HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 40-12 • City o0 Report to Executive ItlANME Report Number: CS 40-12 Date: September 10, 2012 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Continued Funding for Environmental Stewardship Pickering (ESP) - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 40-12 of the Director, Community Services regarding continued funding for Environmental Stewardship Pickering (formerly the Healthy Neighbours Program) to provide environmental leadership training, event support and volunteer opportunities be received; 2. That Council endorse continued participation in the Environmental Stewardship Pickering Program; 3. That Council consider extending the existing annual grant to Toronto and Region Conservation Authority in the amount of$25,000 for the period of 2013 - 2017 (5 year commitment) during 2013 budget deliberations; 4. That Council authorize the appropriate City officials to bring this forward in 2013. Executive Summary: Correspondence has been received from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) outlining the Environmental Stewardship Pickering (ESP) Program, which will continue to address local environmental issues to create a sustainable Healthy Community. To participate in this initiative from 2013 - 2017 TRCA is requesting that the City contribute $25,000 annually for the upcoming 5-year period commencing in 2013. The City has contributed $25,000 annually from 2008 - 2012 (5 years) to ESP and $15,000 annually from 2005 - 2007 (3 years) to the Frenchman's Bay Watershed Rehabilitation Project. The City has been pleased with the results of the programs, and has received a positive response through community participation in the past, therefore, staff recommend the request be approved to continue to educate our residents and promote a healthy environment. Report CS 40-12 September 10, 2012 Subject: Continued Funding for Environmental Stewardship Pickering Page 2 Financial Implications: TRCA has requested continued funding in the amount of $25,000 annually from 2013 —2017 (five years). The total funding amount is $125,000. The funding will continue to be reflected in the budget as 2195 (Grants to Organizations & Individuals), 2712 (Culture & Recreation). Discussion: Environmental Stewardship Pickering (ESP) is a collaborative community committee that works together to organize environmental events and activities to provide leadership, support and build awareness of environmental stewardship within Pickering. The ESP partnership includes the in-kind and financial support of the City of Pickering, the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade, Durham Sustain Ability, Ontario Power Generation, Pickering East Shore Community Association, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and Pickering residents. Since 2008, ESP has held or collaborated on 60 events in Pickering. These events have engaged more than 5,200 residents in hands-on environmental initiatives. Highlights from the past 5 years include: • The creation of the Environmental Leadership Forum, an annual event to assist participants in achieving their environmental goals by providing training and educational sessions. • The annual Environmental Volunteer Expo, which showcases the environmental initiatives happening in the City of Pickering, and connects potential volunteers with those in need of volunteers. • The 2011 ESP Annual report (attached), which summarizes ESP's accomplishments, including the Bicentennial Butterfly Festival among the events hosted. In addition to providing a variety of quality environmental programming to the residents of Pickering, ESP programs support several of the indicators for sustainability included in the Measuring Sustainability Report. These include: • Assisting with increasing the tree canopy and percentage of natural cover within Pickering through community tree plantings. • Increasing watershed biodiversity by working to replace invasive non-native plants with native plants, and promoting the health and diversity of terrestrial plants and animals by providing environmental education programs to students, residents and community organizations. CORP0227-07/01 revised Rieport CS 40-12 September 10, 2012 Subject: Continued Funding for Environmental Stewardship Pickering Page 3 • Improving the health of Frenchman's Bay by providing habitat for wildlife through the installation of song bird boxes, toad houses and shelter for native bees. ESP has had many successes over the past five years, and it is the objective of the committee to continue on with the existing programming. In addition, ESP will work with City staff to implement new initiatives, where appropriate. These include and are not limited to; supporting the implementation of the Urban Forest Strategy, assisting with promoting the significance of the Emerald Ash Borer, and supporting the Measuring Sustainability Report with appropriate activities. Work plan for 2013 — 2018 • Host annual Environmental Leadership Forum and Environmental Volunteer Expo. • Change behaviours, by providing 20 lawn and garden workshops, equipping residents with the knowledge to practice organic lawn care and incorporate native plants into their gardens. • Plant native trees, shrubs and wildflowers at 15 community events. • Support local groups, schools and residents by assisting them with achieving their environmental goals. • Engage 5,000 residents in hands-on environmental initiatives. • Prepare and distribute e-newsletters and annual report. To help accomplish the goals of Environmental Stewardship Pickering, and meet the expanding needs of the community, a sponsorship package and donation form has been created. The objective is to match funding from the City of Pickering with funding from private sources. Attachments: 1. TRCA request 2. Environmental Stewardship Pickering, 2011 Annual Report CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 40-12 September 10, 2012 (. 7 Subject: Continued Funding for Environmental Stewardship L v Pickering Page 4 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: . 141(alb/ 16,i. ,. f• ichelle Pearce Ever untsma Coordinator, Director, Community Services Environmental Awareness Programs MP:mp Attachments Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit Council y • z , zo r2, Lj..416j11 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer . CORP0227-07/01 revised �; , TORONTO AND REGION"Y, onserva t1 on Community Services for The Living City FILENO.D JUL 2019 July 4, 2012 ABEY.TO 0 FWD ❑COPY 0 CIRCULATE MAYOR COUNCIL Mr. Everett Buntsma CAO CLERK Director of Operations and Emergency Services CUL&AEC CORP SERVICES City of Pickering ENG SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCES OPS CENTRE LEGAL One the Esplanade FAC OPERATIOPS OFFICE SUSTAIN Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 FIRE PLAN&DEV Dear Mr. Buntsma: Re: Environmental Stewardship Pickering--Financial Support 2013-2018 For the past five years, the City of Pickering has generously supported Environmental Stewardship Pickering (ESP) in their broader community initiatives. As a committee we work towards building capacity in the community and ensuring that residents get correct information regarding our collective environmentally responsibilities. Your financial support has provided Pickering residents with leadership training, event support and numerous volunteer opportunities. Since 2008, ESP has held or collaborated on 60 events in the Pickering area. These events have engaged more than 5200 residents in hands-on environmental initiatives. Highlights from the past 5 years include: • The Environmental Leadership Forum, an annual event to assist participants in achieving their environmental goals by providing training and educational sessions; •. The annual Environmental Volunteer Expo,which showcases the environmental initiatives happening in the City of Pickering and connects potential volunteers with those in need of volunteers; and • Our 2011 Annual Report(enclosed),which summarizes our accomplishments, including the Bicentennial Butterfly Festival among the events hosted. To continue this success,Toronto and Region Conservation,on behalf of the Environmental Stewardship Pickering committee,would like to request continued financial support of$25,000 per year over the next five years from the City of Pickering. As ESP continues to grow and bring innovative environmental experiences to the community,the need for financial resources also grows. To help accomplish our goals and meet our expanding needs, we have created a sponsorship package and donation form to match our municipal funding support with private sources. The goal for 2013 is to use the sponsor and donor opportunities to match the City of Pickering's requested contribution. .../2 Member of Conservation Ontario 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1 S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca .� -2- 9 ,If you feel it is appropriate,we would be honoured to update the City of Pickering, Mayor and members of Council at a meeting this fall regarding our collective success stories and our plans for future community engagement and fundraising. We look forward to confirming your financial commitment into 2013 and confirming our opportunity to present our ESP program to Pickering Council. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mary Williams at 416-661-6600 ext. 5753. Sincerely, .anne Jeffer Manager, Stewardship and Outre. Education Toronto and Region Conservation 416-661-6600 ext. 5638 Cc. Adele Freeman, Director,Watershed Management Division,TRCA Environmental Stewardship Pickering Committee Members. Enclosure • lr ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP plc: KERING k - --r: pp Y `"'TT ,5� h"` ji "fir ^m } V dr scl V , F. F Welcome ',,, 3,d Annual Ervironrnent&l ,. Leaders! forum Dave Johnson "S Environmental.Stewardship Pickering is a collaborative community committee that hosts environmental events in the City of Pickering. This Environmental Stewardship annual report outlines our events throughout 2011. We actively Pickering engaged over 1,400 local residents in 18 environmental activities. II 11 Environmental Stewardship Pickering Environment Stewardship Pickering A[1 G1 AL REPORT Environmental Stewardship Pickering (ESP) is a collaborative committee that works together with the community to organize environmental events and activities. These events and activities provide leadership, support and build awareness of environmental stewardship in the City of Pickering. Our ESP partnership includes the in-kind and financial support of the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade, City of Pickering, Durham Sustain Ability (DSA), Ontario Power Generation (OPG), Pickering East Shore Community Association (PESCA), Toronto and Region Conservation (TRCA) and Pickering residents. Throughout 2011, Environmental Stewardship Pickering organized and participated in 18 events and engaged 1412 local residents. Highlights include the 3rd Annual Environmental Leadership Forum, the 2nd Annual Environmental Volunteer Expo and the Bicentennial Butterfly Festival. Events and Activities Pickering Seedy Saturday—February 5'h, 2011 This is an annual event hosted by the Pickering Museum Village Bloomers and Britches Gardening Club. ESP representatives set up a display to share information about gardening with native plants, pesticide free lawn care, and gardening to attract birds. Participating in the event provided a great opportunity to connect with the 80 participants who were actively engaged at our booth and share information about upcoming ESP events. 3'd Annual Environmental Leadership Forum -March 5'h, 2011 ESP hosts an annual Environmental Leadership Forum each spring. The purpose of the forum is to get the residents of Pickering involved and informed about environmental initiatives in their neighbourhood. In 2011, we had 87 participants attend the forum, which was our maximum registration. Steve Hounsell, of the Ontario Biodiversity Council, was the keynote speaker. He presented on the "State of Biodiversity: A Call for Action." The participants then attended • morning and afternoon breakout sessions. The sessions included: • Native Birds of Prey —Wild Ontario • Monitoring Urban Forests —Toronto and Region Conservation • Native Bees and their Habitats—York University • Play and Learning in the Outdoor Classroom — Evergreen • Tree Identification and Maintenance— Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests (LEAF) • Native Wildflowers and Invasive Species—Grow Wild! • Lake Ontario Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program—Ontario Federation of Anglers and • Hunters Page 1 .." - ,•-,., •' • -• . ='- '.-:•,:•..is.;.},-.,.,:'•27-.':--st "v•' - '• " ,... • .-.. •-, ,, Environmental Stewardship Pickering '.------..•e-,-,7:'7 _ -.V4V, 'ft . , .. '''.,7_-'''.........;,-1,:;.-a■••69. :A•41'.i4 :;•;-----•-..... •=....?.="2".•••••:•;i","•••••• ,..4.4441111141111 .........-- - ----••"• ... - '11 'Al•,••.• ' . • • •- ' •:: ,: .-'....* . '',;•,,tz-LA 1 ik, ,., , A ;•Z••••••■ ,l,,,-,e. 1,..._ . 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Dave Johnson :- / /-.....,4 I 04‘":4jil. f: , ' 'i/ etf-Ni sot' iii *' ' ..z, .........,...,,, ..‘ , A. ', r .1, , i /...- '''.:14(410-:1. / ..--, - .--- Dave John risa .. .. . . _ . . . . . . .. _ . . , Page 2 • , • Environmental Stewardship Pickering Pollinator Workshop—April 4th, 2011 A presentation was made to the 47'h Pickering Guides. The purpose was to teach the guides about native bees and other pollinators. After the presentation, the Guides made native bee habitat structures to install in their backyards. Twenty-nine Girl Guides participated in the presentation and activity. Seaton Trail Hike with Hillside Outdoor Education Centre—April 19'h, 2011 An Earth Day public hike was developed and led in collaboration with the Hillside Outdoor Education Centre. Heritage Park Public School attended the hike, which took place along the Seaton Trail. The group also made bee nesting habitat structures that were installed along the trail during the hike. Twenty-eight students and four adults took part. Vertical Vegetables Workshop—April 26'h, 2011 Ken Brown is a local gardener with a passion for gardening. During his workshop, Vertical Vegetables, he inspired residents to grow non-typical vegetable gardens in small spaces, even including in pots on a veranda. Participants learned that gardening is accessible for everyone— from a suburban home-owner to an apartment dweller. This was a very popular workshop,with 54 participants. Gorgeous Garden Workshop—May 5th, 2011 The Gorgeous Garden workshop focused on native wildflowers and how to use them in the backyard. Lorraine Johnson was the presenter and instructed participants on the benefits of native plants and how to choose the best plants for your soil type and conditions. Lorraine is a local speaker who has written many books including, 100 Easy-to-Grow Native Plants. Thirty-six people attended the workshop, which was held at the Petticoat Creek Community Centre. Lush Lawn Workshop—May 14'h, 2011 Cathy Wall, the Product Manager at Quality Seeds in Vaughan, is an expert on creating lush lawns the natural way. She led workshop participants through the types of native grass seed that would produce healthier, more eco-friendly lawns. She also discussed how to deter pests naturally. Thirty participants came out to the Pickering Recreation Complex to take part. Take Pride in Pickering —April 30'h, 2011 Each spring, Ontario Power Generation, City of Pickering and Toronto and Region Conservation organize Take Pride in Pickering Day. This year's event was a tree planting at Alex Robertson Park, helping to naturalize the area around Hydro Marsh. ESP contributed to the purchasing of native trees. The City of Pickering provided a commemorative oak tree to celebrate Pickering's 200th Anniversary. Over 250 volunteers planted 650 trees and shrubs, which was a great turnout to help put so many trees in the ground. Page 3 . Environmental Stewardship Pickering Dunbarton Pollinator Garden Planting—May 10th, 2011 A pollinator garden was established as part of the outdoor classroom at Dunbarton High School. The Environmental Club and two very active teachers helped with the planning and execution of the garden. There were 25 shrubs and 60 native plants provided by ESP and 100 other plants donated from community members. Fifteen students and eight parents/teachers volunteered their time to put the plants in the ground. The Dunbarton High School students and teacher are planning on expanding the garden in spring 2012. Western Gateway Planting—June 8th, 2011. In early June, the City of Pickering and TRCA hosted a tree planting event at the Western Gateway on Bella Vista Drive as part of Rouge Days. Rouge Days is a compilation of several different events held around the Rouge watershed that celebrate this special region. The Western Gateway is one of the only easily accessible areas of the Rouge in Pickering, so it was the perfect location to get a school group involved in the Rouge Days celebrations. The Grade 5 and 6 classes from Rosebank Road Public School walked to the park and planted 80 native trees and shrubs. Tuesdays on the Trail: The Pollinators!—July 5th, 2011 This very popular summer program is organized by OPG as a way to get local children involved in different educational activities during the summer. Toronto and Region Conservation has collaborated with OPG on this event for six years. This Tuesday on the Trail activity focused on identifying local pollinators. It was held at Alex Robertson Park. There were 250 children that took part, the most participants to date for this event. Tuesdays on the Trail: Animal Candid Camera—August 9th, 2011 The second Tuesdays on the Trail was a children's photography program. The participants were taught basic camera techniques and learned about the different animals they might find in the park. The 24 participants were then given disposable cameras and asked to do a scavenger hunt around Alex Robertson Park. Page 4 x Environmental Stewardship Pickering 2. 'F Bicentennial Butterfly Festival—September 10th, 2011 a• To celebrate the City of Pickering's Bicentennial year, a festival to educate residents about butterflies and pollinators was organized. To commemorate the occasion, 200 monarch butterflies were released at Alex Robertson Park. Approximately 100 of the released monarchs were tagged as part of the Monarch Watch Program. There were 210 people in attendance, which exceeded our participation expectations. Other activities included: o Butterfly tagging .... • o Wildflower planting o Native bee habitat structure building , o Seed paper painting ` •F �K o Face painting o First Nation Butterfly Dance demonstration , ,,• ,L , ,L ,,. ,. ,,,,,., ..,,,,. ::::,.,•,...,.,,,....,-..-!..........i.......,..,:r..,:::y-,..,:.:,:ii:•.:,:: ift � '�•�� �r� " • y am st at� r�' ta i •�� ,.a.. •_ gam/ W M.q j. E a �, ' `� `. c . Dave John`.6i: p f •� 7 sT�► +. °r.e +�kr rr ^,:..4' - _ +''fit 14 s 4 �.+.t. ' a 'Ir "� ., r.''',r. 7a ' i• .5 x / c .`..�. &1 4 . ,y ..,.. 1 . r • Dade.. ' 8 *� g * e s p t' . i.''1!r *hi�! L s.S.•{` �,,.,r,; tt w 0 4 rn '" Sala 0'.� . '' I•1i 6 M � t e3``c:iroil ,zi.jed,��1'ii `,ys a�r*a�a . '�r''i • �< .:r •'i 4 ,i, `- - '...-s. ar S i NA,',> is : _.," • • i ,'rt _t •!,. 1-[ £tt$a 4 ;51 f; it.4.(.{.) !it I - t' 1.4 ! .L' it ;-,.i:,.- h f ty^r F t .'r tl[ .,(,:,.r ,F • T-i4 1' Lit 1 . 6 7 I ✓' s'.",• ,4 nyyt , 1.. \i.,lit et..;,':: le..■.,'.'.' . ''. . '.. '...' ft. ,..,,,:,,i,-, ...,. 14..,2r4,:,- . Page 5 'Environmental Stewardship Pickering Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up—September 171h, 2011 This event is a national clean-up effort that is organized by the Vancouver Aquarium. Every year during the third week in September, groups and volunteers are encouraged to clean-up one of their local shorelines. The 2011 site that was chosen was Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park at • the south end of West Shore Boulevard in Pickering. There were 22 participants who collected 15 bags of garbage. Some interesting items that were found by the volunteers included: a coconut, plastic lawn chairs and a toothbrush. . r,..', :. 'x „+ 1 ‘, 1) F {$ a Y V 1 r ; ,-` , . a f • r }r s , A ,7i ' . ; ,..4.1 r.,. fir « $'- _ v ' ' ' r ,6f ltich tip - •y ,,, -- 4,, ,-‘i -K�-rn ...-a_ � -rte• !. <I l 4• . it . ..--. : . , , 7. ,,i. -. Page 6 .S. . ` ' _ Environmental Stewardship Pickering Gorgeous Gardens: Fall Edition Workshop—September 28'h, 2011 The fall edition of the Gorgeous Gardens workshop focused on how to put your garden to bed for the winter. An awards ceremony for the City of Pickering's Pickering Blooms gardening program was also held. Ken Brown, a local gardener, presented actions that residents could take before the winter to have a productive spring garden. In the second half of the workshop, Ken talked about the award winning Pickering Blooms gardens. Awards were handed out to the winners. This event was well attended with 56 participants. Take Pride in Pickering —October 15th, 2011 This was the second Take Pride in Pickering tree planting event at Alex Robertson Park in 2011. There were 650 trees and shrubs planted in the south end of the park to extend the naturalized space in that area. One hundred and twenty volunteers attended, which included local scouts groups and Pickering residents. ESP Round Table—November 5th, 2011 ; 1`°' To help encourage networking and discussions .� a '1 between Pickering environmental groups, ESP organized a round table event. The 13 + -- participants included the exhibitors/organizations that were hosting displays at the Environmental =� Volunteer Expo. The ideas and concepts from the round table will be taken into consideration for ' 2012 ESP events and activities. " D,,?ve Johnson • Environmental Volunteer Expo— November 5th, 2011 The second Environmental Volunteer - Expo changed locations this year to s L , Petticoat Creek Community Centre , " f3 and brought out 54 participants. This event is a networking event that ` ; • brings together local organizations . ,t F,; who are looking for volunteers to I. , t # ' F } assist with their events and activities. ^ 1a_. The Expo showcases these 4'44:7 E _ ! organizations and connects the # r• public with the environmental volunteer opportunities that they offer in the Pickering community. Thirteen organizations exhibited •, volunteer opportunities. Due to participant feedback, the next Davedinson • volunteer expo will be held in the spring of 201 3. Page 7 i:nvironmental Stewardship Pickering ✓ Event Summary Event Location Date Participants Pickering Seedy Saturday Pickering Recreation Complex February 5th 80 3rd Annual Environmental Pickering Civic Complex March 5th 87 Leadership Forum 47th Pickering Guides St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic April 4th 29 Pollinator Workshop School Seaton Trail Hike Seaton Trail April 19th 32 Vertical Vegetables East Shore Community Centre April 26th 54 Take Pride in Pickering Alex Robertson Park April 30th 250 Gorgeous Gardens Petticoat.Creek Community May 5th 56 Centre Dunbarton Pollinator Plant Dunbarton High School May 10th 23 Garden Planting Lush Lawn Workshop Pickering Recreation Complex May 14th 30 Western Gateway Planting Bella Vista Drive June 8th 22 Tuesdays on the Trail: The Alex Robertson Park July 5th 250 Pollinators! Tuesdays on the Trail: Alex Robertson Park August 9th 24 Animal Candid Camera Bicentennial Butterfly Festival Alex Robertson Park September 10th 210 Great Canadian Shoreline Rotary Frenchman's Bay West September 17th 22 Clean-up Park Gorgeous Garden: Fall Pickering Civic Complex September 28th 56 Edition Workshop • Take Pride in Pickering Alex Robertson Park October 15th 120 ESP Round Table Petticoat Creek Community November 5th 13 Centre Environmental Volunteer Expo Petticoat Creek Community November 5th 54 Centre Total Number of 1412 Participants Page 8