HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 02-12 Czry Report To Executive Committee I CKERING Report Number: CS 02-12 Date: January 16, 2012 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Request for MetroLinx-BikeLinx Funding to Install Sheltered, Safe and Secure Bicycle Parking at Strategic Locations in Pickering - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 02-12 of the Director, Community Services regarding the request for Metro Linx-Bikelinx funding to install sheltered, safe and secure bicycle parking be received; 2. That Council endorse the request to the Regional Municipality of Durham to receive BikeLinx funding for sheltered, safe and secure bike parking at strategic locations in Pickering; 3. That the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute any agreement to implement the BikeLinx funding program, that is in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer; 4. That, should the Region approve BikeLinx funding for the locations on private property, the Region also be requested to enter into agreements with the third party property owners of those sites; and 5. That Report CS 02-12 be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham for their consideration. Executive Summary: MetroLinx has provided one time BikeLinx funding of $147,328 to the Region of Durham to implement permanent, sheltered, safe and secure parking for bicycles at key transportation hubs in the Region. The Region is providing each of its area municipalities with an opportunity to submit a proposal for their share of the funding. The City has until January 31, 2012 to submit a proposal. ~l Report CS 02-12 January 16. 2012 Request for MetroLinx-BikeLinx Funding to Install Page 2 Sheltered, Safe and Secure Bicycle Parking at Strategic Locations in Pickering Based on the eligibility criteria provided under the MetroLinx-BikeLinx funding program, this report recommends four strategic locations in the City of Pickering. These locations include Pickering Recreation Complex, Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre, Pickering Town Centre (north side), and Pickering Town Centre (south side). The first two locations are under the ownership,of the City of Pickering and the other two locations are privately owned. The City of Pickering will be required to enter into an agreement with the Region governing the expenditure of the funds. The funding is intended to cover the capital costs of acquiring and installing the bicycle parking facilities. Any future maintenance, repair and replacement costs are required to be borne by the area municipality. The agreement will also address any reporting requirements related to the BikeLinx grant funding. Financial Implications: The terms of the funding agreement between the City and the Region will require that the City accepts the responsibility of future maintenance, repair and replacement costs for those bicycle parking facilities. These costs will need to be addressed in future budgets. Actual maintenance, repair and replacement costs will be determined on a case by case basis as required. In order to implement bicycle parking (bicycle lockers and/or shelters) at the recommended locations, the total estimated cost is $49,600, and the expenditure, and offsetting funding will be provided for in the 2012 Capital Budget. Sustainability Implications: The use of BikeLinx funding to install permanent, sheltered, safe and secure bicycle parking at strategic locations in the City advances the City's goal of 'Sustainable Placemaking' and will support the City's "Healthy Community Initiative'. The implementation of permanent bicycle parking facilities will provide for an increase in the number of bicycle trips for short distances and will promote energy efficient and environmentally conscious alternative modes of transportation which support economic, environmental and social corporate sustainability objectives. Background: In March 2008, MetroLinx awarded one time funding of $147,328 to the Region of Durham under the BikeLinx Program for the implementation of permanent, sheltered, safe and secure bicycle parking facilities at or near key transportation hubs in the Region. Report CS 02-12 January 16. 2012 1 Request for MetroLinx-BikeLinx Funding to Install Page 3 Sheltered, Safe and Secure Bicycle Parking at Strategic Locations in Pickering In October 2011, the Region circulated Report No. 2011-J-44 (See Attachment #1) to the area municipalities inviting proposals from each area municipality by January 31, 2012 regarding the use of BikeLinx funding for the installation of bicycle parking facilities. Under the BikeLinx Program, bicycle parking facilities that are eligible for funding must meet the following definition: "Permanent, sheltered, safe and secure parking for bicycles, integrated with municipal and regional transit. Lockers should be placed at strategic locations such as major municipal and inter-regional transit facilities, and/or mobility hubs. Storage spaces may include lockers (which should have the provision to be operated in the future by a forthcoming smart card system), or other permanently affixed storage which provides safe (either highly visible, in line of sight of attendant, or monitored by CCTV) and sheltered parking for bicycles." Each proposal from the area municipalities will be assessed by the Region based on: • description of the proposed bicycle parking facility and location • how well the proposal meets the MetroLinx definition the estimated cost and the amount of funding being requested • proposed implementation plan and timeline • procurement approach, and • availability of funds The assessment process also includes MetroLinx's verification of the proposals with respect to the funding eligibility definition. The proposed four locations; Pickering Recreation Complex, Petticoat Creek Library and Community Centre, Pickering Town Centre (north side), and Pickering Town Centre (south side) are in compliance with the eligibility criteria set by the program definition (See Attachments #2 and #3). A variety of bicycle parking facilities have been implemented, throughout the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) under the BikeLinx program, including bike lockers, bike cages in parking garages and bike shelters. Examples of these facilities are illustrated in Attachment #4. Generally these facilities are located in the public realm and maintained by the area municipality, however in some instances a public authority is responsible for maintaining bicycle parking facilities. The City's Recommended Proposal and Approach is as follows: ill Report CS 02-12 January 16. 2012 72 Request for MetroLinx-BikeLinx Funding to Install Page 4 Sheltered, Safe and Secure Bicycle Parking at Strategic Locations in Pickering • the City proposes to install permanent, sheltered, safe and secure bicycle parking facilities at four strategic locations listed in Attachment #2 of this report under BikeLinx funding program • attachment #2 also illustrates the type of bike parking facility at each location and how these locations meet the eligibility criteria established by MetroLinx and the Region. • the City has a preference to implement bicycle parking facilities at the locations owned by the City rather than privately owned properties. Should the funding allocation to the City of Pickering by the Region be less than what is requested, the City's priority is for approval of bicycle parking facilities to be implemented on City owned property • the total estimated cost of installation of bike parking facilities at the proposed locations is $49,600, of which $18,400 relates to the City owned locations; and $31,200 relates to the privately owned locations • the exact costs to install bike parking facilities at the proposed locations will be determined after the work is tendered and completed • the implementation schedule and procurement approach will be determined in consultation with the Region and other agencies after the funding commitment is received from the Region • bicycle parking facilities will be implemented as soon as possible once the Region provides the funding commitment, and will be competitively procured to ensure optimum value for money • any agreement must address any financial and liability matters to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer • the proposed Pickering Town Centre (north side) and Pickering Town Centre (south side) locations are not owned by ,the City of Pickering. Discussions with the owner regarding the placement and long term maintenance of the bicycle parking facilities has not yet taken place. The Region expects the City to enter into an agreement with the third party owner to deal with future maintenance, repair and replacement costs for bicycle facilities on their site. However, it is preferred that the Region enters into an agreement directly with the third party owner for the Report CS 02-12 January 16. 2012 73 Request for MetroLinx-BikeLinx Funding to Install Page 5 Sheltered, Safe and Secure Bicycle Parking at Strategic Locations in Pickering bicycle facilities as they are intended to support regional and provincial transit systems Attachments: 1. Regional Staff Report to Joint Committee (Report No. 20011-J-44) 2. Recommended Strategic Locations for Bicycle Parking and Cost Estimates 3. Location Map 4. Graphical Illustration of Bike Locker, Bike Shelter and Bike Cage I Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Dhaval Pandya, M.Eng., P.Eng. Everett Buntsma, D, CMM Coordinator, Transportation Engineering Director, Community Services Rich rd W. Ho orn, P.Eng. Diviiion Head, tngineering Services .d( Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering C' Council 20 Tony Prevedel, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 7 ;p r f< F O REPORT# CQ 02-1 'Z -j- of lr~ The Regional Municipality of Durham To: The Planning & Economic Development and Finance & Administration Committee • - From: A.L. Georgieff, Commissioner of Planning and Economic • Development R.J. Clapp, Commissioner of Finance Report No.: 2011-J-44 Date: October 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Metrolinx - BikeLinx Funding, File: A01-07-02 Correspondence dated May 21, 2008, from Angela Gibson, Senior Transportation Planner, Town of Ajax. Standing Committee Correspondence 2010-30 dated February 10, 2011, from Paul Ralph, Director of Planning Services, City of Oshawa RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the Planning & Economic Development and Finance & Administration Committee recommends to Regional Council that: a) Each of the.area municipalities within Durham Region be provided with the, opportunity to request one time funding from the Region's 2008 one time BikeLinx Grant of $147,328 for the implementation of sheltered, safe and secure bicycle parking, consistent with the criteria established by Metrolinx for the BikeLinx program, including the area municipalities being required to enter into an agreement with the Region governing the expenditure of the funds and reporting requirements, and assuming the full (100%) responsibility for all ongoing future maintenance, repair and replacement costs; b) The area municipalities be requested to submit their proposals to the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development and the Commissioner of Finance by January 31, 2012; I 1 ATTACI- MENT# L TOREPORT#CS Z-12- 75 2 of Ja- Report No.: 2011-J-44 Page No. 2 C) THAT Regional staff report back to Regional Council on the interested responses and recommendations for disbursement of the one time BikeLinx grant funding; and d) THAT a copy of Commissioners' Report No. 2011-J-44 be forwarded to each of the area municipalities and Metrolinx. REPORT: 1. PURPOSE 1.1 In March 2008, Metrolinx, through the BikeLinx program, awarded the Region one time funding of $387,328 for bicycle related infrastructure intended to enhance linkages between active transportation and transit. Of this funding, $240,000 was to be used to purchase and install bicycle racks on Durham Region Transit (DRT) buses and $147,328 was to be used for sheltered, safe and secure bicycle parking. 1.2 DRT has completed installing bike racks on all of its current conventional bus fleet at a total cost of $158,000. The remaining funds will be required to continue to purchase and install bicycle racks on future bus purchases. It is now appropriate to consider the best use of the remaining BikeLinx funds of $147,328. 1.3 The purpose of this report is to recommend an approach to implement sheltered, safe and secure bicycle parking in strategic locations in the Region, through the BikeLinx funds provided by Metrolinx. 2. IMPLEMENTATION OF BIKELINX FUNDS 2.1 Eligibility Criteria for BikeLinx Funding 2.1.1 Under the Metrolinx BikeLinx funding program, bicycle parking facilities that are eligible for funding must meet the following definition "Permanent, sheltered, safe and secure parking for bicycles, integrated with municipal and regional transit. Lockers should be placed at strategic locations such as major municipal and inter-regional transit facilities, 2 A7 TACHMENT#.~,~e... TOREPORT# QC~Z_(2- 7 ~ -of _I Report too.: 2011-J-44 Page No. 3 and/or mobility hubs. Storage spaces may include lockers (which should have the provision to be operated in the future by a forthcoming smart card system), or other permanently affixed storage which provides safe . (either highly visible, in line of sight of attendant, or monitored by CCTV and sheltered parking for bicycles." 2.1.2 A variety of bicycle parking facilities have been implemented through the BikeLinx initiative across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), including: bike lockers, bike cages in parking garages, and bike shelters. The facilities are generally located in the public realm and maintained by the municipality or in some instances a public authority. a 1 `C My Bike Locker Bike Cage {T' p I l i I Bike Shelter. I I I T O REPORT# GS o2-12 . ATTACHMENT _ of 77 Page No. 4 Report No.: 2011-J-44 2.2 Area Municipal Requests for Funding 2.2.1 Since the Region's receipt of the BikeLinx funding, the Town of Ajax (Attachment 1) and the City of Oshawa (Attachment 2), have requested a share of the funds to install bicycle lockers at the Ajax GO Station, the Ajax Plaza on Harwood Avenue, and the Oshawa City Hall respectively. The City of Oshawa has requested $4,000 to install 4 bike lockers at their City Hall, while the Town of Ajax has not provided a cost estimate. 2.3 Approach to Use of BikeLinx Funds 2.3.1 The funding requests received from Ajax and Oshawa demonstrate that the dispersal of funds to the area municipalities is an effective way of implementing sheltered, safe and secure bicycle parking, as it fits well with the municipal responsibilities in delivering street side facilities in the public realm. 2.3.2 To ensure fair and equitable access to the BikeLinx funding, each of the area municipalities should be provided with an opportunity to submit funding proposals to the Region that are consistent with the criteria established for the program by Metrolinx. All funding applications must be submitted to the Regional Commissioner,of Planning and Economic Development and Commissioner of Finance by January 31, 2012. 2.3.3 Each proposal will be assessed based on description of the proposed bicycle parking facility and location; how well the proposal meets the Metrolinx definition; the estimated cost and the amount of funding being requested; proposed implementation plan and timeline; procurement approach and availability of funds. As part of the assessment process, inputs will be sought from Metrolinx to verify that the proposals meet Metrolinx's funding eligibility definition. 2.4 Requirement to Enter Into an Agreement with the Region 2.4.1 A municipality, that has been awarded funding, will be required to enter into an agreement with the Region governing the expenditure of the funds. The municipality will acknowledge acceptance of any future maintenance, repair and replacement costs. The funding agreement will cover the capital costs of 4 7 8 Al''°ACI-. M ENT #-L- TO REPORT# (20 02 - 12 5 0f ReportNo.: 2011-J-44 Page No. 5 construction and installation of the secure cycling facilities as well as any reporting requirements related to the BikeLinx grant funding. A draft agreement will be presented to the area municipalities. 2.4.2 In order to ensure fair and equitable assessment of all applications, the funding requests received so far from Ajax and Oshawa will need to be assessed along with future proposals from all area municipalities. As such, Ajax and Oshawa may choose to resubmit their proposals to ensure completeness and better alignment with the assessment criteria. 3. CONCLUSIONS AND NEXT STEPS 3.1 Accordingly, it is recommended that each of the area municipalities within Durham Region be provided with the opportunity to request one time funding from the Region's BikeLinx Funds for the implementation of sheltered, safe and secure bicycle parking, consistent with the criteria established for the program. 3.2 A subsequent report will be presented to Committee and Council, once the proposals have been received and evaluated with input from Metrolinx, to recommend the distribution and awards of funding, and to authorize the Regional Chair and Clerk to enter into funding agreements with the recipient area municipalities. 3.3 This report has been prepared in consultation with the Works Department and Durham Region Transit. A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP R.J. Clapp, A Commissioner of Planning and Commissioner of Finance Economic Development AlTAC~ii`1ENT#J TOREPORT#~ ©2--12- ?g of 141 Report No.: 2011-J-44 Page No. 6 RECOMMENDED FOR PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE arry Fj u itt, M.S.W. Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: 1. Correspondence dated May 21, 2008, from Angela Gibson, Senior Transportation Planner, Town of Ajax. 2. Standing Committee Correspondence 2010-30 dated February 10, 2011, from Paul Ralph, Director of Planning Services, City of Oshawa. s k^,'A%CHMENT# 2-_. TO REPORT#C-'::)C)2-(2 so L- of _ U) O O m s- cw c(n N O~ c c y co Q-~ cn c-~- cn v ca (a N O N c6 N a) (D ca a a - a Z L. (n U) N N Y U fn a) M Y U (/L (A D N CL LO LC) cn (n J (n cn (A J LO LLI 7 O O O U C) C) C O N ° co (0 ° co O C NI c U CF) 'n ai 0) 614 v U . 611, -a W E E a -C t c ~ 0 R ca= c -5 ca g L yam. c 0 (n a a c 0 ~ C: I- O O L- cn -0 (Q O c (6 m O (n Q) c c (u O 0 c O T O co - of O T > (n -0 -0 cu a) cu .2 (D cu IL 0 C: CO :3 U d N (D (6 N O) N O U (6 ~ L V U c c c N E L (n L- CU L U) (u a) • L c 0) L O O N U (n •0 a ~ 3 cYi aa)) Y O o c) -0 N O C -a -0 E = G1 p a cEl- m rnN a~a o '~W CL CD CL _ N c (0 c fa 0 > O L L L O _V ~ _a c 'O (6 LO 30 to U) 30 O Q C E Q s m 0 cca c (n E 2 c (n -0 c co v ca E a) c~00 to m= o ~coxa)3 (D (D "=ma) nv~E L) 0 ~~(n 0) ~m~ o> ° c)Q =3 U c L- cu 0- CU -C in- I-- M CL m 0 0 L 0 a) >,(n~ L V~(n a)0ca ~0) (nom 0o L N Y a?O m o o c o :3 -E c 0 cJT0 0 ~ C c ~ w 0 HUm c~i 0 ~ < (ten ~C7~ Q ca ' O -0 L) In c) cu 12 m cu O LL N U N w 0-0 U (1) a~ c.) -O V N :3 L -0 E2 a) (0 Y m (L) (a Y Cu CL) O (a U Y CL) L- -0 -i U) cn (1)2 CD 42) -se a) c dm a_ mm (au U F0 a U U m °~U U o G CM . U c C: p cII E v co U U (u O O L c C .M Y E V J aa)) 3 3 ai n H i a U a) rn x -0 (D a) 0 C (D Cl) C: 05-0 -C a CO I- L a v a) (D CD E cYi 0 `0 a) D U t+ a0 z C: 0 a) ~`.(n Z r2A ~L r; NI" _,,.-s►~, fiery • ~ ~NBPK • Vii, '•M~ .s i~~ M (~~~4 i 51 Y , W-W Jrry .-41' Al j3l > r! U I . r e ONjG ;CH X, CITY ~~~vvv a N 40 Attachment #3 Location Map - wuE NTS DECEMBER, 2011 L-\MPdndE\CW Worn\DPAW7NOS\2011\Mi=\Bike Unx - Msho irnx Funding aequae `T kEPORl'1; I Z u r _ rw d ~ 0^+ N L r _ _ L W D CO N _ C/) o = 3 3 ol CD (D 9r+,! L 4 Ixy' 7~ 61 CD 0 m k) DL co - v . (D J 1 S F I k ~ yr ! a~ v r. ~ 3 l ~.ti r! I `.Nr w Ala ~ a,. ' ~ -7 1 ~ s x r - O f N N Cn 0 Q (D CIL <r. 1. New w. ~ e ~i' ~;pl~ iR ~ Ln CD 4 ~,J IM 1 ~ C L J - I 1 Old Imp A 17 r zS Jna;.-- ANS~~ l r°r "1 r ' JY r _ Jr~ T J 4 .d « - ~.YeFrl •L 1~ ~ ~ ierr- ~ i~9 ~ ~ ~•ti fir. - a• ••a ei f ~ rt ~ i is, oo (D CD C/) 0 K fill t~ :37 =r t - m Pat (D CD =3 r (D b , CA t IG ' Y ~ 1 . 1 5, I