HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 2, 2008 Attendees: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Tiera Dookhie, J. Clarke Richardson School Emily Honsberger, Dunbarton Becky George, Pickering Public Library Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Tanya Malika Foster, Community Appointee Sylvie Morel-Foster, Durham Catholic District School Board Guest: Audrey Andrews, Regional Municipality of Durham Item /Ref # Details & Discussion & Conclusion (summary of discussion) 1.0 Welcome Council Pickles welcomed everyone and introductions were made. 2.0 Review & Approval of Agenda Marisa reviewed the action items from the September • Confirmed that the letters had gone out to invite the organizations to attend our meetings • Name badges – can be done, please inform Marisa as to how you would like your name to appear 3.0 Guest Speaker Councillor Pickles introduced Durham. Audrey thanked the Committee for inviting her out to the meeting. She provided the Committee with an outline of the goals and objectives of the Regional Diversity and Immigration Partnership Council str Pickering Advisory Committee On Race Relations & Equity Main Committee Room High School s, & Minutes 4th minutes; our guest speaker Audrey Andrews, Region of strategy and Minutes October 2, 2008 7:00 PM Action Items /Status (include deadline as appropriate) All All their progress to date. She outlined the Council’s progress to date and noted their desire to obtain the support of the Committee. • She explained the Region is taking a lead in this project in the hopes of bringing it all together under one regional strategy. • They have received their mandate from Regional Council. • They have put together a proposal, a copy of which was passed around for the Committee to view • Funding proposal has yet to be approved • Handouts were provided to Committee members • Asked for our input • Community consultation paper copies were handed out • Council itself will be key to implement strategy • Oct 17th – consultation and planning day at Heydenshore Pavilion in Whitby with 150 service providers invited • Will take place from 8:30 – 4:30 with lunch provided Audrey noted their desire to have members of the Committee attend, Marisa noted she will be attending, and Becky indicated possibly Cathy Grant from the Library would attend as well. Councillor Pickles will also attend. Marisa indicated she will be contact person . Discussion ensued with respect to funding. Audrey explained the purpose and mandate of the working groups. Audrey will forward the names of the two school board reps to Marisa And a PDF copy of the Consultation paper document to Linda to forward electronically to the Committee. She had asked the Committee if they could provide comments within the next 30 days, as they hope to have the Council formed by December 1st, 2008. Audrey summarized the three main points of the Local Diversity and Immigration Partnership Council: • Awareness and Inclusivity • Service enhancement • Collaborative infrastructure • It was suggested that any comments be forwarded to the Committee. Marisa/Linda to action 4.0 2008 Activities 4.1) 2008 Annual Work Plan Marisa reviewed the items on our 2008 work plan and asked the Committee to not lose sight of this and to continue to look at it to analyze and assess. Still on our list for this year is the Multi Faith Celebration. Letter of invitation to go out to invite them to Council Discussion ensued with respect to doing proclamations. Possibly have links on the calendar to the events that are happening. Marisa asked the Committee to start thinking about the 2009 Work Plan. It was suggested we invite organizations out to our meetings to speak to the Committee regarding their involvement in the community. 4.2 Writing & Expressions Contest Update: Marisa distributed copies of the posters which have been printed up and sent out. She provided an overview of what has been completed to date • Over 700 posters have gone out in Durham Region this year • Letters have gone out to all Superintendents of schools including both school boards. • French submissions can be supported to a certain point • Lots of feedback has been received • Noted on our website as well as the newspaper • Expanded this year to include the arts Philip Howard, Durham District School Board, suggested we we go directly to the school principals to get the word out. Marisa will still check with the Separate School Board to see if the same applies. It was also suggested that we note in the letters that we could attend a school assembly to provide information on this event. 4.3 Holiday Celebrations in Lobby Marisa explained how the various banners are hung in the Lobby at the Civic Complex. A brief discussion took place with regards to printing posters and possibly producing more over the next year. To be discussed further at our next meeting. Marisa to send letters Place on November agenda 5.0 2009 Events 5.1) [YOU]nity’s Diversity Camp Emily noted there is really no update at this point, as they will be having their first meeting next week. Marisa offered to attend a meeting. She noted they should be confirmed for January, in order to start the promotion in February. 5.2) Golf Day Kirk provided an update on this event: • He has received various prices and the Committee was in agreement that Annandale would be a good choice. • Reasonable price ($82.12) and the location is good. • Dates for the event were discussed with the most popular one being June 21st. • It was noted that this could be a problem for students being that it is in the middle of exams, which would limit the availability of the student volunteers • Sunday would be a better day as Saturdays are too busy. • Start time would be noon. • Keep costs between $100.00 and $150.00 • Corporate sponsors would offset costs Tiera and Seth volunteered to help Kirk with this event. 5.3) Heritage Day Marisa advised the Committee on various options for holding this event as the centre court in the Pickering Town Centre will not be available due to continuing construction. 6.0 Next Meeting Next Meeting: November 6, 2008 Meeting Adjourned: 9:30 pm Copy: City Clerk