HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 12-10 Call o~ Report to Planning & Development ICKERING Committee Report Number: PD 12-10 Date: May 3, 2010 41 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: West Rouge Canoe Club Request for Extension of Lease Agreement with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for Paddling Facility on West Spit of Frenchman's Bay Recommendation: 1. That the request of the West Rouge Canoe Club to extend its lease agreement with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for three years on an annual basis commencing with the period November 1, 2009, to October 31, 2010, and expiring October 31, 2012, to accommodate a temporary compound on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay for the storage, within trailers, of canoes and kayaks associated with the club's paddling facility, be supported by Council, and 2. Further, that the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 12-10 to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Executive Summary: In April 1994, the West Rouge Canoe Club (WRCC) established a paddling facility on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay on lands owned by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). The "facility" consists of two trailers on wheels for the temporary storage of canoes and kayaks, and a parking area for three to five cars (see Attachment #1). The facility was introduced with the permission of TRCA, and the concurrence of City Council. Extensions to that approval have been granted by Pickering Council and TRCA from 1995 through 2009. The present lease agreement expired October 31, 2009. The City's approval for this temporary accommodation is required due to the current "R4" zoning of the land, which permits only residential use of the property. The WRCC have requested a lease extension from TRCA which has been forwarded to City staff (see Attachment #2). After reviewing the request, both Departments, Operations & Emergency Services and Planning & Development support the requested lease extension. If approved by City Council, TRCA staff will report to the TRCA Board recommending the lease extension. i Report PD 12-10 Date: May 3, 2010 Subject: West Rouge Canoe Club Page 2 42 City staff anticipates that this three year lease extension for the WRCC will be the last.prior to investigating opportunities to rezone the property and establish a permanent recreational facility/compound that are consistent with TRCA/Pickering waterfront policies and plans. Negotiations to discuss the proposed recreational facility/compound are ongoing between WRCC, TRCA and the City of Pickering. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the lease extension. Sustainability Implications: This facility has had minimal environmental impact on the west spit during its operation and accommodates the continuation of healthy activities by West Rouge Canoe Club participants. Background: City staff has reviewed the request of the West Rouge Canoe Club (WRCC) and TRCA and have no objection to three annual extensions of the lease agreement between the WRCC and the TRCA, ending October 31, 2012. The paddling activity is consistent with environmentally friendly recreation activities which are suitable for the Bay, and with the current park operations. TRCA is expected to keep the road serving the West Spit open in order to provide continued access to the Canoe Club compound. TRCA staff, City staff and the WRCC are currently investigating opportunities for a permanent recreational facility/compound, consistent with TRCA/Pickering waterfront plans. A potential site location is being reviewed to relocate the WRCC further west of their current site to an area designated in the Rotary Frenchman's Bay West Park Development Plan for boat launching and public water access. Once a proposal has been received from WRCC, the matter will be considered by both the City and TRCA, involving the Waterfront Coordinating Committee. The Director, Operations & Emergency Services supports the lease extension request and does not anticipate any conflicts between waterfront trail construction and operation of the paddling facility. He advises that the facility has been operated without complaint from residents or park users. Attachments: 1. Facility Plan and Location Map 2. Email from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority dated April 8, 2010 conveying the request for lease extension from the West Rouge Canoe Club I Report PD 12-10 Date: May 3, 2010 Subject: West Rouge Canoe Club Page 3 43 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: ~tllQ., 'ewo ` Ashley Y a od N ar _ RPP Planner Director, P in & D lopment Ross Pym, MCIP, Brett Bu sma, &vb, cmm (Acting) Manager, Development Review Director, Operations & Emergency Services AY/RP: jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City C nc' /O Tho as J. Quinn, R MR., MM Chief Administra ' Office ATTACHMENT# --..M 4 4 REPORT# PD l a l a Frenchman's Bay Subject Land Parking Location of , ° Existing Trailers - _ - geachp~0 n t---- - - - - - P ro n-, e n d e _ - - - I City of Pickering Planning & Development Department DETAI L 'A' N SUNRISE AVEI FRENCHMAN'S BA)" 0 i See Detail 'N L O 1 G Q0` _ LAKE ONTARIO City of Pickering Planning & Development Department KEY MAP .71 N 1. i L ATTACHMENT#~TO From: Connie Pinto [mailto:CPinto@trca.on.ca] REPORT# PO >a -~0 45 Sent: April 8, 2010 1:54 PM To: Reynolds, Steve Subject: Fw: WRCC,r Lease agreement Steve, Please see the attached correspondence from the West Rouge Canoe Club. As discussed, City of Pickering will take this request to the Planning Committee is May, then to Council for approval. Once the City of Pickering has approved this request, TRCA will include the Council's decision in the report to our Board. Best regards, Connie Connie Pinto Project Manager, Waterfront Planning Toronto and Region Conservation Authority T: 416 661 6600 ext. 5387 cgpintogtrca.on.ca l~ www.trca.on.ca Forwarded by Lon Colussi /MTRCA on 04/08/2010 01:51 PM billynMEDrogers.com To Icolussiatrca.on.ca cc 02/23/2010 08:31 AM Subject Fw: WRCC - Lease agreement Dear Ms. Colussi: It has come to my attention that the land lease for the West Rouge Canoe Club expired this past October 31, 2009. Connie Pinto from the TRCA recommended that I send this letter to request a new land lease for a 3 year period (starting November 1, 2009) and renewable annually. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated Belinda Lyn, Commodore West Rouge Canoe Club Club Address: P.O. Box 187, 91 Rylander Blvd. Toronto, Ontario, M16 5M5 On Mon, 2/22/10, Connie Pinto <CPinto@trca.on.ca> wrote: From: Connie Pinto <CPinto@trca.on.ca> Subject: WRCC - Lease agreement To: billyn14@rogers.com Cc: sreynolds@cityofpickering.com, "Larry Field" <LField@trca.on.ca> Date: Monday, February 22, 2010, 6:23 PM Hello Belinda, Further to our meeting last week, I have talked to our property department regarding the extension of your lease. Lori Colussi informed me that you are now going month to month, as your lease expired October 31, 2009. In order to start of the lease agreement process, the Club needs to send a letter to Lori requesting a new lease for a period of 3 years (starting November.1, 2009), renewable annually. Once we receive your request, we will request that City of Pickering staff prepare a report for Council approval. Once approved, TRCA staff would take a report to our Board for approval. This will take a .couple of months based on the Council and Board meeting schedules. The lease would be back-dated to November 1, 2009 and expire October 31, 2012. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me or contact Lori Colussi directly.