HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 36-11 52 City Report to ' Executive Committee I rKERIN Report Number: CS 36-11 Date: November 14, 2011 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Speed Limits on City of Pickering Roads north of Taunton Road Amendment to By-law 6604/05 -File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 36-11 of the Director, Community Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic and parking by-law 6604/05 be received; 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "9" to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of speed limits on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. Executive Summary: Engineering Services staff has completed a review of the speed limits for all roads under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering, north of Taunton Road. Staff recommends that all the roads designated with a speed limit of 80 km/h in the municipal traffic and parking by-law be changed to a speed limit of 50 km/h, with the exception of Fifth Concession Road east of Brock Road, Audley Road, and Uxbridge- Pickering Townline Road between. Uxbridge Concession 2 and Uxbridge Concession 3 which shall be designated at 60 km/h. Financial Implications: The addition of 60 km/h signs and posts on Fifth Concession Road, Audley Road and Uxbridge-Pickering Townline Road in the sections proposed, and the addition of 50 km/h signs and posts on certain roads for clarity and safety can be accommodated within the Roads current budget. Sustainability Implications: The concerns as presented and the recommendations, as generated by staff, address traffic safety issues within the Corporate Healthy society objectives. Report CS 36-11 November 14, 2011 Subject: Speed Limits By-law, Pickering Northern Roads Page 2 53 Background: Engineering Services staff recently completed a review of the speed limits for the City's roads north of Taunton Road. Currently the municipal traffic and parking by-law (By-law 6604/05, as amended) has designated the majority of the roads in the rural area of Pickering (north of Taunton Road) at a speed limit of 80 km/h. Prior to 2005, Section 128.1 of the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) stated that the regulatory speed limit within a city, town, village, police village or built up area was 50 km/h and 80 km/h on rural routes unless a by-lawed and posted otherwise. With very little consultation with municipalities, in 2005 the province made changes to Section 128:1 of the HTA stating the statutory maximum rate of speed on all roadways within a local municipality is 50 km/h including all rural routes, except those municipalities which had township status prior to the enactment of the 2001 Municipal Act on January 1, 2003. The current version of the HTA reads as follows: 128.(1) No person shall drive a motor vehicle at a rate of speed greater than, (a) 50 kilometres per hour on a highway within a local municipality or within a built-up area; (b) despite clause (a), 80 kilometres per hour on a highway, not within a built-up area, that is within a local municipality that had the status of a township on December 31, 2002 and, but for the enactment of the Municipal Act, 2001, would have had the status of a township on January 1, 2003, if the municipality is prescribed by regulation; In 2005, the Region of Durham legal department advised that according to the new legislation the unposted speed limit on any highway in the municipalities of Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa and Clarington is 50 km/h unless a by-law has been passed changing and posting a different speed limit. Consequently, it was agreed by the Durham Traffic Advisory Committee that in order to maintain inter-regional consistency, staff would proceed with reports to their respective municipal Councils, recommending amendments to their traffic-by-laws, which would maintain the previously established maximum speed limits on rural routes of 80 km/h. The City of Pickering traffic by-law consolidation in 2005 recognized this, and most rural routes within the City was given maximum speed limits of 80 km/h. However, in the interest of safety, staff have not installed 80 km/h speed limit signs for any of these roads. By leaving these roads not posted with a speed limit, the by-law for 80 km/h is not valid and the legal speed is the statutory 50 km/h in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act. Motorists are required, by law, to travel at or below the speed of 50 km/h on roads without a posted speed limit. Report CS 36-11 November 14, 2011 Subject: Speed Limits By-law, Pickering Northern Roads Page 3 54 The results of the speed limit review has determined that the majority of the roads indicated as 80 km/h in the by-law should be reduced to a speed limit of 50 km/h based on the following rationale: 1. The majority of Pickering's roads north of Taunton Road have a loose top, gravel surface have low average annual daily traffic volumes in comparison to other roads in Pickering. For safety reasons, such as possible loss of vehicle control if travelling at high rates of speed, these gravel roads should not have a speed limit greater than 50 km/h and have not been posted at 80 km/h for this reason. Most motorists do recognize that they cannot safely or comfortably travel at high rates of speed on gravel roads, therefore, the change in the by-law to reflect the (un-posted) 50 km/h speed limit on these roads is warranted. 2. Many of the hard surface (asphalt or surface treatment) roads are not appropriate for an 80 km/h or 60 km/h speed limit for the following reasons: lane and total travelled surface widths are substandard for higher speeds • the surface condition of many of these roads are in poor condition (i.e. potholes, cracks) • the tree overhang on many of these roads encroach over the travelled portion of the road creating issues with respect surface and driving conditions (i.e. visibility, leaves, moisture, ice) • the lack of lighting on many of the roads are not conducive for higher speeds 3. The Municipal Act sets Minimum Maintenance Standards for municipal roadways (Ontario Regulation 239/02). The Minimum Maintenance Standards utilizes the posted speed limit and annual average daily traffic volume of a roadway to determine a road classification. Road patrols/inspections and response times required for the operations and maintenance of roadways including signs, luminaries and pavement condition inspections together with snow and ice removal in the winter, are based on road classification. The 50 km/h speed limit sets the minimum maintenance standard road classification at an ideal level for the majority of these roads and the by-law should be changed to match the (un-posted) 50 km/h condition. Currently the posted speed limit on the regional maintained section of Seventh Concession Road from Brock Road to Westney Road is 80 km/h. East of Westney Road the road condition is not appropriate for an 80 km/h speed limit and thus City staff. has installed temporary 50 km/h signs to inform motorists that they cannot safely travel at a higher speed on this section of road. Staff will install permanent 50 km/h signs when the by-law is changed from 80 km/h to 50 km/h. Also, at the request of the City, the Region has installed a 50 km/h ahead sign on Seventh Concession Road west of Westney Road for eastbound vehicles to provide advance notice for motorists of the speed limit change. Report CS 36-11 November 14, 2011 Subject: Speed Limits By-law, Pickering Northern Roads Page 4 53 Therefore based on the investigation, Engineering Services staff recommends that the municipal traffic and parking by-law (By-law 6604/05, as amended) be further amended to change the speed limit for all City roads north of Taunton Road currently listed at 80 km/h to a speed limit of 50 km/h with the exception of the following roads that would change to 60 km/h as described below: • Fifth Concession Road from Brock Road to 100 metres west of Church Street and from Westney Road to Sideline 4 Residents that live on side streets off of Fifth Concession Road east of Westney Road to Sideline 4 have expressed concerns regarding the speed of vehicles travelling on that portion of roadway and have asked for the speed limit to be posted. Currently that section of road is by-lawed at 80 km/h and, for traffic safety reasons, should not be posted as such. The current posted speed limit of Fifth Concession Road west of Westney Road to 100 metres west of Church Street is 60 km/h. The current by-lawed speed limit on Fifth Concession Road 100 metres west of Church Street to Brock Road is 80 km/h. The full limit of Fifth Concession Road is paved and could accommodate a 60 km/h speed limit. Therefore, it is recommended that the speed limit be changed and posted on Fifth Concession Road to 60 km/h from Brock Road to 100 metres west of Church Street and from Westney Road to Sideline 4 so that a uniform speed limit of 60 km/h can be established on the full limit of Fifth Concession Road. • Audley Road, 140 metres south of Highway 7 to the south City limit The current traffic by-law states that the speed limit on Audley Road is 40 km/h from Highway 7 to 140 metres south of Highway 7 and 80 km/h 140 metres south of Highway 7 to the south City limit. The speed limit is also posted at 60 km/h on Audley Road once you enter the Town of Ajax to the south. Having three different speed limits within approximately a two kilometre stretch on Audley Road is not ideal or practical. The pavement condition, road width, surrounding land use and sightlines on Audley Road 140 metres south of Highway 7 to the-south City limit are suitable for a 60 km/h speed limit. Therefore, it is recommended that the by-lawed speed limit be changed on Audley Road to from 80 km/h to 60 km/h from the south City limit to 140 metres south of Highway 7. • Uxbridge-Pickering Townline Road from Uxbridge Concession 2 to Uxbridge Concession 3 Uxbridge-Pickering Townline Road is 60 km/h from York-Durham Townline Road to Brock Road with the exception between Uxbridge Concession 2 to Uxbridge Concession 3 which is 50 km/h. Staff has had requests from both the Uxbridge Township and the Durham Regional Police to change this section of roadway from Report CS 36-11 November 14, 2011 Subject: Speed Limits By-law, Pickering Northern Roads Page 5 56 50 km/h to 60 km/h so that a uniform speed limit of 60 km/h can be enforced on the roadway from Uxbridge-Pickering Townline Road to Brock Road. In addition to Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road and Fifth Concession Road, roadways that are currently by-lawed and posted at 60 km/h include Sideline 16 from Highway 7 to Seventh Concession Road and Sideline 4 from Fifth Concession Road to Highway 7. The draft by-law amendment to Schedule 9 of by-law 6604/05 is attached. Attachment 1. Draft By-law Amendment - Schedule 9, Speed Limits 2. Location Map of Proposed Speed Limits Prepared By: Approved / Endorse By: Nathan Eme Ever unts Coordinator, Traffic Operations Director, Community Services AJ J2 arrell Selsky Rich rd W. Hol orn, P. Eng <41 Supervisor Div' ion Head Engineering & Capital Works gineering Services Division Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Cou Tony Prevedel, P. ng. Chief Administrative Officer i ATTACHMENT# "a O REPORT# CS 3G"11 Of _ J 7 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. Being a By-law to amend By-law 6604%05 providing for the regulating of traffic and parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Whereas, By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and Whereas, it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule 9 of By-law 6604/05 to change the "Speed Limits" zones on Pickering's northern roadways. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 9 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Schedule 9 Speed Limits Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Highway Limits Speed Delete Audley Road 140 metres south of Hwy 7 to 80 km/h south City limit Balsam Road Seventh Concession Road to 80 km/h .350 metres south of Regional Road 5, 160 metres north of Regional Road 5 to the north City limit Country Lane Full limit 80 km/h 58 ATTACH MENT# TOREPORT# CS 3G-!/ By-law No. of Page 2 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Highway Limits Speed Eighth Concession Road Full limit 80 km/h Fifth Concession Road Brock Road to 100 metres west 80 km/h of Church Street Fifth Concession Road 100 metres west of Church 60 km/h Street to Westney Road Fifth Concession Road Westney Road to Sideline 4 80 km/h Fourth Concession Road Markham Pickering Townline 80 km/h Road to Rosebank Road Kinsale Road 1000 metres north of Highway 7 80 km/h to Seventh Concession Road North Road 150 metres north of Whitevale 80 km/h Road to the north limit of North Road Paddock Road Hwy 7 to Seventh Concession 80 km/h Road Salem Road Hwy 7 to Seventh Concession 80 km/h Road Seventh Concession Full limit 80 km/h Road Sideline 2 Full limit 80 km/h Sideline 4 Hwy 7 to Seventh Concession 80 km/h Road Sideline 6 Seventh Concession Road to 80 km/h Regional Road 5 Sideline 8 Full limit 80 km/h Sideline 12 Seventh Concession Road to 80 km/h Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road Sideline 14 Full limit 80 km/h Sideline 16 South limit to Highway 7, 80 km/h Regional Road 5 to north limit Sideline 20 Full limit 80 km/h Sideline 22 Full limit 80 km/h Sideline 24 Full limit 80 km/h Sideline 26 Full limit 80 km/h ATTACH MENT#-. -L TO REPORT#CS 34-11 By-law No. of Page 3 59 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Highway Limits Speed Sideline 28 Full limit 80 km/h Sideline 30 Full limit 80 km/h Sideline 32 Full limit 80 km/h Sideline 34 Full limit excluding the section 80 km/h from 600 metres south of Hwy 7 to 150 metres north of Hwy 7 Uxbridge Pickering York Durham Regional Road 60 km/h Townline Road #30 to Uxbridge Concession Road 2 Westney Road Regional Road 5 to Uxbridge/ 60 km/h Pickering Towline Westney Road Seventh Concession Road to 80 km/h Regional Road 5 Whitevale Road 325 metres east of North Road 80 km/h to Brock Road Add Audley Road 140 metres south of Hwy 7 to 60 km/h south City limit Fifth Concession Road Full limit 60 km/h Uxbridge Pickering York Durham Regional Road 60 km/h Townline Road #30 to Uxbridge Concession Road 3 2. This By-law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of The City of Pickering and when signs to the effect are installed. ATTACHMENT #.__-l TOREPORT#-Q.5-24-t / 60 _ of By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 21st day of November, 2011. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk r i I U U U m oQ a K o K / I S K r "L0N" ddgePickedngTovmlin Uxbkae Picketing To line Rd. To I xmmn s l 1 N 1 N N N ~ N M M N d -p N C C N ti N ..N c d'e c N( c o K N t N J I m N CLARE CLARE ~m o C, - I co i 94L Sndtrak Q O N Q N N N 1 / (n d V N N U C C / C d f0 a' N ~ ~ ~ c uy, v c ~ c _ E v W ,v_ bq m o Aa L Eighth Concessio d. v. Concession EghlhCon Rd. N Z ~ tnm _ < C_ O O y d) Q N d N ,0 C N ~ N C N (if v _ l O d N - C W N O / L H ~ t M • C/) Save Rd ill Seve Concession Rd Seventh oncessi n Rd. ! ev th Con ssio tl .o .0 C' 00 x _5 v_ N ~ C C ~ ~ ~ _ o~ ~ d a~ ~ C L y N a~ ° a~ v m Y c v U) (A m ,L ca~ErU, U "via d a OUGHAM mnsAiE Highway 7 u 1 SodhCances GREENWOOD' Y ~ O r2 oc neA I ~ ~ r of 5) Z y _ a~ m .VMI AL 'O ~ - ~ N Q Y l0 y Whitevale Rd.~ m hitevale d. J v Flre ea. -6 ;d ~ E Fifth Concess Rd. ~ c U = m d ~ Cn O N ~ U y l\ Cn C7 Cn m ~ o R E 1 co ~i Fourth Come ion Road., ~Legen d o Taunton Road 40 km/h 50 km/h 60 km/h Uxbridge Township Maintained Regional Maintained Road Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Maintained Road COMMUNITY u¢ SERVICES DEPARTMENT Proposed Speed Limits ciq ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION I I SCALE: Poor City of Pickering Northern Roads NTS October, 2011