HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 42-08 Citlf iJ~ REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Report Number: PD 42-08 Date: November 3, 200;8 From: Neil Carroll . Director, Planning & Development Subject: Region of Durham's Growth Plan Implementation Study: Growing Durham Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Report, prepared by Urban Strategies Inc. et ai, dated September 23, 2008 Phase 5 Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 42-08 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Report, dated September 23, 2008, presenting the draft recommendations for Phase 5 of the Region of Durham's Growth Plan Implementation Study, be received; 2. That the comments contained in Report PD 42-08 on the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Report for the Region of Durham Growth Plan Implementation Study be endorsed, and further that the Region of Durham and its consultants be requested to make the following changes: a) Expand the extent of land identified for future living area around Kinsale, extending both to the west and to the east to Lake Ridge Road, so as to create a threshold of growth for a complete neighbourhood; b) Revise the policy restricting major office development from employment areas, such that it permits major office development at selected freeway interchanges, thereby taking advantage of transit and increasing employment densities; c) Reconsider the timing of the lands in the centre of northeast Pickering identified for future employment in the post-2031 period, so as to maximize the logical and orderly extension of services and infrastructure; and d) Implement the timing changes recommended by Regional Planning Committee on October 14, 2008, to bring lands for future living area at the north limit of northeast Pickering from post-2031 to pre-2031, and to change the lands in northeast Pickering adjacent to Lake Ridge Road from pre-2031 to post-2031; and 3. Further, that a copy of Report PD 42-08 and Pickering Council's resolution on the matter be forwarded to the Region of Durham, Urban Strategies Inc. et ai, other Durham Area Municipalities, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Report PD 42-08 November 3, 2008 Subject: Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions J) ,- Page 2 i . Executive Summary: On September 23, 2008, the Region of Durham released for comment a report entitled Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions. The report is the preliminary recommendations from Phase 5 of Region's Growth Plan Implementation Study, entitled Growing Durham. The Study is being undertaken for the Region by Urban Strategies Inc., Watson & Associates and TSH. The Region of Durham is undertaking public and stakeholder consultation for this study. The consultants should be congratulated on completing a significant amount of work refining the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and policy directions in a short period of time. A copy of the Recommended Growth Scenario is provided as Attachment #1 to this Report to Council. The Region requests comments on the Draft Report by October 24, 2008. A Final Report is to be released on November 25, 2008. Pickering Council commented on the Phase 3 & 4 Report, Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper dated June 10, 2008. Many of Council's comments have been addressed in the latest Report (see discussion in section 3.6 of this Report to Council). Staff's review of the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Report concludes with four main findings: (a) the overall density and housing mix assuniption~ to achieve the intensification and density targets are supportable; (b) the arrangement of future living area and future employment area is logical with the exception of the inadequate extent of living area around the existing Hamlet of Kinsale (see Item 1 on Appendix I to Report PO 42-08); (c) the policy direction focusing major office development (being greater than 10,000 square metres or 500 or more employees) to "centres" and "corridors" and restricting them from employment areas should be revised to permit major office development at selected freeway interchanges to take advantage of transit and to increase the number of jobs per hectare; and (d) the creation of a 'hole' within the 2031 urban area for northeast Pickering should be reexamined to take advantage of logical and orderly servicing (see Item 2 on Appendix I to Report PD 42-08). A revision to the timing of certain future living area lands in northeast Pickering recommended by Regional Planning Committee on October 14, 2008, is also of no concern to staff (see items 3 and 4 on Appendix I to Report PD 42-08). The time frame for commenting on the Study Report is extremely limited, and insufficient to accommodate Council's meeting schedule. The November 3, 2008 Planning & Development Committee is the earliest possible time frame in which to provide comment. Accordingly, the recommendations of the Planning & Development Committee will be forwarded to the consultants as well as the follow-up recommendation of Council. Report PD 42-08 November 3, 2008 Subject: Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Page 3 3 Financial Implications: No direct implications from providing comments on this phase of the Growing Durham Study. Sustainability Implications: Responsible Development, one of the five objectives in Pickering's framework for sustainability, is central to the purpose of the Growing Durham Study. The comments and recommendations contained in this Report to Council are intended to support the importance of achieving intensification in existing built up areas and meeting minimum density targets in new Greenfield areas, planning new Greenfield areas as complete communities and strengthening existing settlements, creating opportunities for major office jobs in employment areas; and extending urban areas in a logical and orderly fashion. Background: 1.0 The Growina Durham Study 1.1 Section 1, the Introduction, of the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Report summarizes the Growing Durham Study to date. The introductory chapter of the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Report is provided as Attachment #2 to Report to Council PD 42-08 as it gives a synopsis of the following relevant background material: the scope and objectives of the Growing Durham Study; the work completed to date on the initial growth assessment, the scenario evaluation and the preferred growth scenario; the directions of Regional Planning Committee, the Consultation Process; and the purpose and structure of the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Report. A copy of the full Report is available for viewing at the Pickering Planning & Development counter, and may be downloaded from the Region of Durham's website at www.reoion.durham.on.ca . 1.2 Pickering Council commented on the Scenario Evaluation and Preferred Recommended Growth Scenario Working Paper that was released on June 13, 2008. On July 17, 2008, Council considered the recommendations of Report to Council PD 32-08 on the Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario (see text of Report PD 32-08, Attachment #3). While Council generally supported the land use structure set out in the Preferred Growth Scenario, a number of revisions were recommended to the land use structure and a number of clarifications were requested. A copy of Council's resolution on the matter is provided as Attachment #4. Report PD 42-08 November 3, 2008 Subject: Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions 44 Page 4 2.0 The Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policv Directions Report 2.1 The Draft Report presents a growth scenario for Durham Region comprising a map, related policy directions, and characteristics of development to achieve that growth. The Recommended Growth Scenario is based on a market-influenced but policy-driven approach. The map showing the location, type and timing of development must be read in the context of key policy directions, and with an understanding of the assumptions on density and housing mix for the different types and locations for growth. 2.1.1 The map showinQ the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario shows existinQ and proposed development areas and time frames for development. A copy of the map showing the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario is provided as Attachment #1 to this Report to Council. For existing urban and designated Greenfield urban areas, the map shows a number of structural elements where growth is to be accommodated. These structural elements include existing and proposed centres, mobility hubs, regional and local corridors, and waterfront villages. Employment and living areas, existing and proposed GO Station are also identified. For proposed new urban areas, the map shows the future employment and living areas, with an additional indication of whether the land is required prior to 2031 or between 2031 and 2056. The urban structure elements of future centres, and future regional and local corridors are also identified. 2.1.2 The Report provides draft policv directions for a number of key topics. The topics and selected policy directions are listed below. The full list of policy directions (except for those pertaining to the Northern Communities) is provided in Attachment #5: 1) Guiding principles and objectives; 2) Regional urban structure; 3) Intensification; 4) Designated Greenfield lands; 5) Employment; 6) Infrastructure planning, transit and servicing; 7) Environment; 8) Phasing growth; 9) Urban boundary expansion; and 10) Monitoring and ongoing review. Report PD 42-08 November 3, 2008 Subject: Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Page 5 r :) The Report also identifies some implementation tools to assist in achieving the objectives of the study. Most of the tools are not new, or were identified in the latest changes to the Planning Act. Some of tools are not yet available for use in Ontario. However, the consultant's intent in identifying them is to ensure the Regional Plan enables their use should the necessary legislation or regulations come into effect. 2.1.3 Appendix D of the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Report describes the characteristics of the urban structure elements necessary to meet the intent of the policy directions. The Growing Durham Study proposes a number of "urban structure elements" to build the urban fabric. Some examples of these structural elements include urban growth centres, mobility hubs, regional corridors, waterfront villages, nodes and living areas. For each of these structural elements,. the consultants have assigned a specific set of assumptions on the mix of housing forms, the average and minimum density ranges, and examples of existing developments that represent the type of structural element. These assumptions, as well as photographs of representative developments are detailed in Appendix D to the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario Report. It is anticipated that some but not all of this detail would be incorporated in the policies for new development. 2.2 The Draft Recommended Growth Scenario is the result of the consultants review of comments, revised assumptions and analysis, and assessment of growth against the Study's objectives. Many changes were made by the consultants in moving from the Preferred Growth Scenario of June 2008 to the Recommended Scenario of September 2008. Many of the changes are interrelated. Attachment #6 to this Report to Council identifies key changes made by the consultants that are particularly relevant to Pickering. The changes include modifying assumptions for the housing demand and supply forecasts, revising the employment demand and supply forecasts, reexamining growth from both a Regional perspective (top down) and from the local perspective (bottom up), adjusting the arrangement of lands for future employment and living area, differentiating between lands required to 2031 and lands need to 2056, and checking the resulting land use structure against the principles and objectives of the Growing Durham Study. Report PD 42-08 November 3, 2008 Subject: Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions , i, ,I b Page 6 3.0 Discussion 3.1 Based on review to date, staff supports the revisions to the housing mix, densities, and assignment of growth to future corridors and centres to achieve the requirements of the Provincial Growth Plan. The Recommended Growth Scenario Report does not yet include details of all of the modeling for each municipality yet. It is anticipated that these details will appear in the Final Report. Based on the aggregate information that is available to date, the consultants appear to have reached a housing density and employment mix that will achieve the Provincial Growth Plan targets for existing built up areas and new Greenfield development. The average densities will be higher than those experienced in Pickering in recent years, and the proportion of low density housing will be less. Pickering will supply a significant amount of the medium and high density development in the Region. Higher intensities of development are consistent with a more sustainable, transit-supportive community. 3.2 The future living area around the existing Hamlet of Kinsale should be expanded to create a sufficient threshold for a complete neighbourhood. Staff generally agrees with the location of future employment lands and future living area lands in northeast Pickering, with the exception of the small extent of living area around Kinsale. For employment lands in northeast Pickering, the consultants have reflected Council's request to increase the depth of employment lands along Highway 407 in Pickering. Compared to the Preferred Growth Scenario of June 2008, Pickering has nearly twice as much future employment land identified in this area. In northeast Pickering, most but not all of the future living area lies north of the Seventh Concession Road. One area to the south is around the existing Hamlet of Kinsale. Although specific numbers are not provided, very limited amount of new living area is identified. Staff recommends a larger extent of future living area be established around Kinsale so that it may achieve a threshold for a complete neighbourhood. Staff suggests a minor expansion to the west and expansion to the east to Lake Ridge Road (see the lands identified as Item 1 on Appendix I). Strengthening an existing hamlet is also consistent with one of the Study's principles, reinforcing and building on existing regional settlement and i nfrastructu re patterns. 3.3 The policy direction focusing major office development to "centres" and "corridors" in living areas should be relaxed to allow selected locations for major office at freeway interchanges in employment areas. Staff supports the concept that a primary location for major office development (defined as offices over 10,000 square metres or having 500 or more employees) are "centres" and "corridors" in the living area. Report PD 42-08 November 3, 2008 Subject: Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Page 7 l However, policy direction restricting major development from employment areas is missing opportunities to maximize intense development around freeway interchanges, particularly where a transit system is in place. To illustrate this point, the recently completed Highway 407 (Seaton) Employment Lands Study commissioned by the Province of Ontario as part of the implementation of the Central Pickering Development Plan recommended a designation of "Office-Oriented Centres" at Highway 407 interchanges. The rationale for this designation included taking advantage of future transit stations and helping increase the jobs per hectare ratio in the employment area. It may be appropriate to establish criteria for the introduction of major office subject to conditions such as the transit being in place and other design performance criteria such as underground parking to minimize the footprint of the office in the employment lands. The consultants are requested to exempt Seaton from this proposed policy direction. 3.4 Staff recommends the consultants re-examine the 'hole' in the 2031 urban fabric for northeast Pickering that would leave significant, serviced future employment area in the post 2031 urban area. In developing the Draft Preferred Growth Scenari~, the consultants added lands for future employment area required for 2031 along Highway 407 in Whitby, in the vicinity of the 401-407 connectors. There were two reasons for this. The first was to address this area's highly accessible location. The second was to add future employment area to the future living area in north Whitby to allow the creation of complete communities. Staff has no concern with the identification of employment land along Highway 407 in the vicinity of the Whitby 401-407 connector and concurs that it is a strategic location for employment. However, based on the latest information about servicing for northeast Pickering and northwest Whitby, it appears the lands in the vicinity of the connector will be at the very end of the proposed sanitary sewer. The sewer is expected to be extended from the west to the east (that is, from Pickering to Whitby). Yet, the Draft Report identifies the lands a~ound the connector as required within the 2031 horizon. Significant upfront funding is likely to be required (by the Region, or by landowners) to extend servicing to this strategic location within. There is only a finite amount of employment land required to 2031. Therefore, the addition of land in Whitby required a decrease in future employment land elsewhere in the Region, more specifically in Pickering. As a result, future employment lands in northeast Pickering located along Highway 407 are delayed to the 2032-2056 period. Report PD 42-08 November 3, 2008 Subject: Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Page 8 I l' ) d It is staff's opinion that these lands will be serviced sooner than the lands near the connector, because servicing will be extended north in Pickering to living area lands required to 2031. This will leave a 'hole' in the 2031 urban fabric. With these lands in a different time frame, important planning and other studies such as development charges are unable to include these lands. The consultants are requested to re-examine the timing of the central block of future employment area in northeast Pickering, (see the lands identified as Item 2 on Appendix I) One option would be to reconsider the timing of lands for future employment area adjacent to the airport to the post 2031 time frame. 3.5 Staff has no objection to the changes recommended by Regional Planning Committee on October 14, 2008, to the timing of certain Future Living Area lands in Pickering. During the consultation period on the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Report, a meeting of Regional Planning Committee was held. Committee passed a motion to advance the timing of the future living area at the north-central edge of northeast Pickering to the 2031 time frame, and to delay the timing of a block near Lake Ridge Road to 2032-2056 time frame. Items 3 and 4 on the map provided on Appendix I illustrate this change. Both blocks of land are at the end of their respective servicing lines and both blocks of land are within Pickering. Staff has no objection to this change. 3.6 Most but not all of Council's comments on the Preferred Growth Scenario of June 13, 2008 were included in the Draft Recommended Scenario. Pickering Council requested numerous changes to the Preferred Growth Scenario (see Council Resolution, Attachment, #4, and a copy of the Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario from June 13, 2008, Attachment #7). Some of the key changes that appear to have been addressed in the Draft Recommended Scenario are as follows: expanding the width of the employment land designation near Westney Road and Lake Ridge Road; reserving employment and living area lands needed beyond 2031; supporting watershed plans as prerequisites to secondary planning; clarifying and simplifying the characteristics of nodes, centres and transit villages; identifying policy directions to prohibit major retailing in employment areas; and identifying strong policy directions for phasing. In addition, the Region of Durham Council has supported the preparation of a fiscal impact and infrastructure study for the final growth scenario, as Pickering Council requested. Report PD 42-08 November 3, 2008 Subject: Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Page 9 Specific employment figures are not identified in the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Report, so it is not clear what assumptions were made about the Central Pickering Development Plan's provision for 35,000 jobs in Seaton. The Recommended Growth Scenario does not expand the future centres in northeast Pickering to t,he Highway 407 transitway, nor did the Region hold a public meeting in Pickering, as requested by City Council. 4.0 Next Steps Comments on the Report are requested by October 24, 2008. Urban Strategies has been advised that Pickering will be submitting its comments following the Planning Committee of November 3, 2008. There is an extremely short time frame for commenting as the Final Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Report will be released on November 25, 2008. Following a comment period on the Final Report, Regional Planning staff will draft an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan to implement the Growing Durham Study. The amendment will then be processed according to normal procedures including public meeting, Appendix: I: Extract of Figure 3B: Recommended Growth Scenario: Balanced Growth Attachments: 1. Draft Recommended Growth Scenario, September 23, 2008 2. Introductory Chapter to Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Directions Report, Growing Durham Study, September 23, 2008 3. Text of Report to Council PD 32-08 4. Council Resolution #140108, July 14, 2008 for Report PD 32-08 5. Summary of Key Policy Directions by Topic 6. Summary of Main Revisions to the Assumptions, Methodology or Analysis Having Reference to or Impacting Pickering 7. Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario, June 13, 2008 Report PD 42-08 November 3, 2008 Subject: Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Page 10 It' < \ \_) Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: (?~ Catherine Rose, MCIP, RP Manager, Policy Neil Carroll, PP Director, Planning & Development CR:cs Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering CitY"Councit' ,/ ,f/ i.S-- ;",',,'.,. .' #"' l.. "'-'- APPENDIX I TO REPORT TO CO UNCI L PO 42-08 1 0 1 D ~'lem 3: Regional Planning Gommitee changed to "New Living Area Required to 2031" Item 4: Regional Planning Commitee changed to "New living Area Required to 2056" Item 2: Change to IINew Employment Lands required to 2031" / /,/' / ,/ / / ,/ ,,/ ,/' / " .. J'" .....'"... ,. /i.'~:,~;" .~.:>;. :,:.~.:',;,.. ;~;;.;;-:'; j. ii.::.'~~ ,;. ;'~~ ~..,;..~.:.:~.~~~:;. .-,.<. :: -c. ""C"T d? \ ~II-II-fWNC:SSlONP. Item 1:. 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'1 (J 2 ATTACHMENT I I TO REPORl , PDt ~ - () ~~ -, ,"- go;,; '"'-- ~:Jf~ I .~ a: " Q 1&.1 U z 5 c( all 2~ ~i z_ tj!l:l "'z x:~ ~o~ 0 a:Lrl ,,~ fa~ Q 0 ~ z a: ., ~ ~ f5 8 ~ ~ ~:5 ~ I I N' Ll 1) In 2006 HiE:: Province of Ontario rcic~ased Fie Growth Pian for' the Greater Golden Horseshoe, In accordance 'vvith Hie policies of Fie Growth Pian, the of Durhan1 is required to pian for 960.000 peopie and 350,000 vvcrk:ng, Uv:~ LiY thc: yedr 2031. The' of Durharn ha:::; recenty undertaken conipreheriS!V'e ~:::;tuc1ie:,s as part of HH::: Officiai Pian (nOP) rCVlf>N prOCC:3s (wh:cl1 concludecJ Ofh~lai Pi;,Hi !\n)endnlE~nt 1J,4;, ()n tile Officldl PiEH"1 ReView process :3rH1 In resoonsc tel trH; Growth Pi;:H1 (frection. t.he of Durharn inl1!(:rtec.! the Durt18!rl in 200T TIllS study \lVIII prepare recornrncndcd policy responses th;::~t vyi li the Ofhci2 i PIa n into \vith the Growth Piarl policies, In panicular, the mdm objectives of Hie Durllanl study are to: ,. /\llocate the populatlon and 2:nployrrlen1 forecasts in Schecluie :3 of U"")c Growth Pi:Jn to the iJrCa n'1U(liClpalr\:iCS for penoci 203.1.. With <.~ n extended ()utloo~~ t.o 2056 to ;]ssist iongpfange :nfrastnlctufc 11 Dcvc~iop a strategy and poi:cles to ph21s(~ in and ach:cvc a 40';~: annual rate of resll::1enba! Intensification \vithin trv:; Bulitl,lp Area by 2015: · Plan for Gesignateci Greenfield areas to achieve a rnirwrwrn denSIty of 50 peopie and Jobs per hectar(;; · Plan tor a cOlrhined densit.y of 200 people and johs. per ihiocta re in Urban Gi'owth Centres; is> Assess the aciequ3cy of the supply emDiov!ilent lands to (:1ccornnlcdate the Grovvtri Pian forecasts and key principies trle OffiCial Pian; and $1 Assess the need kit iJrlJan bouncJary expanS!Yi and new urban Janet 8 II 1 \ ~..,~ " ,) The Durham StuCy (esuiL~ l(l a r-ccornrnencled Cro\<vth Scenario for Durhanl to 203.1.. and rccornrnendations to tnanage in the in a manner that conforms to the Gro\vth Plan policles, lniplementation of the GnJwtr~ Plan will have n-np!lcations on the pattenis. economic c18vs!opnlent, tr;::jnsportation and infrastructure networks, anC natura! systerns, ;\ rnaJor component of thiS stuCjy riDS the sceue of the~3e Ifr pi icatlons, hcwv' they ~)c:c~ t] urr);:Hl patH::rn that dppr'()pnatJ,: fc)r l)Y policy rccnrnmendat;ons an(j tools to ~ ill plernent Hie desl (C;'C] pattern of growUi, L2 I{ The 2007 and has DtnllcWl :n been lmderta~\en !1l five phases, as jilustrated in .1. The report of Uie hrst t\VO p1'!aS2S, tiUe{j "Phase .1. & 2: Surnrnary of Understanding cHid initial GrowU1 J\sses:;:;rncnt" "!na,ial Growth I\sse'ssrne'nt."), was re!ea:.::;ed in cHaft form in Decernber 2007, Hnd in final fonn in May ;?008, Tli;:)t tepof"t outlined a basel!;'H;:: ()f ell (rer':t tJf'()jectcd patterns in the F(c'!!i(Y) The report of third (",H"H.1 fourU"i pha~)esi titlecj "SCS!)C;lrlO E\/aluation and ReconHiK:ncied Preferred Growt1'J Scendno Paoer (the "Growth Scenano Vvod<,ing Paper") was r(;!cased jn lJl'aft fO(nl In May 2008. and in hnal fonr, With reVISions as per duccton frOlll Planning Committee, HI June 2008, An overview eaCfl of Uiese reports is pnwided !)elow, u Z - /""""\ UJ V) <( ::r: 0... z << r- V) ,"'; GJ /""""\ Z ::J N UJ V) < :t ~ ,~) Ll.'~' ~ {1 I Reconnaisance Base C=ase Scenario (Market-driven) Rehnetnents to Base Case Scenario ltegional C;ro\vth Plan ()utlook Alternative Growth Scenarios c-r; H VJ < ::c 0... u Z ........ ~ V) ~ ~ cG V z :J ~ "T 0 ~ ~ V) X < :t ~ p... L 1 u ~ ,1"""\ Z ~ ~ ~ o u ~ In ~ V) -< :c "'" ~ FIC;UREI Preferred C;ro\vth Scenario ~ rtecornlncndcd C;ro\vth Scenario 1. C:ontinuing a [)o111inant Western Anchor 2. Focusing on a C=entral Hub for Durhan1 3. Iteinforcinba Existina b C:0111111Unities Principles! Goals ()bjectives Measures High, Mediu111, Lovv F~ine tuning the preferred gro\vth scenario Irnplelnentation irnplications & strategies Policy reconllnendations 9 ,1 rhe Initial Growth .Assessrnent 2'7, 20(8) an overvie\v of the (ec()n na iSSd nee and irdtial growth assessrncnt cornponetlts of tin::: Durharn The report thecl cstah!isfl(:d 2) rnarket-.drjven Base Case Growth Scenario ("Base assessed recent and anticipated rnarhc~l conditions, as well as the population forecast in the Provincial Growth PiEHl, The Base Case was esta blished to assess whether the rnarket. d nven sccna r~o 'NOU ld rcsu 1t in the; aclj ievcrncnt of the intensification and designated Greetlfield !anc!s and whether the Regior'J has a sufficic:nt supply of It.Hld withm the current urban boundary to accornrnoda1.e the planned growth, 'rhe Inlt.ia! Growth Assessment concluded U1Dt between 2006 and 2031 on the basis of rnarket forecast the Region would not deh ievc: the C; rowth Pia n mtcnsi-rication or the Greenfield cornbined and that Futu(e Crowth Areas would be t.o accornrnodate the forecast levels of growtho 1 .:2 l\ ) The Growth Scena ria Working (June 13. provided t.he out.conlf; of the t.hird and fourtli of the Durharn in (r Uk: report: I Growth Plan Outlook rrlo(k~,j to address Growth Plan Outlook budt on the: Base' Case Scenario and reflned it to how, at a regional Durhanl Gould conforrn to the Growth 10 ~) Plan Dnd of aCC0t11rrlodating the forecasts the Growth Plan Hlree Alternative Growth Scenanos and initialloca! a!iocatlons, [)ased on a Influenced Crowth F)!an Outlook !nfluencc.:d Out 100!\"): d neJ ~ Provided an assessrnent of throe A!ternativ(~ (:)rovvth Scenarios and on this basis recornnlended a Preferred Growth Scenario, The f)ret'erred Growth Scenaric) (Scenario 3) was HUed REINFORCING EXISTING COiVl/\:1UNITfES, arKl involved the for !ancis for future growtl1 in a rnanner that reinforced the urban structure <H1(j distrihuted gr()wth across the The Scenario ba!a need futu re growth across the La ke Ontario slJoreline and rneasurcd growth in the Northern cornrnunitles. l~. f\ [j P N The Growth Sc'enrH"IO Working to Durhanl (Planning on June 3.2008. Planning Ccnnnlitt.ee directed the consult.ant to consider the follovving reflnernents to H)e influenced to nIt-: PrefE:rrecJ Scena rio: east o"f tl'lC <Jirport lands; {f An a long the of the ern ployn~lerlt IfJ ncJs 407 extension in i\Jortheast i I h \. ~ south to Higrlway 7; $ As a r(;sult of any additional terrn ernp!oyrnerlt !<Hle! need in future urban jandsl the extension of future living Area lands m North \Nhitby to Road:anci ., The identification of Mobility Hub candidcHe, Planning CornrniUee direction was incorporat'ed into a revised Growth Scenario \/Vorhing which \vas re..re!eased June 2008, Town Centre as a A consultation period was initiated the JUlIe :J3, 2008 rcrc:iease of the Pa peL t.,s of the consu !t;Jtion process, a pu b! Ie open !')ouse was held on June 25, 2008 where the alternative scenario evaluation and preferred growth scenario were ltl addition, wod\ing sessions were: hEdd with a rea rnunicipaj staff to discuss Hie finclings in the report and collect feedbacl\" At the end of the consultation aH fonnaJ subnl1sslons and cornrnent.s received at the public open house and working sessions with area rnunicipa1 staff were collected, synthesized and considered as pa rt of the ren ned and lJO! icy rccornrnendations included In thIs report A surnrnary of the subrnissions will be subrnittecl t.o Planning COrlHnrttee under separate report \V ,nr S The rnain purpose of this final of the Growi!jg Durharn is to utilize detailed analys!s to create '(1 necornrnended Growth Scenario for Durhan!. This report, the "Recornn1cncJed Gtowth Scenario and " ~:-) i-I ,~ - Policy Directions "Growth Scenario and Policy Directlorjs a Recorn rnendec1 Growth Scenario for Cornrnittee consideration, The report is structured around thc~ process of developing a Recornrnetldcd Growth Scerla rIO, The the rna nagerncnt that have beetl cons!c1erc'cJ the r1ecornrnended Groi/v'th Scenario It then descrlbes the retincrnents that were uncl(:'.rtahen to the and Hie toea! iy ! nf! uencecl !\na for the F'refcned REINFOr1CfNG EXISTiNG COt,AtVIUNfTfES SectIon 3 a ISO provides the outcorne of the ref! nod at the level a nd the LaCEd!y I nf! uenced to 2031, a nc! to 2056, Section 4 reviews the allocations arHj lJrban structure H18 G rO\rvth PIa n OfJjectives and of REINFORCING EXISTING COtvll\:1UNrr!ES and identifies final adjusttnents Recornrnendcci Growth Scenano, to finalize the Section 5 of the rc:port outlmes for Dudlarn in conforrnity with the Growth Plan and accornrnodating growth in rpore conlpact forms in tl and rnanner. Section C conc:!udes with recornmended policy directions in support of Hie f~ecornmended Growth ScenarIo, the Recornrnended Growth Scenario, inlplernentation and policy direcUons the foundation and direction for long terr)) patterns that wi!! create sustainable and corn cornrnuniUes as envisioned in DurhEHn's OfficiE11 PLan and Province1s Growth Plan. 11 eil,! iJ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL '] .I PICKERING Report Number: PD 32-08 Date: July 14, 2008 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Region of Durham's Growth Plan Implementation Study: Growing Durham Phases 3 & 4 Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper, prepared by Urban Strategies Inc. et ai, dated June 13, 2008 Recommendations: 1. That Report PD 32-08 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding the Revised Growth Scenario Working Paper presenting the outcomes of Phases 3 & 4 of the Region of Durham's Growth Plan Implementation Study be received; 2. That the comments contained in Report PO 32-08 on the Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario for the Region of Durham Growth Plan Implementation Study be endorsed, and that the Region of Durham be requested to: a) support the land use structure with Planning Committee directions noted, shown on Figure 13 B and provided as Attachment #2 to Report PO 32-08 with the following further refinements: · increase the depth of the future Employment Areas in Pickering along Highway 407, east of Westney Road, to a minimum 600 metres, and where appropriate, increase the depth on selected blocks up to 1,000 metres; · support the designation to future Employment Areas of the remnant parcel of "whitebelt" lands located east of the airport and north of large block Planning Committee directed be designated as future Employment Areas; and · expand to the south the Future Centres designation, currently shown at the two intersections of the Seventh Concession Road with Salem and Lakeridge Roads, to incorporate the Highway 407 transitway stations and adjacent lands, thereby allowing mixed residential, commercial and high intensity office uses, and consider designation of a future transit village on the south side of the Highway 407 transitway; Report PO 32-08 July 14, 2008 Subject: d Growing Durham - Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper Page 2 b) in updating the tables and charts respecting population and employment for Pickering corresponding to the revisions to the Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario, increase the employment figures for Pickering to include the 35,000 jobs identified by the Provincial Central Pickering Development Plan for Seaton, and allocate jobs arising from the future Employment Areas, future Living Areas and intensification in South Pickering, at a ratio of no less than one job for each three new residents as is applied across the rest of the Region; c) in detailing the policies for the Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario, · establish strong phasing policies respecting the timing and process for local municipalities to bring new "whitebelt" lands into the urban area in order to address the logical and orderly phasing of growth with municipal fiscal priorities; · establish new policies prohibiting large format retailing from future Employment Areas; · establish strong phasing policies respecting future Living Areas that may be affected by incompatible noise from a possible future Pickering airport so as to prevent major residential or other noise sensitive uses from being established until a decision is made on a possible future Pickering airport; and · better clarify the different characteristics of Transit Villages, Urban Nodes, Future Centres and Waterfront Villages; d) with respect to strategic future Employment Areas addressing the need beyond the 2031, work with the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal to establish policies permitting the Region to acknowledge as part of current Regional Plan conformity amendment, the long term intended use for these lands as future Employment Area; e) support the City of Pickering in its request to the Ministry of Transportation in commenting on the Highway 407 Environmental Assessment, to relocate the proposed Highway 407 maintenance yard from the south side of the proposed interchange with Salem Road to allow maximum intensification around the Highway 407 transitway; f) obtain from Urban Strategies and forward to area municipalities the detailed information on the amount, types and locations of intensification used in the background work not contained in the Working Paper; and 3. Lastly, that a copy of Report PO 32-08 and Pickering Council's resolution on the matter be forwarded to the Region of Durham, Urban Strategies Inc. et ai, other Durham Area Municipalities, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the Ministry of Transportation. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report PD 32-08 July 14, 2008 Subject: Growing Durham - Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper Page 3 ~) / Executive Summary: On June 13, 2008, the Region of Durham released for comment a report entitled Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper, incorporating the Directions of Regional Planning Committee on June 3, 2008. The report is the outcome of Phases 3 & 4 of the Region's Growth Plan Implementation Study, entitled Growing Durham. The Study is being undertaken for the Region by Urban Strategies Inc., Watson & Associates and TSH. The Region requests comments by July 14, 2008. Phases I & 2 of the Study examined issues related to growth in each municipality, plus an analysis of how growth would occur if current trends continued. Phases 3 & 4 analyzed alternative growth scenarios for the Region and resulted in a Recommended Rreferred Growth Scenario. Phase 5 will be the refinement of the Preferred Growth Scenario, and will be the basis for the preparation and processing of an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan in late 2008 and early.2009. For Pickering, the Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario as revised by Planning Committee, identifies the need to designate lands beyond the current urban area (South Pickering and Seaton) to accommodate future employment and residential land needs to 2031. The Scenario is shown on Firgure 13B and is provided as Attachment #2 to this Report to Council. In essence, all lands in north-east Pickering, commonly referred to as the "whitebelt" lands in the Provincial Places to Grow Plan, are proposed for future urban uses. Also for Pickering, the Scenario includes the identification of a Mobility Hub at South Pickering's GO Station, a Waterfront Village around Frenchman's Bay, and includes intensification in Pickering's Urban Growth Centre and other corridors and centres. Staff supports the Revised Recommended Growth Scenario, subject to a number of further revisions. These revisions include the following: . increasing the depth of the future Employment Area lands adjacent to Highway 407; . updating the employment tables to reflect the 35,000 jobs set out for Seaton in the Central Pickering Development Plan while maintaining Pickering's jobs to residents ratio at no less than 1:3 elsewhere in Pickering; . expanding the Future Centres in north-east Pickering at Salem and Lake Ridge Roads to pick up intensification and mixed use opportunities associated with the Highway 407 transitway; . identifying a remnant of whitebelt lands as future Employment Areas; and . providing detailed background work on intensification. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report PD 32-08 .....'") ....~ '\ July 14, 2008 Subject: ,\ '".J Growing Durham - Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper Page 4 Building on this last point, the Region is also requested to support the City in its comments on the Highway 407 Environmental Assessment to eliminate the proposed works yard on the south side of the Highway 407/Salem Road interchange. The purpose is to allow maximum intensification around the Transitway. In moving forward to Phase 5 the Region and its consultants need to establish a strong policy framework addressing the following: · phasing on the timing and process to bring new lands into the urban boundary; · phasing to reflect the uncertainty of an airport being constructed and the resulting potential for some Living Area lands to experience noise if an airport is developed; · protecting for strategic, long term Employment Areas beyond 2031; and · clarifying the distinguishing characteristics of the Urban Nodes, Waterfront Villages, Future Centres and Transit Villages. Financial Implications: No direct implications from providing comments on the Phases 3 & 4 Working Paper of the Growing Durham Study Sustainability Implications: The recommendations contained in this Report to Council respecting increasing the employment assigned to Pickering, increasing the depth of the future Employment Areas, and requiring the timely phasing of new urban areas are aimed at increasing the economic sustainability of the City. Recommendations to establish expanded Urban Centres and 1 or Transit Villages around the Highway 4071 Salem and Lake Rridge interchanges is intended to enable responsible development to occur around a transit station. 1.0 Background 1.1 The Region is implementing the Province's Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe through a Growth Plan Implementation Study entitled "Growing Durham". In August, 2007, the Region of Durham commenced a 5-Phase Growth Plan Study. The Growth Plan Implementation Study has three fundamental purposes: to provide a policy framework that meets the Growth Plan requirements; to develop a growth strategy that will guide the Region's development until 2031; and to allocate that growth to the individual local municipalities. The study is being undertaken for the Region by Urban Strategies Inc., Watson & Associates and TSH. CORP0227-07/01 revised "'-1 Report PD 32-08 i,.~ _ (.I July 14, 2008 Subject: Growing Durham - Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper Page 5 'I , In February 2008, Pickering City Council commented to the Region on the Growth Plan Implementation Study Draft Phase 1 & 2 Report: Summary of Understanding and Initial Analysis (see Report PD 08-08, Attachment #1). Phase 1 & 2 of the Study examined growth issues in each municipality and analyzed growth patterns if current development trends did not change. Phase 3 & 4 of the Study examined alterative scenarios for growth within Durham, evaluated those scenarios, and recommended a preferred growth scenario. In late May and early June, 2008, the following reports were released by the consultants: · Scenario Evaluation and Consultant Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper, dated May 27, 2008; . Addendum Report, dated June 2, 2008 (issued to correct mapping errors following meeting with area municipal staff); and, . Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper, dated June 13, 2008 (incorporating the directions of Regional Planning Committee on June 3, 2008). Regional Planning Committee has now invited public and agency comment by July 14, 2008 on the Preferred Growth Scenario with direction certain revisions appear in the June 13th Revised Working Paper. Refinement of the Preferred Growth Scenario is continuing in cooperation with regional and local municipal staff. Phase 5 of the Study will be the refinement of the Preferred Growth Scenario and development of a Durham policy framework to achieve the intensification targets, greenfield density targets, and related policies and provisions of the Places to Grow Plan. That work is anticipated in September, with an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan following in early 2009. The City is also required to bring its Official Plan into conformity with the Places to Grow Plan. The City's work requires details arising from the next Phase and the final amendment. 1.2 The Revised Growth Scenario Working Paper continues to identify a shortfall in urban land to accommodate both residential and employment uses. The Working Paper shows that the population and employment allocated to Durham Region by the Province using the intensification and density targets set out in Places to Grow, requires land beyond lands currently designated for urban uses in the Regional Plan. These lands are commonly referred to as the "whitebelt" lands in the Places to Grow Plan. . CORP0227-07/01 revised -) Report PD 32-08 July 14, 2008 Subject: .2 Growing Durham - Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper Page 6 In Phases 1 & 2, the consultant's report showed that, without policy chanoes, accommodating the Growth Plan targets of 960,000 residents and 350,000 jobs for Durham by 2031 would require lands for additional low and medium-density residential units with shortfalls of 3,122 hectares of living area land and 505 hectares of employment lands. The market "base case" assumed 350/0 intensification in existing built areas (below the Growth Plan requirement of 400/0); and a greenfield density of 44 persons and jobs per hectare in greenfield urban areas (below the Growth Plan requirement of 50 people and jobs per hecta re). In Phase 3 & 4, the consultant's working paper showed that with policy chanoes to increase densities for low density housing from 25 units per net hectare to 28 uph, achieve the 400/0 intensification target within the built-up areas, and achieving 47 persons and jobs per hectare in the greenfield areas, additional urban land is required, but it is only two-thirds of that required under the base case assumptions.. 1.3 The consultants evaluated several Alternative Growth Scenarios for Durham Region, and ultimately recommended Scenario 3: Reinforcing Existing Communities. The growth scenarios proposed differing amounts OT and locations for intensification and new urban living and employment areas. The three scenarios evaluated were: 1. Continuing a Dominant Western Anchor - directing most new growth to Pickering and Whitby; 2. Focusing on a Central Hub for Durham - directing most new growth to the current central core of the Region in Whitby/Oshawa/Courtice; and, 3. Reinforcing Existing Communities - balancing the forecasted growth across the Lake Ontario shoreline municipalities with enhanced growth in northeast Pickering and a strategic reserve of employment lands along the future Highway 407 alignment. The consultants recommended Scenario 3. It proposes balanced growth across the Lake Ontario shoreline municipalities and measured growth in the Northern communities. Further, it reinforces all key drivers important to the economic prosperity of the Region. 1.4 Regional Planning Committee directed revisions be made to Scenario 3 to enhance opportunities for growth in northeast Pickering prior to accepting it as the Recommended Preferred Scenario and circulating it for consultation. CORP0227 -07 /01 revised Report PD 32-08 -") -~ '~} July 14, 2008 Subject: Growing Durham - Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper Page 7 I ,) Figure 13B from the consultant's Revised Growth Scenario Working Paper is included as Attachment #2 to this Report to Council. This Figure is titled Scenario 3 - Reinforcing Existing Communities: Lands Beyond the Urban Area Boundary and Urban Structure (showing directions from June 3rd Planning Committee). Regional Planning Committee is seeking comments on this Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario by July 14, 2008. Further detailing of Scenario 3 is still continuing as further meetings occur between study consultants and regional and local municipal staff. For Pickering, the revised Preferred Growth Scenario proposes designation of another block of land east of the Pickering Airport site as future Employment Areas. It also proposes increasing the depth of the future Employment Areas along Highway 407 stretching from approximately Highway 7 to north of Highway 407 and northwards towards the Seventh Concession Road. Future Living Area designations are proposed east of Greenwood, around Kinsale and north of the Highway 407 Employment Areas,. Future Centres are proposed at the intersection of the Seventh Concession and Salem Road and the Seventh Concession Road and Lake Ridge Road. A Mobility Hub 'has been reinstated at downtown Pickering's Urban Growth Centre. Staff support these changes. The forecasts in the Revised Working Paper suggest that the revised scenario would attract 40,595 new jobs to Pickering by 2031 out of a total of 142,805 new jobs for Durham as a whole and 132,875 additional residents out of a Durham total of 411,304. However, since the consultants have not yet revised the job or residential population forecast to reflect Planning Committee directions for more employment lands in northeast Pickering, further adjustments to these numbers are anticipated. 2.0 Discussion: 2.1.1 Most of staff's earlier concerns with Scenario 3 were addressed by the directions of Planning Committee on July 3rd, although a number of further refinements are recommended. Many of staff's concerns with the May 27 Working Paper conclusions have been addressed in the recent changes made to the Preferred Scenario Three - the 'Reinforcing Existing Communities' scenario, including: . location of a mobility hub in downtown Pickering; . designation of more employment lands both east of the Pickering Airport lands and along Highway 407; . designation of more Living Area lands in north-east Pickering. A number of concerns remain. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report PD 32-08 ...... :) 'f July 14, 2008 Subject: 4 Growing Durham - Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper Page 8 2.2 The depth of the future Employment Areas adjacent to Highway 407 should be increased to between 600 and 1000 metres. Whereas the May 27th Working Paper included 400 metre wide bands of employment lands along both sides of Highway 407 east of Westney Road in Pickering, the June 13th revision, responding to Planning Committee directions, indicated that the long-term employment land need should be reviewed in this location. In order to accommodate larger parcel sizes and better realize the locational advantages of a 400 level highway, the width of the employment bands should be widened to 600 metres generally and up to 1,000 metres in depth in selected locations. Staff support the suggestions of the study consultants made at a recent meeting with staff to extend the employment designation north to the Seventh Concession from Westney to Salem, and south. to Highway 7 for the lands between Living Area designations proposed around Kinsale and Greenwood. 2.3 The remnant piece of "whitebelt" lands east of the Pickering Airport site should be designated as future Employment Areas. The Revised Preferred Scenario proposes designating the large area of whitebelt land east of the airport lands as employment area, leaving three small remnant parcels as continued whitebelt lands. The remnant whitebelt parcels should also be designated either as Living Area or Employment Area at this time. 2.4 The two proposed Future Centres along the Seventh Concession Road should be expanded to the south to include lands adjacent to the Highway 407 Transitway and or considered for Transit Village designations. Future Centres proposed for the Seventh Concession Road at both Salem and Lake Ridge Roads have the potential to serve as transit villages with a range of transit supportive land uses and densities if expanded southwards to incorporate the transit stations proposed on the south side of Highway 407. It is recommended that the two proposed Future Centres be expanded southwards to incorporate the transitway stations and a broad range of transit supportive land uses and densities be permitted. 2.5 Characteristics of several designation, including Transit Villages, Urban Nodes, Future Centres and Waterfront Villages should be clarified In order to understand the roles in the new urban structure of Pickering and the Region of Durham of the new proposed features, clarification of proposed functions, land uses and densities should be provided. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report PD 32-08 --:> -i!-J July 14, 2008 Subject: Growing Durham - Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper Page 9 r-- ~) 2.6 The jobs allocated to Pickering should assign the 35,000 jobs identified by the Central Pickering Development Plan to Seaton, while maintaining at least a 1:3 jobs per resident ratio for the rest of Pickering's growth. The consultants are requested to provide detailed background work on intensification. This information is required to enable staff to determine where and to what extent residential growth is being assigned to the Urban Growth Centre and other intensification corridors and centres. Also, staff requires information on the amount of jobs assigned related to intensification. This information is requested at the consultant's earliest convenience. Staff recognizes the tables in the Working Paper on population and employment have not been revised to reflect the changes directed by Planning Committee. These revised tables should be also be forwarded as soon as possible to staff. In revising the tables for Pickering, the Region and the consultants must address the current under-allocation of jobs in Seaton. The total allocation of 40,595 jobs to Pickering in the Recommended Preferred Scenario to 2031 appears to disregard the jobs 35,000 jobs identified for Seaton in the Provincial Central Pickering Development Plan. If the 35,000 jobs are part of the figure of 40,595 jobs, the remaining jobs to be created in the rest of Pickering to 2031 is only about 5,600 jobs. Yet our population (outside of Seaton) is expected to increase by???? The consultants have indicated that if a Federal airport is developed, 10,000 jobs will be added to the Pickering jobs allocation as a bonus but is not allocated in the scenario at this time. In revising the tables for the Revised Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario, it is recommended that 35,000 jobs for Seaton be included as a baseline, and the remaining jobs allocations for the rest of Pickering by 2031 be at a ratio of no less than 1:3 jobs per resident. This ratio is realistic in light of the City's strategic 2.7 Phasing policies should be included in the Regional Plan addressing the timing for area municipalities to bring new urban areas on stream so as to minimize the City and Regional fiscal impacts. While it is appropriate to designate lands in north-east Pickering for future Living Areas and future Employment Areas at this time, policies should be introduced to phase the timing of actual development. For Pickering, new development areas should not be to compete with the build- out of Seaton, for employment or residential uses. Similarly, intensification is a key element of achieving the City's vision of its Downtown Urban Growth Centre. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report PD 32-08 'J -~ /~ II ,~;r C I July 14, 2008 Subject: Growing Durham - Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended () Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper Page 10 The City and the Region should not be burdened with the costs of providing several sets of services and facilities for the new residents and employment area at the same time. In addition, new development areas immediately east of the potential future airport may be impacted by noise should an airport be constructed. Phasing policies should restrict the timing of these lands being developed for urban uses until a decision on the development and timing of the possible airport are reached. A decision has not been reached on how piped services will be provided to north-east Pickering yet. However, the Regional Master Water and Sanitary Services Plan is underway to address this matter. There are two different options for sanitary that would result in different phasing of development. Thus, phasing policies should coordinate the timing of development with the Region's servicing strategy and completion of related fiscal impact and financing studies. Municipal fiscal impact and financing studies will also be required. Accordingly, it is recommended that policies be introduced in the official plan amendment to appropriately phase the future growth of Durham Region to ensure o'rderly and efficient provision of municipal services. 2.8 The Durham Regional Official Plan, and the Places to Grow Plan should prohibit large format retailing in strategic employment areas. The current policy for Employment Areas in the Durham Regional Official Plan permits, by amendment, the introduction of "retail warehousing". This type of development is now widely known as the large format retailing, or power centres. Large format retailing is usually a low intensity use that primarily serves the residential areas (Living Areas). Yet, when located in Employment Areas, there is usually infrequent transit service and little or no ability for walk-to customers. Large format retailing (or retail warehouses) should be expressly prohibited in the future Employment Areas along Highway 407 and other strategic and locations such as the freeway links, through both amendments to the Durham Regional Official Plan, and addition of new provisions in the Places to Grow Plan. City staff is making similar comments in responding to the recently released Provincial Discussion Paper on Planning for Employment. The Central Pickering Development Plan contains a policy prohibiting large format retailing in the lands designated Employment Areas. 3.0 Other Information CORP0227-07/01 revised Report PD 32-08 "....... -~ i-/.:.) July 14, 2008 Subject: Growing Durham - Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper Page 11 7 I 3.1 The Region of Durham is considering a financial impact study of the Preferred Growth Scenario. Area municipal staff had recommended that the Growing Durham Study add a component that analyses the financial impact of the alternative growth scenarios. This information was to provide input to the scenario evaluation process. However, Regional staff opted to recommend a subsequent financial impact study of the Preferred Growth Scenario. Regional staff have indicated that a financial impact study could be completed in approximately 18 months at significant cost with consultants conducting the study. The fiscal impact of the Preferred Scenario will not be available when final decisions are reached on a growth strategy or on the official plan amendment. Further, no data will be provided on the financial impacts of the growth strate~~ on local municipalities. Regional Tri-Committee, at its meeting held June 10 , 2008, requested that Regional staff report back with a more detailed outline of a financial impact study including a work program, the timing and costs. 3.2 The Study is moving into Phase 5: refinement of Durham's Preferred Growth Scenario and development of the related policy framework. Following receipt of comments from area municipalities, other stakeholders and the public including the comments made at the June 25th public meeting, the consultants will continue to refine the Preferred Growth Scenario and develop the policy framework. Area municipalities can request meetings if required with the consultants. In addition, a meeting with area municipalities is scheduled for late July or early August to provide an additional opportunity for input from area municipal staff into the development of the Phase 5 work. Attachments: 1. Text from Report Number PD 08-08 2. Figure 138 - Scenario 3 - Reinforcing Existing Communities, from Growing Durham - Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper, as revised June 3, 2008 by Planning Committee; prepared by Urban Strategies Inc. et ai, dated June 13, 2008.. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: CORP0227-07/01 revised Report PD 32-08 July 14, 2008 Subject: Growing Durham - Revised Scenario Evaluation and Recommended ?) Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper Page 12 ',) ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Steve Gaunt, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner Neil Carroll, MCIP, RPP Director, P & D ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Catherine Rose, MCIP, RPP Manager, Policy SG:?? Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasures Director, Office of Sustainability Director, Operations & Emergency Services Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council Thomas J. Quinn, RDMR, CMM III Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised '~ T'r+~ "~"r-;-.'.- -.'(~.'.""j' A. ,.',','J I _. IS. t. ~., L ''-~ ./ CORPORATE SERVrCES DEPARTMENT CLERKS DIVISION DIRECTIVE MEMORANDUM July 24, 2008 To: Neil Carroll Directorl Planning & Development From: Debi A. Wilcox City Clerk Subject Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on July 14, 2008 Director, Planning & Development, Report PO 32-08 Region of Durham's Growth Plan Imprementation Study: Growing Durham - Phases 3 & 4 - Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper, prepared by Urban Strategies Inc. et aI, dated June 13, 2008, as revised to show Regional Planning Directions COUNCIL DECISION RESOLUTION # 140/08 1. That Report PO 32-08 of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding the Growth Scenario Working Paper, dated June 13, 2008, presenting the outcomes of Phases 3 & 4 of the Region of Durham's Growth Plan Implementation Study be received; 2. That the comments contained in Report PO 32-08 on the Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario for the Region of Durham Growth Pfan Implementation Study be endorsed, and that the Region of Durham be requested to: a) support the land use structure with Planning Committee directions noted, shown on Figure 13 B and provided as Attachment #2 to Report PO 32-08 with the following further refinements: · Increase the depth of the future Employment Areas in Pickering along Highway 407, east of Westney Road, to 1,000 metres south of Highway 407 between the Greenwood and Kinsale areas and in the vicinity of Lakeridge Road and the connector to Highway 401; · support the designation to future Employment Areas of the remnant parcel of liwhitebelt" lands located east of the future potential airport site; and ,. , · expand to the south the Future Centres designations I currently shown at the two intersections of the Seventh Concession Road with Salem and Lakeridge Roads, to incorporate the Highway 407 Subject: Directive Memorandum Report PO 32-08 Page 2 July 24, 2008 transitway stations and adjacent lands, thereby allowing mixed residential, commercial and high intensity office uses, and consider designation of a future transit village on the south side of the Highway 407 transitway; b) in updating the population and employment tables for Pickering to reflect Planning Committee's revisions to the Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario, increase the employment figures for Pickering to include the 35,000 jobs identified by the Provincial Central Pickering Development Plan for Seaton, and allocate jobs arising from the future Employment Areas, future Living Areas and intensification in South Pickeringl at a ratio of no less than one job for each three new residents as is applied across the rest of the Region, as further clarified in Section 2.6 to Report PO 32-08; c) in detailing the policies for the Recommended Preferred Growth Scenariol · establish strong phasing policies respecting the timing and process for local municipalities to bring new "whitebelt" lands into the urban area in order to address the logical and orderly provision of infrastructure and phasing of growth with municipal fiscal priorities; · establish new policies prohibiting large format retailing within future Employment Areas; · establish strong phasing policies respecting future Living Areas that may be, affected by incompatible noise from a possible future Pickering airport so as to prevent residential or other noise sensitive uses from being established until resolution of the appropriate noise protection standard and a decision on the development and timing of the possible airport are reached; and · better clarify the different characteristics of Transit Villages} Urban Nodes} Future Centres and Waterfront VI'fIages}' d) with respect to strategic future Employment Areas needed beyond 20311 work with the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal to establish policies permitting the Region to acknowledge as part of current Regional Plan conformity amendment, the long term intended use for these lands as future Employment Areas; e) support the City of Pickering in its request to the Ministry of Transportation in commenting on the Highway 407 Environmental Assessment, to relocate the proposed Highway 407 maintenance yard from the south side of the proposed interchange with Salem Road to allow maximum intensification around the Highway 407 transitway; f) obtain from Urban Strategies Inc. and forward to area municipalities the detailed information on the amount, types and locations of intensification projected for the existing urban areas used in the background work not contained in the Working Paper; Subject: Directive Memorandum Page 3 'I Report PO 32-08 July 241 2008 g) Support the production of a financial impact study of the Preferred Gro\Nth scenario; h) Support the updating of the watershed plans with the Toronto Region Conservation Area as appropriate; and i) That the City of Pickering request the Regional Municipality of Durham to hold a public open house in Pickering prior to the next phase of the study. 3. Further, that a copy of Report PO 32-08 and Pickering Council's resolutjon on the matter be forwarded to the Region of Durham, Urban Strategies Inc., other Durham Area Municipalities, the Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and the Ministry of Transportation. Please take any action deemed necessary. .---"-... I -"'\} fT\ l ',: i\ r.L j' \'..':./ J ..~ \{. (,\;, _/ Debi Wilcox fir Copy: Chief Administrative Officer ) .<... Summary of Key Policy Directions by Topic (from Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Directions Report Growing Durham Study) The topics and main policy directions identified for consideration are listed below: (1) Guiding principles and objectives: The five principles and objectives are: maximize Durham's competitive advantage; strengthen mobility within and beyond the Region; encourage healthy and sustainable communities; reinforce and build on existing regional settlement and infrastructure patterns; protect and enhance the Region's existing legacies; and live in harmony with the environment; (2) Regional urban structure: Regional and local official plans should generally reflect the proposed urban structure; establish density and housing unit mix targets to achieved desired densities; establish site plan control by-laws for the purpose of achieving complete communities; provide for compact forms of development to evolve over time; (3) Intensification: Regional policies to allow for direct access onto regional corridors in order to facilitate medium and higher density development which fronts onto these roads; local plans to designate areas appropriate for intensification, to encourage intensification, and to demonstrate how the municipality will meet the minimum intensification target established in the Growing Durham Study; include design and site plan policies; stable residential neighbourhoods are not considered appropriate for major residential; (4) Designated Greenfield lands: Designate Greenfield lands with an urban structure that supports complete communities; establish minimum densities, heights and tailored density ranges to meet the intent of both regional and local urban structure elements; establish targets that will contribute to the Greenfield density target of 50 jobs and persons per hectare; include policy and community design direction that promotes development which accommodates growth in a positive urban form; require a minimum 300/0 of new residential areas within living areas but outside centres and corridors to be other than detached dwellings; Regional policies to provide direct access on to Regional corridors specifically for medium and high density development; (5) Employment: Bring employment lands to meet 2031 regional employment land needs into the new urban boundary; monitor and review employment land needs every five years; protect strategically located employment lands sufficient to meet the long term regional employment land need to 2056; do not allow the 2056 employment land supply to be used for other purposes ahead of 2031 unless a corresponding decrease in the 2031 living area is made; provide for a range of employment uses, including employment lands, employment corridors, prestige employment and offices under 10,000 square metres or 500 employees; , ,) (5) Employment (con't); DecIsions of Regional Council to refuse conversion of employment lands shall not be subject to appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board; major retail or any retail greater than 300 square metres and that is not ancillary to the employment is not permitted on employment lands; provision and servicing of employment lands should provide for a range of market choice, with a minimum five-year supply of. serviced and developable land at all times at the local level; development applications for large sites should be required to submit phasing plans to show compliance with density targets will be achieved over time; (6) Infrastructure planning, transit and servicing: Phase development in an orderly and sequential pattern linked to regional and local transportation and infrastructure capital investment plans; identify infrastructure priority areas in the built up area to support intensification; review recommended growth scenario against Regional water and wastewater master plan; Region to explore innovative and sustainable infrastructure technologies; Transit infrastructure to be incorporated in infrastructure capital planning with a Transit First Priority; explore feasibility of new GO Transit service; integrate new Transit stations and corridors into Durham Transit Master Plan; create a 25 and 50 year capital planning strategy; (7) Environment: Require watershed planning in advance of secondary plans and plans of subdivision; protect natural heritage features in accordance with the Provincial Policy Statement; encourage sustainable design practices; (8) Phasing growth: Undertake five-year growth management reviews; require secondary plans for any development on lands greater than 20 hectares in size; require master plans for redevelopment of smaller parcels of land that need to be considered comprehensively; consider use of holding provisions; develop growth infrastructure capital plans in accordance with long servicing plans, growth management reviews and phasing; (9) Urban boundary expansion: Include in the 2031 urban boundary land that is needed to provide for the forecasted growth of both residential and jobs that responsibly utilizes land and structures urban growth to create complete and healthy communities; protect long term employment land needs; area municipalities to provide for a 10 year local housing and employment needs through logical and sequential development patterns within each phase; urban boundary expansions beyond 2031 will require a comprehensive Regional review process, except for the use of long term employment land for a Provincially or Regionally significant employer; 400/0 Region-wide intensification target in existing urban area to be met; size of urban boundary expansions to be consistent with creating complete new communities at the secondary plan level; (10) Monitoring and ongoing review: Monitor development patterns across the Region related to annual intensification targets, Greenfield densities and urban growth centre densities; Regions and area municipalities to undertake five-year growth management reviews; Region and area municipalities to work collaboratively to overcome challenges, and find and advocate for creative solutions for achieving objectives of the Growing Durham Study. 4 l Li i Summary of Main Revisions1 to the Assumptions, Methodology or Analysis Having Reference to or Impacting Pickering C Between the Scenario Evaluation and Recommended Preferred Growth Scenario Working Paper and the Draft Recommended Growth Scenario and Policy Directions Report, Growing Durham Study) Staff has identified the following main revisions for Pickering: (1) Increasing the amount of high density in the housing demand forecast to meet the Greenfield density target of 50 jobs and persons per hectare; (2) Refining the housing supply needs, recognizing the specific provisions of the Seaton lands (to be planned for up to 70,000 persons); (3) Detailing the targets for the Urban Growth Centres as 100 jobs per hectare and 100 persons per hectare to achieve the required 200 jobs and persons per hectare; (4) Detailing the housing mixing Urban Growth Centres as 200/0 medium density units and 800/0 high density units; (5) Increasing the employment forecast for Durham Region to 375,000 (from the 350,000 allocated by the Provincial Growth Plan), to recognize Durham Region's objective of providing jobs and population at a ratio of one to two; (6) Assuming a Pickering Airport would generate a total of 10,000 jobs, both direct (on-site) and indirect (spin-off jobs, located off the Federal lands); 4,500 indirect jobs are included within the 375,000 employment forecast; the 5,500 direct jobs would be in addition to the 375,000 jobs forecast; (7) Increasing the employment land density from 26 jobs per gross hectare to 27 jobs per gross hectare (for comparison, the employment area at Whites Road/Granite Boulevard achieves a density of about 23 jobs per gross hectare); (8) Assuming 580/0 of Durham's employment growth will be on employment lands (the remaining 420/0 occurs primarily within the living areas, such as office, retail, personal services, and institutional); (9) Increasing the width of the employment band along Highway 407 extension northeast Pickering: south to Highway 7, and north to the Seventh Concession Road on the western side of northeast Pickering; (10) Identifying a Mobility Hub in Pickering consistent with the Metrolinx draft Report; (11) Meeting the minimum 400/0 intensification target for the Region commencing in 2015 and each year thereafter; individual municipalities have different intensification rates: Pickering's is a minimum 380/0 since Pickering has a high proportion of the new development outside the build-up area; (12) Adding future centres and corridors to the new urban areas and assigning a more intense development mix than surrounding living area; (13) Distinguishing the land for future living area required prior to 2031 and post 2031, and similarly distinguishing the lands for employment area required pre and post 2031; 1-- :] (14) Re-allocating 5,000 units of the low density residential demand for the 2031 time frame from Pickering, Ajax and Whitby to Oshawa as it has a supply of existing designated urban land; Pickering and Whitby would have required new urban to be designated; the effect of the re-allocation for Pickering is that some future living area would now be identified in the post-2031 time frame; and (15) Identifying additional future employment land along the Highway 407 corridor in the vicinity of the Highway 401-407 connector in northwest Whitby, for the 2031 time frame; the rationale was because of the area's strategic location with respect to future accessibility; and complement the future living area identified for Whitby; the effect of this identification for Pickering is that some of the future employment area is in the post 2031 time frame. C :0 CD )> Z rJ) -{ ::0 )> -{ m G> m (f) Z o c.n en SCENARIO 3 - REINFORCING EXISTING C()MMUNITIES LAND BEY()ND URBAN AREA BOUNDARY AND URBAN STRUCTURE NOTE: DnliCTION FROl'.'l Pl!\NNING CO~IMITTEE ON JUNE 3.2008 IS INDICATED IN RED BOXES. THE CONSULT.'\NTTEA:-'IIS REVIEWING THE LONG TERM FUTUIU Ef\'lPLOY~lENT LAND NEED AND HvlPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE LIVING AIZEA LAND NEED. I I J --1. I INCLUDE AS LONG TERM [' REVIEW lONG-TERM I INCLUDE AS FUTURE J REVIEW LONG-TERM' : EMPlOYMENT lAND EMPlOYMENT LAND NEED l LMNG AREA lAND EMPLOYMENT lAND NEED I, ALONG 407 CORRIDOR ALONG .0407 CORRIDOR I_ I .",.p" ""~_0.r,__- ,--'-'~'-":;:::-',-',~" ~~_:;; i.1 //~' ~tKlm"dRiNG /.&:: ~~? ~-:f// '----'--.' ~\, I / _~ ~~M I ~ ~. ~. - --.--.-.-. ( / )' .'" .-. I~/ \ i ../ 0 ............ ~ l' (~! V;. ,. ./ ,;;J.,. J):'i "IEN"''''-....~~'',...L. "-wd I ,,", ,/ "/ ~'\1 li ;' r ,'( ~..& ~I I .....~ , ~~; !~~~ ,/ r ........ . ,;:JL6 I~: ,". .- V' __; ....' @l' I HIGHWI\Y 7 r~, I"'"'"' >>. , . :~if .,":' :~. 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'''.:':~,:~,; ....{\;>;:;:C) ",', ~';'if'~1':' '"' 1\ ~ r ~,:"'. 'k~ REFLECT PICKERING AS A """'G',;: ~._ MOBILITY HUB CANDIDATE ........~: ~, C~R I LAKE ONTARIO LEGEND ;fij~~ E:2J - ~ ~ built up area gr\~onfleld urban area boundary rUWrc LMng Arco future E.mployment Ares rOSiomH contre urban growth contre rj '-..' l/fOOt) node .C>i/stJl1p'/pl~)Ilt)Od Emergmg growth nodes: transit village: ex/sUng/future emc(llln~ W8(onront '1ll1ago UOIT/DUrhi;lm College mObility 'lull future centre Osrllngfon/Pfckerlng generation facilities ..~l "'7 I I I I I j ~ e/e o .,~ iil ~. o . -JJh NG I~N FIGURE 13B N01E:THE ILLUSTRATED t\RE.'\ IS BASED ON FUTURE GROWTH LANDS IDENTlFIEDTHROUGHTHE LOCALLY INFLUENCED OtJ'TLOOK FOR RESlDENTIALAND EMPLOYMENT USES AND FUTURE CENTRES. THE ILLUSTR,ATED AREA ALSO REFLECTS STRATEGICALLY LOCATED EMPLOYMENT LANDSAND LANDS RESERVED TO PROVIDE CONTIGUOUS RESIDENTlAL DEVELOPMENTS. DUE TOTHE SCALE OF [\.1APPING.THE TOTAL FUTURE GROWTH AREAS ILLUSTRATED FOR EACH SCENARIO INCLUDE ALL NATURAL HERIT.'\GE AND HYDROLOGIC FEATURES. HIGHWAY -W7 RIGHT OF WAY .~ND MAJOR HYDRO CORRIDORS, ONCE THESE FE:\TURES1\RE REMOVED.THE REMAINING LAND AREAS APPROXIMATELY REPRESENT THE GROWTH PLAN GROSS LAND NEED FOR LAKE ONTARIO SHORELINE MUNICIPALITIES FOR THE SCEN,'\RIo. :t1 j:, m-f 6~ :00 -4::I: .,$: .,,~ c ...... I f'" 1 I :) ).... ...... o N 0\