HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 49-12 Cit11 Report To Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: CS 49-12 Date: November 12, 2012 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Consultant Selection for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 49-12 of the Director, Community Services regarding the Consultant Selection for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study be received; 2. That the proposal No. RFP-8-2012 submitted by The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd., to undertake the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study in the amount of$324,804 including HST be accepted; 3. That the net project cost of$371,348 (including net HST) be approved; 4. That the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer be authorized to finance the project as provided for in the approved 2012 Current Budget for the Engineering Services —Admin., Professional & Consulting, Downtown Stormwater (Account 2290.2392.0000); and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: In November 2011, Council authorized AECOM to undertake the project initiation and project management of the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study (Resolution # 188/11). The project initiation consisted of preparing Request for Expression of Interest (RFEI) and Request for Proposal (RFP) documents including full Terms of Reference, reviewing and short listing expression of interest submissions as well as reviewing and evaluating submitted proposals. The scope of work for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study was stated as twofold: the preparation of a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the diversion of Krosno Creek flows, which involves the completion of Phases 3 and 4 of the EA process, and the development of a stormwater management strategy for the Downtown Pickering Intensification Study. Report CS 49-12 November 12, 2012 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 2 Subsequently, RFEI-2-2012, was posted on the City's website April 19, 2012, requesting written expressions of interest from qualified firms to provide professional consulting services for the preparation of the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study. The closing date for the RFEI was May 15, 2012. The City received submissions from the following eight consulting firms: MMM Group Ltd., URS Canada Inc., Cole Engineering, The Sernas Group, The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd., Delcan, Aquafor Beach Ltd., and Morrison Hershfield. The Evaluation Committee reviewed all submissions against criteria outlined in the RFEI. The Evaluation Committee found that the submissions from MMM Group Ltd., Cole Engineering and The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. received the highest average scores and were therefore chosen as the three firms to be pre-qualified to advance to the RFP stage. Subsequently, RFP-8-2012 was issued on October 3, 2012 to the three firms that were pre-qualified through the RFEI process, to submit a proposal to undertake the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study. The closing date for the RFP was October 17, 2012. The Evaluation Committee reviewed the three proposals against criteria outlined in the RFP. It is recommended by the Evaluation Committee that The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. be retained to undertake the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study at a cost of$324,804 including HST. Financial Implications: 1. Approved Source of Funds Item Account Code Source of Funds Budget Required Downtown SWM 2290.2392.0000 2012 $400,000 $371,348 & Diversion Study Current Budget Total $400,000 $371,348 2. Estimated Project Costing RFP-8-2012 $287,438 Contingency (20%) 57,488 TRCA Review Fees 20 000 Net $364,926 HST (13%) 47,440 Total Gross Cost $412,366 HST Rebate (11.24%) (41,018) Total Net Project Cost to City $371,348 Report CS 49-12 November 12, 2012 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 3 3. Project Cost under (over) approved funds $28,652 Discussion: 1.0 Council endorsed the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan On April 19, 2010, Council endorsed the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan (Master Plan) and authorized City staff to implement the recommendations of the Master Plan subject to budget and further Council approval for individual projects (Resolution #72/10). The overall goal of the Master Plan is as follows: . "To address long-standing concerns regarding the ongoing decline in the quality of the Frenchman's Bay ecosystem by seeking means to control the quantity and quality of storm runoff entering the local creeks and the Bay itself." The recommended Master Plan consists of a suite of projects, programs and policies designed to address issues related to flooding, erosion and poor water quality in Frenchman's Bay and its' tributary watersheds. The Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study was an identified project that was listed in Phase 1 (5 Year Plan) of the Master Plan. The Master Plan addressed Phases 1 and 2 of the Municipal Class EA process. More detailed investigations are required at the project-specific level in order to fulfill the Municipal Class EA documentation requirements for the specific Schedule B and C projects identified within the Master Plan. The Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study will be completed as a Schedule C project as it consists of a large scale diversion of stormwater flows from Krosno Creek for the purposes of flood control and to allow further intensification within an expanded Downtown. As such, Schedule C projects need to fulfill Phases 3 and 4 of the Municipal Class EA prior to filing an Environmental Study Report (ESR). 1.1 Council authorized the selection of Urban Strategies Inc. in association with HDR/iTrans and Halsall Associates to proceed with the Downtown Pickering Intensification Study In November 2011, Council authorized the selection of Urban Strategies Inc. in association with HDR/iTrans and Halsall Associates to proceed with the planning and transportation components of the Downtown Pickering Intensification Study as part of the City's Official Plan Review (Resolution #188/11). The results of the consultant's work will be: a built form vision for downtown Pickering; supporting Report CS 49-12 November 12, 2012 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 4 official plan policies; updated urban design development guidelines; a transportation analysis, and a zoning strategy to implement the vision. 1.2 Council authorized the preparation of the.RFP for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study In November 2011, Council authorized the selection of AECOM to undertake the project initiation and project management of the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study (Resolution # 188/11). The project initiation consisted of preparing RFEI and RFP documents including full Terms of Reference, reviewing and short listing expression of interest submissions as well as reviewing and evaluating submitted proposals. 2.0 A Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) for Consulting Services for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study was issued RFEI-2-2012 was posted on the City's website April 19, 2012, requesting written expressions of interest from qualified firms to provide professional consulting services for the preparation of the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study. The scope of work for the Study was stated as twofold: the preparation of a Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the diversion of Krosno Creek flows, which involves the completion of Phase 3 and 4 of the EA process, and the development of a stormwater management strategy for the Downtown Pickering Intensification Study. The closing date for the RFEI was May 15, 2012. The City received submissions from the following eight consulting firms: • • MMM Group Ltd. • URS Canada Inc. • Cole Engineering • The Sernas Group • The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. • Delcan • Aquafor Beach Ltd. • Morrison Hershfield On June 15, 2012 an Evaluation Committee consisting of the Project Manager for the City (AECOM), Division Head, Engineering Services, Senior Water Resources & Environmental Engineer, Water Resources Engineer and a Supply & Services representative reviewed the submissions against the criteria outlined in the RFEI. Although the Evaluation Committee was impressed by the quality of all eight submissions received, the submissions from MMM Group Ltd., Cole Engineering and The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. received the highest average scores and were therefore chosen as the three firms to be pre-qualified to advance to the RFP stage. Report CS 49-12 November 12, 2012 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 5 2.1 A Request for Proposal (RFP) for Consulting Services for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study was issued On October 3, 2012, the City issued RFP-8-2012 to the three pre-qualified consulting firms determined through the RFEI process for Consulting Services for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study at an upset limit of $325,000 including HST. The closing date for the proposals was October 17, 2012. The RFP identified that the three pre-qualified proponents would be further scheduled for a presentation/interview as part of the proposal evaluation process. 2.2 The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. is recommended for selection The Evaluation Committee, consisting of the same members involved in the RFEI process, received presentations and held interviews with representatives from The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. on October 19, 2012 and MMM Group Ltd. and Cole Engineering on October 22, 2012. During the interviews the Evaluation Committee heard presentations and responses to a set of individual questions that were prepared based on the individual written proposals. Following the interviews held on October 22, 2012, the Evaluation Committee evaluated the three proposals and interviews against the criteria, as outlined in the RFP. The consultant that received the highest average score (Attachment #1) and best met the City's needs in completing the Downtown Stormwater Management & Diversion Study, considering their team's strengths and previous experience relative to the required work, was The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd., in association with T2 Utility Eng., Savanta Inc., Geomorphic Solutions, Archeoworks Inc., SPL Beatty Consultants and Retz &Associates Inc. The following documents have been reviewed by the Coordinator, Health & Safety and are deemed acceptable: • Health & Safety Policy • Current WSIB Workplace Injury Summary Report • Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board The Certificate of insurance has been reviewed by the (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Treasurer and deemed acceptable. Report CS 49-12 November 12, 2012 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 6 The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. is a leading civil engineering firm with significant expertise in promoting and implementing both sustainable and low impact development practices, and has firsthand experience with the challenges and opportunities associated with innovation. This is most recently evidenced as The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. won the 2012 Ontario Consulting Engineering Award for Sherbourne Common's stormwater management system, a widely recognized project that was commissioned by Waterfront Toronto. The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. has put together a team that includes strong skills in hydrology/hydraulic modelling, watercourse geomorphology, geotechnical, utilities, terrestrial habitat, topographic surveys and archaeology. The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. is also working with the City of Vaughan to establish a master servicing strategy for the proposed intensification of the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre, which is a Places to Grow urban growth centre, and the Town of Richmond Hill to develop a Master Environmental Servicing Plan to support growth within intensification centres. The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. has also worked with Urban Strategies Inc., the consultant completing the planning components of the Downtown Pickering Intensification Study, on several previous projects. 3.0 Recommendations: It is recommended that The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd. be retained to undertake the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study for $324,804 including HST. It is also recommended that a net project cost of $371,348 (including net HST) be approved Attachment: 1. Total Score Summary Form 2. Supply & Services Memo dated October 17, 2012 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Marilee Gadzovski, .Sc.(Eng.),P. Eng Everett ,,''s ' �, CMM Senior, Water Resources & Director, ommunity Services Environmental Engineer Report CS 49-12 November 12, 2012 Subject: Consultant Selection for the Downtown Stormwater Management and Diversion Study Page 7 /I/.(I / — Ri al.() H•46orn, P. Eng Paul Bigio ivisio Head, Engineering Services Director, CV,.rpor-te S:rvices & City Solicitor i Ikk s" Bob Kuzm- SCMP, A.M.C.T. Stan Karwowski Senior P. chasing Analyst, (Acting) Division Head, Finance & Corpor:to Services Treasurer, Corporate Services MG:ds Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council (aidgi Oc ..59, 20/z. Tony Prevedel, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer rn ATTACHMENT#.—..�i 'OREPORT# CS + 1-I2, c �_of-4 c as C a) o L o a) > o a) o ~ 1 Cl)CCI a) 3 ° tea) > N o C ,U N 0 - Q` (6 0) a) p a) S c ~ QO) C 0 _c 2; o . _ ...... � c a) — , 0 > a) o 2 a) co _ `o ti hOm = a N a) cn co as d `o o c co 4- a o 0 12 a) a) L u, > o ' m ca c Q E L 0 0) - L a) 2 a) a) E • a co O 6 CD •E o % 0 a) k c 0) a) a) E E 0 c 0 a) .a o c } o ca Q 0 N W ATTACHMENT# a-_TO REPORT# CS 49-12-, of Plc Memo To: Richard Holborn October 17, 2012 Division Head, Engineering Services Committee Members F rom: Bob Kuzma Senior Purchasing Analyst Copy: Manager, Supply & Services Subject: Request for Proposal No. RFP-8-2012 Downtown Stormwater Management & Diversion Study Submission Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 12:00 noon (local time) - File: F-5300-001 Request for Proposals were invited from three (3) prequalified companies and three (3) companies responded by the official submission date and time. One (1) addendum was issued. Evaluation of proposals is performed in five (5) stages. Reference: Part 3, Evaluation of Proposals, Item 3.2 Stages of Proposal Evaluation: 3.2.1 Stage I — Review for Compliance Stage I will consist of a review to determine which proposals comply with all of the mandatory requirements. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Submission Date will be provided an opportunity to rectify any deficiencies. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Rectification Date will be excluded from further consideration. 3.2.2 Stage II - Scoring Stage II will consist of a scoring by the.City of each qualified proposal on the basis of the rated criteria. 3.2.3 Stage Ill — Evaluation of Pricing Stage III will consist of a scoring of the pricing submitted. The evaluation of price will be undertaken after Stage I and II have been completed. • 3.2.4 Stage IV - Cumulative Score At the conclusion of Stage III, all scores from Stage II and Stage III will be combined and the three (3.) proponents will be scheduled for an interview in Stage V. ATTACHMENT#_2 TO REPORT# /4121 3.2.5 Stage V — Evaluation of Interview Stage V will consist of a scoring of the interview which will be added to the Stage IV scoring. At the conclusion of Stage V, the highest ranking proponent will be selected for Contract negotiations in accordance with Part 4—Terms and Conditions of the RFP process. 3.2.6 Tie Score In the event of a tie score in Stage V, the selected proponent will be determined in accordance with the City's Purchasing Procedures. All three (3) proposals will proceed to Stage II. Attachments are as follows: 1. Evaluation Form — Stage 2. Evaluation Form — Stage II (to be used by Evaluation Committee Members) 3. Evaluation Form — Stage II Rating Criteria 4. Copies of the proposals received Please co-ordinate an appropriate date and time for a meeting of the evaluation committee. Each member should review the submissions carefully according to the rating criteria before the meeting time. Please do not disclose any information to enquiring proponents during this time—they will be advised of the outcome in due course. Please direct inquiries to Supply & Services. If you require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Services. BK Attachments October 17, 2012 Request for Proposal No. RFP-8-2012 Page 2 Downtown Stormwater Management & Diversion Study ATTACHMENT#2- TOREPORT# en gq-I2 RFP-8-2012 Downtown .Aormwater Management & Divers-in Study Stage 1 - Evaluation Form Stage I will consist of a review to determine which proposals comply with all of the mandatory requirements. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Submission Date will be provided an opportunity to rectify any deficiencies. Proposals failing to satisfy the mandatory requirements as of the Rectification Date will .be excluded from further consideration. However, all proposals satisfy the mandatory requirements. Proposals are to include the following mandatory requirements: A. One original and five copies B. One copy on CD C. Submission Form(Appendix B) D. Rate Bid Form (Appendix C) E. Acknowledge Addendum #1. Company Item A Item B Item C Item D Item E Cole Engineering ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ MMM Group ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ The Municipal ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ • ✓ Infrastructure Group • ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# CS of RFP-8-2012 Stormwater Management& Diversion Study Evaluation Form—Stage II Rating Criteria Stage II will consist of a scoring by the City of each qualified proposal on the basis of the rated criteria. Proponents should refer to Appendix D— RFP Particulars—Section D - Rated Criteria for a breakdown of the Rated Criteria. The following is an overview of the categories and weighting for the rated criteria of the RFP. Rated Criteria Category Weighting (Points) Understanding of Purpose and Objectives 10 Quality of Approach and Methodology 40 Proposed Work Plan, Schedule and Staff Time Allocation 25 Creativity, Innovation and Vision 5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control 5 Total Points 85 • Understanding of Purpose and Objectives (10 points) A detailed description of the Proponent's understanding of the Study, including overall scope and objectives and a discussion of potential issues that may require particular attention. • Overall understanding - 5 points. • Issues identified - 5 points. Note that responses that incorporate excessive blocks of text taken directly from the RFP will not be regarded as demonstrating an understanding of the requirement. Quality of Approach and-Methodology (40 points) Describe the approach and methodology to be followed in completing all aspects of the assignment in order to achieve the Study objectives. The Approach section of the proposal must outline the Proponent's assumptions, strategies and philosophies in completing the assignment. The Methodologies section of the proposal must describe the Proponent's proposed process for completing • the assignment based on the following: • Approach is comprehensive-20 points. • Methodology will achieve objectives- 20 points. Proposed Work Plan, Schedule and Staff Time Allocation (25 points1 • Completeness of the work plan - 10 points. • Appropriateness of the level of effort noted for the individual tasks - 10 points: • Ability to comply with the schedule - 5 points Creativity, Innovation and Vision (5 points) Provide examples of creative solutions and approaches that have been used successfully on similar past projects. Outline creative and innovative solutions proposed for use on the Study. Quality Assurance and Quality Control (5 points) Provide methodology for quality assurance and quality control programs. ATTACHMENT# TOREPORT#.4912 . of__1_a_ c a) E E 0 0 0 0o >, - F- -0 a cn c a) 0 io 0 IL' to 0 � � � 0 in p CD 0 0 0 > 0 3U 6 = Co Q ea El, 12 C• i) 0 0 .0 0 > i 0 ° .� > > a) 0o C o 2 co n. iv u_ U c 51 6 re m - Ta W C 0 E 0 > � uJ o 5 .-- io L y o_Y - o N 0 a) CO u) V> 65 :::-c- c co 2 -0 A O co o o a-c o o boo D L -c a 0 . Q a) ca .o to N z c a) > E "r0 S O U 0 Q LL it IF 13c CL 0 LIE) p 0 a) iiCO en 0 = 2 E 5 Sc 2 2 U F- S U ATTACHMENT# TOREPORT#CS `iq-1?� _of_L C_ o a aa)) _: O• N •5 ad 0 a) C c �, .� o � :E d N _ c o .o y -0 o E- ' a a .ia' 7 r,, ,1,it,., =u i , ,.:: ,., T x W J 5 Q w a Z 0c a O 2 > O• 00 O LL d. LL w Z to v) p c > W d '^) vJ U L L ca. Cl) "C N 2 L Q • O 1:13 Q N w .Q-U .0 U � a) • to z