HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 16, 2012 Page 1 CORP0228—2/02 Minutes Waterfront Coordinating Committee August 16, 2012 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Jim Dike, Chair Councillor O’Connell Jim Berry, Vice-Chair Keith Falconer Maureen Robbins Jean Veronneau Sean Wiley Arnold Mostert, Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Also Present: Larry Debono Absent: Councillor Dickerson Kathleen Corcoran Patricia Short-Gallé Nancy Gaffney, TRCA Item/ Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items/Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome & Introductions J. Dike welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Agenda/Minutes Moved by M. Robbins Seconded by J. Berry That the agenda for the August 16th meeting of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee be approved. Carried Moved by J. Veronneau Seconded by M. Robbins That the June 21, 2012 minutes of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee be approved. Carried 3.0 New Business 4.1) Harbour Entrance Reconstruction A Mostert provided an update on the harbor entrance Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 2 CORP0228—2/02 reconstruction, noting the recent announcement of funding from the Provincial and Federal governments. He stated at this point they were just waiting for the draft contribution agreement documents to be prepared. The intent is to have a report go forward to the Executive Committee on September 10th, 2012 and proceed to Council for approval to authorize the signing of the agreement as well as to authorize approval for TRCA to act as project managers and proceed with the tenders. He also noted the City of Pickering is working with TRCA on a communication plan to provide details with respect to schedules, etc. They are anticipating a project launch and open house sometime in mid October of this year. A question and answer period ensued. 4.2) Frenchman’s Bay Waterfront Master Plan – Update A Mostert provided an update on the Frenchman’s Bay Waterfront Master Plan. He stated a report is being prepared and it is anticipated that it will go forward at the September 10th meeting of the Executive Committee. The consultant will be making a presentation, and he encouraged members to attend. A question and answer period ensued. A. Mostert confirmed the washroom and change room facilities would be included, and also noted that traffic counts were being conducted to address the parking concerns. Details were also discussed with respect to funding and access for the pontoon boat docks. L. Debono suggested choosing the shortest route possible for the pontoon boats, and also noted specific hours of operation should be noted as well. 4.3) Peak Trail Enhancements A Mostert noted an RFP had gone out to York Region with respect to the Linton Farm washroom facilities, but details are still being worked out. A Mostert informed the Committee that the closure of Frisco Road is still on hold, pending discussions with the Town of Ajax. He noted they have no concerns with the proposal, but they are still considering some issues with respect to religious ceremonies being conducted. A. Mostert noted the City was working with TRCA in regards to continuing education with Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 3 CORP0228—2/02 respect to these religious ceremonies. Councillor O’Connell noted she would contact Mayor Parish in Ajax to provide further information with respect to this item. 4.4) Monarch Trail – Future Plans A discussion period ensued with respect to the future plans for Monarch Trail. A. Mostert noted this has been on the work plan for a number of years. He identified a number of pinch points, stating funding would be relatively expensive due to the amount of boardwalks required. Councillor O’Connell noted concerns with land issues, explaining the need to acquire portions of residential land. She also noted it would be more appropriate to proceed with the Stormwater Master Plan in Frenchman’s Bay first. 4.5) Storm Water Master Plan – Update A Mostert provided an update with respect to the Storm Water Master Plan, noting that Council had approved a recent report on the Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Environmental Assessment. He provided a brief outline of the EA process, noting 3 firms were selected for the Downtown Stormwater Diversion Study, with plans to go forward with an RFP in the Fall of 2012. He explained the plans to install two oil and grit separators, and possible locations. Discussion ensued with respect to the current erosion issues, with concerns regarding the reasons for the erosion as well as the resulting safety concerns. J. Dike questioned whether there would be a stormwater pond located on the south side of Bayly. A. Mostert noted they are currently working with the developer to acquire the necessary land. 4.6) Milfoil Weed in Frenchman’s Bay Discussion ensued with respect to the invasive aquatic plant known as milfoil weed, which is growing quite well in Frenchman’s Bay. It was noted that while the health of the fish in the Bay is improving, the plants are becoming very problematic for boaters. It was noted this is also a safety Councillor O’Connell to action Item / Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) Action Items / Status (include deadline as appropriate) Page 4 CORP0228—2/02 concern for swimmers, as well as kayakers, etc. It was noted that if the problem is not addressed and the weeds are not controlled, they will eventually take over the entire Bay, killing off the good weeds in the process. J. Dike noted he is preparing an application permit along with TRCA for submission to the Ministry of the Environment in order to proceed with measures to control the milfoil weeds on behalf of the Yacht Club. The need for an overall strategy was discussed in order to address the issue of these weeds in the entire Bay. It was also suggested the City look into what other area municipalities are doing to combat these weeds. Some control measures discussed included chemical treatments, weevils, and lake raking. A Mostert will contact TRCA to discuss a management plan for the control of these weeds and provide an update at a future meeting. A Mostert to action 4.0 Other Business 4.1) S. Wiley commented on the new pool at Petticoat Creek, noting it is spectacular, stating it is a great addition to the Waterfront. S. Wiley also questioned whether the proposed plans for the Rouge Park will effect the Pickering waterfront. Councillor O’Connell noted the only portion of Pickering in the study area is the Little Rouge. 4.2) K. Falconer noted a number of resident’s concerns with mosquitoes in the Albacor Manor area. He questioned whether Pickering would be involved in the clean up around the pond area. A. Mostert will look into. A Mostert to action 5.0 Adjournment/Next Meeting Next Meeting: to be determined. Moved by K. Falconer That the meeting be adjourned. Meeting Adjourned: 8:15 pm Copy: City Clerk