HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 13-12 city 4s Report to Council PICKERING Report Number: PD 13-12 Date: June 18, 2012 r• r� From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed Properties on Federal Lands Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 13-12 of the Director, Planning & Development dated June 18, 2012 entitled "Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed Properties on Federal Lands" be received; 2. That Transport Canada be advised that the City intends to assume ownership of the "Craftsman Cottage" building, located at 3570 Brock Road, and to relocate this building to the Pickering Museum Village; 3. That Council authorize the extension of the current lease agreement with Transport Canada respecting 3570 Brock Road to December 31, 2012, to provide sufficient time to facilitate the relocation of the structure to the Pickering Museum; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the relocation costs for the movement of the above-grade structure at 3570 Brock Road to the administrative area of the Pickering Museum and the cost for the construction of concrete foundations at the Pickering Museum to support the relocated building structure, at an estimated cost of $55,000 and other related costs of $9,600 as indicated in this report. 5. That the Federal Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities be requested to allow the City to retrieve elements of heritage value from 1607 Highway 7, 3656 Brougham Road, 3970 Brock Road, and 5460 Sideline 30 prior to demolition; 6. That Council authorize City staff to engage directly with individuals who have expressed an interest in the private acquisition of the heritage-listed buildings at 4355 Brock Road and 5460 Sideline 30 for relocation to private lands and, should arrangements satisfactory to the City be made, that Council authorize staff to extend the existing lease agreement with Transport Canada respecting these buildings to December 31, 2012, to provide sufficient time to accommodate the building relocation; and 7. Further, that the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect thereto. Report PD 13-12 June 18, 2012 Subject: Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed :7 Properties on Federal Lands Page 2 Executive Summary: In December 2011, Council approved the initiation of two programs respecting nine vacant heritage listed homes on Federal Lands that were slated for demolition. One program involved the offer to the public of four homes for acquisition at no cost, and movement off the Federal land holdings. This program is nearing completion, with arrangements being finalized for the relocation of two homes. The second program, which is the subject of this report, involves the detailed review of five heritage listed structures and the potential for long term lease by the City for non-residential purposes. The City entered into a six month temporary licence agreement with Transport Canada for these five buildings, which expires on June 30, 2012. This provided the City with time to better evaluate the buildings and their potential for long term lease by the City. City staff were advised by the Federal Minister, Infrastructure and Communities that Transport Canada would lease these buildings solely to the City of Pickering for an undetermined period of time with the provision that the buildings could not be used for residential purposes. Any improvements to the buildings necessary for occupancy would be the financial responsibility of the City. Any third parties wishing to occupy these buildings would be required to sub-lease directly from the City. Based on the information contained within the consultant report, including the minimum costs necessary to restore the buildings to a usable state, only the "Craftsman Cottage" building at 3570 Brock Road is considered by staff to be suitable for retention by the City. This building is in fair condition and is a good candidate for relocation to the Pickering Museum to contribute to its expanded historical time frame. Staff recommend that Council approve funds for the relocation of the building at 3570 Brock Road and for the construction of new foundations at the Pickering Museum to support the above-grade structure. Further, based on expressed interest by third party individuals, staff also recommend that Council authorize staff to engage directly with these individuals to facilitate private acquisition and relocation of the heritage-listed buildings at 4355 Brock Road and 5460 Sideline 30. Report PD 13-12 June 18, 2012 Subject: Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed Properties on Federal Lands Page 3 Financial Implications: 3570 Brock Road (Craftsman Cottage) City staff have obtained a quotation from a moving contractor in the amount of$18,000 to move the building at 3570 Brock Road to the Pickering Museum. Costs are estimated as follows: Cost to relocate above-grade structure: $18,000 Cost for new concrete foundations: 25,000 25% Contingency (for above items) 11,000 Cost for lease extension (to the end of December, 2012) 900 Total (excluding HST) $55,000 The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer advises that the costs for the relocation of this building and for the new foundations can be accommodated within the 2012 Current Budget as follows: Planning & Development Consulting for relocating (2743.2392) $25,000 General Government Contingency (2900) 30,000 $55,000 The draw from contingency will be reduced by a contribution from the Federal Government approximately equal to their avoided costs of demolition (estimated $12,000). Plus, if the other two buildings are actually relocated, the City may receive similar reimbursement, less any site remediation costs. The approved budget for consulting was not required as City staff were able to undertake this program without such assistance. It is assumed that there will be no road obstructions for the movement of this structure. 4355 Brock Road and 5460 Sideline 30 Costs for the relocation program for these two buildings will consist primarily of staff time and the following: Cost for lease extension (to the end of December, 2012) $ 1,800 Cost for security (to the end of December, 2012) $ 7,800 Total (excluding HST) $ 9,600 * Note that the above dollar values are estimates and are subject to the City's standard procurement process. • Report PD 13-12 June 18, 2012 Subject: Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed w 4 Properties on Federal Lands Page 4 The above costs will be accommodated in the Planning & Development Department approved 2012 Current Budget for this endeavour. Funds are available as expenditures to date have been under budget. Discussion: In order to identify the viability of a long term lease arrangement with Transport Canada, the City retained Barry.Bryan Associates (1991) Limited, (BBA), to undertake building, condition assessments of the following heritage-listed buildings: 1. 3570 Brock Road,Brougham 2. 1607 Highway 7, Brougham 3. 3656 Brougham Road, Brougham 4. 3970 Brock Road, Brougham 5. 4355 Brock Road, Brougham 6. 5460 Sideline 30, Hamlet of Altona • The building at 1607 Highway 7 was added to the list of buildings to review as it is located on the future site of the relocated Don Beer Park and it was anticipated that the building may be suitable for use as a combined washroom facility and meeting place for users of the park. All of the buildings were reviewed for the minimum building code and heritage construction requirements necessary to restore the buildings to a usable state. The buildings at 3570 Brock Road and 3970 Brock Road were also assessed for the purposes of possible relocation to the Pickering Museum. Building condition assessment report, dated May 29, 2012, prepared by BBA, identifies the consultant's findings for the six buildings, including each building's current physical condition, minimum repair requirements and associated order of magnitude costs to carry out the repair work. A summary of the findings is attached (see Attachment #3). The full report is available for viewing upon request. Staff recommendations for the six heritage-listed buildings are based on a number of interrelated criteria, including current building condition, costs for repair/remediation, City program requirements, land ownership, lease parameters exercised by Transport Canada, business interest to use buildings, and the potential security/safety risk that . these buildings represent. Report PD 13-12 June 18, 2012 • Subject: Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed Properties on Federal Lands Page 5 3570 Brock Road (Craftsman Cottage) • L �'' �-, .. ®- t.-. .:,,;-:-. .. ,f l xfi+• �i� £ 1 � '' s ♦mow ,src-«- yEa w '"I S � ,- , �: , ; c may` C'F'A h� T• 7yh (kh x',.5. r °" �r� �r i 3 s +s k S ; 3::. > v%' '` f t k�I( f` _ 4' 'C",s. P f' .zrs Gr '"Y fc z4f,, 7� .. FFF a S.S et, r1; { F-.5,, 1 . P ,p.w' O •,i `� t s,f;_ i".t �� ::4 +s",.! {_ . bay, a fir. f • S r qt r s z :-.41,-i'. .'''' ,',,,.;4'...'ice , t � Zz T. z9 i � ` 'i -: +` j 1' ,,'fit nr ?,h" ' k S' y 'Y y�.'T - '+� ...�• r � -, :; .' d4" ,.., �. n»aZxc ,...a.,.+G.L.wer .te ra.+.r �a .fiy The building at 3570 Brock Road, known colloquially as the "Craftsman Cottage", was identified by City staff and the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee to be a • visually appealing structure that both retains some of its heritage distinctiveness and would be appropriate for placement in the administrative area of the Pickering Museum as part of its expanded mandate, which is to include representative structures up to the year 1920. It is believed that there are no other equivalent examples of this architecture remaining in Pickering. This building was confirmed by BBA to be feasible to relocate to the Pickering Museum, despite the deterioration that it has sustained through time. The Pickering Museum Village Foundation has expressed support for the building to be relocated. New concrete foundations would be required at the chosen • building site within the Pickering Museum to support the above-grade structure. The type of foundations would ultimately depend on the intended use of the building. Staff recommend that the original stones from the existing stone foundation be salvaged for aesthetic integration within the new foundation. As the Pickering Museum land is owned by the City of Pickering, there is an opportunity to defer long- term repair costs until a funding strategy has been fully explored. • Report PD 13-12 June 18Page, 2012 6 Subject: Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed i.7 j�y Properties on Federal Lands 1 N 1607 Highway 7 f.:-4,.:'Iy,r''Ir:°:',r'I''';':"'-''',';:::':,t'!::!;it-f';;'":F'!:!::',*,-:%.''''j:.;::'j!..':''I.''',17';-1-..:;-A'\\\.\ . . .'''',.'\'','‘,:-':.f:-,.:1*.T,,,;::.:,..• �> 11' .y f,,,,,,,,,,t-,1-„,4:-"i„,.,t K, r , x` t , r `44,:.-4-tai ----,,,,,,;„ r-:';-=',,i--,7,--=4 .74-• .., -'''.1- - . "''' y.,.----,-...',„.; - . _ '�v t C ..-�1 ` 't� � tiw M t ; �c +r Ypkv�r ^'ice�s, ^F .�,4 a�x fir;, , ,; a ;.,..b The building at 1607 Highway 7 was evaluated to be in fair condition, but is currently • not structurally capable of supporting non-residential floor loading. The building interior would be very costly to remediate the apparent mould growth and to upgrade the space for use as a barrier-free washroom facility and meeting room. It would be far more cost effective to construct a new barrier-free accessible field house building to serve users of the Don Beer Park. This building was not specifically identified by staff as having unique heritage elements. As the City does not retain land ownership, the City cannot be certain as to the long term viability of building improvements and lease arrangements. Due to this uncertainty, the expenditures by the City cannot be justified. Report PD 13-12 June 18, 2012 • Subject: Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed • Properties on Federal Lands Page 7 3656 Brougham Road >' 1e� tir'�y�jx'¢ to f 73 � -.s,�.� !i %:%: ,4f , ..... ,*.-,':,,Z-„:-,.:.:..4-:::,.”: :,',*:4,,-,, a\ a 1,' . e . C .. ems . ,3 ; , �''dir ^'" A 4 Ft 7 a 1 jai�'t S :M s 4 a = r . fit. Tx' ,rc 4' R .ti & tom 4141 11' a"Ra 4:Xk Ie , ....,".:';.:-..15',-,1 The building at 3656 Brougham Road, while in relatively good physical condition, is• currently not structurally capable of supporting non-residential floor loading. The costs to structurally reinforce the building as well as to repair.existing conditions are excessive for the City to bear for municipal purposes. While a City program has not been initiated to solicit interest by business owners, the building does not have street visibility to Highway 7, which would be undesirable for companies that depend on establishing a prominent location to conduct business. Any . local businesses that may be interested in operating within this building would not likely be prepared to pay the expected repair costs prior to moving in, particularly when there is no guaranteed lease duration or return on such a significant investment. • • • Report PD 13-12 June 18, 2012 . Subject: Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed ": 0. Properties on Federal Lands Page 8 3970 Brock Road (Ever-Green Villa) 1-- r wok 3y f'E. i, A- ",,.:W r k j? ,, 4 $ l', 5.i..,. �, r v - 14 ""` ., � t Sp.N .,S*, ,q,,,,-,,, i z ?.'�M1 f � k yr"�,3°. # 4 .f• :.;:.;V:,''x rssa 4i a (iff s q,• 't Y•r .y'4._ :,,,,,1.-. 4. .:. ,. „...,„..:k.,,,z;t,...k,,;,•._. 4.,.,..0._cy,,i,:c... ,, ,,... „Y i� Z P q-} Ls'S.v �. . , t Y . . ^ i` A a„, r xu y.:.;:.` i ' • ., ayS. p '4 k -' 3.s 1.,,!-.4-:, l i 'a '�)+ :,::: q 4'rr e fi'� i e 01'T,', Fr J-sh at w? t z'll'igito Y.4 i 4'-',';',.,,,r.,;',:.:5-, Lc ..x i r,,... F L ti'` Et ,,.6, r^z 3 g;} -r��- yx �,g x �'1 t1L,. �rw Sri �.,1,.'`.*., k,. �t '' 4ie,^a, f•v.. `. i v.t " { .r 33' r, wi t 1,. ';',.,,,;:°,- ,-,.:'..,.'1...;, h t's..4*.ti741:.n. y, "r. i s ItLP u! a t^ ..i %C 14V. ' �a ry f"f r R; F ar `44 +F`� tS,k� g tS;3 4 ,.,'Pi o tr� elf F ck-a` t 'b' 'S`v a 14F ,i +fi fir"�'dte�[ y ., v 1 Snl���.sue`f' �� � .i 4:2; s,,t l i ti ~'?''ar'ii �'x l f v:4 ty3 ` t..}sg „t Mid f . 'T. n i' ..r �� . s ✓ ,i 1� :S"`*thy' �,f id Yt 'a > ) �Sc{E? � ��i FWA ai' d 3 tai liefta.. L.d.r::.iM;;5'rY_u',..,,...a.yi,Mi......t*. t .> ,..a..i- t-A,. .r:,ic '....� .41I"C'a. The building at 3970 Brock Road, known as the Ever-Green Villa, has been determined to be in very poor condition due to significant deterioration and vandalism over the years. The costs to repair the remaining structure far exceed the viability of using this building for any purpose. Although this building was originally'identified by staff and the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee to be of great interest to relocate to the Pickering Museum, the • location of the building at the base of the sloped entrance combined with its age and extremely poor condition would make relocation efforts extremely difficult and very costly. Given the amount of vandalism that has been observed at this building and the surrounding secondary structures, there is a safety risk for these buildings to remain in place. Based on the condition report findings, City staff, consequently, recommend the prompt demolition of the primary building and all accessory buildings at this location. Report PD 13-12 June 18, 2012 Subject: Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed Properties on Federal Lands Page 9 4355 Brock Road (Brophie House) Orr t , € Jf ti ,y o 4, f jk; t 1 't I i b�i _ { fi4ti °�- air `"`f � �- � " �� a4- .� - :.w.„ .v ,T9 a s, r "� ' €yy IAA 1 i it cal s rR&f kr., _ . L h x 'a, "r ' -1'0-'4; P`a A is w ., ,s A,A �x° , may■ , w °v 7 p.*, . , €� f;::(4. ,,,,,' .r -M o, a",a i e 4.4 IC ' Y 'y -* R t � r� v Y, ‘ ,‘ I r� ",,A," a ,.t"., ° g t# , + ,ttRI. c�dS.�d, p.:. .$�».n 4 §vd, b � .. s .a.YQ The building at 4355 Brock Road, known as the Brophie House, has been identified by staff to be of interest for non-residential use as there are notable accessory buildings and a vast amount of land that could benefit a future business use. The primary building was determined to be in fair condition, but has sustained significant vandalism and is not structurally capable of supporting non-residential floor loading. While initial interest had been expressed by one local business person to operate from this location, the identified costs to repair and upgrade the buildings exceeded the amount that the business was prepared to spend. As with the other buildings, the lack of City ownership of the land creates a significant barrier for investment in the required upgrades. Due to the isolated setting of this address and recent vandalism, there is a great security risk to these buildings. Subsequent to the condition assessment work being undertaken by the consultants, City staff received an expression of interest from an individual to have the original heritage building relocated to land within Pickering. While the feasibility of moving the existing building was not considered as part of the condition assessment, the City could pursue a simplified relocation program directly with the interested person in order to facilitate the private acquisition of this above-grade building. June 18, 2012 Report PD 13-12 Subject: Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed t; Properties on Federal Lands Page 10 5460 Sideline 30 (School House) •i xs ' ' •!;.:""„, ''' , .N} ,e. ^',7, • ., '".'!.',.''''''','f,4:,,„.','-,,,;i1:1•7. ,,,±..,.irrAiSill`:"t,, ,C;ittZts,‘4,7' ' *S!''''''': ,- c Y 4 , .j rod 3 0^ 'N° u i y� -'}"� li Y 'v '� If-,- ) ` � - . ,xy r - ' i I ...:- [�x i �� ` � - ,. � r ; .�y. .�: �,"t.-?,1-_,-,4,,,,,.. Acv f„., ,'''...',,4'';',,: �e •, �, .�'•} .t +.. A,•€� ,.._ w. ,Ws''''' ,€. , fit',,m The building at 5460 Sideline 30 was determined by the consultants tol be in fair to good , condition and is structurally capable of supporting floor loading suitable for non-residential occupancy. Any change of use to this building, however, would require minimum barrier-free accessibility upgrades, which would be of significant cost. There are currently no City programming needs for this type of building at its current location and no available lands to receive this building structure. Due to the location and minimal visibility of this building, within the Hamlet orf Altona, the upgrade costs, and undetermined duration for a lease, it is unlikely that there would be any interest for a business to invest, in this space. City staff received an expression of interest from an individual to have this building relocated to his property within Uxbridge and restored. While the feasibility of moving the existing building was not considered as part of the condition assessment, the City could pursue a simplified relocation program directly with the interested person in order to facilitate the private acquisition of this above grade building. Report PD 13-12 June 18, 2012 Subject: Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed Properties on Federal Lands Page 11 ‘• l Conclusion: In view of the impending demolition program being undertaken by Transport Canada, it was necessary for the City to exercise due diligence to consider these targeted existing heritage listed buildings for possible use by the municipality. Upon review of the findings within the BBA condition assessment report, it is understood that the costs to repair and remediate the buildings are of such magnitude that it would be a significant financial burden to the City to commit to a remediation plan for all six heritage listed buildings. Given that these buildings are on lands owned by the Federal government, the City cannot be certain as to the long term viability of building improvements and lease arrangements. Considering this uncertainty, an expenditure by the City of the magnitude required cannot be justified. Staff, in conjunction with the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee, have identified specific interest in the "Craftsman Cottage" building that would complement the programming requirements of the Pickering Museum Village. As the building appears to be in a condition suitable for movement, staff recommend that Council approve funding to retain this building within the City's ownership for use at the museum. While there are no City program requirements for the other heritage listed buildings, staff recommend direct engagement with third parties that have expressed interest in the heritage listed buildings at 4355 Brock Road and 5460 Sideline 30 to facilitate their relocation to privately owned lands. Attachments: 1. Key Plan of Properties Considered for Potential Long Term Lease 2. Brougham Key Plan of Properties Considered 3. Excerpts from BBA Building Condition Assessment report, dated May 29, 2012 4. Location Map for the proposed "Craftsman Cottage" Relocation • Report PD 13-12 June 18, 2012 Subject: Potential Long Term Lease Program for Heritage Listed K. r, Properties on Federal Lands Page 12 • Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: 4 ..4;/‘ I 2 . . 7_,/1/ Kyle Bentley, P.Eng. Neil'Carr hl, j 6I , PP Chief Building Official Director, Planning & Development ..... ... • Everett Buntsma • Director, Community Services • • '" • Gij Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer KB:jf Copy: Chief.Administrative Officer . Recommended for the consideration • . of Pickering Cjty Counci . ° (. Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer • • ATTAACHMENT# / TO 1 . REPORT#PD. /3 -/,-Z `"r `-, 40K M-P O MM o Of_ C2,C 5460 Ir �' _ )11)-rr. aillogi ,,,,,.. IS JIB 1 Fill ----- ro, V >1111111.11 � 1 agell 1 I�.l':rra ,w'.In:ill . 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STRO T I .I U i H Gr WAY 607 Ti O City of Pickering Planning & Development Department Brougham Key Plan of Properties Considered for Potential Long Term Use ATTACHMENT#2 OWNER:Transport Canada • FILE No:N/A DATE:June 12,2012 Data Sources: SCALE: 1:8,500 c Tennel Enterprises Ine.and Ile aupplien:.Atl dphte Reserved.Not a plan of survey. c 2006 MPAG and its aupplien.All rights Reserved.Nat a plan of Survey. PN-RUR l/1 m c -0 l m T V JD % p < o X. c d. O = j = O S O ° - p CO N 0 it c. n-r .. O O 0 - 7 ° p' 0 3 y n ° m n rD N w 2 c n T fl _ LA� � c o 0 0 2 rr N 5 T � .,C .• C N C. O w 0. D T" N A D N Cu - 0 3 l0 7 = (D CO a 7 • . 0 N 3 0 ' o v a £ ' m c O O v * •m D o D * , '^ o' n f-. w ;D C ^ O 7 N ° ° rap O .fj < OG' OO a O (� c ° j 7 D' N V T•c o. a m 0 a 7 T. n £ 0. 3' <. °a 3 �' a o 3 a ° • a m N m C a 0 7 O. J J.' £ -.a �. d d -p O w + '. C T O O . CO ry. 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PO, L _:1 - Building Condition Assessments Six (6) Heritage Buildings on the Federal Lands for the City of Pickering Estimates Our estimates to restore the buildings to a useable and livable condition and considering only for type D residential occupancies, or for a Type A assembly at 5460 Sideline 30, are based on the limited level of review undertaken and are order of magnitude estimates only. These estimates do not include site restoration, landscaping, or the removal and demolition and removal of any outbuildings. They also do not include mould and hazardous substances identification, removal and remediation. Mechanical and Electrical budget estimates are based on estimates provided separately in the appendix. Budget estimates do not include replacement or upgrades to well water or septic systems which were not reviewed and appear to have been in a state of disuse for varying lengths of time. Budget estimates do not include restoration or repair of items not observable or evident at the date of our site visits. Estimates Notes 3570 Brock Road $65,000-$85,000 Cost to relocate the building including Brougham, Ontario construction of new foundations is not included. Cost to restore concealed historic wood cladding if required cannot be assessed. $50,000 Mechanical/electrical 1607 Highway 7 $110,000-$130,000 general Costs for excessive upgrades to serve as a Brougham,Ontario repair and restoration. public washroom and park facility are not included. $200,000-$240,000 to construct In addition to general repair/restoration new barrier free access and costs noted above. Does not include water washroom/change room service or new septic system to support facilities.Assumes seasonal use proposed use. only. 50,000-$55,000 Mechanical/electrical 3656 Brougham Road $60,000-$75,000 Building requires extensive interior Brougham, Ontario restoration and repair. $55,000-$65,000 Mechanical/electrical 3970 Brock Road NA Due to the amount of deteriorated and Brougham,Ontario damaged materials, and the current condition of this building,the costs to Ever Green Villa restore the building to a liveable or useable condition are expected to be significant and cannot be accurately assessed. $55,000-$65,000 Mechanical/electrical 4355 Brock Road $100,000+ Does not include removal of shed or Brougham, Ontario upgrades/repairs to barn. $25,000-$30,000 Mechanical/electrical Maple Lane Farm 5460 Sideline 30 $135,000-$165,000 Cost subject to level of renovation proposed Hamlet of Altona for basement level and proposed future use. Includes minimal barrier free accessibility upgrades $20,000 Mechanical/electrical Barry*Bryan Associates(1991) Limited Project No.12031 41 P ATTACRMEET#PTO REPORT# Building Condition Assessments Six (6) Heritage Buildings on the Federal Lands for the City of Pickering Refer to Mechanical and electrical reports for additional budget information and details. To change the use of these buildings from the current Type D residential occupancies to permit an E mercantile or F2 medium hazard industrial occupancy, (with the exception of the former school house at 5460 Sideline 30) the City will need to consider the following additional upgrades which may be required and adjust the budgets accordingly: 1. Fire separations in particular the fire rating of floors above basements. 2. Barrier free accessibility. 3. Exit location and configurations. 4. Fire safety considerations including fire alarm systems,emergency lighting and exit lighting. 5. HVAC and plumbing service upgrades. 6. Power service upgrades to suit proposed use. 7. Zoning requirements. Barry*Bryan Associates(1991) Limited 42 Project No. 12031 1 I f:„ may* \ /"� / / ` 1'r try. �"t:Ir N. fir,. '„ V ,„ r• •w�4 ' L .•. • {.•,I'.IV7 • f' . -ri,„,0 i Y'�FrNY�i�I <. F�. 0'\ 3 4n. V . .V ' •CC Ir f•• �y, r� V A . S rr ,•f C.,'4 ATTACHMENT# 4L _TO 0,.. , ` ,., .1... REPORT#PD i.3.- / ,., ,,, 4 ,/ ,..; ,,, fur ,r it c. k t.• s''` --f'+A`,.' .1 ■ et. iv"..., r 't F �A !?tlu F1,e,?�•0111k • r '' ?•e; .ptlr?k 'ter / ., . it!' •.. +$ 1 ,�"^' aw ^` ' '"° e• - e r- r'co• . ' ... vk t rl Bo. 4,. '':.:. •----- ('''''r'"Yafr.f.141re' ),...,...:.:...,....1.2:.4—... . f-4i,,•,.......'• -... 1:. . k.. \ .„ ,• _, e ) w ---m,. ' �41� t ti, P 34ta •Ka . .. � +J Y�. ' W- \ C �. 1 Z py4 w � O O rt •Q r, ..,A„,,,,, a �ZQ uw — O �� ` • o°aoo 0 T O 1 1