HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 07-10 Cis Report To Council PICKERING Report Number: CS 07 -10 Date: March 29, 2010 36 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 07-10 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be approved; 2. a) That the 2010 Current Budget expenditure for personnel expenditures, consisting of salaries and wages (Account 1100), overtime (Account 1200) and employer contributions (Account 1400), in the total amount of $42,016,239 be approved; b) That the 2010 Gross Current Budget expenditures for City purposes in the amount of $30,386,433 (that excludes personnel expenditures and includes capital expenditures from current revenues in the amount of $1,822,275); less estimated current operating revenues of $25;716,986 and transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve of $2,912,338 and transfer from the Economic Stabilization Reserve of $405,000 be approved; c) That the TOTAL FINAL City levy under a and b) above plus an additional $420,000 for Legal Challenges associated with York Durham Sanitary Sewer MOU and Judicial Review which results in a TOTAL FINAL levy of $43,788,348 which is approximately a 3.90% increase over 2009 be approved; 3. a) That Council approve the addition of the Brockridge Batting Cage and storage building at an estimated cost of approximately $97,000 to be entirely funded by the bequest from the Micharel R. Carman Memorial Fund to the 2010 capital budget . (Please refer to details in this report and memo to CAO in this Agenda); b) That the 2010 Capital Budget for the City of Pickering with a Gross Expenditure of $21,205,145 be adopted as presented and amended (that includes the capital budget changes approved by Council at the Executive Committee meeting of March 4, 2010 and Recommendation 3 a); Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 2 C) That the following capital financing sources be approved as presented in the amended 2010 Capital Budget that includes Recommendation 3 a): Transfer from Current Fund to Capital Fund $1,822,275 Transfers from Reserves: - Dunbarton Pool Res (7032) 19,500 - Rec Complex Pool Reserve (7035) 30,000 - Rec Complex Arena Res(7036) 105,000 - Vehicle Replacement Res (7040) '100,000 - Easement Settlement Res (7041) 131,279 - Move Ontario Reserve (7043) 252,500 - Cap Mtce and Mgmt Systems(7045) 15,000 Transfers from Reserve Funds = Development Charges 1,881,893 - Parkland Development (7502) 472,000 - Federal Gas Tax Funds (7505) 2,117,500 - City Share Dev. Charges Projects (7022) 568,947 - Third Party Contribution (7501) 200,000 - Community Facilities (7700) . 10,000 - Public Works (7702). 200,000 Debt - 5 yr 1,060,000 Debt - 10 yr 850,000 DC Funded Debt -10yr 2,402,400 Federal and Provincial Grants - Frenchman's 8,000,000 Bay Harbour Construction Project Provincial Grant - Invest in Ontario 555,000 Provincial Grant - Ministry of Culture. 1,975 Provincial Grants - Transportation Initiatives 247,671 Donations (1592) 162,205 TOTAL $21,205,145 d) That total external debt financing of $4,312,400 for the projects identified in the 2010 Capital Budget, and as indicated in. this report, in the amount of $1,060,000 for a period not to exceed 5 years and $3,252,400 for a period not to exceed 10 years; Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page-3 38 e) That projects identified in the 2010 Capital Budget as being financed through the issuance of debt be subject to additional, specific approval of the expenditure and the financing by Council; f) That any debt repayment, interest or financing provisions contained in the annual Current Operating Budget not used in the current year's payments requirements may, at the discretion of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be used to apply towards additional principal repayment, outstanding loan or debt charges or to reduce debt, internal loans or any other amounts to be financed; g) That all Capital expenditures or portions thereof, approved in the 2010 Capital Budgets to be financed through the issuance of debt, may, at the discretion of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be financed through internal loans, dealer financing, current or capital funds or a combination thereof; h) That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to apply any excess funds raised from completed internal loans projects to first repay the original internal loans, and secondly to reduce or replace budgeted internal loans or debts; i) That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to apply any excess funds through the issuance of debentures as provided for under Section 413 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended; 4. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to transfer: a) Any surplus current operating funds at year-end in excess of approximately $125,000 in the following ratio: 30% to the Rate Stabilization Reserve and 70% to the City Share DC Projects. Reserve; b) Any funds necessary from the Rate Stabilization Reserve in order to ensure that the Current Budget results in a year end surplus of no less than $125,000; c) If Veridian does not increase its dividend by $315,000, the corresponding dollar short fall be offset by an increase in the draws from the Economic Stabilization Reserve. (Please refer to details in this Report, and Report CS 09-10 and memo to CAO in this Agenda) ; 5. a) That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, in order to ensure that the budget plan accommodates any reallocation of 2010 current operating expenditures and revenues resulting from any reorganization and any adjustment in taxes or tax rates due to Provincial and Regional tax policy changes; Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 4 39 b) That any new additional Provincial and Federal Government funding announcements for municipalities in the form of grants or new taxing authority/powers be applied to future Current and Capital budgets unless otherwise approved by Council; 6. That any under expenditures from projects funded from Federal or Provincial Grants may be used to fund over expenditures for approved projects funded from the same source(s); 7. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to close any prior year's capital project accounts, and to first apply any excess funding to any over expenditure in other capital accounts and to secondly transfer any remaining excess funding back to the original source of the funds; 8. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to: a) Undertake transactions in the spot or forward (12 months or less) currency markets in order to effect United States dollar denominated expenditures in the Current or Capital Budgets; b) Enter into leases or rental agreements for the provision of vehicles or equipment required for temporary use during periods of equipment breakdown or repair or during periods of increased need (eg. Inclement weather); 9. That Council pass the attached General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law which provides for the fees and charges that are incorporated into the 2010 Current Budget; 10. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to adjust, where appropriate, the per kilometre travel expense reimbursement rate during the year in order to maintain a reasonable level of reimbursement with any increase in cost being met from under expenditures in other accounts; 11. That Council adopt the following Budget Guidelines for the development and presentation of the 2011 budget; a) That there be no new full or part-time positions, or increase in part-time hours unless these additional costs are offset by additional program revenues, reduced expenditures or is mandated by Federal or Provincial legislation, or additional staffing is due to health and safety or LTD accommodations; b) That excluding the Bi Centennial Program, there may be no new, enhanced or expanded current or capital budget programs; I Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 5. 40 c) That the Education and Training accounts be adjusted to their 2009 budget levels if sufficient funding exists; d) That the 2011 budget be developed based on a "restricted use of debt;" 12. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to initiate any assessment appeals necessary to protect the assessment base of the City; 13. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: This report contains a summary of the 2010 Current and Capital Budgets. Financial Implications: At the Executive Committee meeting on March 4, 2010, the following changes were made to the draft Current and Capital Budgets while maintaining the 3.90% increase: i Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 6 Current Budget Changes General Government Section Grants: Haiti Relief - The Arms of Jesus Children's Mission $1,000 Sponsorship of Shelley Ann Brown Olympian 1,000 Motions - Youth Community Centre 1,000 Current Budget Reductions Regional Councillor B. Littley's budget (11,600) Regional Councillor B. McLean's budget (11,000) City Councillor J. O'Connell's budget (3,900) City Councillor D. Pickle's budget (7,550) Total Net Current Budget Changes 31 050 Capital Budget Changes Gablehurst Cres Resurfacing & Reconstruction Project's scope was reduced Browen Lane Reconstruction - Deferred to 2011 Added: Liverpool Rd - Annland to Commerce St for conversion of $200,000 overhead hydro to underground Project Funding Current Budget Changes from March 4t" Meeting - Property Taxes (31,050) Move Ontario (60,000) Easement Settlement Res (86,279) Provincial Grant- Trans. Initiatives (22,671) $(200,0001 The Net Current budget reduction of $31,050 was applied to help fund the Liverpool Road capital project that was added during the March 4, 2010 Executive (Budget) Committee Meeting. The 2010 Current and Capital Budgets, if adopted as amended, will result in a tax levy increase of 3.90% over last year's average property tax bill (excluding any Provincial tax policy changes). I Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 7 42 Sustainability Implications: The 2010 Current and Capital Budgets contain a number of projects and expenditures that will contribute to environmental sustainability. Background: The Recommendations put forth are those necessary to adopt and provide authority and direction for the 2010 Current and Capital Budgets of the City of Pickering and to provide direction regarding the development of the 2011 Budgets. 2010 Current Budget In May 2009, Council was presented with a forecasted need of a tax increase of approximately 3.5% to 4.5% to meet expenditures. At that time, the decline in the economy was known, however, the timing and the strength of the economic recovery was unknown. In addition, the current state of the "slow job growth recovery" at least not to the current extent and degree was not apparent. As stated above, the City operations levy is 2.90% - a decrease of 0.60% from the lowest preliminary target levy of 3.5%. The 2.90% City Operations levy compares favourably to other municipalities when you consider that Pickering has not had the advantage of strong assessment growth for many years like its Lakeshore Neighbours. The very first "draft" of the 2010 Current Budget resulted in a tax increase of approximately 12.0% which staff knew was unacceptable. The CAO with the senior management team, reviewed and reduced expenditures many times to arrive at the City Operation levy increase of 2.90%. A review of the individual cost centres, will indicate that many of the accounts are either at or below 2009 levels that in-turn means that inflationary cost pressures were absorbed by the departments. In addition, the CAO requested that City's conference budget be reduced on a "one time basis" resulting in an overall reduction of 36.3%. Education and training was also reduced on a City wide basis by 7.2% reflecting the CAO's direction to reduce costs to meet budget guidelines. While these reductions can be made on a short term basis, there is a hidden cost to the corporation if these reductions become permanent. Investing in the education and training of staff provides both economic benefits (learning and implementing latest cost saving strategies) and enhanced services to Pickering residents. User fees were reviewed in the context of increasing them taking into consideration the current economic environment. By reviewing expenditures and revenues, a net change of $3.45 million or 8.1% was removed from the final draft. One of the most direct and visible effects of the recession on th,e City is the significant decline in investment income for the current fund from $1.6 million in 2007 to a forecasted level of $200,000 in 2010. The decrease of $1.4 million represents a net levy increase in expenditures of 3.8%. This is primarily due to the steep decline in interest rates from about 4% to less than 1.0%. (Most economists predict a slight increase in interest rates starting in 2011.) Partially offsetting the decline in investment Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 8 income is an increase in building permit revenue from $550,000 to $800,000 and the budgeted increase in penalties and interest on overdue taxes. Planning staff are optimistic that building permit revenues are on an upward trend. After reducing expenditures, reviewing revenues and absorbing the negative impact of the recession through lower investment revenues there were only two remaining ways for the City to reduce the budgetary increase: reduce services and/or maintain the draw from the Rate Stabilization Reserve at the 2009 level. Proposing to reduce services in 2010 without prior discussion with Council was deemed not appropriate. During the next term of Council, serious consideration will have to be given regarding freezing and or reducing discretionary service levels. City's Budgetary Increase Summary Budgetary Forecast (Spring 2009) 3.5 to 4.5% Staff Submission (October 2009) 10.0 to 12.0% CAO and Directors Review and Reductions (8.1)% Proposed 2010 City Operations 2.9 October 19, 2009 Council Meeting - Council Motions - 245 and 1.0 246/09 (Pre-Budget Approval) Legal Challenges - York Durham Sanitary Sewer MOU and Judicial Review 3.9% Proposed 2010 Final Le The 3.9% translates into an average increase of approximately $42.00 per week (City Share October 19, 2009 Council Meeting At the October 19, 2009 Council Meeting, Council passed several motions directing staff to commence legal challenges regarding the York Durham Sanitary Sewer MOU and to engage outside legal expertise. The passing of these motions with an expenditure element were, by default 2010 pre-budget approvals. (There was no provision in the 2009 budget for these expenditures). Therefore an additional minimum 1.0 percent levy is required to address the costs associated with this legal appeal. Tax Increase Summary Pickering's share of the TOTAL TAX BILL is 27.1% (based on 2009 tax rates). The 3.9% tax increase, translates into an increase of 1.05% or slightly more than one percent on the TOTAL TAX BILL. When you add the Region's tax increase for Pickering of 2.15% and the School Boards estimated 0% increase, the total increase for the average residential ratepayer will be approximately 2.2%, which is slightly higher than the current rate of inflation. Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 9 44 Veridian The City of Pickering receives interest income on its Veridian promissory notes. Pickering currently earns 7.6% (approximately $1.9m) on approximately $25 million of notes. The interest rate on these notes is subject to the approval of the Ontario Energy Board (OEB). The OEB has indicated that the interest rate on promissory notes will need to be reduced to more closely reflect current market conditions. The downturn in the economy and financial markets in particular dictate lower rates of return. It is anticipated that the interest rate will have to be reduced to approximately 5.6% - a decrease of 26.3%. This will result in a loss of interest income of approximately $474,000 on an annual basis and $315,000 for the remaining nine months of 2010. The 2011 budget will include a further reduction of interest income of approximately $160,000 ($474,000 - $315,000). The above loss of income in the 2010 Current Budget has been offset by an anticipated increase in dividends. If the dividend increase does not occur, Recommendation 6 c) will allow the Treasurer to draw additional funds from the Economic Stabilization Reserve. The Economic Stabilization Reserve was funded by the additional 2009 dividend received from the Veridian. Staff's strategy is to use these dollars starting in 2009 over the next four years that will result in this reserve being depleted by 2013.. . Current Budget Draws from Reserves The budget includes a proposed draw of $2.9 million from the Rate Stabilization Reserve and $405,000 from the Economic Stabilization Reserve for a total draw of $3.3 million. In other words, the City is using $3.3 million of one-time funds to reduce the tax levy and without these funds the levy would be 7.8% higher. The good news is that for the first time during Council's term, the City is not increasing its draw from the Rate Stabilization Reserve. Use of One Time Funding For the Years 2007 to Projected 2010 $4,500,000 $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 0 Actuals M Budget Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 10 45 As the information above indicates, the City has drawn $10.8 million from its reserves in recent years in order to lower the tax rate. Starting in 2011, the City has to reduce its dependence on this draw by reducing its draw every year. The financial goal should be to have the Rate Stabilization Draw limited to 1.0% of the prior year's levy and not 7.8%. 2010 Budget Based on Estimates As in previous years, the City's budget is developed based on estimates or best known information for items such as utilities and benefits. For the 2010 budget, an estimate was made regarding fire staff salaries due to the fact the fire contract expired on December 31, 2009. The 2010 budget for education PIL revenues is an estimate due to the fact the 2010 education rates for commercial and industrial assessment will not be known until April or May of this year: 2010 User Fees & Charges Schedule Every year, the City increases its user fees, mainly for various recreational and cultural programs to partially reflect the cost of delivering these programs. Council passed Resolution #149/03 confirming the City's existing user fees through by-law. This By-law was updated as part of each year's budget process. The 2010 user fees also includes small increases for various building permit fees to offset inflationary and operating costs. Instead of increasing the building permit fees every four years that in-turn results in large increases, staff are recommending a more gradual step method. In order to have the new user fees become effective, Council will be required to approve the 2010 User Fee By-law, (as required under Section 391 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended ) that is included in this report. At the March 4t", Executive (Budget) Committee meeting, Council made four changes to the user fee schedule and these changes have been incorporated into the revised schedule. (These changes were to delete the proposed new fees for special events and street parties.) The Municipal Act, 2001 as amended through Bill 130, no longer requires municipalities to maintain a formal list of fees and charges. Staff, however, have decided to maintain the fee list due to the fact that it provides Council and the general public an opportunity to review the fees and provide any comment or input. In addition, having the fee list approved via the budget process allows general public comment and provides for a more open access and transparent government process. Debt Financing of Capital Projects This year's capital budget utilizes $4.3 million in debt. As of December 31, 2009, the City has approved $23.4 million in debt financed projects and this amount will increase to $27.7 million as a result of the 2010 capital budget. Internal loans were not required in the 2010 budget and remain unchanged at the 2009 level. This year, the City will pay $4.3 million in interest and principle payments to service the City's debt. The $4.3 million is equivalent to 10.2% of the budgetary tax levy. In other words, if Pickering had no outstanding debt, there would be 10% more flexibility. Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 11 46 Table One External Debt and Internal Financing of Capital Projects City of Pickering 5 and 10 Year Debt Financing 2009 Capital Bud et Capital Project Code Debt - 5 Description Years $ 5320.1004 150,000 Backhoe - Loader 5320.1005 190,000 Four Ton Dump 5320.1006 225,000 Five Ton Dump 5701.1002 105,000 Roof Rehabilitation Construction 5780.1003 180,000 Dunmoore Park - Tennis Court 5800.1008 210,000 Roofing Replacement Total Five Year Debt 1,060,000 Capital Project Code Debt -10 Description Years $ 5320.1015 100,000 Sideline 4 - Asphalt Paving 5340.1001 750,000 Pumper 5321.1005* 2,402.400 West Shore - Amberlea Creek Erosion Control Total Ten Year Debt 3,252,400 DC portion be funded from debt until Development Charges are collected. 2010 Tax Rates As has been the case for the last few years, the 2010 Property Tax rates and corresponding levy By-law will be presented to Council after the Province provides the education tax rates. 2010 Capital Budget The 2010 capital budget proposes expenditures in the amount of $21.2 million. The high capital budget is mainly due to the grant ready project (Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance - $8.0 million.) Without the Frenchman's Bay project, the City's 2010 capital budget would be $13.2 million. Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 12 47 Amendments Subsequent to Executive Committee Meeting The 2010 Capital Budget being presented to Council includes the following changes that were subsequent to the Executive (Budget) Committee meeting on March 4, 2010: 1. Change in Toy Avenue Financing Staff originally proposed in the Budget submission to the Executive Committee that the additional expenditure for Toy Ave in amount of $125,000 be financed by ten year debt. However, due to the multiple financing sources already being used for this project such as grants and Federal Gas Tax (FGT), staff are now proposing that the project be financed equally by FGT and Move Ontario Grants. 2. Brockridge Park Batting Cage In late December 2009, staff received donations in the amount of $97,205 from the Michael R. Carman memorial fund. (Michael R Carman was a partner with the law firm of Stikeman Elliott who had a great love of sports and a keen passion for baseball). These funds are to be used for the construction of storage buiding to be used by Pickering Ball Association and for the expansion of the existing pitching and batting cage. This project is 100 per cent funded by donations. Recommendation 3 a) provides staff the authority to add the project to the 2010 Capital budget. Further information may be found in the separate memo to the CAO in this Agenda. Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance Construction ($8.0 Million) The 2008 budget included a ($300,000) project to complete an environmental assessment and work plan for the Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance. (The project's cost was 100% funded by the Province). As a result of the project's work, staff now have a project ready for any future grant funding announcements being made by any senior level of government. This project will only proceed when the City receives 100% of the funding. Staff have included this project in the 2010 capital budget in anticipation of future government funding announcements and to have Council's approval. (Previous government funding programs have always included as a submission criteria that formal Council approval is required for the submitted project). Future Capital Budget Trends Every year the capital budget is reduced by deferring projects or replacement expenditures to future years. Future capital budgets will continue to reflect higher budget dollars for replacement expenditures as our infrastructure ages and deferral is no longer an option. Unfortunately, this means that there will be fewer capital dollars for other capital projects. In other words, for at least the next five years, the Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 13 48 City's Capital Budget will be primarily focused on the capital three (R's): replacement, renovations and repairs. Multi-Year Financial Strategic Plan Last year, staff presented to Council a multi-year high level financial plan for the years 2010 to 2018. At the Executive Committee meeting of March 4, 2010 staff presented a strategic financial plan based on the years 2010 to 2014 reflecting various assumptions regarding the future economic environment Table Two 2011 2012 2013 2014 Proforma Proforma Proforma Proforma BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET City Budget 6.9 to 7.9% 4.9 to 5.9% 3.9 to 4.9% 3.4 to 4.4% Infrastructure Levy 1.0% 2.0% 2.5% 2.5% Final Levy 7.9 to 8.9% 6.9 to 7.9% 6.4 to 7.4% 5.9 to 6.9% The above projection is based on the following principles: 1. Staffing complement is frozen for the years 2011 to 2014 unless to meet health and safety regulations, LTD and WSIB accommodations or if staffing costs are funded from additional revenues. 2. City service levels are either frozen or decreased. 3. No expansion of capital facilities for the years 2011 to 2014. 4. Reduced reliance on Rate Stabilization draws. The economic recession has put a financial strain on the City from two perspectives: reduced revenues such as investment income and lower than expected building permit activity and corresponding fees translating into lower future assessment growth and the City's ability to put forth budgetary levy increases between 6 to 7.0%. To offset negative impact of the recession, the City has had to maintain its draw from the Rate Stabilization Reserve for 2009 and 2010. Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 14 49 A key component of the City's financial sustainability is for the City to achieve at least moderate sustainable assessment growth. It is interesting to note that when the 2005 budget was being developed, preliminary forecasts for assessment growth related to Duffin Heights was 2009. In other words, last year and this year, the City should have received assessment growth of approximately 2 to 3.0% per year. The revised forecast for Duffin Heights related assessment growth is 2013. (Assessment growth for Seaton is now forecast for 2016). Every year that assessment growth is delayed, translates into potential additional financial strain or stress for the City. These assessment delays means that the City must continue to rely on some level of 'one-time funding" and reinforces the importance of ensuring that the City has these funds available for future years. Therefore, it is extremely important that the City reduce its use of "one- time" funds beginning in 2011 to ensure that there are some dollars available for future years and unforeseen economic events. Future City Growth Related Costs for Duff in Heights & Seaton Presented below is a high level estimate of the future capital costs related to Duffin Heights and Seaton. The preliminary cost for Duffin Heights capital projects (in priority order is presented below): Operations Centre & Animal Shelter (including land. services) $38,500,000 Less: Est. Proceeds from Land Sales (for Operation Centre) (22,000,000) Sub Total $16,500,000 Fire Headquarters 20,000,000 Recreation Centre 40,000,000 Total $76,500,000 The estimated debt servicing cost for approximately $76.5 million (20 year debt) would be approximately $6.5 million per year. During the next term of Council, serious consideration will be required regarding the phasing in of these future capital projects in order to have sufficient assessment growth to match debt payments. In order words, the homes will have to be built first to have the assessment growth available to service the debt. The only exception would be the-new Operations Centre that is required in order to sell City land. Property Assessment Database Management Recommendation 14 provides the Treasurer with the authority to initiate any necessary assessment appeals to protect the property assessment database of the City. Staff have been advised by our consultants that due to recent court decisions a formal By-law is required authorizing City officials to file assessment appeals. A report with a corresponding By-law will be prepared for Council's consideration in the near future. Report CS 07-10 March 29, 2010 Subject: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Page 15 50 Attachments: 1. By-law to Confirm General Fees and Charges, 2010 2. Budget Presentation Slides, March 4, 2010 Prepared By: Prepared / Approved / Endorsed By: Stan Karwowski Gillis A. Paterson Manager, Finance & Taxation Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer SK:vw Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of :Pickering City o as O~S~n , R , CMM Chief Administrative icer ATTACHMENT #_L_TO REPORT #fU-0-1 D J The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. xxxx/10 Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 6191/03 to confirm General Municipal Fees Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering enacted By-law 6191/03, as amended, on October 14, 2003 to confirm general municipal fees. Whereas Schedule "I" to By-law 6191/03 was updated and replaced under By-law, 6338/04, By-law 6519/05, By-law 6652/06, By-law 6677/06, By-law 6748/07 By-law 6857/08 and By-law 6951/09; Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "I" to By-law Number 6191/03, as amended, is hereby deleted and Schedule "I" attached hereto is substituted therefore. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 29th day of March, 2010. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk Schedule I 52 City o~ ICI I PICKERING Summary of Fees & Charges 2010 Corporate Services Department To be approved by Council on March 29, 2010 i Disclaimer: The following are a list of the current fees and charges in place in the City of Pickering at the time of printing. These fees and charges are subject to review and change. Please contact the appropriate City Department for the actual fees in place at any specific time, or if you require any further information. E. & O.E. 5 3 Clerks Division Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) Applicable Effective Date Body Rub Licences Owner - not operator $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Operator - not owner $250.00/ r $250.00/ r N No Increase Owner/ Operator $500.00/ r $500.00/ r N No Increase Attendant $150.00/ r $150.00/ r N No Increase Business Licence Wrecking Yard $20.00/ r $20.00/ r N No Increase Markets <100 stalls $200.00/da $200.00/da N No Increase Markets >99 stalls $1000.00/da $1000.00/da N No Increase Public Hall $10.00/ r $10.00/ r N No Increase Pet Shops $250.00/ r $250.00/ r N No Increase Boarding Kennels $250.00/ ear $250.00/ ear N No Increase Breeders $250.00/ ear $250.00/ ear N No Increase Late fees-(Boarding, Breeders and Pet Shops. $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Taxi Licences Plate Owner Licence One Year $250.00/ r $250.00/ r N No Increase Brokerage License One Year $150.00/ r $150.00/ r N No Increase Taxicab driver's License Two Years $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Clean Air Cab Plate License One Year $1,000.00 $1,000.00 N No Increase Plate Owner Licence-Clean air Cab $125.00 $125.00 N No Increase City Plate Licence One Year $2,000.00 $2,000.00 N No Increase Other Taxicab Fees Transfer of owner's late $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Appeal $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase Replacement Driver's Licence $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase Replacement Taxicab Plates $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase Replacement of Tariff card/Passenger R & R $10.00 $10.00 N No Increase Change of Registered Vehicle $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Lease Filing $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Re-inspection without taxicab meter $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase Re-inspection with taxicab meter $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Late Cancellation/No Show for Inspection $15.00 $15.00 N No Increase Plate Eligibility List (annually) $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase Cat & Do Licence Sterilized $20.00/ r $20.00/ r N No Increase Unsterilized $50.00/ r $50.00/ r N No Increase Microchip - Sterilized $15.00! r $15.00/ r N No Increase Microchip - Unsterilized $40.00/ r $40.00/ r N No Increase Replacement $5.00 ea $5.00 ea N No Increase Impoundment Fees Impoundment of dog or cat wearing current animal licence tag or microchipped 1stoccurrence $40.00 $40.00 N No Increase 2nd or subsequent occurrence $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase After regular working hours $120.00 $120.00 N No Increase Daily Care Fee $15.00/Day $15.00/Day N No Increase Impoundment of dog or cat not wearing current animal licence tag or microchipped 1st occurrence $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase 2nd or subsequent occurrence $75.00 $75.00 N No Increase After regular working hours $120.00 $120.00 N No Increase Daily Care Fee $15.00/Day $15.00/Day N No Increase Service Fees - Owner surrender fees Transfer of ownership of an animal. $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase i Clerks Division 5 4 GST Current Fee Proposed Fee Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) Applicable Effective Date Pick up and Disposal of deceased owned animals Small - medium size $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Medium - extra large size $80.00 $80.00 N No Increase Adoption Fees Dos $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase Cats $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Obedience Do Training $100.00 $100.00 Y No Increase Adult Video Owner/Operator $1500.00/ r $1500.001r N No Increase Owner - not operator $1400.001r $1400.00/ r N No Increase Operator - not owner $100.00/ r $100.00/ r N No Increase Fireworks Permits $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Hawker / Peddler Licence Temporary Use Per day / per location $20.00 $20.00 N No Increase Stationary Use $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Horse Riding Establishment Licence Licence $250.00 $250.00 N No Increase Late renewal penalty $25.00 $50.00 N Aril 1, 2010 Signs Temporary Sign - One Month $50.00 ea $50.00 ea N No Increase Portable Sign Licence $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Banner and Inflatable Sin $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Sidewalk sin $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Billboard Annual Licence $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Additional fee for any sign installed prior to $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase licence insurance Redemption Fee - Election Signs $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase Redemption Fee - All signs less than 2 mz $25.00 $25.00 N No Increase Redemption Fee - All other signs $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Sign Variance - All other signs $100.00 $100.00 N No Increase Fence Variance Supported $100.00 ea $100.00 ea N No Increase Contested $250.00 ea $250.00 ea N No Increase Sidewalk Snow Clearing Less than 50' $106.25 $106.25 N No Increase Grater than 50' or corner lot $156.25 $156.25 N No Increase Home Base Business $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Commissioning & Certification of Documents $10.00 up to 3 signatures $12.00 up to 3 signatures N April 1, 2010 (Commissioning for Pension forms is unofficially $5.00 per signature after 3 $5.00 per signature after 3 exempt) Lotteries Bingo Licence $60 per event $60.00 per event N No Increase Bazaar, Break open Raffle 1.5% Of gross prize value 1.5% of gross prize value (minimum fee of $15.00) (minimum fee of $15.00) N No Increase 5 Clerks Division GST Current Fee Proposed Fee Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) Applicable Effective Date Marriage Licence $100.00 each $100.00 each N No Increase Marriage Ceremonies $250.00 each $250.00 each N No Increase Burial Permits $25.00 each $25.00 each N No Increase Tree Cutting Permit $100.00 each $100.00 each N No Increase Traffic & Parkin Removal of obstruction from City Road Return Fee-Basketball Net or other item $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Return Fee-Shopping Cart $50.00 $50.00 N No Increase Photocopying U to five pages free - additional pages $0.50 $0.50 Y No Increase Compliance Letters $125.00/res . $125.00/res . N No Increase Council Age da $350.00/ ear $350.00/ ear y No Increase Executive Planning Agenda $350.00/ ear $350.00/ ear y No Increase Office of Sustainability 56 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) Applicable Effective Date (Y/N) Business Directory $20.00 $25.00 N May 1, 2010 Business Directory --Special Report" $20.00 Discontinued Business Directory-Mailing Labels" $100.00 Discontinued Filming Fees: Parks and Facilities $500.00 $500.00 N No Increase Fire Actual Costs Actual Costs Museum Fees: Prep/Strike Fee $75.00 $75.00 Y No Increase Filming $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Overtime $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase Film Permit Fee - $20b.00 N May 1, 2010 " Service no longer offered 4 . . . 5 7 Legal Services Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) Applicable Effective Date Notary $10.00 $12.00 N April 1, 2010 5 Corporate Services Department 58 User Fee or Charge Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Applicable Proposed Fee (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) (Y/N) Effective Date Bidders cost to pick up tendering package Range: Range: Price range based upon the size of the tendering document package, drawings, soils report, consulting reports - relative to the size $30.00 to $100.00 $30.00 to $100.00 N No increase of the project Letter of Credit Administration Draw Fee (Excluding Subdivision and Development $250.00 $250.00 N No increase Agreements) NSF Cheques $40.00 $40.00 N No increase Electronic Payment Correction $40.00 $40.00 N No increase Post Dated Cheque Retrieval Fee $40.00 $40.00 N No increase New Roll Number Set Up Fee $50.00 $50.00 N No increase Residential Apportionment Fee $50.00 $50.00 N No increase Commercial Apportionment Fee $250.00 $250.00 N No increase Ownership change administration fee $25.00 $30.00 N April 1, 2010 Preparation of Property Tax Registration $450.00 $450.00 N No increase Extension Agreement Receipt for Income tax (per roll number) $10.00 $10.00 N No increase 'If you are 65 years of age or older as of December 31, 2010, the fee for an Income Tax Receipt will be $0 for those properties in the $0.00 $0.00 N No increase RT tax class. Property Tax Account Analysis/Research - includes archival records (One hour minimum). $35.00 per hour $35.00 per hour N No increase Addition of water/sewer lien to roll $25.00 $25.00 N No increase Tax Certificates - No Verbal provided $65.00 $65.00 N No increase Tax Certificates Faxed (24 hour turn around) - N Verbal provided $85.00 $85.00 No increase 357/358 Applications (Depending on value of rebate) $25.00 $25.00 N No increase Tax Collection/Tax Registration Letters $25.00. $30.00 N April 1, 2010 Tax Billing for Mortgage Company (Annual fee for Final Payment Listing Per roll $10.00 $10.00 N No increase number 9 Operations & Facilities Division 5 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable (Excl. GSTI (Excl. GST) Y~~ Effective Date Sports Tournaments- User Fee $500/weekend (2-3 days) $500/weekend (2-3 days) Excludes league tournaments $250/per day $250/per day N No Increase Sport Camps- User Fee $500/week (Full Park) $500/week (Full Park) N No Increase $250/week Partial Park) $250/week (Partial Park) Park Permit Fee $25 $25 N No Increase Park Permit Fee (with delivery of picnic table $100 $100 N No Increase & garbage cans) Temporary Fence Enclosures (Beer Tent) $175 $175 N No Increase Sports Field Booking Permit Fee $25/field/season $25/field/season N No Increase Road Occupancy Permits $25 $25 N No Increase Road Occupancy Permits with $50 (excluding street $50 (excluding street parties) N No Increase Barricades(excluding Street Parties) parties) Driveway Entrance Curb Cut Min Charge $207.00 Min Charge $207.00 Y $39.00/m (5.3m plus) $39.00/m (5.3m plus) (5.3m or less) (5.3m or less) No Increase $39.00/m (5.3m plus) $39.00/m (5.3m plus) Y Cost recovery of damages to City owned Actual Costs plus admin Actual Costs plus admin Fee N No Increase Property Fee (15%) (15%) Driveway Entrance 9 metres x 400 millimetres $1,440 $1,485 N No Increase Driveway Entrance 9 metres to 15 metres $1,440 $1,485 Plus $155 per metre in Plus $160 per metre in N April 1, 2010 excess of 9 metres excess of 9 metres Plus $40 per coupler when Plus $40 per coupler when required required Driveway Entrance extension of existing culvert $160 per metre $165per metre N April 1, 2010 Plus $40 per coupler Plus $40 per coupler Min Charge $200 Min Charge $205 Driveway Entrance, culvert other than as Contract Cost Contract Cost Y described above No Increase (time and material) (time & material) New rural driveway entrance (no culvert) $1,000 $1,000 N No Increase Commemorative Tree and Plaque $500 $500 N No Increase Commemorative Bench and Plaque $1,000 $1,000 N No Increase Special Events/Picnics/BBQ/School Events, $4-00 Y Picnic Tables (6 per Load - Pick-up & Delivery) Deleted Special Events/Picnics/BBQ/School Events $25 Y Garbage Cans (6 per Load) - Pick-up & Deleted Delivery Special Events/Picnics/BBQ/School Events $2-5 Y Barricades (6 per Load) - Pick-up & Delivery Deleted . Operations & Facilities Division 60 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Applicable Effective Date (Excl. GST) (Excl. GST) YY/N) Hydro/lighting charges for tennis courts * $200 per court per season $200 per court per season N No Increase Encroachment Agreement (New) - must be $1,000 $1,000 N No Increase registered Encroachment Agreement (Renewal) - must $200 $200 N No Increase be registered Registration of Encroachment Agreements $250 $250 N No Increase Assignment of Encroachment Agreements $200 $200 N No Increase II 61 Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) (YIN) Fitness Services Personal Training Personal Training Intro Pack - Individual Session - Members $69.45 $69.45 Y No Increase - Non-Members $81.71 $81.71 Y No Increase Personal Training. Intro Pack - Members $103.32 $103.32 Y No Increase - Non-Members $123.98 $123.98 Y No Increase Personal Training 6 pack - Members $364.64 $364.64 Y No Increase - Non-Members $437.58 $428.99 Y No Increase Personal Training 12 pack - Members $656.37 $656.37 Y No Increase - Non-Members $787.65 $772.20 Y No Increase Personal Training 18 Pack - Members $852.18 $937.18 Y January 1, 2010 - Non-Members $1,002.56 $1,102.56 Y January 1, 2010 Personal Training Buddy Training - Members $69.46 $72.06 Y August 1, 2010 - Non-Members $81.72 $84.78 Y August 1, 2010 Personal Training Buddy Training 3 People - Members $86.82 $90.08 Y August 1, 2010 - Non-Members $102.14 $106.25 Y August 1, 2010 Personal Training Group Training Programs Core Training - 10, 1 hour sessions $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Outdoor Beach Bootcamp - 10, 1 hour $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Fitness Boxing - 10, 1 hour sessions $175.00 $175.00 Y No Increase Biggest Loser - 16, 1 hour sessions $289.00 $289.00 Y No Increase Personal Training Sports Specific One Athlete - Members $69.45 $72.05 Y August 1, 2010 - Non-Members $81.71 $84.77 Y August 1, 2010 Two Athletes. Members $40.00 $41.50 Y August 1, 2010 - Non-Members $47.06 $48.82 Y August 1, 2010 Three Athletes Members $30.00 $31.12 Y August 1, 2010 - Non-Members $35.29 $36.61 Y August 1, 2010 Four Athletes - Members $25.00 $25.94 Y August 1, 2010 - Non-Members $29.41 $30.51 Y August 1, 2010 Five Athletes Members $22.00 $22.83 Y August 1, 2010 - Non-Members $25.88 $26.85 Y August 1, 2010 N Nutritional Consulting Introductory Session - Member $114.11 $118.39 Y August 1, 2010 - Non-Members $134.25 $139.28 Y August 1, 2010 Introductory Session Family/Friend Member $163.01 $169.12 Y August 1, 2010 Introductory Session Family/Friend Non-Member $191.78 $198.97 Y August 1, 2010 Keep on Track Six - 15 minute consults, Member $114.11 $118.39 Y August 1, 2010 Keep on Track Six - 15 minute consults, Non-Member $134.25 $139.28 Y August 1, 2010 Full Service Twelve - 30 minute consults, Member $408.08 $423.38 Y August 1, 2010 Full Service Twelve - 30 minute consults, Non-Member $480.09 $498.09 Y August 1, 2010 Lifestyle Nutrition One class - Member $78.12 $81.05 Y August 1, 2010 One class - Non Member $91.91 $95.36 Y August 1, 2010 Culture & Recreation Division 62 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) Y( /N) Successful Eating Plan One class - Member $78.12 $81.05. Y August 1, 2010 One class - Non Member $91.91 $95.36 Y I August 1, 2010 Initial Consultation (NEW) - Member $72.25 Y January 1, 2010 - Non-Members $85.00 Y January 1, 2010 Follow Up Session (NEW) - Member $34.00 Y January 1, 2010 - Non-Members $40.00 Y January 1, 2010 Nutrition Programming Healthy Eating (NEW) per session $12.50 Y January 1, 2010 Weight Management (NEW) per session $12.50 Y January 1, 2010 Nutrition Info Session (NEW) per session $15.00 Y January 1, 2010 Personal Best Nutrition (NEW) per session $12.50 Y January 1, 2010 Babysitting Service Babysitting 1 Hour - Member $3.00 $3.25 N September 1, 2010 Babysitting 10 Pass - Member . $30.00 $32.50 N September 1, 2010 Babysitting 1 Hour - Non-Member $4.50 $5.00 N September 1, 2010 Babysitting 10 Pass - Non-Member $45.00 $50.00 N September 1, 2010 Programs Fitness Registered - youth Giriz Club (Rename Active Girls) One class $5.75 $5.75 N No Increase Boyz Club (Rename Active Boys) One class $5.75 $5.75 N No Increase Kids Nia One class $6.00 $6.00 N No Increase Fitness Registered - family Family Fit Challenge Six, 1-hour classes, 1 adult & 1 child $47.00 $63.00 N January 1, 2010 Six, 1-hour classes, 1 additional family $13.50 $15.00 N January 1, 2010 Family Fit Yoga 12 60-minute classes 1 adult & 1 child (per class) $10.00 $10.80 Y January 1, 2010 each add. Fam mem (per class) $2.50 $2.50 Y No Increase Fitness Registered - teens Club Sport Conditioning (NEW) One class $8.00 N January 1, 2010 F.I.T. Club * One class $7.35 $7.35 N No Increase F.I.T. Club Fast Track * One class $41.67 $41.67 N No Increase F.I.T. Club Challenge * One class $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Teen Bootcamp (NEW) One class $8.00 N January 1, 2010 Teen Kickboxing One class $6.00 $8.00 N January 1, 2010 Teen Yoga One class $5.75 $8.00 N January 1, 2010 Fitness Registered - adult Base Camp (NEW) One class $10.80 Y January 1, 2010 Boot Camp (NEW) One class $10.00 Y January 1, 2010 Bellydancing One class $12.27 $10.80 Y January 1, 2010 Cyclefit (NEW) One class $10.80 Y January 1, 2010 Kickboxing One class $14.58 $10.80 Y January 1, 2010 Nia Twelve, 1 hour classes $141.51 $127.60 Y January 1, 2010 Personal Best (NEW) One class $12.60 Y January 1, 2010 Pilates (Intermediate) Twelve - 1 hour classes 149.50 (12) $129.60 Y August 1, 2010 Pilates (Beginner) Twelve - 1 hour classes 140.00 (12) $129.60 Y August 1, 2010 PREP One class $10.51 $10.51 Y No Increase Tai Chi Twelve - 1 hour classes 102.50 (12) $129.60 Y August 1, 2010 Urban Poling One class $8.28 $8.60 Y January 1, 2010 Wedding Bells Boot Camp * One class $7.00 $7.00 Y No Increase Yoga (Progressive) One class $9.98 $10.80 Y January 1, 2010 Fitness Registered - adult 55+ Nia for Seniors One class $6.00 $6.00 N No Increase Osteo Breakthrough One class $6.00 $6.00 N No Increase Pilates Style Fitness One class $6.00 N January 1, 2010 6 3 Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) (YIN) Stretch and Tone One class $4.00 $4.00 N No Increase Summer Fit One class $4.00 $4.00 N No Increase Yoga for Older Adults ' One class $5.00 $6.00 N August 1, 2010 Expansion Programs Spinning and Strength Studio - Drop in participants - one class " $12.00 $12.00 Y No Increase Members extra fee - one class$6.00 $6.00 lY No Increase Mind and Body Studio - (NEW) Drop in participants - one class " $12.00 Y January 1, 2010 Members extra fee - one class " $6.00 Y January 1, 2010 Aquatic Programs Swim Preschool Ten - 30 minute classes $88.00 $88.00 N No Increase Swim Kids 1-5 Ten - 30 minute classes $88.00 $88.00 N No Increase Swim Kids 6-10 Ten-45 minute classes $98.00 $98.00 N No Increase Summer Swim (DIP) Session Nineteen - 45 minute classes $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase Youth Programs Ten - 45 minute classes $94.55 $94.55 N No Increase Canadian Swim Patrol Ten -1 hour classes $95.55 $95.55 N No Increase Bronze Star Ten -1.5 hour classes $111.00 $111.00 N No Increase Bronze Medallion & Emergency Twenty-four hour program $219.00 $219.00 N No Increase First Aid " Bronze Cross Twenty-four hour program $164.00 $164.00 N No Increase NLS Forty hour program $257.01 $257.01 Y No Increase Leader/Assistant Instructor Forty hour program $215.89 $215.89 Y No Increase Red Cross/Lifesaving Society Water Forty-five hour program $269.86 $269.86 Y No Increase Safe Instructor Withdrawal fee for Leadership Sixteen Hours $35.00 $35.00 N No Increase Standard First Aid/CPR Sixteen Hours $104.00 $104.00 Y No Increase Standard First Aid/CPR (Staff) Sixteen Hours $73.50 $73.50 Y No Increase SFA/CPR Recert Eight Hours $55.00 $55.00 Y No Increase SFA/CPR Recert (Staff) Eight Hours $42.00 $42.00 Y No Increase CPR Six Hours $55.00 $55.00 Y No Increase CPR (Staff) Six Hours $42.00 $42.00 Y No Increase CPR Recert Four Hours $35.00 $35.00 Y No Increase CPR Recert (Staff) Four Hours $25.00 $25.00 Y No Increase Aqua Adults Ten - 55 minute classes $87.34 $87.34 Y No Increase Aqua Adults Ten - 30 minute classes $59.85 $59.85 Y No Increase Private Classes Ten - 30 minute classes $258.00 $258.00 N No Increase Semi-Private Classes Ten - 30 minute classes $155.00 $155.00 N No Increase Aquafit Ten - 55 minute classes $84.11 $84.11 Y No Increase Aquafit Twenty - 55 minute classes $145.79 $145.79 Y No Increase Aquafit Thirty - 55 minute classes $170.09 $170.09 Y No Increase Specialty Aquafit, Nice'n Easy Ten - 40 minute classes $71.96 $71.96 Y No Increase Specialty Aquafit, Nice'n Easy Twenty - 40 minute classes $106.54 $106.54 Y No Increase Aquafit for Arthritis Ten - 40 minute classes $71.96 $71.96 Y No Increase Aquafit for Arthritis Twenty - 40 minute classes $106.54 $106.54 Y No Increase Aquafit Pay As You Go $8.00 $8.60 Y August 1, 2010 High Five for Aquatics Four Hours $65.00 $65.00 Y No Increase Museum Outreach Programs (Per Student Fee) Weaving Wizards One - 2 hour class $4.29 $4.42 Y August 1, 2010 Buzzsaws & Building Blocks One - 2 hour class $4.29 $4.42 Y August 1, 2010 Wonderful Wool One - 45 minute class $2.38 $2.65 Y August 1, 2010 Thingamajigs One - 1 hour class $3.33 $3.54 Y August 1, 2010 Settlers Workshop Fractur One - 2 hour class $4.76 $4.87 Y August 1, 2010 Christmas Past One - 2 hour class $4.76 $4.87 Y August 1, 2010 Fracture One - 2 hour class $4.76 $4.87 Y August 1, 2010 A Culture &'Recreation Division 64 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) Y~1 Sheep to Shawl One - 2 hour class $4.29 $4.42 Y August 1, 2010 Stunning Stencils One - 2 hour class $4.76 $4.87 Y August 1, 2010 Wordsmiths One - 2 hour class $4.76 $4.87 Y August 1, 2010 The Hand That Rocks The Cradle One - 2 hour class $166.67 $176.99 Y August 1, 2010 Guest Speaker Presentations One - 1 hour class $95.24 $97.35 Y August 1, 2010 Hearth and Home Cooking Services Three - 2.5 hour classes $79.65 Y August 1, 2010 NE PMV Museum Club (NEW) Six - 1.5 hour classes $59.29 Y August 1, 2010 Haunted Halloween One - 2 hour class $14.29 $15.04 Y August 1, 2010 Preschool Programs Toddler Playgroup Twelve - 1 hour classes $93.00 $96.00 N August 1, 2010 Artful Toddler Twelve - 1.25 hour classes $117.00 $121.00 N August 1, 2010 Kindergarten's Coming Twelve - 2 1/4 hour classes $151.00 $157.00 N August 1, 2010 P.S. Writing is Fun Twelve - 1 hour classes $93.00 $96.00 N August 1, 2010 Tots In Action Twelve - 2 hour classes $128.00 $133.00 N August 1, 2010 Wiggles'n Giggles Twelve - 45 minute classes $81.00 $84.00 N August 1, 2010 Tumble Tots Twelve - 45 minute classes $81.00 $84.00 N August 1, 2010 Bouncin' Buddies Twelve - 45 minute classes $81.00 $84.00 N August 1, 2010 Jumpin' Jax Twelve - 45 minute classes $81.00 $84.00 N August 1, 2010 Junior Gym Twelve - 1 hour classes $95.00 $99.00 N August 1, 2010 Parent & Tot Skate Twelve - 30 minute classes $74.00 $77.00 N August 1, 2010 Beginner/Pre School Skating Twelve - 30.minute classes $74.00 $77.00 N August 1, 2010 Advanced Skating Twelve - 45 minute classes $90.00 $93.00 N August 1, 2010 Kinderjump Trampoline (NEW) 12 - 45 minute classes $87.00 $90.00 N August 1, 2010 Family Fun 12 - 1 114 hour classes $113.00 $113.00 N No Increase Craft Club 12 - 1 hour classes $134.00 $93.00 N No Increase Kids Cooking Four - 1 hour classes $45.00 $45.00 N No Increase Kids Nia Eight - 45 minute classes $40.00 $40.00 N No Increase Salsa Babies Six - 45 minute classes $67.93 $67.93 Y No Increase Salsa Tots Six - 30 minute classes $60.00 $60.00 N No Increase Children & Youth Programs Creative Steps Twelve - 30 minute classes $63.00 $65.00 N August 1, 2010 Pre-Ballet Twelve - 45 minute classes $80.00 $83.00 N August 1, 2010 Dance - Primary Ballet Twelve - 45 minute classes $80.00 $83.00 N August 1, 2010 Hip Hop Dance Twelve - 45 minute classes $80.00 $83.00 N August 1, 2010 Jazz Twelve - 45 minute classes $80.00 $83.00 N August 1, 2010 Children's Art Ten - 1.25 hour classes $69.00 $71.00 N August 1, 2010 Youth Art (does not include Ten - 1.5 hour classes $63.00 $65.00 N August 1, 2010 supplies) Cartooning for Kids Ten - 1 .25 hour classes $69.00 $71.00 N August 1, 2010 Babysitting Training Course Eight - 1.5 hour classes $61.00 $63.00 N August 1, 2010 Home Alone Four - 1.5 hour classes $32.00 $33.00 N August 1, 2010 Youth Bellydancing (NEW) Ten - 1 hour classes $59.00 $59.00 N No Increase Breakdancing Ten - 1 hour classes $59.00 $59.00 N No Increase Mad Science Eight - 1 hour classes $101.00 $104.00 N August 1, 2010 Children's Guitar - Level 1 Eight - 1 hour classes $66.00 $68.00 N August 1, 2010 Girls Night Seven weeks - 2 hour classes $61.00 $61.00 N No Increase Karate 3 months - 1 hour classes $88.00 $91.00 N August 1, 2010 Badminton Twelve - 1 hour classes $55.00 $57.00 N August 1, 2010 Summer Assistant Counsellor Minimum 2 sessions or 4 weeks $78.00 $81.00 N August 1, 2010 Summer Youth Leadership Nine - 3 hour classes $119.00 $124.00 N July 1, 2010 Ten - 3 hours classes $130.00 $135.00 N July 1, 2010 Recreational Basketball Clinic Eight - 2 hour classes $47.00 $49.00 N July 1, 2010 Recreational Volleyball Clinic Eight - 2 hour classes $47.00 $49.00 N July 1, 2010 I 6 5 Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed Fee . GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST (GST) Y( /N) Ball Hockey Ten - 1.5 hour classes $58.00 $60.00 N April 1, 2010 The Drama Club Ten- 1.5 hour classes $135.00 $130.00 N July 1, 2010 High Five (NEW) One Day - 7 hour class $62.00 $62.00 N No Increase Adult Programs Art Ten - 2 hour classes $77.14 $77.87 Y August 1, 2010 Art - Acrylics Five - 3 hour classes $71.43 $71.68 Y August 1, 2010 Adult Guitar Eight - 1 hour classes $60.95 $61.06 Y August 1, 2010 Ballroom Dance Ten - 2 hour classes $88.57 $88.57 Y No Increase Bellydance Twelve - 1 hour classes $72.38 $72.57 Y August 1, 2010 Scrapbooking One - 2 hour class $25.71 $25.71 Y No Increase Spanish, Beginner/Int. Ten - 2 hour classes $73.33 $73.45 Y August 1, 2010 Photography, Beginner Six - 2 hour classes $46.67 $46.90 Y August 1, 2010 Karate Three months - 1 hour classes $83.81 $84.07 Y August 1, 2010 Skating Twelve -45 minute classes $83.81 $84.07 Y August 1, 2010 Men's Power Hour Twelve - 1 hour classes $42.86 $43.36 Y August 1, 2010 Badminton Twelve - 1.5 hour classes $64.76 $64.60 Y August 1, 2010 Volleyball, Competitive Ten - 2 hour classes $68.57 $69.03 Y August 1, 2010 Volleyball, Recreation Twelve - 1.5 hour classes $61.90 $61.95 Y August 1, 2010 Older Adult Programs Line Dancing Twelve - 1 hour classes $29.52 $30.97 Y July 1, 2010 Latin Line Dancing Twelve - 1 hour classes $29.52 $30.97 Y July 1, 2010 Art (Beg. & Adv.) Twelve - 2 hour classes $49.29 $49.56 Y July 1, 2010 Belly Dance Twelve - 1 hour classes $29.52 $30.97 Y July 1, 2010 Hawaiian Dance Ten - 1 hour classes $29.52 $26.55 Y April 1, 2010 Clog Dancing Ten - 1 hour classes $29.52 $26.55 Y April 1, 2010 Museum Programs Bread Making One - 2.5 hour class $30.48 $31.86 Y August 1, 2010 Kids in the Village Summer Craft & One - 2 hour class $4.76 $4.87 Y June 1, 2010 Games Program Light Tea NE $6.19 Y May 1, 2010 Chocolate Tea One - 2 hour class $28.57 $26.55 Y May 1, 2010 Jane Austen Tea One - 2 hour class $28.57 $26.55 Y May 1, 2010 Strawberry Social (NEW) One - 2 hour class $28.57 $26.55 Y May 1, 2010 Victorian Tea One - 2 hour class $28.57 $26.55 Y May 1, 2010 Christmas Craft Club Combo Four - 2 hour classes $44.25 $46.02 Y August 1, 2010 Christmas Kick Start-- Four - 2 hour classes $63.72 $66.37 Y August 1, 2010 Mother's Day Tea One - 1.5 hour sitting $17.14 $17.70 Y April 1, 2010 Summer Solstice Suppers One - 3 hour class (weeknight) $44.29 $46.02 Y June 1, 2010 P.A. Day Heritage Camp One - 6.25 hour class $30.48 $37.17 Y August 1, 2010 No Increase Camps No Increase March Break Camp No Increase Extend a Camp 5 Days $63.00 $65.00 N November 1, 2010 Full Day Program 5 Days $158.00 $164.00 N November 1, 2010 Half Day Camp 5 Days $82.00 $85.00 N November 1, 2010 Museum Pioneer Camp 5 days $158.00 $164.00 N March 1, 2011 Pioneer Camp 9 days $261.00 $280.00 N March 1, 2011 Pioneer Camp 10 days $300.00 $311.00 N March 1, 2011 Pioneer French Camp 5 days $158.00 $164.00 N March 1, 2011 Pioneer French Camp 10 days $300.00 $311.00 N March 1, 2011 I Culture & Recreation Division 66 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excludinq Applicable Effective Date GST (GST) YI /N) Summer Camps - Adventure/Art/Sports Full Day Program 5 Days $158.00 $164.00 N March 1, 2011 9 Days $270.00 $280.00 N March 1, 2011 10 Days $300.00 $311.00 N March 1, 2011 Act One Drama Club (NEW) $170.00 $170.00 N No Increase Youth Camps (Arts & Sports) $165.00 $165.00 N No Increase Skateboard Camp (NEW) $150.00 $155.00 N July 1, 2010 Camp Mini Pidaca Half Day Program 5 Days $82.00 $85.00 N March 1, 2011 9 Days $136.00 $141.00 N March 1, 2011 10 days $158.00 $164.00 N March 1, 2011 Extend-a-Camp 5 Days $63.00 $65.00 N March 1, 2011 9 Days $110.00 $114.00 N March 1, 2011 10 Days $119.00 $124.00 N March 1, 2011 Mad Science Camp FULL Day Program 5 Days $195.00 $195.00 N No Increase Memberships: Pickering Recreation Complex * Pre Expansion Memberships * Health Club Adult, full Annual $463.05 $463.05 Y No Increase Seasonal $207.52 $207.52 Y No Increase Adult, daytime Annual $364.74 $378.42 Y September 1, 2010 Seasonal $145.61 $151.07 Y September 1, 2010 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $416.75 $416.75 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $393.59 $393.59 Y No Increase Adult, daytime, corporate Annual, under 15 members $312.63 $324.35 Y September 1, 2010 Annual, over 15 members $295.27 $306.84 Y September 1, 2010 Youth Annual $188.39 $188.39 Y No Increase Seasonal $102.41 $102.41 Y No Increase Student Annual $250.00 $250.00 Y No Increase Seasonal $125.00 $125.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $796.07 $796.07 Y No Increase *Squash Adult Full, Annual $571.72 $571.72 Y No Increase Full, Seasonal $245.90 $245.90 Y No Increase Adult Daytime, Annual $426.90 $442.91 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, Seasonal $177.34 $183.99 Y September 1, 2010 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $495.50 $495.50 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $470.69 $470.69 Y No Increase Adult, daytime, corporate Annual, under 15 members $371.45 $385.38 Y September 1, 2010 Annual, over 15 members $336.71 $349.34 Y September 1, 2010 Youth Annual $208.28 $208.28 Y No Increase Seasonal $100.26 $100.26 Y No Increase Student Annual $300.00 $300.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $993.32 $993.32 Y No Increase * Racquetball Adult Full, Annual $467.80 $467.80 Y No Increase Full, Seasonal $195.74 $195.74 Y No Increase Adult Daytime, Annual $368.65 $382.47 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, Seasonal $146.49 $151.98 Y September 1, 2010 1 6 7 Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) Y( /N) Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $420.90' $420.90 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $397.52 $397.52 Y No Increase Adult, daytime, corporate Annual, under 15 members $315.97 $327.82 Y September 1, 2010 Annual, over 15 members $298.42 $309.61 Y September 1, 2010 Youth Annual $208.36 $208.36 Y No Increase Seasonal $100.26 $100.26 Y No Increase Family Annual $898.84 $898.84 Y No Increase * Combination Adult Full, Annual $575.74 $575.74 Y No Increase Full, Seasonal $311.66 $311.66 Y No Increase Adult Daytime, Annual $452.30 $469.26 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, Seasonal $188.04 $195.09 Y September 1, 2010 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $523.41 $523.41 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $497.25 $497.25 Y No Increase Adult, daytime, corporate Annual, under 15 members $374.48 $388.52 Y September 1, 2010 Annual, over 15 members $381.93 $396.25 Y September 1, 2010 Youth Annual $208.37 $208.37 Y No Increase Seasonal $107.29 $107.29 Y No Increase Family Annual $1,054.68 $1,054.68 Y No Increase * Tennis Adult Resident, Full, Annual $491.06 $491.06 Y No Increase Resident, Full, Seasonal $206.75 $206.75 Y No Increase Adult Resident, Daytime, Annual $370.06 $383.94 Y September 1, 2010 Resident, Daytime, Seasonal $147.40 $152.93 Y September 1, 2010 Youth Resident, Annual $218.79 $218.79 Y No Increase Resident, Seasonal $100.26 $100.26 Y No Increase Family Resident, Annual $943.24 $943.24 Y No Increase * Tennis Adult Non-resident, Full, Annual $555.48 $555.48 Y No Increase Non-resident, Full, Seasonal $233.54 $233.54 Y No Increase Adult Non-resident, Daytime, Annual $436.82 $453.20 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident, Daytime, Seasonal $175.03 $181.59 Y September 1, 2010 Youth Non-resident, Annual $242.48 $242.48 Y No Increase Non-resident, Seasonal $106.95 $106.95 Y No Increase Family Non-resident, Annual $1,118.02 $1,118:02 Y No Increase * Golden Adult Full, Annual $1,041.86 $1,041.86 Y No Increase Full, Seasonal $437.58 $437.58 Y No Increase Adult Daytime, Annual $782.18 $811.51 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, Seasonal $313.92 $325.69 Y September 1, 2010 Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $987.55 $987.55 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $935.46 $935.46 Y No Increase Adult, daytime, corporate Annual, under 15 members $670.44 $695.58 Y September 1, 2010 Annual, over 15 members $633.19 $656.94 Y September 1, 2010 Youth Annual $416.73 $416.73 Y No Increase Seasonal $175.02 $175.02 Y No Increase Family Annual $1,999.20 $1,999.20 Y No Increase * Fitness Class Memberships Fitness Memberships Annual $350.00 $359.00 Y September 1, 1010 3-Month $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Culture & Recreation Division 68 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) (Y/N Youth Annual $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $750.00 $750.00 Y No Increase New Expansion Memberships Basic Health Adult, full Annual $463.05 $463.05 Y No Increase Seasonal $207.52 $207.52 Y No Increase Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $416.75 $416.75 Y No Increase j Annual, over 15 members $393.59 $393.59 Y No Increase Youth Annual $188.39 $188.39 Y No Increase Seasonal $102.41 $102.41 Y No Increase Student Annual $250.00 $250.00 Y No Increase Seasonal $125.00 $125.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $796.07 $796.07 Y No Increase Health + Adult Annual $559.00 $559.00 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $251.55 Y April 1, 2010 Adult Corporate $447.20 Y April 1, 2010 Youth Annual $188.37 Y April 1, 2010 Youth Seasonal $102.41 Y April 1, 2010 Family Annual $1,121.09 Y April 1, 2010 Student Annual $250.00 Y April 1, 2010 Student Seasonal $125.00 Y April 1, 2010 Specialty Health Adult Annual $769.00 $769.00 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $346.05 Y April 1, 2010 Adult Corporate $615.20 Y April 1, 2010 Youth Annual $288.39 Y April 1, 2010 Family Annual N/A Student Annual $350.00 Y April 1, 2010 Student Seasonal N/A Basic Squash Adult Full, Annual $571.72 $571.72 Y No Increase Full, Seasonal $245.90 $245.90 Y No Increase Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $495.50 $495.50 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $470.69 $470.69 Y No Increase Youth Annual $208.28 $208.28 Y No Increase Seasonal $100.26 $100.26 Y No Increase Student Annual $300.00 $300.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $993.32 $993.32 Y No Increase Squash + Adult Annual $644.00 $644.00 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $289.80 Y April 1, 2010 Adult Corporate _ $515.20 Y April 1, 2010 Youth Annual $208.28 Y April 1, 2010 Youth Seasonal $100.26 Y April 1, 2010 Family Annual $1,278.42 Y April 1, 2010 Student Annual $300.00 Y April 1, 2010 Student Seasonal $150.00 Y April 1, 2010 Basic Racquetball Adult Full, Annual $467.80 $467.80 Y No Increase Full, Seasonal $195.74 $195.74 Y No Increase i 6 y Culture Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) YY/N) Adult, full, corporate Annual, under 15 members $420.90 $420.90 Y No Increase Annual, over 15 members $397.52 $397.52 Y No Increase Youth Annual $208.36 $208.36 Y No Increase Seasonal $100.26 $100.26 Y No Increase Family Annual $898.84 $898.84 Y No Increase Racquetball + Adult Annual $586.00 $586.00 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $263.70 Y April 1, 2010 Adult Corporate $468.80 Y April 1, 2010 Youth Annual $208.36 Y April 1, 2010 Youth Seasonal $100.26 Y April 1, 2010 Family Annual $1,191.54 Y April 1, 2010 Basic Tennis (Resident) Adult Resident, Full, Annual $491.06 $491.06 Y No Increase Resident, Full, Seasonal $206.75 $206.75 Y No Increase Youth Resident, Annual $218.79 $218.79 Y No Increase Resident, Seasonal $100.26 $100.26 Y No Increase Family Resident, Annual $943.24 $943.24 Y No Increase Tennis + (Resident) Adult Resident, Full, Annual $647.00 $647.00 Y No Increase Resident, Full, Seasonal $291.15 Y April 1, 2010 Resident, Full, Corporate N/A Youth Resident, Annual $218.79 Y April 1, 2010 Resident, Seasonal $100.26 Y April 1, 2010 Family Resident, Annual $1,298.69 Y April 1, 2010 Basic Tennis (Non-Resident) Adult Non-resident, Full, Annual $555.48 $555.48 Y No Increase Non-resident, Full, Seasonal $233.54 $233.54 Y No Increase Youth Non-resident, Annual $242.48 $242.48 Y No Increase Non-resident, Seasonal $106.95 $106.95 Y No Increase Family Non-resident, Annual $1,118.02 $1,118.02 Y No Increase Tennis + (Non-Resident) Adult Non-resident, Full Annual $711.70 Y April 1, 2010 Non-resident, Full , Seasonal $320.27 Y April 1, 2010 Non-resident, Corporate N/A Youth Non-resident, Annual $242.48 Y April 1, 2010 Non-resident, Seasonal $106.95 Y April 1, 2010 Family Non-resident, Annual $143.27 Y April 1, 2010 Golden Adult Annual $1,500.00 $1,500.00 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $675.00 Y April 1, 2010 Adult Corporate $1,200.00 Y April 1, 2010 Youth Annual $416.73 Y April 1, 2010 Youth Seasonal $175.02 Y April 1, 2010 Family Annual $2,875.10 Y April 1, 2010 Fitness Class Memberships Basic Fitness Adult Annual $359.00 $359.00 Y No Increase Adult 3-Month $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Youth Annual $150.00 $150.00 Y No Increase Family Annual $750.00 $750.00 Y No Increase Culture & Recreation Division 70 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) (YIN) Specialty Fitness Adult Annual $559.00 $559.00 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $251.55 $251.55 Y No Increase Memberships: Pickering Rec. Complex and Dunbarton Indoor Pool Aquatic Memberships Adult Annual $157.31 $157.31 Y No Increase Family Annual $297.63 $297.63 Y No Increase Youth/Disabled/Senior Annual $113.39 $113.39 Y No Increase Adult Seasonal $69.53 $69.53 Y No Increase Family Seasonal $111.61 $111.61 Y No Increase Youth/Disabled/Senior Seasonal $48.19 $48.19. Y No Increase Pickering Museum Village Membership Season, Family $47.62 $47.97 Y July 1, 2010 Pre-teen Dance Membership Surcharge $8.25 $8.25 N No Increase Admissions & Passes Combatants Room Our Special Place Single Admission $4.25 $4.50 Y April 1, 2010 Fitness Admissions Fitness Class - Basic Single Admission $8.19 $8.19 Y No Increase Fitness Class - Basic Five-Pass $40.95 $40.95 Y No Increase Fitness Class - Specialty Single Admission (NEW) $12.00 Y January 1, 2010 Fitness Class - Specialty Five-Pass (NEW) $60.00 Y January 1, 2010 Fitness Room Single Admission $11.68 $11.68 Y No Increase Fitness Room Five-Pass $58.40 $58.40 Y No Increase Fitness Room Ten-Pass $116.80 $116.80 Y No Increase Arena Admissions Public Skating Single Admission - Youth $2.86 $2.86 Y No Increase Ten-Pass - Youth $22.86 $22.86 Y No Increase Single Admission -Adult $3.81 $3.81 Y No Increase Ten Pass - Adult $30.48 $30.48 Y No Increase Family Pass $9.52 $9.52 Y No Increase Family 10 - Pass $47.62 $47.62 Y No Increase Parent & Tot Single Adult Admission $1.90 $1.90 Y No Increase Senior Skate Single Admission $0.95 $0.95 Y No Increase Shinny Single Admission $4.76 $4.76 Y No Increase 20- Pass $76.19 $76.19 Y No Increase Special Promotion (Toonie Skate) (Family Day Skate & Saturdays) Youth Single $1.90 $1.90 Y No Increase Family Single $4.76 $4.76 Y No Increase Racquet Sports Admissions Squash/Racquetball Prime Time $12.87 $13.35 Y September 1, 2010 Non-Prime-Time $10.37 $6.76 Y September 1, 2010 Tennis Prime Time $30.30 $31.44 Y September 1, 2010 ` Non-Prime-Time $23.81 $24.70 Y September 1, 2010 . Family Day Activity Passport $9.52 $9.52 Y No Increase Swimming Admissions Youth/Senior/Disabled Single Admission $2.23 $2.23 Y No Increase Youth/Senior/Disabled Ten-pass $18.87 $18.87 Y No Increase 1 7 1 Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) Yj /N) Adult Single $3.22 $3.22 Y No Increase Adult Ten-pass $28.31 $28.31 Y No Increase Family Single $6.44 $6.44 Y No Increase Family Ten-pass $55.66 $55.66 Y No Increase Youth -ADD ages 4 & 5 to Youth Prices $2.23 $2.23 Y No Increase Special Promotion (Toonie Swims) (Family Day Swim & Saturdays) Youth Single $1.90 $1.90 Y No Increase Family Single $4.76 $4.76 Y No Increase Museum Admissions Adults Single Admission $4.76 $4.87 Y May 1, 2010 Student/Senior Single Admission $3.81 $3.98 Y May 1, 2010 Children Single Admission $2.86 $3.09 Y May 1, 2010 Family Single Admission $14.29 $14.60 Y May 1, 2010 School Tours - Basic Half day, per student $6.43 $6.64 Y April 1, 2010 School Tours - Christmas in the Village Half day, per student $7.14 $7.52 Y April 1, 2010 School Tours - School Days Half day, per student $6.43 $6.64 Y April 1, 2010 School Tours - Stencilling Half day, per student $6.67 $7.08 Y April 1, 2010 School Tours - Wonderful Wool Half day, per student $6.43 $6.64 Y April 1, 2010 School Tours - Candlemaking Full day, per student $11.43 $11.50 Y April 1, 2010 School Tours - Dairy Day Full day, per student $10.95 $11.06 Y April 1, 2010 School Tours - Weaving Full day, per student $11.67 $11.95 Y April 1, 2010 Multi Day Tours 2 days, per student/day $12.38 $12.39 Y April 1, 2010 School Tours - Conflict and Change Full day, per student $10.48 $10.62 Y April 1, 2010 School Tours - Wordsmiths Full day, per student $10.48 $10.62 Y April 1, 2010 School Tours - Toys, Games and Leisure Activities Full day, per student $10.48 $10.62 Y April.1, 2010 School Tours - Stencilling Full day, per student $10.48 $10.62 Y April 1, 2010 School Tours - Blacksmithin Full day, per student $12.38 $13.27 Y Aril 1 2010 Rental Fees: Pickering Rec. Complex and Don Beer Arena Ice Rental Rates Pickering Youth Affiliate Prime time $157.14 $160.28 Y December 1, 2010 Non-Prime time $118.09 $120.45 Y December 1, 2010 Adults & Residents Affiliate Prime time $176.19 $179.71 Y December 1, 2010 Non-Prime time $133.33 $135.99 Y December 1, 2010 Commercial & Non-Resident Prime time $195.24 $199.14 Y December 1, 2010 Non-Prime time $157.14 $160.28 Y December 1, 2010 Elementary Schools Prime Time $157.14 $160.28 Y December 1, 2010 Non-Prime Time $70.48 $71.89 Y December 1, 2010 High School/Industrial Prime time $176.19 $179.71 Y December 1, 2010 Non-Prime time $102.86 $104.92 Y December 1, 2010 Summer Ice Prime Time $195.24 $199.14 Y December 1, 2010 Pad Rental Leagues Hourly Rate $70.48 $71.89 Y December 1, 2010 General Flat Rate, Full Day $1,574.76 $1,666.26. Y December 1, 2010 General Hourly $75.71 $77.22 Y December 1, 2010 Pickering Museum Village Schoolhouse (rentals available year round) Resident Flat Rate, whole day $404.76 $407.08 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Flat Rate, whole day $485.71 $486.73 Y July 1, 2010 Resident Hourly rate $142.86 $146.02 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Hourly rate $171.43 $172.57 Y July 1, 2010 Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $271.43 $274.34 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $323.81 $327.43 Y July 1, 2010 Daytime Business, Resident Flat Rate, business hours $247.62 $247.79 Y July 1, 2010 Daytime Business, Non-Resident Flat Rate, business hours $304.76 $305.31 Y July 1, 2010 Culture & Recreation Division 2 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST (GST) Y( /N) Community Group Flat Rate, max. 4 hours $114.29 $115.04 Y July 1, 2010 Chapel (rentals available from April to October, before dusk) Resident Hourly rate $152.38 $154.87 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Hourly rate $182.86 $185.84 Y July 1, 2010 Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $271.43 $274.34 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $323.81 $327.43 Y July 1, 2010 Odd Fellows Hall (rentals available from April to October, before dusk) - Resident Flat Rate, whole day $404.76. $407.08 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Flat Rate, whole day $485.71 $486.73 Y July 1, 2010 Resident Hourly rate $104.76 $106.19 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident. Hourly rate $123.81 $123.89 Y July 1, 2010 Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $190.48 $194.69 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $228.57 $230.09 Y July 1, 2010 Community Group Flat Rate, max. 4 hours $114.29 $115.04 Y July 1, 2010 Bandstand (rentals available from April to October, before dusk) Resident Hourly rate $133.33 $137.17 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Hourly rate $160.00 $163.72 Y July 1, 2010 Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $247.62 $247.79 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $295.24 $296.46 Y July 1, 2010 Grounds for Photos (rentals available from April to October, before dusk) Resident Hourly rate $52.38 $53.10 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Hourly rate $61.90 $61.95 Y July 1, 2010 Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $90.48 $92.92 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $109.52 $110.62 Y July 1, 2010 Daytime Business, Resident Flat Rate, business hours $285.71 $287.61 Y July 1, 2010 Daytime Business, Non-Resident Flat Rate, business hours $342.86. $345.13 Y July 1, 2010 Community Group Flat Rate, max. 4 hours $113.29 $115.04 Y July 1, 2010 Grounds for Picnics/Social Gatherings (rentals available from April to Resident Flat Rate, whole day $404.76 $407.08 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Flat Rate, whole day $485.71 $486.73 Y July 1, 2010 Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $90.48 $92.92 Y July 1, 2010 Redman House (rentals available from April to October, before dusk) Resident Flat Rate, whole day $290.48 $292.04 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Flat Rate, whole day $347.62 $353.98 Y July 1, 2010 Resident Hourly rate $57.14 $57.52 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Hourly rate $71.43 $75.22 Y July 1, 2010 Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $90.48 $92.92 Y July 1, 2010 Non-Resident Flat Rate, 2 hours day of rental $109.52 $110.62 Y July 1, 2010 Daytime Business, Resident Flat Rate, business hours $190.48 $194.69 Y July 1, 2010 Daytime Business, Non-Resident Flat Rate, business hours $228.57 $230.09 Y July 1, 2010 Community Group Flat Rate, max. 4 hours $114.29 $115.04 Y July 1, 2010 Chairs (up to 100 chairs) per chair $1.33 $1.33 Y July 1, 2010 PMV Education Kits one week rental $23.81 $26.55 Y July 1, 2010 Pickering Rec. Complex & Dunbarton Indoor Pool Pool Rentals Private Rental - Rec Complex Hourly, max 19 (RC) $96.66 $100.28 Y August 1, 2010 Private Rental - Dunbarton Pool Hourly, max 19 (DIP) $81.92 $85.00 Y August 1, 2010 Private Rental - Rec Complex Hourly, max 50 (RC) $117.47 $121.88 Y August 1, 2010 Private Rental Hourly, max 50 DIP $97.89 $104.73 Y August 1 2010 Synchronized Pool Rental Hourly, non rime DIP $64.41 $67.63 Y August 1 2010 Pickering Swim Club Hourly, prime time (RC) $61.72 $64.81 Y August 1, 2010 Pickering Swim Club Hourly (DIP) $64.41 $67.63 Y August 1, 2010 Master Swim Program Hourly (DIP) $81.92 $81.92 Y No Increase Extra Lifeguard Hourly $19.73 $19.73 Y No Increase 2 7 3 Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) LiN Instructor Hourly $24.11 $24.11 Y No Increase Board of Education Hourly $53.70 $53.70 Y No Increase Swim Meet Hourly $120.90 $126.95 Y August 1, 2010 Additional Facility Staff for Swim Hourly $41.74 $41.74 Y No Increase Pickering Rec. Complex Facilities Combatants Room Off Court Training Hourly $20.60 $21.37 Y September 1, 2010 Martial Arts Hourly $24.54 $25.46 Y September 1, 2010 Boyz and Giriz Birthday 2 Hours $168.00 $174.30 Y September 1, 2010 After Hour Tennis Rentals Four Courts Hourly rate $91.32 $94.75 Y September 1, 2010 Pool Meeting Room Swim Party Rental Flat rate, 1.5 hours $33.60 $34.86 Y September 1, 2010 Meeting Room 1 Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $149.10 $154.69 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $193.20 $200.45 Y September 1, 2010 Resident Hourly rate $28.35 $29.41 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Hourly rate $40.95 $42.49 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, Business Hours $93.45 $96.95 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate, Business Hours $127.05 $131.81 Y September 1, 2010 Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 hours $29.70 $30.81 Y September 1, 2010 Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $242.55 $251.75 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $330.75 $343.15 Y September 1, 2010 Resident Hourly rate $40.95 $42.48 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Hourly rate $57.75 $59.92 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, Business Hours $127.05 $131.81 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate, Business Hours $170.10 $176.48 Y September 1, 2010 Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $60.50 $62.77 Y September 1, 2010 Meeting Rooms 1, 2 & 3 Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $396.90 $411.78 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $496.65 $515.27 Y September 1, 2010 Resident Hourly rate $60.90 $63.18 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Hourly rate $80.85 $83.88 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, Business Hours $181.65 $188.46 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate, Business Hours $247.80 $257.09 Y September 1, 2010 Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $63.80 $66.19 Y September 1, 2010 New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate, Whole Day $788.55 $818.12 Y September 1, 2010 O'Brien Meeting Room A or B Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $210.00 $217.88 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $264.60 $274.52 Y September 1, 2010 _ Resident Hourly rate $40.95 $42.48 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Hourly rate $60.90 $63.18 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, Business Hours $87.15 $90.41 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate, Business Hours $127.05 $131.81 Y September 1, 2010 Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $35.20 $36.52 Y September 1, 2010 O'Brien Meeting Rooms A & B Resident Flat rate, Whole Day $424.20 $440.10 Y September 1, 2010 21 I Culture & Recreation Division 74 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) Y( /N) Non-resident Flat rate Whole Day $518.70 $538.15 Y September 1, 2010 Resident Hourly rate $80.85 $83.88 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Hourly rate $115.50 $119.83 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, resident Flat rate, Business Hours $181.65 $188.46 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate, Business Hours $254.10 $263.63 Y September 1, 2010 Tournament bookings Flat rate, per day $212.30 $220.26 Y September 1, 2010 Community Group Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $63.80 $66.19 Y September 1, 2010 New Year's Eve Flat rate, Whole Day $840.00 $871.50 Y September 1, 2010 Pickering Rec. Complex East or West Salon Resident Flat rate, Whole Day (Monday - Sunday) $630.00 $630.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day (Monday - Sunday) $819.00 $819.00 Y No Increase Sunday, resident Flat rate, Daytime $378.00 $392.18 Y September 1, 2010 Sunday, non-resident Flat rate, Daytime $473.00 $490.74 Y September 1, 2010 Children's Banquets Flat rate, Max. 4 Hours $121.00 $125.54 Y September 1, 2010 New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate, Whole Day $1,386.00 $1,437.98 Y September 1, 2010 New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day $1,524.60 $1,581.77 Y September 1, 2010 Special Events Musical Flat rate $1,600.83 $1,660.86 Y September 1, 2010 Resident 1/2 Day (NEW) Flat rate, Max. 6 hours $326.82 Y January 1, 2010 Non-resident 112 Day (NEW) Flat rate, Max. 6 hours $424.86 Y January 1, 2010 Pickering Recreation Complex East & West Salons Resident Flat rate, Whole Day (Monday - Sunday) $1,165.00 $1,165.00 Y No Increase. Non-resident Flat rate, Whole Day (Monday - Sunday) $1,418.00 $1,514.50 Y June 1, 2010 Sunday, resident Flat rate (Daytime) $709.00 $735.59 Y September 1, 2010 Sunday, non-resident Flat rate (Daytime) $866.00 $898.48 Y September 1, 2010 New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $2,100.00 $2,178.75 Y September 1, 2010 New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate $2,310.00 $2,396.63 Y September 1, 2010 Special Events Musical Flat rate $1,600.83 $1,660.86 Y September 1, 2010 Deposit $500.00 $518.75 Y September 1, 2010 Resident 1/2 Day (NEW) Flat rate, Max. 6 hours $604.35 Y January 1, 2010 Non-resident 1/2 Day (NEW Flat rate, Max. 6 hours $735.59 Y January 1, 2010 Petticoat Creek Community Centre Paris or Franklin Meeting Room Resident Flat rate $347.00 $360.00 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Flat rate $525.00 $544.69 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, resident Flat rate $89.00 $92.34 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate $121.00 $125.54 Y September 1, 2010 Community Group Flat rate $28.00 $29.05 Y September 1, 2010 Resident Hourly rate $44.00 $45.65 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Hourly rate $77.00 $79.89 Y September 1, 2010 Paris & Franklin Meeting Rooms Resident Flat rate $630.00 $653.63 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Flat rate $820.00 $850.75 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, resident Flat rate $165.00 $171.19 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate $249.00 $258.34 Y September 1, 2010 Community Group Flat rate $28.00 $29.05 Y September 1, 2010 Resident Hourly rate $77.00 $79.89 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Hourly rate $110.00 $114.12 Y September 1, 2010 New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $1,273.65 $1,321.41 Y September 1, 2010 Children's Banquets, resident Flat rate $121.00 $125.54 Y September 1, 2010 22 7 5 Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) YY/N) Don Beer Banquet Hall Resident Flat rate $473.00 $490.74 Y September 1, 2010 Non-resident Flat rate $578.00 $599.68 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, resident Flat rate $165.00 $171.19 Y September 1, 2010 Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate $232.00 $240.70 Y September 1, 2010 Sunday to Thursday, resident Hourly rate $50.00 $50.00 Y No Increase Sunday to Thursday, non-resident Hourly rate $55.00 $55.00 Y No Increase Sunday, resident Flat rate (Daytime) $347.00 $347.00 Y No Increase Sunday, non-resident Flat rate (Daytime) $473.00 $473.00 Y No Increase Children's Banquets, resident Flat rate $121.00 $121.00 Y No Increase Tournament Rate Flat, daily, Don Beer only $236.50 $236.50 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $946.00 $946.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate $1,156.00 $1,156.00 Y No Increase West Shore Community Centre Resident Flat rate $630.00 $630.00 Y No Increase Non-resident Flat rate. $820.00 $820.00 Y No Increase Daytime, business, resident Flat rate $165.00 $165.00 Y No Increase Daytime, business, non-resident Flat rate $249.00 $249.00 Y No Increase Sunday to Thursday, resident Hourly rate $77.00 $77.00 Y No Increase Sunday to Thursday, non-resident Hourly rate $110.00 $110.00 Y No Increase Friday, resident Flat rate $472.00 $472.00 Y No Increase Friday, non-resident Flat rate $615.00 $615.00 Y No Increase Children's Banquets, resident Flat rate .$121.00 $121.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $1,273.65 $1,273.65 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate $1,542.60 $1,542.60 Y No Increase East Shore Community Centre Rentals Room 2 or Room4.- Meeting Resident Hourly $28.35 $29.31 Y September 1, 2010 Non-Resident Hourly $40.95 $42.49 Y September 1, 2010 Gymnasium - Meeting/Sports Resident Hourly $36.75 $38.75 Y September 1, 2010 Non-Resident Hourly $47.25 $49.75 Y September 1, 2010 Room 2 and Room 4 - Social Resident Flat rate $220.00 $231.00 Y September 1, 2010 Non-Resident Flat rate $300.00 $315.00 Y September 1, 2010 New Years Eve - Resident Flat rate $440.00 $462.00 Y September 1, 2010 New Years Eve - Non-Resident Flat rate $605.00 $636.00 Y September 1, 2010 Gymnasium- Social Resident Flat rate $473.00 $490.74 Y September 1, 2010 Non-Resident Flat rate $578.00 $599.68 Y September 1, 2010 New Year's Eve, resident Flat rate $946.00 $946.00 Y No Increase New Year's Eve, non-resident Flat rate $1,156.00 $1,156.00 Y No Increase Community Room Daily Flat rate $288.75 $303.25 Y September 1, 2010 Meeting - Resident Hourly $31.50 $33.25 Y September 1, 2010 Meeting - Non-Resident Hourly $42.00 $44.25 Y September 1, 2010 Social - Resident Hourly $52.50 $55.25 Y September 1, 2010 Social - Non-Resident Hourly $63.00 $66.25 Y September 1, 2010 3 Culture & Recreation Division 76 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST) (GST) YY/N Rental Extra Fees Listing Community Groups 12 bookings $121.00 $121.00 Y No Increase Administration Fee $35.00 $35.00 Y No Increase Maintenance Fee Hourly $28.03 $28.03 Y No Increase Damage/Security Deposit $200.00 $200.00 Y No Increase Damage/Security Deposit (Jack & $500.00 $500.00 Y No Increase Performing Rights tariff Without Dancing-Banquet Hall Flat Rate 61.69 $61.69 Y No Increase Performing Rights Tariff - Without dancing West salon, East Salon, Don Beer, O'Brien Rooms, Westshore Community Centre Flat Rate $29.56 $29.56 Y No Increase Performing Rights Tariff - Without dancing O'Brien Room A O, Brien Room B, East Shore Community Centre, Community Room, Petticoat Creek Paris Room, Petticoat Creek - Franklin Room Flat Rate $20.56 $20.56 Y No Increase Performing Rights Tariff-With Dancing Banquet Hall Flat Rate $123.38 $123.38 Y No Increase Performing Rights Tariff-With Dancing West salon, East Salon, Don Beer, O'Brien Rooms, Westshore Community Flat Rate $59.17 $59.17 Y No Increase Performing Rights Tariff-With Dancing O'Brien Room A, O'Brien Room B, East Shore Community Centre Centre, Community Room, Petticoat Creek Paris Room, Petticoat Creek - Franklin Room Flat Rate $41.13 $41.13 Y No Increase Events Pre-teen Dance Single Admission $6.90 $7.08 Y August 1, 2010 Poinsettia Tea Single Admission $4.72 $4.87 Y July 1, 2010 Big Band Single. Admission $4.76 $4.87 Y July 1, 2010 Big Band (Seniors Month) Single Admission $2.86 $4.87 Y July 1, 2010 Museum Events Adults $5.71 $5.75 Y July 1, 2010 Museum Events Students/Seniors $4.76 $4.87 Y July 1, 2010 Museum Events Children $3.81 $3.98 Y July 1, 2010 Museum Event Family $17.14 $17.70 Y July 1, 2010 A Spirit Walk Single Admission $14.29 $14.60 Y July 1, 2010 A Spirit Walk Student Performance $7.14 $7.52 Y July 1, 2010 Miscellaneous Replacement Access Card $9.43 $9.43 Y No Increase Museum Filming/Photo Shoots Set Dressing & Clean Up, Hourly $70.75 $70.75 Y No Increase Museum Filming/Photo Shoots Shooting Time, Hourly $141.51 $141.51 Y No Increase Kindergym Birthday Parties $109.52 $113.27 Y August 1, 2010 Creative Play Birthday Parties $136.19 $141.59 Y August 1, 2010 Heritage Birthday Parties (NEW) 12 children $161.91 $163.72 Y July 1, 2010 Mystery Parties (NEW) 12 children $161.91 $163.72 Y July 1, 2010 Tea Parties (NEW) 12 children $161.91 $163.72 Y July 1, 2010 Program Administration Fee GST will be added to applicable programs $9.43 $9.43 Y No Increase Membership Administration Fee $35.00 $35.00 Y No Increase NSF Charge Per cheque $40.00 $40.00 N No Increase Additional Receipt Charge Per Family $4.72 $4.72 Y No Increase Culture & Recreation Division Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding Excluding Applicable Effective Date GST (GST) YLIN) Marketing Promotions City Brochure Advertising Full page $620.00 $638.60 Y March 1, 2010 Half page $440.00 $453.20 Y March 1, 2010 * Classes may vary from 5 to 15 weeks Classes may vary from 5 to 15 weeks. Single class participation is available Must also provide completed criteria listing prior to confirmation New Cam Fees effective March 2010 bolded . I Fire Services 7 8 Current Fee Proposed Fee GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge (Excluding GST) (Excluding GST) Applicable Effective Date (YIN) Multi-Residential Inspection $125 $125 N No Increase Legal Inspection. (Generally requests from legal firms) 125 125 N No Increase File Searches (Searches from our existing filing network). 125 125 N No Increase Sales of Supra Key Boxes small $80 small $80 N No Increase large $125 large $125 N No Increase Malicious False Alarms $350 $350 N No Increase Garbage container Fires 350 $350 N No Increase Occupancy load Inspection $125 $125 N No Increase Commercial Inspections $125 $125 N No Increase Industrial Inspections $125 $125 N No Increase Day Care Inspections $125 $125 N No Increase Standby for movie shoots Actual Costs Actual Costs N No Increase Fuel tank inspections $125 $125 N No Increase Fire Display Inspections $125 $125 N No Increase Federal Property $300 $300 N No Increase **Canadian Pacific Railway Lands for Fire Services Actual Costs Actual Costs N No Increase LLBO Permits $125 $125 N No Increase False Alarm Penalty and/or due to failure to maintain a fire alarm system or emergency system, per fire vehicles $350 $350 N No Increase dispatched Fire truck on scene of a motor vehicle accident and/or fire $350 $350 N No Increase for non resident MTO Rates Request for reimbursement for railway company for costs for overtime vehicles and staff I 26 Planning & Development 79 GST Proposed Fee User Fee or Charge Current Fee (Excl. GST) Proposed Fee (Excl. GST) Applicable Effective Date /N These fees are imposed under the authority of the Planning Act , R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 Development Control Curb Cut - new development on roads not Min charge $207.00 (5.3m or Min charge $207.00 (5.3m or Y No Increase assumed by municipality and now less) less) entrances with building permit and/or development applications $39.00/m (5.3m plus) $39.00/m (5.3m plus) Y No Increase Municipal Consent Fee $300/application $300/application N No Increase Curb Infill $175.00/m $175.00/m Y No Increase Sidewalk Repair $230.00/m $230.001m Y No Increase Pre-installed Storm Sewer Connection Contract cost + admin fee Contract cost + admin fee Y No Increase Fill/Topsoil Permit One Year Permit $500 + $1000/hectare to a $500 + $1000/hectare to a N No Increase max $4500 max $4500 One Year Extension $500 $500 N No Increase Newspaper Box Pad Permit Application $50/box $50/box N No Increase Newspaper Box Installation $250-$500 $250-$500 N No Increase Newspaper Box Annual Maintenance $15/box $15/box N No Increase Road Cleaning Contract cost + 15% Contract cost + 15% Y No Increase Damage Deposits Pool $500 $500 N No Increase Water/Sewer Connection $500 $500 N No Increase Residential Building Permit-Rural $1,500 $1,500 N No Increase Residential Building Permit-Urban $2,000 $2,000 N No Increase Commercial Building $2000-$5000 $2000-$5000 N No Increase Residential Development Review Fee $50/unit $50/unit N No Increase Storm Water Maintenance Fee $1600/hectare $1600/hectare N No Increase Development Inspection Fee Based on total cost of works Based on total cost of works N No Increase < $500,000 = 4.5% < $500,000 = 4.5% N $500,00041 mil = 4% $500,00041 mil = 4% N > $1 million = 3.5% > $1 million = 3.5% N Pool Enclosure Permit $150.00 $150.00 N No Increase Planning Documents Pickering Official Plan $150 $150 N No Increase Official Plan Compendium $50 $50 N No Increase Development Guidelines $5-$10 $5-$10 N No Increase Special Studies $10-$20 $10-$20 N No Increase Zoning By-laws $5410 each $5410 each N No Increase Summary Residential Applications $20 $20 N No Increase Mapping $5-$25 $5-$25 N No Increase Address Booklet $25-$50 $25-$50 N No Increase Fiche Prints Price Varies Price Varies N No Increase Special Mapping Requests $46.73/hr $46.73/hr Y No Increase Photocopies - 6 or more pages $.50 each $.50 each Y No Increase Planning Applications Minor Variance Accessory Structure $200 $200 N No Increase Existing Building $350 $350 N No Increase Vacant Land $1,500 $1,500 N No.increase Application Tabling $200 $200 N No Increase Special Meeting $750 $750 N No Increase ~8 Planning & Development 80 Zoning By-law -Amendment $5,000 $5,000 N. No Increase Zoning By-law - Recirculation $500 $500 N No Increase Oak Ridges Moraine Premium $500 $500 N No Increase Zoning By-law - Removal of Holding $2,225 $2,225 N No Increase Zoning By-law - Extension of Temporary Use $2,225 $2,225 N No Increase By-law Minister Zoning Order Amendment Minor $1,000 $1,000 N No Increase Major $1,600 $1,600 N No Increase Pickering Official Plan -Amendment $8,000 $8,000 N No Increase Pickering Official Plan - Recirculation $500 $500 N No Increase Oak Ridges Moraine Premium $500 $500 N No Increase Regional Official Plan-Amendment $5,000 $5,000 N No Increase (not part of a Pickering OPA) Land Division Comments $700 $700 N No Increase Clearance of Conditions $300 $300 N No Increase Development Guideline Amendment to Neighbourhood Development Guideline $0 $350 N April 1, 2010 Draft Plan of Subdivision Base Fee $10,000 $10,000 N No Increase Per Unit Fee $135 $135 N No Increase Agreement Fee $3,000 $3,000 Y No Increase Approval Package Fee (Release to Registry $500 $500 Y No Increase Office) Assumption Package Fee $1,000 $1,000 Y No Increase Clearance Release Fee $1,000 $1,000 N No Increase Recirculation $500 $500 N No Increase Amending Subdivision - Major $1,200 $1,200 Y No Increase Amending Subdivision - Minor $400 $400 Y No Increase Draft Plan of Condominium $6,500 $6,500 N No Increase Recirculation $500 $500 N No Increase Clearance Release Fee $1,000 $1,000 N No Increase Approval Package Fee (Release to Registry Office) - Traditional Condominium $500 $500 Y No Increase - Common Element Condominium $1,000 $1,000 Y No Increase Conversion $1,000 $1,000 N No Increase Revisions to a Draft Approved Plan $1,000 $1,000 N No Increase (Red Line Revisions) Planning Applications Site Plan Residential $2500 + $175 per dwelling unit $2500 + $175 per dwelling N No Increase unit Commercial $2500 + $850 for each $2500 + $850 for each N No Increase 2,000mz 2,000m2 Industrial $2500 + $500 for each 2000m2 $2500 + $500 for each N No Increase .2000mz Minor Revision $750 $750 N No Increase Major Revision $2,500 $2,500 N No Increase Clearance $250 $250 N No Increase Minor Revision to Approved Condo Site Plan $50 $50 N No Increase (by unit owner Le. decks, sheds, fences Agreement Fee (Standard Form) $900 $900 Y No Increase Agreement Fee (Custom Form) $1,500 $1,500 Y No Increase Amending Site Plan Agreement $400 $400 Y No Increase Part Lot Control By-law Base Fee $500 $500 Y No Increase Per Unit Fee $25 $25 N No Increase Secondary Processing Fee $100 $100 Y No Increase 8 $ Planning & Development Building Permit Fees These fees are imposed under the authority of the Building Code Act , 1992, C.23 Demolition Permit $10/each 100m 2 of $10/each 100m 2 of N No Increase floor area min $50 floor area min $50 Conditional Permit Appl. Permit Fee + 10% of Appl. Permit N April 1, 2010 $1,000 Fee to a max of $2500 in addition to applicable fee Change of Use Permit $200 $200 N No Increase Occupancy Permit for Unfinished Building $100 $100 N No Increase Equivalent Authorization $100 $100 N No Increase Resubmission of Incomplete Application 25% of Application Fee 25% of Application Fee N No Increase Revision to Permit $50 $100 N April 1, 2010 Transfer of Permit $50 $100 N April 1, 2010 Re-examination Change in House Model $300 + fee prescribed $300 + fee prescribed N No Increase in Part B for any in Part B for any additional area additional area Re-examination Other Than Above 10% of applicable permit fee to 10% of applicable permit fee N No Increase a max of $1000 to a max of $1000 Additional Inspection $100 $100 N No Increase Building Permit Fee Min Fee $50 $100 N April 1, 2010 Assembly Occupancies $12/each m2 of floor area $12/each m2 of floor area N No Increase Institutional Occupancies $14/each m2 of floor area $14/each m2 of floor area N No Increase Residential Occupancies $9/each m2 of floor area $10/each m2 of floor area N April 1, 2010 Business & Personal Service $8/each m2 of floor area $8/each m2 of floor area N No Increase (single storey) Business & Personal Services $10/each m2 of floor area $10/each m2 of floor area N No Increase (multiple storey) Farm & Unserviced Storage Buildings $3/each m2 of floor area $3.50/each m2 of floor area N April 1, 2010 Parking Garages $4/each m2 of floor area Industrial occupancies to N April 1, 2010 include parking garages (see below) Industrial Occupancies $5.50/each m2 of floor area $6/each m2 of floor area N April 1, 2010 Interior Partitioning & Finishing $2/each m2 of floor area $2/each m2 of floor area N No Increase Minor Residential Structures and $50 $100 N April 1, 2010 Alterations Temporary Tents $100 $100 N No Increase Temporary Sales Centres $100 $1,000 N April 1, 2010 Minor Non-Residential Structures $100 $200 N April 1, 2010 Alterations, Building and Structures $10/each $1000 of $10/each $1000 of N No Increase Not Provided Above construction value construction value Building permit fees are required to meet the City costs to administer and enforce the Building Code Act. No changes to building permit fees have been made since 2005. The direct and indirect City costs to administer and enforce the Act exceeded the total fees collected in 2009 and previous years. Accordingly, the City's building permit fees are being adjusted to address this shortfall. Building permit fee amounts will not exceed the anticipated reasonable City costs to administer and enforce the Act following implementation of the changes in this schedule Agreements, By-laws & Processes License Letter $50 $50 Y No Increase Development- Major $3,000 $3,500 Y April 1, 2010 Development- Minor $1,000 $1,000 Y No Increase Development - Amendment - Major $1,200 $1,200 Y No Increase Development - Amendment - Minor $400 $400 Y No Increase Combined Site Plan/Development $3,000 $3,500 Y April 1, 2010 Agreement Assumption Package Fee - Major $1,000 $1,000 Y No Increase Assumption Package Fee - Minor $500 $500 Y No Increase Model Home Agreement $750 $750 Y No Increase Right of Re-entry Letters $150 $150 Y No Increase 29 Planning & Development 82 Road Dedication/Naming By-law Proc. $300 $300 Y No Increase Road Closing Process (Preparation of all $500 $500 Y No Increase documents to stop-up and close i.e. Notices, RTC, By-laws) Transfer of Land/Easements $150 $175 Y April 1, 2010 Miscellaneous Agreements (Road $1,200 $1,200 Y No Increase Im rovements/Servicing, etc. - Major Miscellaneous Agreements (Road $750 $750 Y. No Increase Improvements/Servicing, etc. - Minor Release of Agreements - Development $300 $300 Y No Increase Related Release of Agreements $100 $100 Y No Increase Encroachment/Licence/Miscellaneous Release of Easements (Preparation and $200 $200 Y No Increase processing of By-laws, RTC, Resolutions) Search Fee Process - Per PIN $15 $15 Y No Increase Document Down load-Teraview (Per $5 $5 Y No Increase Document Transfer Release & Abandonment $150 $175 Y April 1, 2010 Administration Fee - Letter of Credit Draw $250 $250 Y No Increase Insurance Per Draw Miscellaneous Reporting/ Disbursement Fees $150 $150 Y No Increase Letter Teraview/Document Review Sign-off $0 $60 Y April 1, 2010 Release of Tax Arrears Certificates $0 $200 Y April 1, 2010 r .8 3 ATTACHMENT #.sLTOREPORT#-a 07-~ U 2010 Current & Capital Budgets A Financial Overview 2011-2014 Executive , Committee March 4, 2010 1 Introduction Current Budget Financial Projection Capital Budget 2 1 84 2010 Budget Process CAO and Department Heads • Budgets development by departments based on Council guidelines. • Reviews conducted by Directors and CAO. • Budget includes no new full time positions. • Capital budget focus is on maintenance of existing infrastructure. 3 Major Discretionary Reductions CAO gave direction that the following accounts be reduced: • Conferences j 36.30% • Publications j 15.71% • Office Supplies j 8.15% • Staff Training j 7.20% • Advertising j 6.80% a 2 85 Lack of Assessment Growth Pickering's Lakeshore Neighbours (through -assessment growth) have built- up financial strength to weather the financial challenges of the current economic environment. 5 City of Pickering Assessment Growth 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% 2003 2005 2007 2009 0Pickering MAjax Senior Government levels hold and control vast land holdings in Pickering over the last 35 years. If Pickering had land available for development, the City would also experience strong assessment growth. 6- 3 I 86 Rate Stabilization Reserve Draws $4,500,000 $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 ii $2,500,000 II $2,000,000 j $1,500,000._.,. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 O Actuals M Budget o Forecast The 2010 draw is at the same level as 2009. Since 2007, the total draw has been $10.8 million. "Lower taxes, improved services simply not consistent" News Advertiser Editorial, February 24, 2010 "Better to introduce incremental increases that are fair enough to ensure roads are plowed and firefighters are equipped with the best tools, than to risk deep cuts and reduced services." 8 4 87 2010 Budgetary Levy 2009 Projection (Spring 2009) 3.5-4.5% First Draft (October 2009) 10.0 =12.0% CAO & Directors Reductions (8.1%) Proposed 2010 City Budget 2.9% Legal Challenges York Durham Sanitary Sewer MOU & Judicial Review 1.0 Proposed 2010 Final Levy 3.9% "Levy is 2.9% + 1.0%" 9 Where Do Your Tax dollars Go? city 27.1% Region LT L K ' > 54.8% School Boards. 18.1% The total tax levy increase for the average Pickering residential tax payer would be 2.2% or approximately $88.65 ($1.70 per week). • Assume School Board is neutral. Based on 2009 average Regional Assessment ($289,400). 10 5 Financial Impact Proposed 2010 Budget Increase City Share Only Cost per 2009 2010 Inc. Week Single Family Home $1,247 $1,286 $39.42. $0.74 Avg. Assess. ($340,750) Semi Detached $875 $902 $26.94 $0.52 Avg. Assess. ($239,000) Residential Condominium $713 $735 $22.00 $0.42 Avg. Assess. ($195,000) 11 How Does Pickering Compare with Other Durham Lakeshore Municipalities Budgetary Property Municipality Inc.% Taxes Pickering (Proposed) 3.90 1,134 Ajax 2.75 1,155 Whitby NA 1,246" Oshawa 0.90 2,164 Clarington 2.97 1,265 The above information was based on the 2009 average Regional assessment ($289,400) multiplied by the corresponding 2010 levy increase. For Whitby , the 2010 levy increase is not known and therefore, 2009 figure is used. 12 6 89 2011 to 2014 Financial Projection 2011 2012 2013 2014 Proforma Proforma Proforma Proforma BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET City Budget 6.9 to 7.9% 4.9 to 5.9% 3.9 to 4.9% 3.4 to 4.4% Aging Infrastructure Levy 1.0% 2.0% 2.5% 2.5% Final Levy 7.9 to 8.9% 6.9 to 7.9% 6.4 to 7.4% 5.9 to 6.9% Excludes any funding for Duffin Heights. The Rate Stabilization Draw is decreased every year. 13 2010 DRAFT CAPITAL BUDGET 14 7 90 Council Investment Decisions 2007 to 2009 During the last three years, Members of Council have demonstrated their commitment to community safety, health and quality of life for Pickering residents through their capital budget decisions. 15 Major Budgeted Capital Projects Recreation Facility Investments 2007 to 2009 Rec Complex Expansion $4,500,000 Don Beer Arena Reno. $2,520,000 Don Beer Pad#2 800,000 3,320,000 Dunbarton Pool 2,500,000 Western Gateway 925,000 Museum Hotel 900,000 Artificial Turf Kinsmen Park 700,000 Pickering Lawn Bowling 500,000 The major Recreation projects totals $13.4 million. 16 8 91 Major Budgeted Capital Projects Fire Services Division 2007 to 2009 Heavy Rescue $1,200,000 Pumper Rescue 850,000 Fire Equipment 487,000 Fire Dispatch Communications 444,000 Major Station Repairs 172,500 The 2010 proposed capital budget includes $750,000 for a pumper. 17 i Major Budgeted Capital Projects Roads Expenditures 2007 to 2009 2007 to 2009 Regular Roads Expenditures $ 4,796,700 2007 to 2009 DC's Develop. Related Expenditures 5,352,565 Sub Total $ 10,149,265 18 9 92 Major Other Capital Projects 2007 to 2009 Duffin Heights Pond#4 2,000,000 Krosno Creek Stormwater Pond 1,750,000 Frenchman's Bay Master Plan 350,000 r 19 Capital Budget Summary 2001 to 2010 $25.000, 000 $20.000,000 E $15.000.000 $10.000.000 c r l t ~ s 6 $5,000M0 / ✓OO~ VOOn VOO~ yOO~ VOO~ VOO~ VOO~ ✓OO~ VOO~ ~O,~O 20 10 93 2010 Significant Green Projects Amberlea Creek Erosion Control $2,730,000 Dehumidification - Rec Complex Arenas 200,000 Roof Replacements 245,000 Energy Efficient Boiler - Civic Complex 102,000 ,Hybrid Vehicles 78,000 Catalytic & Emission Reducer 55,000 Trees (Replacement) 50,000 Total $32460,000 21 For Council's Information Budget report will be going directly to Council for approval at the March 29th meeting. There will be a possibility of up to three tender reports going directly to this meeting. These reports will be asking for Council to approve the awarding of tenders. 22 i 11 94 2010 Federal Budget Today, starting around 4:00 PM, the Honourable Jim Flaherty will be presenting the Federal Government Budget. Anything that pertains to the City as a result of the Federal Government budget announcements or changes will be incorporated and presented directly to Council on March 29th 23 Conclusion The 2010 Budget is a responsible budget that balances the needs of the City within the current economic environment. 1. Maintains Service Levels. 2. Rate Stabilization Draw frozen. 3. Overall low total tax increase 2.2%. 24 12