HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 38-09 eitr oo REPORT TO COUNCIL PICKERING Report Number: OES 38-09 Date: June 10, 2009 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: 2nd Lawn Bowling Green (Phase 2) - Tender No. T-8-2008 - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 38-09 regarding the 2nd Lawn Bowling Green (Phase 2) be received; 2. That the remaining work of the original Tender T-8-2008 be awarded to the low bidder Melfer Construction Inc. for the 2nd Lawn Bowling Green (Phase 2) in the amount of $96,328 (GST included); 3. That the total gross project cost of $105,000 and a net project cost of $100,000, including the tender amount and other associated costs be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to amend the existing PO #280455 issued to low bidder Melfer Construction Inc. to complete the remaining work for the second lawn bowling green; and 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take any actions necessary to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: This project is a joint undertaking in conjunction with the Pickering Lawn Bowling Club. The 2008 Capital Budget, in the amount of $400,000, included the club paying $200,000 of this amount directly for design, a portion of construction and furniture. They also paid approximately $25,000 for a special grade of sand to be used. As all bids came in over the $400,000, $100,000 was deferred and Council approved the additional funding in the 2009 Capital Budget. In total the project will cost an estimated $500,000 with the club paying directly for approximately $225,000 or 45 percent of the total cost. To date the city has spent approximately $190,000. In the 2008 Capital Budget, Council approved $400,000 for the construction of the second Pickering Lawn Bowling Green and parking expansion. All bids received in 2008 were above the approved $400,000 budget for this project. As a result, items of Report OES 38-09 June 10, 2009 Subject: 2nd Lawn Bowling Green (Phase 2) - Tender No. T-8-2008 Page 2 2' work were deducted in consultation with the Pickering Lawn Bowling Club from each of the bids to arrive at the needed savings for this project. These works included proposed shade structures, patio slab paving and site furniture which were to be addressed in 2009. Melfer Construction Inc., the initial low bidder, remained as the low bidder after these reductions. Tender T-8-2008 submitted by low bidder Melfer Construction Inc. was accepted and construction commenced. The 2nd Lawn Bowling Green (Phase 2) was approved by Council in the 2009 Capital Budget in the amount of $100,000 to complete the works removed from the original tender. The Operations & Emergency Services Department and Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc. recommend the acceptance of low bidder Melfer Construction Inc. to complete the remaining items (shade structures, paving sides and waste receptacles) that were deducted from the original tender submitted in the amount of $96,328 plus GST. Financial Implications: 1. TENDER AMOUNT T-8-2008 (Phase 2) $96,328 GST 4,816 Sub-Total 101,144 GST Rebate (4,816) Total $96,328 2. APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS Seniors Centre Ca ital Budget Bud et Project Code Source of Funds Bud et Require Seniors 5701.0905.6181 Provincial Grants $100,000 Centre Investing in Ontario FUNDS $100,000 $100,000 AVAILABLE 3. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTING SUMMARY T-8-2008 Tender for Pickering Lawn Bowling Greens Phase 2 $96,328 Associated Costs Contin enc 3672 Total 100,000 CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 38-09 June 10, 2009 Subject: 2nd Lawn Bowling Green (Phase 2) 12 7 - Tender No. T-8-2008 Page 3 GST 5,000 Total Gross Project Cost 105,000 GST Rebate 5 000 Total Net Project Cost $100,000 4. Project Costs (under) Approved Funds ($0) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. Sustainability Implications: The construction of a second lawn bowling green will enhance the existing Pickering Lawn Bowling Green and continue to encourage the development of active, healthy lifestyles through the provision of high quality programs as well as expand the numbers, capacity and quality of lawn bowling programs. Background: 2008 Capital Budget In the 2008 Capital Budget, Council approved $400,000 for the construction of the second Pickering Lawn Bowling Green and parking expansion. All bids received in 2008 were above the approved $400,000 budget for this project. As a result, items of work were deducted in consultation} with the Pickering Lawn Bowling Club from each of the bids to arrive at the needed savings for this project. These works included proposed shade structures, patio slab paving and site furniture which were to be addressed in 2009. Bruce Johnson, Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc. provided a detailed break down of the deductions of each bid. Melfer Construction Inc., the initial low bidder, remained the low bidder after these savings were applied. Report CS 44-08 regarding tendering and contract approval during Council's Summer Recess included Tender No. T-8-2008 Pickering Lawn Bowling Greens Phase II. Council ratified the approval of the tender submitted by low bidder Melfer Construction Inc. in the amount of $377,508 (GST included) and the total net project cost of $399,532 (Resolution #190/08 Item 7). CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 38-09 June 10, 2009 Subject: 2nd Lawn Bowling Green (Phase 2) - Tender No. T-8-2008 Page 41 2 8 2009 Capital Budget The 2nd Lawn Bowling Green (Phase 2) was approved by Council in the 2009 Capital Budget in the amount of $100,000 for the works removed from the original tender. Bruce Johnson, Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc., prepared the attached Pickering Lawn Bowling Green chart that identifies contract works to be completed and funded in 2009. We are now ready to proceed with Phase 2 of the 2nd Lawn Bowling Green approved in the 2009 Capital Budget (shade structures, paving sides and waste receptacles). In order to expedite the completion of this project, Thomas J. Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer, directed staff to prepare this Report to Council for the June 15th Council Meeting for consideration and approval. The Seniors Activity Centre will be closed for annual maintenance the first two weeks of July. Council's approval to proceed at this time would allow remaining work to take place while the Seniors Activity Centre is closed. The Operations & Emergency Services Department and Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc. recommend the acceptance of the following remaining items that were deducted from the original tender submitted by low bidder Melfer Construction Inc. in the amount of $96,328 plus GST. 3.2 Paving New Green Sides - 60% $ 6,888.00 3.3 Paving under Shade $ 9,240.00 3.4 Paving South Green - 60% $ 8,400.00 4.1 Benches - 50% $10,400.00 4.2 Shade Structures $48,000.00 4.3 Waste Receptacles $ 4,400.00 7.0 Miscellaneous Works $ 9,000.00 Total $96,328.00 The purpose of this report is to request Council's approval to amend the existing PO #280455 issued to low bidder Melfer Construction Inc. to complete the remaining works for the second lawn bowling green. To avoid potential contract warranty issues and to complete the remaining 2nd green work in a timely manner we recommend the original low bidder Melfer Construction Inc. complete all remaining contract works rather than bringing in a second contractor. We view this as a continuation of Phase 1 undertaken in 2008 and wish to continue with the same contractor. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 38-09 June 10, 2009 Subject: 2nd Lawn Bowling Green (Phase 2) nq - Tender No. T-8-2008 Page 5 Attachments: 1. Tender T-8-2008 re Pickering Lawn Bowling Greens - June 24, 2008 memorandum 2. Pickering Lawn Bowling Green - Phase 2 Chart prepared by Bruce Johnson, Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc. Prepared By: Approved orsed By: C Stephen Reynolds Evere Bunts Division Head, Culture & Recreation Director, Operations & Emergency Services Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer SR:Ig Copy: Chief Administrative Officer (Acting) Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit ou ,a it o s .Quin DM M III Chief Administr e Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised City co t- 1AC MEN f # ( 7(~ ItEPORT#f d ~ " b 1 deft% POLY I C>c k- JU G P1~KERIN M E M 0 To: Thomas J. Quinn K 3 l++0 '"A T CC.=sl, _ June 24, 2008 Chief Administrative Officer From: Everett Buntsma f, t r F I I If i` Director, Operations & Emergency Services Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Copy: Division Head, Culture & Recreation Subject: Tender No. T-8-2008 Manager, Supply & Services Tender for Pickering Lawn Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works Bowling Greens - Phase I'l Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development File: F-5400 Senior Financial Analyst Tenders have been received and reviewed for the construction of Pickering Lawn Bowling Greens - Phase II and expansion of parking area and associated works at East Shore Community Centre. All bids received were above the approved budget ($400,000) for this project. Items of work were deducted in consultation with the Pickering Lawn Bowling Club from each of the bids to arrive at the needed savings for this project. These works include the proposed shade structures, a percentage of the patio slab paving and site furniture. The attached letter dated June 17, 2008 from Bruce Johnson, Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc. provides a detailed breakdown of the deductions for each bid. Melfer Construction Inc., the initial low bidder, has remained as the low bidder after these saving are applied The Operations & Emergency. Services Department and Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc. recommend the acceptance of the tender submitted by low bidder Melfer Construction Inc. in the amount of $359,532 plus GST which includes the following deductions. 3.2 Paving New Green Sides - 60% $ 6,888.00 3.3 Paving under Shade $ 9,240.00 3.4 Paving South Green - 60% $ 8,400.00 4.1 Benches - 50% $10,400.00 4.2 Shade Structures $48,000.00 4.3 Waste Receptacles $ 4,400.00 7.0 Miscellaneous Works $ 9,000.00 Total Deductions $96,328.00 ( 1 3 ATTACHMENT # I TOREPORT #2 ~ OC-S W-thout removing the above item the total tender would have apprommately $495,000.00 (net of GST rebate), while the budget was $400,000.00. By removing these items now, the project can Niuumd widlin puagei now. it is anticipated that a Report to Council will be prepared explaining the increased cost, the need to remove certain items, the probability that the Pickering Lawn Bowling Club will purchase these items directly for their use and the need for revised financing. Recommendation: 1. That Tender No. T-8-2008 submitted by Melfer Construction Inc for the construction of Pickering Lawn Bowling Greens Phase II and expansion of parking area and associated works at East Shore Community Centre in the amount of $377,508.00.(GST included) be accepted; 2. That the total gross project cost of $419,509.00 and a net project cost of $399,532.00, including the tender amount, consulting fees and other associated costs be approved. Financial Implications: TENDER AMOUNT T-8-2008 $359,532 GST _ 17,976 Sub=Total .377,508 GST Rebate L17,976 Total $359,532 2: APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS Seniors Centre Capital Bud et Bud et Project Code Source of Funds Bud et Re uired Seniors Centre 5701.0802.6181 Pro ertTaxes $200,000 Donation 200,000 FUNDS AVAILABLE $400,000 $399,532 3. ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTING SUMMARY T-8-2008 Tender for Pickering Lawn Bowling Greens Phase II $359,532 Associated Costs Consultants Fee 25,000 Contingency 15,000 Total $399,532 GST 19,977 Total Gross Project Cost 419,509 GST Rebate 1103977) Total Net Project Cost $399,532 4. Project Costs under Approved Funds $468) June 24, 2008 Tender No. T-8-2008 Tender for Pickering Lawn Bowling Greens - Phase 11 Page 2 i rf.1ACHMi ,v4 0 F- eo~.qe 3 cop 10 The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditures contained in this report and concurs. 132 Sustainability Implications: The construction of a second lawn bowling green will enhance the existing Pickering Lawn Bowling Green and continue to encourage the development of active, healthy lifestyles through the provision of high quality programs as well as expand the numbers, capacity and quality of lawn bowling programs. Background: The second Lawn Bowling Green and parking expansion was approved by Council in the 2008 Capital Budget. The Pickering Lawn Bowling Club has committed to contribute $200,000 for this project. The consulting firm of Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc was retained by the Pickering Lawn Bowling Club to provide tender specifications and technical support. A summary of the bids received is included in the attached memorandum from Supply & Services. The low bid was submitted by Melfer Construction Inc. Melfer Construction Inc. references have been checked and are deemed acceptable by the consultant (Bruce Johnson) and the Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development. The Health & Safety Policy, Workplace Injury Summary Report, WSIB Clearance Certificate and Certificate of Insurance as submitted by Melfer Construction Inc. have been reviewed by the Coordinator, Health & Safety and are deemed acceptable. In conjunction with staff's review of.the contractor's previous work experience and the bonding available on this project, the tender is deemed acceptable. Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received, the Operations & Emergency Services Department, recommends the acceptance of the low bid submitted by Melfer Construction Inc. for Tender T-8-2008 in the amount of $377,508 (GST included) and that the total net project cost of $400,000 be approved. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply'& Services who concurs with the foregoing. The Seniors Activity Centre is closed for annual maintenance the first two weeks of July. Approval at this time would allow construction to commence while the Seniors Activity Centre is closed. It will also allow for the timely seeding of the new lawn bowling green. Upon your approval for this tender and associated costs we will proceed with an online requisition to issue a Purchase Order. June 24, 2008 Tender No. T-8-2008 Tender for Pickering Lawn Bowling Greens - Phase 11 Page 3 133 Attachments: ATIACHNr. (tea-O~e' ~ ~ i . Locavon iviap 2. Supply & Services Memorandum dated June 17, 2008 3. Cosburn Giberson Consultants - Letter of Recommendation Ever unts a Gillis Paterson Direc or, Opera ions & ;mergency Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Services Approved/Endorsed by r T s J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer SR:lg June 24, 2008 Tender No. T-8-2008 Tender for Pickering Lawn Bowling Greens -Phase 11 Page 4 •!ar Htr>a I s 10 134 1 ~ ~1~L~1 11 V l.7 CULTURE & RECREATION DIVISION Attachment For Tender: T-8-2008 PICKERING LAWN BOWLING GREENS - PHASE II CLOUDBE RY CRT. Ld 40~ ~11C,1~ B YL ST EFT POPRAD AVENUE ZER Z LPN Q j_-WAYFAR R SANGRO Cr LANE • TATRA LANE DRIVE V) 0 ° SUBJ CT a ~ J ;0 A R A L C FORDON S -P X W 0 m STREET < 1 j SCHI p LN. J D W F* O 0 N O 0 ,w 0 PAT RE 0 m Z W LAN = J Z J. 0 U Q M Q O 'Q O 11 O O 1 it z ~T Li Z J LOCATION MAP PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES: Lawn Bowling Greens Portion • Installation of.1 new lawn bowling green and all supporting infrastructure (drainage, irrigation, fencing, sod etc.) • Installation of a new lighting Parking Lots Work • Installation of additional parking spaces and connecting road to the north side of the East Shore Community Centre LIMPandODesign SupportlCapital Projects 8 SchedulingWachments for Tenders120081T-08-08 Liverpool East Shore.doc 135 -09 Ctrs off!c I~, I I K RING MEMO To: Stephen Reynolds June 12, 2008 Division Head, Culture & Recreation From: Vera,A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Co-ordinator, Landscape & Parks Subject: Tender No. T-8-2008 Development Tender for Pickering Lawn Bowling Greens - Phase 11 Tenders have been received for the above project by the closing date of June 11, 2008. Seven companies were invited to participate. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News and on the City's Website yielding interest from additional bidders and a total of 13 companies picked up a tendering package for a non-refundable fee of $75.00. A mandatory site visit was held on Friday, May 30, 2008, 12 bidders attended of which seven (6) bidders responded and submitted a tender for this project and 1 bidder unable to bid. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been done. All deposits other "than the low three bidders may be returned to the applicable bidders as provided for by Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03(w). However, all bids have been retained for review at this time. SUMMARY PST included, GST included bidders Total Tendered Amount After Calculation Check $ Melfer Construction 465,423.00 478, 653.00 Cambium Site 522,885.35 522,885.35 Contracting Rutherford Contractin 550,747.44 550,997.44 Montgomery MacEwan 629,046.81 630,451.71 Di Con Construction 653,638.44 647,357.44 Melrose Paving Company UNABLE TO BID Civil Underground . Automatic rejection - Addendum not acknowledged. Reference: Purchasing By- law No. 5900-01, Procedure No. PUR 010-001, 10.04, Item 12, IB Item 3 (b), 17, 18 19; letter dated June 6/08; Addendum No. 1. PG`~e 136 Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, the following will be requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call. (a) Proof of compliance With amended Confined Space Entry Regulations (September 30, 2006). Copies of certified Training and Procedures to be used on this project. (b) a list of employees trained in the confined space entry procedure who will be working on this project (c) a copy of the Health and Safety Policy to be used on this project; (d) a copy of the current Workplace Injury Summary Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Workplace Injury Summary Report document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); (e) a copy of the current Clearance Certificate issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; (f) the City's certificate of insurance shall be completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer; (g) list of sub-contractors in accordance with GC Item 33, Form SCL-1 (h) Waste Management Plan (Item 23, Information to Bidders) Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (h) noted above, are acceptable to the Co-ordinator, Health & Safety (b) any past work experience Melfer Construction Limited including work location; (c) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (d) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (e) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (f) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (g) related departmental approvals; (h) any reason(s) why the low bid of Melfer Construction is not acceptable; and (i) related comments specific to the.project. Cosburn Giberson as the consultants on this project will be reviewing submissions and making recommendations to you. The consultant should also review carefully all submittal information based on tendering instructions.. If the consultant notices any infractions or information missing . during the evaluation, please contact a member of Supply & Services as soon as possible. Duplicate copies of the bids are attached for the consultant's use. Please do not disclose any information to enquiries except you can direct them to the City's website forte unoff icial bid results as read out at the Public tender opening. Bidders will be advised of the outc me in due course. If yo require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Services. Vera A. elgernacher of Attachments June 12, 2008 Page 2 T-8-2008 Pickering Lawn Bowling Greens - Phase 11 '13 7 =.oCdrS :fig-- 0c) COSBURNIrANncrAPF 8 a-F' Cp GIBERSON I ARCHITECTS June 17, 2008 CITY OF PICKERING Pickering Civic Complex 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 Attention: Mr. Steve Reynolds Re: Pickering Lawn Bowling Phase 11 Green Construction -Tender Results and Analysis Our File No.: 1997 Further to the tender results for the above-noted project (closed on June 11, 2008) and our meeting at your offices yesterday, we write to offer our recommendations for award of this contract. As discussed at our meeting all bids received were above the available budget for the project. We have provided our evaluation of the bids and offer suggestions to bring the project within budgets. As you will note, we have deducted the items of work discussed in our meeting from each of the bids. These works include the proposed shade structures, a percentage of the patio slab paving and site furniture. These items were also acceptable modifications in the opinion of the Bowling Club and allow us collectively to arrive at the needed savings for the project. Melfer Construction Inc, the initial low bidder has remained as the low-bidder after these savings are applied. We recommend that a contract be awarded to Melfer Construction Inc. in the amount of $359,532.00 net of Goods and Services Taxes. We trust that this is satisfactory to your requirements for the project award. Please do not hesitate to contact our offices, if we may be of further assistance in this matter. Yours truly, Cosburn Giber n Consu nts Inc. Bru e Johnson, A.L.A. Ass ' to BJ: sc cc: Reg Lawrence, Pickering Lawn Bowling Club Arnold Mostert, City of Pickering Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc. 1 7270 Woodbine Avenue I Suite 100 1 Markham I Ontario I DR 4B9 Telephone 905-475-6988 1 Fax 905-475-5930 1 cosgib@rogers.com 'Rt.~l~++ ~y ~ GIBERSON ARCHITECTS TENDER EVALUATION Project: Pickering Law Bowling - Phase II - Green Construction Owner: City of Pickering File No: 1997 Date: June 17, 2008 Montgomery Melfer Cambium Site Rutherford MacEwen Construction Contracting Dig-Con Contracting Contracting Item Description Inc. Inc. International Ltd. Limited Part A 1.0 Site Preparation & Demolition $43,314.00 $70,835.00 $45,564.50 $41,924.80 $54,036.71 2.0 Site Servicing $23,800.00 $35,820.50 $87,643.00 $39,758.02 $35,169.35 3.0 Paving and Edges $161,905.00 * $197,527.85 $142,478.25 $224,174.23 $279,677.34 4.0 Structures, Components, $103,070.00 $62,661.70 $158,483.55 $78,145.99 $63,035.18 Furniture 5.0 Electrical Works $37,400.00 $38,185.00 $50,225.00 $43,128.08 $49,854.20 6.0 Soft Landscaping $11,061.00 $18,072.00 $22,277.50 $20,336.40 $21,013.30 7.0 Miscellaneous Works $9,000.00 $4,715.0 0 $10,700.00 $4,578.32 $6,405.0 0 Part A Subtotal $389,550.00 * $427,817.05 $517,371.80 * $452,045.84 $509,191.08 Part B North Parking Lot Expansion Earth Excavation & Grading $13,800.00 $13,572.00 $8,917.50 $1,800.30 $13;927.80 Removals & Relocations $1,650.00 $204.00 $461.25 $608.21 $357.50 Parking Lot Construction Granular Road Base $16,245.00 $15,220.00 $11,725.25 $26,339.55 $30,939.55 Hot Mix Asphalt $16,395.00 $24,045.00 $24,732.25 $19,226.90 $21,673.80 Adjustment to Existing Post $100.00 $265.00 $1,025.00 $608.22 $1,155.00 Precast Concrete Curb $1,260.00 $1,280.30 $14,350.00 $2,830.66 $1,535.10 Sodding/Seeding $1,900.00 $1,544.70 $3,116.00 $3,300.30 $1,776.50 Permanent Traffic Control Signs $1,200.00 $1,005.00 $1,025.00 $2,081.20 $1,700.00 Permanent Pavement Markings $700.00 $650.00 $5,125.00 $691.82 $440.00 Environmental Erosion Controls $3,060.0 0 $4,743.0 0 $13,068.75 $4,301.85 $4,098.87 Part B Subtotal $56,310.00 $62,529.00 $83,546.00 * $61,789.01 $77,604.12 Part C Mobilization & Demobilization $5,000.0 0 $2,640.0 0 $15,375.0 0 $5,924.62 $8,635.0 0 Part D Summary Sub-Total Parts'A, B, C $450,860.00 * $492,986.05 $616,292.80 * $519,759.47 $595,430.20 * Testing Allowance: $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 G.S.T. @ 5% $22,793.00 * $24,899.30 $31,064.64 * $26,237.97 * $30,021.51 * VERIFIED TOTAL 54Z8,653,00 * 2522.885.35 5652.357.44 * _550.997.44 * 5630.45111 * * mathematical errors corrected Cosburn Giberson Consultants Inc. I 7270 Woodbine Avenue I Suite 100 I Markham I Ontario 1 1-31 14139 Telephone 905-475-6988 1 Fax 905-475-5930 I cosgib@rogers.com 'S 0c) 139 _ C)ed Pa~~ i o o TENDER EVALUATION Project: Pickering Law Bowling - Phase II - Green Construction Owner: City of Pickering File No: 1997 Date: June 17, 2008 POSSIBLE DEDUCTIONS 2.1 Water Connection $1,500.00 $610.00 $2,050.00 $2,738.42 $550.00 2.2 19mm Copper Line $1,700.00 $7,080.50 $4,105.50 $7,231.90 $7,700.15 2.3 Drinking Fountain $5,600.00 $9,400.00 $4,612.50 $8,540.10 $8,800.00 3.2 Paving New Green Sides $11,480.00 $14,104.00 $20,500.00 $23,636.50 $27,353.15 3.3 Paving under Shade $9,240.00 $11,220.00 $20,509.50 $21,537.45 $23,251.80 3.4 Paving South Green $14,000.00 $16,460.00 $20,500.00 $23,060.00 $28,042.00 4.1 Benches $20,800.00 $19,920.00 $17,424.00 $21,004.32 $15,400.00 4.2 Shade Structures $48,000.00 $12,480.00 $82,000.00 $22,137.92 $16,720.00 ■ 4.3 Waste Receptacles $4,400.00 $3,540.00 $3,280.00 $4,379.40 $3,018.40 4.4 Timber Retaining $14,040.00 $9,744.00 $25,830.00 $8,875.20 $7,920.00 7.0 Miscellaneous Works $9,000.00 $4,715.00 $10,700.00 $4,578.32 $6,405.00 Total Deductions $139,760.00 $109,273.50 $211,511.50 $147,719.53 $145,160.50 Revised Sub-total A,B,C $311,100.00 $383,712.55 $404,781.30 $372,039.94 $450,269.70 RECOMMENDED DEDUCTIONS 3.2 Paving New Green Sides -60% $6,888.00 $8,462.40 $12,300.00 $14,181.90 $16,411.89 3.3 Paving under Shade $9,240.00 $11,220.00 $20,509.50 $21,537.45 $23,251.80 3.4 Paving South Green -60% $8,400.00 $9,876.00 $12,300.00 $13,836.00 $16,825.20 4.1 Benches-50% $10,400.00 $9,960.00 $8,712.00 $10,502.16 $7,700.00 4.2 Shade Structures $48,000.00 $12,480.00 $82,000.00 $22,137.92 $16,720.00 • 4.3 Waste Receptacles $4,400.00 $3,540.00 $3,280.00 $4,379.40 $3,018.40 7.0 Miscellaneous Works $9,000.00 $4,715.00 $10,700.00 $4,578.32 $6,405.00 Total Deductions $96,328.00 $60,253.40 $149,801.50 $91,153.15 $90,332.29 Revised Sub-total A,B,C $354,532.00 $432,732.65 $466,491.30 $428,606.32 $505,097.91 Testing Allowance: $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 REVISED VERIFIED TOTAL EX GST 5359.532.00 * S437.732.65 S471.491.30 * 1431606.32 * 5511097.91 ATTACHMEN tt , e C ~S ~S C~°i 4 0 A _ p f+ O O ~ T p _ - _ G O b - _ a - ~ n - - _ _ - off' c yp? 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