HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 22, 2007 City oo Minutes /Meeting Summary Sustainable Pickering Committee May 22, 2007 PICKERING Main Committee Room 4:00 pm Attendees: Councillor Doug Dickerson (Chair) Councillor Jennifer O'Connell (Vice-Chair) - left the meeting at 5:10 pm Mayor Dave Ryan Councillor David Pickles - left the meeting at 5:30 pm Councillor Bonnie Littley N. Carroll.- Director, Planning & Development T. Melymuk - Director, Office of Sustainability - joined the meeting at 4:55 pm C. Rose - Manager, Policy T. Moore - Chief Building Official - left the meeting at 5:00 pm S. Mutton - Coordinator, Community Sustainability M. Shim - Recording Secretary J. McGinnis - Durham Sustain Ability A. Wheeler - Durham Sustain Ability Danielle Milley - Durham Sustain Ability - left the meeting at 5:10 pm Guest: D'Arcy Vachon, Infinitenergy - left the meeting at 5:35 pm Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Energy Efficient in Buildings Draft Resolution At the last meeting, the Chief Building Official summarized the regulations prescribing energy efficiency standards for new buildings, and had recommended the City urge the Province to consider a more rapid implementation of higher standards. A draft resolution has been prepared and was circulated for discussion. A more direct approach would be to send correspondence from the Mayor to the Minister. After detailed discussions about building energy efficiency standards, provincial legislation and the mechanisms available to a municipality for applying energy efficiency standards, it was concluded that: • the province should be petitioned through a letter from the Mayor that a more rapid implementation of energy Page 1 CORP0228-2102 Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include` deadline as appropriate) efficiency standards for new buildings is necessary • the province be requested to advise what effective tools are or will be available to Pickering to mandate higher energy efficient standards in new buildings prior to 2012 The Mayor indicated that he would be happy to sign the letter with our expectations and what needs to be done to accomplish meaningful progress in this area. A recommendation was made that a letter be signed by the A draft copy of the Mayor, and sent to Ministers Duncan, Caplan and Gerretson, letter will be distributed with a copy to Peter Love, Chief Energy Conservation Officer. to all Members of Council for their input. 2. Sustainable Indicators and Targets Looking Through the Lens Project Copies of a draft Working Group Discussion Paper and Working Group Discussion Outline was circulated to members The Director, Office of Sustainability advised that the discussion paper was prepared by Jack McGinnis' team for members to review J. McGinnis advised members of the following: • Working groups of 6 to 10 members per group would be formed for each of the five objectives • The Working Groups would research, discuss and hopefully reach consensus on sustainability indicators and targets for their objective • Town Hall meetings would then be held to obtain the input of others on the work of the Working Groups 3. Sustainable Pickering Da • Displays will be organized around the City's five objectives of sustainability, and will be manned • Members of Council are encouraged to attend and mingle with the public Councillor Littley to • Councillor Littley advised that Mary Drummond will be provide copies of the present at the Region of Durham's booth to speak about the Food Charter for Food Charter distribution Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 4. Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan • The Report to Council is being finalized • The Draft Sustainable Development Guidelines are based on the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - Neighbourhood Developments (LEED-ND) framework • The Report recommends that the Guidelines be: o used as input to the development of sustainability performance measures and benchmarks required for Seaton o used as input to the sustainability components of the Pickering Official Plan Review o released to other organizations for input to their work on sustainability and LEED-ND rating systems • Report also recommends: o that staff be authorized to continue professional and academic discussions with others involved in sustainability initiatives and LEED-ND o that the District Energy Pre-feasibility Report for Central Pickering be referred and used as input to the Energy Management Plan required as part of the Master Environmental Servicing Plan being undertaken for Seaton; and o that a draft "Neighbourhood Sustainability Scorecard" and "User's Guide" (as discussed below) is also recommended for further consultation once completed Neighbourhood Scorecard • most guidelines prepared today are used to review new development proposals • as part of the Sustainable Neighbourhood Plan project, the City identified the need to also be able to measure the sustainability levels of existing neighbourhood development • scorecard allows ratings on a scale of 0 - 10 for six attributes that contribute to the level of neighbourhood sustainability; attributes are: o complete and connected o land-efficient and transit-friendly o safe and comfortable o adaptable and resilient o energy and resource-efficient o green and health Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • score would be out of a total of 60 possible points • scorecard will help engage the community in discussions about sustainability, particularly when different stakeholders rate the attributes differently • can also be used with students - Dunbarton High School has already shown an interest in participating • working draft of scorecard and user's guide to be finalized using more precise standards from Sustainable Development Guidelines • consultation will take place on Scorecard this fall 5. Other Business Councillor Dickerson inquired as to how D'Arcy Vachon (guest) felt about the discussion. D'Arcy said that he is a new resident in Pickering, as well as a business owner. He feels that there needs to be long-term thinking and transition to sustainability, and that incentive programs such as rebates would be important. Tom Melymuk advised that staff will be looking at the City's website to see if a link can be provided directing people to available grant and rebate programs. 6. Next Meeting To be determined by the Chair. Meeting Adjourned: 6:00 pm Copy: Members of Council CAO Directors Division Heads Managers Page 4 CORP0228-2/02