HomeMy WebLinkAboutCST 21-12 90 Citi, co =$ Report To Council PICKERING G Report Number: CST 21-12 Date: July 9, 2012 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Approval of Debt Financing and Internal Loans for Council Approved Capital Projects to be Undertaken During the Summer Recess of Council Recommendation: 1. That Report CST 21-12 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding: a) approval of debt financing for the West Short Boulevard Road Improvements - Oklahoma Drive to Sunrise Avenue, Liverpool Road Reconstruction and Storm Sewer Work - Annland Street to Ilona Park Drive, and Architectural Services for the new Operations Centre projects to be undertaken during the summer recess of Council; and b) approval of internal loans for the Ultraviolet Disinfection System and Pipe Repairs-Dunbarton Pool, and Library-Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID) projects to be undertaken and awarded during the summer recess of Council be received. 2. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the projects as follows: a) the sum of $330,000 for the West Short Boulevard Road Improvements - Oklahoma Drive to Sunrise Avenue as provided for in the 2011 Capital Budget be financed by the issue of debentures by the Regional Municipality of Durham over a period not to exceed ten years at a rate to be determined; b) the sum of $950,000 for the Liverpool Road Reconstruction and Storm Sewer Work - Annland Street to Ilona Park Drive to be financed by the issue of debentures by the Regional Municipality of Durham over a period not to exceed ten years at a rate to be determined as provided for in the 2011 Capital Budget; Report CST 21-12 July 9, 2012 91 Subject: Approval of Debt Financing and Internal Loans Page 2 for Council Approved Capital Projects to be Undertaken During the Summer Recess of Council c) the sum of $1,475,000 for the Architectural Services for the new Operations Centre as provided for in the 2012 Capital Budget be financed by the issuance of debentures by the Regional Municipality of Durham or an internal loan for a period not to exceed 20 years or from the proceeds of the sale of City owned land; d) the sum of up to $125,000 for the Ultraviolet Disinfection System and Pipe Repairs-Dunbarton Indoor Pool as provided for in the 2012 Capital Budget be financed by an internal loan for a period of up to 5 years or from other funds as are available at the discretion of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer; e) the sum of up to $250,000 for the Library-RFID as provided for in the 2012 Capital Budget be financed by an internal loan for a period of up to 5 years or from other funds as are available at the discretion of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer; f) the annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $350,000 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2013, continuing thereafter until the loans are repaid, and any financing costs be paid out of the Current Budget; and g) the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary at his discretion in order to give effect to the foregoing including the issuance of internal loans in lieu of debt for any or all of the above projects; 4. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to provide any additional funding required from sources available through the 2012 Budgets and in the Financial Control Policy; 5. That the draft by-laws attached to this report be enacted; and 6. That the appropriate City of Pickering Officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: The 2011 Capital Budget included two projects for which Tenders will be called and contracts awarded during the summer recess of Council. These projects are West Short Boulevard Road Improvements - Oklahoma Drive to Sunrise Avenue, and Liverpool Road Reconstruction and Storm Sewer Work - Annland Street to Ilona Park Drive which require debt financing in the amount of $330,000 and $950,000 respectively. Council approval for the debt financing is being requested now to allow construction to be undertaken during the summer months while the adjacent • Report CST 21-12 July 9, 2012 92 Subject: Approval of Debt Financing and Internal Loans Page 3 for Council Approved Capital Projects to be Undertaken During the Summer Recess of Council schools are closed. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) will then be able to approve the awarding of the contracts during the summer recess. The 2012 Capital Budget included three projects which were tendered and will be awarded in the summer by the CAO, therefore, the financing needs to be approved by Council now. These projects are Architectural Services for the new Operations Centre, Ultraviolet Disinfection System and Pipe Repairs - Dunbarton Pool, and Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID) for the Library. Debt financing and internal borrowings were approved in the 2012 Capital Budget in the amounts of $1,475,000, $125,000 and $250,000 respectively. Financial Implications: 1. Approved Source of Funds Roads and Operations Centre Capital Budget-Projects to be Debt-Financed Location Project Code Source of Budget Required Funds West Short Boulevard 5320.1118.6250 Debt— 10 Year $330,000 $330,000 Road Improvements - Oklahoma Drive to Sunrise Avenue Liverpool Road 5320.1120.6250 Debt — 10 Year 950.000 950,000 • Reconstruction and Storm Sewer Work - Annland Street to Ilona Park Drive New Operations Centre- 5315.1201.6181 Debt - 20 Year 1,475,000 1,475,000 Consulting & Design (Architectural Services) Total Funds $2,755,000 $2,755,000 Report CST 21-12 July 9, 2012 3 Subject: Approval of Debt Financing and Internal Loans Page 4 for Council Approved Capital Projects to be Undertaken During the Summer Recess of Council 2. Approved Source of Funds-2012 Dunbarton Pool & Library Capital Budget- Internal Loan Projects Location Project Code Source of Funds Budget Required Dunbarton Indoor Pool 5713.1204.6181 Internal Loan $125,000 $125,000 — Ultraviolet Disinfection - 5 Year System and Pipe Repairs Internal Loan Library RFID 5800.1203.6181 Debt — 5 Year 250,000 250,000 Total Funds $375,000 $375,000 The total annual repayment charges for all projects are estimated at $350,000. These debt charges are anticipated to commence repayment in the 2013 Current Budget adding approximately 0.75% to the property tax levy. The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has updated the City's Annual Repayment Limit and certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the Limit for the debt and financial obligations, and therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval is not required prior to City Council's authorization. Discussion: As mentioned in the Executive Summary, approval of the debt financing is being sought prior to.the issuance and acceptance of Tenders for the 2011 approved projects, which will occur during the summer recess of Council, to allow these projects to be undertaken during the summer months while the adjacent schools are not being used. The three projects approved in the 2012 Budgets have been tendered and are in the final stages of awarding. Due the timing of Council's recess, the normal reporting on results of the tenders will not be in time for the July Council meeting. Debt financing is being sought now allowing the CAO to approve the awarding of the contracts during the summer. The approved 5 year debt financing fo'r the Library RFID project will be changed to a 5 year internal loan for ease of financing. This is a replacement system for the current Checkpoint RFID system. All items in the library collection will have an RFID tag attached and this tag will be read by security gates and the circulation system. The system acts as a security (theft deterrent) system for library materials and allows clients Report CST 21-12 July 9, 2012 • 94 Subject: Approval of Debt Financing and Internal. Loans Page 5 for Council Approved Capital Projects to be Undertaken During the Summer Recess of Council to easily borrow items using self checkout workstations. The system improves ergonomics for staff handling borrowing, inventory and returning of items and significantly reduces the amount of staff hours required. The system will be installed at the Central Library and Petticoat Creek branch. The awarding of the contract will be subject to the approval of the Chief Executive Officer and the Library Board. Debt financing for the architectural and management services for the new Operations Centre is requested in case future land sales do not occur in a timely fashion to finance this expenditure. The issuance of debt would only occur if such revenues or an internal loan were not available. The Chief Administrative Officer will, under previously provided Council authority, be approving the awarding of the Tenders and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer may provide financing under Section 07 of the Purchasing Policy subject to being the lowest bid within Budget and the Financial Control Policy. Attachments: 1. By-law to authorize the issuance of debentures in the amount of $330,000 for the West Short Boulevard Road Improvements - Oklahoma Drive to Sunrise Avenue in the City of Pickering 2. By-law to authorize the issuance of debentures in the amount of $950,000 for the Liverpool Road Reconstruction and Storm Sewer Work - Annland Street to Ilona Park Drive in the City of Pickering 3. By-law to authorize the issuance of debentures in the amount of $1,475,000 for the Architectural Services for the new Operations Centre in the City of Pickering Approved/Endorsed By: Gillis A. Paterson, CMA Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Report CST 21-12 July 9, 2012 9 5 Subject: Approval of Debt Financing and Internal Loans Page 6 for Council Approved Capital Projects to be Undertaken During the Summer Recess of Council Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council 4-11 ot„xie Zq,20/2 T. Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT#_TO REPORT /—/2 0A The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. Being a by-law to authorize the issuance of debentures in the amount of $330,000 for the West Shore Boulevard Road Improvements - Oklahoma Drive to Sunrise Avenue project in the City of Pickering Whereas Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a lower-tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in that Section; and, Whereas Subsection 401(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a municipality may incur a debt for municipal purposes, whether by borrowing money or in any other way; and, Whereas Subsection 401(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a lower-tier municipality in a regional municipality does not have the power to issue debentures; and, Whereas The Regional Municipality of Durham has the sole authority to issue debentures for the purposes of its lower-tier municipalities including The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City"); and, Whereas the Tender for the West Shore Boulevard Road Improvements - Oklahoma Drive to Sunrise Avenue project will be called and awarded during the summer recess of Council; and, Whereas Council of the City wishes to proceed with debentures financing prior to tendering and awarding process for the West Shore Boulevard Road Improvements - Oklahoma Drive to Sunrise Avenue project; and, Whereas before the Council of the City authorizes the issuance of debentures for the West Shore Boulevard Road Improvements - Oklahoma Drive to Sunrise Avenue project, the Council of the City had the Treasurer update the City's Annual Repayment Limit, the Treasurer calculated the estimated annual amount payable in respect of such project and determined that such annual amount would not cause the City to exceed the updated limit and, therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval was not required prior to City Council's authorization as per Section 401 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the regulations made there under; • 97 By-law No. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the City proceed with the debentures issue in the amount of $330,000 for the West Shore Boulevard Road Improvements - Oklahoma Drive to Sunrise Avenue project; 2. That the sum of $330,000 be financed by the issue of debentures by The Regional Municipality of Durham over a period not to exceed ten years; 3. That the funds to repay the principal and interest of the debentures be provided for in the annual,Current Budget for the City commencing in 2013 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 9th day of July, 2012. • David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk • ATTACHMENT#?TO REPORT#1 98 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. Being a by-law to authorize the issuance of debentures in the amount of $950,000 for the Liverpool Road Reconstruction and Storm Sewer Work - Annland Street to Ilona Park Drive project in the City of Pickering Whereas Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a lower-tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in that Section; and, Whereas Subsection 401(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a municipality may incur a debt for municipal purposes, whether by borrowing money or in any other way; and, Whereas Subsection 401(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a lower-tier municipality in a regional municipality does not have the power to issue debentures; and, Whereas The Regional Municipality of Durham has the sole authority to issue debentures for the purposes of its lower-tier municipalities including The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City"); and, Whereas the Tender for the Liverpool Road Reconstruction and Storm Sewer Work - Annland Street to Ilona Park Drive project will be called and awarded during the summer recess of Council; and, Whereas Council of the City wishes to proceed with debentures financing prior to tendering and awarding process for the Liverpool Road Reconstruction and Storm Sewer Work - Annland Street to Ilona Park Drive project; and, Whereas before the Council of the City authorizes the issuance of debentures for the Liverpool Road Reconstruction and Storm Sewer Work - Annland Street to Ilona Park Drive project, the Council of the City had the Treasurer update the City's Annual Repayment Limit, the Treasurer calculated the estimated annual amount payable in respect of such project and determined that such annual amount would not cause the City to exceed the updated limit and, therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval was not required prior to City Council's authorization as per Section 401 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the regulations made there under; 9 9 By-law No. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the City proceed with the debentures issue in the amount of $950,000 for the Liverpool Road Reconstruction and Storm Sewer Work - Annland Street to Ilona Park Drive project; 2. That the sum of $950,000 be financed by the issue of debentures by The Regional Municipality of Durham over a period not to exceed ten years; 3. That the funds to repay the principal and interest of the debentures be provided for in the annual Current Budget for the City commencing in 2013 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 9th day of July, 2012. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk ATTACHMENT#3_TO REPORT# 100 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. Being a by-law to authorize the issuance of debentures in the amount $1,475,000 for the Architectural Services for the new Operations Centre in the City of Pickering Whereas Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a lower-tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in that Section; and, Whereas Subsection 401(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a municipality may incur a debt for municipal purposes, whether by borrowing money or in any other way; and, Whereas Subsection 401(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that a lower-tier municipality in a regional municipality does not have the power to issue debentures; and, Whereas The Regional Municipality of Durham has the sole authority to issue debentures for the purposes of its lower-tier municipalities including The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City"); and, Whereas the Tender for the Architectural Services for the new Operations Centre has been tendered and will be awarded during the summer recess of Council; and Whereas Council of the City wishes to proceed with debentures financing prior to the awarding process for the Architectural Services for the new Operations Centre; and, Whereas before the Council of the City authorizes the issuance of debentures for the Architectural Services for the new Operations Centre, the Council of the City had the Treasurer update the City's Annual Repayment Limit, the Treasurer calculated the estimated annual amount payable in respect of such project and determined that such annual amount would not cause the City to exceed the updated limit and, therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval was not required prior to City Council's authorization as per Section 401 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the regulations made there under; 101 By-law No. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the City proceed with the debentures issue in the amount of $1,475,000 for the Architectural Services for the new Operations Centre; 2. That the sum of $1,475,000 be financed by the issue of debentures by The Regional Municipality of Durham over a period not to exceed twenty years; 2. That the funds to repay the principal and interest of the debentures be provided for in the annual Current Budget for the City commencing in 2013 and continuing thereafter until the,loan is repaid. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 9th day of July, 2012. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk