G { I} 3]Ha� a RESERVOIR I �N�ES'SION' ° LOT 27, CONCESSION 4 0��;tb`� 26,��mCONCESS/ l� 4 �NP�° L� i� MT 8 � �-6183we N � � � I - � ��� � PLA�J �@I I I ,Q I -2{Q75 /�'v �y � I��� I � � 5 ��\?� �K � r 7 i a � A� � � , l� � � N - � FULL SCALE GOPI£S OF THE APPL/GaNTS SUB.UlT7ED PLAN ARE A✓A/LABL£FOR V/EWING AT� 7H£C/7Y OF P/CKERING PLANN/NG&D£✓fLOPAIEA/7 DEPARTA/EM. TN/S AIAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE Cl7Y Of�y[� � C/7Y DEU£LOPA/fNT DE A7jf , /NFORAL4T/ON 3 SUPPORT E17✓l ES, , - MARCH 21, 2013. d �s � � £ ATTACHMENT#�TO REPORT#�� a N a m N C C � � � •V PI 0. d�+ 'a o C o « r t�a = �'i 7 � 7 d oao � a �, .Q � L G s � �m � � � s doa� �o Z f Z ' �Q.?� ��N Q M , '�.(A a M /,' ' ''�'�'� M /' ��� ��/� '. 'i � � // . "' � ya '�.-' � � -� ¢ F- . 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SP-2008-12 &A 023/08 (2013) � i I �___--___-___.�. �—� �__� I � � __-__, i � i r__________—� r— I . � I _-___� L_—______� I I � . -- -----� �-------- i i �-----------J �-------J i �i ', — i ---- i i --r�-r�-�-.TT� =r� ` �-------7 - � � -------� - ,=="' srneer•r � � - i � ,. � .. _ ,-, i . _ .... _ ,- ,.. -� r r 1� - -�- i —J i � I CD �..x. ' --- . . ---i'-1—"j ,��.. _ - - '_ -- \ I� - S7REET'S' " ' °��.:� ___ — _-'_ _°. -_ - . ` � a �- i� STRE'ET•'g• I I I - � II� � j I � � \� na..-..:> Rsn..-.m�) N -STREET�O�_" - ' s.�°°° _,. I I II� o.ssn,-�.sl �._. � I � � � _ _�_ � -----�' �-- � i ue a Road ' i � _ �'b- !: _ � - � --- =- �� ; , -- � � I Y, �.A� �I�• _ ~�P_ ' ,y�• • `Or`O / N i - .' � 1 9� '9 .A a �in �P,�� BLOLK 564 W ... . e _ -(� LOLAI NOpE Z Ovo _ 2.87ha.-7.tac. — �" \ � ) ��. BLOfX 565 1= ~�� � ,. - o� A N � ry t �. � 'fr ��.> � LOC L ODE w 1 .�E��.N ✓+ .� . `O (t.67na-a.toc.) 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ATTACHMENT#�TO R�PO��z�3)3 ; Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2008-12 Part Lots 23, 24 and 25 Concession 4 and Part Lots 23, and 24 Concession 5 1133373 Ontario Inc. City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan - Dwellin Units Detached 11.0 metre fronta e 157 Detached 9.0 metre fronta e 204 Semi - Detached 7.5 metre fronta e 226 Street Townhouse 7.2 m fronta e 284 Lane Townhouse 6.0 m fronta e 230 Total Dwelling Units 1,101 , Local Node Commercial Blocks 4.54 Commercial Blocks 0.16 � Elementa School Block 2.58 ha � Park Blocks 11.94 ha O en S ace Blocks 0.04 ha Stormwater Mana ement Facili Blocks 4.30 ha Servicin Block 0.02 ha Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 2.11 ha Future Develo ment Blocks 0.02 ha Road Widenin Block 0.14 ha Roads 12.80 ha 217 �ATT'ACHMENT# �-� TO REPORT#7��� INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN ' HUNLEY HOMES LTD. , 1350557 ONTARIO LTD. AFFILIATED REALTY CROP LTD. & CHESTERMERE INVESTMENTS LTD. SP-2009-03 &A 003/09 I (2013) �99ho 3nl :i 0 �'S " �E 5F, ' N51�� • N]028'45'E �611 20.11] ��1�6� 165.872 � N 70'28'25" E 161.484 N70'28'25"E _ - � �.��p , I 1�'6��� " �v�v�a.i ii>u.��v ixv iz>>x> i�+aa - _ � . '��� I �P�` ' n e�a'^' . I I I 3 . f�p �; `'�. 4' ' p.'10. �!J 19� N.5 - O O I ml N� � J��y° ,��' ' N BLOCK 55 � � I N < y�F, �y E. ' ��` ` �o°sV a ie.a � a�e�.r�+ I IrtDi a ;o �� �o'+"` n�m� � ��j ,L6 �2�'�0 .� ��'' .s!�� �c � �� �w�s. I I!Z I O"S 1 p'1" � �J� '(f�F' .1'p .P1'e'' � m •Ni BLOCK 56 N G�� � e� �3 o S �'S N � o t8.]v163VJ�0.3 60.6 m0� � 9 2J �� J�)��.� y��6� b1 m0 IZ4 ^,>: .f, ;°e;.+. a'o c; .eio'^'.STREET i'.ao:,�. 3• - ,�° � / ` s s � a'.ro°'" ie.a m� �v n.o �Q� I 3 I \ ZS n�� 3�e� �,�� y. ��" I y 26 � �Q^' '`)B n e s`9� 6 d J�W ' "8��w�4 Z ��N `'-. 'r. 3j e. ',o� ��� .1``a ,i� �f N � m�s. � . \ O�o� 27 _^ ' 3 >J�e: e �ms ��F� `o � m°v m �BLOCK 95 a I� Id'�n I J��� 6 e` ) �.c( �bi1' 9 �'.0 �6�i01i.6 1.6 id] ta] in __ __ � Z �m 0.5. ,35 m >z e � €''4 M1° A - s>a Z / ��3 e � � >>o , "�REET �-ies:,�. �5�'' o / O �� _ .B4o ' _ ^>83 ee o �bo , a.��o'^. - in �" T 4i 4 . �' I I a h 2 eo3' '� - e 82 0 �3' ^� BLOCK707 LOCK108 U '"�� � \ J N z 32= 1�s5° :� _ `'e u,e�.s� ua�.s� o _ _ (000 2 ,\1� m53� 7s o m BLOCK 267 wo>sm �s�e�.sm " / p I N220 563 W - . .s - h '�° �/.Ci. BLOCK 710 BLOCK 1 p9 N 2 ' m 3D 77 0 ��o e e cx.i= A=0360tHa. ss' .9s o � 23, \ N `3 '. n.s z � m 'On �••••,�� �STREET�-�eoi�. '6'� Q�' _ �S,S� � DRIPLWE . � v� w o 29 78 o N m 2 ' ,t�. � �s ns so.e � a \`�S`?S. . ry �� m N NxN �sm� s� �o exe ^-e 'E'_„ 0>��sm13 � � � 61.967 N797995. N6637'25"E � �I � 2 v ^�i�^ ��: :o"q� 3 0' n°' �°m� e o" we>.sm ° � �� 'o� ao m BLOCK174 Z �_ ,4� .S m n.o m e� m i�.o I o s..s w �L� 3 �I '"' ��•• STREET iwe:m. "1" o�'^� ' m I W w w m U 3 �t 5 0 •�n, "�0 PIN 263 -0109 a �I z °o m x' '.a ^„ �y PAR 9 p N �16 = y °p° °o° PLAN 40R 24276 - I n - z �n a A m Z��>» o � m m � BLOCK 265 °� � � o � "' E L E M E N 7 A R Y S C H O O L � 227. 35 I g 7 1 8 0 0 1 3�. �3 5 m � 7 '2 8' S" _ 0 0 � BLOCK 266 o A=2.4553Ha. e�-xsi -z a�-u a� e�-xn e�-uc a44„ �o i�.o .E, � �e, 119 _ _131 '36_ D N.P_ (6.066tHa.) � N m J J 243r '.o 8�,26 a � � a o � A=1.4983Ha. a e�.sm � n,� „"�Up a� V.Gu. � I I I �� `120 m ?130 1'S7= 3 v� BLOCK234 m s o " ,s � 2 .5 (3.]03tHa.) 19.0 t0J �B.J tfl] f t3d 242i <' �- $ °129 �38° a o � sm'+i � �2t .5 . -° ° STREET PW�.3G492-0056" � m �-zb. PM 264 e�38 �39 a � ^ q� --�� 122 0 °12i.s n40� ia� i � ]zo .J �e.] iz.n�'l.a�'�S� w.e �8J �e.] . s � N47'S�35�W e °726 141° - BLOCK233 � N o � �u a ��id - 16.080 6 N123 - ' 's - 3 s�e�� N ' � v V � I •. 9 _125 142 = N f u�e�.s,� m .� m e ^' � \�~6)�9 D.S.,' ,a o 0 oJOJO �J� -'� BLOLK214 u 3 �.0 4 �y�I�z.B��.eNz.e�+ � 3 � � te} �e.] �s] �%� "A \9�e ` � �3.Btz.8�3.e�e 36 ttn6VO.btt.6tt6tt6tt6fi61�.1 1�6 6t3.♦ h - �9.8 f0.] t�o f. �1� � -- - 0� So�sa+a �.o STREEf �-s+m^. ..8� '� ��. 30, STREET �-�„x�. '72" �i-xsr Z I4, _ :.eTY co.s �n� +e.� +ea �e.o �a3 +e.> �a g�a m.a eax.o ,e� cs:_ . �po� s N s�z + �. _, � u BLOLK1850 � ��sm I � � Vm m °i.i� Vn °'� v' o m w uu A .e�� f� 70 8'2 2 ., e Yys a • � �ym?67� � °179 � sw�� � . � ?� 6 148 � � `� z.s � 0178 5 �8 �� m V BLOCK 186 Z 'iG.q.p \ 6`. 3 ��A ,� �68 r ~ _ '9 ��6 t �3A I _� - � �- _� - �. �49 �,3 3 i 'r,Q 0 169 r m `_17 i e^dc .e d � - .- 4 �50� �O : �170„ i «t76 �90- o N - - -PIN 26402-005 � ✓.G. +�°� _ \ � '�y�� � o p �5s n. _ - _ � m o°� W I - -- )2902Ha '� � �3 17t„ ; .� m ^� r- PART� _ I m � n. ' e �n � . z - - -PLA1�40R- 6 _ _ ��� ,�`'1��i' ps? e s`T nsz'm '°n n o o w � t�.0�3.8�38t6 U� U° J � -� � . 173� a/0.5. _ � � ,�' - � \�spSy�99B' 114 I — — Y13"33?�O�ARI�C � isa. �T�:�� �SS� N 6l � �I I - - I' ,Y � FULL SCALE COP/ES OF THE APPL/CANT'S � SUBAf�T7ED PLAN ARE AVA/UIBLE FOR NEW/NG AT THE C/7Y OF P/CKER/NG PLANN/NG&DE✓ELOPMEN7 DEPARTAfEM TH/S MAP WAS PRODUCfO BY THE C/7Y OF��� C/lY DEYELOP,NENT Df R INFORMA7/ON&SUPPORT E✓l 5, MARCH 21, 2013. ATTACHMENT# � TO REPCRT�C�3�'� % .-- � Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-03 Part Lot 24 and 25, Concession 5 Hunley Homes Ltd, 1350557 Ontario Limited, Affiliated Realty Corporation Limited and Chestermere Investments Limited City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan ', I Dwellin Units Detached 13.7 meter fronta e 36 � I Detached 12.8 metre fronta e 39 Detached 11.6 metre fronta e 91 Semi Detached 9.1 m fronta e 100 Street Townhouse 7.5 m fronta e 182 Total Dwelling Units 448 Elementa Part School Block 2.45 ha Park Block 1.49 ha 2 Villa e Green Blocks 0.47 ha . O en S ace Blocks 0.27 ha Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.40 ha Road Widenin Block 0.19 ha Roads 6.09 ha 219 ATT�CHMENT#�TO REPQRT#�A�-� INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN ZAVALA DEVELOPMENTS LTD. SP-2009-04 &A 004/09 (2013) � I � � � � � - ► I I �-�- - - - ' _ -� �-- - - , , � � , � � \ � ► ► � o � � � � � � � o , � � � \ � 28 5 E .182 � � � \ �(� ' � � � UL- � r � � p� � � •� J N�N 28. � V.G. N � N � � J � � N 22 `� Q� \ � �I �I N� A=0.104tH µ J 3 � m � � .O � I U, �, . 8.3 r- (0.2573ACS.) � m � � � _ �21 .6 1 1.6112.� � � 17.0 J 2�27.4 - I N O I 056 � � ° STR � �'"'�26�02-0070 � � 9 7�4 � � 18.3 �1 1.6�1 1.6I 1 8 22. 1 .3 1 .3 12.8 1 8 12.� �� 27.4 � � I B� !!jj�- "' N � 8 � ff`��-�-.�� � �' 63 IJ -I{I�CP ICP � I N J� J� � � ��.� n�� � 2 N4 z I ' � � m IN �N I N � N N N � 3 r 3 2 7. � J �I J �I I ^ �1 �I �I J � � I� I� I�' I�' B4 `� 7 `�8 �'9 0 1 1 � 2 � �° 2�.s r 1 . 18. 12.8 12.8 1 .8 12.8 � � -' 1 �j � N 18.3 111.611.6I14.8 20 � � o0 7.5 N � I � � ° ° � N14 � N � TR L=97t . '�2,> � � 2�. ° � ° ` N 1 18.3 �11.6�11.6I 14.8 .0 B5 B6 66L-27 17.0 � � 3 z I IN �- t� � ° J J J J �,8. L"� N28's�. 'S� 14 .53 0.000 � I� � � J� � �'- - - - --1 � -�-- a I w o I zII J - - - - - - - - - � � � o � 0 � N FULL SCALE COPIES OF TH£APPL/CANTS SUBAI/T7ED PLAN ARE AUAILABLE FOR NEWING AT THE COY OF P/CK£RINC PLANN/NG&DEUELOP,UEM DEPARTAfENT. TH/5 AUP WAS PRODUCEO BY THE G7Y OF!�j'/� C/7Y DE✓ELOPMENT D£!�R(JpSd7, � /NFORMA7/ON�SUPPORT SER✓lCES, ALiRCH 21, 2073. ATTACHMENT#�TO R��O�T���3 � Pian of Subdivision: S-P-2009-04 Part Lot 24, Concession 5 I Zavala Developments inc. �I City of Pickering ' Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 12.8 metre fronta e 18 Detached 11.6 metre fronta e 2 Semi Detached 9.1 m fronta e 4 . Street Townhouse 7.5 m fronta e 14 Total Dwelling Units 38 _ Villa e Green Block 0.10 ha Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.10 ha Roads 0.64 ha 221 � �t�TTACHMENT� '�` TO REP�RT#3��� INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN WHITE SUN DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED SP-2009-09&A 09/09(2012) � � Q �i � N � O J � � � m O � � \ J � � � Natural Heritage System \J � �� � N2553'00'W � � u>0'18'25"E 169.]�1 5.]T \ }1.7 �� � � Street�61 ^ BLOCK62 \ � TH 3u O � o.o�e na ]6.8 » r ` � ~� ! BLOCK65 BLOCK64 BLOCK63 � V TH 4u TH 4u �BLOCK61 �� � O � 0 1�10 ha 0.072 ha 0.094 ha TH 6u� ° . �p 2).5 ,.p c, '3 9.3 26.8 0.1t6ha i. � .� �� BLOCK66 B�OCK67 BLOCK68 � TH s� T" °i o.os3 na Natulal Heritage System � ; oimne o.o�zna A . o� ]6..J ]fi. iJ� . .2�J . � ^� Street��� � CSr,^ �:BBLOCK60- sY BLOCK76 � - ^ �36. fi. 2.4 @� 7H eu '`� VISTA PARK ,� BLOCK 70 BLOCK 69 �/�� �0.168 ha Q.��s ha �' BLOCK 7t 7H'du l.'� ' �� /^ TH 6u TH 4u � - '- � ' v' 0.712ha N 0072ha N���05ha � Q I.B " �'�6.8 � �.1 }3H e �Jq N)]�8'35"E 9).99t N65'1Y2 E 6t 96> � � p p p D D �D D D C C C. CZ� p_ D p p h D D� p D �D aD D D D D G aC Bz y � D� � A CT 0i J m f0 O -+ N 1' ^ ^ � � y�°' N�N� � N N N N� N N t'7 i`�l (��i °v � J O� °i O 0.6 9.1 9.� 9.1 9.1 9.t 9.1 9.1 11 11 11 10.]9.1 ^ 9.1 6. 9.t 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.� 9.1 9.1 9.1 1D.1 tl I1 11 N ,000 BLOCK 74 �' (� BLOCK 77 .P - N °� � �',. 2m RD.WIDENI G ^� � Street�A FEN SPACE � � 0.050 ha �j 'ooa iooR 0.004 ha 9.1 9.1 9.t 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.f Z�.6 � 11 � � •IN�g io �w � �n � �•�i�..._. 1] BLOC ^ . . m BLOCK THO4u� 11 0H 4u57 BLOCK58 il _ 10.3 � f TH.4u . BLOGK 50 �� pTpgfi1�{p ,074 ha .0.073 ha.. 7H du - � N �u a � � � � 0073ha�� D D D D � 0 � �°� BLOCK46�,4 0076�f3��`"TH 4u `6 2626 � � rc F � N 36.8 P .5 TM 7u .. \�6 .O75ha�o R '� ,�_ '� BLOCK 44 45 0.133 ha p ^�' BLOCK43 ti BLOGK52 BLOCK55 CJ ' �7� TH 6u TH 4u TH 3u ..BLOCK48 �- _ - BLOCK75 W 0.103ha 0.070ha 0.062ha TH 3u �� TH 6u �TH 6u'0 BLOCK56 BLOCK59 � OPENSPACE � � 8 2�_8 �! �0.054 h=� THO6u 5� � 0.10t�ha �101 ha m � TH�7u "TH ]u � Q.QZ$ha � _ Street'E' �' o.,z3�a e o,z,ha � \ BLOCK 4]N0.115 ha� . � w�bros'tow TH 3U U) 3616 � �6.J65 tto. 0.073ha - 1� � t] t�9 ARY�CHOOL � LK.73 RESIDENTIALRESERVE 0.168ha � �s " si.+ - ta2.6 N)o�G'35"E ]Sa.n� � BLOCK 72 L VILLAGE G � � . � � 0.055 ha . � Pro osed Residential � by Oth rs � � N FULL SCAL£COP/£5 OF 7HE APPL/GAMS , _ SUBM/TlED PLAN ARE AVA/L4BLE FOR NEW/NG A7 THE COY OF P/CKER/NC PLANN/NG&DEUELOPAfENT DE!PA�R'RT�MREyNT. _ THIS�P WA P�NN/NGE�OEUELOPMEN�DE�6f$N(y� /NFORMATION&SUPPORT SERU/CES, D£CE.UBER 27, 2012. �TTACHMENT��TO REPORT#c� � Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-09 Part Lots 24, Concession 5 White Sun Development Limited � City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan �', Dwellin Units Detached 12.0 metre fronta e 1 I Detached 11.0 metre fronta e 6 Detached 9.1 metre fronta e 35 Street Townhouse 6.0 m fronta e 139 � i � Total Dwelling Units 181 �', Villa e Green Block 0.05 ha � Vista Park Block 0.01 ha O en S ace Blocks 0.02 ha Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.16 ha Road Widenin Block 0.05 ha Roads 2.15 ha 223 .�.---- _,�_ — ��-��'�1���(t�E�����_�,__ j C� s��i-'�f�f bf�-.��;��.# �.� � INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S ' REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN MATTAMY (SEATON) LIMITED SP-2009-11 &A 012/09 (2013) W.TURI1LMEfiR�GESYSfEM - �' - . ....._. . . . .. . . .._._... . . . _...._..__ h^ _3 O --__ . . , _ _ , _.-- _.��., ._� - � PROP0.SED I '— — : � . DEVELOPMENT . ..... .__,.. .--, . . _ ...__ 6���i'��j�� li��lil9 W 4�{.-:1{ �' {'�-(� �� �'i � . _. . ..�. _ . . . �I X' i t��. 7$i�d�!i[$t� � . � � �.. m i'i'i`�° i``-1.la g� � ... . I � _ " . . . . - ° .... . . . .. ._N�tTS. ' . ' ,_„ ' � _ ,. gj� _ e ^ ,... �d _ __ -- __..,. . . � r� _ .. �� }'� � a � ,..= _.� — y _ _ . . • + . „ _.. .. — .,�� .,�� : ,_ • �,�.z =_., � `,� : ._ ._ • . sr¢. .. '.• . . . _. . -- rnroea� �� � � � . � O . � �� ...'r"' 1 ", ��:. � . . ..... .. __ SO�SYSTEME . t- .• __� l W� � `\ �� ....� 1 � ^ -t R _� . ��. i � . .�, �`� ST�t'r� . .. �I( .. ' ._ ^ - .. _ . ,1 ,t; ... .�SIi� '•� 4 aoan • 1 � ��� c � �� S i�� �� t� a.� �.��� 4��fr .. , .— _._.. µ . Y _�.. _ ~ SrcEEro . ��5• ��;f j" i', ��t� , � � �.�+. x li — "+ , .m. : . � � " _ , � a . . , . � .. __.. .�,.. ,... .�a .___ - :`• emg..n .... ,..,.. .,,..o.- __ � t � . _. � ... ... .� . . . _.... e -- @ v ...._... P ,w,°".u,°v y � - kj�g . '' A" ;.. .. � R _ t"' �7 : .�> � � - f . � • 6 .-sr�. __� uoa• \ . • srn�*v — -. . � �u .... _ d .. ' •. . .....� � w� , c ��.. , a . p ° .�.. �w e}ij �3 `iP$E . : . ; t • �''• ; _ � i� a ^-- �. ' " : . ' - , ' . - . m1EEt.t�._ - .... �"� O O �� _� ... � �` Tii$ , NnTURnL ... : : aoa� NNTURnL �• �� � � R . . ) � HSRITAGE HERITAGE ° -y�gin. � G � _ __ a('�' STEM � �..... ... ..__ SYSIEN � ��� ''l,. �:e�`'� _ 6 ....g�te...._� . f J;. .... ...... .. 1l - _-.. : t �.�.� .. •� �. I $�it.. ��� �. 1; . �: !'�', ','� � -- =•f.E I � � . , _ , �,s : � � �' ... _ _ i� g};s tl's;; . - '�,. . ' j- a}i�F ` NATURAIHHtIiqGE5Y5tEM � t ... , , p soo-a: � : sw.. ,� � � ....�. �...s.� . _�.. $ _�. � :� ru ��..> _�..�. � � . ¢ � m._.._..._4.....:...... ...... dl/�`�. .. i �S TURAL . � �€ � . MSYSTEM � � ��,�2 ��,1 t, . 1 r J O .o { i �.� � X: � �. a FULL SCALE COPI£S OF TH£APPL/CANT'S ' SUBM/TlED PLAN ARE A✓AILABLE FOR VI£W/NG AT THE COY OF P/CKERING PLANN/NC�DE�ELOPMEM DEPARTA/ENT. � TH/5 MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE C/7Y OF��� C/TY DEL£LOPAfEN7 DE A . /NFOR.UAT/ON&SUPPORT f5, � MARCH 27 2073. ATTACHMENT# 8m TO �EPO�T#��►� ° ' Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-11 Part Lot 21 � 22, Concession 4 and Part Lot 21 22 8� 23, Concession 5 Mattamy (Seaton) Limited City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 15.2 metre fronta e 87 Detached 13.1 metre fronta e 72 Detached 11.0 metre fronta e 257 Detached 9.1 metre fronta e 160 Street Townhouse 7.0 m fronta e 247 Sli Lane Townhouse 7.0 m fronta e 36 Lane Townhouse 6.0 m fronta e 5 Back-to-back townhouses 6.4 m fronta e 136 Total Dwelling Units 1,000 . i Elementa School Block 2.43 ha i , Park and Trailhead Blocks 1.53 ha O en S ace Blocks 0.44 ha Stormwater Mana ement Facilit Blocks 3.92 ha Servicin Block 0.02 Future Residential Develo ment Blocks 0.34 ha Road Widenin Block 0.39 ha Sli Lane Roads 0.27 ha Roads 15.43 ha 225 ATTACHMENT# g n TO REPORT#7��� � INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN ', MATTAMY (SEATON) LIMITED � SP-2009-12 &A 013/09 (2012) NA7URAL HERITAGE SYSTEM TRAIL TRAIL y HEAD HEAD B�ocKc i�o�ccess "'°«. nK ' �BLOCKi �� �ye� . ��� .5����� �4.ie e a �,�' ' �. a mn.rimn.0.isn � � � ;n $ e _ _ STREETq , _ . e�, ` BLOCK21 ��� OLOCKI] OLOCKI3 sro°a� F � y _ s�°°°"° sewc.�.w ��..a' j� - TRAIL � �°�� � HEAD - �� BLOCN39 m�E€ - b" :a°°u�.em o i m� �.. _��..�.m,n.o� � V � �'$��� ���§ .— . zE` $..Fi m S,E I—• " �BLOCK t '�"y:m �� W r�=� y5nfi W $nfi��°_� W € � w� �" � . x&e�x��F � Yi�.�s� b'��= 2W' ���P�8a� � ��BO�C�� � � m�E=m�E� v�i m�`E m��€ u�i m�E�m�EE � ,,, � � � T�"'� STREET2 ��°� 'S HEAD yyeg ^�eg � .. � ' �e�g �8�5' $..$ �% ,,,,,. �.n, ��`�.,a°'°"°a x��� xL 6" � 0 i .� S� � "B.�n BLOCK 33 _ n.n. . NATURAL HERITAGE SYSTEM i' 4� m�F€ m�'€ W °�6 i��s s �u�� •��� e s�oc��,s e�ocKe� ti W �m�E= � �°°°'° • �,.. �.. a�o«F u� � E �,.,�.9,�, ,.. �,.�,.a„� ,.. �,.�,.e,� ,. ., .,• �a,P,� � �,w�.o„� . a�. _ � W = STREET2 • = _ ; � e�oacn , Z . .. _.. UJ ��°'Y^d BLOCKtS ��• BLOCK31 n• A: $� �6� ��� � BLOCH9 n TRAIL _ - }, co o�;° ��.o�."' HEAD � e�ocuaz , n��,. � � : W :�..�.��m, m�E�. � °"�� _ �°�.«�° 'eto s.a�°�"„°.:° �W ��°�ryo€ � ��f,� a�:a o'°� j m. °s� �: B m�� ga$ s�onca3 - .iE: ,x-�+T'"'°�5" mw �.a;�a$F t7 �$ _ . A.o.a� �.ga . _ j m�E�m�°�€ m� € '""� STREET9 : '� (���� � BLOCK0.5 ' 'H• .`l- - ' = e�ocun ��e�� �� 0"`dm°.�^`�0�- 0�'>��4' � emp Awa.e.e e^'�"" . �4 5�'��e^ wcn'` ����'� : STREET 1'0 �� �� � BLOCKa9 BLOCKA s�Y�o-im.e PnRK �{'' �g� . BLOCK53 1 ����¢ s' 03�N a.� • 1�n _ • B�• s.8 sqad`wct 8 E ,� xm� � ��rs.s r n '"" _. a ` ��. �.m�=��o.. °3e4� �a �� �s4` 7RAIL � ' .�' STREET''I'I f � BLOCKB HEAD ^f F oNRK t' �W«oivM� • ~ �&;i E € _ w m�E� 5 �F x��'� e�°�"s.� _ � � NATl1RAL HERITAGE SYSTEM m�,�� �,o.� � �. m�.�.�,� � = STREET 12 : BLOCK56 t+qe Nw�re ! - �BLOCNS] . Weqwnm ' mcut.p � BLOC�KE �! "n.wn.f k �'.. STREET 11 o�,. � ,,. TRAiI . 7RAIL HEAD HEAD � s��o O+ a.o�. �� �� FULL SCACE COP/ES OF THE APPUCANTS . SUB.U/TlED PLAN ARE AI/A/LABLf FOR l/lEW/NG A7 THE COY OF P/CKER/NG PLANN/NG&DE✓£LOP.UEM DEPARLUEM TH/5.L1AP WqS PRDOUC£D BY THE COY OF��� . PLANNING�DEUELOPAfENT D A /NFORMATION�SUPPOR 5 u/E5, DEC 72, 70;2. , ��TTACHNiENT# �a TO R��ORT#�A 3�� Plan of Subdivision: S-P-2009-12 Part Lot 20 and 21, Concession 4 Mattamy (Seaton) Limited ' City of Pickering Summary of Applicant's Proposed Draft Plan Dwellin Units Detached 15.2 metre fronta e 56 Detached 13.1 metre fronta e 109 Detached 10.9 metre fronta e 197 Detached 9.1 metre fronta e 64 Total Dwelling Units 426 ' Park Blocks 0.64 ha O en S ace Bl�ocks 0.03 ha Stormwater Mana ement Facili Blocks 0.47 ha Pum in Station Block 0.04 ha Future Access Road 0.05 ha Roads 6.52 ha ~ 227 _ _T,...,�_,�.�,�.�_._.�:�.�.-_.,,.:.��..���...., !ATTACHMENT# q G TO REPO�T#3�3 � N = ��� _ � o a F m d N m - €9`°0 J � N 3 a u � H � °- h ��o� E d L � � z '.�-, m F - . _ � Q N C d � _ F v a c c � Q .E - �. � � ` °v� � U 'C O 'O x � g w a F o i o 3 � s � °; ' y z m c o �3 a o O U O v �n a � z° = - ;; - m � � y 'm � `' °�' X L� � Ul S � _ > _ v V w - o t - w w T '�° a z � �' m Z °m � � _ O L = L Z �o c c U' .�-, � t c � U � !� = v ' � �' Z' � � \ � - J CJ !i� O � � � E- � � m � � E � o v v E P�' c � E E E ° E ° v' � ` rn c�_ z O tn O � � a.0 �n � � � u° z > � o w z � � f c� a a i� u x" u °a' a a �"n a �n � z �' � s F �� � � �� � � Oo � ••�• W �� 0 �� 11��� �� �� �0 � � � �� � � ZEn� cna ZF- Z �, I J�'I�� _ l?� �— --- , ----- � _ � �a� ----- � - � �� �� ---- � �- _ �_.-— , . — _ �._.� �,� . � ;�;� o �___- �� � � � � � � � . ��'"- : � � � � O � � 2 : • a�A' � 4 � 1 `�A�� qA S � m � o � � � �'�������� y�, r� _�� � � � ����� �`�� � �'` a � � ' ��� \ �' , � � � `�� � 1 � � > � �\�. � `� ; I I < I � �v —� � � � i \��`�,�,�� � __ —� �f � � z —�----�-0—I ; ��� , C-� _. . _ . ❑✓oa�ooaQ l . \\�, ,.,�L�� W �� � \W (I ♦ 1 � 1-- ' ' ��� I �� I � � � � wj .. � � ... � ..., ��..Q +� _ I : �/�� � � i _�� i � € �- �� ���G�_=-ri��� �- /" I � � �� ?"- ✓ l.i Z ,. � �r, ��J"�■ �_/ � � . . 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