HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 13, 2012 Page 1 CORP0228—2/02 Minutes/Meeting Summary Advisory Committee on Diversity Thursday, September 13, 2012 7:00 pm Pickering Civic Complex, Main Committee Room Attendees: Kevin Ashe, Councillor, Ward 1 Kirk Mark, Chair Carlisle Miller, Community Appointee Catherine Reidt, Co-Chair Devinder Panesar, Community Appointee Jacob Yacoumidis, Community Appointee Christy Harper, Pickering Public Library Keith Richards, DRPS Preet Panesar, Dunbarton High School Dave Marlowe, City of Pickering Jody Morris, City of Pickering L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: P. Anderson, Aids Committee of Durham D. Garland, Aids Committee of Durham Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome & Introductions Kirk Mark K. Mark welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. J. Morris introduced Dave Marlowe, who will be assisting her on the Diversity Committee. A member of the community was also in attendance. 2.0 Approval of Minutes Approval of agenda Moved by C. Harper Seconded by J. Yacoumidis Carried Moved by C. Harper Seconded by C. Reidt That the minutes of the June 14, 2012 meeting of the Diversity Committee be approved. Carried Page 2 CORP0228—2/02 3.0 Business Arising from Minutes J. Morris provided an update on CCACN Sports. The event took place on August 26th with four teams participating. She noted the demonstrations were very good. The following suggestions were made for future events; • Have start time at 1:00 pm and run until 9:00 pm • Set date for event sooner • Have more of a City of Pickering/CCACN partnership • More City involvement in programming • Organize a meeting with CCACN rather than communicate via emails 3.1) In Your Words Creative Arts Contest J. Morris informed the Committee that the books have been put together, totaling over 200 pages now. She noted the Committee members were included in the books and they will be going out to the schools next week. Certificates will be received along with the books. C. Redit inquired about the possibility of having more photo opportunities, such as when delivering books to the schools to help raise awareness of the program. C. Harper suggested that the contest be opened up to include multi-media entries for future consideration. This could also be used as an advertising tool. U Tube contest could be popular with students. Moved by C. Reidt Seconded by C. Miller That staff be requested to forward a letter to the Principals of the Pickering High schools to request they consider appointing a student liaison for their school. Carried 3.2) Survey J. Morris provided a brief overview of the community survey. She noted the adjustments had been made and it is currently with the City Solicitor for review. Once approved, it will be placed on our website. Discussion ensued with respect to the next steps; Page 3 CORP0228—2/02 • Determine cost for printing/distribution and Include this as part of the 2013 budget discussions • Double up with the Accessibility Survey • Share results of survey with the community • Various avenues for promotion The various options for advertising which are available to the City of Pickering were discussed. It was noted that the News Advertiser and SNAP are best for raising awareness prior to events and SNAP and retail pages are good sources for exposure after the event has been held. J. Morris also noted the cost for advertising with Tapestry would be approximately $2,400.00. She informed the Committee that the City of Pickering also does media releases, which go out to 83 various groups and organizations. K. Richards, Durham Regional Police Services, noted they have a website as well and also do media releases, basically using the same outlets as the City for promotional purposes. It was suggested that the Community Channel would be another good outlet to pursue for promotion purposes. 4.0 New Business 4.1) Spiritual and Religious Care Awareness J. Morris advised the Committee a request had been received from Ontario Multi Faith Council to issue a proclamation for “Spiritual & Religious Care Awareness Week”. She noted she had contacted the human rights commission to inquire as to whether this is a sanctioned week and has not yet received a response. K. Mark suggested J. Morris contact Barbara Hall’s office for a response to this request and also check the Multi-Faith Council website. J. Morris to action 5.0 Correspondence 5.1) Councillor Ashe informed the Committee he had received an invitation to attend the 32nd annual Caribbean Night Dinner/Dance to be held on Saturday, October 20th. He noted he is unable to attend and offered two tickets to any members who may wish to attend. 6.0 Other Business Page 4 CORP0228—2/02 6.1) [YOU]nity Discussion ensued with respect to [YOU]nity. P. Panesar noted that the students at Dunbarton High School are not aware of this sub committee. Discussion ensued with respect to strategies to generate interest among students. P. Panesar noted she could speak to the guidance office in school to determine how best to raise awareness among the students. Reference was made to two other youth groups – STAR and STOP. It was noted that STAR’s main focus is on the culture show . P. Panesar also noted she would attend STOP and promote [YOU]nity among those members. Discussion ensued with the following suggestions being made; • Develop student leaders in schools • More outlets for youth • More promotion of events • Music/dancing – 2 main categories to attract participation among youth • Talk to Principals • Promote events through school announcements and posters • Include other activities aside from multi-cultural events J. Morris noted the various youth programs that the City of Pickering currently hosts – Pickering Star, Band Night, [YOU]nity’s Coffee House. She also noted the City’s facebook page “Free Teen Stuff” in which all events are posted. 6.2) J. Morris requested the Committee think about delegations for this year, as we need to start booking. Suggestions were made as follows: • Durham Board (Diana Fry) C. Reidt has communicated with her • COFA (Community of Faith for AIDS • Human Rights Commission (Barbara Hall’s office) • Minister of Education 6.3) K. Richards provided an overview of the current hiring policies with respect to the Durham Region Police Service. He explained some of the challenges involved with recruiting women and single parents into the Police Services and noted P. Panesar to action P. Panesar Page 5 CORP0228—2/02 some of the initiatives they are implementing in order to encourage this. 7.0 Next Meeting & Adjournment The next meeting will be held on October 11, 2012 Meeting Adjourned: 8:10 pm Copy: City Clerk