HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Information Report PD 11-12 cip s Information Report _ Report Number: 11-12 11= "t' For Public Information Meeting of PICKERING Date: December 3, 2012 In Accordance with the Public Meeting Requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 Subject: Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision 181-90016 (R) Revised Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/90 (R) The Cairo Group Inc. 5113 Brock Road (Part of Lots 17 and 18, Concession 9, Part of Lot 31, Lots 32, 47 and 48, Plan 12, Part of Part 1, Plan 40R-14340) City of Pickering 1.0 Property Location and Description • the subject lands consist of the south western part of a property located between Brock Road and Regional Road #1 (Brock Road By-pass), north of Central Street; it also includes the unopened Franklin Street road allowance • a property location map is provided for reference (see Location Map -Attachment#1) • the subject lands are approximately 10.77 hectares in area,.of which approximately 55% are within the hamlet boundary of Claremont • the site, which generally slopes from north to southwest, is used for cash crop, farming; a farmhouse and barn are located on the west side of the property, adjacent to Brock Road • the surrounding land uses are: north - farm lands east - farm lands south - detached residential dwellings west - detached residential dwellings 2.0 Background • in 1990, the previous land owner, Toko Investments Inc., submitted a rezoning and draft plan of subdivision, to permit the creation of 27 lots for single detached dwellings on a municipal road with private services in the Hamlet of Claremont . • the public and commenting agencies expressed concerns with the development proposal including the adequacy of the lot size, impacts of stormwater runoff, and compatibility with the existing character of the hamlet; following a statutory information meeting in August 2001, the applicant decided to no longer pursue approvals, and the applications became dormant Information Report No. 11-12 Page 2 • subsequently, the policy framework regarding the subject lands, specifically with regards to the hamlet boundary, changed with the adoption of the City of Pickering Official Plan in 1997, the approval of the Oak Ridges Moraine .Conservation Plan (ORMCP) in 2001 and the City's Oak Ridges Moraine conformity amendment in 2007 • in 2012, the new owners, The Cairo Group Inc., resurrected the original applications with minor modifications, updated supporting studies; and are now seeking approval of the revised applications • a more detailed summary about the history of the original applications and of the changes to the planning framework, which may have an impact on the further processing of these applications, is contained in Attachment #2 to this report 3.0 Applicant's Proposal • the revised applications, submitted by the new land owner, remain consistent with the original applications except for the orientation of 4 lots relative to the streets they front on, as well as minor revisions to lot lines based on updated surveying and servicing'requirements (see Attachment#3 —The Cairo Group's Submitted Subdivision Plan) • the draft plan of subdivision proposes to create 27 lots for detached dwellings on private services, fronting on a public road; the farm house will be retained on one of the lots • the revised plan proposes a minimum lot size of 3000 square metres and a minimum lot frontage of 31 metres • the new public road is proposed to connect Franklin Street with Brock Road and have a 20 metre right of way width; the plan also makes provision for a future road connection to the east • the proposal incorporates the unopened Franklin Street road allowance, which the owner will need to acquire from the City • the proposed single detached homes are to be built in accordance with architectural design standards to ensure compatibility with the general character of the adjacent neighbourhood • the zoning by-law amendment proposes development standards that are consistent with some of the more recent subdivision developments in Claremont, such as those,along William Street or Livingston Street 4.0 Official Plan and Zoning 4.1 Durham Regional Official Plan • designates the subject property "Oak Ridges Moraine Areas" within the "Greenlands System" of the Plan • the "Oak Ridges Moraine Areas" category is further refined by designating the subject lands "Countryside Areas" (areas of existing rural land use) and "Hamlet" (intended to provide opportunities for minor residential infill and small scale industrial, commercial and institutional uses) Information Report No. 11-12 Page 3 • requires development within a hamlet to proceed by plan of subdivision and shall be accompanied by certain required technical studies, with the exception of minor infill • identifies the following principles to guide the preservation, cultural attributes and historic heritage of a hamlet in considering new hamlet development: • simplicity of form • predominance of residential use • large lots for accommodating private services • almost exclusively single detached dwelling form • few facilities, and • views and vistas to the countryside • stipulates that applications within the "Countryside Areas" that were commenced but not decided prior to November 17, 2001, are required to conform to the prescribed "transitional provisions" under Section 48 of the ORMCP • the transitional provisions pertain mainly to the protection of natural heritage and hydrologically sensitive features, requirements for the preparation of specialized studies, and the prohibition on certain activities such as the use of kettle lakes • further comment is required from the Region as to whether the applicant's proposal conforms to the Durham Regional Official Plan given that the subject lands extend beyond the hamlet boundary 4.2 Pickering Official Plan • designates the subject lands "Oak Ridges Moraine Rural Hamlets" (ORM Hamlets) and "Oak Ridges Moraine Countryside Areas" (ORM Countryside Areas) [see Attachment#4 — location of subject lands in relation to existing hamlet boundaries] • opportunities for the growth of a hamlet within the Oak Ridges Moraine is limited to lands within the existing hamlet boundary • the development of the hamlet must comply with numerous policies including: • compatibility requirements (scale, character and relationship) • appropriate technical review to ensure the adequate provision of services • protection of nearby property owners; and • compliance with provincial and regional standards • recognizing that most of Claremont is designated as ORM Rural Hamlet, City Council shall: • restrict applications for lot creation to limited infilling • prohibit the expansion of the hamlet boundary unless the hamlet boundaries are modified by the Province; and • require development or site alteration to be subject to the ORM policies in the Official Plan and the policies of the ORMCP • the "ORM Countryside Areas" designation'on the subject lands is principally aimed at protecting prime agricultural areas and to maintain the rural character of ORM hamlets Information Report No. 11-12 Page 4 • in terms of lot creation inside the "Countryside Areas" designation, residential infilling shall be permitted within the hamlet boundaries of Claremont as expansions to the hamlet boundary shall not be permitted • however, similarly to the Regional Official Plan, the Pickering OP stipulates that applications inside "Countryside Areas" that were commenced but not decided prior to November 17, 2001, are required to conform to the prescribed"transitional provisions" under Section 48 of the ORMCP • the Resource Management Schedule identifies three significant woodlands on the edge of the subject lands which requires the preparation of an Environmental Report to determine possible impacts on the natural features • the ORM Aquifer Vulnerability Schedule shows areas of low aquifer vulnerability situated on northern parts of the subject lands, and areas of high aquifer vulnerability on the south parts of the subject lands; an Environmental Report is required to determine impacts on areas of high aquifer vulnerability • the OP requires the preparation of a stormwater management plan that must have particular regard for matters such as: • maintaining groundwater quality and flow and stream base flow • protecting water quality, and • preventing any increase in flood risk • further analysis is required as to whether the applicant's proposal conforms to the Pickering Official Plan given that the subject lands extend beyond the hamlet boundary 5.0 Zoning By-law 3037 • according to Zoning By-law 3037 as amended by By-law 6640/06, the subject property is currently zoned "ORM -A" - Oak Ridges Moraine Rural Agricultural, "ORM — R5" - Oak Ridges Moraine Hamlet Residential Five and a small portion on the southern edge of the lands is zoned "ORM - EP" - Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection • the development standards in the ORM-R5 zone are associated with the historically smaller residential lots in the hamlet settlement and are not appropriate with current development standards for private services; the ORM-A and ORM-EP would not permit the proposed development • an amendment to the zoning by-law is therefore required to implement the proposed plan of subdivision 6.0 Comments received prior to circulation • the President of the Claremont & District Community Association pointed out that residents continue to have the same concerns they had with the original applications, including the potential impacts: • on groundwater quality (because of inadequate nitrate dilution levels), and • of stormwater runoff • a resident on Lane Street advised that their septic system is located on the subject lands and that they would like to make permanent arrangements to secure continued use of the septic bed and to protect the stormwater drain that runs along the rear of her property Information Report No. 11-12 Page 5 7.0 Non-statutory open house with Claremont residents • the applicant is holding a community meeting about the development proposal on November 28, 2012 in Claremont 8.0 Results of Circulation 8.1 Resident Comments • none received at the time of writing this report 8.2 Agency Comments • to date comments have been received from the following agencies which have no objection to the application and some are subject to certain standard conditions: • Hydro One Networks Inc. • Canada Post • Enbridge • Durham District School Board • Durham Catholic District School Board 8.3 Department Comments • none received in response to the circulation to date 8.4 Staff Comments • the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • whether local and regional official plan amendments are required to adjust the hamlet boundary to accommodate the parts of the proposed development that are located outside of the hamlet boundaries • whether the development proposal conforms to the prescribed transitional provisions under the ORMCP • whether the proposed stormwater management plan is sufficient to deal with on-site stormwater drainage and possibly improve or solve the stormwater problems downstream from the subject lands • assessing the adequacy of the proposed lot sizes to meet required nitrate dilution standards, provide a supply of potable water, and not adversely affect groundwater flow and quality • assessing the compatibility of the development proposal with the existing adjacent rural area, and the hamlet community in terms of character, built form and function • whether the City and the applicant can make satisfactory arrangements for the closure and sale of unopened Franklin Street road allowance • assessing the heritage significance of the house to be retained Information Report No. 11-12 Page 6 • determining how many properties along Lane Street have septic beds on the subject lands and finding a solution that is mutually acceptable to all parties involved • determining the appropriateness of the proposed zoning standards to regulate the site • whether the proposed development contains appropriate sustainable development components • whether the required technical submissions and reports meet City standards • comments from the residents, including issues raised at the non-statutory open house event • The Planning & Development Department will conclude its position on the applications after it has received and assessed comments from the circulated departments, agencies and public. 9.0 Procedural Information 9.1 General Procedurals • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department. • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision on draft plan of subdivision or zoning by-law must provide comments to the City, either orally or in writing, before the City makes a decision on the draft plan or Council adopts a by-law for this proposal • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk 10.0 Other Information 10.1 Information Received • in addition to the full scale copies of the applicant's submitted plan, the following documents are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department and at the Claremont Library: • Planning Justification Report • Traffic Impact Assessment Report • Preliminary Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Report • Preliminary Nitrate Loading Assessment • Preliminary Environmental Survey Report • Natural Heritage Evaluation Report • Functional Servicing Report • Noise Study Report • • Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment Report Information Report No. 11-12 Page 7 10.2 Owner/Applicant Information • the owner of the subject lands is The Cairo Group Inc. • the applicant is Prime "R" Management, a development company owned by Geranium Homes • the agent for the applicant is Malone Given Parsons Ltd. �.= .co•s C. herine Rose, MCIP, R"P rincipal Planner- Policy Manager, Policy DJ:jf Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development • • Attachment#_ t _._to Information Report# //--/E� • 4110 1 AREM r r■I41r _AO -.wale / W AV 7 iti k Iti 6:44:,,, �� OWNER'S TOTAL•iti N .r;..- •` LAND HOLDINGS ��. L AND SUBJECT TO ��4 fQ.. DEVELOPMENT •4 � ��jj APPLICATION 4 ■�i�i 1 i�i�%%% Mn o ►��i�i ►i*ii:i� • 3 n ram [AREMOA? • 1I! E N Fin' ST, m J I ' ■inn - �® 1-s -_A r CENTRAL STREET CENTRA STREET ii_v — ^I N,.-N 411 �if a t1i? mP City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CON.9 Pt. Lt.17&18; Plan 12,Lots 32,47,48&Pt.Lot 31;40R-14340,Part of Pt.1 OWNER The Cairo Group DATE OCt 25,2012 DRAWN BY IB FILE No. 18T-90016(R)&A 9/90(R) SCALE 1:10,000 CHECKED BY DJ N ueta acureea 2012 t EnterOnd• Inc. ontl . euppllere. All rlghte t . pl.; Not a plan of eurvey. PN-RUR 2012 MPAC ntl ita euppllere. All rtghta Reaervstl. 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"`DEVELOPMENT PLAN : A V I;SCHEDULE 'A' w . „k Edition No 5 h II , , L effe 4i i —— IIN i 2 ,1, VIII Ili 1 I I iP 4Ap �I.y �gan j ✓ 0r ,.:4)01,• 1 ' ` L c�a, i 3f 0 . r I :< / a �x i r I I F ,, - ..,ems .. j___. 2 9F '.�3 Pad -- x If fi 6 r ...9 6�. ' # ir•. t. I .. ms,s _ 1 -_ .r1 y..,� 3 • I 1 k _ 4 , ,:.;41:4 111 t I . '� 1 �_ i i 1-T L T II i' ilk ' r- H 1 r ' ' I ! ` I `.• T-_ ;:.1 _ _Phase Use II s 4A Hanel F..0..-3,•:::.4.1'" i IMM ea anal--- ' 93 S— r Ronda fo In Su6NUOn I.' w ;, ••, - - - •- .. Bomldary ;.r.. vi j - I .I - F 1 1 THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING E& DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT,PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN,NOVEMBER 13,2012. EXHIBIT 3 Attachment# _ ' to EXTRACT OF PT8KERiING OFF IC#AL4PL EDITION 1 SCHEDULE IV - 10 SETTLEMENT 10: CLAREMONT AND ARE A - NORTH SECTION TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE uxBRIOGC PICKERING iOWNUKE Al .•.•.•.• .•.•...•.. :.::.:.,.. .::::::..: ..:::::.::::...:::::.: r. .....::.:::::::;:F7'4i7 . T. r r K., r. ..4 ici ir-.a00.45 4,111 - MI s 0 0 I ti I I 1 0 J1i tit=-4140. ?-w. u / i..I STREET / '' : f J ./ �1 •::::.,.0 w / D37 ,t114 II// 1% , qw�� /.a 0 <10 2 it! JAI a•YE� .MOM IN vellap:II "NMI EAEil®?..-....111u1 :I iii ill% `` `� CENTRAL • i1slY ©�_ 411 FA nr-1 r71T7 . • Q R LEGEND SYMBOLS CLUSTER r// RESIDENTIAL \1 RESIDENTIAL A OF WORSHIP :..........• NEW ROAD HAMLET --I CONNECTIONS i∎•_ COMMERCIAL (PROPOSED) PUBLIC SCHOOL ___ HAMLET �� RURAL SETTLEMENT --- EMPLOYMENT BOUNDARY OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- NATURAL AREAS D.3=� DEFERRAL Um TOWN OF PICKERING PANNING DEPARTMENT FEBRUARY. 1998 i"... .-"4,...7°=,: ♦C rtKIN ICCr..NMCCnC OT.CR SCRC9uE �THE*E� PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN: Chapter Twelve-Rural Settlements 230 THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT,PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN,NOVEMBER 13,2012. Attachment#__to Information Report#. //-/a INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED SUBDIVISION PLAN THE CAIRO GROUP 18T-90016(R) &A 09/90(R) � al* OWNER'S OTHER LAND HOLDINGS ^ 19.8 3o.2B 213.34 mm 0.51 ha `o 31.76 38.58 58.63 65.38 19.05 �1 O ,\I' 10� N rn 8.2.p C O �. p� 2 033 ha 16 17 °� 1 39 a ml 0.33 ha 0.33 ha 0.35 na 20 V 0.45 ha 3 j 34 3309 0.46 ha 9titi�• %I 3�Q0 37'07 3707 . ,sy o �� 0 Ci STREET'S' C) 38.44 • ' 37.00 37.00 57.32 57,59 1 w 0. a 38.50 ip 11 w 61.90 Fr' A a 12 0.32 ha „ 0. �ha m 0.30 ha 8 0.33 ha ^O 0.35 he .p N 7 m cn 0.5 538 5038 • a 0) rte, 100.74 0.4440 ha 81.68 z Y 47.90 53.91 50 5a . ^ o 152.3 �_ ... __ _...._____._L. m A 23a LANE STREET 56.97 ,, w 78.91 ILI w w w w cr A .32 30 ha 0 ha I w 0 p ;�.___, 94.85 07 76.37 W w A O S " A -. 0. 2ha O 94.86 0.30 ha 3 0 . 4 BLOCK 28 0.32 ha g STREET'A' 0 0.3m Reserve 89.78 Ni c,4 w V A A CA 0. 1ha o 75.89 20 QQ 84.50 L •2 ' V v 0.39 ha 0.-30 ha = 1s N 98.99 61.89 . 104.56 o .. w 0.10 ha g 59.18 -G �.....__.._.....__...___.._-. 61.4 ' . N FULL SCALE COP/ES OF THE APPLICANTS SUBMITTED PLAN ARE AVAILABLE FOR NEW/NG AT THE CITY OF PICKER/NG PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKER/NG PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT INFORMATION&SUPPORT SERVICES, OCT 26, 2012. Attachment# to Information Report# // /a EXTRACT OF SCHEDULE IV - 10 SETTLEMENT 10: CLAREMONT - NORTH SECTION 4g9WIRO0IOp Of' ME3C312019■ 11 Y41 w w C1 m r ■ o r X 0 _A ,, o_ Aifkl--A0-- m ?Iiiiir:--ip-----tar- , ro.....,...„, • 'ice it � i:' i . AM. :. '; Fes.):::::::::: 11' 44$ 1g • cis z Ift !W1JJI assa `` ``'>r Fi1 FDIC � Il PA—— il ..1 Pr 111 - r 1151=;j• 04•: ..• ■E PSI NNW �� ���. ,i� M .�;A ::41MON ,gig,�I'-� ' �� ∎767' r_L, ■ �WAN rAlEr wori LEGEND SYMBOLS NEW HAMLET nlmlomlnn C NNECCTIONS PLACE // RESIDENTIAL (PROPOSED) A OF WORSHIP •••" :••••••♦∎ HAMLET RURAL SETTLEMENT _•_•_•:■ COMMERCIAL BOUNDARY 16 PUBLIC SCHOOL / „, OAK RIDGES MORAINE L__J HAMLET BOUNDARY ——_l EMPLOYMENT -l■I- 18T-90016 & A 9/90 BOUNDARY OPEN SPACE SYSTEM- ,,,, , NATURAL AREAS CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MARCH. 2007 ICI TNIS MAP FORMS PART OE EDITION 6 OF THE DICKERING OKFICRAL PLAN AND MUST BE READ N CONJUNCTION WITH THE OTHER SCHEDULES AND THE TEXT. PICKERING OFFICIAL PLAN EDITION 6: Chapter Twelve--Rural Settlements 255