HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 7, 2010 caq o¢~ Minutes Pickering Advisory Committee i i on Race Relations & Equity PICKERING January 7, 2010 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Steve Holt, Community Appointee Devinder Kaur Panesar, Community Appointee Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Jason Amos, Pine Ridge Secondary School, [YOU]nity Chris Gordon, [YOU]nity Margaret Lazarus, Altona Forest Public School Constable Keith Richards, Durham Regional Police Tanya Taylor, Pickering Public Library Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Raymond George Facey, Community Appointee Alma Sandoval, Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Sylvie Morel-Foster, Durham Catholic District School Board Item / Details &'Discussion ' & Conclusion Action Items/ Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome MC Councillor Pickles welcomed members and guests to the meeting and introductions were made. 2.0 Guests Councillor Pickles informed the Committee that guests were in attendance from William Dunbar Public School to promote their outreach project Destination Imagination. Debra Davis, a teacher at William Dunbar Public School informed the Committee she was the coordinator for Destination Imagination and indicated her attendance tonight was in support of the students. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Students from William Dunbar Public School introduced themselves and provided the committee with an overview of Destination Imagination; • Chose multiculturalism as their outreach project • To raise awareness and acceptance of multiculturalism • Have connected with two schools globally - China and Africa to help raise awareness • Community partners will play a large role The students indicated the Race Relations Committee could possibly assist by; • attending a school assembly • advise on the City's perspective • provide information on statistics relating to multiculturalism • hold events • provide contact information A question and answer period ensued C. Gordon made note of the March break camp which the Race Relations subcommittee [YOU]nity hosts. M. Carpino explained the work of high school students and [YOU]nity. She noted the diversity of Pickering and the involvement of the various groups stating they could also provide very useful M. Carpino to action information. She will forward contact information for these groups as well as statistics on multiculturalism along with a summary of activities. Councillor Pickles noted the essay contest., explaining the format for the evening. He will forward a copy of the publication to the group. He also extended an invitation to the various events hosted by the Race Relations Committee. M. Carpino requested DI provide her with details of the events and the role of the Committee and also to let us know when dates have been set. She noted these events could be posted on our website link. DI will be participating in the Ontario Championship on April 10, 2010 and will be representing Canada at the Global presentation as well. They are the only team in Canada addressing these issues. CORP0228-2/02 Page 2 3.0 Review and "Approval M. Carpino reviewed the agenda action items and the December 3, 2009 minutes were approved. Discussion ensued with respect to requests for proclamations. It was the consensus of the Committee to submit requests for proclamations on an individual basis which would provide more focus on the individual event. It was requested that a list of proclamations to be recognized M. Carpino to action for the upcoming year be available at the next meeting. Councillor Pickles suggested the location of the Mosque on M. Carpino to action- Brock Road for our next meeting or possibly just a tour. Councillor Pickles noted recent media reports about the matter of the scattering of ashes. He also noted that this matter was raised by the Devi Mandir at the Committee tour. Councillor Pickles provided an update noting the Province approved the scattering of ashes on Crown land. This matter has been the subject of some confusion in recent media reports and resident inquiries. Clarification is being sought by the Province and TRCA regarding the scattering of ashes in certain locations including Duffins Creek. The City will review the matter further once it has further information. The Committee asked to be updated 4.0 Durham International Festival All M. Carpino provided an overview of the discussion which was held at the December meeting. A number of issues were raised and it was decided more information was required prior to committing. The Committee expressed a general interest in the concept, and it was the general consensus that the Committee M. Carpino to action participate subject to obtaining further information regarding the logisitics of the events. Discussion ensued and M. Carpino noted she would request further information with respect to the proposed events prior to the Committee making any commitments. 5.0 Update Coffee House C. Gordon provided an update with respect to the Coffee House event. This was held on December 18th and was a huge success. The time of year worked out well with CORP0228-2/02 Page 3 $185.00 being raised. Famous Players had also provided donations for this event. The funds will go to the Refuge, a Christian Centre that works with youth. The event was also covered by Pickering News Advertiser. Due to the large turnout this year, it was suggested a new location would be needed for next year. Two possibilities noted were the Petticoat Creek Community Centre as well as the Council Chambers in the Civic Complex. C. Gordon inquired about items which were purchased for this event and M. Carpino indicated he could contact B. George at the Pickering Library for the storage of these items. Receipts from the event were given to M. Carpino. C. Gordon noted [YOU]nity was looking into having one more youth focused event during the year, possibly a film contest. Suggestions were offered for this such as an improv or a speakers corner. M. Carpino requested C. Gordon to provide her with the C. Gordon to action preliminary information for the March Break camp as soon as possible. Heritage Day C. Gordon noted he had a performer wanting to participate and will provide M. Carpino with the information. M. Carpino informed the Committee she had received information from A. Sandoval from the Hispanic Alliance of Ontario expressing their interest in having an information booth at Heritage Day. She also noted other artists which were interested in performing. M. Carpino has the contact information and will notify them accordingly. M. Carpino noted the event would take place in the Centre Court at the Pickering Town Centre on February 20th from 11:00 am to approximately 4:00 pm with opening ceremonies at 1:30 pm. A brief discussion took place with respect to the location and the displaying of booths. Members were encouraged to come out and participate and help man the booth. Race Relations Forum M. Car ino provided an update on the Race Relations Forum Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 to be held on March 24 at 7:00 pm She noted a total of 122 written submissions, 39 creative arts and 2 media clips have been received. She noted the lack of judges for the media clips and S. Holt indicated he could possibly provide M. Carpino/S. Holt to assistance with this. M. Carpino will provide the 2 media clip action submissions to him. M. Carpino noted this year submissions have been received from the Durham Catholic District School Board as well. Judging will take place on January 13 for the creative arts segment and January 22nd for the written submissions. Letters will then be sent out to the winners the following week. M. Carpino requested clarification on compensation for the guest speaker. The consensus was to provide an honorarium the same as in the past. Councillor Pickles invited Committee members to join him in speaking as well on the night of the event and K. Mark and C. Gordon offered to assist with this. K. Mark offered to introduce the guest speaker. 6.0 AdjournmentlNext Meeting All The next meeting will be held February 4t", 2010.. Meeting Adjourned: 9:10 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 5 CORP0228-2/02