HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 1, 2009 i C111 00 Minutes I Meeting Summary 141 Pickering Advisory Committee i i on Race Relations & Equity PICKERING October 1, 7:00 2009 pm 0 pm , Main Committee Room Attendees: Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Becky George, Pickering Public Library Devinder Kaur Panesar, Community Appointee Margaret Lazarus, Altona Forest Public School Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Alma Sandoval, Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario Jason Amos, Dunbarton High School, [YOU]nity Chris Gordon, [YOU]nity Lisa Harker, Recording Secretary Absent: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Fred Gibson,. Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Steve Holt, Community Appointee Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Raymond George Facey, Community Appointee Sylvie Morel-Foster, Durham Catholic District School Board Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Constable Keith Richards, Durham Regional Police Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion = 'Action Items L Status` -Ref # (summary of discussion)' (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome MC' M.Carpino welcomed members to the meeting Agenda was approved by members. 2. Update All In Your Words & Expressions Contest • M. Carpino provided an update to this contest. Copies of the poster have been provided to the committee's School Board reps. and have been distributed to every school in Durham Region., • M. Carpino provided a letter, poster and contest booklets (of the winning entries from 2005 to 2009) to the superintendents of both school boards. The contest booklets were requested to be provided to each school as a resource to students and teachers. M. Car ino has advertised the contest through the CORP0228-2/02 Page 1 Community Page, City of Pickering website, Family Calendar and Media Release. • B. George inquired about whether there has been outreach to the Montessori schools. M. Carpino to action and follow up with the Committee. M. Carpino to action Community Survey • M. Carpino distributed copies of the two surveys that have been received to date. • Results of the survey were reviewed as a group. • A. Sandoval described the survey response from the Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario. One issue that was noted by the organization was the need for collaboration with other local organizations. • The survey response received from the Devi Mandir was discussed. Comments of interest included a need for greater diversity in the employment sector and that the organization would like to have a member of their organization attend the monthly meetings. • The Committee discussed making a visit to various Pickering cultural locations and to use the visit as a venue to informally discuss the survey and acquire a response. The visit can also be used to introduce the Committee to the community. • M. Carpino advised that Councillor Pickles suggests that we hold our monthly meetings at various community cultural locations. The committee agreed and M. Carpino will see if we can have our November meeting at the Devi Mandir. M. Carpino to arrange Coffee House • C. Gordon provided an overview of the Coffee House. [YOU]nity meets on a weekly basis at the Pickering Public Library. Thus far there has been a great turnout, with 18 members. • Due to a scheduling conflict last year, the event will be held later in the month this year. The tentative date is November 20th • C. Gordon will be contacting Don Terry from Ontario Power Generation for tee-shirts that can be used at all [YOU]nity events. • C. Gordon will be contacting Starbucks for a donation, obtaining performances, and [YOU]nity has yet to decide on a charity to donate proceeds to. • B. George suggested "Food for Fees", which the Library is currently accepting. C. Gordon will be accepting suggestions for the charity_ of choice and reporting back to the Committee on their final decision. • M. Car ino reminded C. Gordon that the City of CORP0228-2/02 Page 2 i Pickering can help promote their event with the Community Page and Press Releases. There are also funds available that may be used for [YOU]nity events. 3. Other' Business " All City of Pickering Bicentennial 2011 • M. Carpino advised the committee that the City of Pickering will be celebrating a Bicentennial in 2011. Councillor Pickles wanted the committee to consider this milestone when thinking about future events. This includes deciding if events will be enhanced or if the Committee would like to put on any other events. • B. George suggested enhancing the "In Your Words & Expressions Contest" by creating a statement that is specific to the Bicentennial. • D. Kaur Panesar suggested a merging mural of cultures, or a travelling educational booth for schools, and/or a monthly cultural day, which could include different foods. To be discussed at the November meeting. Race Relations Forum • M. Carpino asked committee members for ideas for a guest speaker Ideas were brought forward. M. Carpino to create a "short list" to forward to Councillor Pickles for feedback. To be discussed at the M. Carpino to action November meeting. Heritage Day • Members to contact M. Carpino if interested in All members to action participating in Heritage Day. Deadline to sign up is January 8/1.0. • Committee needs to decide on exact location of event (Food Court, Centre Court or both?) 4. Adjournment/Next Meeting All Next meeting to take place on November 5, 2009. Meeting Adjourned: 8:15 pm Copy: City Clerk CORP0228-2/02 Page 3