HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 9, 1996 i EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES ~ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,1996 - 7:50 P.M. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson E. Pistritto D. Ryan - Chairman S. Senis ALSO PRESENT: T.1. Quinn B. Taylor N. Carroll D. Kearns - Executive Director of Operations - Town Clerk - Director of Planning - Co-ordinator of Council Services ... (n ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of June 10, 1996. Mayor Arthurs welcomed all Council members back from summer recess, commenting that all were still actively involved throughout the summer with Town related duties. (In DELEGATIONS 1. Rita McDonald addressed the Committee with respect to the "Take Back The Night" march taking place on September 26th. She invited Council members to attend the opening ceremonies and presented them with a rose which she asked them to wear throughout the month of September. -- (Ill) 61 MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 95-005ID DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-95035 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 7/95 DEGRAAUW HOLDING PART OF LOT 11, CONCESSION 8 (SOUTHWEST CORNER WESTNEY AND NINTH CONCESSION ROADS) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 '-" In Planning Report 20/96, it is recommended that the Town's recommended conditions of approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-95035, and the conditions of approval for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/95 be endorsed as submitted by deGraauw Holdings. Annroved See Recommendation #1. #2 & #3 2. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 96-01 OlD KOSE PROPERTIES INC. LOT 19, CONCESSIONB.F.C. TOWN OF WHITBY AND REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 96-011D RELADANORA HOLDING INC. LOT 21, CONCESSION B.F.C. TOWN OF WHITBY FILE NUMBER - B 2310 In Planning Report No. 21/96, it is recommended that Planning Report No. 21/96 be forwarded to Regional Council as the Town's comments on OPA 96-01OID and OPA 96-011ID. '-' Annroved See Recommendation #4 3. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT JUNE 30,1996 FILE NUMBER - C 1000 In a memorandum dated August 12, 1996, the Treasurer-Collectors submits the half-yearly Statement of Financial Position of the Town of Pickering Annroved See Recommendation #5 4. DISPOSAL OF TOWN LANDS PART OF LOT 26, PLAN 820 SHEPP ARD AVENUE FILE NUMBER - D 3360 '-" In Legal Services Report L 93/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law authorizing the sale of surplus municipal lands, being Lot 26, Plan 820, to D. Barrett in accordance with By-law 4592/95, be forwarded to Council for enactment. By-law forwarded to Council 62 5. MUNICIP AL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CONSULTING FEES FILE NUMBER - A 4000 In Town Manager's Report M 23/96, it is recommended that payment of the invoice from William M. Mercer Limited respecting fees for services rendered in connection with employee group benefit insurance coverage for the period April 1 to June 30, 1996 be made. Auuroved See Recommendation #6 .,., 6. DISABLED ACCESS FOR CIVIC COMPLEX LffiRARY WASHROOMS FILE NUMBER - F 2200 In Clerk's Report CL 28/96, it is recommended that Quotation No. 9190 submitted by Enex Door Automation Inc. in the amount of $8,346.00 for supply and installation of automatic doors for disabled access to the mens and ladies washrooms at the Civic Complex Library be approved. Auuroved See Recommendation #7 7. "COMMUNITY HEALTH WEEK" - SEPTEMBER 27 TO OCTOBER 4, 1996 "HOSPICE WEEK" - OCTOBER 14 TO OCTOBER 20, 1996 "INSURANCE INFORMATION WEEK" - OCTOBER 14, TO OCTOBER 19, 1996 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: ,.. "COMMUNITY HEALTH WEEK" - SEPTEMBER 27 TO OCTOBER 4, 1996 "HOSPICE WEEK" - OCTOBER 14 TO OCTOBER 20, 1996 "INSURANCE INFORMATION WEEK" - OCTOBER 14, TO OCTOBER 19, 1996 Auuroved See Recommendation #8 8. WOODSMERE PROPERTIES LTD. FILE NUMBER - B 2310 In Legal Services Report L 99/96, it is recommended that an amendment to Schedule A to the Subdivision Agreements for Phases 4 and 5 of 18T-88074 to that Development Charge credits may be applied towards the park development component of the applicable Development Charges and to the Parkland acquisition component of the Development Charges be authorized and that Council provide direction regarding the waiving of parkland dedication for Phase 6. Auuroved See Recommendation #9 & #10 .....,. 63 9. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING FILE NUMBER - A 4000 In Legal Services Report L 94/96, it is recommended that the Legal Services Clerk attend an advanced education training course conducted by the Municipal Law Enforcement Officers' Association on Courtroom Procedures and Prosecution. ADDroved See Recommendation #11 "-" (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor Brenner advised that a letter had been received from Multi-Tech requesting the opportunity to identify and secure grants for the municipality. 2. Councillor Brenner thanked Town staff and School Board staff for their effort in securing a community use of schools agreement. He advised that the five schools that were slated to be closed after hours for community use will remain open. 3. Councillor Brenner commented on the memorandum from Councillor Senis regarding the recommendations outlined in the Audit Committee Report and the target date for implementation. He requested that the Committee be advised of implementation. 4. Councillor Dickerson advised that interviews for the Director of Human Resources would be completed on September 10th. 5. Councillor Ryan requested a status report from the Executive Director Operations regarding the train whistle on W oodview Ave. 6. Councillor Ryan invited the residents to participate in the 'Take Back the Night' march on September 26th. '-' 7. Councillor Ryan commented on the T-shirts worn by the recycling volunteers at the 1996 Atlanta Games, which were distributed to Councillors by Carrie Newman and Jack McInnis. He also shared a letter from Ms. Newman and Mr. McGinnis concerning the Blue Box Program which took place at these events. 8. Mayor Arthurs advised of two upcoming events, Big Sisters Assoc. 'AI Capone's Birthday being held on September 20th, 7:30 p.m. Gallantry's Restaurant and the Pickering Museum Village fund raiser being held at Herongate Dinner Theatre on October 20th. 9. The following items were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a. The Fire Chief advised that the Fire Department has received a pump rescue unit which will be in service by the end of the month. b. The Director of Parks and Facilities advised that a review of the size of the multi-purpose room in the community hall in Claremont is being undertaken. c. The Director of Planning advised that the Seaton Structure Plan Information Meeting was held today and was well attended. '-" d. The Acting-Director of Public Works advised that Kingston Road in the vicinities of Fairport Road and Valley Farm Road are in the process of being paved. "-" '-" '-' 64 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS e. The Acting-Director of Public Works advised that Novacor are on site on Fairport Road and in the process of cleaning up the creek on Fairport Road. f The Town Clerk advised that The Original Bay News and Pickering 2000 have requested a copy of the Bradford Report. g. Councillor Dickerson questioned if an appraisal is required for the land at the comer of Bonita Ave. and Fairport Road for the proposed parkland. h. Mayor Arthurs reported that he was advised by the Treasurer that he is unable to attend the meeting on Monday nights because he is involved in charity work in the community. (\1) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. DATED .. ~ oJc:5/'i~ ('7)1\ /.~ ~ ~~...--- r:-- / ! / ,~j' CHAIRMAN '--.. TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on September 9, 1996, presents its eleventh report to Council and recommends: 1. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 95-005/0 DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-95035 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 7/95 DEGRAAUW HOLDING PART OF LOT 11, CONCESSION 8 (SOUTHWEST CORNER WESTNEY AND NINTH CONCESSION ROADS) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 '-' That the following Town's recommended conditions of approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-95035 as submitted by deGraauw Holdings, be approved: 1.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 That this recommendation apply to the plan submitted by the applicant and dated March, 1995 subject to appropriate red line revisions required to meet the conditions of approval noted below and minor lot line adjustments required to meet Health Department requirements for private services. 2.0 PRIOR TO THE REGISTRATION OF THE PLAN 2.1 That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/95 become final and binding; 2.2 That the owner enter into a subdivision agreement with, and to the satisfaction of the Town, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: '-' 2.2.1 Storm Drainage (a) satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, in consultation with the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority respecting a stormwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provisions regarding easements; (b) satisfaction of the Director of Public Works with respect to appropriate stormwater management techniques; 2.2.2 Grading Control and Soils ( a) satisfaction of the Director of Public Works respecting submission and approval of a grading and control plan; (b) satisfaction of the Director of Public Works respecting submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis; 2.2.3 Road Allowances (a) satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and Director of Planning respecting construction of the internal road including having regard that road construction details are appropriate for the rural character of the area; '-" 2 2.2.4 ConstructionlInstallation of Town Works & Services (a) satisfaction of the Town respecting arrangements for the provision of all services required by the Town; (b) satisfaction of the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar services which shall be of a design suited to the rural character of the area; 2.2.5 Dedications/Transfers/Conveyances '-' (a) the dedication to the Town of all road allowances with proper comer roundings and sight triangles; (b) the provision of a O.3-metre reserve along the north side of the proposed new road; ( e) any other easements as required; 2.2.6 Street Naming (a) the street within the draft plan be named to the satisfaction of the Town and the Region, and be dedicated as a public highway under the jurisdiction of the Town upon registration of the plan; 2.2.7 Tree PreservationIPlanting (a) the submission of a tree preservation and street tree planting program to the satisfaction of the Town; 2.2.8 Design Planning '-" (a) the satisfaction of the Director of Planning respecting a report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development, and the submission of site plans and architectural drawings identifying how each unit meets the objectives of the report, prior to the issuance of any building permit for the construction of a residential unit on the lands; (b) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development must address, building envelopes, house designs and siting, as well as garage designs, locations, and massing with special emphasis to be placed on minimizing visual impacts on the rural character of the area; 2.2.9 Parkland (a) that the owner make satisfactory arrangements with the Town regarding the required parkland dedication; 2.2.10 Existing Buildings (a) satisfactory arrangements with the Town regarding the removal, demolition and/or retention of all structures on the subject property; ~ 2.2.11 Development Charges (a) satisfaction of the Town, financially, with respect to the Development Charges Act. 3 2. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 95-005/D DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-95035 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 7/95 DEGRAAUW HOLDING PART OF LOT 11, CONCESSION 8 (SOUTHWEST CORNER WESTNEY AND NINTH CONCESSION ROADS) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 '-" That the following Town's recommended conditions of approval for Zoning By- law Amendment Application A 7/95 as submitted by deGraauw Holdings, be approved. 1.0 That prior to the forwarding of an implementing zoning by-law to Town Council: (a) Regional Official Plan Amendment Application 95-005/D be approved; (b) Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -95035 receive draft approval; (c) a Draft 40M-plan be submitted to the satisfaction of the Town Planning Department; (d) conceptual site plan approval be obtained to reflect appropriate changes to the site plan for the existing Spring Creek Golf Course development. 2.0 That the implementing zoning by-law shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: (a) Provide for detached residential dwellings on the lots fronting the south side of the proposed new internal road: '-' i) minimum lot frontages of 30 metres ii) minimum lot areas of 0.4 hectares iii) minimum front yard depths of 15 metres iv) minimum rear yard depths of 15 metres v) minimum side yard widths of 7.5 metres vi) maximum lot coverage's of 20 percent vii) maximum building heights of 9 metres (b) Provide for an Open Space - Hazard Land zoning along the stream corridor of the tributary to Duffins Creek that abuts the subject property; ( c) provide appropriate provisions to continue to allow one grounds- keepers dwelling on the remaining golf-course lands. '-' 4 3. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 95-005/0 DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-95035 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 7/95 DEGRAAUW HOLDING PART OF LOT 11, CONCESSION 8 (SOUTHWEST CORNER WESTNEY AND NINTH CONCESSION ROADS) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 '-' That a copy of Planning Report 20/96 outlining conditions of approval for Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-95035 and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 7/95 as submitted by deGraauw Holdings in Part of Lot 11, Concession 8, be forwarded to the Region of Durham for information. 4. REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 96-010/0 KOSE PROPERTIES INC. LOT 19, CONCESSIONB.F.C. TOWN OF WHITBY AND REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION 96-011D RELADANORA HOLDING INC. LOT 21, CONCESSION B.F.C. TOWN OF WHITBY FILE NUMBER - B 2310 That Planning Report No. 21/96 be forwarded to Regional Council as the Town's comments on OPA 96-010/0 and OPA 96-011/0. 5. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT JUNE 30, 1996 FILE NUMBER - C 1000 "-' That the half-yearly Statement of the Financial Position of the Town of Pickering as attached to the Report of the Treasurer-Collector dated August 12, 1996 be received. 6. MUNICIP AL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CONSULTING FEES FILE NUMBER - A 4000 WHEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Pickering has for a number of years retained William M. Mercer Limited as its advisor respecting employee group benefit insurance coverage matters; and WHEREAS it is necessary to authorize payment of that firm's invoice for services rendered in connection therewith during the period April 1 to June 30, 1996; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL YED THAT: 1. The Council of The Corporation of the Town of Pickering hereby approves payments of the sum of $9,052.20, including gst, to William M. Mercer Limited, for services rendered in connection with employee group benefit insurance coverage matters during the period April 1 to June 30, 1996. ~ 2. The payment of the sum referred to in section 1 shall be charged to Account 2126-2392 (General Government Purchased Services). 5 7. DISABLED ACCESS FOR CIVIC COMPLEX LillRARYWASHROOMS FILE NUMBER - F 2200 That Quotation No. 9190 submitted by Enex Door Automation Inc. in the amount of $8,346.00 for supply and installation of automatic doors for disabled access to the mens and ladies washrooms at the Civic Complex Library be approved; and that an over-expenditure in account 2745-6181 in the amount of $8,346.00 be authorized. -- 8. "COMMUNITY HEALTH WEEK" - SEPTEMBER 27 TO OCTOBER 4, 1996 "HOSPICE WEEK" - OCTOBER 14 TO OCTOBER 20, 1996 "INSURANCE INFORMATION WEEK" - OCTOBER 14 - OCTOBER 19, 1996 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamation: "COMMUNITY HEALTH WEEK" - SEPTEMBER 27 TO OCTOBER 4, 1996 "HOSPICE WEEK" - OCTOBER 14 TO OCTOBER 20, 1996 "INSURANCE INFORMATION WEEK" - OCTOBER 14, TO OCTOBER 19, 1996 WOODSMERE PROPERTIES LTD. FILE NUMBER - B 2310 9. ~ That an amendment to Schedule A to the Subdivision Agreements for Phases 4 and 5 of 18T-88074 so that Development Charge credits in the amount of $405, 549 may be applied towards the park development component of the applicable Development Charges and to the Parkland acquisition component of the Development Charges for phases 4 and 4 of Draft Plan 18T -88074 be authorized. 10. WOODSMERE PROPERTIES LTD. FILE NUMBER - B 2310 That Council provide direction to staff regarding the WaIVIng of parkland dedication for Phase 6 of Draft Plan 18T -88074. 11. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING FILE NUMBER - A 4000 That the Legal Services Clerk be authorized to attend an advanced education training course conducted by the Municipal Law Enforcement Officers' Association on Courtroom Procedures and Prosecution. ......