HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 32-11 Report to Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PD 32-11 ? Date: November 7, 2011 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/11 Long Holdings Inc. 1887 Kingston Road (North Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, Part 1, Plan 40R-6905) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/11 submitted by Long Holdings Inc. to permit a music store and related uses on lands being the North Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, Part 1, Plan 40R-6905, City of Pickering be approved;' and 2. Further, that the-draft zoning by-law to implement Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/11, as set out in Appendix I to Report PD 32-11, be finalized and forwarded to City Council for enactment. Executive Summary: The application proposes to amend the existing zoning to permit a Long & McQuade music store and related uses, and limited additional commercial uses, within the existing building at 1887 Kingston Road. The property is located at the southwest corner of Kingston Road and Notion Road (see Location Map, Attachment #1). The usable space within the second storey of the existing building is proposed to be increased by approximately 125 square metres. The proposed retail establishment is consistent with the Pickering Official Plan, including the Flood Plain Special Policy Area provisions, and the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines. If approved, the applicant will be required to enter into a Site Plan Agreement with the City for the development of the subject lands. It is recommended that this application be approved and the draft zoning by-law amendment attached as Appendix I be finalized and forwarded to Council for enactment. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed recommendation. Report PD 32-11 November 7, 2011 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A 9/11) Page 2 33 Sustainability Implications: Staff's review of the application against the City's Draft Sustainable Development Guidelines resulted in a score below the Level 1 standard. Given the small scope of the application pertaining to the conversion of an existing building into a commercial establishment, there is limited opportunity to achieve Level 1. The proposed development intends to utilise the existing building and services on the subject property. The site is located along Kingston Road which is identified as a transit spine and which will support a future Durham Bus Rapid Transit System. Further opportunities exist for the applicant to consider additional sustainable options during the Site Plan Review and Building Permit processes. 1.0 Background: The proposal is to amend the existing zoning to permit a Long & McQuade music store and related uses, and limited additional commercial uses, within the existing building at 1887 Kingston Road. The usable space within the second storey of the existing building is proposed to be increased by approximately 125 square metres. The subject property has a lot area of approximately 0.4 hectares, with frontage along Kingston Road and Notion Road (see Location Map - Attachment #1). The two-storey, 982 square metre building on the subject lands (formerly operated by Stephenson's Rental) is currently untenanted. 2.0 Comments Received: 2.1 At the September 6, 2011 Public Information Meeting (see text of Information Report and Meeting Minutes, Attachments #3 & #4) No members of the public spoke in respect to this application. 2.2 Agency Comments Durham Region Planning • the proposed use is permitted within a Regional Department Corridor designation • the subject property is connected to municipal water supply and sanitary sewer servicing • the proposed road widening, sight triangle dedication and access configuration shown on the submitted plan is acceptable • confirmation from a Qualified Person that no further environmental site assessment investigation is required, and a Regional Reliance Letter and Certificate of Insurance should be submitted (see Attachment #5) Report PD 32-11 November 7, 2011 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A 9/11) Page 3 J Toronto and Region . subject lands are within a Flood Plain Special Conservation Authority Policy Area (SPA) (TRCA) . the SPA designation provides for relaxed regulation of development within the flood plain recognizing historically existing uses in the area • provincial concurrence with the application prior to the enactment of the amending by-law is encouraged • although flood proofing or flood protection measures on the site are not possible, TRCA does not object to the rezoning application as long as the new uses are not prohibited in the Pickering Official Plan, and the zoning amendment applies only to the existing floor plate of the existing structure (see Attachment #6) Engineering Services . no objections Division . proposed driveway off of Notion Road will require the installation of a culvert (see Attachment #7) 3.0 Discussion: 3.1 The proposed development is consistent with the City's Official Plan The proposed music store use, with accessory instruction and rental uses, is consistent with the Mixed Use Areas-Mixed Corridor designation in the Official Plan, which provides for a wide range of residential and commercial/institutional uses at a scale and intensity that serves the community. The Official Plan identifies the property as being located within a Flood Plain Special Policy Area associated with the West Duffins Creek. Limited development, including renovations and additions to existing buildings, is permitted in these areas at a lower than standard level of flood protection, subject to review by the TRCA. A number of sensitive uses, such as schools and care facilities, are prohibited within Special Policy Areas. The TRCA is satisfied that although flood proofing or flood protection measures are not possible on this site, the proposed limited commercial uses are appropriate within the existing building. The TRCA does not support an expansion of the building footprint. The proposed additional space on the second floor of the building will not expand the building envelope, and the zoning by-law will restrict development to the existing footprint. The Ministries of Natural Resources and Municipal Affairs and Housing have been circulated. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs has indicated no concerns with the proposed development. Report PD 32-11 November 7, 2011 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A 9/11) Page 4 35 3.2 Proposal is consistent with the principles of the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design and Development Guidelines The Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design and Development Guidelines provide a framework that supports the long term vision for the transformation of Kingston Road from a highway to a 'main street'. The guidelines also recognize the auto oriented nature of the corridor with auto-dependant land uses, but propose a strengthened pedestrian streetscape treatment and connections at significant intersections. The Kingston Road/Notion Road intersection is identified as an important eastern 'gateway' to Pickering. Although in general higher intensity uses are anticipated along Kingston Road, and particularly at gateway locations, higher intensity development cannot be achieved on this site due to the Special Policy Area limitations. The proposed commercial uses will provide for an improved pedestrian streetscape relative to the industrial uses permitted under the current zoning, and will also provide for an appropriate transition between the Kingston Road Corridor and the industrial uses along Notion Road to the south. 3.3 All development matters will be addressed during the Site Plan Review process The applicant has submitted a Site Plan application (S 7/11) for the proposed development. All development matters such as enhanced building materials, stormwater management, parking, loading spaces, landscaping, paving, driveway entrances, road widening conveyances and environmental site assessment, will be addressed. through the Site Plan Review process. 3.4 By-law to be forwarded to Council The lands are currently zoned "M1 - Storage and Light Manufacturing". The draft zoning by-law attached as Appendix I to this report provides for a mixed-use zone which removes the light industrial permissions and permits the establishment of a music store with accessory instruction and rental uses. The business office use permitted in the existing zoning, and non-medical professional office uses, are also provided for to provide flexibility. All permitted uses are restricted to the existing building footprint as required by the TRCA. It is recommended that the draft by-law be finalized and forwarded to Council. 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant concurs with the recommendations of this Report. Report PD 32-11 November 7, 2011 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application (A 9/11) Page 5 36 Appendix: Appendix I Draft Implementing Zoning By-law Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plan 3. Information Report 4. Public Meeting Minutes 5. Agency Comments - Durham Region 6. Agency Comments - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 7. City Department Comments - Engineering Services Division Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Ashley Yea o d Neil C CIP, RPP Planner I Director, Planning & Development I. WO~_~ Marg Wouters, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design AY:ld Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended .for the consideration of Pickering City Council © Z4, zoo! / ~ ~ VwIZ Tony Prevedel, P.Eng Chief Administrative Officer i Appendix I to Report PD 32-11 37 Draft Implementing Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9111 38 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By/11 Being a By-law to amend Re !(Zoning) By-law 3036, as amended, to implement the Official Plan of the City of Pickering District Planning Area, Region of Durham in north Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, in the City of Pickering (A 9/11). Whereas the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering deems it desirable to permit the development on the subject lands, being North Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, Part 1, Plan 40R-6905 in the City of Pickering; And whereas an amendment to By-law 3036, as amended, is therefore deemed necessary; Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule I Schedule I attached hereto with notations and references shown thereon is hereby declared to be part of this By-law. 2. Area Restricted The provisions of this By-law shall apply to those lands in North Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, Part 1, Plan 40R-6905, in the City of Pickering, designated "MU-22" on Schedule I attached hereto. 3. General Provisions No building, land or part thereof shall hereafter be used, occupied, erected, moved, or structurally altered except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 4. Definitions In this By-law, (1) "Business Office" shall mean a building or part of a building in which the management or direction of a business, a public or private agency, a brokerage or a labour or fraternal organization is carried on and which may include a telegraph office, a data processing establishment, a newspaper publishing office, the premises of a real estate or insurance agent, or a radio or television broadcasting station and related studios or theatres, but shall not include a retail store; By-law No. XXXX/11 Page 2 39 .air `Commercial School" shall mean a school which is operated for gain or VRAr profit and may include the studio of a dancing teacher or music teacher, an art school, a golf school or any other school operated for gain or profit; (3) (a) "Floor Area" shall mean the aggregate of the floor areas of all storeys above or below established grade, but shall exclude the floor area of any parts of the building used for mechanical equipment, stairwells, elevators, and any part of the building below established grade other than that used for retail commercial or office purposes; (b) "Gross Leasable Floor Area" shall mean the aggregate of the floor areas of all storeys above or below established grade, designed for owner or tenant occupancy or exclusive use only, which may also include an outdoor patio, but excluding storage areas below established grade; (4) "Landscaped Open Area" shall mean the area on the lot free from buildings and/or structures suitable for the growth and maintenance of vegetated plants such as grass, flowers, shrubs, trees and other landscape features which may include walkways, berms, retaining walls, decorative pavers, bricks or stones and outdoor amenity areas including patios, but shall not include driveways, drive aisles, internal roads, parking areas, curbs or any exterior garbage storage or handling area; (5) "Professional Office - Non-Medical" shall mean a building or part of a building in which legal or other professional services, not including medical or dental services are performed or consultation given, and which may include the offices of an architect, a chartered accountant, an engineer, or a lawyer, but shall not include the office of medical practioners or a body-rub parlour as defined in The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. M. 45, as amended from time to time, or any successor thereto; (6) "Retail Store" shall mean a building or part of a building in which goods, wares, merchandise, substances, articles or things are stored, kept and offered for rent or retail sale to the public; (7) (a) "Yard" shall mean an area of land which is appurtenant to and located on the same lot as a building or structure and is open, uncovered, and unoccupied above ground except for such accessory buildings, structures, or other uses as are specifically permitted thereon; (b) "Front Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line of the lot and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; By-law No. XX /11 Page 3 An .410-1 RAr I (c) "Front Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a front yard of a lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (d) "Rear Yard" shall mean a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (e) "Rear Yard Depth" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a rear yard of a lot between the rear lot line of the lot, or where there is no rear lot line, the junction point of the side lot lines, and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (f) "Side Yard" shall mean a yard of a lot extending from the front yard to the rear yard, and from the side lot line to the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (g) "Side Yard Width" shall mean the shortest horizontal dimension of a side yard of a lot between the side lot line and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot; (h) "Flankage Side Yard" shall mean a side yard immediately adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; (i) "Interior Side Yard" shall mean a side yard other than a flankage side yard. 5. Provisions (1) Uses Permitted ("MU-22" Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "MU-22" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building or structure for any purpose except the following: (a) Business Office; (b) Commercial School (i) only accessory to a retail store with a maximum floor area of 150 square metres; (c) Professional Office - Non Medical; (c) Retail Store. By-law No XXX/11 Page 4 001 41 Zone Requirements ("MU-22" Zone) No person shall within the lands designated "MU-22" on Schedule I attached hereto, use any lot or erect, alter, or use any building except in accordance with the following provisions: (a) Building Restrictions (i) Despite any other provisions of Zoning By-law 3036, the permitted uses shall only occur within the building existing as of the day of the passing of this by-law as shown on the Boundary and Topographic Survey of Part of Lot 17, Concession 1 completed by the Ontario Land Surveyor on April 21, 2011; A Despite Paragraph 5(2)(a)(i) above, an uncovered platform located on the southwest corner of the building not projecting beyond the most westerly exterior wall is permitted. (b) Landscaped Open Area (minimum): 15 percent (c) Parking Requirements (i) There shall be provided and maintained on the lot a minimum of 5.5 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area for all uses permitted under this zone; (ii) Despite Clause 5.21.2b), parking shall be set back a minimum of 1.5 metres from all internal side and rear lot lines; (iii) Despite Clauses 5.21.2g) and 5.21.2k) of By-law 3036, as amended, all parking areas including driveway entrances and exits shall be surfaced with brick, asphalt, concrete, permeable materials, or any combination thereof. (d) Other provisions: (i) Open storage is not permitted on lands zoned "MU-22"; (ii) One garbage enclosure with a maximum gross floor area of 50 square metres is permitted in the side or rear yard only. By-law No. XXXX/11 Page 5 A9 6. By-law 3036 By-law 3036, as amended, is hereby further amended only to the extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of this By-law as it applies to the area set out in Schedule I attached hereto. Definitions and subject matters not specifically dealt with in this By-law shall be governed by relevant provisions of By-law 3036, as amended. 7. Effective Date This By-law shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act. By-law read a first, second, and third time and finally passed this f , 2011. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk I: 43 KINGSTON ROAD NEF 41.0 20.8 Q MU-22 00 z CON 1 N PT LOT 17 co RP 40R-6905 PART 1 O Z O O 60.9 N SCHEDULE I TO BY- dA f9 A ;T__ PASSED THIS DAY OF 2011 odor MAYOR ORA CLERK 1111 HF IUJT , TO REPORT # F'DL- 44 1 PICKERING ISLAMIC CENTRE 1 I 1 1 I 1 CRESCENT m o MOB a FINCH AVENUE DURHA ROAD REGION L / FOLIC a 25 DIVISIO o GS PE o 0 w = ~ o 0 O p p w V = ~ p O ~ Q o Of w M--- 0 z o Of m z m DRIVE BAINBRIDGE r7L J Z w w p COURT ~ C 0 L< M p M w > Cif 0 EECHLAW City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION North Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, Part 1, 40R-6905 OWNER Long Holdings Inc. DATE July 20, 2011 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. A 9/11 SCALE 1:5,000 CHECKED BY AY N cTeronetroEnterprleee Inc. d (te uppllera. All r(ghts Reserved. Not c plan of e„rve,,. PN-9 2005 MPAC and Ih eu Iles. All rI hte Reaervad. Not a Ian of Surve . ATTACH[ViEf IT k_ Z TO PEroPT # PD- 32-11 45 Information Compiled from Applicant's Submitted Plan A 9111 Long Holdings Inc. KINGSTON ROAD f. i 41.0 r 16 1 rnvcvn_ u~car ~ - I - I C6 OR o . 4 r ~ 1 - j: i" , is ~ ~ I i I I X/ ' I 60.9 Y N This map was produced by The City Of Pickering Planning & Development Department, Planning Information Services Division Mapping And Design, July 28, 2011. 4 ATTACHMENT # 3 TO City 46 REPORT # PD Information Report Report Number: 16-11 For Public Information Meeting of PICKERING Date: September 6, 2011 In Accordance with the Public Meeting Requirements of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 Subject: Zoning Amendment Application A 9/11 Long Holdings Inc. 1887 Kingston Road (North Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, Part 1, 40R-6905) City of Pickering 1.0 Property Location and Description • the subject property is located at the southwest corner of Kingston Road and Notion Road (see Location Map Attachment #1) • the subject property has a lot area of approximately 0.4 hectares, with frontage along both Kingston Road (approximately 61 metres) and Notion Road (approximately 68 metres) • a two-storey, 982 square metre warehouse building (formerly operated by Stephenson's Rental) occupies the property • surrounding uses include a professional office to the west, a seasonal camping establishment to the north across Kingston Road, and industrial uses to the south, and to the east in the Town of Ajax 2.0 Applicant's Proposal i • the applicant is proposing to amend the existing zoning to add commercial uses that would permit a Long & McQuade music store and related warehousing and instruction uses within the existing building; the existing rental establishment use permission is proposed to be retained • the existing building will be renovated, including interior alterations to add an additional 166 square metres of useable gross floor area within the existing building on the second floor (see Applicant's Submitted Plan - Attachment #2) 3.0 Official Plan and Zoning 3.1 Provincial Growth Plan • the Provincial Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Places to Grow) guides infrastructure planning and strategic investment decisions to accommodate forecasted population and employment growth within municipalities • the Growth Plan requires intensification of land uses within a municipality's built-up area #__3_T0 Information Report No. 16-11 ATTACHMENT REPORT # PQ_ 32-11 Page 2 47 3.2 Durham Regional Official Plan • the Regional Plan designates the subject property "Regional Corridor" • "Regional Corridors" are to be planned and developed as mixed use areas, including residential, commercial and service areas with higher densities supporting higher order transit services and pedestrian oriented development • Regional Corridors shall also provide efficient transportation links to Regional Centres as well as other centres in adjacent municipalities • Kingston Road is identified as a Type "B" Arterial Road and Transit Spine which shall provide for complementary higher density uses and buildings oriented towards the street • Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 128 (ROPA 128), which implements the Provincial Growth Plan, contains provisions that require significantly higher densities for identified portions of Regional Corridors; the amendment is currently under appeal 3.3 Pickering Official Plan • the City of Pickering Official Plan designates the subject property "Mixed Use Areas - Mixed Corridors" (Village East Neighbourhood) • the current Mixed Corridor designation is intended primarily for residential, retail, community, cultural and recreational uses at a scale and intensity serving the community • the Plan designates Kingston Road as a "Type B Arterial Road", which is designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds and have some access restrictions • the Plan recognizes Kingston Road as a transit spine, where a higher level of transit service is to be encouraged within the City's urban area • the Plan also recognizes that the subject property is situated within a Flood Plain Special Policy Area which restricts certain uses and permits limited development of buildings and structures within these areas • in response to the Provincial Growth Plan, the City initiated a Growth Strategy Program in 2009 as part of the Official Plan Review, to identify appropriate locations and policies for intensification, including the Kingston Road Corridor; this work may result in future changes to the designations, prescribed densities, and other policies pertaining to the subject property 3.4 Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design Development Guidelines • the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design and Development Guidelines (adopted by Council in 1997) establish a general design framework for the Corridor, that supports the long-term vision for the transformation of Kingston Road from a highway to a "main street" ATTACHMENT # 3 TO Information Report No. 16-11 REPORT # PD 32-1~_ Page 3 48 • the Guidelines identify the subject property as being within the Brock Road Corridor which extends from Notion Road west to the Hydro Corridor • the Guidelines envision the Brock Road Corridor as an "eastern gateway" to Pickering, recognizing the auto-oriented nature of the corridor with auto-dependent land uses, but with strengthened pedestrian streetscape treatment and connections at significant intersections • more emphasis is to be placed on commercial uses that support existing and proposed residential neighbourhoods • it is expected that the guidelines will be updated as a result of the Growth Strategy Program work currently underway 3.5 Zoning By-law 3036 • the subject property is zoned "M1" - Storage and Light Manufacturing Zone which permits uses such as business and professional offices, light manufacturing and warehousing • the applicant proposes to amend the by-law to remove certain industrial uses currently permitted under the existing "M1" zone, except for a rental establishment, and to add commercial uses to permit a Long & McQuade music store and associated uses 4.0 Results of Circulation 4.1 Resident Comments • none received to date 4.2 Agency Comments • none received to date 4.3 Department Comments • none received to date 4.4 Staff Comments • in reviewing the application to date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: • the property is within a Flood Plain Special Policy Area; the appropriateness of the proposed uses, as well as existing uses on the subject property will be determined in consultation with TRCA • ensuring that the proposal is compatible and sensitive to surrounding lands and is consistent with the principles of the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design and Development Guidelines ~-acP~~EnT # 3 TO Information Report No. 16-11 ~T REPORT # PD- 3Z_I Page 4 49 • site design matters concerning, but not limited to, parking layout, loading spaces, sidewalks, landscaping, driveway accesses, and building entrances • the Region of Durham's requirements for a road widening on Kingston Road, and the potential impact on the proposed site design 5.0 Procedural Information • written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department • oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting • all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Council or a Committee of Council • any member of the public who wishes to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal • any member of the public who wishes to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal must request such in writing to the City Clerk • if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the proposed zoning by-law amendment does not make oral submission at the public. meeting, or make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the proposed plan of subdivision is approved or refused, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal 6.0 Other Information 6.1 Appendix No. I • list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing report 6.2 Information Received • in addition to the full scale copies of the applicant's submitted plan, the following documents are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department: • Planning Rationale Report • Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment • Drainage, Stormwater Management and Floodplain Impact Engineering Study • Functional and Site Servicing Study 4TTACHPAENT # 3 TO Information Report No. 16-11 RE-PoR7 # PD 32-11 Page 5 so 6.3 Company Principal • the owner of the property is Long Holdings Inc. • the applicant is R.E. Millward & Associates ORIGINAL SIGNM BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Ashley Yearwood, MCIP, RPP Marg Wouters, MCIP, RPP Planner I Manager, Development Review & .Urban Design AY:jf Attachments Copy: Director Plannin9 & Development ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPORT # PD 3Z.:: 51 Appendix No. I to Information Report No. 16-11 Commenting Residents and Landowners (1) none received to date Commenting Agencies (1) none received to date Commenting City Departments (1) none received to date c ATTACHN.IENT TO REPORT # PD 321. . 52 Excerpts from Planning Development = CommitteeMeeting Min-utes Tuesday, September 6, 2011 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Ashe (II) Part `A' Information Reports Marg Wouters, Manager, Development Review & Urban Design gave an outline of the requirements for a Statutory Meeting under the Planning Act. She outlined the notification process procedures and also noted that if a person or public, body does not make oral or written submissions to the City before the by-law is passed, that person or public body are not entitled to appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, and may not be entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. 2. Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/11 Long Holdings Inc. 1887 Kingston Road (North Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, Part 1, 40R-6905) City of Pickering A public information meeting was held under the Planning Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to the above noted application. Ashley Yearwood, Planner I, provided an overview of zoning amendment application A 9/11. Robert Millward the representative for the applicant appeared before the Committee in support of the application and to answers questions. No, members of the public spoke in support or opposition to the application. i~ ~I - , UTACHNIENT #Tp . August 31, 2011 53 SE's Ashley Year-wood Planner ! P NNINNG 3 DEV ER T Planning &-Development Department DEPARTMENT City of Pickering • One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 The Regional Dear Mr..Yearwood Municipality of Durham Re: Zoning Amendment Application A 09111 - Applicant: Long Holdings Inc. Planning and Economic - - Development Department Location: 1$$7 Kingston Road Part of Lot 17, Part 1, 40R-6905 Planning Division Municipality: City of Pickering 605 ROSSLAND RD. E. 4" FLOOR The Region has reviewed the above noted application and offers the ?O BOX 623 WHITBY ON L1 N. 6A3 following comments for your consideration. _ CANADA " 905-668-7711 1-800-372-1102 The purpose. of this application is to rezone the property to a Retail- Fax: 905-666-6208 Commercial zone to the, permit a Long and McQuade music facility, Email: plan ning@durham.ca including retail, warehousing, rental and music instruction activities. www.durham.ca A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP Regional Official Plan - - Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development The subject lands are currently designated `Regional Corridor' in the Durham Region Official Plan (ROP). Corridors are to be planned and developed as mixed-use areas, which include residential, commercial, and service areas with higher densities. The proposed Long and McQuade music facility, including the retail, rental, warehousing and instruction of music activities is permitted within a Regional Corridor designation. . Provincial Policies & Delegated Review Responsibilities This application has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GPGGH) The subject lands are within the "Built-up Area" of the GPGGH. The GPGGH includes policies to direct development to settlement areas, and provides direction-for intensification targets within the Built-up Area. This application generally conforms to the GPGGH. "Servic Ez` ence fob ter Coror'i ' ities" ® 1 100% Post Consumer ATTACH( jNT #-5 jQ REPORT; PD_ 32-11 54 -Rote-ntial Site, Contamination- IA Phase 1 'Environmental Site Assessment -prepared b-y Golder Associates Ltd. has-been submitted-in-support of the application. This.report appears to rely on previous studies recently (2010) undertaken for this site by other consultants. The report indicates that there is a low probability of potential contamination on the site. The Region requests an addendum letter signed by a Qualified Person stating explicitly that no further site investigation are required. Additionally, the Region requires that a Regional Reliance Letter and Certificate of Insurance be submitted. Regional Servicing The subject property, is connected to municipal water supply and sanitary sewer servicing. Should the development require upgrades to the existing municipal services, they shall be addressed at the time of site plan application. The 'access configuration is acceptable as shown on the submitted site plan. Additional comments will be provided through the subsequent site plan application. Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned should you have any questions or comments. Yours truly, 6cl\-lBrad Anderson, MCIP, RPP Planning Analyst cc: Regional Works Department - Pete Castellan Durham Region Transit Department - Martin Ward Durham Region Transportation Planning - Amjad Gauhar Attachments: Sample Reliance Letter Certificate of Insurance 2 ATTACHiVIE IT _TO REPOR7 # PD 32 1 - ~ IiDRONTO AND REGION r =J t1o n 9 y far The Living Cily 13 Y 0," r « Ic1VT DCrh,..;,;;}_ 7 CFN 45112.05 August 18, 2011 ~tN,vs,~~; =L` VIA'MAIL AND E-MAIL (ayearwoodPcityofpickering.com) Mr. Ashley Yearwood, MCIP, RPP City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering ON U V 6K7 Dear Mr. Yearwood: Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 9/11 Site Plan Application S 07/11 On lands municipally known as 1887 Kingston Road (Long Holdings Inc./R.E. Millward & Associates) Staff at the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) have now had an opportunity to review the applications captioned above and wish to provide the following comments: Purpose of the Applications We understand that the purpose of the applications are to amend Zoning By-law 3036, as amended, to permit commercial uses within an existing building and to obtain site plan approval for the re-use of the same existing building. Special Policy Area Designation The subject lands are within a Special Policy Area (SPA), as.delineated on Schedule. III, Resource. Management of the Pickering Official Plan. The SPA designation has been approved by the provincial Ministries of Natural Resources and Municipal Affairs and Housing in order to recognize that this portion of the City of Pickering has historically existed in the flood plain and that site specific policies are required with respect to flood plain management in order to provide for the continued viability of existing uses. The SPA designation provides for relaxed regulation of development within the flood plain recognizing the historically existing uses in the area and the hardship that strict adherence to provincial policies concerning development would cause. It is the understanding of TRCA staff that amendments to zoning by-laws within the SPA to add uses requires approval from the provincial ministries. We encourage city staff to seek provincial concurrence with the application prior to the enactment of the amending By-law, Recommendation Through our pre-application consultation with the Owner, the Owner's agents and city staff, we understand that the Owner seeks to add a limited number of additional commercial uses to allow the existing floor plate of the vacant structure on the subject lands to remain' commercially viable and to be re-used for new commercial uses outside of the former F:\Home\Public\Development Services\Durham Region\Pickering\1887 Kingston_1.wpd I Member of Conservation Ontario 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca ATTACHIMENT # TO REPOR? # Pp ~ 56 Ashley Yearwood -2- August 18, 2011 commercial use. Given the,significant depth of flood -risk at theRegional Storm event, the elevation of the existing structure and site in relation to Kingston Road,`-it is not possible to undertake flood proofing-or flood protection measures on ,the site. Given this context, TRCA staff do not object to the applications subject to-the following: • that introduction of new commercial uses shall exclude the prohibited uses set out in Policy 15.31(i)(i) to 15.31(i)(iii) of the City of Pickering Official Plan; and, • that the amendment apply to the existing floor plate of the existing structure. Detailed Site Plan Comments for Stormwater Management We offer the following detailed site plan comments for consideration by City staff and the Owner. 1. The grassed bioswale/infiltration trench proposed as part of the proposed stormwater management plan (Section 2.3 of the Drainage, Stormwater Management and Floodplain Impact Engineering Study) has not been shown on the Servicing and Grading Plan. Independently, a grassed buffer strip is not sufficient in providing significant removal of site contaminants. Please see the Low Impact Development Planning and Design Guide (2010). 2. The site grading should promote the conveyance of runoff to the bioswale/infiltration trench where possible. The current grading design has the majority of the southern portion of the site being drained towards the site entrance, which is not suitable in providing water quality control. 3. ' Subject to the review and approval of the City of Pickering, TRCA staff would prefer that southwest corner of the property is re-graded to redirect the drainage to the proposed bioswale in order to provide quality treatment for a larger percentage of the site. We trust that these comments are of assistance. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions or concerns with respect to the contents of this letter. Yours truly, Chris Jones, CIP, RPP Senior Planner Planning and Development .Extension 5718 . C J/ cc: Tyler Barnett, City of Pickering (tbarnett@cityofpickering.com) Steve Heuchert, TRCA (sheuchert@trca.on.ca) FAHome\Public\Development Services\Durham Region\Pickering\1887 Kingston_1.wpd ATTACHMENT #r:__7 TO REPORT # PQ-__3 Z- I r 5 7 j, "_0 PICKERING Memo 1811 BICENTENNIAL zo>> To: Ashley Yearwood August 12, 2011 Planner 1 From: Darrell Selsky. Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works Copy: Division Head, Engineering Services, Subject: Zoning Amendment Application- A 9/11 Long Holdings Inc:. 1887 Kingston Road (North Part of Lot 17, Concession 1, Part 1, 40R-6905) City of Pickering The Development Review Team (comprised of both the Engineering Services and Operations & Facilities Divisions) has met to review the above noted request and have provided the following comments. General Comments 1. Proposed driveway will require installation of culvert. Traffic Comments 1. No traffic comments at this time. Landscape Comments 1. Please provide landscape details. SB:mh