HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/19/1996 ..... -.. -.. ........ STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, December 19, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. PRESENT: D. Ryan - Chairman ALSO PRESENT: L. Taylor - Manager, Current Operations Division (I) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 21/96 802226 ONTARIO LIMITED PART OF LOT 18, CONCESSION 1 (SOUTH SIDE OF OUARTZ STREET. EAST OF TOY A VENUE) 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #24/96, was given by Lynda Taylor, Manager, Current Operations Division. 2. Harold Elston, representing Sonic Automobile, stated that he sent a letter dated December 6, 1996 to the Town by FAX which he will resubmit because he understands that it was not received. His client bought the land and constructed his building based on the design criteria in the Official Plan and the land use restrictions imposed by the Zoning By-law. His client operates a clean, high tec operation which is typical of the light industrial use contemplated by the Official Plan. This application is counter to the Official Plan policies and will not encourage employment and will result in the loss of new businesses on Toy Avenue or the expansion of the existing businesses. The southern portion of the subject lands contain large open bins which over the past few years have been very obnoxious. The open storage of waste and debris which attract mice and birds is not compatible with an employment area. Dust emanating from the subject lands affects the operation of his client's business. He noted that there is a traffic problem because there are no traffic signals at Toy Avenue and Bayly Street and often there are three or four tractor trailers backed up on Toy Avenue waiting to turn onto Bayly Street. Some restrictions are needed for a building that requires outside storage. The Town is not in the business of zoning for storage only and to amend the Zoning By-law to permit outdoor storage only, when the impact is known, is not good planning. 3. Mr. Ivancic, 1028 Toy Avenue, stated that when he applied to construct his building, he was required to comply with a large number of restrictions including landscaping, brick colour, etc., however, he was satisfied that he could be sure of a clean industrial area. He showed pictures dating back to 1991 of storage that was uncovered and debris flying around. He gets complaints from his employees about dust on their cars eminating from the subject property. He stated that he does not support this application. 4. George Wiederhold, President of Maydec Industries, 1028 Toy Avenue, stated that he is also concerned about the amount of dust from the subject lands and during the summer months, the smell is offensive and there are rats and mice attracted to the area. If this application is approved, his employees' health will be affected and he may considered moving if the problem continues. ~ 5. Mr. D.C. Tomlinson, representing Labelcraft Products, 1020 Toy Avenue, stated that he opened his business on Toy Avenue in 1988 and now employs 25 to 50 persons. He lost a contract to General Mills due to the condition of the applicant's site. He is opposed to this application and noted that if he could afford to move his business, he would do so. 6. Allan Toms, 1794 Bayly Street, stated that his property abuts the subject lands at the south end and he is concerned about the level of the grade. The applicant keeps dumping and leveling the land thus raising the grade of the subject lands. A Municipal Law Enforcement Officer reviewed violations on the subject lands in April of 1996 but noted that open bins are still on the property. He objects to this application. '-' "- ....... 7. Dick Van Staveren, 1016-1018 Toy Avenue, stated that he built his business on Toy Avenue in 1968 and at that time, this was a beautiful area. There is now much traffic on both Bayly Street and Toy Avenue and there is often a ten to fifteen minutes wait to pull onto Bayly Street. If this application is approved, there will be and overload of traffic and more trailers will be leaving their engines running during the evening and early morning hours. 8. George Wiederhold, 1028 Toy Avenue, stated that this area is meant for small industries but the character of the area has been lost over the years. The company operating on his property is involved with delicate instruments and solutions and the dust from the subject lands affects the operations of this company significantly. It is important to keep the area clean as a small manufacturing area. 9. Mr. Ivancic, 1028 Toy Avenue, stated that he is concerned with the amount of traffic servicing the subject lands at 4:30 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. 10. Mr. Bedwell, 1051 Toy Avenue, stated that he operates a transportation and storage operation and in the past two years, he has lost business due to operations on the subject property. His clients have stated that the area is not dust free and he cannot promote the area because his clients feel that "dumps" are being operated in the area. The business owners on Toy Avenue are property owners and it is an insult to allow outside storage on the subject lands. A dump on the subject lands is against everyone's wishes but no one is listening to the concerns expressed over the past few years by the local business owners. Although he has been on Toy Avenue for many years, Mr. Bedwell stated that he has only recently complained due to a concern of how the area is developing. There is no need to allow this problem to grow. Trucks serving the subject lands cause problems by blocking the street and driving to and from the subject lands all day and night. The Town is tolerating too much obnoxious activity on this street and the Town should not approve this application at the expense of other property owners on the street. 11. Mike Nunes, Sonic Automobile, stated that he hopes the concerns of the property owners on Toy Avenue will be heard and something done about the dust, dirt, mice, smell, etc. There is an impact on the existing businesses which will be a loss to the Town. He has considered selling his business but he has been at this location for 20 years and would prefer to see action taken against the applicant. The existing use was allowed through miscommunication and a lack of communication. He has been required to change his business operations to accommodate the impact from the applicants lands and he is not prepared to change again. He is required to rent other space to avoid his products from being contaminated. 12. The applicant responded that the history of complaints of his lands is an issue but everyone should be allowed the opportunity to correct their mistakes. He noted that they are not affiliated with Evergreen Recycling but are known as CanSort. It is not his intent to operate a transfer station and will provide fencing if necessary. He was convicted of by-law violations but he has paid the fines and is now working within the by-law. He noted that this is an industrial area and the dust and traffic is not caused solely by his operation. .'-" 13. Charles Wiltshire, representing the applicant, stated that he is one of the partners of the subject lands and noted that the property was for sale at one time but is now off the market. He noted that charges were laid against his business and he has since pleaded guilty, paid his fines and now complies with all applicable by-laws. 14. Milton Wiltshire, representing the applicant, stated that he has listened to the complaints and noted that even nice buildings downtown have rats. He tried to put asphalt on the subject lands to assist with dust but complaints continued to be made. He is willing to put controls on the site to address dust and clean up the site. lID ADJOURNMENT ......... The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Dated --.J A AJ u. AIL t.r q I (f tt( Clerk /7 Y' /f;> ff/ ~./. I' ~. .'-' ....