HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 23, 2008 City 00 Minutes I Meeting Summary Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee Thursday, October 23, 2008 PICKERING 2-4 pm Pickering City Hall, Main Committee Room One The Esplanade Attendees: Doug Dickerson,- Chair Jennifer O'Connell, City Councillor, Ward 1 David Pickles, City Councillor, Ward 3 Bill McLean, Regional Councillor, Ward 2 Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Department Shawna Mutton, Coordinator, Community Sustainability Jack McGinnis, Durham Sustain Ability Renee Michaud, Councillors' Office, Recording Secretary Guest: Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Marketing & Business Development Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome 'Doug Dickerson 2. Website Tom Mel mulk Tom mentioned that they have completed the preliminary Lynn Winterstein - research for website consultants for the proposed redesign. guest The main issues were finding consultants who are knowledgeable on the new legislation dealing with accessibility and familiar with municipal government. The next step is to start the RFP process. Councillor O'Connell enquired if the Councillors would have an opportunity to view the new proposed website pages before the final selection is made. Lynn advised that the consultants would provide a few samples before proceeding with the concept and that we would be able to submit comments. It was noted to ensure that this be included in the consultant's contract. It was suggested that Staff and members of council would like to have more interaction with the web designers to provide comments as site pages are developed. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Lynn indicated that all the pages will be redesigned and that the consultants will work directly with them to gain feedback. At this time, we are considering a consulting firm with a bid of $18,000 which includes costs for staff training, design hours, and up to 40 pages of content, etc. Content writing is optional. Councillor Dickerson suggested that costs could be saved by doing the content writing internally. It was noted that enhancements can be done once the upgrade is completed as well. The regular updates will be done by the Website Coordinator. Tom mentioned that the funding for the website redesign will be done via sponsorship. 3.~ S onsorshi ~ Shawna"<Mutton4 Councillor Pickles joined the meeting in progress. Shawna circulated a Sponsorship Criteria sheet which outlines the criteria used to evaluate potential sponsors. Potential sponsors would be selected from a list of recognizable leaders committed to one of the five Sustainable Pickering. objectives: - Healthy environment - Healthy Society - Healthy Economy - Responsible Development - Responsible Consumption Councillor Dickerson. mentioned that we must ensure that the companies listed /chosen as sponsors represent good corporate partners in the community. Councillor O'Connell agreed that the sponsors should be thoroughly screened to ensure that they meet the criteria established by the city and that the public also supports their activities in our community. For example, OPG as a nuclear plant may not necessarily be perceived to be a good community partner by the average person as many residents oppose nuclear energy but are not aware of their involvement in the community. Shawna also circulated the Sponsorship Proposal package which would be given to companies that are interested. Page 2 CORP0228-2102 The three proposed sponsorship levels are: - Platinum - $10,000 + - Gold - $5,000 - $9,999 - Silver - $1,000 - $4,999 The various levels of sponsorship would include benefits such as placing their company logo with link on our site, logo placement on printed materials , visual recognition as a sponsor at city events and on our website sponsor page. Councillor Pickles suggested that all sponsors be made equal; say one level at $2,000. This would create greater opportunity for all local businesses. NOTE: Councillor McLean joined the meeting at this time. Councillor O'Connell supports the one level sponsorship The website could show a list of sponsor companies recognized by individual categories with their logo and a link to their site. Shawna indicated that this time of the year is the best time to canvass companies as they are developing their 2009 budgets. The website sponsorship would be for a one year period only. Tom Melymuk suggested that $2,500 would be a comfortable level to generate sponsorship interest. The committee discussed opportunities to promote the sponsorship program, i.e. Mayor's newsletter (View on Business), add a e-bulletin on the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade website. Councillor McLean enquired if there were any grants from the province or FCM available for these types of projects. Tom advised that the province does not offer any grants and that FCM is now focusing on loans rather than grants. Councillor O'Connell suggested approaching charities and non-profit organizations for partnerships under the healthy society criteria. She mentioned that many of these groups and associations are looking for ways to get more involved Councillor O'Connell and participate in projects to promote their presence in the to provide contact community. The committee members agreed that this may information to be a good idea. Councillor O'Connell to provide contact Shawna to pursue information to Shawna to pursue this matter further. this further. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 i Councillor McLean enquired if the Committee members have a "key phrase" or quick definition to tell people what we mean by "Sustainability". Jack indicated that the definition means different things to different people and that is why the City adopted five objectives to assist in defining its goals. Global definition would be to find new ways of doing business to lessen impact on the environment, our footprint. Councillor McLean suggested that a "tag line" would be the best idea. A simple one liner; such as: "Quality of life for us and future generations" The committee agreed to adopt a definition as part of the website redesign. Councillor McLean left the meeting. 4. Eastern Power All Tom advised that he had a number of d.iscussions with Eastern Power over the last few weeks and advised that they should schedule a Community Open House in Ward 3, for the area residents to attend and ask questions on their project. It was suggested that a list FAQ's be added to the notice so Shawna to check that residents understand what the project is about. the Eastern Power Councillor Pickles asked if they have a list of FAQ's on their website to find website. FAQs. The Community Open House notice would be issued by Shawna to discuss Eastern Power with no reference to the City. with Councillor Pickles and Shawna to discuss with Councillor Pickles and coordinate the coordinate the postal walk with Council EAs. postal walk with Council EAs. 6. Energy M4eting All, As discussed at previous meetings, many developers are conducting their own energy studies and it may be a good opportunity for us to hold some type of forum to gain a better understanding of these studies. Councillor Pickles mentioned that site visits could be coordinated with Marshall Homes, Duffins, etc. Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 Councillor O'Connell agrees that it could be beneficial to hear from the builders on energy studies in order to determine the city's guidelines, i.e. LEEDS. Neil mentioned that the Planning & Development Department has to determine a list of basic essential energy standards for the City. Tom Melymuk mentioned that some research and education is required before we adopt a list and noted that some items would be mandatory and others would be optional. The standards should be implemented before future developments are approved. This will have to be done by council resolution. Jack suggested that the City should offer some incentives to encourage builders and developers to follow the city's guidelines. Neil mentioned that some municipalities provide a grant program for development charges, built into the tax system, which has proven to be very successful. An energy forum would provide an opportunity to meet with developers to discuss these issues, educate ourselves as a committee, and establish guidelines for consideration for city approved energy standards. Tom suggested that this could also be done on a neighbourhood basis. Councillor Pickles advised that the city should focus on establishing guidelines for houses and buildings at this time, then move on to the neighborhood standards. Neil mentioned that Duffin Heights and Seaton are two unique areas and would need to be treated differently. Neil recommended that the committee consult with the City Clerk prior to scheduling the meeting to ensure that it conforms to the meeting requirements under the Municipal Act. Tom to schedule a meeting to discuss possible dates for the workshop in November. Page 5 CORP0228-2/02 6. Other Business All Jack mentioned that the Sustainable Pickering Challenge will be starting up soon. 7. Next Meeting All To be scheduled within the next 3 weeks. Meeting Adjourned: 4 pm Copy: Mayor Members of Council CAO Directors Division Heads Page 6 CORP0228-2/02