HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 07-11 Report To Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: CAO 07-11 Date: April 11, 2011 128 From: Debbie Shields City Clerk Subject: Records Management By-law Amendment Recommendation: 1. That Report CAO 07-11 of the Chief Administrative Officer be received; 2. That the Draft By-law to amend By-law 6835/08 Records Management for the City of Pickering, included as Attachment #1 to this Report, be approved; and 3. That the City Clerk forward the approved by-law to the City's Auditors, Deloitte and Touche LLP, for certification. Executive Summary: As part of the regular review process, the Records Retention By-law has been updated as deemed necessary based on administrative and legislative requirements. The City Clerk determines the appropriate classification and destruction date of records, taking into account legal, financial, administrative, operational and historical values of each record. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications. Sustainability Implications: An effective records retention program allows the City to destroy records that are no longer useful to the City, and sustain vital records for future stakeholders. Background: On February 19, 2008, City Council approved By-law 6835/08, a by-law to establish retention periods for records of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. As Departments have now been working with the current schedule for two years, it is timely to review the Corporate Records Retention Schedule to ensure it. continues to reflect the ongoing needs of each Department. Departments were canvassed for their input, and the following recommendations have been made. Report CAO 07-11 April 11, 2011 129 Subject: Records Management By-law Amendment Page 2 File Code Description Retention Change Type Period A-2211-001 Vital Stats - General C + 6 File Code General records relating to birth, death and Addition marriage registration, which cannot be classified elsewhere. A-2212-001 Vital Stats - Marriage 2 years File Code Marriage License Applications (duplicate record). Addition F-1300-001 Capital Projects T + 6 File Code Records related to large capital budgeted and Addition funded projects. F-3200-001 General Ledger AGGOURtS P Change to title Comprehensive annual general ledger of all transactions posted to the general ledger. Also includes final trial balance. F-3211-001 Accounting - General C + 6 File Code Records related to accounting that cannot be Addition classified elsewhere. F-4140-001 Payroll Timesheets C + 5 Change in Records associated with the individual time entry retention period b employees into the payroll s stem. former) C + 6 F-4200-001 Tax Revenue - General C + 6 Change to title Records relating to tax revenue in general, and description including calculations, which cannot be classified elsewhere. Includes merge reports, returned mail, ad samples, MPAC street index, and equipment correspondence. F-4220-001 Lawyers Letters Tax Certificates/Nlertgage- C + 6 Change to title Letters and description Records relating to letters from lawyers requesting tax certificates, mortgage letters and aRY ether GGFFesPGRdenno regarding payment F-4230-001 Change of . Tax Account Changes C + 6 Change to title Records relating to change of ownership information, mailing address changes, mortgage company changes and MPAC sales listing. F-4300-001 Assessment/Tax Rolls/Tax Registration P Change to title Original assessment rolls and tax collector's rolls for the City of Pickering. L-2240-001 Cancelled/Withdrawn/Dismissed Parking 1 year Change in Tickets retention period Parking tickets which have been cancelled, as per Auditor's withdrawn, dismissed, acquitted or where the recommendation CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CAO 07711 April 11, 2011130 Subject: Records Management By-law Amendment Page 3 conviction has been struck. (formerly 6 months L-2310-001 Animal Licences 2 years Change in Records relating to the licensing of cats and (hard retention period dogs. copy) (formerly C + 6 L-2334-001 Taxicab Plate Eligibility List Permanent Change in Records include names of persons who have retention period applied for taxicab plate owners licences. (formerly Superseded) L-2341-001 Sign Permits - Portable C + 1 File Code Records include portable sign permit Addition applications, copy of permit and any supporting documentation and correspondence. 0-2340-001 Roads - Accident Statistics Permanent File Code Records associated with statistics reporting of Addition accidents concerning emergency services and traffic. S-2000-001 Services and Programs 2 years Change to Records include information relating to the description administration, scheduling and offering of programs, memberships and program registration. S-3011-001 Pound Book 2 years File Code Records from the Animal Services Shelter Addition Attachments: 1. Draft Records Management By-law Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Lisa Harker, MPA Debbie Shields Coordinator, Records & Elections City Clerk DS:lh Copy: Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CAO 07-11 April 11, 2011 131 Subject: Records Management By-law Amendment Page 4 Recommended for the consideration of Pickeri City Cou H Tony revedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised I . The Corporation of the City of Pickering 132 By-law No. ****/11 Being a by-law to amend By-law 6835/08 to establish retention periods for records of the Corporation of the City of Pickering. Whereas By-law 6835/08 provides for the establishment of retention period for records of the City of Pickering; and Whereas the Records Retention Schedule is to be reviewed as required by the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall determine the appropriate classification of records, taking into account legal, financial, administrative, operational and historical values of each record. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Corporate Records Retention Schedule is hereby further amended as follows: File Code Description Retention Period A-2211-001 Vital Stats - General C + 6 General records relating to birth, death and marriage registration, which cannot be classified elsewhere. F-1300-001 .Capital Projects T + 6 Records related to large capital budgeted and funded projects. F-3200-001 General Ledger P Comprehensive annual general ledger of all transactions posted to the eneral ledger. Also includes final trial balance. F-3211-001 Accounting - General C + 6 Records related to accounting that cannot be classified elsewhere. F-4140-001 Payroll Timesheets C + 5 Records associated with the individual time entry by employees into the payroll s stem. F-4200-001 Tax - General C + 6 Records relating to tax revenue in general, including calculations, which cannot be classified elsewhere. Includes merge reports, returned mail, ad samples, MPAC street index, and equipment corres ondence. F-4220-001 Tax Certificates C + 6 Records relating to letters from lawyers requesting tax certificates. By-law No. ****/l 1 Page 2 133 F-4230-001 Tax Account Changes C + 6 Records relating to change of ownership information, mailing address changes, mortgage company changes and MPAC sales listing. F-4300-001 Assessment/Tax Rolls/Tax Registration P Original assessment rolls and tax collector's rolls for the City of Pickering. A-2212-001 _ Vital Stats - Marriage 2 years Marriage Licence Applications (duplicate record). L-2240-001 Cancelled/Withdrawn/Dismissed Parking Tickets 1 year Parking tickets which have been cancelled, withdrawn, dismissed, ac uitted or where the conviction has been struck. L-2310-001 Animal Licences 2 years Records relating to the licensing of cats and dogs. L-2334-001 Taxicab Plate Eligibility List Permanent Records include names of persons who have applied for taxicab late owners licences. L-2341-001 Sign Permits - Portable C + 1 Records include portable sign permit applications, copy of permit and an su ortin documentation and correspondence. 0-2340-001 Roads - Accident Statistics Permanent Records associated with statistics reporting of accidents concerning emer enc services and traffic. S-2000-001 Services and Programs 2 years Records include information relating to the administration, scheduling and offering of programs, memberships and program re istration. S-3011-001 Pound Book 2 years Records from the Animal Services Shelter I 2. This by-law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of The City of Pickering. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 11th day of April, 2011. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk