HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 1, 2012 City o~ Minutes/Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee i i Wednesday, February 1, 2012 PI CKERI 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Chalmers, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Donald Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Dragos Nita, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation Bill McLean, Regional Councillor, Ward 2 Marisa Carpino, (Acting) Manager, Culture & Recreation Jody Morris, (Acting) Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations Mandy Smiles, Events & Volunteers Programmer Meghan Donaldson, (Acting) Clerk/Typist (Recording Secretary) Absent: Rhonda Lawson, Co-Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Emmink, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Brian James, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Stuart Suckling, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as a ro nate 1. Welcome Laura welcomed everyone. 2. Approval of Minutes and Agenda Motion: Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Rose Cowan That the minutes of October 25, 2011 be approved. CARRIED Motion: Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Rose Cowan That the agenda for February 1, 2012 be approved. CARRIED 3. Update The exhibit at Toronto Pearson International Airport is still on display. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Katrina presented the new Pickering Museum Village (PMV) "facebook" site. To date 196 visitors. PMV is also on "twitter" and "flickr". "YouTube" coming shortly will be a great opportunity to show case Backwoods Players performances. Laura distributed the article titled "Turn your business volunteers into 'advoteers' today". All members received and were asked to discuss the handout titled "Report Work plan for Advisory Committee - 2011-12". Marisa suggested the word "Annual" be used in place of the word Report. PMV Expansion Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is considering a possible agreement to lease 16.6 acres, adjacent to the museum, to the City of Pickering. TRCA is interested in developing equestrian, hiking and biking trails. Laura would like to see the TRCA and City of Pickering partner to represent history and trails. TRCA is moving forward with their plans and they are looking for a formal, plan from the City of Pickering. Arnold Mostert, Coordinator, Landscape & Park Development has created 2 site plans. These plans included a Visitor Centre, Print Shop, parking, relocate Steam and Gas Barn to the upper site, and land for grain demonstration field. As well as space to potentially locate 2 buildings from Brougham, Crafter's Cottage and Evergreen Villa. Motion: Moved by Donald Hudson Seconded by Paul Savel That the Advisory Committee give appreciation to staff for their work on the 2012 Education Programs guide. CARRIED PMV Strategic" Plan Part of the strategic plan will be to seek Corporate Sponsorships. Katrina advised the Committee that on the new City of Pickering website in the PMV section, there will be a list of donors thanking them for their artifact, in-kind donations and/or financial donations. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 PMV is hoping to be part of the Community Access Program (CAP). Under CAP, new citizens are given free admission to participating arts, heritage and cultural institutions for one year. Participating museums can validate the CAP card, and will have access to the database of new citizens who are active. After the first year, the museum will continue to maintain the distribution list to promote activities. Another strategic goal is to engage cultural groups to provide an exhibit on History in Action Saturdays. 4. Sub-Committee Reports I Collection Motion: Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Karen Chalmers That the Collection Report be provided by email. CARRIED Paul informed the Committee that Parks Canada would like to donate WWI artifacts. There will be transportation and storage costs. Before accepting we would need to know that we can store the artifacts properly. Furniture being donated would furnish the Crafters Cottage next to the Bentley House. Councillor McLean suggested a storage pod or a climate controlled warehouse for the WWI artifacts. Marisa asked about the trailer that is on the museum village site already, this was ruled out. Councillor McLean suggested that the Advisory Committee form a partnership with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 606 Bay Ridges to pay for the storage of the WWI artifacts. Jody offered to ask the Legion if they would like to partner with the Advisory to pay for storage. Jody Motion: Moved by Donald Hudson Seconded by Paul Savel That the Advisory Committee acquires the WWI artifacts from Parks Canada. CARRIED Katrina informed the Committee that artifacts that come to PMV are accessioned and deaccessioned. Each artifact is entered into the Past Perfect database along with a digital photo of the Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 i artifact. Laura asked how many artifacts had been digitized. Katrina will request a list from Ellen Tayles, PMV Conservator. Katrina Donald requested a demo of the Past Perfect Database program that could be given at the site meeting. Special Events Mandy distributed handouts titled "Volunteer Training Offered in 2011" and "Volunteer Hours Tracking 2012". Mandy asked everyone to track their volunteer hours on the Volunteer.Hours Tracking sheet and that she would request them back before next year's Volunteer Appreciation Evening. Backwoods Players volunteer hours are now included in the totals for the Volunteer Appreciation Evening. Budget Council will review the budget on February 9 & 10, 2012. Projects still being completed are: Beef Ring Barn - $7,500 foundation to be completed under structure Picnic Shelter - $70,000 - of which $17,500 was approved in the 2010 capital budget Heating & Cooling System - $45,000 Projects being deferred: New Visitor Centre - Feasibility Study Building Repairs The Bandstand, Miller/Cole and the Chapel need painting as soon as possible and Donald suggested we not wait another year. Katrina agreed, however, monies designated for maintenance must be used accordingly. Councillor McLean asked if the City could provide a tax receipt. Katrina thought that could be an option. Rose asked about painting the Collins House. Katrina responded that the plaster needs repairing before painting can be undertaken. Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 5. Pickering Museum Village Foundation The Foundation is researching grants. The Foundation is looking at investing into researching what the public wants to see at the museum village. Foundation Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be on March 22 at 7:00 pm at the Petticoat Community Centre. Guest Speaker will be Harold Quinton. Bingo volunteers are welcome to attend the AGM. Rose Cowan's new email address: cowanroseann@gmail.com Next Meetings Wednesday, April 11, 2012 @ 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Wednesday, June 13, 2012 @ 6:30 pm - Site Meeting Pickering Museum Village - Redman House Wednesday, August 8, 2012 @ 7:00 pm Calendar Wednesday, September 5, 2012 @ 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Wednesday, October 23, 2012 @ 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Adjournment Motion: Moved by Paul Savel Seconded by Rose Cowan That this evenings meeting is adjourned. CARRIED Meeting Adjourned: 9:30 pm Copy: City Clerk Division Head, Culture & Recreation Page 5 CORP0228-2/02