HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Information Report PD 01-12�, , ,,, ,���, � w-�� ��= � � - ,, . ��. �-- .,-r., �.. _ '::; - � «��1 Information Report Report Number: 01-12 For Public Information Meeting of Date: January 9, 2012 Q� In Accordance with the Public Meeting Requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2011-03 Zoning Amendment Application A 13/11 � Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (formerly ORC) on behalf of the Province of Ontario (Part Lots 22 to 27, Concession 5) City of Pickering 1.0 Property Location and Description • the subject lands are located on the south side of Highway #7, generally between Sideline 26 and Sideline 22 at the northern limit of the future Seaton Community (see Location Map - Attachment #'1) • the subject lands, referred to as the Phase 1 Seaton Employment Lands, are approximately.117 hectares in size and are bisected by Highway 407/ETR • the lands currently are used for agricultural activities; two dwellings along Highway 7 are identified as being of heritage interest • surrounding land uses are: north - on the north side of Highway #7 are the Federal Airport Lands that currently support agricultural activities south - additional lands owned by the Province designated Seaton Natural Heritage System east - additional lands owned by the Province that are designated Seaton Natural Heritage System, and then further east additional future Employmerit Lands west - additional lands owned by the Province that are designated Seaton Natural Heritage System, a proposed Sideline 26 extension and interchange with Highway 407/ETR, and then further west additional future Employment Lands 2.0 Applicant's Proposal •,the proposal is to create and zone development blocks for Prestige Employment uses (see Attachment #2) • a total of 61.6 hectares of developable land has been provided for Prestige Employment General uses and 14.6 hectares of land for Prestige Employment Node uses • the Prestige Employment Node blocks are located adjacent to a proposed Highway 407 interchange at Sideline 26 • a second future Highway 407 interchange is proposed at Sideline 22 Information Report No. 01-12 Page 2 Q� • the draft plan also proposes a number of natural heritage system blocks (21.7 hectares) and stormwater management blocks (6.3 hectares) • the proposal incorporates new municipal roads to service the proposed development 3.0 Official Plan and Zoning 3.1 Central Pickering Development Plan • the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP) is the provincial plan which sets out the principles, goals and general development vision for the Seaton Urban Area • the CPDP identifies a number of residential neighbourhoods and a large employment area along both sides of Highway 407, as well as an extensive Natural Heritage System (NHS) within the Seaton Urban Area • one of the goals of the CPDP is "the provision of high-quality employment opportunities that reflect the needs of the community, with the identification of sufficient employment lands to generate approximately one job for every two residents" • the subject lands are designated as Prestige Employment Lands in the CPDP and are intended as the first phase of employment lands in fulfilling the land needs for the required jobs in Seaton • a draft amendment to the Pickering Official Plan to bring the Plan into conformity with the CPDP (referred to as the `Seaton Conformity Amendment'), was completed in January 2011 through a collaborative process between the City of Pickering, various Provincial Ministries, the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and the Seaton Landowners Group, with the involvement of the Office of the Provincial Development Facilitator • all parties have agreed to seek approval of the Seaton Conformity Amendment through the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) • the Conformity Amendme.nt requires that the Province prepare Neighbourhood Plans for their lands within Seaton (Neighbourhoods 17, 20 and 21); Neighbourhood Plans for Neighbourhoods 17, 20 and 21 were endorsed by City Council on September 19, 2011 subject to certain conditions; the lands subject to the plan of subdivision and zoning amendment applications considered in this report are part of Neighbourhood 21 • the Provincial Neighbourhood Plans have been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board along with the Neighbourhood Plans and draft plan of subdivision and zoning amendment applications prepared by the Seaton Landowners; all of these plans will be dealt with as part of the Seaton Conformity Amendment hearing to be scheduled later in 2012 Information Report No. 01-12 Page 3 3.2 Durham Regional Official Plan � 3 the Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands "Employment Areas" Special Policy Area A(Seaton) in the Regional Official Plan specifies that conformity amendments to implement the CPDP will be considered Regional O�cial Plan Amendment No. 128 (ROPA 128), which implements ttie Provincial Growth Plan, was modified by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to add population and employment allocations for Seaton, add the natural heritage prouisions from the CPDP to Specific Policy Area A and insert a new symbol for the CPDP area; the amendment is currently under appeal 3.3 Pickering Official Plan • the Pickering Official Plan designates the subject lands as the "Seaton Urban Study Area" • the Seaton Conformity Amendment designates the subject lands as "Seaton Natural Heritage System" and "Prestige Employment Area" • the "Prestige Employment Area" designation is divided into finro subcategories, "Prestige Employment General" and "Prestige Employment Node" . • the application will be assessed against the policies and provisions of the Pickering Official. Plan, and the Council endorsed Seaton Conformity Amendment and Neighbourhood Plan 3.4 Zoning By-law 3037 • the subject lands are currently zoned "A"— Rural Agricultural, by Zoning By-law 3037 • the existing zoning permits a variety of agriculture related uses • an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to permit the appropriate range of employment lands • a comprehensive zoning by-law is being prepared for Seaton 4.0 Results of Circulation 4.1 Resident Comments • none received in response to the circulation to date 4.2 Agency Comments • the following agencies advised they have no objection to the applications: • Durham District School Board • Durham Catholic School Board • Canada Post • Hydro One Network � Information Report No. 01-12 Q� 4.3 Staff Comments Page 4 the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • conformity with the City's proposed Official Plan policies as contained in the Seaton Conformity Amendment • reviewing the heritage structures along Highway #7 to ensure they can be integrated into the design of the surrounding employment area • ensuring the blocks that abut the proposed Highway 407/ETR interchanges are sufficiently sized in case additional land is required for the interchanges ' • proposed sustainable development components • ensuring that required technical submissions and reports meet City standards • disposition of City owned land (road allowances) within the boundary of the draft plan 5.0 Procedurallnformation • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input to a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal or makes a decision on the draft plan of subdivision • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk 6.0 Other Information 6.1 Information Received • full scale copies of the plans and studies listed below are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: ,• copy of the draft plan of subdivision • Planning Rationale Report Information Report No. 01-12 6.2 Owner/Applicant Information Page 5 the owner of the subject lands is Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation on behalf of the Province of Ontario, represented by Graham Martin and Anton Pojasok the applications have been submitted by John van Nostrand and Emma West of planningAlliance on behalf of Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation C�.� Ross Pym, MCI PP Principal Planner — Development Review RP:Id Attachments Copy: Director, Planning & Development �� 1 �.�� � Marg Wouters, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Q5 �r r Z Q V a O a a Q� �go"' �awa wW�� J � H p a-vr U � N N Z y a � O � � z a - � � 0 � z Attachment # 2 to Inform�tic�� Re�ort# 0 �-� Z �� 07 "e�z� g � R 4�u����'+ �� �SO�O2W ������� o " �oWO� � o'e���� VWbpil�i ��2�24 �n�2�222 ��444 N��R H�� 4 o� � �