HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 05-11 Cif Report To Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PD 05-11 Date: March 7, 2011 01 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Red-line Revision Request Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited Part Lots 17 & 18, Concession 3 City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 05-11 of the Director, Planning & Development be received; 2. That the request by Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited for a red-line revision to draft approved Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 to convert ten townhouse blocks containing 64 townhouse units into 49 detached dwelling lots with an associated reduction of the park block, be refused, and 3. Further, that City staff be authorized to engage a solicitor to attend any Ontario Municipal Board hearing regarding the requested revision to draft approved Plan of Subdivision -SP-2008-01, if necessary. Executive Summary: Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited (Mattamy) has requested a revision to a portion of the draft plan of subdivision in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood which was approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) (see Location Map and OMB approved draft plan, Attachments #1 & #2). The OMB decision was based on the fact that all the parties to the OMB Hearing had reached a settlement on the appeals to -the approval of the draft plan of subdivision and zoning by-law amendment and that the plan before the OMB represented good land use planning. The proposed revision is to replace 64 street townhouse dwelling units with 49 detached dwelling units (see Attachment #3). The proposed revision requires the realignment of local roads which in turn results in a 0.14 hectare reduction in the neighbourhood park block. The proposed revision request is not supported as it results in a less sustainable subdivision design and there is no compelling land use issue that would justify the proposed modification. The current OMB approved draft plan was the result of a negotiated settlement and resulted in the design of the draft plan that complies with the policy requirements of the City of Pickering and allows for the implementation of the vision for development in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. i Report PD 05-11 March 7, 2011 i Subject: Red-line Revision Reque42008-01 O Draft Plan of Subdivision Page 2 It is recommended that the requested red-line revision to the draft approved plan of subdivision be refused and that Cou cil direct staff to engage a solicitor to represent Council's position at any future OMB hearing on this matter. Financial Implications: As the subject request is a matter that is under the jurisdiction of the OMB, legal representation for the City at any subsequent OMB hearing would be required. The cost associated with obtaining legal representation would be the responsibility of the Cit . Sustainability Implications: The proposed unit reduction in the OMB draft approved plan of subdivision reduces the sustainability of the draft plan in terms of efficient use of land, transit supportiveness, housing ix, appropriate transition and parkland/open space. 1.0 Background: Mattamy has requested a revision to draft approved plan of subdivision SP-2008-01 in Duffin Heights. The proposed revision is to replace 64 townhouse lots with 49 detached dwelling lots in tli western portion of the draft plan adjacent to the mixed corridor block which abuts Brock Road. The applicant's rationale for the revision is the lack of market interest in the proposed townhouse product (see Attachment #4). The requested reconfiguration of the townhouse blocks to detached dwellings lots requires a northerly shift in local roads resulting in a 0.14 hectare reduction in the size of the neighbourhood par block. The approved park block is 1.99 hectares while the requested revision would result in a park block of 1.85 hectares. The implementation of the draft plan is being phased by Mattamy. The first phase in the. southern and eastern portion of the plan is nearing registration. The second phase will include the lots and tie park block that are being considered as part of this report. The requested revi ion does not require a zoning amendment. 2.0 Comments Received 2.1 Agency Comments, 2.1.1 Region of Durham The Region of Durham Planning Department has indicated that the Regional Official Plan policies encourage higher density development especially along adjacent Brock Road, a Type ` ' Arterial Road, Regional Corridor and Transit Spine. The Provincial Policy tatement and Growth Plan also encourage and support mixed housing types with higher density development to create healthy and sustainable neighbourhoods. Report PD 05-11 March 7, 2011 Subject: Red-line Revision Request Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 Page 3 03 The proposed revision moves in the opposite direction intended by Regional and Provincial planning policy to support and promote mixed housing types and denser development. Further, the OMB decision to grant draft approval was supported on the principle that the mix of housing types and the development's density was good planning. The proposed revision deviates from the draft approved plan with no justification for how the proposed revision maintains good planning principles. Durham Planning suggests that an alternative revision which maintains or increases the range and mix of housing types and development density would be appropriate greenfield development in the Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. Townhouse development adjacent to the future mixed use development block provides an appropriate transition'to the single family housing in the remainder of the plan and should be reconsidered by the applicant (see Attachment #5). 2.1.2 Toronto and Region Conservation Authority The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has advised that they have no objection to the red-line revision and note the revision offers an opportunity to enhance the on-site water management practices as it will result in more lot area that can be used for infiltration, or roof water for the clean water system (see Attachment #6). The above statement is true when considering the change in the building footprints of the two forms of housing types. However, given that the reconfiguration also results in a 0.14 hectare loss of park area and its potential for infiltration, the overall impact on enhancement to stormwater management is anticipated to be negligible. 2.1.3 Other Agencies No other agency (being technical agencies) that provided comments on the requested red-line revision expressed any concern with the revision. 2.2 City Department Comments 2.2.1 Development Control Various technical reports. and engineering drawings would be required to be resubmitted if the requested revision is approved. A park grading concern has been expressed with the realignment of the most northerly street next to the park block. As the park block is to be programmed with an active sports field (soccer pitch), the applicant should be required to demonstrate that the park grading would not be affected (see Attachment #7). Report PD 05-11 March 7, 2011 Subject: Red-line Revision Request Draft Plan of Subdivision S -2008-01 Page 4 04 2.2.2. Engineering Services The applicant should provide revised landscape plan for the park to demonstrate that the reduction in park size would not adversely affect the park layout and grading and that there would be sufficient buffer space between the proposed soccer pitch and the children's play area (see Attachment #8). 3.0 Discussion: 3.1 The Proposed Revision is Contrary to Sustainable Neighbourhood Design and is Not Supported The proposed revision to the raft plan results in a reduction in sustainability in terms of: • efficient use of land and tr nsit supportiveness • housing mix • appropriate transition of built form • . parkland/open space 3.1.1 The Proposed Density Redu tion Results in Less Efficient Use of Land and Reduction in Transit Suppo The proposed conversion of 6 street townhouse units to 49 detached dwellings is a net loss of 15 dwelling uni s which reduces the overall density of the draft plan. The OMB approved dra plan provided a density of 39 units per hectare and the revised draft plan will esult in a density of 37 units per hectare. While the proposed revisions ill meets the minimum 30 units per hectare density of the Official Plan, the reduction in density is contrary to the vision for Duffin Heights. This vision is fora neighbourhood built at transit-supportive densities that are higher than typical su urban development. The prescribed density range of 30 to 80 units per hectare i dicates the intention of a medium rather than low density form of development. The density of the approved draft plan is already at the lower end of this range, an the proposed revision reduces the density further. 3.1.2 The Reduction in Townhouse Units Diminishes Housing Choice The proposed conversion reduces the percentage of townhouses on the draft plan from 42 percent to 23 percent. A basis of sustainable subdivision design is to provide a wide variety of housing types, forms and prices. The proposed revision is moving in the opposite direction to this principle. Staff note that the OMB appr ved .plan already represented fewer housing choices than the draft plan considered. at the Public Meeting, which included lane-based dwelling units and live-work townhouse units. The proposed revision to include a greater number o detached dwelling lots further reduces housing choices in the draft plan. Report PD 05-11 March 7, 2011 Subject: Red-line Revision Request Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 Page 5 QJ 3.1.3 The Townhouse Blocks provide Appropriate Transition The townhouse blocks provide a desirable transition in built form between the higher intensity, multi-storey buildings anticipated within the Brock Road mixed use corridor, and the detached dwellings to the east. 3.1.4 The Size of the Neighbourhood Park should not be Reduced The proposed revision results in a 0.14 hectare reduction in the neighbourhood park block. While it is recognized that from a facility fit perspective the reduction in park area may not be significant, the park is the only neighbourhood park in Duffin Heights, and represents a focal point for the neighbourhood. For this reason, the park area should be maximized rather than reduced. Reducing the neighbourhood park block by 0.14 hectares would require the provision of an equivalent amount of parkland elsewhere in the draft plan. It is staffs position that the net park area in question is more beneficial within the neighbourhood park than as a separate open space elsewhere in the subdivision and therefore staff would be requiring the net park area to be made up by extending the eastern limit of the park to include lots 1, 2 and 3 as required. 3.2 There is No Land Use Justification to Revise the OMB Approved Plan The applicant has requested this revision to the draft plan based on current market conditions rather than on land use planning justification.. The applicant notes a lack of market acceptance for street townhouses in the Mattamy development. Staff suggest that a modification to the townhouse product may be a more appropriate avenue to explore than replacing almost half the townhouse product with detached dwellings. 4.0 Ontario Municipal Board is the Approval Authority for this Revision As the subject draft plan of subdivision was approved by the OMB, the Board is also the approval authority for the requested revision. If Council refuses the requested revision, as recommended in this report, Mattamy may refer the requested revision to the OMB where the OMB will adjudicate the requested revision. If Council supports the requested revision it is anticipated that Mattamy and staff will approach the OMB to approve the requested revision Therefore, the recommendations of the report include direction to engage a solicitor in order to attend any Ontario Municipal Board hearing that may be required. 5.0 Applicant's Comments The owner has been advised of the recommendations of this Report. Report PD 05-11 March 7, 2011 Subject: Red-line Revision Request Draft Plan of Subdivision S -2008-01 Page 6 06 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. OMB Approved Draft Plan of Subdivision 3. Requested Red-line Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision 4. Applicant's Submitted letter with Requested Red-line Plan 5. Agency Comments - Region of Durham Planning Department 6. Agency. Comments - TRCA 7. City Comments - Development Control 8. City Comments - Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: r Ross, Pym MCIP, P Neil arro ;-MCI , RPP Principal Planner - Development Re iew Director, -a ning & Development Marg Wouters, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design RP:jf Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering ity Council f. 22~ ZD(l Tony Pre edel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# PID IL U 7 SUBJECT LANDS 0 RAL C Y U O m r City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PART LOTS 17 & 18, CONCESSION 3 OWNER MATTAMY (BROCK ROAD) LTD. DATE JAN. 14, 2008 DRAWN BY JB -07\ FILE No. SP-2008-01 & A001/08 SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY RP N oTeranelr cEnterprises Inc. and ils suppliers. All rights Reserved. Nol a plan PN-15 j;La205 MPAC and Its sup li e. All rlg hts Reserved. Not a Ian o/ S- y, h J3~C]~~141 C H Q o~o 08 OQOmO~ ti~ JQ W ~ °o~ U=2J2~ a ~n~~pZ2 4O X23 3ZY n ~ 1. Q~ O o ~ V~ H V of N~mI m I me Z Q 5 s • . . no U Cl) On.Q _ DC > co Q p N - _ O N O CL CL cc CL CL M C - _ • h = c o _ • - I. - - _ Lill 0 -1 UM. - ~n9n--- - ;n 0 Q Q • _Y 1 - 33y~ NJp~gcoJ , , o m v. iO k z auuo - - • 3pbl~in v .I I. 1 a; 1 I O F- O o ~ O n O Y 1 O U b O r ~ J n W CD X_ V - gu a nm ooh EmS V C!v0~-J y:~OCJL] ITTACHP,,SENT#_•,3 iC. n n F;rr Cr;7+ p , p 09 he222W^ =C~~~~SN 2 ~ eS WO~O~OJ oeomo~ a~ ~QC~UC~p Z 0 W a=°Qa? a W V o o ~oaya W CC Z Q~o• X23 Z W W Z w"'7 ;s mWa J Z = D J ~Ya~o; 0 0 Z W a VI Z X 0~ G o F C PI Z CL "p P N ~~P ~ f 4 " , a f J W Q J~~~ G R N9 . a (L 17 O v z n? 8 0 Be LL O O = az ? ' ~s r Y 1 Y ~ s R X s ] q O V O m s R R s R a s: ] a W N a w J 0 O t^ ? =g o' ~s M 0 N o e* ] 9 CL _ g 8 3 : n li N O o p M o CN • r9 , no .a i LLJ i S P ' - z Z V/ C~ ~w S 8 LL4 le S W 0 Of 0 al. ;c A LU r : Y d 3 U ~ m m Z aV) S Z J Q w ..w. n d.-. a Q Z FEET ° a ^ - F- W Q _ _ : x a ] Q C ° ^ ' 1 G a D 4 n x a W ] s^ 0 LL LL > s 3 Z W - ^ r N33bZ~~Ojgr°~ F a auuo ] s v v a 3Jb v: olq LL R.J4°0 d W w O 3 rY o o U Of 0, Cr N n C) U oot a W m n ~ "d q~F dad ~d 0 p Member of The Sernas Group Inc. ® ATTACHMi~ 110 Scotia Court T 905 686 6402 REPORT# PO S" / Unit 41 F-905 432.7877 Whitby, ON sernas.com Lt N 8Y7 November 29, 2010 r HAND DELIVERED City of Pickering Planning & Development Department 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 Attention: Mr. Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Oeoinorphic Sciences Principal Planner - Development Review Land Development Engineering Land Development Planning Dear Mr. Pym: Municipal Engineering Services Re: Submission of Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 Transportation & Transit. Planning Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited ,ity Infrastructure Design Part of Lot 17 & 18, Concession 3 Water Resources Engineering City of Pickering Our Project No: 04565 Further to the recent discussions between representatives from Mattamy and members of the City of Pickering Planning Staff regarding the proposed revisions to the Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01, on behalf of Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited, we are pleased to submit the material outlined below and enclosed. 1. Twelve (12) copies of the Redline Revision of Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 2. Twelve (12) copies of the revised Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 for approval purposes 3. One (1) reduction, 8'/2 x 11, of each of the above mentioned plans 4. One (1) CD of each of the above mentioned plans in AutoCAD format 5. One (1) cheque in the amount of Five Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($525.00) made payable to the "City of Pickering" for a re-circulation fee of a Draft Plan of Subdivision 6. One (1) cheque in the amount of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) made payable to the "Regional Municipality of Durham" for its Amendment review fee The revised Draft Plan of Subdivision proposes modifications to a portion of the lot mix in the northwest corner of the Draft Plan. This revision results in minor changes to the adjacent local road pattern and, in turn, the neighbourhood park." 2/ J ATTACHtVIENT# ETA City of Pickering Mr. Ross Pym November 29, 2010 Page 2 The revision proposes to eliminate 10 blocks of street townhouses (64 units) located in the northwest corner of the Draft Plan, and replace them with 49 single detached dwelling units of 9.15m and 11 m frontages. The modification to unit type has been proposed based on the observed lack of market acceptance for Street Townhouses in the Mattamy (Brock Road) development.. However, although the proportion of unit types has changed, there remains a significant number of units in each unit type category. To accommodate the increased depth required for the proposed single detached dwellings, the local roads have been shifted slightly to the north. Although the local roads have been shifted to the north, the orientation and nature of the intersections with William-Jackson remain unchanged. As a result, the Neighbourhood Park Block has been decreased slightly from 1.99. ha to 1.85 ha. The local park continues to be programmed and has the same functionality as originally intended. As part of the pre-consultation, a representative from .Mattamy met with Operations and Emergency Services staff, who advised that there were no concerns over the reduction in the size of the park. It is important to note that the road pattern and orientation of the proposed units (i.e. flankage to William-Jackson) are not being fundamentally altered by this revision. Nor is the alignment of William-Jackson being altered. As a result, the revision will not alter the significant level of flexibility available in the design and development of the Mixed Corridor Block on the west side of William-Jackson. The proposed revision to the plan will result in a decrease of only 15 units; from 310 units to 295 units. The revised Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision remains in conformity with the medium density designation with a total net density of 37 units/ha. Also, the proposed single detached dwelling units conform to the approved zoning requirements of the S-SD-SA-3 designation and therefore an amendment is not required. ..3/ ATTACHMENU %1-TO REPOHT# 12 ~ ~W~ City of. Pickering Mr. Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP November 29, 2010 Page 3 If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned directly. Yours truly, SERNAS ASSOCIATES ell, Bryce L. Jo ,da" n, MCIP, RPP Principal, Planning Manager DAG/BJ/br Encl. cc. MattamY (Brock Road) Limited Attn: Mr. R. Miller, Mr. A. Wisson Sernas Associates, Attn: Ms. D.Gilbert ATTACHM#T® 0 ~ HC.P08T~ IzO.~~-J~° [zi 4el January 18, 2011 • Ross'Pym, MCIP, RPP Planning & Development Department City of Pickering The Regional One The Esplanade Municipality Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 . of Durham Planning Department Mr. Pym: 605 ROSSLAND ROAD E 4T' FLOOR Re: Regional Comments on a Red Line Revision to Plan of P.O. BOX 623 Subdivision Application S-0-2008-01 - Mattamy (Brock Road) WHITBY, ON L1N 6A3 Limited (905) 668-7711 Fax: (905) 666-6208 E-mail: planning@ We have received a red line revision to an OMB approved draft plan for region. durham.on.ca the above noted application. The revised application consists of 227 lots .vww.region.durham.on.ca for detached units, 21 blocks for 68 townhouse units, a block for future A.L. Georgieff, MCIP, RPP mixed use development, a neighbourhood park block, 2 village green Commissioner of Planning blocks, a block for storm water management, reserve blocks, walkways, roadways and a road widening along a portion of Brock Road. The proposed revision would replace 64 townhouse units with 49 single detached units reducing the overall units/area density and housing mix ratio in the subdivision plan and Duffin Heights Neighbourhood. In our previous comments we indicated that Regional Official Plan policies encourage higher density development especially along adjacent Brock Road, a Type `A' Arterial Road, Regional Corridor and Transit Spine. The Provincial Policy Statement and Growth Plan also encourage and support mixed housing types with higher density development to create healthy and sustainable neighbourhoods. The proposed revision moves' in the opposite direction intended by Regional and Provincial planning policy to support and promote mixed housing types and denser development. Further, the OMB decision to grant draft approval was supported on the principle that the mix of housing types and the development's density was good planning. The proposed revision deviates from the draft approved plan with no, justification for how the proposed revision maintains good planning principles. An alternative revision which maintains or increases the range and mix of housing types and development density would be appropriate greenfield development in the Duffin Heights. Neighborhood. Townhouse development adjacent to the future mixed use development block "Service Excellence i,:; x' Cornrnuniti~s" i AT TACHMENW-5 TO REPORT# PO f)S 14 provides an appropriate transition to the single family housing in the remainder of the plan and should be reconsidered by the applicant. Please contact me should you have any questions regarding this matter. Gm Dwayne Cam bell, MCIP. PP Project Planner Current Planning I I TORONTO AND REGION. C I V -4~Ac`E BT;~ T® onserva REGION. .JAN 14 2011 1 5 for. The Living City CITY OF PICKE'RING January 13, 2011 PLANNING ~REVVELOPMENT CFN 40468 BY E-MAIL AND MAIL Ross Pym, MCIP, RPP Principal Planner Planning and Development City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Mr. Pym: Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application No. SP-2008-01 Request for Red-line Revision City of Pickering Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited Thank you for the opportunity to review the following documents in support of a red-line revision to the Draft Plan of Subdivision for the Mattamy (Brock Road) lands within. Duffin Heights: • Letter from Sernas Associates, dated November 29, 2010, received December 17, 2010; • Drawing No. DP-1, Redline Draft Plan of Subdivision, prepared by Sernas Associates, received by the City on December 3, 2010 and received by TRCA on December 17, 2010. We understand that the proposal is to revise the portion of the lot mix in the northwest corner of the Draft Plan. This will result in minor changes to the adjacent local road pattern and the neighbourhood park, and eliminates 10 blocks of street townhouses (64 units) to be replaced with . 49 single detached units. TRCA staff has no objection to the red-line revision.. However, we note that the revision offers an opportunity to enhance the on-site water management practices as it will likely result in more lot area that can be used for infiltration, or roof water for the clean water system. We trust this is of assistance. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. cerely, to en H. Heuchert, MCI , RPP, MRTPI Manager, Development Planning and Regulation Planning and Development Extension 5311 cc: Andrea Keeping, Sernas (via e-mail) Bryce Jordan, Sernas (via e-mail) Marilee Gadzovski, City of Pickering (via e-mail) Rodger Miller, Mattamy Homes (via e-mail) GAH0111e\Public\Development Services\Durham Region\Pickering\mattamy duftin heights_4.doc Member of Conservation Ontario 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 wwrw.trca.on.ca City, n~ ATT'ACHM ip~ T® REPORT# 16 CKERING Memo To: Ross Pym January 20, 2011 Principal Planner - Development Review From: Robert Starr. Manager, Development Control Copy: Coordinator, Development Approvals Subject: Revised Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2008-01 Mattamy (Brock Road) Limited Part of Lot 17 & 18, Concession 3 City of Pickering We have reviewed the revised draft plan for the above noted subdivision and provide the following comments: General Comments 1. Should the Revised Draft Plan be approved, we will require a set of engineering plans including, but not limited to, Grading, Servicing, Utility Coordination, Erosion & Sediment Control, Park Design to be submitted for approval. 2. A Stormwater Management Design Statement is to be provided from the engineering consultant indicating that the revisions in no way affect the storm sewer design or the overall stormwater management concept. 3. We have a concern with the realignment of Liatriss Drive with respect to the proposed park grading. This is an active play area where grades will need to be maintained between 2% - 5.0%. The applicant should be required to demonstrate that the park grading.will not be affected by this proposal. e r; . ~g/pgq~gpgppppp pqRp~~~~yypp~~ ~~ppyy44pppp (GG(/~~'' qq■■~~pp~~~ AT T6~66HMENW-1-- o PICKERING Memo 1811 BICENTENNIAL 2011 To: Ross Pym January 20, 2011 Principal Planner - Development Review. From: Arnold Mostert Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Copy: Director, Operations and Emergency Services. Division Head, Engineering Services Subject: Request for Red-Line Revision for SP-2008-01 Mattamy (Brock Road) Ltd. - File: SP-2008=01 i Engineering Services Division has reviewed the Red-lined revisions to the Draft Plan of Subdivision submitted by Mattamy and provide the following comments: 1. Provide a revised landscape plan for the Neighbourhood Park to demonstrate that the reduction in park size will not adversely affect the park layout and grading and that there will be sufficient buffering space between the proposed soccer pitch and children's play. area. /am