HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 31-11 City oo Report To Planning & Development Committee PICKERIlyG. Report Number: PD 31-11 Date: November 7, 2011 01 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Public Mobile 2305 Fairport Road (Part of Lot 26, Concession 2) City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Public Mobile be advised that City Council has no objection to the proposed 40 metre high cell tower installation at 2305 Fairport Road based on the design and other details submitted with this request. Executive Summary: On February 17, 2011, Public Mobile submitted a proposal to construct a 40 metre high tri-pole cell tower at 2305 Fairport Road. Since the submission of the initial proposal, Public Mobile completed their public consultation process, in accordance with Industry Canada requirements. Public Mobile has advised that no public comments were received and are requesting that City Council provide a statement of concurrence in support of the installation. City staff are supportive of the proposed installation. There are no communication towers within the search area for potential co-location. The proposed tower and equipment compound have been sited near existing hydro towers to minimize visual impacts to the area. In view of the public consultation, conducted by the applicant, and Council engagement associated with this proposal, the processing of this application through this report is not considered contrary to Council's recent resolutions regarding cell towers. It is recommended that Public Mobile be advised that City Council has no objection to the proposed cell tower at 2305 Fairport Road, based on the design and other details submitted with the request. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Sustainability Implications: Enhancement to the wireless coverage at this location will improve business and community communication capability. Report PD 31-11 November 7, 2011 Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 2 02 1.0 Background: On February 17, 2011 Public Mobile submitted a letter to the City Clerk outlining its proposal to construct a cell tower on the lands municipally known as 2305 Fairport Road (see Location Map - Attachment #1). 1.1 The Proposal The proposed installation is a 40 metre high lattice tri-pole communication tower and related ground cabinet. The tower is proposed to be located at the north limit of the subject property against the existing hydro transmission corridor. The base of the tower is approximately 2.4 metres wide. The ground cabinet, which houses the radio equipment, occupies an area of 1.8 metres by 2.5 metres and is located at the base of the tower. The tower and ground cabinet will be located in a fenced compound measuring approximately-10.0 metres by 20.0 metres. The compound is proposed to be set back approximately 20.0 metres from Fairport Road. Access is proposed from the existing driveway off Fairport Road (see Applicant's Submitted Plan and Tower Elevation Plan- Attachments #2 and #3). 1.2 Property Description The lands known as 2305 Fairport Road are designated as Open Space System - Natural Areas in the Official Plan and zoned W- Rural Agriculture i-n By-law 3036 as amended by By-law 6578/05. The subject property is owned by Verbancic Tree Supply and is currently vacant. Surrounding land uses include agriculturalVesidential uses to the north and west, the Canadian Pacific Railway line and Cherrywood Hydro Transformer Station to the south, and agricultural uses to the east. The applicant advises that the closest residential property (2365 Fairport Road) is approximately 190 metres from the proposed tower whereas our records indicate that the closest residential property (2310 Fairport Road) is approximately 150 metres from the proposed tower. 2.0 Discussion:' 2.1 Required Public Notification has been completed Planning & Development staff are currently in the process of developing a protocol respecting the installation of cell towers for City Council's consideration. In the absence of a City protocol, applicants must follow Industry Canada requirements as outlined in the Client Procedures Circular (CPC) 2-0-03 Issue 4, entitled "Radiocommunication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems". The Industry Canada requirements for public consultation require the proponent to consult with the land use authority, and the public within a radius of three times the tower height, measured from the tower base or the outside perimeter of the supporting structure. For structures 30 metres or more in height, proponents are required to place a notice in a local community newspaper circulating in the area. Report PD 31-11 November 7, 2011 Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 3 03 Based on the proposed 40 metre tower height, the proposed installation required notification to three adjoining property owners within a 120 metre radius of the base of the tower. The applicant provided written notification to the three adjoining property owners and placed a notice of the proposed installation in the April 20, 2011 edition of the News Advertiser. They have confirmed that no public comments were received as a result of the notification process (see Applicant's Site Selection and Public Consultation Report - Attachment #4). 2.2 Co-location opportunities have been examined The installation and creation of separate, stand alone, radio communication towers . and broadcasting facilities is discouraged unless all other co-location options have been explored and are considered unfeasible. Public Mobile has advised that there are no existing cell towers within their search area and that Hydro One is no longer a willing host for cellular equipment on its towers. The applicant advises that the proposed installation would be suitable for co-location with other carriers. 2.3 Council Resolutions In May 2011, City Council passed Resolution 102/11 requesting Industry Canada to cease consideration of communication towers in any residential area of Pickering in order to establish criteria for all matters pertaining to land use for the installation of these towers (see Council Resolutions - Attachment #5). This resolution was a response to a number of cell tower installations that were erected without municipal and\or public consultation, specifically a proposed tower installation under 15.0 metres at 1820 Whites Road. The Whites Road proposal precipitated an earlier Council Resolution in April 2011 requesting that Industry Canada reverse approval of the tower and amend its policies to require municipal consultation on all installations, regardless of height (see Council Resolution 87/11 - Attachment #5). The applicant has provided confirmation that this proposed installation has been publicly circulated in accordance with Industry Canada requirements and the proposal is now before Committee and Council for consideration. In view of the public consultation and Council engagement associated with this proposal, and as this proposed installation is not within a residential area, the processing of this application through this report is not considered contrary to Council's Resolutions. 2.4 Proposed Tower Location is Acceptable Staff support the proposed location of this cell tower facility. The proposed tower and equipment compound are proposed to be sited as close to the adjacent hydro corridor as technically feasible. This location will minimize visual impact on the area and the compound will be screened from public view by existing vegetation. Public Mobile's consultant informed the City, at the September 6, 2011 Planning & Development Committee Meeting, that this proposed installation is part of the network that would assist in the removal of the temporary cell tower installation located at the Bushmill Plaza. Report PD 31-11 November 7, 2011 Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 4 -I Staff recommend that City Council approve the recommendation in this report as the proposed installation has minimal visual impact on the surrounding area, is set back an appropriate distance from Fairport Road, and is not located in proximity to incompatible and\or sensitive land uses. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plan - Site Layout 3. Applicant's Submitted Plan - Tower Elevation 4. Applicant's Site Selection and Public Consultation Report 5. Council Resolutions Pre By: Approved/Endorsed By: Tyler Bar Neil Carroll C.IP PP lanner --Site Planning Director, Pla ng & Development c aQ Marg Wouters, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design TB: Id Copy.: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering C' Council Q 24 , 20 it Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer 4TT:ACW„1i -T _ TO REPORT # 130____3 zj I 0 5 THIRD CONCESSION N o z m S C N AVENUE 0 O 2365 FAIRPORT ROAD CANADA NOTIFICATION RADIUS HYDRO CORRIDOR *0 PROPOSED • CELLULAR TOWER SUBJECT PROPERTY 2310 ■.e••••• / FAIRPORT \ ROAD p \ a \ I ' \ CHERRYWOOD. TRANSFORMER STATION \ \ \ \ \ \ \ City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Concession 2 Pt. Lot 26, RP 4OR-20521 PART 1, 2, 5, 6 07\ OWNER VERBANCIC TREE SUPPLY DATE Oct. 5, 2011 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. Public Mobile Cell Tower SCALE 1:5,000 CHECKED BY TB IV a a ourcee• Teronet Enterprl.e. Inc. d it. 11 Ppllen. All right. Reeervsd. Not, plan o} wrvey. PN'12 2005 MPAC and its eu Ifers. All hts Reserved. Not a Ian of Surve . ATTACHMENT Z TO REPOR7 PD I~I~ 06 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN PUBLIC MOBILE INSTALLATION (2305 FAIRPORT ROAD) I EI~ I c`d PIN 6371-0945(LT) II _ II a I I PLAN 40R-20519 c ~ I PTN 26371-0916(LT) U) ICI ~ I ( PIN 6371-0466(LT) 0 T- ] ~AN 4OR-5265 0120.0 METRE NOTIFICATION RADIUS PIN 26371-0500(Lj FROM PROPOSED TRIPOLE c4j 'oe s 7 ry liff PIN 26371-0948(Li) ! I J 1 I I r- PART 1, PLAN 40R--20521 j, ( PIN 263;'l _0907(LT) ~1 L.--1 ~..OAgg~~''1> ~D\ NN N THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, OCT 18, 2011. ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPDR E # PD-31-1 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S 07 SUBMITTED PLAN PUBLIC MOBILE INSTALLATION (2305 FAIRPORT ROAD) LL ~ re ' - k s ~f~ 1 ns,9 THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, OCT 18, 2011. 0 8 ATTACHNIEW #___q ____TO REPORT # PD---ajZ1 SITE SELECTION AND PUBLIC CONSULTATION REPORT for NEW TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY (Agricultural Lands located south of Concession Road 3 and east of Whites Road and West of Dixie Road: PT LT 26 CON 2) Prepared for: The City of Pickering Prepared by: Public Mobile Thursday, October 06, 2011 ATTACKRAENT # ` To 0 9 R,EPOR1 # PD 1'11 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.. Introduction & Jurisdictional Context 2. Site Justification 3. Collocation on existing tower(s) 4. Common Design Guidelines and Public Mobile's Response 3. Location 4. Description of Antenna System 5. Health, Safety & the Environment 6. Public Circulation Package and Comments List of Maps and Figures Figure 1 - Evolution of a Cellular Network Figure 2 - Evolution of a Cellular Network Figure 3 - Evolution of a Cellular Network Figure 4 - Changing Tower Profile over Time Figure 5 - Minimum Separation of Antenna Figure 6 - Co-location Figure 7 - Co-location Arial View Figure 8 - Tower Twist and Tilt Figure 9 - Tower Loading Figure 10 - Proposed Site Map Figure 11 - Tower design and elevation according to site survey Figure 12 - Newspaper Article: Original Template Figure 13 - Newspaper Article: As Listed Figure 14.1 - Public Circulation Brochure Side 1 Figure 14.2 - Public Circulation Brochure Side 2 Figure 15 - Circulation Map Figure 16 - Circulation List Map 1 - Location Map Showing Distance to Nearest Residential Dwelling ~I U ATTAL"WITNT `Y' TO ~ 1. Introduction & Jurisdictional Context REPORT # PD In recognition of the Federal Government's exclusive jurisdiction and in an attempt to promote balance, Industry Canada requires that proponents of telecommunication facilities consult with land use authorities as part of their licensing process. The requirement to consult can be found in Industry Canada's document, Client Procedure Circular CPC-2-0-03. According to the CPC, the purpose of consultation is to ensure that land use authorities are aware of significant antenna structures and/or installations proposed within their boundaries so antenna systems are deployed in a manner which considers local surroundings. Consultation must respect the Federal Government's exclusive jurisdiction and specifically does not give a municipality the right to veto the proposal. General information relating to antenna systems in available on Industry Canada's Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website http://strategis.ic.ge.ca/antenna As a result of the Federal Government's exclusive jurisdiction, this proposed wireless facility does not require permitting of any kind. Similarly, zoning by-laws and Site Plan approvals do not apply to our facilities. Public Mobile attests that the radio antenna system described in this Site Selection package is excluded from environmental assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. Notwithstanding the Federal Government's exclusive jurisdiction, Public Mobile is committed to consultation with the Local Land-use Authority. In this case, the City of Pickering does not have an existing Telecommunications Antenna/ Tower and Related Structures procedure. This package is intended to provide the necessary information as required by this policy for the Local Land-use Authority (City of Pickering) to review and provide a Letter of Recommendation. ATTACHMENT TO I 2. Site Justification REPORT # PQ -~53_IA A radio antenna and a tower are the two most important parts of a radiocommunication system. The antenna is needed to send and receive signals for the radio station. The tower raises the antenna above obstructions such as trees and buildings so that it can send and receive these signals clearly. Each radio station and its antenna system (including the tower) provide radio coverage to a specific geographic area, often called a cell. The antenna system must be carefully located to ensure that it provides a good signal over the whole cell area, without interfering with other stations and can "carry" a call as the user moves from cell to cell. i I I 1 f Continuous wireless service Each cell only sorwas a fixed number of calls Figure 1 If the station is part of a radio telephone network, the number of stations needed also depends on how many people are using the network. If the number of stations is too small, or the number of users increases ma not be able to connect to the network, or the of service may people Y ~ quality Y decrease. i r 0 -W4 Figure 2 ar nnln ,rn 1-„ s-t JIIVIl.141 IT IV 2 REPORT # PD__- As the number of users exceed the capacity of the radio station to receive and send calls the coverage area for the cell shrinks and the shrinkage between cells create coverage holes. As demand increases for mobile phones and new telecommunication services, additional towers are required to maintain or improve the quality of service to the public and restore contiguous wireless service. ti Figure 3 In this case, Public Mobile's RF Engineering department has determined the need for a Personal Communication Services (PCS) upgrade to adequately provide contiguous coverage and service to our existing and future customer base in and around the highway 38 corridor and neighbouring communities. Currently, our network is burdened by a combination of poor voice and data quality in this very large area. In some cases, the coverage is so poor that a handset would be unable to place a mobile call at all in the subject location and surrounding area. The result of this situation is on-going customer complaints, high "dropped call" rates, and in extreme circumstances, the potential inability to place a mobile call that may be absolutely critical in an emergency situation. Based on Public Mobile's RF Engineering team, a location was chosen east of Fairport Road on the property that is part of lot 26 concession 2. The location is on commercial lands owned and occupied by a private landlord, Verbanic Tree Supply & Landscaping LTD. # i 3 ATTACH.10 ENT TO REPORT # I'D 3. Collocation on existing tower(s) Public Mobile strongly supports co-location on existing towers and structures. The use of existing structures minimizes the number of new towers required in a given area and is generally a more cost effective way of doing business. However tower infrastructure is a finite resource and over time most towers reach their engineered maximum. This normally results when more than two carriers occupy the same tower as illustrated below. g Alterations to Further alterations z _ - original antennas -a to original antennas o include: direction, o azimuth, etc. s s ml - Implemented Futures Addition of Alterations to original r r 2nd wireless Carrier 2nd Wireless u antennas Carrier Additional Netwok LL ! LL Tech nologiaslEquipment I i 2001 2004 2009 Initial Single Carrier Tower Profile over Tower a period of time Figure 4 MINIMUM SEPARATION Minimum 1 metre separation between antennas required Towers are limited in terms of both allowable space and engineering capacity. Each antenna array requires a separation of vertical space so they do not I' create interference with each other (see figure 5). i v Interference with other antennas occur when there is less than 1 metre separation. The signal quality is reduced. Figure 5 ATTACHMENT # T_ REPORT # PD 1_ Generally a meter separation is standard, however, the closer the carrier frequency's are on the radio spectrum the more vertical separation is required. Because Bell, TELUS and Rogers operate is close proximity in the radio spectrum separation distances between antennas can be. as much as 10 meters. Each successive carrier who requests space on a tower receives a lower and lower location. The impact on second and third tower co-locaters because the antennas are line-of-site is that the broadcast radius also shrinks. The location that the carrier achieves on the collocated site results in an uneven distribution of coverage from a site effecting the location of the surrounding sites for each carrier. As you can see in figures 6 and 7 below demonstrate this effect. The ls` carrier is able to locate its next tower further away from the collocated tower that either the 2°d or 3rd carrier. Figure 6 loo ..cam.-.-'.~._....-..--•~_,,,,~.. t ~ ~a f''f r 'S a ',E J Co-come. io..er { r Figure 7 h AUM1vitiv I . Tp REPOR7 # PD 3 j_l j 15 Engineering capacity is a second limiting factor on how much equipment can be placed on a tower. The more equipment on a tower, the more wind and ice loading on the tower causes it to twist and tilt. Tilting has a direct impact on service quality of the tower. Since the signal is broadcast by line of sight the more it tilts the more the signal area changes causes some areas to move in and out of coverage. Dropped calls and unpredictable coverage is the result. TILTING OF TOWER Wind loading causes towers to twist WIND ~i WIND The more equipment on a tower, the more the tower tilts. The more equipment on a tower, the more the tower twists. Tower Tilt causes the signals to be aimed away from the Twisting of towers causes the signals to be aimed away from target coverage area. The signal quality is reduced. target coverage area. The signal quality is reduced. Figure 8 Twisting of towers also causes the signals to be aimed away from target coverage area. The signal quality is further reduced. Towers that are loaded with antennas beyond the tensile strength of the steel both twist and tilt. A tower that is appropriately loaded operated within its specified parameters and twist and tilt is kept within operating norms. Overloading a tower can result in unacceptable tower operations or in some very rare cases tower failure. ATTACHMiiENT #.---Z/- TO 1- REPORT # PD 3 _R_F_s_L LTS OF OVERLOADING A TOWER TOWER LOADING - ~ NM WIND WIND A tower is designed to support and withstand site specific A tower is designed to support its equipment load and withstand loading. Exceeding the limits will compromise the tower's wind and/or ice loading that is specific to the site. structural integrity. Unfortunately do to the sparse development and low rise structures around the proposed site co- location is not a viable option. i i i i 4° fAJt itv7E VT TO P_110R7 PQ ___hl.,l 4. General Tower Design Guidelines and Public Mobile's Response The following is a table outlining the City of Pickering design guidelines (general and for self supporting towers) and Public Mobile's response to each in this particular case. GENERAL PRINCIPLES PUBLIC MOBILE'S RESPONSE Co location is the preferred option for Public Mobile strongly supports co-location on existing accommodating new telecommunications towers and structures. The use of existing structures facilities as is locating other towers adjacent minimizes the number of new towers required in a to existing towers or hydro transmission given area and is generally a more cost effective way of towers doing business. There are no co-location opportunities within the search area of the proposed tower nor are there existing towers, transmission or otherwise. It should be noted that the proposed tower would be suitable for future co-location with third parties. Avoid locations that are sensitive to The tower is not in close proximity to any of these residential areas, historic sites, ' features. environmentally sensitive areas and hazard lands Avoiding areas of topographic prominence The proposed site location elevation is approximately 139 metres above sea level which corresponds with the average geographic elevation of the area. Care shall be taken in the placement, style There are no buildings immediately adjacent to the and colour of antenna and equipment proposed site. Furthermore the site and design of the shelters on or adjacent to existing buildings. proposed tower are proposed to be as noninvasive as possible. Tower lighting and colour will be dependent on Nav and Transport Canada location and height approval. Maintaining appropriate setbacks from road The proposed tower has been sited on existing rural allowances. lands. The location was specifically chosen in order to minimize the visual impact of the tower. There is no existing or future residential development in the area. The nearest existing residence is 192 away from the proposed tower location. see ma below). ATTACNi~fiErU TO REPOR E # PLC 31 77 3. Location The proposed site will be located on Pt Lt 26, Con 2 Pickering Full Legal Description: PT LT 26, CON 2, PICKERING, PTS 1,2,5 & 6 ON 40R20521, PICKERING, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM, S/T D19135,S/T EASE OVER PTS 5 & 6, P L 40R20521 AS IN DR14878, S/T EASE OVER PTS 1,2,5 & 6 ON 40R20521 AS IN DR14880, T/W ROW OVER PTS 3 & 4 ON 40R20521 AS IN DR14879 Tower Centre Co-ordinates: 43 51' 19.8" N, 79 07' 13.6" W An aerial photo of the proposed site is shown in Map 1. The 40 m tripole and a 200.0 sq.m fenced compound and is not accessible to the general public. ATTACHN ENT TO 1 9 REPORT # PQ r * ~'~~~r r,•~ r Y w J-p 16 Pistance to Residence 1-!2 metres F s j ' R« ' ~ ~ T tt 4)# YiY~ st ~!j,`i}}~~~ ~'j~ ~--~i~~'~"~"~~~r ~y} d •~nI ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ~~t +s r ~ l ..w~ .J' t i*5d's . }y tr.,,~'~j, s,, t • ~ r s ~+^r s n+1 ~,4 ~r r i 4 T ,-rrj i C•". t r ~ T t ,A~ iri r y[~e + r, r }r eC , 9 ~ ~ ^-~S -A~ ~ ~ ~6 Y~ CZ~ ~ ~'4 j✓ r:~ +{~,t,',',~j~. 4, •--Y ~ ~~R.. ~ f CIF t~'yFAA t^y,~,~"'1 -+.4 C:'f♦.-.~ ~~•ti~w'~:T*',~1t''t. •."Airlr r,,.., " v i t 1 y, ,~,§g 47 r rt~-+F r'. ~ _ ~ 3 5~~'1"~.~ y '=arm' e ~ I-~#rri~. •i uit3;'~JJp 'jp~ Map 1 - Distance to nearest residence i 2 0 AT1AChh,' ENT #I TO nE'vE~T # PD-3 4. Description of Antenna System Height: 40 m Type: Tripole Simulated Images: Please refer to Figure 11 (below) for a photo showing a typical 40m tri-pole tower. The installation will respect good engineering practices including structural adequacy at all times. ELEVATION PLAN { ,F I. X, V Figure 11: Tower design and elevation according to site survey l 44 - 1: lu H {hu ilObvt it_~ PPORT # PD-31=0, 21 5. Health, Safety and the Environment Industry Canada requires that all radio stations be operated within the guidelines established by Health Canada's Radiation Protection Bureau in its obligation, Limits of Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields at Frequencies from 10 kHz - 300GHz. This document is also known as Safety Code 6. In this case, Public Mobile's RF Designer, Junaid Ahmed, attests that the radio antenna system described in this submission package will be installed and operated on an ongoing basis so as to comply with Health Canada's Safety Code 6, as may be amended from time to time, for the protection of the general public. Moreover the proposed site complies with the Federal guidelines for environmental assessment (EA) exemption under regulation SOR/2007-108. A signed attestation to that effect has been attached below. L 1r1 ~'i "i~j 7t TO 2 osl PC-- Canadian Environmental Assessment Attestation Regulation SOR/2007-108 (the exclusion list regulations, 2007) provides in Section 20 that the proposed construction of a radiocommunication antenna and its supporting structure are exempt from the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act provided it meets the circumstances set out in Clause 20. That Clause reads as follows: 20. (1) The proposed construction, installation, operation, expansion or modification of a radiocommunication antenna and its supporting structure (a) if (i) the antenna and supporting structure are either affixed to a building or located entirely within 15 m of a building, or (ii~ the antenna, its supporting structure, or any of its supporting lines has a footprint of no more than 25 m; (b) if the project is not to be carried out within 30 m of a water body; and I if the project does not involve the likely release of a polluting substance into a water body. (2) The proposed construction, installation, operation, expansion or modification of a radiocommunication antenna and its supporting structure within 30 m of a water body if (a) the antenna and its supporting structure are affixed to a building; (b) the project results in an antenna with a height no more than the greater of 5 m and a height equal to 25% of the height of the building to which it is affixed; and I the project does not involve the likely release of a polluting substance into a water body: (3) The proposed construction, installation, operation, expansion or modification of a radiocommunication antenna and its supporting structure that are affixed to a physical work other than a building if the project (a) results in an antenna with a height no more than the greater of 5 m and a height equal to 25% of the height of the physical work to which it is affixed; and (b) does not. involve the likely release of a polluting substance into a water body. Similarly, Regulation SOR/2007-108 provides an exemption for buildings from the requirements of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act provided it meets the circumstances set out in Clause 7. That Clause reads as follows: 7. The proposed construction, installation, operation or modification of a building, other than a building to be used exclusively for one or more of the purposes set out in subsection 6(2), if ATTACHMENT # To 2 3 REPORT ft PD3.1- (a) the construction or installation does not result in a building with a footprint greater than 100 mz or a height greater than 5 m; (b) the project is not to be carried out within 30 m of a water body; and I the project does not involve the likely release of a polluting substance into a water body. I attest that the radiocommunication antenna, its supporting structure and associated building proposed to be located at PT LT 26 CON 2 PICKERING complies with the aforementioned exemptions. Sincerely, James Kennedy RPP, MCIP l 2 4 ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PD L~' 6. Public Circulation Package and Comments Project specific information was provided to the affected public under both the Industry Canada consultation guidelines and the City of Pickering's guidance. Multiple avenues of participation were used during this project. In addition to information brochures, which were provided to individuals within the circulation radius of 3 times the tower height or 120 metres, a newspaper advertisement inviting comment was also taken out in the April 20/2011 edition of the Pickering News Advertiser. As of May 21/ 2011, the deadline for public consultation, there has been zero comments offered to the email or fax number provided from the public on this proposal. For your reference please see the public circulation package (newspaper article, public brochure, circulation map and circulation list) included below. E ATTACHMENT # ~---,-TO 25 REPDR # PD -3 I_J~ PUBLIC NOTICE PROPOSED PUBLIC MOBILE 40-METRE STEEL TRI-POLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER SUBJECT: ANY PERSON may make a written submission to the individuals listed below by Friday, May 20, 2011 with respect to this matter. • Wireless steel tri-pole tower, 40 metres tall and will occupy PLEASE TAKE NOTICE as the approval of this site and its design is under an area of 0.02 hectares. the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government of Canada through Industry Canada, the City of Pickering has no jurisdiction in this matter other than as • Location: 370m south of the a commenting body to Industry Canada and the applicant. Concession Rd. 3 Fairport Rd. intersection in the City of ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed Tower and site is Pickering. Site is located available for review between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday at the approximately. City of Pickering municipal offices. Further information may also be obtained through the following contacts: • Part of Lot 26, Concession 2, City of Pickering, Regional Public Mobile - on contract to: City of Pickering contact: Municipality of Durham FONTUR International Inc. Planning Department • The facility will include 1 30 East Beaver Creek Road City of Pickering lattice tri-pole tower and 1 Suite 104 One the Esplanade, radio cabinet as well as Richmond Hill, ON 1-46 1J2 Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 fencing around the base of the tower. The tower will Fax: 866-234-7873 Tel: 905-420-4617 provide wireless and data Email: Email: services. ONPCK0556.publicmobile.info@ plan&devl@cityofpickering.com fonturintemational.com SITE LOCATION MAP THERE) CONCESSION RW JL SITE x as ONTARIO HYDRO c tR`WOCO w dNSrMUOt STATION g w FINCH AVENUE Figure 12 - Newspaper Article: Original Template I f k ATTADFi'l, ET,W TQ 2 6 P,1PGRT # PD`31 / _ UOLIC 00799E !'F$OPQSE-?l PU G 6G MOBILE 40-METRE SliE~L T @- GLs£ TLLEGGl4 b 6~€Uf~C~ GS41 ~ X15 q . SUBJECT.-*: AAlY PERSON may make awriften submission tothe Individuals _ listed below 'by Friday, itiQay '20, 2019 with respect to this matter. Wireless steel tri-pole tower, 40 metres talkand PLEASE TAKE NOTICE as the a royalof this site, and its design will occupy an area of 0.02 PPr hectares, is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government of Canada through Industry Canada, the City of Pickering has no jurisdiction o Location: 370m south In this matter other than as a comrrmenting body to Industry Canada of the Concession' Rd. 3 . and the applicant. Fairport Rd. intersection in- the'City of Pickering Site AQD9TtOf~AL INFORMATION relating to the proposed To,ver is located approxlmateiy. and site is available for review between 8.30 am and 4;30 pm, Monday to Friday at the City; of Pickering municipal offices. Further Part of Lot26 Concession:- • , inforniation may also be obtained thi`ough.the following contacts: 2, City of Pickering; Regional Municipality of Public Mobile -on contract to: CCty of Pickering contact: Durham FONTUR lnternationaf Inc. The facility will include 1 30 Fast beaver-Creek Road Punning Department Suite 104 City of Pickering lattice tri-pole tower and One the Esplanade, 1 radio cabinet as well as Richmond Hill, Of3 L4B 1J2 Pickerin ' ON L!V 6K7 g, fencing around the base of Fes; 86s-234-7873 the tower. The tower will - ' Email r Tel: X905-420-4617 Provide wireless and data. 0NPCK0556.publicmobile.info® Email: plan&d=vt@cit yofpickering.com`a. serv(Ces• fonfurinternational.com SITE L0C,4TtO~i, il~4P I~ .r~r~Q cancess>oN arm . SITE ~o cgs 71Po0 St'fLP.O O i ANSFat4lEF S?APbf'f ~ - tlD ~R'7CM At~itL 3 v t 71 11' Figure 13 - Newspaper Article: As Listed _ r0 27 ' TTRCHIv,ENT REPORT # PD-1 r 2 , 1H.v y, do I get involved? I. ; yyr oT )I & scan ! ! I 1 Health and safety ore paramount to Public fvio- public Mobile is committed to public cansultaiion bile. Health Conadc has established electro- ! ! I You are invited to provide comments to Public Ma 1 !magnetic exposve guidelines, known as Safety I bile cbcut this proposal by mail, electronic mail or Code 6, to ensure the safe operation of wireless! ! fax. In order to ensure your comments are consid- i PubliG antenna installations. Public Mobile ensures erect you must respond by close of business Friday i(D 1 that all a- its facilities operate well below the May 30,261 ? to: i MOBILE' allowable limits measured, taking into account t o!1 pre-exi4frig sources and combined effects of FONTUR International j additional carrier co-locetions; in fact, this site 34 East Beaver Creek Rood,Suite 104 _ wl be thousands of times below the allowable - achmcnd Hill,ON L46 I J2 limits. _ Fax: 866-234-7073 p~ yes , Email: i 4: ommunity Public Mobile attests that the redo anfennci I ! O~CKOSSbpubircmoo e:nfa~'fanturir~ternationolcom system described in this notification package. 'will be constructed in compliance with the Na- You, lrid, s+r,; ' anada ccr " corlt Notification I tional Buildng Code of Canada which includes !all applicable CSA Radio Communications .I i 1 Regulations. ! ATTENTION: Tower Issue- Part of Lot 26 Con2, Picker- ing, ON-ONPCK0556 For a 40m Telecommunications i i Regulatory and consultative procedures for fel ecommunicatonsantennas con be found in i 'TorontoDWclOffice Tower IndustryConadc's CPC 2-0-03 Issue 4- ! Room 909, 9th Floor ! 55 St. Clair Avenue East j Public Mobile attests that the rodo antenna j I Toronto, ON M4T 1 M2 Telephone: 4,16-973.8215 system described in this notification package ' Located at I will comply wish Transport Corrado l NAV Cono- i Fax 416 954-3553 do aeronautical safety requirements. Public j Email sw _a^3 ia,:;ntaa"• ._,~e,ca tvtobile Kos made ell necessary opplicotions to I North of Transformer Station at i ITrarasporiCorrado and NAVCanada andwill I You, iOnCiuse aUtholt s72lfOCi 1 l undertake I6 ;Fairport Road and Lynn Heights I i provide these requirements when. Ithey eremade available- i • - Drive Pickering, Ontario ' - Tyler Barnett, Senior Planner g• i Development Review The proposed facility would include one lacked i alarmed and electronically monitored mechan i City of Pickering I j j icol equiFp Went shelter. Fencing would be in- ~ i One The Esplanade , 1 stalled around the base of the tower and i !Pickering, ON Li V 6K7 Public Mobile Site Code Tel 905-420-4660 exi2042 equipment shelters and would include one - 1 flocked gate access point. Email +O}dFCK0556 For rnore it orrnotion I Genero!infcrmation from industry Ccnoda: htfp./lstrategis.io.gc:cnlontenna. i - ~HealthConodo'sSofetyCode6: { j i htfp:lj-, .ic.gc.co/epic/site/smf-gst-nsf/en/ - sf45990e.html i i i Figure 14.1 - Public Circulation Brochure, side 1 OO ATTACHMENT 0' Z TO 28 REPORT # pp ICI + Ygur local land use_nulhorLihy Why is r.i newu lower regaired? What will it look like? In recognition of the Federal Government's exclu. Aradio antenna and tower ore the two most im- Public Mobile is proposing a tom tri-pole tower to sive jurisdiction and in an attempt to promote bol- poriont parts of a radio communication system- improve upon the overall poor coverage in your once. Industry Canada requires that proponents of The antenna is neededio send and receive dg- area. telecommunication facilities consult vrith land use nols for the rodio station. The tower raises the on- ' authorities as part of their licensing process. The ferric above obstructions such as trees and build- Below is or image of o tower similar to the ane pro. requirement to consult can be found in Industry ings so that it can send and receive these signals Canada's documeni,Client Procedure Circular clearly. Each radio station and its antenna system- - , (CPC) 2-0A3. The purpose of consultation, as out- (inclvrrng the tower) provide redo coverage to a lined in CPC 2-M, is to ensure that land use au- specific geographic area, often called o cell. The thorifies are aware of significant anienno structures - antenna system must be carefully located to en- and/or installations proposed within their bounda- sure that it provides o good signal over the whole I l~, t ries and that antenna s ystems are deployed in a cell area, without interfering with other stations. In 10 V) manner which considers local surrour~ngs. areas where there are marry cells, the antennas t}y4 do not need to be very high. Where the cells ore {w;' Consultation mustrespeci the Federal Govern- larger, the antennas must be higher above the ~i`,;;•i meni's exclusive jurisdiction and specifically does ground level in order to provide good radio cover- not give a mvnicipo6fy the right to veto the pro- age for the whole area. 1I r'j posol. Aso result, this proposed wireless facility does not require permitting of any kind. Similarly, In this case, Public Mobile has determined the i;• ` zoning by-lows and site plonopprovals do not op- need for new antennas in the area in order to ad- ply to these facilities. i ! eqvoiely provide contiguous coverage and ser. r?; } vice to our future customer base along the hydro Notwithstanding the Federal Governmeni's exclu- corridor just south of the Concession Road 3 ondl I sive jurisdiction, Public Mobile is committed to con- Fairport Rood intersection. Public Mobile chose this } syltotion with the local land use authority (The City site In order to avoid problematic situations for ourl of Pickering). The city does not have acouncil- future customers such as poor voice and data 11~ adopted protocol or policy related to this proposal. Quality. dropped calls, or even the inability to This public notification has been designed to pro- place a marble call in the subject area. << vide all the necessary information as required by _ I Industry Canada to those properties that fall within the notification rcdus. , - Where ..will it be Iccat_e 2 The proposed site of the tower is 37Cm south of the - If r t Concession Rood 3 and Fairport Road intersection - TM to coINOEssroN Rao 41P between the CN railwaytrocks and the hydro cord- dor on the property legally known as Part of Lot 2d Concession 2.• Public Mobile strongly supporis co-Iodation on east- ing towers and structures. The use of existing shut- WhCFt t7ha Ut YYIe eC1Vli(?r'~i YiPl „ tures minimizes the number of new towers required .nsa"am, s„nw a in a given area and is generally a more cost effec- live way of doing business- Unfortunately in this ! Public fvtable attests that the radio antenna system case, there were no exisfing structures in the area i desc6bedin this notification package will comply fo be considered. „o. with tts Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, as this focifi ty is excluded from assessment Figure 14.2 - Public Circulation Brochure, side 2 °IHU I TO REP08T ip PO - L--- 29 - - 'I PIN 26371-0945(LT) I I I I PLAN 40R-20519 N PIN 26371-0916(LT) w ! I F I~ PIN 26371-0466(0) 0 AT- 'f-A" yr LAN 40R-5285 0120.0 METRE NOWICATION RADIUS PIN 26371-0500(L3> I I I FROM PROPOSED TRIPOLE ! I I \ C C'J PIN 26371-0948(M it!, Z43;A-~0907(LT) jig-; PIN 99tL~ R W P~ P PG'V\G GPN PQ` PN Figure 15- Circulation Map Notification Radius Hydro One Corridor 483 Bay Street 263710500 North Tower, 15th Floor Reception Toronto, Ontario M56 2P5 Hydro One Corridor 483 Bay Street 263710466 North Tower, 15th Floor Reception Toronto, Ontario M5G 2P5 263710948 2310 Fairport Road, UX 2114 Figure 16 - Circulation List G i i 5 - 30 Excerpt from April 18, 2011 Council Minutes Resolution #87/11 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Ashe WHEREAS the City of Pickering was recently informed that Industry Canada has approved a 'cell phone tower at 1820 Whites Road, Amberlea Presbyterian Church without any consultation with the City of Pickering; and WHEREAS the Federal Government through Industry Canada, refuses to recognize the important role that municipalities play in regards to local land use matters and specifically where cell phone towers may be situated; and WHEREAS local residents residing in the Amberlea/Foxhollow Neighbourhood are outraged, having become aware,through 3rd party information that such an. intrusion can be erected in a residential community; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Federal Government through Industry Canada be advised that the, City of Pickering objects to the installation of a cell phone tower at 1820 Whites Road and that they reverse its approval and enter into discussions with the City of Pickering in order to find a more appropriate location; AND FURTHER that the Federal Government be required to amend their policies. and procedures for the approval of cell phone and radio towers to allow for local municipalities consultation on all. applications and to not approve. applications objected to. by the local municipality; AND FURTHER that consultation takes place through the Federation of Municipalities on establishing guidelines to assist Industry Canada in setting criteria that can be used by municipalities to assess each application submitted for towers; AND that a copy of this motion be.forwarded to FCM to be included for endorsement at its annual meeting AND that copies of this resolution be sent to Dan McTeague, MP for Pickering/Scarborough_East, the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry, and the Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and Technology). Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote i REPORT # PD-20ZO~ 31 Excerpt from Mav 16th. 2011 Council Meeting Minutes Resolution #102/11 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Ashe WHEREAS On April 18, 2011 the Council.for the Corporation of the City of Pickering formally opposed the installation of a 'communications tower at 1820 Whites Road in the City of Pickering; and WHEREAS hundreds of area residents have signed a petition objecting to the installation of a communications tower at 1820 Whites Road and other City locations; WHEREAS the City of Pickering received a response from Industry Canada in regards to our request to relocate the proposed communications tower at 1820 Whites Road and have ordered all communication tower installations cease on this site until Industry Canada can review this matter; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Council for the Corporation of the City of Pickering requests the Government of Canada cease further consideration of communication towers in any residential area of Pickering in order to commence discussions with the City of Pickering to establish criteria based on mutual respect for all matters pertaining to land use in the City of Pickering for the installation of communication towers throughout our community. AND THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to Durham Regional Council, Corneliu Chisu, MP Elect for Pickering/Scarborough East, Chris Alexander, MP Elect Ajax Pickering, the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry and the Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and Technology). Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote