HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 11, 1996 i EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11,1996 -7:35 P.M. .. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson - Chairman R. Johnson E. Pistritto D. Ryan S. Senis ALSO PRESENT: ....... T. 1. Quinn B. Taylor N. Carroll P. Wyger N. Killens L. Taylor D. Kearns - Executive Director of Operations - Town Clerk - Director of Planning - Town Solicitor - Manager of Transportation - Manager, Current Operation Division - Co-ordinator of Council Services Mayor Arthurs requested one minute of silence in recognition of Remembrance Day. (n ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Meeting of October 28, 1996 lID DELEGATIONS 1. Roland Rutland, representing the Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Pickering, requested the proclamation of Unity in Diversity Week to be held November 10 - 16, 1996. He introduced two young colleagues who gave a short presentation and distributed Baha'i information to each Council member. ...... 85 OII) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 13/95 NUGGET CONSTRUCTION CO. LIMITED BLOCK 176, PLAN 40M-1630 AND PART 1, PLAN 40R-4222 (LAWSON STREET AND OAKBURN STREET) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 13/95 'W' In Planning Recommendation Report 32/96, it is recommended that Zoning By- law Amendment Application A 13/95, submitted by Nugget Construction Co. Limited, on lands being Block 176, Plan 40M-1630 be APPROVED to permit the development of three detached dwellings. Aooroved See Recommendation #1 Domine Cirone, 1759 Woodview Ave., advised that the design of this application and an increase in the road curve will encroach on his lot. Paul Krejcik, 1753 Woodview Ave., advised that the grading problems have not been addressed and ponding is still occurring at the back of his property. He suggested two solutions; dig a ditch across the rear of the properties leading to the railroad tracks or pay for his connection to sewers. He stated that the developer has agreed to rectify the problem but, to date, nothing has happened and he would like to see a solution in writing. He also stated his concern that the extension of the noise barrier to Woodview Ave. has not been addressed. Blaine Rust, 183 Twyn Rivers Drive, also speaking on behalf of Mr. Chan of Twyn Rivers Drive, spoke against the noise attenuation barriers. He requested a proper study be undertaken regarding the reflection of the noise coming back to the homes. 'W. Mr. Brouwer, 1757 Woodview Ave. advised that construction has raised the level of water and heavy rains create a serious odor problem in the back yards. His concern is that more construction will create increased problems. Colin Findlay, 1755 Woodview Ave. advised that he is experiencing serious ponding problems. Once the sewers were installed, drainage problems were created. Lloyd Cherniak, Nugget Construction, stated that a number of years ago Oakburn Street was constructed to assist residents in future development. He stated that this development will not affect Mr. Cirone's property and that the septic problems being experienced by the neighbours have not been the fault of Nugget Const. He also advised that the noise consultant had provided a report to staff advising that there will be minimal impact on the residents. They will gladly deal with staff concerning any other grading problems. '-' 86 2. DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM 18CDM-96003 THE GATES OF PICKERING INC. PART OF LOTS 1 AND 2, REGISTERED PLAN 228 (ALSO KNOWN AS PART OF LOT 1,2,6 & 7, PLAN 40R-16731) (NORTHEAST CORNER OF KINGSTON ROAD, AND AL TONA ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 4100 - 18CDM-96003 -.... In Planning Recommendation Report 30/96, it is recommended that Council recommends to Regional Council that Draft Plan of Condominium 18CDM-96003, submitted by The Gates of Pickering Inc., for the establishment of condominium tenure on lands being Part of Lots 1 and 2, Registered Plan 228, (also known as Part of Lots 1, 2, 6 and 7, Plan 40R-16731), be APPROVED. Aooroved See Recommendation #2 Laurie Tinnell, Solicitor for The Gates of Pickering Inc. advised that her client concurs and supports the staff report. She questioned the procedure for obtaining an independent appraisal with regards to the park dedication and requested relief by staggered or deferred payments. 3. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 15/96 TOWN INITIATED HEIGHT AND LOCATION OF ACCESSORY STRUCTURES FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 15/96 In Planning Recommendation Report 31/96, it is recommended that Council direct staff to prepare amendments to Zoning By-laws 3036, 2511, 2520 and 3037, including any necessary newspaper advertisements, in accordance with the proposed accessory structure provisions. w Aooroved See Recommendation #3 4. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 14/96 TOWN INITIATED FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 14/96 In Planning Recommendation Report 27/96, it is recommended that Council direct staff to prepare amendments to Zoning By-laws 3036, 2511, 2520 and 3037, including any necessary newspaper advertisements, to permit a minimum parking stall size of2.6 metres in width and 5.3 metres in length. Aooroved See Recommendation #4 Chris Willens, R. R. #5, Claremont, cautioned Council to keep a broad outlook advising that not everyone is taking apart cars and leaving parts laying around. He doesn't see the benefit to shrinking stalls. '-' 87 5. WEST ROUGE CANOE CLUB REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE METROPOLITAN TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY FILE NUMBER - D 3310 AND F 3112 '-"'. In Planning Report 27/96, it is recommended that the request of the West Rouge Canoe Club to extend its lease agreement with the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the period November 1, 1996 to October 31, 1997, to accommodate a temporary compound on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay for the storage, within trailers, of canoes and kayaks associated with the club's paddling facility. Approved See Recommendation #5 6. ROAD DEDICATION BLOCK 179, PLAN 40M-1810 (WHITE CEDAR DRIVE) BLOCK 180, PLAN 40M-181 0 (SILVER MAPLE DRIVE) FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Legal Services Report L 126/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate Block 179, Plan 40M-1810, (White Cedar Drive) and Block 180, Plan 40M-1810, (Silver Maple Drive) as public highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-law forwarded to Council '-" 7. ROAD DEDICATION BLOCKS 26 AND 27, PLAN 40M-1231 (pICKERING PARKWAY) FILE NUMBER - E 4000 In Legal Services Report L 129/96, it is recommended that a draft by-law to dedicate Blocks 26 and 27, Plan 40M-1231 (pickering Parkway) as public highway, be forwarded to Council for enactment. Bv-law forwarded to Council 8. PURCHASE OF AUTOMATIC VOTE TABULATORS FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS FILE NUMBER - A 2112 In Clerk's Report CL 11/96, it is recommended that the Proposal submitted by Global Election Systems Inc. for the purchase of automatic vote tabulators at a cost of$128,603.30 be approved and that the draft by-law to authorize the use of optical scanning vote tabulators at municipal elections for the purposes of voting and counting votes, be forwarded to Council for enactment. '-' Deferred for Two Weeks 88 9. "WORLD AIDS DAY" - DECEMBER 1, 1996 "LUNG AWARENESS MONTH" - DECEMBER, 1996 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamations: "WORLD AIDS DAY" - DECEMBER 1,1996 "LUNG AWARENESS MONTH" - DECEMBER, 1996 "UNITY AND DIVERSITY WEEK" - NOVEMBER 10 - 16, 1996 ~ Aooroved See Recommendation #6 10. RELOCATION OF THE PICKERING TRANSIT SPECIALIZED SERVICES OPERATION TO AJAX TRANSIT FILE NUMBER - F 4100 In Transit Report 004/96, it is recommended that the relocation of the Pickering Transit Specialized Services operation to Ajax Transit as recommended in a report from C.R. Prentice Consulting entitled "Towards Improved Transit Service for Persons with Disabilities - A Strategy for Co-ordinating the Handi- Transit Service in Pickering and Ajax, be approved. Aooroved See Recommendation #7 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Mayor Arthurs congratulated Councillor Dickerson on his chairing of this evenings meeting. '-" 2. Councillor Brenner questioned holding an In Camera meeting regarding Legal Report L139/96. 3. Councillor Senis advised that she would be bringing forward a Notice of Motion to lift from the table the Resolution with respect to the park at Bonita Avenue and Fairport Road. 4. Councillor Senis requested a status report on Dixie Road Reconstruction from Finch Avenue to the 3rd Concession. 5. Councillor Senis advised that the Pickering! Ajax Progress Club won the Club of the Year Membership Award and Foundation Award for all of Canada. 6. The following matters were discussed prior to the regular meeting: a) The Executive Director Operations advised that the lights at Brock and Rossland Roads are not an extra and will not affect any programs with the Region. b) The Executive Director Operations advised that there were two train accidents this past weekend killing two males. '-" c) The Executive Director Operations advised Committee Members that two vehicles would be available for them to ride in at the Santa Claus Parade on Saturday, November 16. '-' '-' '-' 89 (IV) OTHER BUSINESS d) The Executive Director Operations distributed revised information concerning the Proposed 1997 Canada Ontario Infrastructure Works Program. e) The Executive Director Operations requested direction pertaining to the education program offered by Covey Leadership. f) The Manager of AccountinglPayroll distributed information and gave a brief overview of the status of the 1997 Budget preparation. g) The Director of Planning advised that Items 1, 3 and 4, on this evenings agenda, should be open for public involvement. (V) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. / DATED //.2-<"- y/pc I' / "\ CHAIRMAN._~ ~~,.",,,P-'" _.."'~.~.".,,-' .) c. '~.:.; .... =~ TOWN OF PICKERING That the Executive Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on November 11, 1996, presents its sixteenth report to Council and recommends: 1. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 13/95 NUGGET CONSTRUCTION CO. LIMITED BLOCK 176, PLAN 40M-1630 AND PART 1, PLAN 40R-4222 (LAWSON STREET AND OAKBURN STREET) FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 13/95 'W That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 13/95, submitted by Nugget Construction Co. Limited, on lands being Block 176, Plan 40M-1630 be APPROVED to permit the development of three detached dwellings, subject to the following conditions: 1.0 That prior to the forwarding of an implementing zoning by-law to Town Council, the land severances required for creation of the three proposed lots receive approval from the Durham Region Land Division Committee, subject to various conditions including that the owner enter into a development agreement with the Town and any other conditions necessary to address the issues noted in this Report. 2.0 That the implementing zoning by-law shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: (a) provide for detached dwellings with a minimum frontage of 10.0 metres; '-' (b) provide appropriate zoning proViSIOns including the necessary increased rear yard setback requirements from the C.N. railway right-of-way. 2. DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM 18CDM-96003 THE GATES OF PICKERING INC. PART OF LOTS 1 AND 2, REGISTERED PLAN 228 (ALSO KNOWN AS PART OF LOT 1,2,6 & 7, PLAN 40R-16731) (NORTHEAST CORNER OF KINGSTON ROAD, AND AL TONA ROAD) FILE NUMBER - B 4100 - 18CDM-96003 That Council recommends to Regional Council that Draft Plan of Condominium 18CDM-96003, submitted by The Gates of Pickering Inc., for the establishment of condominium tenure on lands being Part of Lots 1 and 2, Registered Plan 228, (also known as Part of Lots 1,2,6 and 7, Plan 40R-16731), be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1. That this recommendation apply to the condominium plan prepared by Horton, Wallace & Davies Limited, Ontario Land Surveyors, signed and dated September 6, 1996, containing 49 townhouse units bearing the Town Recommendation stamp; and -- 2 2. That prior to final registration of this plan: a) the applicant shall submit a Draft Durham Condominium Plan to be approved by the Town's Planning Department in order to ensure consistency between the condominium plan and the approved site plan; b) the Town must be satisfied that the site is in full conformity with the Site Plan Agreement dated March 17, 1995, and registered as Instrument Number D 450746 on April 26, 1996, and that all of the general on-site works, including landscaping, fencing, lighting, and surface treatments have been or will be completed to the satisfaction of the Town's Planning and Public Works Departments; '-" c) the applicant shall enter into an appropriate condominium agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following requirements: (i) assurance of the continued compliance of the subject property with the Town-approved site plan; (ii) the ensured cooperation of the condominium corporation with the Town regarding such matters as snow storage, refuse collection, and driveway entrance maintenance; and d) the applicant shall satisfy the Town with regard to a payment in lieu of parkland contribution that would have otherwise been required for the proposed development. '-' 3. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 15/96 TOWN INITIATED ZONING REVIEW: HEIGHT AND LOCATION OF ACCESSORY STRUCTURES FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 15/96 That Council direct staff to prepare amendments to Zoning By-laws 3036, 2511, 2520 and 3037, including any necessary newspaper advertisements, in accordance with the proposed accessory structure provisions, as detailed in Attachment # 1 to Recommendation Report No. 31/96. 4. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 14/96 TOWN INITIATED ZONING REVIEW: PARKING STALL SIZE FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 14/96 That Council direct staff to prepare amendments to Zoning By-laws 3036, 2511, 2520 and 3037, including any necessary newspaper advertisements, to permit a minimum parking stall size of2.6 metres in width and 5.3 metres in length. '-' 3 5. WEST ROUGE CANOE CLUB REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE METROPOLITAN TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY FILE NUMBER - D 3310 AND F 3112 w That the request of the West Rouge Canoe Club to extend its lease agreement with the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the period November 1, 1996 to October 31, 1997, to accommodate a temporary compound on the west spit of Frenchman's Bay for the storage, within trailers, of canoes and kayaks associated with the club's paddling facility, be supported by Council; and that a building permit be obtained from the Town's Building Department for the two existing temporary trailers on the site. 6. "WORLD AIDS DAY" - DECEMBER 1,1996 "LUNG AWARENESS MONTH' - DECEMBER, 1996 FILE NUMBER - A 2111 That Mayor Arthurs be authorized to make the following proclamations: "WORLD AIDS DAY" - DECEMBER 1,1996 "LUNG AWARENESS MONTH' - DECEMBER, 1996 "UNITY AND DIVERSITY WEEK" - NOVEMBER 10 - 16, 1996 7. RELOCATION OF THE PICKERING TRANSIT SPECIALIZED SERVICES OPERATION TO AJAX TRANSIT FILE NUMBER - F 4100 ~. That Council approve the relocation of the Pickering Transit Specialized Services operation to Ajax Transit as recommended in a report from C.R. Prentice Consulting entitled "Towards Improved Transit Service for Persons with Disabilities - A Strategy for Co-ordinating the Handi- Tranist Service in Pickering and Ajax", subject to the following provisos: 1. That the staff from both municipalities agree to the operating, vehicle maintenance, and administrative conditions associated with co-ordinating the two municipal Handi- Transit systems. 2. That the agreement to operate a co-ordinated service based at Ajax Transit be for a term of five (5) years commencing January 1, 1997 and ending December 31, 2001 with each Municipality having the option to terminate the agreement with six (6) months of prior written notice. 3. That no job losses shall result from the implementation of the agreement. '-"