HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 7, 2009 caq Minutes / Meeting Summary Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity Thursday, May 7, 2009 7:00 pm Main Committee Meeting Room Attendees: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Sethu Madhaven, Community Appointee Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Steve Holt, Community Appointee Tiera Dookhie, J. Clarke Richardson School Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Absent: Devinder Panesar, Community Appointee Raymond Facey, Community Appointee Emily Honsberger, Dunbarton High School Becky George, Pickering Public Library Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Sylvie Morel-Foster, Durham Catholic District School Board 1. Weicom Councillor Pickles welcomed attendees and introductions were made. M. Carpino reviewed action items of the April 2/09 minutes. Councillor Pickles asked M. Carpino to send al letter with M. Carpino to action event photo to special guests that attended the 2009 Race Relations Forum. Agenda for the May 7, 2009 meeting was apptoved with two items added under Other Business. Kirk Mark requested that the Ontario's new Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy be added. Councillor Pickles requested that the Winning Entries Booklet also be added. 1.7 3. Corn M. Carpino reviewed the revised Community Survey and highlighted the recommended changes from the previous meeting. Further changes were noted and will be made by M. Carpino. Page 1 CORP0228-2102 M. Carpino will compile a list of 10 Pickering based cultural M. Carpino to action. organizations and email to committee'membors for review and comment. Once confirmed, M. Carping will send out the Community Survey to the 10 Pickering based cultural organizations in June 30/09 with a deadline to respond of July 30/09. 77 r. ~.r, 4. 4U n b, [YOU]nity will have another meeting before the end of the T. Dookhie to provide school year to wrap things up. At that meeti6g, they will names and contact confirm the new youth committee reps. that will attend the information to M. September 2009 committee meeting. Carpino T. Dookhie asked for funds for [YOU]nity's last get together. T. Dookhie to Councillor Pickles and M. Carpino advised thot money could coordinate with M. be provided for Pizza and Drinks at their final meeting. Carpino M. Lazarus and T. Dookhie provided the committee with an overview of the Council Presentation (of the committee's 2008 annual report) they conducted in April 2009. M. Lazarus and T. Dookhie met before hand and split up the information and spoke to their sections. The presentation went very well and took the full 10 minutes. Councillor Pickles thanked M. Lazaurus and T. Dookhie for their participation in the resentation. Job W II Donel K. Mark advised that, in April 2009, Ontario's inister of Education launched Ontario's new Equity & Inclusive Education Strategy. The document can be found at www.edu. gov.on.ca. The strategy is to look at the principals of equity and reducing the gaps in student achievement. The plan of action commences September 2009 and includes 8 areas of focus. The strategies include all aroas from employment practices, equity policies & curricolum development. This new strategy will help the committee when delivering our programs particularly the In Your Word & Expressions Contest. C. Pickles advised that he would like to look into binding the M. Carpino to action winning entries of the In Your Word & Expressions Contest. S. Holt recommended that we produce an a book. K. Mark indicated that schools would still like a hard copy. M. Carpino to investigate the possibility of creating an a book and rintin a cerlox bound copy. I Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 i i One hard copy would be provided to every s hoot in the Durham region. The inside cover of the boob will include the names of all schools that have participated in the contest to date. C. Pickles asked M. Carpino to check: a. if he can see sponsors to public the books M. Carpino to check b. if schools will accept books with sponsors listed with Debi Wilcox (perhaps certain sponsors are restricted). M. Carpino to check with school board reps. S. Madhavan asked if the committee will be replacing the Tapestry Event with a Cultural Festival in the City's downtown area this year. The committee would like to consider this type of activity, parade followedjby festival, in 2010. Committee will discuss location, activilties and cost this year to begin the process. This could be a good activity to start in 2010 and role into Pickering's Bi-Centennial in 2011. Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2/02