HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 06-12 Report to Executive Committee ICKERING Report Number: CAO 06-12 Date: May 14,.2012 01 From: Paul Bigioni City Solicitor Subject: By-law to Govern the Proceedings of Council, any of its Committees, the Conduct of its Members, and the Calling of Meetings Recommendation: 1. That Report CAO 06-12 respecting a by-law to govern the proceedings of Council be received; and 2. That the attached draft Council Rules of Procedure By-law be enacted by Council. Executive Summary: At the Executive Committee Meeting dated January 16, 2012, a Public Meeting was held regarding a By-law for Council Rules of Procedure (Minutes of the Public Meeting attached as Attachment 2). Every municipality is required to pass a procedure by-law governing the calling, notice of, place and proceedings of meetings under the Municipal Act. The City Clerk is required to review that procedural by-law in every new term of Council to determine if the existing by-law is relevant and current regarding legislation and policies and if the decision-making process is transparent, accessible to all and mandated by law. During the Public Meeting process, the main concerns expressed were about the timelines allotted for delegations to Council and clarification of specific sections within the by-law. The draft by-law was returned to the Clerk's Office with concerns noted and is now being brought forward for further review and Council approval. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications associated with this by-law. Discussion: Council and Committee meetings are governed by the Municipal Act and the Council Rules of Procedure By-law. The Council Rules of Procedure By-law is reviewed during each new term of Council for revisions and updates that are deemed necessary. Revisions to the existing by-law are proposed to enhance meeting efficiencies, clarify meeting procedures and enhance accountability. Report CAO 06-12 April 10, 2012 Subject: By-law for Council Rules of Procedure Page 2 02 The Council Rules of Procedure By-law is implemented to govern the proceedings of Council and its Committees, to govern the conduct of its Members during meetings and to implement procedures for the calling of meetings. The Council Rules of Procedure By-law is not in place to govern day-to-day business outside of the meeting environment. The by-law is also not in place to provide or govern Integrity Commissioners, Lobbyist Registers or Conflict of Interest regulations. Direction and procedures for those other matters are provided through separate documents. In order to simplify the review/comparison process of the draft By-law (Attachment 1), a chart has been provided to note the major suggested changes to the By-law. Also, a colour-coded version of the By-law (Attachment 3) has been provided. Sections highlighted in green on Attachment 3 already exist in the current procedure by-law. Significant changes are noted in red. Highlights of Significant Changes Within the By-law Section Change Index Listing Index created with categories and processes grouped together for ease of reference. Definitions Additional definitions for clarification 4.2 a), 4.5 c) and In order to provide additional time for Standing Committees and 4.5 d) Council meetings, the start time has been moved from 7:30 pm to Committee and 7:00 pm. Council meeting start times 8.6 Prohibited - To ensure that all members of the public feel comfortable while Signs, Banner, participating in a meeting, the use of these items shall be Emblems, Flags, prohibited in the Chambers except by permission of the Chair prior Camera's Video to the meeting start time. Recordings 8.14 Adjournment In order to provide the appropriate consideration to all items on an Hour agenda and to provide Council, Staff and the public a realistic opportunity to deal with all agenda items, an adjournment time has been suggested. 12.1 Delegations This entire section has been rewritten for clarification. Please refer to Appendix 1. 17.1 By-law By-laws will be passed in a single motion instead of 3 readings. If a Member wishes to discuss a by-law, the Member will remove the by-law from the main motion and it will be discussed and passed on a separate motion. 19.3 Substantive Members of Council requesting information that requires a Information significant amount of investigation and preparation by staff will Reports require a majority vote to have staff proceed with the request. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CAO 06-12 April 10, 2012 Subject: By-law for Council Rules of Procedure Page 3 3 00 As noted at the Public Meeting, the process followed during the drafting of the by-law was to incorporate all of the existing by-law requirements, include additional clarification of existing procedures and also to include standard Parliamentary Robert's Rules of Order (as used by Council on a consistent basis but not previously noted in the by-law). Timelines and processes have been reviewed in order to provide meeting efficiencies, clarity and transparency of information presented to Council. The draft by-law was prepared to provide clear and concise guidance to Council during meetings. Attachments: 1. Draft Council Rules of Procedure By-law 2. Executive Committee Minutes - January 16, 2012 3. Colour-Coded Version of the By-law for Comparison Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: • ~I Debbie Shields Paul Bigioni City Clerk City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering 'ty Council 30, Zo / ~ Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised d 4 ATTACi"If~IN~'~_ U6~ IPOR1' C AO ob - I a The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law XX/12 Being a by-law to govern the proceedings of Council, any of its committees, the conduct of its Members, and the calling of meetings. Whereas, Subsection 238(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that every municipality shall pass a procedure by-law for governing the calling, place and proceedings of meetings. Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: Index Page Definitions 4 Application of this By-law 5 Duties 6 Council Mayor/Chair Types of Meetings of Council 7 Inaugural Meeting Regular Council Meetings Special Meetings of Council-or a Standing Committee Closed.Meetings Standing Committee Meetings Statutory Public Information Meetings Advisory Committees Special or Ad Hoc Committee Closed Meeting Rules 9 General Public Information on Closed Meeting Business Information - Confidential Distribution of Confidential Material Limits on Voting Actions at Closed Meeting Attendance at a Closed Meeting Final Decision on Item from Closed Meeting Authority to Speak on Closed Meeting Matters Confidential Report Enquiries Regarding Closed Meetings Contraventions Complaints About the Appropriateness of a Closed Meeting 05 By-law ****/12 Page 2 Pecuniary Interest Rules 11 Actions Regarding a Meeting Notification of Meetings 12 Public Notification Emergency Notification Meeting Cancellation Meetings 12 Place of Meetings Chairing of Meetings Clerk's Attendance at Meetings Recording of Minutes Committee Meetings - Rules of Procedure Prohibited - Signs, Banners, Emblems, Flags, Cameras, Video Recordings Access to Council Floor Meeting Called to Order Quorum Absence of Chair Agenda and Minutes Consideration of Items Adjournment Hour/All Meetings Motion to Continue Past 12:00 am Conduct at Meetings 15 Members of the Public Members of Council Actions When a Member's Behaviour is Inappropriate Order of Business 16 Change in Order Presentations 16 Delegations 17 Delegations Delegation Time Limit Delegations at a Statutory Public Meeting Delegations Requesting Action Audio Visual Equipment for Delegations Priority of Delegations Conduct of the Delegation Questions to the Delegation Correspondence 19 Committee Reports 19 06 By-law ****/12 Page 3 New and Unfinished Business 19 Reports of an Urgent Nature Introduction of a Motion Notices of Motion 20 By-laws 20 Other Business 21 Notice of Motion Substantive Information Reports Confirmatory By-law 21 Adjournment 21 Rules of Debate 21 Chair Reads Motion Aloud Requirement to Read Motion Decorum During Debate Recognition of Member Order of Speakers Speaking to a Motion Questioning the Motion Proceedings Decided by Chair Chair's Decision Final Unless Appealed Appeal of Decision of Chair Common Motions 23 Seconding Withdrawal Priority of Disposition Questions of Privilege and Points of Order Motion to Table Motion to Divide Referral Motion Motion to Postpone to a Certain Time/Deferral Motion Amendments Motion to Adjourn Reconsideration Motion to Rescind Question Stated No Interruption After Question Voting 26 Requirement to Vote Vote Not Allowed Voting on Amendments Determination of Votes By-law ****/12 Page 4 U 7 No Secret Voting Decorum While Calling Vote Disagreement with Result of Vote Recorded Vote of Council Vote of the Chair Vote on the Question Contingencies 27 Suspension of Rules 27 Two-Thirds Vote 27 Commencement and Administration 28 Definitions 1.1 Definitions: a) "Act" - The Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended or re-enacted from time to time; b) "Acting Mayor" - The member of Council appointed to act in place of the Mayor under section 242 of the Act; c) "Chair" - the person elected or chosen to preside over a Council, Standing Committee or other type of meeting. d) "Chief Administrative Officer" - the Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Pickering; e) "Clerk" - the Clerk of the City of Pickering; f) "Closed Meeting" - a Meeting which is not open for public attendance; g) "Committee" - includes Standing Committees, Ad-Hoc Committees and Advisory Committees, which may be appointed by Council from time to time; h) "Council" - the Council of the City of Pickering; i) "Councillor" - the elected representative of a Ward on the Council of the City of Pickering; j) "Delegation" - an address to Council or a Committee by one or more persons who are not members of Council or City staff; k) "Inaugural Meeting" - the first meeting of a new Council after a municipal election where the declarations of office are made; 03 By-law ****/12 Page 5 1) "Majority" - greater than 50% of the Members present; m) - "Mayor" - the Head of Council for the City of Pickering; n) "Meeting" - any regular, special or other meeting of Council or a Committee where a Quorum is present; o) "Member" - a member of the Council or Committee; i p) "Notice of Motion" - advance notice to Members of a matter on which Council will be asked to take a position; q) "Pecuniary Interest" - a direct or indirect Pecuniary Interest within the meaning of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, RSO 1990, c M.50, as amended; r) Presentation _ a ceremonial presentation to or from the City of Pickering, s) "Public Consultation Meeting" - a meeting hosted by staff, committee or Council in order to receive input from the public regarding a specific matter; t) "Recorded Vote" - the making of a written record of the name and the vote of each Member who votes on a question; u) "Regular Meeting" - a scheduled meeting held in accordance with the approved calendar/schedule of meetings; v) "Rules of Procedure - the rules which are set forth in this by-law; w) "Special Meeting" - a meeting of Council or a Committee that is arranged outside of the normal meeting schedule to deal with only specific item(s) of business; x) "Standing Committees" -the Meetings referred to in section 4.5 of this By- law. y) "Statutory Public Information Meeting" - a meeting that is legislated under an Act and hosted by staff, standing committee or Council in order to inform the members of the public about a matter; Application of this By-law 2.1 The Rules of Procedure contained in this By-law shall be observed in all proceedings of Council and shall be the rules of order of business in Council and Committee. In the case for which provision is not made in this By-law, the procedure to be followed shall be determined by a majority vote of the Members present and voting. i By-law ****/12 Page 6 09 Duties 3.1 Council Members of Council shall come prepared to every Meeting by having read all the material supplied, including agendas and staff reports, to facilitate discussion and the determination of action at the Meeting. Whenever possible, the Member(s) shall make inquiries of staff regarding the materials supplied in advance of the Meeting. 3.2 Mayor/Chair The Mayor or. Chair shall: a) Open the Meetings by taking the chair and calling the Members to order. b) Announce the business before Council or the Committee and the order in which it is to be acted upon. c) Receive and submit, in the proper manner, all motions presented by the Members. d) Put to a vote all motions, which are moved, or necessarily arise in the course of the proceedings, and announce the result. e) Enforce the Rules of Procedure and rule upon all procedural matters. f) Restrain the Members, when engaged in debate, within the Rules of Procedure. g) Enforce on all occasions the observance of order and decorum by the Members and any other persons present in the Chamber. h) Call by name, any Member persisting in breach of the Rules of Procedure and to order him/her to vacate the Chamber in which the meeting is being held. i) Where it is not possible to maintain order, the Chair may, without any motion being put, recess or adjourn the Meeting to a time to be named by the Chair. j) Permit questions to be asked through the Chair of any staff in order to provide Members with, information to assist any debate when the Chair deems it proper. k) Rule on any points of order or points of privilege without debate or comment. 1) Rule whether a motion or proposed amendment is in order. m) Ascertain that all Members who wish to speak on a motion have spoken and that the Members are ready to vote, and shall then put the vote. !0 By-law ****/12 Page 7 n) The Chair may speak and/or vote on any question, but if he/she wishes to make a motion, he/she shall first leave the Chair by designating an Acting Chair to act in their place, until they resume the Chair. o) Call for a motion to adjourn the Meeting when the business is concluded. Types of Meetings of Council 4.1 Inaugural Meeting a) The inaugural meeting of Council shall be held on the first Monday after Council takes office pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act. b) The order of business for the first meeting of Council shall be as follows: (i) Call to Order (ii) Invocation (iii) Swearing in ceremony (iv) Inaugural address (v) Adjournment. 4.2 Regular Council Meetings All regular Meetings of the Council shall be held on the third Monday of each month at the hour of 7:00 pm unless otherwise provided by resolution of the Council or unless such a day shall be a public or civic holiday in which case the Council shall meet at the same hour on the next following day, which is not a public or civic holiday, unless otherwise provided by resolution of the Council. 4.3 Special Meetings of Council or a Standing Committee a) In addition to regular Meetings, the Mayor may at any time summon a Special Meeting of Council or a Standing Committee by giving written direction to the Clerk stating the date, time and purpose of the special Meeting. b) Upon written receipt of a petition of the majority of the Members of Council, the Clerk shall call a Special Meeting for the purpose and at the time and date mentioned in the petition. c) The Clerk shall give all Members notice of a Special Meeting twenty-four hours before the time appointed for such Meeting. Notice will deem to have been given on the day that the Notice was delivered by electronic mail to the address provided by the Member of Council to the Clerk for delivery of Notices, and in default of provision of such address, to the Member's City Hall office. By-law ****/12 Page 8 d) The notice to be given shall indicate the nature of the business to be considered, as well as the Special Meeting, date, time and place of the Special Meeting. e) No business other than that indicated in the notice shall be considered at the Special Meeting. 4.4 Closed Meetings a) All Meetings of Council closed to the public will be held prior to the regular start time, unless otherwise provide by resolution of Council, and will only deal with matters that Council is authorized to deal with in a closed session. 4.5 Standing Committee Meetings a) There shall be a Planning & Development Committee and an Executive Committee, to be considered as Standing Committees of Council for the purposes of this By-law, to be organized as follows: b) The Planning & Development Committee and the Executive Committee shall be comprised of all Members of Council. c) The Planning & Development Committee shall meet on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers. It shall be the duty of the Planning & Development Committee to study and report to Council on matters under the jurisdiction of the Planning & Development Department. d) The Executive Committee shall meet on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to study and report to. Council on matters under the jurisdiction of the Administration Department, the Corporate Services Department and the Community Services Department. 4.6 Statutory Public Information Meetings a) Public hearings shall be held at Standing Committee meetings, as required by applicable legislation, or by Council, or when considered desirable by staff. b) Appropriate advertising shall be undertaken as required by applicable legislation, by-law or according to City policy, to advise interested persons of the subject, date and time. 4.7 Advisory Committees a) All Advisory Committees of Council are required to adhere to this Procedural By-law and the general terms of reference for all advisory committees and at the first meeting following a general municipal election, are required to adopt and approve the specific terms of reference for the committee and forward to i2 By-law ****/12 Page 9 Council for approval by no later than March following a municipal election; and b) All advisory committees are required to present a yearly work plan and annual report on the status of the work plan to Council. 4.8 Special or Ad Hoc Committee Council may at any time appoint a special or ad hoc Committee to enquire into and report on any matter. When a Special or Ad Hoc Committee has completed its work and made its report to Council, the Committee shall be deemed to be dissolved. Closed Meeting Rules 5.1 General a) A meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered is: (i) the security of the property of the City; (ii) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including employees of the City; (iii) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the City; (iv) labour relations or employee negotiations; (v) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the City; (vi) the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; i (vii) a matter in respect of which Council may hold a closed meeting under another Act; or b) a meeting held for the purpose of educating or training the Members of Council may be closed to the public, provided that no Member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter at the meeting in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of the Council, local board or committee. 5.2 Public Information on Closed Meeting Business a) Before holding a Closed Meeting or part of a Meeting that is to be closed to the public, Council or a Committee must state the fact of the holding of the closed meeting and the general nature of the matter to be considered at the 13 By-law ****/12 Page 10 closed meeting and, if the Closed Meeting is an educational or training session the fact that it is closed pursuant to section 239(3.1) of the Act. b) If a member of Council wishes to introduce new business at a Closed Meeting, it must be introduced in open session after roll call while Council is still in the Chambers. Two Thirds of Council must determine, by vote, whether the matter will be dealt with in closed session that evening. No debate on the issue will take place until the motion to deal with the new business has been decided. 5.3 Information - Confidential All information, documentation or deliberations received, reviewed, or taken in a Closed Meeting, including the detailed agenda, is confidential and must not be released to the public or any individual not entitled to be present at the Closed Meeting. 5.4 Distribution of Confidential Material The Clerk must distribute all confidential reports and material for Closed Meetings in sealed envelopes that are marked with each Member's name. Confidential material must not be emailed to Members or staff. 5.5 Limits on Voting Actions at Closed Meeting No voting may take place during a Closed Meeting except if the vote is for a procedural matter or for giving direction or instructions to officers, employees or agents of the City, or persons retained by or under contract with the City. 5.6 Attendance at a Closed Meeting Members can only attend a Closed Meeting in person. 5.7 Final Decision on Item from Closed Meeting Subject to the provisions of Section 239 of the Act, a Closed Meeting agenda item that requires a final decision must be implemented by Council resolution or By-law at a future public meeting of Council. 5.8 Authority to Speak on Closed Meeting Matters When a decision is made by Council to relay information to the public regarding a Closed Meeting item, the Mayor or the Mayor's delegate will release the information. 5.9 Confidential Report When a Closed Meeting of Council has been held, the Public Agenda of the Closed Meeting shall be available at the first Regular Council meeting following the Closed Meeting. ~4 By-law ****/12 Page 11 5.9 Enquiries regarding Closed Meetings The response of Members to inquiries about any matter dealt with by Council or a Committee at a Closed Meeting, prior to it being reported publicly, must be "no comment", or words to that effect. No member is allowed to release or make public any information considered at a Closed Meeting or discuss the contents of such a Meeting with anyone other than Members or staff who were present at the Closed Meeting. 5.10 Contraventions a) Any Member who contravenes section 5.8 or section 5.9 is guilty of an offence and upon conviction may be liable to a fine or penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act. b) A decision to prosecute a Member under this section may only be made after Council has met to consider the matter, at which time the Member proposed to be prosecuted may be present and has the option of attending with legal counsel. The said Member has the option of requesting that the Meeting be held in public or that it be closed to the public. c) No prosecution for a contravention of section 5.8 or section 5.9 may be commenced except on the direction of Council, expressed in a resolution of Council. 5.11 Complaints About the Appropriateness of a Closed Meeting A person may request that an investigation of whether a municipality or local board has complied with section 239 or a procedure by-law in respect to a Closed Meeting or part of a Closed Meeting will be undertaken by the Ombudsman appointed under the Ombudsman Act, if the municipality has not appointed an investigator. Any complaints made in relation to the appropriateness of a Closed Meeting under section 239.1 of the Act must be in writing pursuant to section 239.2 of the Act and directed to the Clerk who will forward to the Investigator appointed by Council to review complaints. All complaints are confidential and forwarded directly to the investigator to be dealt with as required by section 239.2 of the Act. Pecuniary Interest Rules 6.1 The purpose of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act is to ensure Members, do not personally profit from a decision they played a role in making. The Act, lays out the procedure that elected officials must follow when faced with an issue whose outcome could potentially impact their pecuniary interests. 6.2 Actions Regarding a Meeting I In addition to fully complying with all obligations imposed by the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, when a Member, has a pecuniary interest in a matter on a Meeting agenda ?5 By-law ****/12 Page 12 or in a Closed Meeting, the Member must not attempt in any way, either before, during, or after the Meeting, to influence the voting on the matter. Notification of Meetings 7.1 Public Notification Public notification shall be deemed to have been given by the posting of the Council or Committee agenda on the City website and available for public review in the office of the City Clerk as follows: a) Committee Meetings - by 4:00 pm on the Friday, 10 days prior to the meeting date. b) Council Meetings - by 4:00 pm on the Friday preceding the Council meeting. c) Special Meetings - at least twenty-four hours preceding the meeting. d) Closed Meetings - at least twenty-four hours preceding the meeting. 7.2 Emergency Notification Emergency Meetings may be held, without written notice, to deal with issues that may urgently affect the health or safety of residents. The Clerk shall attempt to notify the public of emergency Meetings as soon as possible and in the most expedient manner available. 7.3 Meeting Cancellation Upon notice of a Meeting cancellation, the Clerk shall attempt to notify the public as soon as possible and in the most expedient manner available. Meetings 8.1 Place of Meetings All regular Meetings of the Council and Standing Committee meetings shall be held in the Council Chambers at the City of Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario, unless otherwise decided by resolution of Council. 8.2 Chairing of Meetings a) Every Council meeting shall be chaired by the Mayor, if present; b) The Chair of the Standing Committees shall be rotated each meeting amongst the Members of Council, in alphabetical order. 8.3 Clerk's Attendance at Meetings i The City Clerk or Clerks designate, shall be present at all Meetings of Council; however, he/she may delegate some member of staff to act in his/her stead at a Standing Committee Meeting. 16 By-law ****/l2 Page 13 8.4 Recording of Minutes a) The Clerk shall record without note or comment all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings at a Meeting, whether it be closed to the public or not; b) The record required by the Municipal Act in respect of a Meeting, shall be made by: i) The Clerk, in the case of a meeting of Council; or ii) The appropriate officer, in the case of a meeting of a Committee. 8.5 Committee Meetings - Rules of Procedure The rules of procedure set out in this By-law shall be observed in Meetings of the Committees insofar as they are applicable, provided that, a) A recorded vote shall not be taken on a question before a Committee; and b) A report, setting out the recommendations of any Committee, shall be forwarded to the first regular Council Meeting following the meeting of the Committee. 8.6 Prohibited - Signs, Banners, Emblems, Flags, Cameras, Video Recordings To ensure that all members of the public are comfortable participating in Meetings: a) Signs, banners, emblems, flags, cameras, audio and video recordings by the public are prohibited in the Chambers except by permission of the Chair; b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of section 8.6 shall not apply to City Staff, Rogers Cable or any other media, broadcasting or webstreaming service provider permitted by Council. 8.7 Access to Council Floor No person except members of Council, the Clerk, and officials authorized by the Clerk: a) Shall be allowed on the floor of the place a Meeting is being- held while Council or a Committee is sitting; b) Material to be distributed to Council during a Meeting can only be distributed by the Clerk or the Clerks designate. 8.8 Meeting Called to Order The Chair, as soon after the hour is fixed for the holding of the Meeting of the Council, and if a quorum is present, shall take the Chair and call the Meeting to order. 17 By-law ****/12 Page 14 8.9 Quorum a) If a quorum is not present one-half hour after the time appointed for a Meeting of the Council and/or Committee, the Clerk shall record the names of. the Members present and the Meeting shall stand adjourned until the next Meeting. b) A majority of the Members elected to the Council shall constitute a quorum. 8.10 Absence of Chair a) Council Meetings - If the Mayor does not attend within fifteen minutes after the hour is fixed for the holding of the Meeting of the Council and if a quorum is present; an Acting Mayor who has been appointed to this position by a resolution of Council shall preside over the Meeting and have the same authority to chair the Meeting as the Mayor would have had, if present. b) When the Mayor and Acting Mayor are absent or refuse to act, the Council may by resolution appoint one of its Members to act in the place and stead of the Mayor and Acting Mayor, and such Member shall have the same authority to chair the Meeting as the Mayor. c) Standing Committee Meetings - If the Chair does not attend within fifteen minutes after the hour is fixed for the holding of the Meeting of the Committee and if a quorum is present, the Council Member who is next in alphabetical order to Chair will assume the position of Chair. 8.11 Agendas and Minutes The agendas, minutes and any written notices pertaining to any Standing Committee and Council Meeting shall be sent to all Members of Council. 8:12 Consideration of Items Council may consider any matter without referring it to a Committee or may refer it to a Committee or to any number of Committees, and may withdraw a matter from a Committee at any time. 8.14 Adjournment Hour/All Meetings All regular Meetings shall stand adjourned when all business has been completed as listed on the Order of Business or at the hour of 12:00 am. 8.15 Motion to Continue Past 12:00 am a) In the event the business before Council has not been completed at the hour of..12:00 am, then Council may, by a majority vote of all the Members present, approve an extension of the Meeting to the hour of 1:00 am. U By-law ****/12 Page 15 b) At 1:00 am, any unfinished business shall be deferred to the next regular Meeting of Council, unless a resolution of Council is made to reconvene the Council Meeting to another day and time prior to the next regular Meeting of Council. A resolution to reconvene to another day and time requires a majority vote. If a resolution of Council to reconvene the Council Meeting to another day prior to the next regular Meeting is adopted, the Meeting must be rescheduled not sooner than 48 hours after the original Meeting in order to provide Council, staff and interested parties an opportunity to make arrangements to attend the rescheduled Meeting. c) Motions to continue past 12:00 am are not debatable. i Conduct at Meetings 9.1 Members of the Public The Chair will ensure that members of the Public shall be respectful of Council, staff, delegations and all attendees at the Meeting by not heckling, speaking disruptively while debate is in progress, making comments or applauding. 9.2 Members of Council Members of Council shall: a) act in accordance with their Oath of Elected Appointed Officials; b) treat the Chair, other Members, staff and delegates from the public with courtesy, respect and good faith; c) hold in strict confidence all information concerning matters dealt with in Closed Meetings. d) not speak disrespectfully of the Reigning Sovereign, or of any of member of the Royal Family, or of the governor-general, the Lieutenant-Governor of any Province, of any member of the Senate, the House of Commons of Canada or the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario; e) not use offensive words or unparliamentary language in or against Council or against any Member; f) not speak on any subject other than the motion being debated; g) not criticize any decision of Council except for the purpose of moving a motion to reconsider a previous decision of Council. III ~I I i I By-law ****/12 Page 16 9.3 Actions When a Member's Behaviour is Inappropriate The Chair may Call the Member to Order and take one or more of the following actions: a) decide that there was no breach of the rule; b) ask the Member in breach of the rules to stop the behaviour; c) ask the Member to withdraw what was said; or d) ask the Member to apologize. 9.4 If previous attempts to call the member to order have failed, the Chair may decide, not to recognize the Member, for the balance of that meeting, in which case the Member shall not speak or vote for the remainder of that Meeting. Order of Business 10.1 The Order of Business for the regular Meetings of Council shall be as follows: (a) Meeting Called To Order (b) Invocation (c) Disclosures of Interest (d) Minutes of Previous Meetings (e) Presentations (f) Delegations (g) Correspondence (h) Committee Reports (i) New and Unfinished Business (j) Motions and Notices of Motion (k) By-laws (1) Confidential Council (m) Other Business (n) Confirmation By-law (o) Adjournment. 10.2 Change in Order All business shall be taken up in the order in which it appears on the agenda unless otherwise decided by a vote of the majority of the Members present and voting. Presentations 11.1 Presentations a) Charities, organizations or individuals wishing to address Council to inform Members of special events or achievements, to seek Council's recognition of an event or achievement or to make a presentation to Council shall request the opportunity to be granted presentation status. b) It shall be the duty of the Mayor to make presentations and to accept presentations, on behalf of Council, at Meetings of Council. Where a i 20 By-law ****/12 Page 17 presentation is made or accepted from an organization on which a member of Council has been appointed to sit, the presentation shall be jointly made or accepted with the appointed member of Council. Where otherwise appropriate, presentations may be made or accepted jointly with another Member or Members of Council. c) The request for presentation status shall be submitted to the Clerk, in writing, no later than fourteen days preceding the Meeting at which the presentation is to be made. Delegations 12.1 Delegations a) Prior to appearing before Council, every delegation shall be required to appear before the Standing Committee having charge of the matter of fact or the request which is the subject matter of the delegation. b) All delegations for items listed on the agenda for a Meeting shall register in writing with the City Clerk by 12:00 noon on the Meeting date. c) Delegations that have not registered in writing by 12:00 noon on the Meeting date shall only be added to the agenda if permitted by a two-thirds majority vote of Members present at the Meeting. d) Delegations who wish to have their name entered on the Agenda pages must register in writing no later than 4:00 pm on the Wednesday 10 days prior to the Meeting. e) Delegations are encouraged to submit a written brief and, if the brief is submitted to the Clerk by 12:00 noon on the Friday preceding the Meeting, it shall be copied and distributed as "Delegation" submissions to Members. 12.2 Delegation Time Limit' a) A maximum of 10 minutes shall be allotted for each delegation to present his/her/their position at a Meeting. b) A delegation will not be permitted to assume any unused time allocated to another delegation. 12.3 Delegations at a Statutory Public Meeting Delegations will be permitted from the gallery without prior registration only during the Statutory Public Information Meeting portion of a Meeting held under the provisions of the Planning Act, or prior to the adoption of certain by-laws at a Council Meeting, if required to comply with applicable laws. Delegations are not required to register for a Statutory Public Information Meeting but are encouraged to do so in order to facilitate the efficient conduct of the Meeting. 21 By-law ****/12 Page 18 12.4 Delegations Requesting Action Delegations which appear at a Meeting and request that action be taken by the Council shall, if required by a majority of the Members present at the Meeting, be referred to City staff for a report that shall be dealt with at a future Meeting of Council. 12.5 Audio Visual Equipment for Delegations The City's audio visual equipment may be used to assist in presentations by delegations, provided that permission has been obtained for use of such equipment from the Clerk at least 5 working days prior to the Meeting date. All presentation materials must be delivered to the Clerk by 12:00 noon on the Friday before the meeting at which the delegation is to appear. 12.6 Priority of Delegations Delegations shall be listed in the agenda in the order in which requests were received by the Clerk, it being understood that where more than one person wishes to make a presentation on a particular matter, the proponent or his or her authorized representative will be listed last in order to afford the proponent the opportunity of making a presentation after all other interested persons have done so. 12.7 Conduct of the Delegation a) The Chair may curtail any delegation and any questions to a delegation for disorder or any other breach of this by-law and, if the Chair rules that the delegation is concluded, the person or persons appearing shall end the delegation. b) Delegations shall not: (i) speak disrespectfully of any person; (ii) use offensive words; (iii) speak on any subject other than the subject for which they have received approval to address Committee or Council; (iv) disobey a decision of the Chair or Committee or Council; (v) debate with other delegations, City staff, Council Members or the Chair. 12.8 Questions to the Delegation a) Upon the completion of a presentation to Committee or Council by a delegation, any discussion between Members and the delegation shall be limited to Members asking questions for clarification and obtaining additional, relevant information only. . b) All questions to a delegation from Members shall be stated succinctly. Members shall not question a delegation for the purpose of expanding the scope of the delegation's remarks or for adding the Member's own 22 By-law ****/12 Page 19 statements through the delegation. Delegations are an opportunity for delegates, not Members, to make their views known. For example, questions from Members such as "are you aware", "do you agree" or "wouldn't you say" shall not be permitted as they do not seek clarification or additional relevant information. Members-shall not enter into debate with delegations. Questions to the delegation shall be presented in a courteous and non-argumentative manner. c) Once a motion has been moved and seconded, no further representation or questions of the delegation shall be permitted. Correspondence 13.1 Correspondence a) All correspondence intended to be presented to Council through the Council agenda shall be legibly written or printed, shall not contain any impertinent or improper matter or language and, shall be signed by at least one person and shall be filed with the Clerk by no later than 12:00 noon on the Wednesday before the Meeting of Council. b) The Clerk shall prepare a summary of the substance of all correspondence for inclusion in the agenda. c) Petitions are a specific form of correspondence that must be presented to the Clerk for Committee or Council action. Petitions must include a statement or position that the signers are supporting, the legible printed names and addresses of the signers and the original signatures of each of the signers. Individuals who are represented by photocopies of their signatures will not be considered valid supporters of the petition. The individual or group initiating the petition, or submitting the petition to the Clerk, must provide a key contact name, address and telephone number to the Clerk. Committee Reports 14.1 Committee Reports Standing Committee reports which are to be adopted by Council shall be forwarded to the first regular Council Meeting following the meeting of the Standing Committee and shall be listed under the Committee Reports section of the agenda. New and Unfinished Business 15.1 Reports of an Urgent Nature Departmental reports which are deemed by the Chief Administrative Officer to be of an urgent nature and which have not been considered by a Standing Committee shall be listed under the New and Unfinished Business section of the agenda for Council's consideration. By-law ****/12 Page 20 23 15.2 Introduction of a Motion a) A Member may, with the consent of two-thirds of the Members present, introduce a motion under New and Unfinished Business if the motion cannot, due to its urgent nature, be properly presented at a Meeting in accordance with Section 16.1. b) A Member desiring to introduce a main motion must do so in writing to the Clerk. Notice of Motion 16.1 Notices of Motion a) A Member desiring to introduce a notice of motion must do so in writing at any Meeting, at least 10 days prior to,the Meeting at which the motion will be dealt with. Introduction of notices of motion must be done as "Other Business". b) In order to be listed in the agenda, a copy of the motion being considered by Council, must be forwarded to the Clerk, signed by the mover and seconder, no later than 12:00 pm on the Wednesday prior to the Council Meeting at which the motion will be dealt with. c) The Clerk, upon receipt of a notice of motion in accordance with a) and b), shall print the motion in full in the agenda for the Council Meeting at which it is to be dealt with. d) A notice of motion that has been introduced but does not appear on the agenda within two Council Meetings shall be removed from the list of upcoming agenda items, unless otherwise directed by Council.. I By-laws 17.1 By-laws a) All by-laws shall be passed in a single. motion, unless a Member wishes to discuss the contents of a particular by-law or by-laws, in which case the subject by-law(s) shall be removed from the motion and dealt with separately. b) every by-law, when introduced, shall be in typewritten form, shall be complete except for the by-law date and number and shall contain no blanks except such as may be required to conform to accepted procedure or to comply with the provisions of any Act; and c) every by-law which has been passed by the Council shall be numbered, dated, sealed with the seal of the Corporation, signed by the Mayor and the Clerk and deposited by the Clerk in his/her office for safekeeping. 'II 24 By-law ****/12 Page 21 Other Business 19.1 Other Business At any Meeting under Other Business, Members may congratulate, report on events and promote upcoming events of public importance or interest. 19.2 Notice of Motion A Member who wishes to give notice of a motion to be brought forward for future Council consideration shall do so in writing under "Other Business". 19.3 Substantive Information Reports All Members' requests for substantive information or reports from staff shall require the approval of a majority of. Members present at a Meeting. Such requests shall identify the appropriate Department and/or Director and the objective(s) of the report. Confirmatory By-law 20.1 Confirmatory By-law At the conclusion of all regular and special Meetings of Council, and prior to adjournment, a by-law shall be brought forward to confirm the actions of the Council in respect of all motions, resolutions and other actions taken subsequent to the last regular Council Meeting. A confirmatory by-law, when introduced, shall be taken as having been read and shall be voted on without debate. Adjournment 21.1 Adjournment The Council may adjourn upon a motion approved by the majority of Members present. Rules of Debate 22.1 Chair Reads Motion Aloud To begin debate, the Chair reads the motion aloud. 22.2 Requirement to Read Motion Any Member may require a motion under discussion to be read at any time during the debate but not so as to interrupt a Member while speaking. i By-law ****/12 Page 22 25 22.3 Decorum During Debate During debate, and while the Chair is speaking, or when the Council is engaged in voting, no Member is permitted to disturb the Council by whispering, or walking across the floor, or in any other way except to raise a point of order. 22.4 Recognition of Member Every Member shall raise his/her hand and be recognized by the Chair prior to speaking to any matter or motion. 22.5 Order of Speakers When two or more Members raise their hands to speak, the Chair shall designate the Member who has the floor who shall be the Member who, in the opinion of the Chair, raised his/her hand first. 22.6 Speaking to a Motion A maximum of 10 minutes shall be allotted to each member wishing to speak to present his/her position on the motion. No Member shall speak more than once to the same motion except: a) with leave of the Chair, for not more than 5 additional minutes, in explanation of a material part of their speech which may have been interpreted incorrectly; b) with leave of the Chair, for not more than 5 additional minutes, after all other Members so desiring have spoken; or c) in reply, as may be allowed with leave of the Chair, by the Member who presented the motion, in which case the Member shall speak for no longer than a five minute period. 22.7 Questioning the Motion a) A Member may ask a question during the course of debate only for the purpose of obtaining information relating to the motion under discussion and such question must be stated concisely and asked only through the Chair. b) Notwithstanding the above, when a Member has been recognized as the next speaker, such Member may immediately before speaking ask a question through the Chair on the motion under discussion, but only for the purpose of obtaining information, following which the Member shall speak. 22.8 Proceedings Decided by Chair In all other proceedings of Council, the matter shall be decided by the Chair, subject to an appeal to Council on a point of order. 26 By-law ****/12 Page 23 22.9 Chair's Decision Final Unless Appealed Unless a Member immediately appeals to the Council the Chair's decision, the decision of the Chair shall be final. 22.10 Appeal of Decision of Chair If the Member appeals to Council, it shall be done by a duly moved and seconded motion and Council shall decide the question without debate and the decision shall be final. The question to Council would be "Do you support the Chair's ruling, "Yes" or "No". A tie vote sustains the decision of the Chair. Common Motions 23.1 Seconding A motion must be formally seconded before the Chair can put the question or for it to be recorded in the Minutes. 23.2 Withdrawal The mover and seconder may withdraw a motion or a notice of motion at any time prior to it being read, and, in such event, the motion shall not be included in the minutes of the Meeting. After a motion has been read or stated by the Chair, it shall be deemed to' be in possession of Council, but may, with the permission of Council, be withdrawn at any time before decision or amendment. 23.3 Priority of Disposition A motion properly before Council for decision must be disposed of before any other motion or matter can be introduced with the exception of any one of the following: a) a point of order or personal privilege b) to table c) to divide d) that the question be now put e) to refer f) to defer g) to amend h) to suspend any section of the Rules of Procedure i) to recess j) ' to adjourn. 23.4 Questions of Privilege and Points of Order The Chair shall preserve order and decide points of order and questions of privilege. By-law ****/12 Page 24 27 When a Member has a point of order or question of privilege it shall be considered and decided immediately. The Member shall ask leave of the Chair to rise for the purpose of drawing attention to the matter. If leave is granted by the Chair, the Member must state his/her point to the Chair as succinctly as possible and await the decision of the Chair. Once the Chair has made a decision the business of Council shall resume at the point where it was suspended. 23.5 Motion to Table A Member shall not be, allowed to speak to a motion and immediately move a tabling motion. 23.6 Motion to Divide A motion containing distinct proposals may be divided and a separate vote shall be taken upon each proposal contained in a motion if decided upon by a majority vote of the Members present and voting. 23.7 Referral Motion A motion to refer a motion or matter to a Committee or to City staff with instructions is debatable and amendable but, shall be disposed of by Council before the original motion or any other motion pertaining to the original motion. a) A member who moves a motion to refer shall also include in the motion: (i) The name of the committee, body or official to whom the motion or amendment is to be referred; (ii) The terms upon which it is to be referred; and (iii) The date or period, if any, within which the matter is to be returned. 23.8 Motion to Postpone to a Certain Time/Deferral Motion A motion to defer a matter to a different time must include time, place, and the purpose of the deferral, if applicable and shall be in order after a motion is read or stated by the Chair and debate shall be confined to the time and place to which the matter shall be deferred. 23.9 Amendments a) A motion to amend: i) shall be presented in writing if requested by the Chair; 2.8 By-law ****/12 Page 25 ii) shall be relevant to the original motion; iii) shall be disposed of by Council before the original motion; and iv) shall not be received if it proposes a direct negative to the original motion. b) a motion to amend an amending motion shall be disposed of by Council before the motion to amend the original motion; c) only one motion to amend an amendment to the original motion shall be allowed and any further amendment must be to the original motion; 23.10 Motion to Adjourn Is not debatable or amendable; Is always in order except when a member is speaking or during a vote; If carried, requires that the Meeting be immediately halted, regardless of the stage of proceedings; If not carried, no new motion to adjourn may be made again until after some intermediate proceedings shall have been completed by Council 23.11 Reconsideration After a matter has been decided, any Member who voted in the majority may move for reconsideration at the same Meeting, or may give notice of a motion for reconsideration of the matter at a subsequent Meeting. No discussion of the original motion shall be allowed until the motion for reconsideration has carried. A reconsideration motion requires a.two thirds vote of the Members present. No matter shall be reconsidered more than once within 12 months. 23.12 Motion to Rescind A motion to rescind a previous resolution of Council requires a majority vote of the Council at a Council Meeting provided that notice has been given at the previous meeting or in the call of the Meeting and if notice has not been given, a motion to rescind requires a two-thirds vote of the Members present and voting. 23.13 Question Stated Immediately preceding a vote, the Chair may state the motion in the form introduced and shall do so if requested by a Member. The motion shall be stated in the precise form in which it will be recorded in the Minutes. 23.14 No Interruption After Question After the Chair has called the vote on a motion, no Member shall speak to the motion nor shall any other motion be presented until, after the vote and the result has been declared. By-law ****/12 Page 26 29 Voting 24.1 Requirement to Vote All members present and seated must vote. If a Member is present and does not vote, he/she is deemed to have voted in the negative. 24.2 Vote Not Allowed A Member not in their seat when the question is called by the Chair is not entitled to vote on that question. 24.3 Voting on Amendments Amendments are voted upon before the main motion and if there are numerous amendments, the Chair may place them in the most logical, practical and expeditious order for consideration. 24.4 Determination of Votes The manner of determining the decision of Council on a motion shall be by the prominent show of hands. 24.5 No Secret Voting No vote may be taken by ballot or any other method of secret voting. 24.6 Decorum While Calling Vote When the Chair calls for the vote on a motion, each Member shall occupy their seat and shall remain in their seat until the result of the vote has been declared by the Chair, and during such time no Member shall cross the floor or speak to any other Member or make any noise or disturbance. 24.7 Disagreement with Result of Vote If a Member disagrees with the announcement of the Chair that a motion is carried or defeated, the Member may, but only immediately after the declaration by the Chair, object to the declaration and a recorded vote shall be taken. 24.8 Recorded Vote of Council Where a vote of Council is taken for any purpose and a Member requests immediately prior or immediately subsequent to the taking of the vote that the vote be recorded, each Member present, beginning with the requester of the recorded vote and continuing alphabetically from that member onward, except a Member who is disqualified from voting by reason of interest or otherwise, shall announce their vote openly and the Clerk shall record each vote. The Mayor shall be called upon to vote following all other Members. 30 By-law ****/12 Page 27 24.9 Vote of the Chair The Chair, except when disqualified to vote by reason of interest or otherwise, may vote with the other Members on all questions. 24.10 Vote on the Question A motion that a vote on the question be now taken: a) cannot be amended or debated; b) cannot be proposed when there is an amending motion under consideration except for the purpose of moving that the amending motion be put; c) when resolved in the affirmative, shall be followed immediately by the original motion which shall be put forward without debate or amendment; d) can only be moved in the following words: "That the question be now put" or "Call the question"; and e) requires a two-thirds vote of the Members present. Contingencies 25.1 Contingencies In all contingencies not provided for in this by-law, the question shall be decided by the Chair and in making such a ruling, the decision shall be based on Roberts Rules of Order. Suspension of Rules 26.1 Suspension of Rules Any procedure required by this by-law may be suspended with consent of not less than two-thirds of the Members present. Two-Thirds Vote 27.1 Two-Thirds Vote A two-thirds vote shall be deemed to have been accomplished with the following voting in the affirmative: five of seven Members four of six Members three of five Members three of four Members 31 By-law ****/12 Page 28 Commencement and Administration 28.1 This by-law shall be administered by the Clerk. 28.2 By-law 6746/07 is hereby repealed. 28.3 The short title of this by-law is the "Procedural By-law". By-law passed this day of XX, 2012. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk i CLtq O~ Ex c Live Committee 32 PICKE Meeting Minutes Monday, January 16, 2012 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson Present: Mayor Ryan Councillors: K. Ashe D. Dickerson B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles P. Rodrigues Also Present: T. Prevedel - Chief Administrative Officer E. Buntsma - Director, Community Services G. Paterson - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer T. Melymuk - Director, Office of Sustainability P. Bigioni - City Solicitor B. Douglas Fire Chief D. Shields - City Clerk L. Winterstein - Manager, Marketing & Business Development C. Hodge - Coordinator, Economic Development F. Jadoon - Economic Development Officer L. Roberts - Committee Coordinator (1) Disclosure of Interest No disclosures of interest were noted. (11) Public Information Meeting 1. Chief Administrative Officer's Report, CAO 03-12 Public Meeting Notice of the Passing of a By-law for Council Rules of Procedure A public information meeting was held under the Municipal Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to proposed amendments to the City of Pickering Procedural By-law. 1 Cal, Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 3 PICKE Monday, January 16, 2012 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson The City Clerk appeared before the Committee and provided an overview of the process and amendments to the City of Pickering Procedural By-law. She explained the purpose of holding a public meeting was to receive comments from residents with no decisions being made regarding the by-law at this time. She also noted she had received a number of calls from residents and provided clarification regarding their questions. Maurice Brenner, 711 Sunbird Trail, appeared before the Committee noting that the Procedural By-law needs further review and presented recommendations for consideration. He noted that there should be recorded votes noted in closed meetings to provide transparency of the meeting. He requested clarification on who the Mayor's Delegate would be when relaying closed meeting information to the public and questioned what would constitute a breach of a closed meeting. He noted that there should be a clear process in place and also suggested the hiring of an Integrity Commissioner. He questioned why recorded votes are not taken at Committee meetings, stating the residents have a right to know how items were voted on. He also noted his opposition to the five minute timeline for delegations to be heard and also suggested Town Hall meetings as a great way to engage the public. He suggested that a review of the best practices from GTA municipalities should be undertaken and requested clarity of the language in the by-law so there is no misunderstanding. A question and answer period ensued. Ian Cumming,. 1899 Fairport Road, appeared before the Committee stating his opposition to the proposed timelines for delegations, but also noted that he did not oppose the cut off time for meeting adjournment. He referred to previous issues that had been brought before Council and noted that results had been achieved because delegations were given the opportunity to meet with Council. He noted his concerns regarding delegations at Committee only and stated that this would limit public exposure to the media. He also stated that he felt there was not enough time given to review the draft by-law and stated that more clarity in the language is required. A question and answer period ensued. David Steele, 966 Timmins Garden, appeared before the Committee in opposition to the delegation timelines. He stated the need for better dialogue in order to make more informed decisions. He also stated that there was not enough time to review the draft by-law and noted he was not aware the by-law was on this agenda until a member of public notified him. He stated he felt the ten minute maximum for delegations was good as some take more time and some less, balancing it out. He offered a number of recommendations with respect to closed meetings, protocol for 2 3 4c~ty o~ Executive Committee Meeting Minutes P Monday, January 16, 2012 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson the appointment of an investigator, public notification and suggested more detail be provided for special meetings. He stated he would send his recommendations in writing to the City Clerk and indicated his desire to participate in further discussions on this matter. Pasquale Malandrino, 633 Dunn Cres., appeared before the Committee stating his consensus with comments made by previous delegations. He stated.every citizen has a right to share their opinion and some would have difficulty getting their point across with the proposed five minute limit and stated that the ten minute limit should be kept. He noted his concern with the lack of notice to residents of this meeting and stated that the public should be given longer notification timelines for meetings. He also stated he did not have any issues with the current by-law, but recommended that if the proposed draft by-law goes through it should be reviewed and re-visited if needed in a timely manner. He also urged the Committee not be influenced by what other municipalities have done. Andy McKinnon, Pickering resident, appeared before the Committee stating his concerns with the notification process and noted that he just found out about this item being on the agenda today. He stated that he felt more time was necessary to review the proposed amendments by the public. He also noted that Council should listen to the concerns of the Pickering residents and not what other municipalities are doing and stated Council is failing to serve the residents if limits are put on delegations. A discussion period ensued with respect to delegations and the lack of notice to the public. Carol Bamford, 528 Marksbu y Rd., appeared before the Committee noting her concerns with the timelines involved for registering as a delegation prior to the agenda being published. She also noted that Council could be restricting their ability to obtain important information from delegations by imposing a five question limit to delegations. Sharon Powell, Ajax, appeared before the Committee stating her concerns with delegation timelines. She noted that more complex issues usually require more time for discussion. She also stated that by limiting delegations to five minutes, they may end up with twice as many people wishing to be heard, particularly in the case of an issue that generates significant opposition where everyone wants to be heard. Cat Beattie, Pickering resident, appeared before the Committee noting her opposition to the proposed five. minute time limit on delegations and noted her concern with democracy fading away. She also stated the meeting notification should have been sent out sooner and that it did not provide enough information. She stated she is in 3 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes 35 Monday, January 16, 2012 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson favour of additional public meetings regarding the draft by-law and there should be a document that shows what the amendments being proposed are. Dan Murphy, 895 Baylawn Drive, appeared before the Committee noting his concerns with voting at closed meetings and stated he felt the votes should be recorded. He also questioned prohibiting recordings at meetings and whether this included Rogers Cable televising the meetings. He also noted his concerns with the notification process for the meeting. He stated that the proposed time limits for delegations were inappropriate and restrictive which discourages public participation. He also stated that appearing at the Committee level first was too restrictive, and that by going before Council there is more public exposure which carries greater weight. He felt the proposed five minute limit on delegations would not be'sufficient and the five question limit to delegations was inappropriate. A discussion period ensued with respect to recordings at meetings and that Committee meetings should also be recorded. Questions were raised with respect to getting the word out and how best to reach more residents as well as the need to provide more detail in the notices. Mike Borie, 1044 Escott Crt. appeared before the Committee expressing his opposition to the proposed five minute limit for delegations. He stated residents have a right to speak and what other municipalities are implementing should not be a consideration in Pickering. He also felt this does not take into consideration persons with disabilities that might not be able to speak quickly, He felt there should be additional public forums on this issue and also noted his concerns with the process for public notification. The Committee took a ten minute recess and resumed at 10:30 pm. Victoria Hodgson, Rougemount area resident, appeared before the Committee stating her concerns with the timelines regarding public notification and questioned when the next meeting would be held. Jacqueline Smart, 829 Fairview Ave., appeared before the Committee and felt the time limit for delegations should.remain at ten minutes and also stated we should not be looking at what other municipalities do. She stated her concern with only being able to be a delegate at the Committee meeting and noted that residents might have additional pertinent information to relay that could impact on the decisions made. She noted that delegations should be able to appear at Committee and Council. She also noted her concerns with the process for public notification and felt there should have been more time to review the draft by-law. She also stated the need for simpler language and more clarification as it is difficult to understand the by-law. 4 Executive Committee 3 77_ Meeting Minutes 1 Monday, January 16, 2012 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Dickerson A question and answer period ensued. James Blair, 682 Foxwood Trail, appeared before the Committee noting concerns with the procedures respecting public notification. He also recommended that the procedural by-law be published noting what the revisions are for clarification. He stated he felt it was a good idea to look at other municipalities and also recommended more venues for the public to speak. A question and answer period ensued. The City Clerk provided further clarification on questions from the delegations and Members of Council. She encouraged residents to contact her with questions or concerns and to also submit their recommendations to her in writing. She stated the majority of the rules in the draft Procedural By-law before them were the same as the one being used now and most of the changes were included to provide clarification. She stated that she could provide a draft copy of the by-law highlighting the old, new and clarified sections to anyone that would like a copy. The City Clerk was requested to look into what the process is should the public wish to appeal the proposed draft by-law, if passed by Council. It was also suggested that a 7:00 pm start time for meetings might be appropriate. (III) Matters for Consideration The Chair noted that the CAO had requested that Item 4, Report CS 03-12 be withdrawn from the agenda for further review. 1. Director, Office of Sustain ability, Report OS 01-12 Marketing & Business Development Program 2011 Year End Summary Discussion ensued and clarification was made by staff with respect to the relationship between the City of Pickering and the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance (GTMA). It was noted that the City of Pickering enjoys a positive- networking partnership with the GTMA. This is a gateway to international investors and many significant leads have been realized through this relationship. Staff were requested to provide detailed statistics on the number of new businesses in Pickering; the number of new jobs, as well as jobs lost and also questioned whether they could get information on the different types of jobs in Pickering. Recommendation 5 I ATTi4CMMrNT# Ta REPOPT* C AO 06 - t2 37 The Corporation of the City of Pickering I By-law XX/12 Being a by-law to govern the proceedings of Council, any of its committees, the conduct of its Members, and the calling of meetings. Whereas, Subsection 238(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S. 0. 2001, c.25, provides that every municipality shall pass a procedure by-law for governing the calling, place and proceedings of meetings. Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: Index Page Definitions 4 Application of this By-law 6 Duties 6 Council Mayor/Chair Types of Meetings of Council 7 Inaugural Meeting Regular Council Meetings Special Meetings'of Council or a Standing Committee Closed Meetings - Standing Committee Meetings Statutory Public Meetings Advisory Committee Special or Ad Hoc Committee Closed Meeting Rules 9 Public Information on Closed Meeting Business Information- Confidential Distribution of Confidential Material Limits on voting actions at closed meeting Attendance at a closed meeting Final decision on Items from closed meetings Authority to Speak on Closed Meeting Matters Enquiries Regarding Closed Meetings Contraventions Complaints About Appropriateness of a Closed Meeting Pecuniary Interest Rules 11 Actions prior to a meeting Notification of Meetings 12 38 By-law 12 Page 2 Public Notification Emergency Meeting Notification Meeting Cancellation Meetings 12 Place of Meetings Chairing of Meetings Clerk's Attendance at Meetings Recording of Minutes Committee Referral Committee Meeting - Rules of Procedure Prohibited - Signs, Banner, Emblems, Flags, Camera's, Video Recordings Access to Council Floor Meeting Called to Order Quorum Absence of Mayor/Chair Agenda and Minutes Consideration of Items Adjournment Hour/All Meetings Motion to continue past 12:00 am Conduct at Meetings 15 Members of the Public Members of Council Action When Behaviour Inappropriate Order of Business 16 Change in Order Presentations 17 Delegations 17 Delegations Delegation Time Limit Delegation Request for the Use of Audio Visual Equipment Priority of Delegations Conduct of Delegate Questions to the Delegate Correspondence 20 Committee Reports 20 New and Unfinished Business 20 Reports of an Urgent Nature Introduction of a Motion Notices of Motion 21 39 By-law ****/12 Page 3 By-laws 21 21 Other Business Notice of Motion Substantive Information Report 22 Confirmatory By-law 22 Adjournment 22 Rules of Debate 22 Chair reads motion aloud Requirement to Read Motion Decorum During Debate Recognition of Member Order of Speakers Speaking to a Motion Questioning the Motion Proceedings Decided by Chair Chair's Decision Final Unless Appealed Appeal of Decision of Chair Common Motions 24 Seconding Withdrawal Priority of Disposition Questions of Privilege and Points of Order Motion to Table Motion to Divide Referral Motions Deferral Motions Amendments Adjournment Reconsideration Motion to Rescind Question Stated No Interruption After Question Voting 27 Requirement to Vote Vote Not Allowed Voting on Amendments Determination of Votes No'Secret Voting Decorum While Calling Vote j ~J By-law ****/12 Page 4 Disagreement with Result of Vote Recorded Vote of Council Vote of the Chair Vote on the Question Contingencies 29 Suspension of Rules 29 Two-Thirds Vote 29 Commencement and Administration 29 Definitions 11 Definitions: = "Act" - The time to time b) "Acting Mayor"- The member of Council appointed to act in place of the Mayor under section 242 of the Act; c) "Chair"- the person elected or chosen to preside over a Council, Standing Committee or other type of meeting. "Chief Admi Pickering, f) "Closed Meeting" - a Meeting which is not open for public attendance; Committee° - includes Standing Committees, Ad-Hoc Committees and Advisory Committees, which may be appointed by Council from time to tire i) "Councillor' - the elected representative of a Ward on the Council of the City of Pickering; j) "Delegation" - an address to Council or a Committee by one or more persons who are not members of Council or City staff; k) "Inaugural Meeting" - the first meeting of a new Council after a municipal election where the declarations of office are made; 1) "Majority" - greater than 50% of the Members present; ,i By-law ****/12 Page 5 j) "Delegation" - an address to Council or a Committee by one or more persons who are not members of Council or City staff; k) "Inaugural Meeting" - the first meeting of a new Council after a municipal election where the declarations of office are made; 1) "Majority" - greater than 50% of the Members present; Formatted: Highlight "Meeting" - any regular, specia where a Quorum is present, p) "Notice of Motion" - advance notice to Members of a matter on which Council will be asked to take a position; q) "Pecuniary Interest" - a direct or indirect Pecuniary Interest within the meaning of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, RSO 1990, c M.50, as amended; r) "Presentation" - a ceremonial presentation to or from the City of Pickering; s) "Public Consultation Meeting" - a meeting hosted by staff, committee or Council in order to receive input from the public regarding a specific matter; u) "Regular Meeting" - a scheduled meeting held in accordance with the approved calendar/schedule of meetings; w) "Special Meeting" - a meeting of Council or a Committee that is arranged outside of the normal meeting schedule to deal with only specific item(s) of business; x) "Standing Committees" - the Meetings referred to in section 4.5 of this By- law. y) "Statutory Public Information Meeting" - a meeting that is legislated under an Act and hosted by staff, standing committee or Council in order to inform the members of the public about a matter; J By-law ****/12 Page 6 The Rules of Procedure contained in this By-law shall be observed in all proceedings of Council and shall be the rules of order of business in Counc Committee. In the case for which provision is not made in this By-law, the procedure to be followed shall be determined by a majority vote of the Meru present and voting Duties 3.1 Council Members of Council shall come prepared to every Meeting by having read all the material supplied, including agendas and staff reports, to facilitate discussion and the determination of action at the Meeting. Whenever possible, the Member(s) shall make inquiries of staff regarding the materials supplied in advance of the Meeting. 3.2 Mayor/Chair The Mayor or Chair shall: Announce the business before which it is to be acted upon c) Receive and submit, in the proper manner, all motions presented by the Members. e) Enforce the Rules of Procedure and rule upon all procedural matters. =Restrain the Procedure k) Enforce on all occasions the observance of order and deco Members and any other persons present in the Chamber h) ~~~~~Wting rder, the Chair may, without any motion to a time to be named by the Chair j) Permit questions to be asked through the Chair of any staff in order to provide Members with information to assist any debate when the Chair deems it proper. By-law ****/12 Page 7 1) Rule whether a motion or proposed amendment is in order. m) Ascertain that all Members who wish to speak on a motion have spoken and that the Members are ready to vote, and shall then put the vote. n) The Chair may speak and/or vote on any question, but if he/she wishes to make a motion, he/she shall first leave the Chair by designating an Acting Chair to act in their place, until they resume the Chair. Types of Meetings of Council =The inaugural meeting of Council shall be held on the first A Council takes office pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, (i) Call to Order (ii) Invocation (iii) Swearing in ceremold (iv) Inaugural address (v) Adjournment. 4.2 Regular Council Meetings a) All regular MeetingsCil shall be held on the third Monday of each C -Formatted: Highlight month at the hour of pm unless otherwise provided by resolution Formatted: Highlight _ of the Council or unless such a day shall be a public or civic holiday in which case the Council shall meet at the same hour on the next following day, which is not a public or civic holiday; unless otherwise provided by resolutiqm of the Council. ~d) In addition to regular Meetings, the Mayor may at any time summon a Special Meeting of Council or a Standing Committee by giving written direction to the Clerk stating the date, time and purpose of the special Meeting Upon written receipt of a petitio_ the Clerk shall call a Special M date mentioned in the petition. By-law ****/l2 Page 8 The Clerk shall give all Members notice of a Special Meeting twenty-four hours before the time appointed for such Meeting. Notice will deem to have been given on the day that the Notice was delivered by electronic mail to the address provided by the Member of Council to the Clerk.f .r,delivery of Notices, and in default of provision of such address, to thlember's CA Hall office The notice to be giv considered, as well a Special Meeting 4.4 Closed Meetings a) All Meetings of Council closed to the public will be held prior to the regular start time, unless otherwise provide by resolution of Council, and will only deal with matters that Council is authorized to deal with in a closed session. 4.5 Standing Committee Meetings There shall be a Planning & Development Committee an. Formatted: Highlight Committee, to be considered as Standing Committees o" purposes of this By-law. to be organized as follows The Planning & Develop be comprised of all Mem The Planning & D;olopment Committee shall meet on the first Monday of Formatted: Highlight each month at ? - pm in the Council Chambers. It shall be the duty of Formatted: Highlight the Planning & Development Committee to study and report to Council on matters under the jurisdiction of the Planning & Development Department and the Administration Department d) I've Committee shall meet on the second Monday of each r= Formatted: Highlight pm in the Council Chambers. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to study and report to Council on matters under to jurisdiction of the Administration Department, the Corporate Services Department and the Community Services Department. 4.6 Statutory Public Information Meetings a) Public hearings shall be held at Standing Committee meetings, as required by applicable legislation, or by Council, or when considered desirable by staff. By-law ****/12 Page 9 b) Appropriate advertising shall be undertaken as required by applicable legislation, by-law or according to City policy, to advise interested persons of the subject, date and time. All Advisory Committees of Council are required to adhere to this Procedural By-law and the general terms of reference for all advisory committees and at the first meeting following a general municipal election, are required to adopt and approve the specific terms of reference for the committee and forward to Council for approval by no later than march following a municipal election, and All advisory committees are required to present a yearly annual report on the status of the work plan to Council. Council may at any time appoint a special or ad hoc Committee to enquire into and report on any matter. When a Special or Ad Hoc Committee has completed its work and made its report to Council, the Committee shall be deemed to be dissolved A meeting or part of matter being consid the i nclu a matter in respe another Act, or a meeting held for the purpose of educating or training the Members of Council may be closed to the public, provided that no Member discusses I ' ~J By-law ****/l2 Page 10 otherwise de advances thei committee 5.2 Public information on closed meeting business a) Before holding a Closed Meeting or part of a Meeting that is to be closed to the public, Council or a Committee must state the fact of the holding of the closed meeting and the general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed meeting and, if the Closed Meeting is an educational or training session the fact that it is closed pursuant to section 239(3.1) of the Act. b) If a member of Council wishes to introduce new business at a Closed Meeting, it must be introduced in open session after roll call while Council is still in the Chambers. Two Thirds of Council must determine, by vote, whether the matter will be dealt with in closed session that evening. No debate on the issue will take place until the motion to deal with the new business has been decided. 5.3 Information - Confidential All information, documentation or deliberations received, reviewed, or taken in a Closed Meeting, including the agenda, is confidential and must not be released to the public or any individual not entitled to be present at the Closed Meeting. 5.4 Distribution of confidential material The Clerk must distribute all confidential reports and material for Closed Meetings in sealed envelopes that are marked with each Member's name. Confidential material must not be emailed to Members or staff. 5.5 Limits on voting actions at Closed Meeting No voting may take place during a Closed Meeting except if the vote is for a procedural matter or for giving direction or instructions to officers, employees or agents of the City, or persons retained by or under contract with the City. There shall be no recorded votes at Closed Meetings. 5.6 Attendance at a Closed Meeting Members can only attend a Closed Meeting in person. 5.7 Final decision on item from Closed Meeting Subject to the provisions of Section 239 of the Act, a Closed Meeting agenda item that requires a final decision must be implemented by Council resolution or By-law at a future public meeting of Council. /I By-law ****/12 Page 11 5.8 Authority to speak on Closed Meeting matters When a decision is made by Council to relay information to the public regarding a Closed Meeting item, the Mayor or the Mayor's delegate will release the information. 5.9 Confidential Report When a Closed Meeting of Council has been held, the Public Agenda of the Closed Meeting shall be available at the first Regular Council meeting following the Closed Meeting. 5.9 Enquiries regarding Closed Meetings The response of Members to inquiries about any matter dealt with by Council or a Committee at a Closed Meeting, prior to it being reported publicly, must be "no comment", or words to that effect. No member is allowed to release or make public any information considered at a Closed Meeting or discuss the contents of such a Meeting with anyone other than Members or staff who were present at the Closed Meeting. 5.10 Contraventions a) Any Member who contravenes section 7.8 or section 7.9 is guilty of an offence and upon conviction may be liable to a fine or penalty as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act. b) A decision to prosecute a Member under this section may only be made after Council has met to consider the matter, at which time the Member proposed to be prosecuted may be present and has the option of attending with legal counsel. The said Member has the option of requesting that the Meeting be held in public or that it be closed to the public. c) No prosecution for a contravention of section 7.8 or section 7.9 may be commenced except on the direction of Council, expressed in a resolution of Council. 5.11 Complaints about the appropriateness of a Closed Meeting A person may request that an investigation of whether a municipality or iccal coe complied with section 239 or a procedure by-law in respect to a Closed Meetinw or Q of a Closed Meeting be undertaken by the Ombudsmen appointed under the ,Ombudsman Act if the municipality has not appointed an investigator. Formatted: Four: Italic Any complaints made in relation to Closed Meetings under section 239.1 of the Act must be in writing pursuant to section 239.2 of the Act and directed to the Clerk who will forward them to the Investigator appointed by Council. All complaints are confidential and forwarded directly to the Investigator to be dealt with as required by section 239.2 of the Act. By-law ****/l2 Page 12 Pecuniary Interest Rules 6.1 The purpose of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act is to ensure Members, do not personally profit from a decision they played a role in making. The Act, lays out the procedure that elected officials must follow when faced with an issue whose outcome could potentially impact their pecuniary interests. 6.2 Actions Regarding a meeting In addition to fully complying with all obligations imposed by the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, when a Member, has a pecuniary interest in a matter on a Meeting agenda or in a Closed Meeting, the Member must not attempt in any way, either before, during, or after the Meeting, to influence the voting on the matter. Notification of Meetings 7.1 Public Notification Public notification shall be deemed to have been given by the posting of the Council or Committee agenda on the City website and available for public review in the office of the City Clerk as follows: a) Committee Meetings - by 4:00 pm on the Friday, 10 days prior to the meeting date. b) Council Meetings - by 4:00 pm on the Friday preceding the Council meeting. c) Special Meetings - at least twenty-four hours preceding the meeting. d) Closed Meetings - at least twenty-four hours preceding the meeting. 7.2 Emergency Notification Emergency Meetings may be held, without written notice, to deal with issues that may _,i ntly_affect the health or safety of residents. The Clerk shall attempt to notify the public of emergency Meetings as soon as possible and in the most expedient manner available. 7.3 Meeting Cancellation Upon notice of a Meeting cancellation, the Clerk shall attempt to notify the public as soon as possible and in the most expedient manner available. ice f L, z ataffess Fc.~iG-: M Grs II the GIeFk that 9n_sen! i By-law ****/12 Page 13 Meetings All regular Meetings of the Council and Standing Committee meetings' the Council Chambers at the City of Pickering Civic Complex, One Th. Pickering, Ontario, unless otherwise decided by resolution of Council. 8.2 Chairing of Meetings a) Every Council meeting shall be chaired by the Mayor, if present; b) The Chair of the Standing Committees shall be rotated each meeting amongst the Members of Council, in alphabetical order. 8.3 Clerk's Attendance at Meetings The City Clerk or Clerks designate, shall be present at all meetings of Council; however, he/she may delegate some member of staff to act in his/her stead at a Standing Committee meeting. The Clerk shall record without note or comment all resolutions, decisions other proceedings at a Meeting, whether it be closed to the public or not. ,,.The rec made by: The rules of procedure set out in this By-law shall be obseri _ Committees insofar as they are applicable, provided that, =A report, se forwarded to Committee 8.6 Prohibited - Signs, Banner, Emblems, Flags, Camera's, Video Recordings To ensure that all members of the public are comfortable participating in Meetings: l By-law ****/12 Page 14 Signs, banners, emblems, flags, cameras and video recordings are Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.27 cm, No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: prohibited in the Chambers except by permission of the Chair. Not at 2.54 cm + 3.81 cm + 4.02 cm + 5.08 cm ai Notwithstanding the foregoing the provisions of section 8.6 shall not apply to City Staff Rogers Cable or any other media broadcasting or webstreaming service provider permitted Council. 8.7 Access to Council Floor No person except members of Council, the Clerk, and officials authorized by the Clerk: a) Shall be allowed on the floor of the place a meeting is being held while Council or a Committee is sitting; b) Material to be distributed to Council during a meeting can only be distributed by the Clerk or the Clerks designate. The Chair, as soon after the hour is fixed for the holding of the meeting of the and if a quorum is present, shall take the Chair and call the meeting to order If a quorum is not present one-half hour after the time appointed for a Meeting of the Council and/or Committee, the Clerk shall record the in the Members present and the Meeting shall stand adjourned until the VnU Meeting aj Council Meetings - If the Mayor does not attend within fifteen minutes after the hour is fixed for the holding of the Meeting of the Council and if a quorum is present, an Acting Mayor who has been appointed to this position by a resolution of Council shall preside over the Meeting and have the same authority to chair the meeting as the Mayor would have had, if present When the Mayor and Acting Mayor are absent or refuse to act, the Co may by resolution appoint one of its Members to act in the place and S&- the Mayor and Acting Mayor, and such Member shall have the same authority to chair the meeting as the Mayor. c) Standing Committee Meetings - If the Chair does not attend within fifteen minutes after the hour is fixed for the holding of the Meeting of the Committee By-law ****/12 Page 15 and if a quorum is present, the Council Member who is next in alphabetical order to Chair will assume the position of Chair. pertaining to anyj~- rs of Council. Council may consider any matter without referring it to a Committee or may refer Committees or to any number of Committees and may withdraw a matter from a Committee at any time 8.14 Adjournment Hour/All Meetings All regular Meetings shall stand adjourned when all business has been completed as listed on the Order of Business at the hour of 12:00 am. 8.15 Motion to continue past 12:00 am a) In the event the business before Council has not been completed at the hour of 12:00 am, then Council may, by a majority vote of all the Members present, approve an extension of the Meeting to the hour of 1:00 am. b) At 1:00 am any unfinished business shall be deferred to the next regular Meeting of Council, unless a resolution of Council to reconvene the Council Meeting to another day and time prior to the next regular Meeting of Council is adopted by majority vote. If a resolution of Council to reconvene the Council Meeting to another day prior to the next regular Meeting is adopted, the Meeting must be rescheduled not sooner than 48 hours after the original Meeting in order to provide Council, staff and interested parties an opportunity to make arrangements to attend the rescheduled Meeting. c) Motions to continue past 12:00 am are not debatable. Conduct at Meetings 9.1 Members of the Public The Chair will ensure that members of the Public shall be respectful of Council, staff, delegations and all attendees at the Meeting by not heckling, speaking disruptively while debate is in progress, making comments or applauding. 9.2 Members of Council Members of Council shall: - .L By-law ****/12 Page 16 a) act in accordance with their Oath of Elected Appointed Officials; b) treat the Chair, other Members, staff and delegates from the public with courtesy, respect and good faith; c) hold in strict confidence all information concerning matters dealt with in Closed Meetings. not speak disrespectfully of the Reigning Sovereign, or of any of member of the Royal Family, or of the governor-general, the Lieutenant-Governor of any Province, of any member of the Senate, the House of Commons of Canada or the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, not use offensive words against any Member, not criticize any decision of Council except for the pur motion to reconsidered a previous decision of Counc 9.3 Actions When a Members Behaviour Inappropriate 9.4 The Chair may Call the Member to Order and take one or more of the following actions: a) decide that there was no beach of the rule. b) ask the Member in breach of the rules to stop the behaviour; c) ask the Member to withdraw what was said; d) ask the Member to apologize, or 9.5 If previous attempts to call the member to order have failed, the Chair may, decide not to recognize the Member, for the balance of that meeting, in which case the Member shall not speak or vote for the remainder of that Meeting. Order of Business (a) Meeting Calls (b) Invocation (c) Disclosures of In (d) Minutes of Previ (e) Presentations (f) Delegations (g) Correspondence (h) Committee Reports (i) New and Unfinished Business (j) Motions and Notices of Motion By-law ****/12 Page 17 (k) By-laws (1) Confidential Reps (m) Other Business (n) Confirmation By-O (o) Adjournment. Presentations 11.1 Presentations ,Charities, organizations or individuals wishing to address Council tom. Members of special events or achievements, and to seek Council's recognition of the event or achievement. shall request the opportun) granted presentation status . It shall be the duty of the Mayor to make presentations and to accept presentations, on behalf of Council, at Meetings of Council. Where a presentation is made or accepted from an organization on which a m of Council has been appointed to sit, the presentation shall be jointly accepted with the appointed member of Council. Where otherwise appropriate, presentations may be made or accepted jointly with at member or members of Council. _The request for presentation status shall be submitted to the Clerk, in writing, no later than fourteen days preceding the meeting at which the presentation is to be made. Delegations 12.1 Delegations ~~E}r}i~z?i? 'l f rs cJ,_ _La f8 ~a-Si?. 3 #{E c . =a of the rnatte nFl > 8rF t@ 3 a c3ilE (i-Ft~ ~i3ti}I iii r~ ~rrdt= b) if the deIegaao+i-has--subwiUeG fistAd AR - the agenda, the GIeFk shall not FegisteF the delegatien again at delegation at the Standing Committee. G) All delegations desiFiRg to be Reted in the agenda to YeFbally pFersen ion an agenda rna#eFs may make appliGatien stating the nature ef "-r By-law ****/12 Page 18 9, the is~ k~e;t ~wsh toaddr + o~~request m -be4,-v, 4- .Fin. ied and dist4L- ted-a.., ~ -nr~r.~n-rc vp CGURGH may be heaFd upon a twe thirds majority vote ef the Members laflleGp~} v"''r e) De FfSt 3e-refeFred tee the e s^c~vbj j°"+ mo++tet. er have fade - Deleqatien6 that have . Fesented infemation on matters of faGt shall be rmatted: Indent: Left: 1.27 cm, Fo bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not at 3.81 cm + 4.02 cm + 5.08 cm a) Prior to appearing before Council every delegation shall be required to Formatted: Indent: Left: 2 cm, No appear before the Standing Committee having charge of the matter of fact or bullets or numbering the request which is the subject matter of the delegation. b) All delegations for items listed on the agenda for a Meeting shall register i;': writing with the City Clerk by 12:00 noon on the Meeting date. c) Delegation requests where the subject nutter is not listed as an agenda iiere will be limited to 5 per meeting. d) Delegations that have not registered in vvritina bv 12:00 noon oil the ivleeii c date shall only be added to the agenda if permitted by a tvro-thlr ds maiali2~ vote of Members present at the Meeting. . e) Delegations who wish to have their name entered on the Agenda pages rn~si register in writing no later than 4:00 pm on the Wednesday 10 days prior io the Meeting. f) Delegations are encouraged to submit a written brief and, if the brief is submitted to the Clerk by noon on the Friday Preceding the MeeL--i s`s be copied and distributed as "Delegation" submissions to Members g) Delegations not appearing on the Agenda but who want to verbai+! information of an urgent nature to the Council fYlca, `Lbe heard iiy jpo i LJ By-law ****/12 Page 19 12.2 Delegation Time Limit a) A maximum of five 10 minutes shall be allotted for each delegation to present his/her position at + ~ficet, og. b) Delegations will not be permitted to assume any unused time allocated to another delegation. 12.3 Delegations at a Statutory Public Meeting Delegations will be permitted from the gallery without prior registration only during ,;,e a Statutory Public hearing portion of a Meeting under the provisions of the Planning Act, or prior to the adoption of certain by-laws at a Council Meeting, if required, to comply with applicable laws. Delegations are not required to register for a Statutory Public In orrnation Meeting but, are encouraged to do so in order to facilitate the efficient conduct of the Meeting. 12.4 Delegations Requesting Action Delegations which appear at a meeting and request that action be taken by the Council shall.. j~uired by a majority of the Members present at the Meeting be referred to City staff, for a report that shall be dealt with at a future Meeting of Council. 12.5 Audio Visual Equipment for Delegations The City's audio visual equipment may be used to assist in presentations by delegations, provided that permission has been obtained for use of such equipment from the Clerk at least 5 working days prior to the Meeting date. All presentation materials must be delivered to the Clerk by 12:00 noon on the Friday before the Committee meeting at which the delegation is to appear. Delegations shall be listed in the agenda in the order in which requests were received by the Clerk, it being understood that where more than one person wishes to make a presentation on a particular matter, the proponent or his or her authorized representative will be listed last in order to afford the proponent the oppor making presentation after all other interested persons have done so 12.7 Conduct of the Delegate a) The Chair may curtail any delegation, any questions of a delegation or any debate during a delegation for disorder or any other breach of this by-law and, if the Chair rules that the delegation is concluded, the person or persons I By-law ****/12 Page 20 appearing shall end the delegation, and the decision of the Chair shall not be subject to any challenge. b) Delegations shall not: (i) speak disrespectfully of any person; (ii) use offensive words; (iii) speak on any subject other than the subject for which they have received approval to address Committee/Council; (iv) disobey a decision of the Chair or Committee or Council; (v) debate with other delegations, City staff, Council Members or the Chair. 12.8 Questions to the Delegate a) Upon the completion of a presentation to Committee or Council by a delegation, any discussion between Members and the delegation shall be limited to Members asking questions for clarification and obtaining additional, relevant information only. u, +;o All questions to a delegation from Members shall be stated succinctly- Nilembers shall not question a delegation for the purpose of expanding the scope of the delegation's remarks or for adding the Member's own statements through the delegation. Delegations are an opportunity for delegates not Members to make their views known. For example, questions from Menioers such as "are you aware", "do you agree" of .wouldn't you say" shall not be perrF"i~_ a-y_ as they do not seek clarification or additional relevant information. Members shall not enter into debate with delegations. Questions to the delegation shall be presented in a courteous and non-argumentative manner. Once a motion has been moved and seconded, no further representation or questions of the delegation shall be permitted. Correspondence ' A11 correspondence intended to be presented to Council through the Council agenda shall be legibly written or printed, shall not contain any impertinent or improper matter or language and, shall be signed by at least one person and shalt be filed with the Clerk by no later than 12:00 noon on the Wednesday before the Meeting of Council. ;The Clerk shall prepare a su for inclusion in the agenda 'f By-law ****/12 Page 21 c) Petitions are a specific form of correspondence that must be presented to the Clerk for Committee or Council action. Petitions must include a statement or position that the signers are supporting, the legible printed names of the signers and the original signatures of each of the signers. Individuals who are represented by photocopies of their signatures will not be considered valid supporters of the petition. The individual or group initiating the petition, or submitting the petition to the Clerk, must provide a key contact name, address and telephone number to the Clerk. Committee Reports 14.1 Committee Reports Standing Committee reports which are to be adopted by Council shall be forwarded to the first regular Council Meeting following the meeting of the Standing Committee and shall be listed under the Committee Reports section of the agenda. New and Unfinished Business Departmental reports which are deemed by the Chief Administrative Officer to be of urgent nature and which have not been considered by a Standing Committee shall bo listed under the New and Unfinished Business section of the agenda for Council's consideration. A Member may, with the consent of two-thirds of the Members present, introdts a motion under New and Unfinished Business if the motion cannot, due to its urgent nature, be properly presented at a Meeting in accordance with section 161 b) A Member desiring to introduce a main motion must do so in writing to the Clerk. Notice of Motion 16.1 Notices of Motion a) A Member desiring to introduce a notice of motion must do so in writing at any meeting, at least 10 days prior to the Meeting at which the motion will be dealt with. Introduction of notices of motion must be done as "Other Business". b) In order to be listed in the agenda a copy of the motion being considered by Council, must be forwarded to the Clerk, signed by the mover and seconder, no later than 12:00 pm on the Wednesday prior to the Council Meeting at which the motion will be dealt with. J By-law ****/12 Page 22 c) The Clerk, upon receipt of a notice of motion in accordance with a) and b), shall print the motion in full in the agenda for the Council Meeting at which it is to be dealt with. . d) A notice of motion that has been introduced but does not appear on the agenda within two Council Meetings shall be removed from the list of upcoming agenda items, unless otherwise directed by Council. By-laws 17.1 By-laws a) All by-laws shall be passed in a single motion, unless a Member wishes to discuss the contents of a particular by-law or by-laws, in which case the subject by-law(s) shall be removed from the motion and dealt with separately. every by-law when introduced, shall be in typewritten form, shall be complA except for the by-law date and number and shall contain no blanks except such as may be required to conform to accepted procedure or to comply vd the provisions of any Act, and every by-law which has been passed by the Council shall be num dated sealed with the seal of the Corporation signed by the Mayor . Clerk and deposited by the Clerk in his/her office for safekeeping Other Business 19.1 Other Business At any Meeting under Other Business, Members may congratulate, report on events and promote upcoming events of public importance or interest. 19.2 Notice of Motion A Member who wishes to give notice of a motion to be brought forward for future Council consideration shall do so in writing under "Other Business". 19.3 Substantive Information Reports All Members' requests for substantive information from staff, shall require the approval of a majority of Members present at a Meeting. Motions to request reports shall identify the appropriate Department and/or Director and the objective(s) of the report. Confirmatory By-law By-law ****/12 Page 23 At the conclusion of all regular and special Meetings of Council, and prior to adjournment, a by-law shall be brought forward to confirm the actions of the Council in respect of all motions, resolutions and other actions taken subsequent to the last regular Council Meeting. A confirmatory by-law, when introduced, shall be taken as having been read and shall be voted on without debate. Adiournment A motion to adjourn is non-debatable. Rules of Debate 22.1 Chair Reads Motion Aloud To begin debate, the Chair reads the motion aloud. 22.2 Requirement to Read Motion Any Member may require a motion under discussion to be r debate but not so as to interrupt a Member while speaking. 22.3 Decorum During Debate During debate, and while the Chair is speaking, or when the C voting, no Member is permitted to disturb the Council by whisp the floor, or in any other way except to raise a point of order 22.4 Recognition of Member Every Member shall rai any matter or motion 22.5 Order of Speakers When two or more Me Member who has the fl' raised their hand first 22.6 Speaking to a Motion A maximum of f ve 10 minutes shall be allotted to each member wishing to speak to resent his/her position the motion. N_ I By-law ****/12 Page 24 with leave of for not more than 5 additional minutes, of a material incorrectly for not more than 5 additional minutes, - in reply, as may be allowed presented the motion, in wh than a five minute period 22.7 Questioning the Motion a) A Member may ask a question during the course of debate only for the purpose of obtaining information relating to the motion under discussion aril such question must be stated concisely and asked only through the Chair. bi Notwithstanding the above, when a Member has been recognized as the 40 speaker, such Member may immediately before speaking ask a question through the Chair on the motion under discussion but only for the purposell obtaining information, following which the Member shall speak. 22.8 Proceedings Decided by Chair In all other proceedings of Council, the m an appeal to Council on a point of order 22.9 Chair's Decision Final Unless Appealed Unless a Member immediately appeals to the Council the Chair's decision, the decision of the Chair shall be final. 22.10 Appeal of Decision of Chair If the Member appeals to Council, it shall be done by a duly moved and seconded motion and Council shall decide the question without debate and the decision shall be final. The question to Council would be "Do you support the Chair's ruling, "Yes" or "No". A tie vote sustains the decision of the Chair. Common Motions 23.1 Seconding A motion must be formally recorded in the Minutes. 23.2 Withdrawal I By-law ****/12 Page 25 The mov to it being' Meeting After a motion has been read or state possession of Council, but may, with t time before decision or amendment 23.3 Priority of Disposition A motion properly before Council for decision must be disposed of before any other motion or matter can be introduced with the exception of any one of the following a) a point of b) to table c) to divide d) that the q e) to refer 0 to defer g) to amend h) to suspen i) to recess I) to adjourn; 23.4 Questions of Privilege and Points of Order The Chair shall Aces n e order and decide points of order and questions of privilege When a Member has a point of order or question of privilege it shall be considered and decided immediately. The Member shall ask leave of the Chair to rise for the purpose of drawing attention to the matter. If leave is granted by the Chair, the Member has not more than 1 minute to state his/her point to the Chair and await the decision of the Chair. Once the Chair has made a decision the business of Council shall resume at the point where it was suspended. 23.5 Motion to Table 23.6 Motion to Divide By-law ****/12 Page 26 A motion containing distinct propo taken upon each proposal containe' the Members present and voting 23.7 Referral Motions A motion to refer a motion or matter to a Committee or to City staff with instructions is debatable and amendable but, shall be disposed of by CQM before the original motion or any other motion pertaining to the original motion b) A member who moves a motion to refer shall also include in the motion: (i) The name of the committee, body or official to whom the motion or amendment is to be referred; (ii) The terms upon which it is to be referred; and (iii) The date or period, if any, within which the matter is to be returned. 23.8 Motion to Postpone to a Certain Time/Deferral Motion A motion to defer a matter to a different time must include time, place, and the purpose of the deferral, if applicable and shall be in order after a motion is read or stated by the Chair and debate shall be confined to the propriety of the deferral 23.9 Amendments i) shall be presented in writing if requeste _ ii) shall be relevant to the original motion, iii) shall be disposed of by Council before t iv) shall not be received if it proposes a dir motion. 23.10 Motion to Adjourn a) Is not debatable or amendable; Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + b) Is always in order except when a member is speaking or cluing a vote; Numbering Style: a, b, c, + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.63 c) If carried requires that the Meeting be immediately halted, regardless of the cIndent at: 1.27 cm stage of proceedings: d) If not carried no new motion to adioum may be made again unti! ?`t-r o., intermediate proceedings shall have been completed by Council ,J By-law ****/12 Page 27 23.11 Reconsideration After a matter has been decided, any Member who voted in the majority may move for reconsideration at the same meeting, or may give notice of a motion for reconsideration of the matter at a subsequent meeting. No discussion of the original motion shall be allowed until the motion for reconsideration has carried. A reconsideration motion requires a two thirds vote of the members present. No matter shall be reconsidered more than once within 12 months. 23.12 Motion to Rescind A motion to rescind a previous resolution of Council requires a majority vote of the Council provided that notice has been given at the previous meeting or in the call of the meeting and if notice has not been given, a motion to rescind requires a two-thirds vote of the Members present and voting 23.15 Question Stated immediately preceding a vote, the Chair may sta and shall do so if requested by a Member. The form in which it will be recorded in the Minutes. 23.16 No Interruption After Question After the Chair has called the vote on a motion, no Member shall speak to the motion nor shall any other motion be presented until, after the vote and the result has been declared Voting 24.1 Requirement to Vote All members present and seated must vote, if a Member is present and does not vote he/she is deemed to have voted in the negative. 24.2 Vote Not Allowed 24.3 Voting on Amendments Amendments are voted upon before the main motion and if there are numerous amendments, the Chair may place them in the most logical, practical and expeditious order for consideration. 24.4 Determination of Votes i -r By-law ****/12 Page 28 _ Formatted: Highlight 24.6 Decorum While Calling Vote When the Chair calls for the vote on a motion, each Member shall occupy their seat and shall remain in their seat until the result of the vote has been declared by the Chair, and during such time no Member shall cross the floor or speak to any other Member or make any noise or disturbance. 24.7 Disagreement with Result of Vote If a Member disagrees with the announcement of the Mayor that a motion is carried og defeated, the Member may, but only immediately after the declaration by the Chair, object to the declaration and a recorded vote shall be taken. 24.8 Recorded Vote of Council Where a vote of Council is taken for any purpose and a Member requests immediately prior or immediately subsequent to the taking of the vote that the vote be recorded, each Member present, beginning with the requester of the recorded vote and continuS alphabetically from that member onward, except a Member who is disqualified from voting by reason of interest or otherwise, shall announce their vote openly and the GIs shall record each vote. The Mayor shall be called upon to vote following all other Members. 24.9 Vote of the Chair The Chair , except when disqualified to vote vote with the other Members on all questions. 24.10 Vote on the Question A motion that a vote on the question be now taken: a) cannot be amended or debated; b) cannot be proposed when there is an amending motion under consideration except for the purpose of moving that the amending motion be put; c) when resolved in the affirmative, shall be followed immediately by the original motion which shall be put forward without debate or amendment; d) can only be moved in the following words: "That the question be now put" or "Call the question"; and By-law ****/12 Page 29 e) requires a two-thirds vote of the Members present. Contingencies five of seven Membell four of six Members three of five Members three of four Members Debbie Shields, City Clerk