HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 10, 2012 Cars Minutes/Meeting Summary i—i Advisory Committee on Diversity Thursday, May 10, 2012 PICKERING 7:00 pm Pickering Civic Complex, Main Committee Room Attendees: Kirk Mark, Chair Devinder Panesar, Community Appointee Jacob Yacoumidis, Community Appointee Christy Harper, Pickering Public Library Keith Richards, DRPS Jody Morris, City of Pickering L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Kevin Ashe, Councillor, Ward 1 Catherine Reidt, Co-Chair Carlisle Miller, Community Appointee Preet Panesar, Dunbarton High School Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Neha Mohan, VP, (YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Alma Sandoval, Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario Misha Biswas, President, (YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Alysha Singh, Secretary of (YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Item! Details & Discussions& Conclusion = Action;Items/Statu s Ref# (summary of discussion) , (include deadline as . 3t r s. p =' approp`riate) `Y Welcome"& Introductions Kirk Mark K. Mark welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. Devorah Garland, Community Development Coordinator, Aids Committee of Durham Region was introduced. She advised the Committee of her goal to help reduce the HIV infection rate in women in the community. D. Garland passed along regrets from Patrice Anderson who was unable to attend this evening, but would be attending future meetings. 2.0 Approval of Minutes ` �.: Approval of agenda; Moved by C. Harper Seconded by J. Yacoumidis Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Carried Moved by J. Yacoumidis Seconded by C. Harper That the minutes of the April 12, 2012 meeting of the Diversity Committee be approved. Carried ,3.0 Business Arising from Minutes : . 3.1) K. Mark questioned whether there had been any follow up with respect to CCACN Sports on the tournament format as well as whether any permits had been received. J. Morris informed the Committee that permits had been received, but the date for the event is still pending. K. Mark questioned whether True Star had confirmed participation in the tournament. J. Morris noted she had not yet received any proposals from the organization. 3.2) K. Mark questioned the possibility of collating a booklet comprising all the submissions for the diversity forum. Discussion ensued with respect to costs and staff resources involved with this. J. Morris explained currently there are approximately 200 copies comprising 80 pages which are printed and distributed. These booklets contain the winning entries from each year. It was questioned whether all the entries could be done on an annual basis. J. Morris explained that staff resources are very limited for a project of this nature. Some suggestions and comments were provided as follows; • produce on a 5 year annual cumulative basis • place winning entries into a poster format as opposed to a booklet • view a copy of the current booklet and look at the process for possible revisions • have them sent electronically in order to consider annually • could be problems with students who do not have access to computers K. Mark noted the importance of community and parental Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 • engagement. He noted that by being published, this could have the potential to encourage more discussions at home. He asked that this be considered as a way to rethink the strategy. J. Morris to action J. Morris will check with M. Carpino with respect to this. .J. Morris will bring a copy of the booklet to the next meeting. J. Morris to action 4.0 f Event Updates - � . 3.1) Survey J. Morris noted that she had forwarded out the survey after the last meeting with the revisions. Copies were also handed out to the members in attendance. The Committee reviewed each question on the survey and detailed discussions ensued with respect to revisions. J. Morris will revise the survey and forward out electronically to J. Morris to action the members for review again at the June 14th meeting. 5.0 g _Correspondence �._ . .. ,_ err.-, >„ >. „ — „ •. 4.1) J. Morris provided a brief overview of the community engagement workshop being hosted by the City of Pickering seeking input for the development of their public engagement strategy. The workshop will be held on May 15th,with the deadline for registration being today. 6.0 Other Business 5.1) C. Harper noted the Town of Ajax has a banner depicting "Heritage Month" in the foyer of their Community Centre and questioned whether the City of Pickering had anything similar. 5.2) K. Mark asked whether the City of Pickering was doing anything to commemorate Asian Heritage Month. J. Morris J. Morris to action noted she would look into this. 5.3) D. Garland questioned whether the City of Pickering recognizes any Aboriginal events within the community. She noted a celebration was taking place in the Village of Pickering at the end of May. She also indicated that most events taking place are currently based in the City of Oshawa. Discussion ensued with respect to recognizing the Aboriginal Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 community by proclaiming Aboriginal Month and Aboriginal Day and the organization of events within the community. K. Richards noted that according to Canadian calendars, Aboriginal Month and Aboriginal Day do not take place within the same month. K. Mark requested that the committee continue to pursue L. Roberts to action participation with the Aboriginal community and asked that this be placed on the next agenda for further discussion. D. Garland noted she would continue to keep the committee informed and offered to attend a future meeting for further discussion on this matter. mum, ext Meeting & Adjournment The next meeting will be held on June 14, 2012 Meeting Adjourned: 9:20 pm Copy: City Clerk • • • Page 4 CORP0228-2/02