HomeMy WebLinkAboutES 03-13 Report to Executive Committee PI l KERING Report Number: ES 03-13 ' Date: February 11, 2013 From: Richard W. Holborn Director, Engineering & Public Works Subject: Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road - Maximum Posted Speed Limit Review - File: A-1440 Recommendation: , 1. That Report ES 03-13 of the Director, Engineering & Public Works regarding a review of the maximum posted speed limits on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road be received; and 2. That the existing speed limit of 50 km/h on Glenanna Road and Valley Farm Road between Kingston Road and Pickering Parkway be maintained, based on previous traffic studies, input from Durham Regional Police and the results of the review of traffic operations. Executive Summary: On December 10, 2012 Council passed Resolution #151/12, which adopted staff recommendations from report CS 44-12 (presented to the Executive Committee on December 3, 2012) and directed staff to investigate reducing the maximum posted speed limit on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road between Kingston Road and Pickering Parkway from 50 km/h to 40 km/h, and to report back to Council. In response to Resolution #151/12 staff has completed an additional review of the maximum posted speed limit on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road. Based on the review, previous traffic studies on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road, and discussions with the Durham Regional Police about reducing speed limits on Type C arterial roads, Engineering & Public Works staff does not recommend reducing the speed limit on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road between Kingston Road and Pickering Parkway from 50 km/h to 40 km/h. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications for the 50 km/h maximum posted speed limit to remain. Discussion: The Durham Community Condominium Alliance on behalf of its residents at 1880/1890 Valley Farm Road and other area residents have previously expressed concerns related to pedestrian safety on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road between Kingston Road and Pickering Parkway. Their request for additional IY Report ES 03-13 February 11, 2013 Subject: Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road Maximum Posted Speed Limit Review Page 2 traffic safety measures included a reduction in the maximum posted speed limit from 50 km/h to 30 km/h on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road. On September 18, 2012 Council passed Resolution #113/12 for staff to review possible safety improvements on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road between Kingston Road and Pickering Parkway, citing increasing vehicular traffic and speed from development in the area. In response to Resolution #113/12 and resident concerns, Engineering & Public Works staff completed a traffic review of Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road and presented report CS 44-12 on December 3, 2012 to the Executive Committee. Report CS 44-12 discussed in detail various traffic and safety concerns on I Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road including the reduction of speed limit from 50 km/h to 30 km/h which was not recommended, indicating that the City of Pickering does not use a 30 km/h posted speed on any City maintained roadways. On December 10, 2012 Council passed Resolution #151/12 (Attachment #1), which adopted staff recommendations from report CS 44-12 and further directed staff to investigate reducing the maximum posted speed limit on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road befinreen Kingston Road and Pickering Parkway from 50 km/h to 40 km/h and to report back to Council. In Response to Resolution #151/12 staff has completed an additional review of the maximum posted speed limit on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road. Both Glenanna Road and Valley Farm Road are Arterial Type C roadways as designated in the City's official plan. The main function of an Arterial type C roadway is to move traffic at a higher speed than local and collector type roadways. Being Arterial Type C roadways, Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road are exempt from the 40 km/h speed limit adopted by the City for local and collector roadways. Durham Region's Arterial Corridor Guidelines recommends the travel speed for an Arterial Type C roadway to be between 50 km/h and 60 km/h. Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road are constructed to acceptable and current geometric design standards in use in Ontario, for the 50km/h posted speed limit. The daily traffic volumes on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road between Kingston Road and Pickering Parkway are shown below, which are reasonable for Arterial Type C roadways. Arteriaf Type C roadways can normally carry up to 12,000 vehicles a day. Valley Farm Road Glenanna Road Northbound 3,686 5,093 Southbound 3,968 4,560 Total Traffic 7,654 9,653 ' Speed data was previously collected on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road for three consecutive days from March 27, 2012 to March 29, 2012. Based on that traffic study, it was determined that the 85th percentile speed, which is the speed of which 85 percent of the traffic is travelling at or below is very reasonable for a 50 km/h road. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report ES 03-13 February 11, 2013 Subject: Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road Maximum Posted Speed Limit Review Page 3 The 85th percentile speeds for Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road between Kingston Road and Pickering Parkway are shown below. Valley Farm Road Glenanna Road Northbound 54 km/h 46 km/h Southbound 52 km/h 47 km/h It is often believed by many residents that lowering the speed limit on a roadway would make it safer, since vehicles should travel at a lower speed. However, it has been proven that the majority of motorists tend to drive the speed that they are comfortable at for the roadway and driving• conditions and that lowering the speed limit may not change the actual speed that motorists travel at, but instead cause a higher percentage of non- compliant drivers. i According to the Transportation Association of Canada, Institute of Transportation Engineers Canadian Guide to Neighbourhood Traffic Calming, reducing a speed limit as a traffic calming measure would create compliance problems, and would not have a significant reduction in traffic volumes or a significant reduction in conflicts. City staff have also discussed lowering the speed limit on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road between Kingston Road and Pickering Parkway with the Durham Regional Police Service. The Durham Regional Police have advised City staff that they oppose the reduction of the speed limit from 50 km/h to 40 km/h on both of these roadways. Therefore, based on the previous traffic studies on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road, discussions with the Durham Regional Police, and reviews into reducing speed limits on Arterial Type C roads, Engineering & Public Works staff does not recommend reducing the speed limit on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road between Kingston Road and Pickering Parkway from 50 km/h to 40 km/h. Attachment: 1. Resolution #151/12 CORP0227-07/01 revised Report ES 03-13 February 11, 2013 Subject: Valiey Farm Road and Glenanna Road Maximum Posted Speed Limit Review Page 4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Nathan EmeryRich d W. Hol orn, P. Eng. rdinator, Traffic Operations Dire tor, Engineering & Public Works / r Selsky, CET, CMM III anager, Capital Projects & Vfrastructure NE Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit Council ia4t • Z 2 / Tony Prevedel, P.Eng: Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised f;-1__ACk,MENT#-j_ - TC3 P.EPoRT#-f-5-6.3 -I 3 Legal and Legislative Services Clerk's Office Directive Memorandum December 14, 2012 To: Everett- Buntsma Director, Community Services From: Debbie Shields City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Special Meeting of City Council held on December 10, 2012 Director, Community Services, Report CS 44-12 Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road Traffic and Safety Concerns I Council Decision Resolution #151/12 1. That Report CS 44-12 of the Director, Community Services regarding traffic and safety concerns on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road, in response to Resolution #113/12 be received; 2. That the crosswalk request on Valley Farm Road at either Avonmore Square, in the vicinity of the 1880/1890 Valley Farm Road driveway, or at the intersection with . The Esplanade North not be supported based on the traffic study results and staff recommendation; 3. That the upgrade of the intersection pedestrian signal to a full signalized intersection at Valley Farm Road and the South Esplanade be included in the 2013 Capital Budget; 4. That 50 km/h speed limit signs be installed on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road, and that two pedestrian crossing signs on Valley Farm Road be installed close to 1880/1890 Valley Farm Road with "Watch for Seniors" tabs added to the signs, and that the existing pedestrian crossing sign on Valley Farm Road north of Diefenbaker Court be relocated to a location south of Diefenbaker Court and a "Watch for Seniors" tab be installed on both existing pedestrian crossing signs; 5. That staff investigate reducing the speed limit on Valley Farm Road and Glenanna Road from 50 km/h to 40 km/h and bring back a report to Council. Please take any action deemed necessary. Debbie Shields /Ir Copy: Chief Administrative Officer ,