HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 09-12 Report to Council PICKERING Report Number: CS 09-12 Date: February 21, 2012 106 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: City of Pickering Comments on the Regional Cycling Plan Review - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 09-12 of the Director, Community Services regarding the Regional Cycling Plan Review be received; 2. That Regional Council be requested to direct Regional staff to: a) modify the current work plan such that the presentation of the draft updated Regional Cycling Plan is made at the May 24, 2012 Joint meeting of the Finance and Administration, Planning and Economic Development, Works and Health and Social Services Committee instead of the March 22, 2012 meeting; b) include a commitment that will ensure continuous, reliable and sustainable funding to address the construction, repair, maintenance, monitoring and promotion of the Regional Cycling Plan through the development of an on-going 5 year capital plan as part of the Region's annual budgeting process; c) recommend a revision to the current regional policy in order that implementation initiatives of the Regional Cycling Plan are not confined to strictly correspond with road improvement projects, but may also be considered independent of road construction to close network gaps and facilitate key connections along cycling spines identified in the Regional Cycling Plan; d) modify the current work plan to require public and stakeholder consultation to be undertaken by the Region, given that updating the Regional Cycling Plan is a Regional initiative and is inter-municipal in scope; 3. That Regional Council be requested to provide the area municipalities, stakeholders and public with sufficient time to analyze the draft updated Regional Cycling Plan by requesting comments no later than September 30, 2012; and 4. Further, that the City Clerk forward a copy of Report CS 09-12 to the Regional Municipality of Durham and all local municipalities in Durham Region. Report CS 09-12 February 21, 2012 Subject: City of Pickering Comments on the Page 2 07 Regional Cycling Plan Review Executive Summary: On October 17, 2011, Pickering Council endorsed Report CS 39-11 that contained staffs recommended modifications to the Regional Cycling Plan to include additional existing and future Regional Roads as Regional Cycling Spines, and recommended a revision to the current funding formula to address both on-road and off-road bikeway facilities. The current schedule has the Region releasing a draft updated Regional Cycling Plan on March 22, 2012 with comments from area municipalities due by the first week of May, and Regional staff reporting on a final updated Plan to Joint Committee on June 14, 2012. This timing will not provide sufficient time for area municipalities to comprehensively review the draft updated Regional Cycling Plan, solicit comments from the public and other stakeholders, report back to their own Committees/Councils, and ultimately report back to the Region. It is recommended that the timing be changed such that the Regional staff report on the draft updated Regional Cycling Plan is presented to Joint Committee on May 24, 2012 with the final updated Plan being presented for adoption on November 8, 2012. Further, staff is recommending that as part of the Region's report on the draft updated Regional Cycling Plan, a commitment be made to ensure sustainable funding is provided in order to implement a successful Regional Cycling Plan. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed recommendations. Discussion: On June 8, 2011, Regional Council requested the eight local municipalities to suggest modifications to the current Regional Cycling Plan On June 8, 201'1, Regional Council requested the eight local municipalities to provide suggestions for modifications to the Regional Cycling Network by September 2011 as input into an updated Regional Cycling Plan. The current Regional Cycling Plan was approved by Regional Council in October 2008. This updated Regional Cycling Plan is to be considered by Regional Council as part of the 2012 business planning and budget review process. On October 17, 2011, Pickering Council endorsed staff comments and recommended changes to the Regional Cycling Plan On October 17, 2011 Pickering Council endorsed Report CS 39-11 that contained staff's recommended modifications to the Regional Cycling Plan to add existing and future Regional Roads as Regional Cycling Spines, such as Altona Road, Finch Avenue, Westney Road, Liverpool Road and future roads in Seaton such as the Whitevale Road By-pass, Rossland (Third Concession) Road extension, and Whites Road extension. Report CS 09-12 February 21, 2012 Subject:. City of Pickering Comments on the Page 3 Regional Cycling Plan Review 1 S Staff also recommended that the funding formula be revised such that the Region be 100% responsible for the cost of paved shoulders, on-road and off-road bicycle lanes and that the cost of construction for multi-use bikeway paths be equally shared between the Region and the City instead of solely by the City. On November 23, 2011 Regional Council approved a resolution adopted by Tri- committee regarding the Regional Cycling Plan Regional Report 2011-J-45 dated November 10, 2011 was prepared with a recommendation that a draft updated Regional Cycling Plan be presented to a joint meeting of the Planning and Economic Development, Works, and Finance and Administration Committees on March 22, 2012, and further that on June 14, 2012 a Report to the Tri-committee will be presented recommending adoption of a revised Regional Cycling Plan. The Region is providing insufficient time for the area municipalities to analyze the draft updated Regional Cycling Plan and report back to their own Committees/Councils The current schedule has the Region releasing a draft updated Regional Cycling Plan on March 22, 2012 with comments from area municipalities due by the first week of May, and Regional staff reporting on an updated Plan to Joint Committee on June 14, 2012. This timing will not provide sufficient time for area municipalities to comprehensively review the Region's draft plan, solicit comments from the public and other stakeholders, report back to their own Committees/Councils, and ultimately report back to the Region. It is recommended that the timing be changed such that the Regional staff report on a draft updated Regional Cycling Plan is presented to Joint Committee on May 24, 2012 with a final updated Regional Cycling Plan for adoption on November 8, 2012. In order to meet the November date, comments to the Region would have to be submitted no later than September 30, 2012. This timeframe provides an opportunity for Regional and local municipal staff to continue to work collaboratively in an attempt to reach general consensus on the recommended route modifications, treatment type such as shared roadways, bicycle lanes or multi-use paths and network costs. Staff from each of the local municipalities are also approaching their respective Committees/Councils recommending a deferral in timing of the Regional staffs report on the draft updated Regional Cycling Plan. The report on the draft updated Regional Cycling Plan must include a funding strategy that will ensure continuous, reliable and sustainable funding to implement a successful Regional Cycling Plan Staff has previously commented on the need to revise the current Regional policy, with the Region taking full financial responsibility for the funding and implementation of Report CS 09-12 February 21, 2012 Subject: City of Pickering Comments on the Page 4 1 0 9 Regional Cycling Plan Review paved shoulder bikeway facilities on Regional roads. The additional time being requested by staff will also provide an opportunity to continue the dialogue to develop appropriate cost sharing arrangements that have been raised by the local municipalities. Staff had also recommended that the Region consider committing $500,000 annually in its capital budget for cycling infrastructure. Therefore, the Region's report on the draft updated Regional Cycling Plan should also propose the development of an on-going 5 year capital plan as part of the Region's annual budgeting process that would provide sustainable funding to address the construction, repair, maintenance, monitoring and promotion of the Regional Cycling Plan. Attachments: Not Applicable Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Richard W. H born, P.Eng Everett Buntsma, NPD, CMM Di,Vision Head, Engineering Services Director, Community Services Grant McGregor, MCIP RPP Neil Carrot , , RPP Principal Planner - Policy Director, Planning & Development GM:RH:ld Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council t~ 15, Zolz Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer