HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 45-11 102 ON 4 Report to Executive Committee I KERIN Report Number: CS 45-11 Date: December 5, 2011 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Stop Signs for Safe Pedestrian Crossings on Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue Amendment to By-law 6604/05 -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 45-11 of the Director, Community. Services regarding the installation of proposed stop signs for safe pedestrian crossings at three additional locations on Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue and a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic and parking by-law 6604/05 be received; 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "7" to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of stop signs on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering, specifically to address the proposed addition of three additional all-way stop locations at the following intersections: • Major Oaks Road at Greenmount Street • Major Oaks Road. at Duberry Drive • Dellbrook Avenue at Meriadoc Drive; 3. That crosswalk pavement markings be painted at the new all-way stop locations as well as all approaches at the intersection of Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue and the south approach at the intersection of Major Oaks Drive and Duberry Drive; and 4. That community consultation be conducted, before the proposed all-way stop controls are installed, to inform the residents of the proposed changes in traffic control within the Brock Ridge Neighbourhood. Executive Summary: On October 17, 2011 Council passed Resolution #169/11 directing staff to review, complete community, consultation and determine opportunities for safe crossing points through the establishment of stop signs or other means on Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue within the Brock Ridge Neighbourhood. Staff 1 Report CS 45-11 December 5, 2011 Subject: Stop Signs for Safe Pedestrian Crossings on Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue Page 2 have completed a review of existing information, conducted additional traffic reviews and observations, and commenced, but was not able to fully engage the community in consultation activities. Based on the review, staff recommends placement of all-way stop controls at Dellbrook Avenue at Meriadoc Drive and Major Oaks Road at Greenmount Street and Duberry Drive, subject to the completion of community consultation. Financial Implications: The addition of stops signs, advance warning signs, stop bars and crosswalk pavement markings can be accommodated within the Roads current budget. Sustainability Implications: The concerns as presented and the recommendations, as generated by staff; address traffic safety issues within the corporate healthy society objectives. Background: The residents of the Brock Ridge Neighbourhood have expressed safety concerns with traffic volume, vehicular speed and safe opportunities for pedestrians to cross Major Oaks Drive and Dellbrook Avenue. The Brock Ridge Neighbourhood encompasses the roadways between Third Concession Road to the north, Finch Avenue to the south, Valley Farm Road to the west and Brock Road to the east. Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue are both collector type roadways. The posted speed limit on both Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue and all roads within the area is 40 km/h. On October 17, 2011 Council passed Resolution #169/11 (Attachment #1) directing staff to review, complete community consultation and determine opportunities for safe crossing points through the establishment of stop signs or other means, looking at the following intersections as potential frequent crossing locations warranting the placement of stop signs: • Major Oaks Drive at Duberry Drive and WiIdwood Crescent (north intersection) • Dellbrook Avenue at Denby Drive and Meriadoc Drive Currently there is only one all-way stop location, at the intersection of Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue, which provides for a safe pedestrian crossing location within the Brock Ridge Neighbourhood. In response to Council's resolution, staff have reviewed Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue to determine safe locations for pedestrian crossings. The review included the following: Report CS 45-11 December 5, 2011 Subject: Stop Signs for Safe Pedestrian 104 Crossings on Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue Page 3 • a review of existing traffic counts and speed studies and completed additional traffic studies as required • a review of sightlines at key intersections • observations of vehicular and pedestrian movements throughout the corridors • a review of current locations of Durham Region Transit and school bus stops • a review of the five year reported collision history • a review of existing signage and pavement markings • a discussion with one of the school crossing guards in the neighbourhood Major Oaks at Duberry Drive Traffic counts on Major Oaks Road just west of Duberry Drive were collected from November 8, 2011 to November 11, 2011. The traffic counts indicated that daily vehicular volumes on this section of roadway are approximately 4,800 vehicles per day with recorded average speeds near 45 km/h and an 85th percentile traffic speed (the speed in which 85 percent or the bulk of traffic travels at or below) near 57 km/h. . There is a hill, with a 5.5 percent grade, on Major Oaks Road west of Duberry Drive, which may be contributing to vehicular speeding when travelling eastbound down the hill. This is of considerable concern at the Major Oaks Road and Duberry Drive intersection since the intersection has a lot of activity occurring within and around it including the following: • Durham Region Transit buses stop at the intersection on both sides of Major Oaks Road. • School buses stop at the intersection on both sides of Major Oaks Road. • Many elementary school age children from St. Anthony Daniel Catholic School and Valley Farm Public School cross the intersection as the intersection falls within a school zone. • Many other pedestrians cross the intersection to access the schools, parks and plazas within the neighbourhood. • Many vehicles turn at the intersection from Major Oaks Road to Duberry Drive and from Duberry Drive to Major Oaks Road. A school crossing guard is also present at Major Oaks Road and Duberry Drive. The guard has expressed concerns about the operation of the intersection noting that an all- way stop may assist in alleviating some of the issues at the intersection. There have been three reported collisions at Major Oaks Road and Duberry Drive in the last five years. Two out of the three collisions were single motor vehicle collisions not correctable by the installation of all-way stop controls. One minor incident involved a pedestrian at Duberry Drive that may have been preventable by the use of an all-way stop. 1Port CS 45-11 December 5, 2011 0e Subject: Stop Signs for Safe Pedestrian Crossings on Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue Page 4 The majority of collisions on Major Oaks Road involve a single motor vehicle or a single motor vehicle and an unattended or parked vehicle. ' Sightlines at Major Oaks Road and Duberry Drive are satisfactory if motorists drive within a reasonable speed. Observations at the intersection indicate that Durham Region Transit buses, school buses and turning vehicles can all safely come to a stop at the intersection without difficulties..Also, when the crossing guard is present, vehicles have been observed coming to a safe stop on the hill. Therefore, an all-way stop at Major Oaks Road and Duberry Drive, although not ideal due to the hill, is recommended. Major Oaks Drive at Greenmount Street and Wildwood Crescent Traffic counts were also completed on Major Oaks Road in front of Major Oaks Park from August 8, 2011. to August 12, 2011. These traffic counts indicated that daily vehicular volumes on this section of roadway are approximately 4,200 vehicles per day with recorded average speeds near 41 km/h and an 85th percentile traffic speed near 48 km/h. Wildwood Crescent and Greenmount Street are in the vicinity of Major Oaks Park. Observations show that many pedestrians cross near Greenmount Street and Wildwood Crescent. Major Oaks Road at both Greenmount Street and Wldwood Crescent are good locations for an all-way stop to promote safe pedestrian crossing points. Major Oaks Road at Greenmount Street is the busier of the two intersections in terms of vehicular traffic since it has a direct link to Valley Farm Road. The north intersection of Wildwood Crescent however, has a path to Major Oaks Park, which leads to Valley Farm Public School that many pedestrians use. Durham Region Transit stops are present on Major Oaks Road near both Greenmount Street and Wildwood Crescent. School buses also stop at both intersections in both directions. Both Greenmount Street and Wildwood Crescent are very close to one another, therefore only one all-way stop, at either intersection, would be feasible. The five year reported collision history indicates that there have been two collisions at the intersection of Major Oaks Road with Greenmount Street, only one of which was preventable by an all-way stop. There have been no collisions at Major Oaks Road at the north intersection of Wldwood Crescent in the previous five years. A manual eight-hour turning movement count at Major Oaks Road and Greenmount Street was completed on October 19, 2011 to determine if the intersection had met municipal warrants for an all-way stop. The time periods counted within the eight-hour count include 7:00 am to 9:00 am, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, and 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The results indicate that the municipal warrant has been met for traffic volumes during the 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm time period and anytime between 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. The eight- Report CS 45-11 December 5, 2011 Subject: Stop Signs for Safe Pedestrian 106 Crossings on Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue Page 5 hour turning movement count also showed that the peak hour for traffic throughout the day was 7:45 am to 8:45 am and 2:45 pm to 3:45 pm, coinciding with school peak hours. Also, 64 pedestrians were counted crossing Major Oaks Road at Greenmount Street through the duration of the eight-hour count. Based on the municipal warrant for vehicular volume only, it is recommended that an all-way stop be placed at Major Oaks Road and Greenmount Street instead of the north intersection of Wildwood Crescent. Dellbrook Avenue at Denby Drive Traffic counts were conducted on Dellbrook Avenue at Denby Drive from June 13, 2011 to June 17, 2011. These traffic counts indicate that daily vehicular traffic volumes are about 3,300 vehicles per day with recorded average speeds near 44 km/h and an 85th percentile traffic speed near 51 km/h, which is typical for a collector type roadway. In June 2011, warrants for an all-way stop control was investigated at the intersection of Dellbrook Avenue and Denby Drive. The review indicated that traffic volumes at the intersection did not meet the established warrants for all-way stop controls. Also, there is a concern to place an all-way stop at this intersection due to the combined road grade and curvature of the roadway when travelling eastbound. The grade and the curvature of the roadway on Dellbrook Avenue near Denby Drive cause sightline deficiencies at the intersection, not only for pedestrians crossing from the Durham Region Transit stop on the north side of the roadway but also from vehicles turning from Denby Drive and for vehicles travelling eastbound on Dellbrook Avenue. The five year reported collision history at the Dellbrook Avenue and Denby Drive shows one single motor vehicle collision occurring that isn't correctable by an all-way stop. The majority of collisions on Dellbrook Avenue involve a single motor vehicle. Although stop signs can be installed to assist vehicles and pedestrians on side roads where sightline difficulties exist due to curvature in the roadway, the curvature plus the roadway grade make it difficult to install at this location and is therefore not recommended. If another all-way stop was to be placed along Dellbrook Avenue near Denby Drive, the ideal location would be to have it at Tawnberry Road, where the roadway curvature and grade is not an issue. This location, however, is not known for its frequent pedestrian crossings and would not be warranted based on municipal warrants. Dellbrook Avenue at Meriadoc Drive The intersection of Dellbrook Avenue and Meriadoc Drive is another location under consideration to assist pedestrians in crossing Dellbrook Avenue. No recent traffic volumes or municipal all-way stop warrants were completed for this intersection, however, observations show that it is a location where pedestrians cross and many RRe~ort CS 45-11 December 5, 2011 Subject: Stop Signs for Safe Pedestrian Crossings on Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue Page 6 vehicles turn at the intersection from Dellbrook Avenue to Meriadoc Drive and from Meriadoc Drive to Dellbrook Avenue. Vehicles and pedestrians crossing from Meriadoc Drive also have difficulty crossing at the intersection not only because of the roadway grade but also because some vehicles park on the north side of Dellbrook Avenue west of the intersection making it more difficult for pedestrians and vehicles from Meriadoc Drive to see eastbound vehicles. However, vehicles travelling either direction on Dellbrook Avenue usually have a good view of vehicles turning out, unless they are travelling at high rates of speed. The five year reported collision history at this intersection shows one collision, which was correctable by installation of an all-way stop. Based on all the information regarding the intersection and to assist pedestrians in crossing Dellbrook Avenue, staff recommends that the Dellbrook Avenue and Meriadoc Drive intersection be change to an all-way stop control to alleviate sightlines for pedestrians and vehicles crossing Dellbrook Avenue and to provide a safe pedestrian crossing point at this location. Overall, based on the investigation, Engineering Services staff recommends that the municipal traffic and parking by-law (By-law 6604/05, as amended) be further amended to include all-way stop controls at the following locations: • Major Oaks Road at Greenmount Street • Major Oaks Road at Duberry Drive • Dellbrook Avenue at Meriadoc Drive Crosswalks and stop bars will also be painted at the proposed all-way stop locations where appropriate. In addition to the proposed all-way stop controls, it is recommended that crosswalk markings at the existing all-way stop at Major Oaks Road and Greenmount Street be added to all approaches and that.a crosswalk is painted on the south leg of Duberry Drive where it connects with Major Oaks Road. Advance stop warning signage will also be required for the new all-way stop controls. The proposed recommendations are shown graphically in Attachment 2. In addition, community consultation will commence immediately for the locations presented by staff to inform the residents of the proposed changes in traffic control within the Brock Ridge neighbourhood. The draft by-law amendment to Schedule 7 of by-law 6604/05 is attached (Attachment #3). Report CS 45-11 December 5, 2011 Subject: Stop Signs for Safe Pedestrian 108 Crossings on Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue Page 7 Attachments 1. Resolution #169/11 2. Proposed All-Way Stop Controls, Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue 3. Draft By-law Amendment - Schedule 7, Stop Signs Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: Evere B sma NPD, CMM, Nathan Emery Coordinator, Traffic Operations Director, Community Services arr Selsky, C. .T., CMM III Rich rd W. Ho orn, P. Eng Supervisor Dion Head, Engineering Services Engineering & Capital Works Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Ci Council Z2_1 Z_0// Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Al-T CHMENT# - TOREPORT# CS 109 of Legal and Legislative Services Clerk's Office Directive Memorandum October 20, 2011 To: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services From: Debbie Shields City Clerk Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on October 17, 2011 Notice of Motion Frequent Pedestrian Crossings of Major Oaks Drive and Dellbrook Avenue Council Decision Resolution #169/11 WHEREAS: the residents of the Brock Ridge Neighbourhood have expressed safety concerns with traffic and safe opportunities for pedestrians to cross Major Oaks Drive and Dellbrook Avenue between Brock Road and Valley Farm Road; and WHEREAS: there are a number of amenities for pedestrians to access including: two elementary schools; Valley Farm Public School and St. Anthony Daniel Catholic School; three neighbourhood parks, Centennial Park, Major Oaks Park and Brock Ridge Park, and Dellbrook Plaza, that necessitate crossing Major Oaks Drive and Dellbrook Avenue to access; and WHEREAS: there is presently only one stop sign location at the intersection of Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue that provides for a safe crossing location, and that this intersection is too far out of the way and impractical for most pedestrians crossing to the amenities noted above; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: THAT staff be directed to review and complete community consultation in the matter regarding frequent pedestrian crossings of Major Oaks Drive and Dellbrook Avenue'and determine opportunities of safe crossing points through the establishment of stop signs or other means - especially looking at the following intersections as potential frequent crossing locations warranting the placement of stop signs: ATTAGE-iMENT#~~ TiOREPORT# 2of~ 110 a) Major Oaks Drive at Duberry Drive and Wildwood Crescent b) Dellbrook Avenue at Denby Drive and Meriadoc Drive ; and 1. That staff report back to Council in December with a summary of their investigation including a proposed by-law for the placement of new stop sign locations as appropriate. Please take any action deemed necessary. 2n - 1~1~ Debbie Shields ds/Ir Copy: i 1 i lam m s _ , R Harrowsm agsib ! q r xisti ► . 4,4 ® n a = > i~A! - ay top.,%;, - In. Pepp«4i0d •~f :.r,.., la w~:k .t'=,`' ' _ -Valley Farm': °o 71 c*E Tswrdkbrry Kb no 's~ "Z\ c1pos A1 i t, a ` 6 DellbrookAvenue 5 Ori.n~neunt 4A =Lf-ZZ rs.. _II. _j Trrrseotta 4 ~r•r_ ' . Tom.. ~NIOr /-.00 -h.' :.%E''• * A•`.mpln. , '.y0i0r'~--f` Mesrady ; m ak. i--[~jFl1 r ~.r•, ~"~~h h!' . ~~~t ~v J ~111a.A..^•r ~ ! , - `-V• Fr opos d - 46 2. ay ~o iel ~ r• w--i h.d..~ ~,-ter • ~ AV "I COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT A#k ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION Proposed All-Way Stop Controls DATE: Major Oaks Road and Dellbrook Avenue NTS November, 2011 r ATTACHMENT# 3- TOREPORT# L'S q5-~ / of __9'___ 112 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. Being a By-law to amend By-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of traffic and parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Whereas, By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and Whereas, it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule 7 to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of stop signs on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 7 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Schedule 7 Stop Signs Column 1 Column 2 Highway Compulsory Stop Facing Traffic Add Dellbrook Avenue @ Dellbrook Avenue, eastbound and westbound Meriadoc Drive Major Oaks Road @ Major Oaks Road, eastbound and westbound Duberry Drive Major Oaks Road @ Major Oaks Road, northbound and southbound Greenmount Street ATTACHMENT# 3 _ TOREPORT#_!~'45 113 of 2. This By-law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of The City of Pickering and when signs to the effect are installed. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 12th day of December, 2011. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk