HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 8, 2011 City o~ Minutes/Meeting Summary Advisory Committee on Diversity i i Thursday, September 8, 2011 PICKERING 7:00 pm Pickering Civic Complex, Meeting Room #4 Attendees: Kevin Ashe, Councillor, Ward 1 Kirk Mark, Chair Catherine Reidt, Co-Chair Misha Biswas, President, (YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Christy Harper, Pickering Public Library Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Carlisle Miller, Community Appointee Neha Mohan, VP, (YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Devinder Panesar, Community Appointee Preet Panesar, Dunbarton High School Alysha Singh, Secretary of YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Jody Morris, City of Pickering Absent: Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Alma Sandoval, Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario Jacob Yacoumidis, Community Appointee Keith Richards, DRPS Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as a ro riate 1.0 Welcome & Introductions Kirk Mark K. Mark welcomed everyone to the meeting and round-table introductions were completed for the guests. The agenda was amended to include review and approval of the agenda and minutes. 2.0 Delegations 2.1) Oshawa Power Mark Strickland and John Wiggins from Oshawa Power appeared before the Committee and provided an overview of their organization. They explained Oshawa Power is a member of the National Basketball League of Canada set to begin play for the 2011-12 season. Based in Oshawa, Ontario, the Power will play its home games at the General Motors Centre. Their first home game is scheduled November 2nd. They are drawing players from other leagues such as the NBA, NCAA and at least 2 of Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 the team's players will be Canadian. Game tickets will be priced affordably. They are interested in forming community partnerships at the grass roots levels. To stimulate the game development, they are considering camps, events and clinics and are very interested in outreach opportunities at recreational basketball programs. 2.2) BOSS Self Pro Joanna Parris appeared before the Committee to provide an overview of BOSS Self Pro. She informed the Committee that BOSS is a charitable organization that offers character building, personal improvement and etiquette classes to help students and individuals gain the competitive edge by empowering them with the tools to ensure that they become polished professionals. Through interactive programs, Joanna focuses on character building, self esteem, self respect and respect for others. This interactive program focuses on character building, self esteem, self respect, and respect for others. Joanna has a program called Old School is the New Cool, an etiquette program for students. K.Mark suggested developing a curriculum for grade 10 students. M. Biswas thought this would be a good session during the (YOU)nity Camp in March. Joanna provided M. Biswas with her card. 3.0 Review and approval of Agenda The agenda was reviewed and amended to include the following: -Review and approval of Agenda -Review and approval of Minutes. -Business Arising from Minutes Moved by C. Harper Seconded by C. Reidt That the Agenda be approved as amended. 4.0 Review and a roval of Minutes The minutes of the June 9, 2011 meeting were reviewed and approved. Moved by C. Harper Seconded b Councillor Ashe Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 That the Minutes of the June 9, 2011 meeting of the Advisory Committee on Diversity be approved. Carried. 5.0 Correspondence M. Carpino advised the Committee that August 15, 2011 had been proclaimed by the City of Pickering as "India Independence Day". 6.0. Event Updates Marisa Car ino In your Own Words & Expressions M. Carpino provided an update with respect to the program. The deadline for submissions is December, 2011. M. Carpino provided details with respect to the judging and noted that a third judge is required for the written category. Moved by Councillor Ashe Seconded by C. Harper That Chris Alexander, MP, Ajax-Pickering be invited. M. Carpino to action Carried Heritage Day Cultural Groups will be invited in participate in November. Survey Update C. Reidt voiced concerns regarding the objective of the questionnaire. Kirk Mark suggested that we need a method to engage people in a positive way. To determine their needs we require a tool such as a. survey with a couple of questions. Marisa Carpino reviewed the terms of reference for the committee and Kirk Mark thought the terms should shape the questions. Councillor Ashe suggested 3 or 4 open ended questions focusing on the goals of the committee. Misha suggested that we need to define what students think Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 and how this will lead to actions to engage. YOU(nity) Activities Coffee House is coming up in November. They are interested in recruiting more committee members from other High Schools and will also approach Notre Dame and Pickering High School. Kirk Mark suggested organizing a trip to an Oshawa Power game. 7.0 Other Business All Discussions arose about teen programs and activities in the City of Pickering. Misha expressed that there is a lack of programming in the City for this group. Committee Members discussed alternative program areas such as Papps. Kirk Mark also suggested opening a school on a Friday night. Other possible program that were suggested are cooking and gaming and volunteering at not-for-profit organizations such as a homeless shelter. Marisa Carpino advised the committee that the City currently has 5000 members in Free Teen Stuff. Marisa Carpino will access Stats Canada to determine the M. Carpino to action number of teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18 living in Pickering. Advisory Committee Policy • 2012 workplan due by November • Review of 2011 projects and develop report • KM will present M. Carpino will speak with the City of Pickering and the M. Carpino to action Pickering Public Library resources to book facilities and provide other resources. 7.2) CCAN Program K. Mark informed the Committee that this program had received good participation on Saturday and noted this was a good model on which to build successes on. He stated he would like to see more youth involved from Grades 8 through 12' and suggested Amar be invited in January 2012. He also noted a need to confirm dates and et a head start on the planning. A Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 youth soccer clinic was also suggested. 7.3) 2012 National - NCORE Discussion ensued with respect to the 2012 National with regards to sponsoring, costs and researching other conferences. It was suggested we submit a motion to Council in October to request funds and approval for the project. 6. Next Meeting Kirk Mark The next meeting will be held on October 13, 2011. Meeting Adjourned: Copy: City Clerk Page 5 CORP0228-2/02