HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 15, 2011 C~ o Minutes Waterfront Coordinating Committee September 15, 2011 PICKEARINkG 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Jim Dike, Chair Jim Berry Kathleen Corcoran Sean Wiley Keith Falconer Maureen Robbins Jean Veronneau Arnold Mostert, Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Nancy Gaffney, TRCA L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Councillor O'Connell Councillor Dickerson Patricia Short-Galle Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as a ro riate 1.0 Welcome & Introductions J. Dike welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Agenda/Minutes Moved by K. Falconer Seconded by S. Wiley That the minutes of the August 18, 2011 meeting of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee be approved. Carried 3.0 Correspondence None received 4.0 New Business 4.1) Eastern Trail with York Region A. Mostert provided an update with respect to the Eastern Trail. He informed the Committee that he had attended a site visit Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details: & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as ' appropriate) and discussion took place with regards to decommissioning Frisco Road. He noted that the Town of Ajax had no objection to the proposed plan and explained that the majority of Frisco Road is under Town of Ajax ownership. He explained the timing involved with receiving Council approval by both the Town of Ajax and City of Pickering, as well as resulting by-laws being passed. He explained the process for public notification, noting it could be November before going forward to Council. Discussion ensued with respect to the rest of the Trail. N. Gaffney, TRCA informed the Committee that the TRCA is constructing the rest areas with a timeline of early Spring and will be providing a quote to York Region regarding the construction of the trail. A. Mostert provided an update on the Linton House, noting enhancements should be complete by July, 2012. He noted the plans should not vary from those the Committee has already viewed, but will forward any' new plans to the members when received. 4.2) Waterfront Master Plan A. Mostert noted one issue with moving forward is to resolve the Scudellari property first. He had received a request from the Rotary Club to do a presentation and indicated they may be willing to assist financially. He suggested possibly the second week of October to present the plan to the Rotary Club, with a public meeting to follow. 4.3) Scudellari Property A. Mostert informed the Committee he had submitted a request to Snyder Construction to review the Feasibility Study and associated cost estimate. Frank Snyder had reviewed the original report and indicated that the quote was in line. Discussion ensued with respect to the feasibility of spending money on this structure. Additional costs will be required with respect to water supply. It was also noted that the pipe size and the number of hydrants used for the estimated cost is a Regional requirement. J. Dike questioned whether the building would be in the way when the west side of the harbor entrance is being constructed. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 . i Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) , (include deadline as • appropriate) Further discussion took place with respect to the following; • look at what elements of pricing need to be done • location is an issue - may not be in the best location - too far away from beach from the entrance to the beach area • Canoe Club - does it meet their needs • no other options have been presented for use of the property • better to spend the money on a new sustainable structure • parking would still be an issue • house needs to go - not worth spending money on given it's condition A detailed discussion ensued with respect to costs, construction, washrooms, ownership of building and storage facilities Moved by J. Berry Seconded by J. Veronneau 1) . That based on the information presented to the Committee, it be recommended that staff prepare a memo requesting Council consider the Scudellari residence be demolished for the following reasons; a) cost to bring municipal water to property b) current location for access c) additional harbor costs if docking is required as part of its future use d) public washroom facilities should be more central to the park e) high renovation costs f) lack of interest from outside agencies for use of the facility g) vandalism could be an issue due to the remote location of the structure; and 2) that the Committee supports the construction of a structure A. Mostert to action for the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club complete with public washrooms in a more central location, as proposed in the Frenchman's Bay Waterfront Master Plan. Carried Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action lterns /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) {include deadline as appropriate) 4.4) Pickering Rouge Canoe Club N. Gaffney noted that TRCA are currently working out details to find a reasonable solution, noting the importance to site it appropriately. All information to date has been well received and she noted the next step would be to obtain public input. The main issue currently is in the details. Discussion took place with respect to having a dock for the pontoon board incorporated into the Plan for the Pickering Rouge Canoe Club facility. TRCA has supported this in principle and is now moving forward with the next steps. N. Gaffney noted this needs to be incorporated into the plan and indicated it would be conceivable to expect that the plan will be approved at a conceptual level by the end of the year. 4.5) Great Canadian Trail Ride A. Mostert provided an update on the Great Canadian Trail Ride which had taken place recently over an eight day period with 300 riders participating. The riders enjoyed a rest stop at the West Shore Community Centre. 4.6) Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park Safety Equipment A. Mostert informed .the Committee he had spoken with the Director, Community Services with respect to the issue of safety equipment being installed at Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park. Discussion ensued with respect to the installation of a ladder, or having safety equipment available to provide. It was noted that the area is extremely weedy which would deter people from swimming in the area. Due to this, the ladder may be the best method of safety equipment for rescue purposes in the event there is no one else around. A. Mostert to do a site visit. A. Mostert to action 4.7) Liverpool Road Beach area parking A. Mostert informed the Committee that he had spoken with event staff at the City of Pickering with respect to the parking Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items./ Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) issues at Liverpool Road Beach. General discussion ensued with respect to having signage placed in the area to inform residents where additional parking is located. Some suggestions were as follows; place signage to indicate where additional parking is available under the existing "No Parking" sign • have staff direct people to alternate locations • include a map to indicate the alternate locations • list the sites for additional parking It was indicated that residents in the area of Progress Frenchman's Bay East-Park may object to additional parking in the area. 4.8) Access to Beach Washrooms A. Mostert indicated that he had attended the site and informed the Committee that the reason for the pylons was not to provide accessibility to the washrooms, but simply to help dry out the floor. He noted that the washrooms currently meet with the Ontario Building Code requirements as confirmed with the Chief Building Official. Moved by K. Falconer Seconded by J. Veronneau That the Committee recommend City staff pursue the installation of a power door opener to make the Beachfront Park washrooms accessible. A. Mostert to action Carried Further discussion ensued with respect to the months of operation at this location. 5.0 Other Business 5.1) Tree Planting N. Gaffney informed the Committee that a tree could be planted prior to the end of the year. The location would be the decision of the Committee and TRCA would work with the City of Pickering in determining the appropriate type of tree in conformity with the landscape plan. Page 5 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) J. Berry suggested Progress Frenchman's Bay East Park, and it was the consensus of the Committee to choose this location. The cutter head from the former suction dredge Primrose, is on J/ Berry/ display within Frenchman's Bay East Park without a plaque. J. A. Mostert to Berry to provide A. Mostert with possible wording for a plaque. Action 5.2) Si na e K. Falconer noted that a number of signs were illegible along the trail. N. Gaffney noted she had. just taken pictures and had relayed this information to staff to have them replaced. 5.3) Weekly Safety Bulletins J. Dike questioned the possibility of having weekly safety bulletins posted throughout the City of Pickering. A. Mostert indicated that the City of Pickering is currently working on updating their website and could possibly have a link on the website to PARU to provide residents with safety bulletins A. Mostert to action respecting water safety. 5.4) Geotech Bags J. Dike informed the Committee that some areas are using geotech bags to aid in the dredging of materials. The water comes out, material stays in the bags, which could be used for beach restoration. He will provide further information as well as A. Mostert to action pricing to A. Mostert to look into. 5.5) Butterfly Release K. Falconer stated through Environmental Stewardship Pickering, 200 Monarch butterflies were released at Alex Robertson Park on September 10th in celebration of the City of Pickering's 200th birthday. 5.6) Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park Cleanup J. Berry welcomed all members to participate in a shoreline cleanup this Saturday (September 17th) at Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Page 6 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 6.0 Adjournment/Next Meeting Moved by K. Corcoran Next Meeting: To be determined Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 7 CORP0228-2/02 I