HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 5, 2011 I Caq o~ Minutes/Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee • , , Thursday, May 5, 2011 P RI 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Laura Drake, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rhonda Lawson, Co-Chair, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Chalmers, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Emmink, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Donald Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Brian James, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Dragos Nita, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Stuart Suckling,-Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Cowan, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation Bill McLean, Regional Councillor -Ward 2 Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations Jody Morris, (Acting) Supervisor, Marketing, Research & Communications Tanya Rice, Marketing, Promotions/Graphic Designer Mandy Smiles, Events & Volunteer Programmer Sandra Gelbard, Museum Program Assistant (Recording Secretary) • Absent: Marisa Carpino, Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as a ro riate 1.0 Welcome Laura welcomed everyone. 2.0 Approval of Minutes and Agenda Motion: Moved by Brian James Seconded by Rose Cowan That the minutes of February 17, 2011 be approved. CARRIED Motion: Moved by Brian James Seconded by Rose Cowan That the agenda for May 5, 2011 be approved. CARRIED Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 a 3.0 2011 Current and Capital Budget Stephen Reynolds thanked Councillor McLean and Council for the approval of the 2011 Museum Budget. Stephen reviewed the hand outs "City of Pickering 2011 Approved Museum Current Budget & Background Information" and the "2011 Museum Capital Budget". Museum's overall 2011 current budget was increased by 9%. Councillor McLean asked Stephen if Finance could reflect Councillor McLean to volunteer hours in the budget. Pickering Museum Village action (PMV) Volunteers bring in over $500,000 of in-kind services to the City of Pickering. Councillor McLean will request the City Treasurer include estimated in-kind contribution from PMV volunteers in the 2012 Museum Current Budget. 4.0 Communications Team Jody Morris and Tanya Ryce presented the "Pickering Museum Village 2011 Marketing Plan". All members received a hard copy of the presentation. This presentation showed all the ways the Pickering Museum Village is marketed. 5.0` Sub-Committee Reports Collections The Ministry of Tourism and Culture outlined in a letter dated Friday, October 22, 2010 that "The Ministry will be looking for the presence of a policy with appropriate policy statements when assessing some of the questions included in the Community Museum Operating Grant (CMOG) applications in 2010." In order for PMV to continue to receive the CMOG the following policies have been written by the collection sub- committee group. CMOG's deadline date for seasonal museums is June 30, 2011. Paul handed out the following policies: "Pickering Museum Village Collection Management Policy" "Pickering Museum Village Loan Policy" "Pickering Museum Village Collection Development & Acquisitions Policy" "Pickering Museum Village Deaccession Policy" These 4 policies have been based on the Ontario Museum Standards Policy. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Motion: Moved by Collection Sub-Committee Seconded by (not recommended) That the above 4 policies be approved in principle. CARRIED Paul asked all members to read through the policies and be prepared to vote on their approval at the May 19 meeting. The Advisory Committee will send the approved policies to the City Clerk for Council consideration and approval at their June 20, 2011 meeting. Restoration & Capital Expense The Restoration & Capital Expense Sub-Committee will continue to work on the Strategic Plan. Rhonda will call for a Rhonda to action meeting shortly. Special Events All agree that a survey should be created to gather information regarding the museum village events, marketing etc. Laura, Stuart & Brian will implement the survey on-site during Steam Up at the Museum. Stuart handed out "Elements of a Comprehensive Nonprofit Marketing Plan". Brian let members know of the 2011 Terry James (Brian's father) Youth Volunteer Awards. Award amount $500. Hand out outlines all the information needed. Members are to email Mandy at MSmilesCaD-cityofpickering.com if they would like to volunteer their time. for Steam up. 6.0 Other Business 2011 Work Plan & PMV Strategic Plan Laura handed out "Work plan for Advisory Committee - 2011- 12". Motion: Moved by Brian James Seconded by Karen Chalmers That the "Work Plan for Advisory Committee - 2011-12" be approved in principal. CARRIED Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Motion: Moved by Stuart Suckling Seconded by Rose Cowan That the first step to getting the Strategic Plan in place is to send it to the Clerk's Office. CARRIED Steam Barn Sub-Committee The following are future proposals from the Steam Barn. 1. Train - steam railroad from the Pickering Museum Village lower site to Greenwood Conservation Area. 2. Acquire or seek to have the Mathew Brothers' steam equipment donated to the Museum's collection Equipment. 3. Build a Fire Hall. No formal proposals have been submitted at this time. More study and research is necessary for this committee to proceed. Members are encouraged to check their emails regularly for upcoming policies and revisions. Pickering Museum Village Foundation, Annual General Meeting June 9, 2011 @ 7:00 pm Petticoat Creek Community Centre - Franklin Room Guest Speaker: John Edmonds 7.0 Next Meeting Adjournment. Thursday, May 19, 2011 @ 6:00 pm Pickering Museum Village (site walk about, dress appropriately with appropriate footwear as it may be muddy on site and bring personal flashlight and bug spray). Pizza dinner will be provided. 8.0 Adjournment Motion: Moved by Rhonda Lawson Seconded by Brian James That this evenings meeting is adjourned at 9:45 pm. CARRIED Meeting Adjourned: 9:45 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02