HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 22, 1996 i EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1996 - 7 :30 P.M. ~ PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner - Chairman R. Johnson E. Pistritto D.Ryan S.Senis ALSO PRESENT: C.M. T. Sheffield B. Taylor N. Carroll T. Melymuk D. Kearns - Town Manager - Town Clerk - Director of Planning - Deputy Director of Planning - Co-ordinator of Council Services '-" In ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of January 8, 1996. lID MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 93-011/D (REVISION NO.1) LOCAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 93-004/P DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 18T-93009 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/93 MINISTERS ZONING ORDER AMENDMENT APPLICATION CLUBLINK CORPORATION PART OF LOTS 13 TO 16, CONCESSION 7 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 19/93 -- In Planning Recommendation Report 24/95, it is recommended the "Rural Population Growth Targets" BE ENDORSED, and that staff be directed to incorporate these targets into the new Pickering Official Plan. Aooroved Part 1 Re2:ardim!: Rural Growth Tar2:ets Parts 2. 3 & 4 were lost See Recommendation #1 7 1. Renee' Jarrett, representing the M.T.R.C.A. advised that they chose not to endorse the proposal, but continue to work with the proponent. She outlined the work that has been undertaken and advised that their role is to protect land forms, features and functions. She stated that the M.T.R.C.A. have worked for 2 1/2 years on this proposal. 2. ~ Don Fleming, President of Club link Ltd. advised of the work carried out by his organization to ensure 100% satisfaction with the proposal. He outlined the money spent on various agencies, such as hydrogeologists, biologists. etc. He described the sewage facility and requested the approval to build a high quality golf facility. He stated that they are opposed to the staff recommendations. 3. Mr. Simmonds, President of Clublink Corporation outlined the businesses owned and their commitment to excellence. He advised that proposals are before the Townships of King and Mississauga and both are heartily endorsed. 4. Bill Ellis, owner of Ellis Packaging stated that he moved his business to Pickering from Scarborough in 1990. The expansion of Cherry Downs would create new jobs and bring unique housing opportunities to the Town. He also stated that this would be a first class golfing facility. 5. Carol PIitz, 2130 Shirley Road, Port Perry spoke in support of this application stating that it would be an asset to the tax base and would create jobs. She also stated that the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of the Environment have approved the proposal in principal. 6. Murray Wilson, 920 Essa Crescent. advised that he moved to Pickering in 1968 and has been a member of Cherry Downs for four years. He spoke in support of the application. '-" 7. Jack Walmsley, 2125 Concession 7 advised that he lives directly across the street from the proposed development and is in favour of the proposal. 8. Doug Hortop, 52 Lincoln Avenue, Pickering Village spoke in support of the development and the job creation for young people. 9. Tom Newman, R. R. #5, Claremont stated that his property is 1/2 mile south of the subject property. He stated that he was disturbed by the presentations made by Simmonds and Flemming and their comments concerning the amount of taxes they pay to the Town. He is concerned with the possible pollution to the creek and what happens if the sewage system does not work. He suggested waiting to see if the proposal for a similar facility in Muskoka works. The application is premature and he requested that the Committee refuse it. '-" 10. George Martin, Greenwood advised of his opposition to the proposal. He stated that there is no design which can promise there will be no seepage or odours. This development would be an attempt to put urban design in a rural structure. The highest insurance claims are for environmental damage and clean-up. He asked that a message be sent advising that urban development in a rural area is not wanted and the permanent agricultural areas should be preserved. It should be very clear where the urban area ends and rural begins. Once the door is open more applications will be received for urban development in rural areas. 8 11. James Dyment, Planning Consultant, retained by the residents, advised that their primary concern is urban development in a rural area. Prior to committing staff and Club link to undertaking further studies the Committee should consider certain matters such as development in environmentally sensitive areas, high quality agricultural land, provincial policies, and the draft official plan. His clients concern is to maintain rural area. 12. Phil Roth, 3415 Greenwood Road stated that the positives of this development are: increased assessment, job creation and development. The negatives are: the development is too close to Duffins Creek, there is no sewage trunk to the development and water pollution is a possibility. He holds the Committee responsible for representing him. '-' 13. Mike Newman, Paddock Road advised that the cluster home variety did not exist sixteen months ago, why is it appearing now when this development has come forwaRoad The surrounding property values will decrease if this development is approved and human sewage is spread over area. Fire and police protection is a concern. He questioned if studies have been carried out regarding job loss. 14. Liz Currie, R. R. #4, Claremont advised that she was requested to participate in the review of the Official Plan and there were many consultations. Without exception the residents want rural kept rural and future development to occur adjacent to hamlets. This recommendation undermines the efforts of the people that have worked together over the past three years. 15. Tom Mohr, representing the Pickering East Shore Community Association advised that infrastructure costs will be felt by all residents and whatever happens in the watershed concerns all. He requested the proposal be recirculated. '-' 16. Bill Wilder, 12th Sideline of 5th Concession has owned. and rented over 1,300 aCrescent He questioned if the developer can finance such a development. He stressed is opposition to this proposal. 17. Carrie Newman advised that the M.T.R.C.A. deferred approval until further information was available. Sewage will have a detrimental environmental impact. She outlined residents rights as, understanding implications of this development; right to participate in consultation process; and knowledge of any amendments to figures of growth. She requested that Part 4 be tabled until consultation process has occurred with residents and that the hamlets acquire recommended growth with buffer. 18. Fred Beer, 4945 Westney Road stated that consideration should not be given to placing the pond where a detrimental affect on the neighbours would occur. Land cannot be conserved adjacent to 700 people and the creek would be destroyed if the development occurs. He requested a detailed report be submitted outlining the jobs and hours employed at the golf course. The people of Pickering have clearly stated that they do not want this development and he requested Committee's refusal. 19. Charles Dolman, Greenwood Road stated his concern regarding the traffic which would be generated by this development and questioned the management of two to three hundred cars moving south. This development would create an urban area in the heart of the rural community. ...... 20. Chris Willens, 2165 8th Concession stated that his property is north of the proposed development. He questioned when rural becomes urban and stated that this proposal is not appropriate. 9 21. Allister Gillespie advised that he has been a resident for 40 years and is impressed that the rural community has not succumbed to urban development. He feels that the political process is betraying them and that Council should recognize their responsibilities as trustees. He requested that Committee refuse this application. 22. Michael Robertson, 865 Concession 7, questioned how pollution will be controlled as this development is in progress, e.g. movement of trucks. He stated that traffic is already a problem and he requested that Committee vote against the complete proposal. The creek and animals are sacred and should be preserved. ~ 23. David Currie, Concession. 9, Lot 11, stated his opposition to this application. He endorsed Mr. Dyments comments and stated his concern with respect to the magnitude and sheer scope of the development as well as the impact on the water supply, and increased traffic volume. He is not convinced that more golf courses are needed and feels this development would have a negative impact on the rural character of the area. 24. Jack McInnis, Lot 18, Concession 5, advised that the M.T.R.C.A. deferred this proposal. He advised that the residents are in favour of controlled development growth and would like to see a win/win situation. 25. Steve Murray, Concession 8, Sideline 12 questioned the distance of the sewage line from their proposed development and close proximity to the present homeowners. He stated his concern that more development would occur once this has begun. He requested that the Official Plan be followed. "-' 2. PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE BRIDGE OVER mGHW A Y 401 AGREEMENT WITH THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION FILE NUMBER - A 2310.33 In Public Works Report PW 01/96, it is recommended that the Town enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Transportation thereby allowing the Ministry of Transportation to include the construction of the bridge provisions (concrete footings) in the Ministry's contract for reconstruction at Highway 401 from Whites Road to Brock Road. LOST 3. REGULATION, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF NEWSPAPER BOXES AND CANADA POST BOXES ON PUBLIC mGHW A YS FILE NUMBER - A 2400 ~ In Public Works Report PW 02/96, it is recommended that the report on the regulation, installation and maintenance of Newspaper Boxes and Canada Post Boxes, excluding existing and proposed Canada Post Super Mailboxes on public highways, be received. Approved as amended to reflect an increase in the fee for permit submission and approval to $50.00 See Recommendation #2 10 4. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SUPERCITIES WALK - 1996 USE OF RECREATION COMPLEX FILE NUMBER - C 2163 In Parks and Facilities Report 001/96, it is recommended that a one time grant in the amount of $1,000 be made to the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada in support of their 1996 Pickering Super Cities WALK. -. Referred to Staff for review and brou2ht back before Council on Februarv 5. 1996 5. TRANSIT ADVERTISING AGREEMENT FILE NUMBER - D 3310 In Legal Services Report L 002/96, it is recommended that an agreement with Street Level Media Inc. for the placement of advertising bus benches on Town Roads be authorized. ADDroved as amended to reflect a three year A2reement with a two year renewal See Recommendation #3 6. STOP SIGNS - VARIOUS LOCATIONS FILE NUMBER - E 4000 ~ In Legal Services Report L 003/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to further amend By-law 2632/88 to authorize the erection of stop signs at certain intersections within the Town be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 7. AGREEMENT WITH CAREY BRIAN FLEMING RESPECTING UNOPENED ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 8 AND 9, CONCESSION 9 FILE NUMBER - D 3310 In Legal Services Report L 006/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement with Carey Brian Fleming respecting the unopened road allowance between Lots 8 and 9, Concession 9, (lying north of the northerly limit of Durham Road No.5, east of Westney Road), be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council '-' (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a. The Town Manager advised that the fax machine now located in the Councillors' area will be moved into the room across from his office. 11 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS b. The Town Manager advised that a Press Release would be issued concerning Parking Violations, which are not authorized by the Town, being issued by the 'Toronto Parking Enforcement'. c. Councillor Senis distributed a letter which she received from a concerned citizen regarding safety at the Recreation Complex. ~c d. Councillor Johnson advised of the number of calls he has received concerning tickets being issued for overnight parking. e. Councillor Brenner questioned the legality of tickets being issued by the 'Toronto Parking Enforcement'. f Councillor Johnson advised of two revenue generating sources which he feels should be considered - yearly licence fee for billboards and the issuance of Town of Pickering buttons for community events. (VI) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 1:30 a.m. DATED CHAIRMAN .-- "-' APPENDIX #1 TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on January 22, 1996, presents its second report to Council and recommends: 1. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 93-011/D (REVISION NO. 1) LOCAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 93-004/P DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION 18T-93009 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 19/93 MINISTERS ZONING ORDER AMENDMENT APPLICATION CLUBLINK CORPORATION PART OF LOTS 13 TO 16, CONCESSION 7 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 19/93 '-" That Town Council ENDORSE the 'Rural Population Growth Targets' set out below, and direct staff to incorporate these targets into the new Pickering Official Plan currently under preparation: RURAL POPULATION GROWTH TARGETS TO 2016 ::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~:~:~:~:~:::::::::::j::::::::::::~..GWI:j:::j::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::~::::~:n::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Ij:I::::::::~~::::1~HEMttl.:::::::::::~tt::::::~~::~:::~::~::j:::~j::::::::::::::~::: Hamlets and Ex ansion Areas Lots of Record Total Rural Growth Ta Remainin Ca aci Ie '-" 2. REGULATION, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF NEWSPAPER BOXES AND CANADA POST BOXES ON PUBLIC HIGHWAYS FILE NUMBER - A 2400 1. That the Council of the Town of Pickering amend By-law #4639/95, which received second reading at the regular meeting of Council on June 26, 1995. By-law 4639/95 should be amended to regulate the installation and maintenance of Newspaper Boxes and Canada Post Boxes on public highways in the Town of Pickering as follows: (i) That the word "Town" in Section 6.(a) be replaced with the word "Director" (ii) That the word "Trillium" in Section 6.(c) and Section 7. be replaced with the word "Shaw". (iii) That the conformity date of September 30, 1996, as specified in Section 9. be revised to the conformity date of December 31, 1996. -- 2. That the Council of the Town of Pickering adopt the revised Fee Schedule as outlined in this report, as amended to provide a Permit Submission and Approval Fee of$50.00/box, so as to recover all municipal costs associated with the inspection, preparation, installation, maintenance and/or restoration of an approved Newspaper Box or Canada Post Box location; and 2 3. That the Council of the Town of Pickering request that the Region of Durham pass a similar By-law and delegate to the Town, the authority for control and regulation of the placement of Newspaper Boxes and Canada Post Boxes on Regional Roads within the Town of Pickering; and 4. That the Council of the Town of Pickering direct the Public Works Department to ensure that all Newspaper Box and Canada Post Box locations are brought into conformity with the regulating By-law. ~. 3. TRANSIT ADVERTISING AGREEMENT FILE NUMBER - D 3310 That Council renew a three (3) year agreement with the option of one two (2) year renewal period, subject to a sixty (60) day cancellation notice by either party, with Street Level Media Inc. for the placement of advertising bus benches on Town Roads at an annual fee of$120.00 per bench; and That the Regional Municipality of Durham be requested to consult with the Town's Transit and Public Works Departments on the appropriateness of new bench locations on Regional Roads, prior to granting final installation approval; and That Resolution 172/95 is hereby repealed. ~ '-'