HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 27, 2012 Page 1 Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee September 27, 2012 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues Mike Sawchuck, Vice-Chair Subramanian Iyer Wickham Jamadar Mustafa Munawar Denise Rundle Sally Sheehan Jutta Van Huss Isabelle Janton, Planner II Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Also Present: Elly Gibbard Absent: Tate Besso, Chair Ellen Mason Janet Mehak Charles Sopher Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome M. Sawchuck welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced two new members, Ravi Iyer and Mustafa Munawar. 2.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by: W. Jamadar Seconded by: S. Sheehan That the minutes of the July 26, 2012 meeting of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 4.0 Business Arising from Minutes Page 2 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) 4.1) Workplan Updates Elly Gibbard, a resident of Peterborough and former resident of Whitevale appeared before the Committee to discuss having a guided walking tour through the village of Whitevale as part of the next Doors Open program. She noted there are a number of historical homes as well as the Whitevale Community Centre in the area that would make good additions to the program. A discussion period ensued. M. Sawchuck provided a brief overview of the Doors Open program for the benefit of the new members in attendance. I. Janton questioned whether the Whitevale Bridge construction which is scheduled for next year would interfere in any way with a tour of Whitevale. It was noted this should be taken into consideration during the planning process. Discussion ensued with respect to a date for the next Doors Open. M. Sawchuck noted he would contact Katrina Pyke at the Pickering Museum to inquire about their schedule for next year, to possibly coincide with their event again, as done previously. It was the consensus of the Committee to include a guided walking tour of Whitevale in the next Doors Open program. M. Sawchuck will be in contact with Elly Gibbard to obtain information with respect to names and locations. 4.2) 1130 Taunton Road I. Janton provided an update with respect to the property located at 1130 Taunton Road. She noted that the demolition permit had been received approximately 6 months ago. Committee members as well as representatives from the Pickering Museum had conducted a site inspection at the location and after further investigation it had been determined there were no items of significant historical value to retain. I. Janton noted that T. Besso had informed her that it was the general consensus of the Committee not to pursue designation of this property. 4.3) Heritage Property Listing/Register M. Sawchuck provided the members with an updated copy of the heritage property listing. He noted he had removed three properties from the list as they had been repealed by by-law in 1990 as they are part of the heritage conservation district. M. Sawchuck to action Page 3 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) He also noted that currently, everything was listed together, and felt it was significant to separate those that are part of the heritage conservation district, as well as those protected by an easement agreement with the City of Pickering. It was questioned whether the updated listing would require staff review. Discussion ensued with respect to putting together a map with photos and also include the Federal lands at some point. M. Sawchuck provided the Committee with visual maps showing the properties. He noted he was still waiting for additional photos members had taken. He also reminded members to take photos of all places and homes of interest and to include the address. He noted some copyright issues with flickr, not being able to link photos to the map. Discussion ensued and it was determined that we would proceed with the current way of recording and photographing properties for now, and look at an easier solution for going forward. M. Sawchuck noted he would forward another reminder to members for their photos. 4.4) Designations W. Jamadar and Councillor Rodrigues provided an update on the current properties being looked at for designation purposes. It was noted that the E. Birrell house continues to be occupied and the owner is not supportive of having his property designated at this time. It was also noted that the Committee would not be pursuing designation of the Burkholder property. M. Sawchuck reminded members of the importance in speaking with the owners first before proceeding. Moved by W. Jamadar Seconded by J. Van Huss That the previous motion to proceed with the hiring of a consultant to undertake a historical evaluation of the Burkholder Farm be dismissed and that the Director, Planning & Development be notified accordingly. Carried I. Janton provided an update with respect to 560 Park All M. Sawchuck to action I. Janton to action Page 4 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Crescent. She noted discussions are currently taking place to proceed with the designation process. Discussion ensued with respect to additional properties to list for future designation with the following suggestions being made; • Salem Church • Dunbar House – much altered • Dunbarton area – potential for a district – good area to pursue • Major Oaks area – 1625 Middleton – appears to be in good condition 4.5) Doors Open M. Sawchuck provided an overview of the program for the benefit of the new members. Some suggestions for possible sites were noted as follows; • Commercial House • Fox & Fiddle • Post Manor • Micro Brewery • 3505 Salem Road – L. Roberts to provide J. Van Huss with owner’s information • Masonic Hall in Claremont • Old Blacksmith Shop in Cherrywood • Nesbitt-Newman House • Greenwood School house • French Language School M. Sawchuck noted the next step would be to prepare the letters to send out as soon as possible. He noted he would prepare a work chart with proposed completion dates similar to what was done previously. The sub-committee will consist of M. Sawchuck, E. Mason, C. Sopher, W. Jamadar, J. Mehak and R. Iyer. Discussion took place with respect to the budget for the Doors Open program. It was noted the previous program took place during Pickering’s Bicentennial year, which did not impact the Heritage Pickering budget. It was the consensus of the Committee to have staff request this item be included in the 2013 budget deliberations, possibly for inclusion in other departmental budgets as well. It was questioned whether M. Sawchuck to action Page 5 Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) assistance from City staff would be available again. The Committee discussed the possibility of putting together an album containing fact sheets, photos and information regarding the Doors Open program to take to potential sites. W. Jamadar and S. Sheehan volunteered to work on this. W. Jamadar/S. Sheehan to action 5.0 Other Business 5.1) Photographing of Properties Discussion ensued with respect to correspondence received from Roy Robinson, a member of a group of photo professionals interested in forming a partnership with Heritage Pickering. It was suggested that this be forwarded onto E. Mason to see if he would be interested in attending a meeting as a delegation to provide the Committee with additional information in this regard. L. Roberts to forward correspondence to E. Mason. L. Roberts to action 6.0 Next Meeting/Adjournment Next Meeting- October 25, 2012 Moved by W. Jamadar The meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm. Copy: City Clerk