HomeMy WebLinkAboutCST 11-11 Report To Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: CST 11-11 Date: March 7, 2011 15 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Debbie Shields Clerk Subject: Council Compensation Policy Recommendation: 1. That Report CST 11-11 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the Council Compensation Policy, included as Attachment #1 to this report be approved; and, 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The Council Compensation Policy provides consistent rules and guidelines for the Mayor and Members of Council with respect to salary, expenses and communications of elected officials. A review of the Council Compensation Policy is required every term of Council. The draft policy attached includes additional policy clarification and formatting updates. Financial Implications: All financial implications are in accordance with the Current and Capital budgets. Sustainability Implications: This report and recommendation for policy revisions are relevant to the social lens of sustainability by addressing municipal compliance with legistlative requirements for an open, accountable government. Report CST 11-11 March 7, 2011 Subject: Council Compensation Policy Page 2 Background: In accordance with the existing policy, a review of the Council Compensation Policy is undertaken every four years prior to the budget meetings that follow the general municipal election. Changes that have been reflected in the revised policy include clearer language within the policy, formatting and the addition of a Stationary and Office Supplies account in the .annual Current Budget in the amount of $750.00 for each Councillor. Attachments: 1. Council Compensation Policy, as revised 2. Summary of Changes with Revised Policy 3. Existing Council Compensation and Communications Policy, as approved on November 19, 2007 through Resolution #214/07, as amended. Prepared By: Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: Debbie Shields Gillis A. Paterson City Clerk Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering ity C ncil 2x12-0 11 I Tony revedel, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer City Policy ~"l ~~~~I M9i B.,,i':2 3 B ~ i\~~i-d ~~G Y'(.l✓.,L.M. /IJ~/ DICKERING Policy Title: Council Compensation Policy, Policy Number: ADM 190 Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised: Resolution #73/05 May 2, 2005 January 15, 2007 Resolution #12/07 November 19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 March 21, 2011 Resolution # /11 Approval: Point of Contact: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Policy Objective The objective of this Policy is to: 1. Provide consistent rules and guidelines for the Mayor and Members of Council with respect to salary, expenses and communications of elected officials; and 2. Provide guidelines to staff to ensure all expenses are submitted and approved in accordance with the established parameters of the policy. Index 01 Definitions 02 General 03 Accounting Procedures " 04 Responsibilities 05 Salary 06 Benefits 07 Vehicle Allowance 08 Council Support Services 09 Conventions/Conferences 10 Meal Reimbursement 11 Councillors Stationary & Office Supply Budget 12 Communications 01 Definitions 01.01 Cooperative Letter - shall mean a letter or other printed document that contains information of interest to residents in more than one ward and which shall be mailed or distributed beyond a ward boundary and may involve the participation of a community group. 01.02 Councillor - shall mean all Members of Council, excluding the Mayor. 113 01.03 Members of Council - shall include the Mayor and all Members of Council. 01.04 Neighbourhood Letter - shall mean a document that is prepared on letterhead and/or signed by a Member of Council and sent to a defined neighbourhood or community of interest within the constituency of a Member of Council. 01.05 Newsletter - shall mean a document that is not greater in size than tabloid sized paper (11 "x17") and printed on both sides and shall contain information of interest to the constituents of a Councillor. 01.06 Telecommunications Equipment - shall include all equipment capable of transmitting over landlines and/or wireless modes such as landline telephones, cell phones, PDA's (Personal Digital Assistant), pagers, facsimile equipment or any hybrid of these items. 01.07 Website - shall mean a site on the World Wide Web that shall contain information of interest to the constituents of a Member of Council. The website may be hosted on any server external to the City. 02 General 02.01 This Policy shall be reviewed every four years prior to the.budget meetings that follow the general municipal election. 02.02 When a vacancy occurs and is subsequently filled, compensation, benefits and allowances shall be pro-rated to the term of office. 02.03 Items purchased and expense reimbursements by the City and provided to a Councillor will be charged to the Councillor's budget. 02.04 Reimbursement or payment by the City will not be made if it is not specifically provided for in this policy. 02.05 No budget amount shall be provided to a new Councillor in an election year. 02.06 No remaining Current budget allocations or allowances can be carried forward into future years.. 02.07 Individual Members of Council shall not use City funds to make individual grants or donations to organizations or persons for any form of sponsorship or fundraising. 02.08 Members of Council will not be reimbursed for expenditures purchased through the use of rewards or point programs. Policy Title: Council Compensation Policy Page 2 of 11 Policy Number: ADM 190 03 Accounting Procedures 03.01 Councillors"claims for expenses must follow basic accounting and audit principles: a) Expenses must relate to the business of the City of Pickering; b) Councillors must incur the expenses. Expenses incurred by third parties cannot be claimed; c) Councillors must provide proper documentation, including detailed original receipts, for all expense claims. Credit card receipts or statements alone are not sufficient and will not be accepted. In the case of any internet online purchases, a copy of the confirmation must be attached to the claim, d) Invoices must include a description of the goods purchased or services rendered, the cost, applicable taxes and HST Registration Number. e) Councillors must sign off all receipts or invoices with original signatures. Documentation with only signature stamps or electronic signatures will not be accepted. f) Expenses must be submitted for reimbursement within 60 days of the expenditure; g)- Councillors who charge for goods against the current year must have received the goods and or services from the vendor before December 31St of the year; 03.02 Payment procedures for reimbursement of expenses must be completed by filling out the designated form.and submitting with all invoices and original signatures to the Corporate Services Department by 12:00 noon on Wednesday in order to receive payment in that week's cheque run. 04 Responsibilities 04.01 Members of Council to: (a) Adhere to and support the Council Compensation Policy. (b) Approve amendments as presented by the Chief Administrative Officer and/or Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer. Policy Title: Council Compensation Policy Page 3 of 11 Policy Number: ADM 190 120 04.02 Chief Administrative Officer to: (a) Support the Council Compensation. Policy. 04.03 Clerk to: (a) Approve, in consultation with the Chief Administrative Officer any expenditures in accordance with the policy. 05 Salary 05.01 The remuneration payable to the, Mayor shall be: a) $77,700 per annum effective January 1, 2011. b) Every January 1St thereafter the annual salary of the Mayor shall be increased at the same rate/percentage provided to those employees covered by the Collective Agreement for CUPE Local 129 on April 1St of the immediate preceding year. 05.02 The remuneration payable to a Councillor shall be: a) $32,367 per annum effective January 1, 2011. b) Every January 1St thereafter the annual salary of a Councillor shall be increased at the same rate/percentage provided to those employees covered by the Collective Agreement for CUPE Local 129 on April 1St of the immediate preceding year. c) A Councillor shall be paid a per diem rate of 1.0% of their annual salary for a total of ten days for attending a full day meeting, workshop, seminar or convention. d) Per diem payments payable to Councillors shall be paid monthly. Per diem payments shall cease on the last day that the Councillors remain in office and -shall be pro-rated accordingly. 05.03 Remuneration payable to Members of Council shall be based on an annual rate and paid bi-weekly. Remuneration to Members of Council shall cease on the last day that the Member remains on the Council of the City of Pickering. 05.04 The one-third of the remuneration paid to Members of Council and local boards of the municipality is deemed as expenses incident.to the discharge of their duties as Members of Council or the local board. Policy Title: Council Compensation Policy Page 4 of 11 Policy Number: ADM 190 i .121 06 Benefits: 06.01 Health Plan a) An Extended Health Plan as is provided to the non-union employees shall be available to all Members of Council and their families, which includes a prescription and dental plan, vision care plan and semi-private hospital coverage. b) For Members who have completed fifteen years of continuous service and cease to be a Member for the reasons set out in Section 06.04 a), the Corporation shall pay 100% of the premium cost of the Extended Health, Dental and Vision Care Benefit Plans until the Member attains age 70. c) Following a member's death while in service the Corporation shall continue to pay 100% of the premium costs of the Extended Health, Dental and Vision Care Benefit Plans in respect of a Member's surviving spouse and dependents for up to twelve (12) calendar months. 06.02 Members of Council, up to age 65, shall be provided a Term Life Insurance Policy in the following amounts: a) Mayor $200,000 b) Councillor - $100,000 c) Accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage 06.03 A Member of Council may maintain a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), either own or spousal, under Federal legislation to which the Corporation shall contribute a maximum of 13% of the Member's earned salary each year. a) Written confirmation that a member has sufficient contribution room, as provided by the Canada Revenue Agency on their notice of assessment, to accommodate the City's contribution shall be provided to the Treasurer no later than December 31 st in any given year and the City's contribution shall be made directly to that RRSP no later than January 31St of the next calendar year.. b) The word "salary" shall mean the annual base salary, pro- rated for a Member not holding office for an entire calendar year, of the Mayor and Councillors and it excludes all taxable benefits and allowances. The contribution to an RRSP is a taxable benefit regardless of whether it is paid to the Member of Council or the financial institution. Policy Title: Council Compensation Policy Page 5 of 11 Policy Number: ADM 190 122 c) The City shall make its contribution only in the month of January of the next calendar year regardless of when the Member of Council made a contribution, except when a Member of Council ceases to hold office during the year, in which case a whole or partial contribution will be made in that year. 06.04 a) A Member of Council, with service of more than four consecutive years, may, upon written application to the Treasuer by the Member, or by a representative appointed in writing by the Member, receive severance remuneration upon ceasing to be a Member by reason of. i) election defeat; ii) resignation; iii) election to another government body; or iv) dying while in office if the Member is 65 years of age or over and not eligible to receive benefits under the City's group life insurance program. b) No Member of Council shall be entitled to receive severance remuneration who ceases to be a Member by reason of, or by resignation which, is a result of or given in anticipation of: i) removal from office by judicial process, or ii) notwithstanding the above, disqualification under or operation of any Act of the Parliament of Canada or the Legislature of the Province of Ontario. c) Severance remuneration shall be equal to one month of salary for a Member of Council, times the number of years of consecutive, uninterrupted full service of the Member, to a maximum amount payable of 24 months remuneration. Severance remuneration shall be calculated from the day the Member took office to the last day that the Member ceases to hold office. d) A written application for severance remuneration must be received by the Treasurer within six calendar months of a Member of Council ceasing to be a Member; otherwise any entitlement to severance remuneration shall be forfeited. Upon approval of the application by the Treasurer, payment arrangement shall be agreed to that does.not extend beyond three years. Policy Title: Council Compensation Policy Page 6 of 11 Policy Number: ADM 190 07 Vehicle Allowance 123 07.01 A vehicle allowance is provided for in the annual Current Budget on a. monthly.basis to each Member of Council. a) The travel allowance shall be deemed to provide for all travel and travel-related expenses within the GTA and shall include but not be limited to fuel, parking, highway tolls, taxi fares, public transportation fares and valet services. b) Travel outside the GTA shall be paid at the per kilometre rate of reimbursement approved in the Current Budget or economy class return air fare between Toronto and the destination, whichever is the lesser. 08 Council Support 08.01 . Council support services shall reflect the following: a) An annual budget of $4,800 is provided for each Councillor to provide services beyond those services provided by the Council- support staff at the Civic Complex. b) The support staff assigned to the Councillor's Office are available to assist a Councillor, however, no other City staff shall be involved and any specialty work that is required shall be charged to the budget prescribed for communication media or the Allowance for Outside Secretarial Services. c) Payment shall be made directly by the City to the service provider upon submission of an original detailed invoice. An invoice for external services would contain, in addition to the name and address, additional details of services provided such as itemizing hours by day, HST business registration number and description of work provided. All invoices require sign off by the Councillor to indicate the services were received prior to authorization and before payment can be processed. 09 Conventions/Conferences 09.01 A budget of $12,000 per term for each Member of Council shall be provided. This will be an allocation of $3,000.00 per Member of Council in each annual budget for conventions. Any over expenditure in the beginning year(s) of the term shall be deducted from the amount provided in the final. year(s). Policy Title: Council Compensation Policy Page 7 of 11 Policy Number: ADM 190 424 a) For the purposes noted above, the word "convention/conference" shall include seminars and workshops as provided in the annual budget and excludes conferences/conventions paid by other agencies such as the Region, Veridian, etc. b) Conference/convention expenses shall include actual accommodation costs, registration costs, and travel and meal costs. c) Accommodation expenses shall be at the convention headquarters and if not available, then at the nearest suitable hotel, motel, etc. and at a Standard Room rate. All expenses over a Standard Room rate will be the responsibility of the Member of Council. d) Travel necessary for conventions/conferences outside the GTA shall be paid at the per kilometre rate of reimbursement approved in the Current Budget or economy class return air fare between Toronto and the destination, whichever is the lesser. Other travel related expenses such as parking, vehicle rentals, taxi fares, public transportation fares and highway tolls incurred for conventions outside the GTA shall also be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts. OR d) An allowance of a maximum of $90.00 per day may be paid for ancillary expenses such as meals, taxi fares, parking, and telephone and hotel internet charges where such expenses are not otherwise claimed or paid for by another person or body. This .allowance shall be pro-rated for conventions that are less than one day. This per diem payment is intended to cover out-of-pocket expenses for City business only. 10 Meal Reimbursement 10.01 Reimbursement shall be provided to Members of Council in the annual current budget for Receptions, Promotions and Special Events for the cost of meals to discuss matters of City business or attending functions that are connected to the business of the City, as follows: a) Reimbursement shall. only be provided for reasonable food and liquor expenses upon submission of the original restaurant bill or transaction slip, the number of persons attending the meal and the general purpose of the meal is noted. Policy Title: Council Compensation Policy Page 8 of 11 Policy Number: ADM 190 125 11 Councillors Stationary and Office Supply Budget 11.01 An annual budget of $750.00 is provided for each Councillor for office supplies used for City business such as, toner cartridges, stationary, Commissioner stamps, publications/books relating to City business. 12 Communications 12.01 A capital budget of $10,000 per term, per Member of Council, shall be provided for the acquisition of computer hardware/software and telecommunications equipment. a) Expenditures of this allocation shall only be made in the first three years of office following a general election. Any acquisitions made following an election or appointment and prior to the approval of the following year's budget, shall be charged to this allocation. b) No computer hardware/software or telecommunications equipment shall be purchased or leased for Members of Council after January 1st in the year of a general municipal election unless it is lost or stolen, or no longer operates and cannot.be repaired to its initial operating specifications. The old equipment must be.returned, and/or affidavit that the equipment has been lost or stolen must be submitted. Any replacement equipment purchased under this Section will be charged to the Councillor's Budget. c) Following a general municipal election, by-election or appointment, the new Member(s) of Council shall be contacted by staff to determine their needs. Members of Council may choose to be supplied with equipment recommended by City staff or they may choose to be supplied with equipment of their choice. The Manager, IT must be consulted to verify compatibility and to clarify IT support opportunities before purchase. At the point of delivery of the equipment, Members of Council shall be required to sign the Home Equipment Agreement which shall set out the equipment that has been supplied to the Member and the conditions under which it has been supplied. d) Every Member of Council who does not continue to hold municipal office shall ensure that all computer hardware/software, telecommunications equipment and any other equipment purchased or leased on their behalf by the City is returned to the City by November 30th following a general municipal election or within 21 days of ceasing to hold office. In the event the above Policy Title: Council Compensation Policy Page 9 of 11 Policy Number: ADM 190 1 26 noted items are not returned by the said date, the matter shall be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to pursue recovery. 12.02 The City will reimburse each member of Council for telecommunication charges as follows: a) Long distance, airtime, voice & data and other charges that are incurred for City purposes by Members of Council b) Charges for the use of an Internet Service Provider by Councillors for two locations, with an Internet Stick being deemed as one location. 12.03 It is recognized that there are many various methods of communications media in order for Councillors to communicate with their constituents, including newsletters, neighbourhood letters, cooperative letters and websites. A budget of $7,500 for the first, second and third calendar years and $6,000 for the final calendar year of a term will be provided to each Councillor for these items. The City shall cover the cost of preparing, printing and mailing newsletters, neighbourhood letters and cooperative letters as well as the cost of creating and maintaining a website as follows: a) A newsletter shall not be mailed or otherwise distributed beyond the boundaries of the constituency of a Councillor except where postal walks cross beyond the boundaries of their ward. In instances where Councillors are assigned or appointed to additional duties, which may require some cross-ward boundary communication, exceptions may apply as determined by the City Clerk. These cross-ward mailings to fulfill additional duties shall not exceed 500 homes into a ward not represented by a Councillor and shall not occur after January 1St in the year of a general municipal election. b) A link to the Councillor's City-funded website may only be provided from the City of Pickering website under the Councillor's profile link. c) The following conditions shall apply to the preparation/distribution of newsletters, neighbourhood letters, cooperative letters, websites and other forms of communication: Policy Title: Council Compensation Policy Page 10 of 11 Policy Number: ADM 190 127 i) On or after July 1 in the year of a general municipal election, no mailing or distribution of a newsletter, neighbourhood letter or cooperative letter shall occur where the costs shall be borne by the City. ii) On. July 1 in the year of a general municipal election, the link from the City's website to any Councillor's City-funded or personal website shall be severed until after the election. All expenses related to the personal website will not be reimbursed from July 1 St to December 1St iii) A newsletter, neighbourhood letter, cooperative letter, City- funded website or other communications media shall not contain information that would promote any candidate in an election. iv) A newsletter, neighbourhood letter, cooperative letter, City- funded website or other communications media shall not contain advertising that.would promote a product or service of a company, organization or.individual. V) A Member of Council shall only be reimbursed for communication expenses relating to City business incurred through a media that has general circulation in the City of Pickering, such as a newspaper, radio or television station. Policy Title: Council Compensation Policy Page 11 of 11 Policy Number: ADM 190 ATTACHMENT#J TO REPORT c~ COUNCIL COMPENSATION POLICY L ADM 190 Revision Date: March, 2011 New Section of the Policy Old Section of the :Summary of Change Reason/Rationale for Policy. Change Legislative Authority Not Referenced Inclusion of Legislative Standard policy and authority for the policy procedure format Policy Statement Referenced Deleted Policy Statement Updated Standard policy and procedure format Policy Objective Not Referenced No Change No Change 01 Definitions 01.05 Defined with fewer words Simplified Definition and 01.02 Newsletter elaborated within the section 02 General Not Referenced Created New Section To place general information which is currently found throughout the Policy and put it in one lace. 02 General Not Referenced Inclusion To clarify budget 02.03 Charges to accounting process Councillors budget 02 General Not Referenced Inclusion - To clarify budget 02.04 reimbursement accounting process specifically provided for within olic 02 General Not Referenced Inclusion To clarify budget 02.06 No remaining Current accounting process budget carryovers 02 General Not Referenced Inclusion To clarify audit process 02.08 Clarification on the Exclusion of rewards or Point Programs 03 Accounting Procedures Not Referenced Inclusion To clarify timelines and 03.01 - 03.02 processes for - reimbursement 05 Salary 03.01 a). Delete '$68,188 per Change to reflect 2011 05.01 The remuneration annum effective January rates payable to the Mayor shall 1, 2007' and replace with be: a) '$77,700 per annum effective January 1, 2011' 05 Salary 03.01 b) Replace "2007" with Change to reflect 2011 05.01 Remuneration "2011 revision payable to the Mayor shall be: b 05 Salary 03.02 a) Delete '$28,413 per Change to reflect 2011 05.02 Remuneration annum effective January rates payable to a Councillor shall 1, 2007' and replace with be: a) '$32,367 per annum effective January 1, 2011'. 05 Salary 03.02 b) Replace "2007" with Change to reflect 2011 05.02 Remuneration "2011 revision payable to a Councillor shall be: b 06 Benefits 05.01 to 05.05 Placement change Moved within policy 06.01 to 06-04 inclusive inclusive simplified language 1 New Section of the Policy Old Section of the Summary of Change Reason/Ration ale for Policy Change 12 7 07 Vehicle Allowance 04.02a) b) c) and d) Created Section, Created new name and Allowances changed name simplified section for ease of 04.02 Travel allowance language reference, combined a) b) c) d) wording due to duplication and simplified language 08 Council Support 04.04 a) b) and c) reated section Created section for ease 08.01 a) b) and c) of reference, combined wording and simplified language 09 04.03 a) b) c) d) and Created section, clarified Created section for ease Conventions/Conferences e) budget, detailed of reference. 09.01 reimbursement process Detailed budget amount allocations. Simplified language 10 Meal Reimbursement 04.01 a) and b) Created new section, Specified account 10.01 a) detailed reimbursement reimbursement should process and simplified be charged to. language Detailed reimbursement process and simplified language. 11 Councillors Stationary Not referenced Addition of an annual Detailed reimbursement Office Supply Budget budget of $750.00 for for office supplies each Councillor for office creating a more efficient supplies. audit trail for budget purposes. 12 Communications 06.01 Simplified language. Moved information 12.01 within policy and simplified Ian ua e 12 Communications 06.02 Changes to reflect Details on air sticks and 12.02 Telecommunication advancements in removal of rural charges telecommunication connection fees due to equipment. the advancement in technology. 12 Communications 06.03 Changes to reflect new All September 15 dates 12.03 Communications legislation around changed to July 1 Media -Municipal Election date. Additional detail regarding City funded websites. 2 Cite o¢~ ATTACHMENT #-:j _-.TO REPORT # J I - I CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE KFR 30 Approval-, a,- Date Originated: Polio Number: May 2, 2005 Classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: Resolution #74105 dkquary 15, 2007 category: 190 Resolution #12/07 Noverri6-6i-19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 Policy Title: COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY The Council Compensation and Communications Policy derives its authority from the Municipal Act. POLICY STATEMENT: The Corporation of the City of Pickering is committed to enhancing Council in their role to represent the public and to consider the well-being and interests of Council, including maintaining the financial integrity of the municipality. POLICY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this Policy is to: 1. Provide consistent rules and guidelines for the Mayor and Members of Council with respect to salary, expenses and communications of elected officials; and 2. Provide guidelines to staff to'ensure all expenses are submitted and approved in accordance with the established parameters of the policy. Crty o¢~ I'm;! - CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE 131 PICXE Approval Date Originated: Policy Number: Chief Administrative Officer May 2, 2005 Classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: Resolution #74/05 January 15, 2007 Category: 190 Resolution #12/07 November 19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 Policy Title: COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY GENERAL: 01 Definitions: I 01.01 Cooperative Letter -shall mean a letter or other printed document that contains information of interest to residents in more than one ward and which shall be mailed or distributed beyond a ward boundary and may involve the participation of a community group. 01.02 Councillor - shall mean-all Members of Council, excluding the Mayor. 01.03 Members of Council - shall include the Mayor and all Members of Council. 01.04 Neighbourhood Letter shall mean a document that is prepared on letterhead and/or signed by a Member of Council and sent to a defined neighbourhood or community of interest within the constituency of a Member of Council. 01.05 Newsletter - shall mean a document that is not greater in size than tabloid sized paper (11"x17") and printed on both sides and shall contain information of interest to the constituents of a Councillor. A newsletter shall not be mailed or otherwise distributed beyond the boundaries of the constituency of a Councillor except where postal walks cross beyond the boundaries of their ward. In instances where Councillors are assigned or appointed to additional duties, which may require some cross-ward boundary communication, exceptions may apply as determined by the City Clerk. These cross-ward mailings to fulfill additional duties shall not exceed 500 homes into a ward not represented by a Councillor and shall not occur after January 1St in the year of a general municipal election. 01.06 Telecommunications Equipment - shall include all. equipment capable of transmitting over landlines and/or wireless modes such as landline telephones, cell phones, PDA's (Personal Digital Assistant), pagers, facsimile equipment or any hybrid of these items. Page 2 of 13 Citq o CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE NG z 0 Approval: Date Originated: Polio Number: _ Chief Administrative Officer May 2, 2005 Classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: Resolution #74105 January 15, 2007 Category: 190 Resolution #12107 November 19, 2007 Resolution #214107 Policy Title: COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY 01.07 Website - shall mean a site on the World Wide Web that shall contain information of interest to-the constituents of a Member of Council. The website may be hosted on any server external to the City. 02 Responsibilities: 02.01 Council to: (a) Adhere to and support the Council Compensation and. Communications Policy. (b) Approve amendments as presented by the Chief Administrative Officer and/or Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer. 02.02 Chief Administrative Officer to: (a) Support the Council Compensation and Communications Policy. 02.03 City Clerk to: (a) Approve, in consultation with the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer any expenditures in accordance with the policy. 03 Salary 03.01 The remuneration payable to the Mayor shall be: a) $68,188 per annum effective January 1; 2007. b) Commencing on January 1, 2007 and on every January 1St thereafter, the annual salary of the Mayor shall be increased at the same rate/percentage provided to those employees covered by the Collective Agreement for CUPE Local 129 on April 1St of the immediate preceding year. Page 3 of 13 City co CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE 133 HUR-E Approval: Date Originated: Policy Number: Chief Administrative Officer May 2, 2005 classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: Resolution #74/05 January 15, 2007 Category: 190 Resolution #12/07 November 19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 Policy Title: COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY 03.02 The remuneration payable to a Councillor shall be: a) $28,413 per annum effective January 1, 2007. b) Commencing on January 1, 2007 and on every January 1 st thereafter, the annual salary of a Councillor shall be increased at the same rate/percentage provided to those employees covered by the Collective Agreement for CUPE Local 129 on April 1St of the immediate preceding year. c) A Councillor shall be paid a per diem rate of 1.0% of their annual salary for a total of ten days for attending a full day meeting, workshop, seminar or convention. d) Per diem payments payable to Councillors shall be paid monthly. Per diem payments shall cease on the last day that the Councillors remains in office and shall be pro-rated accordingly. 03.03 Remuneration payable to Members of Council shall be based on an annual rate and paid bi-weekly. Remuneration to Members of Council shall cease on the last day that the Member remains on the Council of the City of Pickering. 03.04 The one-third of the remuneration paid to Members of Council and local boards of the municipality is deemed as expenses incident to the discharge of their duties as Members of Council or the local board. 04 Allowances: 04.01 Reimbursement shall be provided to Members of Council for the cost of meals to discuss matters of City business or attending functions that are connected to the business of the City as may be provided in the annual budget. a) With respect to meals, reimbursement shall be provided only for reasonable food and liquor expenses. Page 4 of 13 1. ial O~ s ~ ie CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE PICKEM-G 134 Approval: Date Originated: Policy Number: Chief Administrative Officer May 2, 2005 classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: 'Resolution #74/05 January 15, 2007 Category: 190 Resolution #12107 November 19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 Policy Title: COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY b) With respect to meals, no reimbursement shall be provided unless the original restaurant bill or transaction slip is submitted_ for approval to the City Clerk,- and the number of persons attending .the meal and the general purpose of the meal is noted. 04.02 A travel allowance as determined in the annual Current Budget shall be provided to each Member of Council. a) The travel allowance shall be paid on a monthly basis. b) The travel allowance shall be deemed to provide for all travel and travel- related expenses within the GTA and shall include but not be limited to fuel, parking, highway tolls, taxi fares, public transportation fares and valet services. c) This travel allowance excludes travel. expenses related to conventions outside the GTA asset out in Section 04.03. d) Travel outside the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) shall be paid at the per kilometer rate of reimbursement approved, in the Current Budget or - economy class return air fare between Toronto and the destination, whichever is the lesser. 04.03 A budget of $12,000 per term for each Member, of Councillor shall be provided. This will be an allocation of $3,000.00 per Member of Council in each annual budget for conventions. a) For the purposes of Section 04.03, the word "convention" shall include seminars and workshops as provided in the annual budget and excludes conventions paid by other City-related agencies such as the Region, Veridian, etc. b) Convention expenses shall include actual accommodation and registration costs and, if applicable, travel and meals. Page 5 of 13 CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE 135 Approval: Date Originated: Polio Number: Chief Administrative Officer May 2, 2005 Classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: Resolution #74105 January 15, 2007 Category: 190 Resolution #12/07 November 19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 Policy Title: - COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY c) Travel necessary for conventions outside the GTA shall be paid at the per kilometer rate of reimbursement approved in the Current Budget or economy class return air fare between Toronto and the destination, whichever is the lesser. Other travel related expenses such as parking, vehicle rentals, taxi fares, public transportation fares and highway tolls incurred for conventions outside the GTA shall also be reimbursed upon presentation of receipts. d) In lieu of receipts, an allowance of a maximum of $90.00 per day may be paid for ancillary, expenses such as meals, taxi fares, parking, telephone and hotel internet charges. where such expenses are not otherwise claimed or paid. This allowance shall be pro-rated for. conventions that are less than one day. This per diem payment is intended to cover out-of-pocket expenses for City business only. e) No allowance shall be provided to a new Councillor in an election year. Workshops or orientation seminars for new Councillors are excepted. 04.04 Council support services shall reflect the following: a) An allocation of $4,800 per annum is provided for each Councillor to provide services beyond those services provided by the Council-support staff at the Civic Complex. Any discrepancy on the services provided are to be at the sole discretion of. the Chief Administrative Officer and/or in his absence, the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer. b) The support staff assigned to the. Councillor's Office are available to assist a Councillor with the preparation of their newsletter, neighbourhood letter, cooperative letter, website or other form of communication, however, no other City staff shall be involved in such preparation and any specialty work that is required shall be charged to the budget prescribed for communication media or the Allowance for Outside Secretarial Services. C) Payment shall be made directly by the City to the service provider (individual or company) upon submission of an original detailed invoice. Page 6 'of 13 Cilq o CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE 136 Approval: Date Originated: Polio Number: Chief Administrative Officer May 2, 2005 Classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: Resolution #74/05 January 15, 2007 category: 190 Resolution #12107 November 19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 Policy Title:. COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY An invoice from individuals for external services would contain, in addition to the name and address, additional details of services provided such as itemizing hours by day, GST business registration number and description of work provided. All invoices require sign off . by the Councillor to indicate the services were received prior to authorization and before payment can be processed. 05 Benefits: 05.01 Health "Plan a) An Extended Health Plan as is provided to the non-union employees shall be available to all Members of Council and their families, which includes a prescription and dental plan, vision care plan and semi- private hospital coverage. b) For Members who have completed fifteen years of continuous service and cease to.be a Member for the reasons set out in Section 05.05 a), the Corporation shall pay 100% of the premium cost of the Extended Health, Dental and Vision Care Benefit Plans until the Member attains age 70. c) The Corporation shall continue to pay 100% of the premium costs of the Extended Health, Dental and Vision Care Benefit Plans in respect of a Member's surviving, spouse and dependents for up to twelve (12) calendar months following a Members death while in service. 05.02 A Term Life Insurance Policy shall be paid by the City on behalf of Members of Council in the following amounts: a) Mayor - $200,000 b). Councillor - $100,000 05.03 Accidental death and dismemberment insurance coverage shall be paid by the City on behalf of Members of Council. Page 7 of 13 CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE 13j 7 PIO~E Approval: Date Originated: Policy Number: Chief Administrative Officer May 2, 2005 classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: Resolution #74/05 January 15, 2007 category: 190 Resolution #12/07 November 19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 Policy Title: COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY 05.04 A Member of Council may maintain a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), either own or spousal,. under Federal legislation to which the Corporation shall contribute a maximum of 13% of the Member's earned salary each year. a) Written confirmation that a member has sufficient contribution room, as provided by the Canada Revenue Agency on their notice of assessment, to accommodate the City's contribution shall be provided to the Treasurer no later than December 31St in anyogiven year and the City's contribution sha"II.be_ made directly to that RRSP no later than January 31St of the next calendar year, b) For the 2006/2007 transition only, if the member has already made the contribution to the.RRSP, reimbursement may be made to that member. c) The word "salary" shall mean the annual base salary, pro-rated fora Member not holding office for an entire calendar year, of the Mayor and Councillors and it excludes all `taxable benefits. The contribution to an RRSP is a taxable benefit regardless of whether it is paid to the Member of Council or the financial institution. d) The City shall make its contribution only in the month of January.of the next calendar year regardless of when the Member of Council made a contribution, except when a Member of Council ceases to hold office during the year. 05.05 a) A Member of Council, with service of more than four consecutive years, may., upon written application to the Clerk by the Member, or by a representative appointed in writing by the Member, receive severance remuneration upon ceasing to be a Member by reason of: i) election defeat; ii) resignation; iii) leaving office; iv) election to another government body; or Page 8 of 13 City O~ Pte'.: 4=_''':m CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE R Approval: Date Originated: Polio Number: Chief Administrative Officer May 2, 2005 classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: Resolution #74/05 January 15, 2007 category: 190 Resolution #12/07 November 19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 Policy Title: COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY v) dying while in office if the Member is 65 years of age or. over. and not eligible to receive -benefits under the City's group life insurance program. b) No Member of Council shall be entitled to receive severance remuneration who ceases to be a Member by reason of, or by resignation which, is a result of or given in anticipation of: i) removal from office by judicial process; or ii) notwithstanding Section 05.05 (a)(iv) above, disqualification under or operation of any Act of the Parliament of Canada or the Legislature of the Province of . Ontario. c) Severance remuneration shall be equal to one month of salary for a Member of Council, times the number of years of consecutive, uninterrupted full service of the Member, to a maximum amount payable of 24 months remuneration. Severance remuneration shall be calculated from the day the Member. took office to the last day that the Member ceases to hold office. d)' A written application for severance remuneration must be received by the Clerk within six calendar months of a Member of Council ceasing to be a Member, otherwise any entitlement to severance remuneration shall be forfeited. Upon approval of the application by the City Clerk, payment arrangement shall be agreed to that does not extend beyond three years. 06 Communications: 06.01 Computer Hardware/Software and Telecommunications Equipment a) A capital budget of $10,000 per term, per Member of Council, shall be in effect for the acquisition of computer hardware/software and telecommunications equipment. Expenditures of this allocation shall Page 9 of 13 Cru<< o~ "m CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE 139 PICKERING Approval: Gate Originated: Policy Number: Chief Administrative Officer May 2, 2005 classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: Resolution #74/05. January 15, 2007 category: 190 Resolution #12/07 November 19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 Policy Title: COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY only be made in the first three years of office following a general election. Any acquisitions made following an election or appointment and prior to the approval of the following year's budget, shall be charged to this allocation. b) No computer hardware/software or telecommunications equipment shall be purchased or leased for Members of Council after January V t in the year of a general municipal election unless it. is lost or stolen, or no longer operates, and cannot be repaired to its initial operating specifications. The old equipment must be returned, and/or affidavit that the equipment has been los.t or stolen must be submitted. c) Following a general municipal election, by-election or appointment, the new Member(s) of Council shall be contacted by staff to determine their needs. Members of Council may choose to be supplied with equipment recommended by City staff or they may choose to be supplied with equipment of their choice. The Manager, IT must be consulted to verify compatibility and to clarify IT support opportunities before purchase. At the point of delivery of the equipment, Members of Council shall be required to sign the Home Equipment Agreement which shall set out the equipment that has been supplied to the Member and the conditions under which it has been supplied. d) Equipment that is lost, stolen or no longer operates and cannot be repaired to its initial operating specifications shall be replaced by the City and shall not be charged to the $10,000 allocation set out in Paragraph (a) above. If the equipment is lost, stolen or damaged as a direct result of misuse or negligence, he or she may be asked to replace or repair at his or her expense to the satisfaction of the City. e) Every. Member of Council who does not continue to hold municipal office shall ensure that all computer hardware/software, telecommunications equipment and any other equipment purchased or leased on their behalf by the City is returned to the City by November 30th following a general municipal election or within 21 days of ceasing to hold office. In the event the above noted items are not returned by the said date, the Page 10 of 13 Cltq O4 CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE 140 Approval. Date Originated: Policy Number: Chief Administrative Officer May 2, 2005 Classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: Resolution #74105 January 15, 2007 Category: 190 Resolution #12/07. November 19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 Policy Title: COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY matter shall be referred to the Chief Administrative. Officer (CAO) to pursue recovery. 06.02 Telecommunication Charges a) Long distance, airtime and other charges that are incurred for City purposes by. Members of Council in the use of their telecommunications. equipment shall be reimbursed. b) Charges for the use of an Internet Service Provider by Councillors shall also be reimbursed for two locations only. c) In order to recognize the large rural area in Pickering that is outside the area served by high speed Internet access, individual requests for the additional reasonable.cost of Internet access exceeding standard urban connection costs shall be provided, subject to review and approval by the Chief Administrative Officer. 06.03 Communications. Media a) It is recognized that there are many various methods for Councillors to communicate with their constituents, including newsletters, neighbourhood letters, cooperative letters and websites. b) The City shall cover the cost of preparing, printing and mailing newsletters, neighbourhood letters and cooperative letters as well as the cost of creating and maintaining a website. A budget per Councillor of $7,500 for the first, second and third calendar years and $6,000 for the final calendar year of a term will be provided for these items. If the budget is under spent in any given year, there shall be no carry-forward of dollars to subsequent budgets. c) A link to the Councillor's City-funded website may only be provided from the City of Pickering website under the Councillor's profile link. Page 11 of 13 City o,,? CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE 141 PICKE Approval: Date Originated: Polio Number: Chief Administrative Officer May 2, 2005 Classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: Resolution #74/05 January 15, 2007 Category: 190 Resolution #12/07 November 19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 Policy Title: COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY d) Subject to Section 04.04, Councillors may hire external services as needed over and above what is currently provided in accordance with the. City's policies and practices. Review of external services shall be at the discretion of the City Clerk in conjunction with the Manager, IT. e) The following conditions shall apply to the preparation/distribution of newsletters, neighbourhood letters,- cooperative letters, websites and other forms of communication: i) On or after September 1 in the year of a general municipal election, no mailing or distribution of a newsletter, neighbourhood letter or cooperative letter shall occur where the costs shall be borne by the City. iii) On September 1 in the year of a general municipal election, the link from the City's website to any Councillor's City-funded or personal website shall be severed until after the election. If these conditions have not been met by September 2 of that year, the City shall take steps under the authority of the CAO to sever the Councillor's website. The link shall be reactivated the day following the election and funding of the Councillor's website shall commence on December 1 following the election. In the event that a Councillor is acclaimed, the said. website may be reactivated on the day following the last day to withdraw. a Nomination. iii) A newsletter, neighbourhood letter, cooperative letter, City- funded website or other communications media shall not contain information that would promote any candidate in an election. iv) A newsletter, neighbourhood letter, cooperative . letter, City website or. other communications media shall not contain advertising that would promote a product or service of a company, organization or individual. Page 12 of 13 City co CITY POLICY/PROCEDURE 142 Approval: Date Originated: Polite Number: Chief Administrative Officer Ma 2, 2005 Classification: ADM Reference: Date Revised: Resolution #74105 January 15, 2007 Category: 190 Resolution #12107 November 19, 2007 Resolution #214/07 Policy Title: 'COUNCIL COMPENSATION AND COMMUNICATIONS POLICY . v) A Member of Council shall riot be reimbursed for communications expenses incurred through a media that has general circulation in the City of Pickering, such as a newspaper, radio or television station. 06.04 Individual Members of Council shall not use City funds to make individual grants or donations to organizations or persons. 06.05 General a) This Policy shall be reviewed every four years prior to the budget meetings that follow the general municipal election to review the appropriateness of the budgets and Policy. b) When a vacancy occurs and is subsequently filled, compensation, benefits and allowances shall be pro-rafted to the term of office. 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