HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 14-11 Caq Report To Executive Committee PI KERING Report Number: CAO 14-11 123 Date: December 5, 2011 From: Tony Prevedel, P.Eng Chief Administrative Officer Subject: Next Generation Common Communications Platform -"NextGen" - File: A-1440 S-5000 Recommendation: 1. That Report CAO 14-11 of the Chief Administrative Officer regarding the Next Generation Common Communications Platform be received. 2. That the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering confirm its commitment to participate, in conjunction with the other area municipalities and the Region of Durham, in the common communications platform being undertaken by the Region for police, fire and other services; 3. That the Fire Chief, in conjunction with the appropriate staff, be authorized and directed to continue to participate in the "Next Gen" Common Communications Platform with the Region of Durham in anticipation of being operational in 2014; 4. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign any agreements necessary, in a form acceptable to the Chief Administrative Officer, the Fire Chief, the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and the City Solicitor, to ensure the City's participation in the common communications platform; 5. That staff be directed to prepare a further report on this project for presentation to and discussion with Council in advance of its inclusion in the 2013 Capital Budget; and, 6. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect hereto. Executive Summary: This report will update Council on the ongoing development of a new approach to emergency communications that will link Pickering's Fire Services with Durham Regional Police Service (DPRS) and other emergency services in Durham, while reducing overall costs for communications. The reason for researching a new communications system is that the current one, hosted by Oshawa and shared amongst the lakeshore municipalities in Durham is approximately 10 years old, is nearing the end of its life and will no longer be supported Report CAO 14-11 December 5, 2011 124 Next Generation Common Communications Platform Page 2 by Motorola after 2014. A replacement system must be identified, agreed upon and be operational by then. At the same time,. Durham Regional Police are also looking at a new common communications system, encompassing Police together with Fire and other services of all 8 area municipalities, which would be of maximum benefit to all parties. Under the proposed agreement for the new system, the Region of Durham will pay for the capital costs of the fixed infrastructure. Pickering will pay only for its required user equipment, representing a considerable cost saving for the City, and its share of annual operating costs. Since the new system will require a Memorandum of Agreement, it is imperative that the partners involved communicate their commitment to the project, so that system requirements are known and actual costs can be calculated. This report asks for that commitment from Pickering Council. The proposed system has the following benefits: • Interoperability with Durham Regional Police Service, Durham Emergency Management Office, Durham Region services, and the Fire Services of other Durham municipalities. • Improved safety for first responders in emergencies. • Reduced yearly operating costs for Pickering (from $110,950/year to $84,000/year) • Significant capital cost avoidance, since the current 800 MHz system and its infrastructure do not need to be replaced. • Collective purchasing power, resulting in lower equipment prices. • Room on the system for additional users, such as By-law Services, Animal Services, Operations, and Ontario Power Generation. Although the system will not be implemented until 2014, Council should understand the costs and benefits of the new system in advance, so that financial planning can continue. Fire Services is confident that the NextGen system is the best option financially and operationally for the City of Pickering, and will contribute to improved community safety. Financial Implications: The costs associated with this project are significant, but the option to stay on our current system or to move to a newer Fire Services shared system would be much higher. The current emergency communications system will need to be replaced in 2014. Maintaining the status quo would cost Pickering approximately $2 million. Pickering shares the current 800 MHz radio. system with Ajax Fire & Emergency Services, Whitby Fire & Emergency Services, Oshawa Fire Services, and Clarington Report CAO 14-11 December 5, 2011 Next Generation Common Communications Platform Page 3 Fire Services. Motorola will not support the current system past 2014. If all the partners retain the existing system, infrastructure replacement costs would total about $10 million (Pickering's share would be about $2 million). If the other partners move to a new system, and Pickering maintains the existing system, the City would be financially burdened with increased operations and maintenance costs, plus the significant costs associated with moving all the infrastructure to Pickering. Up-front costs for linking to the proposed NextGen system include purchasing or reprogramming equipment, totaling approximately $800,000 based on current estimates, plus a contingency of $200,000. The costs associated with the move to the NextGen system are for new or reprogrammed user equipment and annual operating and maintenance costs only, since the Region of Durham will pay for the capital infrastructure. It would also be prudent to keep at least $200,000 in the budget as a contingency, earmarked for additional costs for the new system, such as voice recording in.dispatch, additional repeaters for areas with poor radio reception, station alerting upgrades, call- back paging, and current system de-commissioning. More information will become available in March 2012, when the Regional RFP is completed. At this time, it is projected that the costs for user equipment will need to be included in the 2013 budget. The NextGen consultant has provided the following cost estimates. Equipment * Number Estimated Estimated Total Unit Cost $ Cost Range $ New mobiles 20 3,000 - 5,000 60,000 - 100,000 New portables 80 5,000 - 7,000 400,000 - 560,000 New dispatch consoles 3 25,100 75,300 - 75,300 50.2% Pickerin 's Share Repeaters 2 20,000 40,000 - 40,000 Contingency 200,000 200,000 - 200,000 Estimated Total 775,300 - 975,300 *Prices include antennas, chargers, and bases. The above capital cost estimate assumes all radios will require replacement, on a conservative note. Should some of the newer radios only need re-programming; there will be some capital savings. The above estimate includes a contingency of $200,000. Operating costs for the NextGen system will be shared by all users, representing a potential saving for Pickering of approximately $26,000/year compared to the current system. Each user's percentage share of the costs will be based on the number of radios they have on the system. The NextGen radio consultant has estimated that the annual cost of operating and maintaining the NextGen system would be $1,500,000. This Report CAO 14-11 December 5, 2011 126 Next Generation Common Communications Platform Page 4 is an estimate and the consultant expects that the actual costs will be lower. This amount will be divided up amongst all users. Pickering's share would be 5.65% or $84,750/year, compared to the current cost of $110,950/year, for a saving of $26,200/year. This amount could be reduced further if other groups such as Ontario Power Generation (OPG) become part of the user group. At this time, it is not anticipated that there would be any significant capital costs beyond those. identified in this report. Current operating costs will remain relatively unchanged, perhaps decreasing slightly. The capital costs will be debt financed over a 10 year term with estimated annual debt retirement costs of approximately $125,000 commencing in the 2014 Budget. Sustainability Implications: Approximately 25% of our current radio inventory is a newer programmable style of Motorola radio. It is hoped that we can reprogram these radios and continue to use them on the new system. The other 75% are an older-style Motorola radio that will not accept reprogramming. The project consultant has suggested that Pickering' could realize some value from the old radios by offering them to municipalities that are still using a system similar to our current system. Background: The Region of Durham and its municipalities came together in 2009 to commence discussions a new system that would connect firefighters with police. In 2009, discussions began between Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) and Durham Region Fire Chiefs with a view to a new joint radio platform that would facilitate communications among responders at emergency scenes. Timing was perfect for this initiative, as both DRPS and the Durham Regional Fire Chiefs knew that their current radio systems would be unsustainable after 2014. The group approached the Region's CAOs and prepared report 2009-A-47 (see Attachment #1) for Regional Council. Regional Council agreed in principle: 1. To further study a potential shared communication platform as outlined in report 2009-A-47 from the Chief Administrative Officer. 2. To support staff involvement on the appropriate groups, as detailed in the proposed structure. 3. To follow the Region of Halton model of capital funding whereby infrastructure costs are funded by the Region. 4. To request that staff provide, at the appropriate time, detailed project recommendations with associated cost estimates for Council's consideration. Report CAO 14-11 December 5, 2011 127 Next Generation Common Communications Platform Page 5 5. To provide, along with other partners to the project, its share of funding costs associated with the Project Manager, support staff, and consulting services. Pickering spends $110,950/year on its current radio system, which does not allow for communications with Durham Regional Police Services. Pickering Fire Services currently uses an 800 MHz Motorola radio system for communication, shared with Ajax Fire & Emergency Services, Whitby Fire & Emergency Services, Oshawa Fire Services, and Clarington Fire Services. The system has been in place since 2002. The five Fire Services work together under a Memorandum of Understanding to share maintenance and operational costs. In 2011, Pickering's share of the annual operations and maintenance costs for the current system was $110,950. With the current system, Pickering Fire Services staff can talk to the other Fire Service partners, but cannot communicate with DRPS or other services. The 800 MHz system will not be supported by Motorola after 2014. This means that new parts will be unavailable for maintenance or repairs. A significant investment would be required in 2014 to improve technology and the system infrastructure. Furthermore, Pickering Fire Services currently uses a radio tower at our Operations Centre. With the projected move of the Operations Centre, a significant investment would also be required to construct a new radio antenna in a strategic location. It is estimated that it would cost approximately $10 million to replace the system infrastructure of the 800 MHz radio system that we share with the other four partners. That would require each partner to contribute at least $2 million towards the infrastructure of any new Fire Services radio system. Further work in 2010 and 2011 determined the scope of the new system. The Region of Durham is currently preparing an RFP, due in March 2012. In 2010, a Joint Management Team (JMT) of senior officers from the various stakeholder groups was formed to oversee the project. A project consultant came on board in 2011 and helped the stakeholders decide what was required in the new common communications platform. In report 2011-A-27 (see Attachment #3), the Region of Durham estimated the costs for infrastructure of the NextGen radio platform and user equipment for DRPS and Regional Departments at between $25 million and $40 million. Although the Region will be responsible for the infrastructure costs, each municipality will be required to pay for equipment used by their respective emergency services personnel. In July 2011 a technical consultant was brought on board to help prepare a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Region. In October, 2011 Regional Council approved four pre qualified bidders to participate in the RFP which will be completed in March 2012. This step will bring further clarity to the project. Once the RFP is completed, we will be able Report CAO 14-11 December 5, 2011 123 Next Generation Common Communications Platform Page 6 to'budget more precisely, as we will have a more accurate assessment of equipment costs. There is a window of opportunity to leverage collective municipal purchasing power to procure a system cost-effectively while enhancing community safety. The ability to share operating and management costs will ensure the costs are borne throughout the Region by many partners, reducing the pressure on the operating budgets of both the Region and each individual municipality. Operationally, the new system will enhance first responder safety and community safety by allowing communication between emergency response agencies throughout the Region. Fire Services is confident that the NextGen is the best option both financially and operationally for the City of Pickering. Attachments: 1. Region of Durham, Report 2009-A-47 re Potential Share Communications Platform 2. Region of Durham, Report 2011-A-1 re Shared Communications Platform 3. Region of Durham, Report 2011-A-27 re Procurement of Next General Common Communications Platform 4. Region of Durham, Report 2011-A-43 re Procurement of Next Generation Common Communications Platform Prepared By:, Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council William T. Douglas Fire Chief Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Jon agg De ty ,Opera 'ons I 7/w Gillis . Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer 1 2 9 A-T_~ ACHM ENT # _._TO REPORT## GAO 14- ~t !v D ~ The Regional Municipality of Durham To: Finance and Administration Committee From: Chief Administrative Officer Report No.: 2009-A-47 Date: November 04, 2009 i Subiect: Potential Shared Communications Platform RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the Finance and Administration Committee recommends to Regional Council: a) THAT Report 2009-A-47 of the Chief Administrative Officer be received for information; b) THAT Regional staff and Durham Regional Police Services determine interested partners; and c) THAT the Region agrees in principle: i) to the further study of a potential shared communication platform as outlined in the report; ii) to support staff involvement on the appropriate groups as detailed in the proposed structure (Attachment A); iii) with the Halton model of capital infrastructure funding, whereby such costs are funded by Durham Regional. Police Services and the Regional Municipality of Durham, iv) to request that staff provide, at the appropriate time, detailed project recommendations with associated cost estimates for the consideration of council; v) to provide, along with the other partners to the project, its appropriate share of funding costs associated with the Project Manager, support staff and consultant services. REPORT: 1. BACKGROUND The communication systems for Police and Fire departments are nearing the end of their contracts and will need to be renewed. Representatives from . DRPS approached the Regional and local municipal CAOs to determine if there Report No.: 2009-A-47 1-rt~ A I TO REPOI;T## IL Pa9e No.: 2 ~-ra r t M - t 1 10 would be any interest in developing a shared communication platform. It was emphasized that while common dispatch would be possible, that was not the purpose of this initiative. There would be no need to relinquish individual control or dispatch. This shared platform could be used by various departments such as Works, Social Services, Transit, Emergency Management as well as Police and Fire. The CAOs requested that staff explore the issue further,and present the information to them in the fall. 2. ISSUES In an emergency effective communication is key, and currently there is some difficulty with communications between emergency services. Although there are working solutions so that the different services are able to connect with each other, a real-time system would be a great improvement. In addition, there are many other municipal departments that use a variety of communication systems, none of which connect with each other. In a variety of emergencies there are many departments involved and inter-operability would enhance the ability to respond speedily and effectively. The cost of a new system is considerable, and if spread among different stakeholders would be less burdensome to any one agency. Because usage is not.equal across all users, it is expected that the costs would be distributed according to usage. During the exploration process, staff met with representatives from Halton Region and Halton Regional Police as they are in the process of renewing their common system for the second time. One of the major hurdles in moving their process forward was the difficulty in allocating the appropriate share of the costs. To gain a' better understanding of the outlay involved, the capital costs were separated out from the operating costs, and further the capital infrastructure was separated from capital user equipment. It was determined that Halton's capital infrastructure estimated cost was around $13 million, of . which $10m could be attributed to the police budget. To move the process along it was decided that the Region would finance the other $3m, but that the other partners would be responsible for their own capital user equipment. Halton also provided Durham representatives with suggestions that they had learned during. the process. They realized that it would have been beneficial to have the project planner available.much earlier in the process than they had, but even with a project manager in place other staff supports were needed. Halton also recognized that in future they will encourage partners to build up Report No.: 2009-A-47 ;,FTACHMENT4 TO REPORT# page No.: 3 131 capital accounts in advance, so that when faced with renewing the system again the finances would be available. 3.' PROPOSED PROCESS FOR DURHAM It is clear that there is an urgency to move forward. Police and some fire departments have contracts that expire in 2014. Both Police and Fire need to run parallel systems for approximately a year to ensure that there are no glitches in the new system, therefore the new system would need to be ready in 2013. In order to move the process forward there are several steps that must happen before the end of this year (2009) to ensure that a system is ready when it is needed for the first users: Need a commitment from all stakeholders to study the initiative Establish a Joint Management Committee • Identify (and optimally hire) a project manager • Have a process underway to hire a consultant • Develop a communications plan • Have a letter of agreement in principle from all partners (at least for 2010 - for the study even if not for the final product) • Identify office space. and support personnel • Establish a good link and support from the IT area During the early part of 2010 the consultant will study the various technical options and provide advice on the optimum system for Durham. There will be a business case prepared, along with the financial implications. After this is available, municipalities and other potential stakeholders such as OPG, can decide the level of their involvement. The initiative will be overseen by a Joint Management Committee (JMC) comprised of a senior representative from the participating agencies. There will be a working group comprising technical experts from each agency and this group will feed the necessary intelligence and recommendations up to the JMC for decision making. Attachment A is a chart which shows the proposed structure. It is recommended that an initial financial arrangement be made similar to that of Halton, whereby the Police commit their portion of the capital infrastructure cost and the Region the remainder. Other stakeholders will fund their own capital user equipment and their portion of the operating costs. The cost of the project manager and consultant will be pro-rated according to communication usage of each stakeholder. Report No.: 2009-A-47 r , 1 REPORT'#1'~ !Page No.: 4 2 4. CONCLUSION A new communications system is essential for both Regional police and some municipal fire services by 2014. It has been apparent that there are existing gaps in inter-operability that hinder communication on the ground during multi- service emergencies and events. It would benefit all stakeholders to have a common system, and financially it would be advantageous to cost-share such a system according to usage. To have a system in place by the required time, it is essential that work begin immediately to secure a project manager and begin the outlined process. Garry .S.W. Chief Administrative Officer 1 3 3 J i TACHMENT # -T O R EPO~##-~~ Attachment A PROPOSED STRUCTURE DURHAM NEXT GENERATION COMMON RADIO PLATFORM MUNICIPALITY' REGION OPG Municipal CAOs and Regional CAO and OPG Representative REGIONAL J.M.T. FINANCE Steering Committee comprising of CONSULTANT a representative from DRPS, Fire, the Region and OPG PROJECT LEADER FIRE / O.P.G. / POLICE / REGION Working Group comprising of subject matter experts and to include representatives from both Lakeshore and northern fire Departments (POTENTIAL STAKEHOLDERS) ICI ATTACHMENT # TOREP0RT#22_Y--[/ 6 [ The Regional Municipality of Durham 134 INN To: Finance and Administration Committee From: Garry Cubitt, Chief Administrative Officer Mike Ewles, Chief, Durham Region Police Service Report No.: 2011-A-1 ' Date: January 18, 2011 Subject: Shared Communications Platform RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Finance & Administration Committee recommends to Regional Council that: 1. The process of defining the technology, selection and implementation of an interoperable emergency communication system for the Region and the local municipalities outlined in this report be approved; 2. The multi-year (2011-2014) proposal received from Lansdowne Technologies Inc. in the amount of $2,308,782.00 (excluding applicable taxes) for the provision of acquiring a firm to undertake the project management role to oversee the complete development and implementation of an interoperable communications platform for emergency communications within Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS), local municipal fire departments, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and various departments within the Region be accepted; 3. That the first year financing in the amount of approximately $922,000 be funded as follows: 2010 Emergency Communication Budget $250,000 • 2010 Durham Regional Police Service Capital Reserve 125,000 Sub-Total 2010 Funding 375,000 • 2011 Pre Budget Approval of DRPS Capital Reserve 547,000 Total First Year Funding $922,000 with the balance of funding requirements to be part of the 2012 to 2014 Business Plans and Budgets. 4. The Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with Lansdowne Technologies Inc. covering these requirements. ReportNo.: 2011-A-1 Page No.: 2 135 ATTACHMENT # a TOREPORT# 2L1q-11 REPORT: 1. BACKGROUND The communication systemsforPolice:-and~,Firevdepartments°~are:nearing-,_th errd:_of._their contracts~and~wilLnee.dto-be.re.newedor_replaced:;with~ ewer;-more- in teroperabletechnology Representatives from DRPS approached the Regional and local municipal CAOs to determine if there would be any interest in developing a shared communication platform. It-wasempbasized.-thatwhile common dispatch, would-be possible, that-was-not-the=purpos&-of-.fts:initiat[vet= There wouId-be=no need for relinquish° individual: control-or dispaatch_ Report 2009-A-47 approved by the Finance and Administration Committee and Regional Council laid the structure for the implementation of a shared communications platform. In 2009, as part of the five year business plan, $2'5``` mil'lion-was estimated-to be-the.- appmximate costlorthecomplete.replacem ent of theernergency: communicat on-system° currently being used, within theiv Regio A-- This multi-yearprojectwili`continueuntil.the.implem.entation,of the-new system-Y anticipated-to be in 2014. 2. PROGRESS TO DATE As part of the proposed structure overseeing the implementation process (see Attachment 1, attached) a Jomt~Manage rnent Tearn-. (JM-F~ has been formed, comprising the following individuals: • Scott Burns (DRPS) • Greg Mills (DRPS) • Sherry Whiteway (DRPS) (Chair) • Joseph Maiorano (DRPS) Don Beaton (RMD) • Ivan Ciuciura (RMD) • Troy Jones (RMD) • Mark Diotte (Ajax Fire) (Vice-Chair) • Steve Meringer (Oshawa Fire) • Dennis McBride (OPG) • Paul Truong (OPG) The JMT will oversee this initiative and has been meeting monthly. The mandate for the project is "To identify, acquire and deploy a common communication platform which is fiscally and operationally sustainable. The system selected shall meet the specific needs of our stakeholders and provide interoperability at a Regional, Provincial and Federal level." ReportNo.: 2011-A-1 Page No.: 3 136 ATTACHMENT #A-TO REPORT A working group with DRPS has been formed to ensure that day-to-day operations are covered and provide support to the JMT. In addition, a subcommittee was struck to be responsible for drafting the Request for Proposal for the consultant project management role. 3. PROPOSED PROCESS Year . Activity 1-4 Project management in lace 2 Technical specialist hired Definition of technical requirements 3-4 Generation of RFP to find supplier Installation of system As the implementation proceeds other teams indicated in the proposed oversight structure will be formed as required. 4. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) #714-2010 To acquire a firm to undertake the project management role of this multi-year project, RFP#714-2010 was released on August 25, and closed on September 23, 2010. The firm will oversee the complete development and. implementation of an interoperable communications platform for various departments and divisions within the Region. Three proposals were received from: Lansdowne Technologies Inc; Kyzach Inc. and Belshaw and Associates. Of the three proposals, two were deemed compliant with submission requirements. As per Article 2.08 of the .RFP, the two compliant proponents were then invited to attend an interview to make a presentation to the evaluation team. Those firms were Lansdowne Technologies Inc. and Kyzach Inc. An evaluation team consisting of Durham Regional Police Service, Ajax Fire Department and Regional Finance staff reviewed and evaluated the proposals in accordance with the evaluation criteria outlined in the RFP which consisted of the following elements: • Understanding of project requirements Background and qualifications of consultant • Project leader experience • Project management • Interviews/presentations • Pricing Report No.: 2011-A-1 Page No.: 4 137 ATTACHMENT # T OREPORT#Ck-0 (Lt- After tabulation of the evaluation scores, including the presentation, Lansdowne Technologies Inc. was the highest scoring respondent. Their financial stability and client references were reviewed and these components were rated as a, pass. As such, Lansdowne Technologies Inc. is considered the respondent to be recommended for award. 5. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS As indicated earlier in this report, the estimated cost for the project is $25 million. The recommendation contained in Report 2009-A747 which was approved by Regional Council was that the Police commit their portion of the capital infrastructure cost and the Region the remainder. ;jWbrrstakeholders-=- r will fund their own capital user-equipn7ent and-theiF-portion=of the,operating . costs. 4- For.the capital infrastructure costs it is anticipated that DRPS will fund 70% of the costs, and the Region the remaining 30%. It is recommended that the funding for the first year be as follows: • 2010 Emergency Communication Budget $250,000. • 2010 Durham Regional Police Service Capital Reserve 125,000 Sub-Total 2010 Funding 375,000 • 2011 Pre Budget.Approval of DRPS Capital Reserve 547,000 Total First Year Funding $922.000 First year projected costs are based on the total hours required to complete the scope of work as detailed in the RFP. The rest of the $2.3 million project management costs will be budgeted over the remaining three years. As per the proposed process for the 2012 budget, in addition to the year two costs of the.Lansdowne agreement estimated at $514,953, an additional $300,000 - 500,000 will be required in year two for the technical specialist. It is expected that during years three and four of the project the supplier of the new interoperable technology will be selected and installation initiated and completed at an estimated cost of $21 million. Funding for this phase of the project will be at the-discretion of the Commissioner of Finance. Report No.: 2011-A-1 Page No.: 5 i 38 6. CONCLUSION ATTACHMENT#,ER-TO REPORT##0~~, t It is essential that DRPS implement a new communications platform anatt;.: is~i place-fibs-W O° Effective emergency communications between the identified agencies with an interoperable, real-time system is critical for community safety. Since=manyof-the,fire`-departmentsk ccmmUtnication, . systems=are=-also--nearing-the-end of=theip-contT-actsthES:wouad~.~seem-i.ta-be;a.; mostoppo°rtrane=time fo° mpie-me sacl Garr integrafiedI shared platform. This report has been reviewed by the Finance Department and the Commissioner of Finance concurs with the financial recommendation. Garry Cubitt M.S.W. Chief Administrative Officer Mike. Ewles Chief, Durham Region Police Service - ''r,CHMENT# Z TO REPORT #22-14-1' 139 6~ G Attachment A PROPOSED STRUCTURE DURHAM NEXT GENERATION COMMON RADIO PLATFORM MUNICIPALITY REGION OPG Municipal CAOs and Regional CAO and OPG Representative J.M.T. REGIONAL. Steering Committee comprising of CONSULTANT FINANCE a representative from DRPS, Fire, the Region and OPG PROJECT LEADER FIRE I O.P.G.1 POLICE 1 REGION Working Group comprising of.subject matter experts and to include representatives from both lakeshore and northern fire Departments i (POTENTIAL STAKEHOLDERS) i i 4 TO REPORo# a 6ly -i~ The Regional Municipality of Durham To: Finance and Administration Committee From: Garry Cubitt, Chief Administrative Officer Mike Ewles, Chief, Durham Regional Police Service - Report No.: 2011 A-27 ' Date: June 21, 2011 Subiect• Procurement of Next Generation Common Communications Platform RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to Regional Council: a) THAT the Joint Management Team for the Next Generation Common Communications Platform Project (NextGen) representing the Regional Municipality of Durham, the Durham Regional Police Service, the Fire Services of the local eight Municipalities and Ontario Power Generation, be authorized to use the Region's pre-qualification process for vendors to supply an interoperable voice and data communications system,. including supporting infrastructure, user gear and specified support services; and b) THAT the subsequent Request for Proposals for the interoperable voice and data communications system be issued only to the pre-qualified. firms. RE_ 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to-seek approval for the use of a pre-qualification process to select vendors to be invited to submit responses to a Request for Proposal to provide an interoperable voice and data communications system and related services for the collective use of the police, fire, emergency response, public services, and Ontario Power Generation in Durham Region. 2. BACKGROUND Report 2011 A-25 provides the relevant background information to this report. ' 25 li ; C:hi`il~NT4 3 TOREPORT#C 41 a45t ; Report No.: 2011-A-27 Page No.: 2 3. RFP FOR PRE-QUALIFIED VENDORS An RFP process will be used to select a vendor who will design, develop and deliver a solution to meet the Region's interoperable communications needs. The design and development period is expected to take two years from the time the contract is signed with the successful vendor. Given the magnitude and time-critical nature of the work involved, it is crucial that the selected vendor is able to deliver a solution on time.. Many other municipalities across Canada and.the United States are undergoing similar procurement processes as older radio technologies will become unsupportable for them as well. At the same time, the ongoing occurrences of emergency situations (tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, terrorist attacks, etc.) throughout the world that are causing devastation to municipal infrastructures have highlighted the critical need for emergency first responders to be able to effectively communicate with each other. Pre-qualified firms who receive a Request for Proposal document will be provided with information, confidential in nature, on the current capabilities and operations of the police,,fire, and emergency response services in the Region, as well as information on the nuclear power plants under the responsibility of Ontario Power Generation. It is important that this information be provided only to vendors who have suitable security measures and qualifications to handle the material appropriately. The pre-qualification process will allow open competition among all interested vendors, providing them with an opportunity to submit their corporate experience, qualifications and security background checks for,assessment by the stakeholders. A subsequent Report will be brought forward to Committee and Council requesting approval to pre-qualify the recommended firms. The pre-qualified firms will then be invited to participate in a streamlined RFP process which will evaluate detailed proposals including their development plans and proposed prices for the various options on which they choose to bid. 4. PURCHASING BY-LAW 68-2000 The Region's Purchasing By-Law No. 68-2000 requires prior approval of Regional Council for use of a pre-qualification process. Staff are recommending and requesting approval from the Finance and Administration Committee and Regional Council to allow the use of the pre-qualification process in the procurement strategy for the NextGen. The process used will be as follows: • The Finance Department, Purchasing Section will conduct the pre- qualification process. l6 TO REPORT #~Iq-lf Report No.: 2011-A-27 Page No.: 3 14 2 The Joint Management Team will establish an Evaluation Committee to review submissions and establish pre-qualification submission criteria. The Regional Municipality of Durham has entered into a contract with Lansdowne Technologies Inc. as the Project Leader with the responsibility of assisting Durham Region, represented by the Joint Management Team, to identify, acquire and deploy a new interoperable communications capability. Lansdowne, in consultation with the Finance Department Purchasing section, will draft the NextGen evaluation and selection process for review and finalization by the Joint Management Team. A pre-qualification document describing the scope of work and deliverables for the NextGen vendor, applicable terms and instructions for a submission, and a description of the pre-qualification criteria, will be issued by the Finance. Department Purchasing section. • An advertisement will be prepared notifying the public that the pre- qualification process has begun and that interested parties can request a pre-qualification package to prepare a submission. The deadline for submissions will be a minimum of 21 calendar days from the advertisement date. Vendors who have expressed an interest in the project and/or are known vendors to the Regional Municipality of Durham and similar jurisdictions will be notified of the pre-qualification package. • On the closing date, all completed pre-qualification submissions are reviewed by the Finance Department for compliance with submission requirements. Compliant submissions are then forwarded for review by the Evaluation Committee. References may be solicited as required to. assist in the pre-qualification process by the Finance Department, Purchasing Section. Upon completion of the evaluation and selection process a subsequent report will be brought forward to Committee and Council requesting approval to pre- qualify the recommended firms. Only those that pre-qualify will be invited to submit detailed proposals under the RFP process. When proposals are received, the successful vendor will be selected in accordance with the evaluation criteria outlined in the RFP. The RFP process is planned for the fall of 2011. The above process is consistent with what has been utilized previously for other Regional projects. r% r7 3 ATTACHMENT # ~ TO REPORT # '5~AO y Report No.: 2011-A-27 Page No.: 4 5. CONCLUSION NextGen will contribute to the future safety of all residents and first responders within the Region by improving the effectiveness of public safety and public service agencies during emergencies and day-to-day operations. Providing authorization to proceed with the pre-qualification process will achieve efficiencies in the procurement process that optimally uses the resources of both vendors and government staff while maintaining an open and fair procurement. aMike Ewles Chief, Durham Regional Police Service 98 a GAO Iq - EpopT " # y Op TACH MENT 14' 14 The Regional Muinicipality of Durham To: Finance and Administration Committee From: Garry Cubitt, Chief Administrative Officer Mike Ewles, Chief, Durham Regional Police Service Report No.: 2011-A-43 Date: October 4, 2011 Subiect• Procurement of Next Generation Common Communications Platform RECOMMENDATION: That the Finance and Administration Committee recommends to Regional Council that: Authorization be given to prequalify the four (4) vendors outlined in this Report, in order that. they may be invited to submit responses to a Request for Proposal to provide an interoperable voice and data communications system, including supporting infrastructure, user gear and specified support services. REPORT: 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to seek approval for four vendors to be prequalified for the Request for Proposals for the interoperable voice and data communications system and related services for the collective use of the police, fire, emergency response, public services, and Ontario Power Generation in Durham Region. 2. BACKGROUND Council approved Report #2041-A-27 on June 29 whereby authorization was given to use the prequalification process to prequalify up to five (5) respondents to take part in an RFP to provide an interoperable. voice and data communications system. Such a process was to determine vendors capable of designing, delivering, installing, acceptance testing and operating a common communications platform that meets the needs of the NextGen Project stakeholders. One critical requirement which necessitated the RFPQ process was that only vendors who have suitable security measures.and qualifications to handle the highly confidential material involved in the project would be prequalified for the future RFP process. 103 A : I I Page No.: 2 Report No.: 2011-A-43 - Gtbl q-1' J 4'TACHMENT #-..H- a R OAT 'yf(s Subsequently, RFPQ-693-2011 was issued on July 27, 2010. ° b 3. REQUEST FOR PREQUALIFICATION (RFPQ) 693-2011 I!' I The RFPQ closed for acceptance of submissions on September 6, 2011 and. 110 submissions were received from the following seven (7) firms: it Bell Mobility Radio Inter-Op Canada j • Telus Communications Co. y' • Harris Corporation Tait North America Inc. y Cassidian Communications • Motorola Solutions Canada 4. EVALUATION PROCESS I' Of the seven (7) proposals received, one (1) was a notification of no bid and six (6) were deemed compliant. An evaluation team consisting of DRPS, Fire Services, a technical communications consultant, the project manager and Finance staff reviewed f and evaluated the compliant submissions in accordance with the evaluation criteria included in the RFPQ, which consisted of the following: Prior Interoperable Radio Communication System Installations Experience, i including: Appropriateness of size of user base for installed system. Degree of scalability for different user types. • Appropriateness of specific project experiences with Canadian standard of operations • Degree of responsibility and contribution of the Prime Proponent for each of the project roles of: ➢ system design, ➢ manufacturing and supply of user gear, ➢ manufacturing,and supply of infrastructure equipment, ➢ system integration/installation, ➢ system maintenance and operation, and ➢ user gear maintenance; • Degree of compliance to P25 standards. Project Organizational Structure, including: Suitability of.the proposed organizational structure for the NextGen Project 04 CA0 ~~f l l Report No.: 2011-A-43 A~ re TO REPORT #.~-Page No:: 3 • Degree of relevant proven working relationships among the various team members and subcontractors. • : Future Radio Technology Strategy, including: - • Degree of relevance of the future radio technology strategic plan for the Vendor • ; Degree of understanding of future technology trends for the industry and factors affecting those trends. • Clarity and logic.of corporate vision for.positioning the Vendor to be a long-term industryleader and innovator • Clarity and logic of how the Vendor manages ongoing maintenance and technology upgrades on delivered systems .throughout the duration of a 10 year contract • Financial Stability • Customer References The four (4) highest scoring respondents were selected'and, upon. completing reference checks and a review of financial stability the following are being recommended for prequalifcation mthe subsequent RFP process • Bell Mobility.. • Cassidian Communications • Harris Corporation • Motorola Solutions Canada 'FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 5 Purchasing By-law 68-2000 (Amended) Sub Article 10.4 of the Region's Purchasing By-law No. 68-2000 (amended) addresses the method for approval based on an RFP process,, indicating the necessityof approval from Regional Council. The cost of capital infrastructure and user gear for DRPS and the Region was estimated to be $25-40m 6.' -CONCLUSION NextGen will contribute to the future safety of all residents and first responders within the Region by improving the effectiveness of public safety and public service agencies during emergencies and day-today operations. Authorization to prequalify the vendors ,noted will allow the project to move to the next stage of implementation. 105 O Page No.: 4 1'W ReportNo:: 2011-A-43 Ck/Q-t/ EPORT ATTACHME 147 As such, the Finance and Administration Committee recommends to Regional Council that: Authorization be given to prequalify the four (4) vendors outlined in this Report; in order that they may be invited to submit responses to a Request for Proposal to provide an interoperable voice and data communications system, including supporting infrastructure, user gear and specified support services. I!, GVAistra .W. Ctive Office r Mike Ewles Chief, Durham Regional Police, Service 106