HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLN 05-13 e��r�� � Report to '�' Planning & Development Committee - , , PICKERING Report Number: PLN 05-13 Date: April 8, 2013 From: Tom Melymuk Director, City Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 8/12 Craig Marshall 1897 Woodview Avenue Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 8/12, submitted by Craig Marshall, to amend the zoning of the subject lands to permit the creation of thirteen lots for future residential development on lands municipally known as 1897 Woodview Avenue, be approved; 2. That the draft zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 8/12, as set out in Appendix I to Report PLN 05-13, be finalized and forwarded to City Council for enactment; 3. That the request made by Craig Marshall, to permit the division of the subject lands, municipally known as 1897 Woodview Avenue, through land severance rather than by draft plan of subdivision, be approved; 4. That Informational Revision #18 to the City of Pickering Official Plan Highbush Neighbourhood Map (Map 20) to delete the street connection from Nordane Drive to Sandhurst Crescent, as set out in Appendix II, be approved; 5. That City staff begin the process of stopping-up, closing and declaring surplus the parts of Nordane Drive within Plans 40M-1861 and 40M-1892 required to complete the lotting pattern shown on Attachment #3, with the intent of conveying them to Craig Marshall for an amount to be determined by an appraisal and i satisfactory to the City Solicitor; and that the sale of the lands will be subject to: a. all required easements; b. the preparation of the appropriate reference plans, at no cost to the City, legally describing th� parts within Plans 40M-1861 and 40M-1892 being stopped-up, closed and conveyed; c. the preparation of an appraisal to determine the value of the lands; d. the payment of all legal costs and disbursements by Craig Marshall (the applicant); and e. Craig Marshall (the applicarrt) entering into the appropriate Development Agreement with the City for the development of the residential lots; and Report PLN 05-13 April 8, 2013 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A 8/12) Page 2 6. Further, that Council authorize staff to bring forward the by-law required to formally stop-up and close the parts of Nordane Drive with Plans 40M-1861 and 40M-1892 required to complete the lotting pattern shown on Attachment #3 for enactment and registration. Executive Summary: The subject property is located on the east side of Woodview Avenue, north of Pine Grove Avenue (see Location Map —Attachment #1). The application proposes to rezone the easterly portion of the subject property from an agricultural zone to a residential zone in order to facilitate the development of thirteen lots, consisting of eight lots for detached dwellings having frontage on Sandhurst Crescent, and three lots for detached dwellings and two lots for four semi-detached dwellings having frontage on Nordane Drive (see Applicant's Plan —Attachment#2). The applicant is also requesting authorization from Council to create the lots through land division instead of through a plan of subdivision and to delete the extension of Nordane Drive to Sandhurst Crescent from the Highbush Neighbourhood Plan. The recommended zoning amendment represents appropriate density and perFormance standards for this infill development. The proposed development is appropriate and implements the Official Plan. The development demonstrates an appropriate lotting pattern and is in keeping with the established lotting pattern along each street. The deletion of the north-south road connection of Nordane Drive to Sandhurst Crescent is also appropriate as it does not significantly affect the connectivity within the neighbourhood. It is recommended that this street connection be deleted from the City of Pickering Official Plan Highbush Neighbourhood Map, and that City staff begin the process of stopping up, closing and declaring surplus the parts of Nordane Drive no longer required for the road connection. City Development staff is satisfied that a plan of subdivision is neither appropriate nor necessary since the subject lands represent a small infill development along an existing road network and there are existing services available along both Sandhurst Crescent and Nordane Drive and therefore the lands can proceed through land division. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. 1. Background The residential lands surrounding the subject property were developed in the late 1990s. At that time, a large agricultural property was subdivided to accommodate residential plans of subdivision consisting of detached and semi- detached dwellings. The subject property was not included in the development at that time and currently retains its agricultural zoning. Municipal service connections were installed along Sandhurst Crescent and Nordane Drive to facilitate the future development of the subject property. Report PLN 05-13 April 8, 2013 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A 8/12) Page 3 1.1 Property Description � The subject property is located on the east side of Woodview Avenue, north of Pine Grove Avenue and is approximately 0.52 hectares in area (see Location Map —Attachment#1). A land division application (LD 33/13) was approved by the Durham Region Land Division Committee on February 11, 2013, to sever the _ westerly portion of the subject lands, containing the existing detached dwelling, while retaining the easterly portion of the subject lands intended to be developed for future residential lots. There is existing mature vegetation on the property, centrally clustered and located along the north, west and south property lines with open spaces throughout the site. Established low density residential subdivisions surround the subject lands comprising detached and semi-detached dwellings with the exception of the lands at the northeast quadrant of Pine Grove Avenue and Woodview Avenue, which consist of large residential lots containing detached dwellings. 1.2 Applicant's Proposal The applicant is proposing to rezone the easterly portion of the subject property from an agricultural zone to various residential zones to facilitate the development of thirteen lots, consisting of eight lots for detached dwellings having frontage on Sandhurst Crescent, and three lots for detached dwellings and two lots for four semi-detached dwellings having frontage on Nordane Drive. The proposal requests deletion of the extension of Nordane Drive to Sandhurst Crescent, as shown on the Highbush Neighbourhood Plan. The applicant is also requesting authorization from Council to create the proposed lots through land division, whereas the Pickering Official Plan limits the number of new lots that can be created by land severance to a maximum of three. In order to facilitate the development, the applicant is proposing to combine the subject lands with seven existing part lots along Sandhurst Crescent and three part lots along Nordane Drive to create fully buildable lots. The proposal also requires the applicant to acquire a portion of the existing Nordane Drive road allowance along Nordane Drive and Sandhurst Crescent from the City. 2. Comments Received 2.1 At the February 4, 2013 Public Information Meeting and in written submission Approximately four area residents/landowners attended the meeting. Report PLN 05-13 April 8, 2013 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A 8/12) Page 4 A consultant appeared before the Committee on behalf of the developer of Nordane Drive (Maxcon Developments Ltd), who had conveyed land to the City many years ago to facilitate the future extension of Nordane Drive. He noted that there had been an Ontario Municipal Board hearing regarding his client's , property. He also questioned whether his client would be reimbursed for his ' expenses with respect to servicing, noting he had complied with the City's request at the time and now consideration is being given not to make Nordane Drive a through road. Two area residents provided written concerns. The issue identified was the same in each letter requesting i'nstallation of a wooden privacy fence along the easterly adjacent property lines with the subject property. The Subdivision Agreement, which was executed between the City of Pickering and Maxcon Developments Ltd. through Draft Plan Number 18T-84018 (Phase 2), does not include any reference to reimbursements for financial payments made by Maxcon Developments Ltd. for the servicing and construction of the northern terminus of Nordane Drive; nor does it require the reconveyance to Maxcon Developments Ltd. of any parcels of land previously transferred by it. The Development Agreement, which will be executed between the City of Pickering and the applicant, will include a condition to erect a wood privacy fence along the property lines adjacent to existing property owners. 2.2 City Departments & Agency Comments I Region of Durham • subject lands are located within the "Living Areas" designation in the Durham Region Official Plan • the Region of Durham Planning Department has advised that this application complies with the policies of the Regional Official Plan • Schedule `B' of the Durham Region Official Plan has identified a Key Natural Heritage Feature being located on the subject site. A vegetation assessment was submitted addressing the Natural Heritage Significance of the wooded area. Given the relative size, isolation and lack of mature tree species, it appears that this does not constitute a Key Natural Heritage Feature as defined by the Regional Official Plan • sanitary and water services are available to the subject property Durham Region . no objections to the application Transit Engineering & . generally satisfied with the configuration of the cul-de-sac Public Works at the end of Nordane Drive • the proposed lot configuration provides sufficient frontage to allow servicing of the lots ' Report PLN 05-13 " April 8, 2013 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A 8/12) Page 5 • as a condition of approval of the land division applications, the owner is required to enter into a development agreement with the City 3. Planning Analysis 3.1 The proposal complies with the density provisions of the Pickering Official Plan The Pickering Official Plan designates the subject property as "Urban Residential — Low Density Areas" within the Highbush Neighbourhood. Lands within this designation are intended primarily for housing at a net residential density of up to � and including 30 units per net hectare. The proposal to create thirteen new lots represents a net density of approximately 27 units per net hectare, which falls within the permitted density range. 3.2 Deletion of Nordane Drive Road Connection is supported by Staff The Highbush Neighbourhood Map illustrates a proposed new road connection extending Nordane Drive to Sandhurst Crescent (see Attachment#4 — Highbush Neighbourhood Map). The existing roadway network in this neighbourhood provides for adequate connectivity for all modes of travel and therefore the additional linkage between Sandhurst Crescent and Nordane Drive would provide minimal benefits to existing residents in terms of efficient traffic movement. Furthermore, the extension of Nordane Drive is not contemplated for transit service, which will continue along Pine Grove Avenue. The residents in the immediate area have not raised any issues with respect to the deletion of Nordane Drive extension. The City Development Department is supportive of the deletion of the north-south road connection of Nordane Drive to Sandhurst Crescent and recommends that this street connection be deleted from the City of Pickering Official Plan Highbush Neighbourhood Map (see Appendix II — Informational Revision 18). The applicant has expressed a desire to purchase Block 17, Plan 40M-1861 from the City. Block 17 is a 1 foot reserve across Nordane Drive immediately adjoining the south boundary of the subject property. The Director, Corporate Services & City Solicitor confirms that Block 17 may be sold to the applicant subject to the requirements of the City's Policy with respect to the acquisition and disposal of land. 3.3 The proposed development is consistent with the character of the . established neighbourhood The subject property is within an established residential neighbourhood with a majority of detached dwellings fronting onto Sandhurst Crescent and semi- detached dwellings fronting onto Nordane Drive. The proposed lotting pattern along Sandhurst Crescent and Nordane Drive is consistent with the established lotting pattern within the immediate neighbourhood and maintains the neighbourhood character. Report PLN 05-13 April 8, 2013 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A 8/12) Page 6 The proposed zoning by-law amendment extends the existing zoning along Nordane Drive and Sandhurst Crescent into the subject lands to continue the built form of the existing residential neighbourhood and to ensure consistency along the street. The proposed frontage and area of the proposed lots are consistent with the established lot frontage and lot area of the surrounding neighbourhood. The proposed lotting pattern is desirable and it would be in keeping with the character of the established neighbourhoods. 3.4 Council's approval is required to permit the new lots to be created through land severance Section 15.26 (b) of the Pickering Official Plan requires that land capable of being divided into more than three additional lots be developed by a draft plan of subdivision, except where it is demonstrated to Council's satisfaction that a plan of subdivision is neither appropriate nor necessary in which case Council may authorize the development to proceed by land severance. Land division applications were submitted by Craig Marshall to the Durham Region Land Division Committee on January 2, 2013. At that time, City staff requested that the applications to create eight residential lots along Sandhurst Crescent be tabled until the zoning by-law amendment had been considered by Council, and Council granted the authorization to permit the division of the subject lands through land division rather than by draft plan of subdivision. When Council authorizes a development to proceed by land division, the City can require the owner to enter into one or more agreements respecting matters that would normally have been covered by a subdivision agreement. Planning staff is satisfied that a plan.of subdivision is neither appropriate nor necessary since the subject lands represent a small infill development along an existing road network and there are existing services available along both Sandhurst Crescent and Nordane Drive. The City will have the opportunity to provide comments and recommend conditions of severance to the Region of Durham Land Division Committee addressing development matters such as, but not limited to: • the requirement for a development and noise agreement • the installation of servicing connections • an architectural design statement (to ensure the proposed housing design is in keeping with the character of the established neighbourhood) • a tree preservation (where practical) and enhancement plan • stormwater management report • preliminary lot grading and drainage plans • proposed driveway locations and entrances � cash-in-tieu of parkland dedication taken as if the property was being developed by draft plan of subdivision (5% contribution) • securities and insurance, and • Council's authorization to proceed by land division Report PLN 05-13 April 8, 2013 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A 8/12) Page 7 ', ,' 3.5 Stop-Up, Closure and Conveyance of Nordane Drive Road Connection The road allowance for the extension of Nordane Drive was acquired by the City through the development of two registered plans of subdivision (40M-1861 and 40M-1892). With the deletion of the road connection of Nordane Drive to Sandhurst Crescent, the road allowances are no longer required by the City. In order to convey these lands to Craig Marshall, for the development of the proposed residential lots, reference plans will be required to legally describe the limits of Nordane Drive within Plans 40M-1861 and 40M-1892. An appraisal to determine the value of the road pieces will need to be done by the applicant prior to City staff bringing forward a by-law to Council to formally stop-up and close the required portions of Nordane Drive and to authorize the sale of these lands. 3.6 Sustainability Implications Staff's review of the application against the City's Draft Sustainable Development Guidelines resulted in a score below the Level 1 standard. Given the small scope of the application, there is limited opportunity to achieve Level 1. The proposed development will utilize existing services along Sandhurst Crescent and Nordane Drive. Further opportunities exist for the applicant to implement additional sustainable options through future development and building permit processes. 3.7 By-law to be forwarded to Council The lands are currently zoned "A" — Rural Agricultural Zone. The draft zoning by-law attached as Appendix I to this report replaces the "A" zone with various residential zones (S3, S4 and SD-A) with 10.0 and 12.0 metre minimum frontages for detached dwellings and 7.5 metre minimum frontages for � semi-detached dwellings to facilitate the development of the subject lands. It is recommended that the draft by-law be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment. 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant is aware of the recommendations of this report and concurs. Report PLN 05-13 April 8, 2013 ' Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A 8/12) Page 8 Appendices Appendix I Draft Implementing Zoning By-law Appendix II Informational Revision #18 to the Pickering Official Plan Revision to Highbush Neighbourhood Map — Proposed Deletion of Road Connection Attachments 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Revised Plan 3. Lotting Pattern of Surplus Lands 4. Highbush Neighbourhood Map Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: - � {'����- -- Melissa arkha , MCIP, RPP Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner— Development Review (Acting) Chief Planner � - Nilesh urti, MCIP, RPP Tom Melym� k, M , RPP Manager, Development Review & Director, City Dev opment Urban Design �\ MM:Id � Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City uncil ' � Q,C • Z5, �l3 Tony Preve el, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer � Appendix I to Report PLN 05-13 Draft Implementing Zoning By-law . Amendment Application A 8/12 � The Corporation o t 't of Pickering By-I . xxxx/13 Being a by-law to amend Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering, Region of Durham, at 1897 Woodview Avenue in the City of Pickering (A 8/12) Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to permit the development of thirteen lots, consisting of eight lots for detached dwellings having frontage on Sandhurst Crescent, three lots for detached dwellings and two lots for semi-detached dwellings having frontage on Nordane Drive, at 1897 Woodview Avenue, in the City of Pickering; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: � 1. Schedule I Schedule I to By-law xxxx/13 is hereby amended by changing the zoning from A - Agricultural to S3 and S4 — Residential Detached Dwelling Zones and SD-A — Residential Semi-Detached Dwelling Zone for the Subject Land shown on Schedule I attached to and forming part of this By-law. 2. Schedule II (i) Despite the provisions of Section 5.14 of By-law 3036, the lot frontage for the lots shown as cross hatched on Schedule II shall be measured at the front wall of the dwelling. (ii) Despite the definition of rear lot line of By-law 3036, the rear lot line shall be defined as the westerly lot line for those lots shown as cross hatched on Schedule II. . 3. Effective Date ` This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed i �of xx, 2013. �.. ��: David Ryan, Mayor � Debbie Shields, City Clerk -----� � � ' �%" , I 1 � '1�J � '��, ----- �----- 1 ��-'C � � � �L � �� / \ �� �----- � \ �� � I � � -----� (_/) _-� � I � �----- D --- . \ / I �� �� i z � � i � -----�----- 0 -- � L- �-- � _ �--�--r--� T--� T-�--r-- � � I I I I I I I I I _____�----- � I I I I I I I I I � � i I I I I I I I I �---__ � I I I I I I I I i _____� I I I I I I I I I I �---- -----�, CRESCENT - �---- i � 9.k �? -------L---- 14.4 �11. i � � W 86.4 z N S3 S4 S3 N i li w , , � ------------ 37.1 14.4 2 � Q m 30.0 9. 1 . �y ri � � 30.4 S4 N S D-A W o SD-A �, �� �, 35.1 � ----------r--------- 22.8 17.0 / 0 ----- � O j I � �� �� OI r----- � � � � �----- � ��� I � Q --__ r----- ---------�--r-� I I � �----- W ------ I � � " I I I r----- Q � ��\ � -----T-----� I � �----- � �� ��'�� � I ----- � i � i r----- � ------� � �C� ' � I I I �----- z � `( • � I I I I -----� �� � I I � �------ ------a \ � i i i r----- i � i i i i r _ __ i \ ' PINE GROVE AVENUE � N SCHEDULE I ' ,W PASSED T I �,� � ,� DAY OF ' 2013 MAYOR CLERK -----� ' � � ' ��:" , � 1 1 1�J / ��`` f------- 1 �-� i � ------� /y i �------- i . �� /�// �/ � \� \\\ � (n ��� � . � \ -----�----- D �� � / � \�, \�. i z � � i � ------L----- 0 - � L �-- , � _ --�--�--r--� -T--� T-�--r-- � C I I I I I I I I I _____�------ � . I I I I I I I I I � � I I I I I I I I i �_____ � I I I I I I I I I � _____� I I I I I I I I I L=--- I ------�, CRESCENT �---- i � � W -------1----- . . � I II z - PLAN 329, PT LOT 24 AND PIAN 40M-1700, I I _ I W BLKS 45, PT BLK 44, RP 40R-17588, PART 2,3,4 � � ---'--------- 36.1 � � ' Q �y � � A . W J W i� ---- 40.1 � > ----------�------ / / � ' ----- � � I / // � � � r'----- � �� � � L----- � ��/ __ _ I I 0 __- r----- - ---------i--i-i L----- W ------ I � j i i i r----- Q �, -=---T---� i i �----- o ��� ����. � i i ----- i i i i r------ o ------�i � '��, i i i i �----- z i �� i i --- i i i i �----- -----� �� i � i i i r----- - i � � i i i r----- i � PINE GROVE AVENUE , � N - SCHEDULE Il TO PASSED THI DAY OF 2013 , I � �I , II MAYOR I � CLERK Appendix II to Report PLN 05-13 Informational Revision #18 � To the Pickering Official Plan Revision to Highbush Neighbourhood Map Proposed Deletion of Road Connection . ' I . . / Informational Revision No. 18 to the Pickering Official Plan Purpose: The purpose of this amendment is to delete a proposed road connection from Nordane Drive to Sandhurst Crescent to implement the development of a residential neighbourhood (A 8/12) Location: The subject lands are approximately 0.52 hectares in area and are located on the east side of Woodview Avenue, north of Pine Grove Avenue. Basis: The amendment has been determined to be appropriate because it will keep the Pickering Official Plan up-to-date with Council's approvals of development applications in the Highbush Neighbourhood. Actual: The City of Pickering Official Plan is hereby revised as shown on Amendment the attached Exhibit and listed as below: 1. On Map 20, Neighbourhood 10: Highbush: - Delete a "New Road Connection (Proposed)" extending � Nordane Drive to Sandhurst Crescent; - � i � � � � � � � � � ��� � `��� � - �� � � � ..•. � � ' .- -. - � � •� - ���moi�`;`- _ . ���o��=_- [�jmunumui: � upimpu�= _ — ; ,�I� i•.:I��!„I�,���:� � - =11LeG3"si�9i:G9 . �� �CII�`';'u �= w� IIIIIIIIIII - � ��\IIIIIIU� ������``:t�n ��:: �u������C = — -- ,�E�` w. —Iluuu.�� ;� � __ �� ___ � � _= UID .;•-��[B!3r�� ��� llii9:d:� - -• - .. �p�� -_ �!3:'3':,'`�V" �� f�` ■ i �= == �'� O � = „���� ___ a� ., . •n11= � `�IID� ' ►•������ '' _— �-���i•��.�jr,: � %mmmuunuun � = IIIIIIIIIII —=----- -- ���� ��=�� z � �II�IIIIIII ����►���;, -n�e►vv �11����6:�:���:3�;�: 0 _ �� \�111111111IIIId- � , `�plllllllllllllll ■�'._ oc 0 %:JiiG9:i��9i�� ��j�j_ �.;'\� _ � � � \IIIIB:I;I:E's�91:t c �t�,�-- 11112Q�_IIII ■C�-Er,Y _\��= _ �iI ~ � 111��` ���� 1111111 �_ �L��'�:7:f�',� ii�G,iE1T' / �� � 111� w� �.� ���� ,� == 1111 __ =9;�' J � � �11111 � � -- �= == 1111 _ . -�'3:I:�Si1111 :� ��ili �= �- =s. -T - C- • •- �.��1� � � J.G�iG IIII � � ■" 11\�; � ��11111111 �= / 11111111111111111111 �111� �� - � = ..,.,.�. ... � .:� �� �� Wg' - LL IEe�'sC��la��IsuE3_.i �� �� �� ��� �F:u �.� ��.^, E»��� �... 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