HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 22, 2012 Page 1 Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee November 22, 2012 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues T. Besso, Chair M. Sawchuck, Vice-Chair S. Iyer W . Jamadar E. Mason M. Munawar D. Rundle C. Sopher J. Van Huss C. Celebre, Senior Planner, Development Review & Heritage L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Also Present: C. Beattie A. McKinnon L. Humphries G. Willson Absent: J. Mehak S. Sheehan Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome T. Besso welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by M. Sawchuck Seconded by D. Rundle That the minutes of the October 25, 2012 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 3.0 Delegations Page 2 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) T. Besso introduced Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy, City of Pickering. C. Rose appeared before the Committee to provide an overview and update regarding the Whitevale Conservation District and the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP). She explained her involvement with the Seaton lands, specifically the area around the Whitevale Heritage District. She noted as a result of the current Provincial plan, the rationale of the Heritage District will be changing. With the aid of a map, she showed the areas encompassed within the district, noting the boundaries as well as the positioning of schools, parks and recreational facilities shown in the proposed Seaton Neighbourhood Plans. She also explained the Council process, as well as appeals before the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). She noted there are a number of significant heritage properties along Whitevale Road, noting the City of Pickering is committed to working with the residents with respect to draft plans of subdivisions. She noted there are still some opportunities to investigate designations on some of these buildings. She also noted adaptive reuses were identified to allow for small businesses in buildings as well. She indicated the Neighbourhood Plans would be going before the OMB in late January. Residents in attendance posed concerns with respect to lighting, stating this would have an impact on them with the development of recreational facilities. Members also expressed their concerns with the rural aspect of Whitevale being taken away. C. Rose stated she would contact the City Solicitor in an attempt to obtain a legal opinion with respect to clarification on which Act, the Heritage Act or the Planning and Development Act or government body (OMB approval of the conservation district by-law or the Cabinet approval of the CPDP) takes precedence in this situation. She noted she would return as required to keep the Committee updated. C. Rose to action 4.0 Business Arising from Minutes Page 3 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 4.1 Work Plan Discussion took place with respect to the next property to pursue for designation purposes. It was noted the Burkholder property was meeting with opposition and M. Sawchuck explained the difficulty in designating places of worship. W. Jamadar suggested the members look at the listed but not designated property listing first for other possibilities. M. Sawchuck suggested the Committee look at the Fox & Fiddle for listing. It was noted this is a highly visible property, as well as a Pickering landmark which is currently vacant. Discussion ensued with respect to contacting the owner in an effort to determine the future intent of the property. It was also noted that this property is on the list for a potential Doors Open site. The consensus of the Committee was to pursue this for listing. C. Celebre will look up the name of the property owner. Moved by C. Sopher Seconded by E. Mason 1) That the Director, Planning & Development be requested to authorize an expenditure from the Heritage Pickering budget for the hiring of a consultant to undertake a historical evaluation of the property known as the Fox & Fiddle; and 2) That J. Sabean be approached to prepare a quotation to undertake this work. Carried C. Sopher questioned whether the report could be broken down into components for the 2012 and 2013 budgets. M. Sawchuck noted that S. Sheehan had added some information to the sites, noting that some documents on the City’s website have information and photos, but they were still waiting for additional photos. E. Mason noted she had contacted other heritage advisory committees from various municipalities in the GTA to attend the presentation from Bert Duclos to be held on December 13, 2012. She encouraged all members to attend, hoping for a good turnout. She noted the topic would be “How to be effective as a Heritage Committee”. L. Roberts to check on availability of the Main Committee room. C. Celebre to action L. Roberts to action Page 4 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 4.2) Doors Open T. Besso noted he had spoken with the Director, Planning & Development regarding the budget for Doors Open, informing the members that funds would be available for the 2013 Doors Open event. T. Besso volunteered to Chair the sub-committee for Doors Open. C. Celebre noted the registration fee would be submitted in December. M. Sawchuck noted that letters would be going out in late November to the potential locations requesting a response in January. Ne noted the Committee’s timeline of schedules may need to be adjusted as Heritage Trust has modified some of their timelines. He had provided members with a copy of the agreement to participate. Discussion ensued with respect to; • photos of potential sites • theme to be based on the arts – “Cultural Expression” • could connect to local theatre sites, • Tom Thompson property as potential site M. Sawchuck will follow up with representatives from Whitevale with respect to the walking tour. It was recommended that the sub-committee begin meetings in January. L. Roberts to book location for the 2nd Thursday of each month beginning in January. M. Sawchuck to action L. Roberts to action 5.0 New Business 5.1) Whitevale Heritage Conservation District Discussion ensued with respect to the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District. The residents in attendance expressed their concerns regarding the district and requested the Committee support efforts to maintain the district as it was designated and ask Council not to accept the CPDP. It was the consensus of the Committee to wait until such time as C. Rose has had an opportunity to report back with a legal opinion. T. Besso to follow up and email members. T. Besso to action 6.0 Other Business 6.1) T. Besso provided an update with respect to 560 Park Crescent, noting it was proceeding, but the process is slow. C. Celebre noted an application would be submitted shortly. Page 5 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 6.2) C. Celebre advised the Committee that the property located in Claremont at 5113 Brock Road, would be coming forward as a public information report at the December 3rd joint meeting to be held in the Council Chambers. She noted the property is not listed and the current owner proposes to maintain the home. Discussion took place with respect to placing this property on the 2013 work plan for future listing. 6.3) C. Celebre noted she was seeking direction from the Committee with respect to the property located at 1050 Whitevale Road. She noted the property is listed and questioned whether this would be a property the Committee would be interested in pursuing for designation. E. Mason and C. Sopher noted they would conduct a site visit and report their findings. C. Celebre noted the deadline for responding is December 5th. 6.4) L. Roberts reminded the Committee that nominations and appointments for the position of Chair and Vice-Chair would be taking place at the January, 2013 meeting. 7.0 Next Meeting/Adjournment Next Meeting – January 24, 2013 Moved by J. Van Huss The meeting adjourned at 10:00pm. Copy: City Clerk