HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 23, 2011
City 00 Minutes / Meeting Summary
AM Accessibility Advisory Committee
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
AhP1 ~KERI G 7:00 pm
Tower Meeting Room
Attendees: Keith Falconer, Chair
Terence Arvisais, Vice Chair
Councillor O'Connell
Don Tierney
Stephen Little
Aisha Heywood
Sue Wilkinson
Don Dorward
Donna Manning
Prem Noronha-Waldriff
Absent: Tanya Logan
Jacob Yacoumidis
Ida Fogo
Lisa Harker, Recording Secretary
Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status
Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as
a ' ro riate
1. Welcome
Keith welcomed all members.
2. Adoption of Minutes: March 2, 2011
Moved: Sue W.
Second: Terry A.
3. Accessible Taxicabs in the City of Pickering
Kevin Narraway, Municipal Law Enforcement Officer spoke to
the committee with regards to Accessible Taxicab service in the
• The City currently licenses 3 accessible taxicabs
• Taxicab industry has put 2 additional taxicabs. into
service for a total of 5.
• This represents 1:19,000 residents currently.
He distributed a brief survey for members to complete:
1. Do you use accessible taxicabs?
2. Do you find the current service acceptable?
3. Do you find the wait times acceptable?
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4. Should the number of licensed taxicabs be
5. What barriers present a barrier to on-demand
accessible taxicab service?
He thanked the Committee for their input.
4. Accessibility Awareness Event: Nov. 5111
Prem confirmed details for the 1 st Accessibility Awareness Prem / Jody Morris to
Event: meet with PTC to
Date: Sat. Nov. 5, 2011 confirm details of
Time: 11 am - 3 pm event.
- Location: Pickering Town Center
Committee to confirm
Event to coincide with the 25th Rick Hanson Anniversary Relay. speaker / display line
Rick Hanson is expected to make a brief appearance at the up.
event. For full details on the Rick Hansen relay, google: Rick
Hansen 25th Anniversary Relay Prem to confirm event
budget / provide to
Event to include speakers / performers / displays Councillor O'Connell
for sponsorship
Line up to include: opportunities.
1. Mayor, council
2. Lieutenant Governor David C. Onley
3. Rick Hansen
4. Performers, looking at musician Justin Hines
5. Robert Pio Hajjar - motivational speaker - google
idealway for more information.
6. Lions Foundation of Canada, guide dog demo
7. Durham Regional Police - speaking about the DRP
Children's Games
5. 2011Work Plan
Committee discussed various items as brought forward by
Stephen Little and Sue Wilkinson:
1. Understand how the City Works:
- Review accessible parking by laws and other appropriate AAC to review with by
by laws that impact persons with a disability / law staff.
accessibility in Pickering
- Develop / or change the present standard for curb cuts AAC to review with
- Construction practices regulated / purchased by the City Operations staff.
(sidewalks / standards / by laws / snow clearing)
- Review site plan checklist and standards associated with AAC to meet with Tyler
currently being developed by City Planning staff. Barnett to review
2. Understand more about residents with disabilities,
and where the live:
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- Create a survey to obtain feedback from the Pickering Sue Wilkinson to
Community on how accessible Pickering is, and what are develop survey for
the issues they face. AAC review.
Prem to work with IT to
put online.
Coordinate an Accessibility Awareness Day Nov 5, 2011 at the PTC
Complete a physical inventory of Pickering to assist
Council in identifying specific areas/issues that need to
be addressed within the physical / built environment.
- Review of strip malls in Pickering - identify deficiencies
and cost to make accessible.
Develop rating system for restaurants etc
Each member of the AAC to adopt a disability and
develop an expertise in said disability to better represent
each group.
Set up display at various City special events this summer Canada Day,
Waterfront Concerts -
at Millennium Square
and in Esplanade
3. Generate discussion on issues and solutions:
Build partnerships with other AAC's in Durham, to better AAC to attend
understand common issues, and learn from their Regional Forum on
successes while utilizing successful approaches to May 30tn
accessibility issues.
- Organize an access challenge with the new council
Prioritize on the basis of where people actually live
Go to Council more often to keep Accessibility front and
7. Other Business
No response from invitation to Durham Deaf
Association to attend ACC meeting and give a
Councillor O'Connell spoke to Regional resolution to
the Province to include persons with disabilities in its
time of day electricity pricing. AAC to send same
resolution to Pickering Council for endorsement.
Councillor O'Connell provided brief overview of the
new pedestrian bridge - bridge was connected but had
no elevator - has now so more accessible.
Keith Falconer advised that Gwelda MacDonald
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Tuttle has resigned from the AAC, and thanked her for
her contributions.
AAC name tags were distributed. Don Dorward did
not receive.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:57 pm
Copy: City Clerk
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