HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 09-10 Report To Planning & Development PICKERING Committee Report Number: PD 09-10 Date: May 3, 2010 09 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Licence Agreement Extension - Ontario Parcel Agreement - Supply of Digital Mapping - File: L-4100-001 Recommendation: 1. That Council approve entering into an extension of the agreement with the Region of Durham for the supply of digital parcel mapping of Pickering for a five year period at a total cost of $29,245.00 (plus applicable taxes) with an annual payment of $5,849.00 (plus applicable taxes) to be funded from the current budget of the Planning & Development Department; 2. The Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute any subsequent renewals or extensions of this agreement on substantially similar terms and conditions acceptable to the Director, Planning & Development, and; 3. Further, that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: The City recently completed a five year contract with the Region of Durham for the delivery of data provided by Teranet Land Information Services Inc. The data included Digital Parcel Mapping, and Transfer, PIN and Easement Reports. With approval of the Licence Agreement Extension, the City will continue to receive all of this data plus Registered Plan Images with regular updates under a subscription service. Digital mapping is an essential element of many City operations. The integrity of this digital mapping helps ensure the City will continue to make informed decisions where land based data is required. It is recommended that the City participate in the Region of Durham's Ontario Parcel Agreement Extension. Financial Implications: Funding for the acquisition of digital parcel mapping is provided on an annual basis in the Planning & Development Department Current Budget. Report PD 09-10 May 3, 2010 Subject: Licence Agreement Extension Page 2 ~n Entering into this agreement with the Region of Durham will commit the City to an expenditure of $29,245.00 (plus applicable taxes) over the five year contract period, with an annual payment of $5,849.00 (plus applicable taxes). Appropriate funding exists in the approved 2010 Current Budget (account number 2610-2678 Miscellaneous Equipment Rental) to cover the 2010 payment. The Treasurer has certified that the financial commitment reflected in this agreement, extending beyond the present term of Council, is within the City's annual debt and obligation repayment limit. Sustainability Implications: Not applicable. Background: The City has recently completed a five year contract with the Region of Durham for the delivery of data provided by Teranet Land Information Services Inc. The Region has recently approached Durham municipalities offering a five year extension to the licence agreement. The City's parcel mapping is an essential resource to our corporate operations and is fundamental to the activities of most departments. Spatial location of property is a core element of the majority of municipal services and is fundamental to many of the City's processes. It is necessary for the City to continue acquiring its mapping from Teranet to meet its present and future operational challenges. Recommendation #1 provides for the extension of the agreement and Recommendation #2 provides for subsequent renewal by the City upon confirmation of terms and conditions by the Director, Planning & Development. Entering into this agreement with the Region of Durham will commit the City to an expenditure of $29,245.00 (plus applicable taxes) over the five year contract period, with an annual payment of $5,849.00 (plus applicable taxes). The previous five year contract cost was $19,000.00 (plus applicable taxes) and included Digital Parcel Mapping, and Transfer, PIN and Easement Reports. With approval of the recommended Licence Agreement Extension, the City will continue to receive all the data provided under our past. contracts plus Registered Plan Images with regular updates under a subscription service. The Region of Durham is the primary licencee of the data from Teranet Land Information Services Inc. Under its agreement, the Region is permitted to sublicence the same data to local municipalities at a significant cost :saving to all involved. Under the pricing structure set out by Teranet, the greater the number of parcels purchased by the primary licencee, the lower the cost per parcel. With the broader parcel base of the Region, parcel data can be acquired at approximately $0.20 per parcel as compared to approximately $1.20 per parcel under a 'Pickering only' scenario. The product received is identical to the product that we have received under our past contracts and usage restrictions will be the same that have applied to Pickering over the past ten years. The agreement being offered by the Region will provide significant cost savings to the City and is recommended by staff. Report PD 09-10 May 3, 2010 Subject: Licence Agreement Extension Page 3 11 This report has been reviewed by the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer who concurs with the content and recommendation. Attachments: 1. Region of Durham Report to finance and Administration Committee 2009-A-57 2. City of Pickering Ontario Parcel Master Agreement - Letter of Intent 3. Region of Durham Extension of Sublicence Agreement Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: is op Neil Ca P, UP Supervisor, Information & Support Services Director, anning & Development IB:ld Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City it Th J. ui D RCM C ie Administrative fficer ATTACHMENT # TO 2 REPORT # PD i The Regional Municipality of Durham ' To: The Finance and Administration Committee From: Ray Briggs, CIO Report No.: 2009-A-57 Date: December 9, 2009 SUBJECT: Renewal of Ontario Parcel Master Agreement Products RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the Finance and Administration Committee recommends to Regional Council that: a) The Regional Chair and Clerk be authorised to execute the amendment and extension letters for the End User Data Licence Agreement, OPMA Products Delivery Agreement, the General Municipal Licence Agreement - OPMA Ownership Mapping Data Products and the Value Added Relicensor ("VAR") Agreement between Teranet Enterprises Inc. and the Region; b) The Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute-'the amended General Municipal Licence Agreement - OPMA Assessment Mapping Data Products between Municipal Property Assessment Corporation and the Region; I c) The Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal of the Region of Durham OPMA partner cost sharing agreement between the previous participating lower-tier municipal partners and the Region, in a form satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance and the Regional Solicitor; d) The Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute a Region of Durham OPMA partner cost sharing agreement between.the City of Oshawa and the. Region, in a form satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance and the Regional Solicitor,. e) The Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal for the Region of Durham OPMA partner agreement with both Veridian Connections and Enbridge Inc. and the Region, in a form satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance and the Regional Solicitor, 63 ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PD_ Oq %Q Report No.:2009-A-57 Page No 2 3 f) The Finance Department be authorized to issue purchase orders in the amount of $772,830.00, plus applicable taxes to Teranet Enterprise Inc. for the purchase of Ontario Parcel Master Agreement Products as detailed in the executed agreements. The cost of the purchase order in the first year and each consecutive year of the five-year contract is $154,566.00, plus applicable taxes; g) The Region's share of financing be provided from the 2010 and future year's Corporate Information Services department program budget for GIS. REPORT: 1. Backcround- The Rgglonal Municipality of Durham The Region currently has a five-year data maintenance contract with Teranet Inc. for monthly deliveries of the Ontario Parcel Agreement data which is due to expire on' Dec 14"', 2009 as outlined in Report 2004-A-40. This data includes Ownership and Assessment parcel polygons, Transfer Report data and in year one Easement data. Under the current agreement the local municipalities have the same rights and privileges to the data as the Region of Durham with the exception of the City of Oshawa as they did not participate. The City of Oshawa has indicated that they are participating under the renewal of the agreement. Durham Region Police Services, Durham Non-Profit Housing Corporation, libraries, school boards and conservation authorities have access only to Ownership and Assessment parcel polygons as stipulated in the Ontario Parcel Alliance Agreements. The Region of Durham and local municipalities all have in place Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The Ontario Parcel Datasets are the foundation that provides the spatial reference to link regional, municipal and MPAC assessment information within the GIS. The products and services being offered provide the Region of Durham and the lower-tier municipalities stakeholders with Parcel Ownership Polygons, Parcel Assessment Polygons, and a Transfer Report provided on a monthly basis. The Parcel Ownership Polygons provides a geographical location of parcels with ownership. The Parcel Assessment Polygons provide a geographical location of parcel assessment numbers. The Transfer Report provides title information such as the owner, previous 64 ATTACHMENT # j TO 4 REPORT # PD Report No.:20094-57 Page No 3 owner and the sale amount of the property. A one-time delivery of an Easement Report provided an easement description to a parcel. The Transfer and Easement report can be linked to the parcel polygons allowing G IS users to query individual parcels or multiple parcels efficiently. Subsequent to this agreement the Region purchased Easement data' and PIN-plan index with Scanned images from Teranet on a monthly basis for the region's own purposes which is linked via the Ownership parcel polygons. Subsequent discussions with the local municipalities identified that these datasets would also be beneficial so these datasets have been incorporated into the five year agreement. 2. Cost: The Ontario Parcel Master Agreement Products for the Region of Durham have been identified in Table 1 with their respective costs. The increase in costs is directly attributable to an increase in parcel counts over the last five years as well as increases in operation costs from Teranet. All costs are subject to applicable provincial and federal taxes. Table is Proposed Costs for OPMA Products each year for five years Products Current Renewal OP CAD $ 7,818 $ 8,736 OP GIs $ 12,683 $ 13,479 Transfer Re Dort $ 22 842 $ 26,629 PIN Owner Re rt $ - $ 4,392 Easement Report $ 22.633 $ . 25,661 PIN-Plan Index $ 18,012 $ 28,937 Registered Plan lma es $ 3,416 Tots! . $ 83 988 $ 111,250 Enbrid a and veridian VAR $ 37,128 $ 43,316 Annual Fee $ 121 116 $ 154,566 2.1 Cost Sharina The Region's main role in the project was to establish cost sharing partnerships to fund the total cost of the project as previously undertaken. Table _0 depicts the proposed listing of Durham partners and their cost contribution to ft project. All costs are subject to applicable provincial and federal taxes. 05 ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PD 09 Report No.:2009-A-57 Page No' 4' 5 Table 2: Proposecd Data Sharing Costs each year for five years Yearly Costs . Financial Partners Commitment Region of Durham $53,919 Ci of Pickering $5,849 Town of Ajax $5,774 Town of Whitb $6,976 C' of Oshawa $9,081 Municipality of Clarin ton $6,953 Township of Scu o $2,380 Township of Uxbridge $1,849 Township of Brock $1,465 OTAL k: , $8425Q Value Added Reseller to Utilities $60,316 REG'ION,MDURHAM 01'AL COSTS k $154, 556 i The negotiation between Enbridge and the GIS Services Group resulted in a pricing structure requiring Enbridge to submit payment to the Region in the order of $31,648 per year plus applicable taxes. This pricing structure is consistent with those of the other primary licensees for cost recovery for administrative services. The negotiation between Veridian and the GIS Services Group resulted in a pricing structure requiring Veridian to submit payment to the Region in the amount of $28,668 annually plus applicable taxes. The Region will retain a portion of the fees billed to Enbridge and Veridian as its share of resellers fees. i 2.2 Financial Commitment The Region of Durham, as a participant in the five year contract, is responsible for a total gross cost of $772,830, but through cost sharing with lower-tier municipalities and the resale of data to strategic partners Veridian Connections and Enbridge Inc., the Region is able.acquire additional datasets for a lower cost. 66 ATTACHMENT -TO Re Dort No.:2009-A-57 REPORT # PD- Dpi-IQ 1 Pa a 0. 5 In 2008/2009 the Region of Durham solely and separately purchased the Easement Report and the PIN/Plan Index with Registered Plans under separate agreements at a cost of $40,645. The Region's share of the Ontario Parcel Agreement in 2009 was $28,051. The total cost of these contracts is $68,696 which under this agreement for the same data would be a cost of $53,919 providing an annual savings of $14,000 per year. The Region of Durham's $269,600 portion and the participating partner organizations costs are outlined in Section 2.1. Table 5: Fiore-Year Financial Commitment for Data Sharing Partners Data Sharing . Partners A regiment Region of Durham $269,600 City of Pickering $29,245 Town of _Ajax $28,870 Town of Whitby $34,880 City of Oshawa $45,405 Municipality of Clarin ton $34,765 Township of Scu o $11,900 Township of Uxbridge $9,245 Township of Brock $7,340 $i47Z1,250 Value Added Reseller to Utilities $301,580 TDTAL COST' ~ $772,830 I 3. OFinancim The Region will bill the partners and utilities for their share of the annual cost. Funding for the Region's share of the contract in the net annual amount of $53,919. will be included in the 2010 and future years CIS/GIS Budget, Computer Maintenance and Operations (2009 Budget included an amount of $X). 4. Legal Agreements: All costs are subject to the stakeholders participation to purchase the Products offered by Teranet and MPAC for the amounts stated in this report, subject to the Region finalizing agreements with MPAC and Teranet as well as agreements with the participants. 67 ATTACHMENT # REPUR7 # PD ,TO '1 Report No.:2009-A-57 Page No. 6 5. Timing: 1 The Region will enter into the negotiated Agreement with Enbridge, in a form satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance and the Regional Solicitor. 2 The Region will finalize and sign the Agreements with Teranet, in a form satisfactory to the Regional Solicitor. If the Region and Enbridge cannot negotiate an Agreement above, then the Region will amend it's Agreements with Teranet to indicate such and remove Enbridge from the Teranet Agreements, in a form satisfactory to, the Commissioner of Finance and the Regional Solicitor. 3 The Region will finalize and sign all Agreements with parties who have hereto signed Letters of Intent, in a form satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance and the Regional Solicitor. 6. Recommendations: 'it is respectfully requested that the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to Regional Council that the OPMA Products Deiivery Agreement between Teranef Enterprises Inc. and the Region of Dunham be renewed in the amount of $722,830.00 for five years be approved and the Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement. It is respectfully requested that the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to Regional Council that the Region of Durham renew the OPMA Partner Agreement between the Region of Durham 'and each local- tier municipality be approved in the amount of $29,245 for the City of Pickering, the Town of Ajax in the amount of $28,870, the Town of Whitby in the amount of $34,880, the Municipality of Clarington in the amount of $34,765, the Township of Scugog in the amount of $11,900, the Township of Uxbridge in the amount of $9,24 and the Township of Brock in the amount of $7 340 for a five year contract and that the Regional Chair and Clerk be. authorized to execute a Region of Durham OPMA Partner Agreement with each participant. It is respectfully requested that the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to Regional Council that a Region of Durham OPMA Partner Agreement between the Region of Durham and The City of Oshawa be approved in the amount of $45,405 for a five year contract and that the Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute a Region of Durham OPMA Partner Agreement with the City of Oshawa. 68 ATTACHMENT # ~ TO REPORT # PD 1 deport No.:2009-A-57 Page No 7 It is respectfully requested that the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to Regional Council that a Region of Durham renew the OPMA Partner Agreement with Veridian Connections in the amount of $143,340 plus applicable taxes be approved and the Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement. It is respectfully requested that the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to Regional Council that a Region of Durham renew the OPMA Partner Agreement with Enbridge Inc. in the amount of $158,240 plus applicable takes be approved and the Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement. It is respectfully requested that the Finance and Administration Committee recommend to Regional Council that the Regional Chair and Clerk be authorized to execute a renewal of the OPMA Value Added Reseller Agreement between Teranet Enterprises Inc and the Region of Durham. Ray Briggs, Chief Information Officer Corporate Information Services Department RECOMMENDED FOR PRESENTATION TO COMMITTEE G.H. Cubitt, M.S.W. Chief Administrative Officer . I 69 Pickering Civic Complex Call 00 One The Esplanade 2 Pickering, Ontario I I _ AT T ACHw1s=NT # TO Canada L1V 6K7 I ' I KPORI # PD Q1d Direct Access 905.420.4660 PICKERING Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 cityofpickering.com PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Department 905.420.4617 Facsimile 905.420.7648 TTY 905.420.1739 plan&devl@cityofpickering.com November 17, 2009 James Silburn Director Business Solutions Corporate Information Services Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East, PO Box 623 Whitby ON L1 N 6A3 Subject: Ontario Parcel Master Agreement- Letter of Intent File: D-9500-004 Please accept this letter as the City of Pickering's intent to participate in the Region of Durham's 2009 renewal of the'Ontario Parcel Master Agreement project. Our participation is subject to renewal support by Region of Durham Council, and budget approval from Pickering City Council in early 2010. 1 will be supporting approval of this project funding in the 2010 budget process and anticipate Council support. The products to be provided under the Region of Durham 2009 OPMA renewal are Ownership and Assessment Polygons, Easement/Transfer Reports, Pin/Plan index tables and scanned registered plans delivered monthly for our geographic area. We understand that our contribution to the project is $5,849.00 each year over five years (plus applicable provincial and. federal taxes). Yours truly Neil Carro , IP, RPP Director, Planning & Development B:Id J:tDocumentstDevelopmenttD-9000\D-9500tOPA November 12 2009.doc Copy: Supervisor, Information & Support Services ATTACHMENT # 3 TO 20 REPORT # PD CQ-ib The City of Pickering Ian Bishop Supervisor, Information & Support Services Planning & Development Department City of Pickering Municipal Office I The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 March 8, 2010 . Re: Extension of Sublicense Agreements between the Regional Municipality of Durham and the City of Pickering Dear.Ian Bishop, The Regional Municipality of Durham extends to The City of Pickering a 5 year extension to the Sublicence Agreements dated December 14, 2004 for data provided under the General Municipal Licence Agreement-OPMA Ownership Products; OPMA Delivery Agreement-Assessment Products; End User Data Licence Agreements; and Value Added Relicensor Agreement with Teranet Enterprises Inc; and the 1 General Municipal Licence Agreement-OPMA Assessment Products with the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. The Products to be provided under the extension to the Sublicence Agreements are the Digital Ownership Parcel Fabric in CAD and GIS formats; the Digital Assessment Parcel Fabric in CAD and GIS formats; the Transfer, PIN Owner and Easement Reports; the Registered Plan Images; and the PIN-Plan Index and New Plan Image Subscription Service for your geographic area. The extension to the delivery term set out in the applicable Product Sheets shall be effective on December 15, 2009. The delivery and support fees for the Products are being paid by the Municipal Licensee (as defined below) under the following agreement: _ ..............................Payment Period._....._..---..... Payment Due Date ....,.........Amount of Delivery _......and or _ t_ Fees C N$ -Supp December 15, 2009 to December 14, 2010 May 15,_ 2010 5, . _ $5,849.00... December 15, 2010 to December 14, 2011 1 May 15, 2011 - _ - - $5,849.00... December 15, 2011 to December 14, 2012 May 15, 2012 _ $5,849.00 _ . December 15, 2012 to December 14, 2013 May 15, 2013 $5,849.00 . December 1 2013 to December 14.. . $5...849.00...: ember 2014 ' May 15, 2014. _ . Total Delivery and Support Fees $29,245.00 exclusive of_a.I?.Plicable taxes) The delivery and support fees payable for the extended delivery term for the Products are exclusive of applicable taxes. To confirm The City of Pickering's acceptance of the foregoing extension, please arrange for The City of Pickering to sign both copies of this letter and return 1 signed copy to the Region of Durham Contract Administrator as shown below: ATTACHMENT 'JJ TO 2 REPUR P # PD-_ ! q - ►0 The Regional Municipality of Durham. 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, ON L1N 6A3 ,Attention: Cindy Boyd, Legal Department Except as provided in this Amendment, all of the provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. In the event you require more information, please do not hesitate to contact Jim Silburn accordingly at 905-668-4113 ext 2153 or james.silburn@durham.ca. Yours truly, The Regional Municipality of Durham. - AGREED AND ACCEPTED THIS day of , 2010. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM. FOR THE MUNICIPAL LICENSEE Signature/ritle/Date - I have authority to bind Licensor Signature/ritle/Date - I have authority to bind the Municipal Licensee Signature/Title/Date -1 have authority to bind Licensor Signaturefritle/Date - I have authority to bind the Municipal Licensee