HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 38-08 Cil1l o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: OES 38-08 Date: October 20" 2008 ) L. From: Richard Holborn (Acting) Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Quotation No. Q-62-2008 City Services & Leisure Guides and Supplements File: A 1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 38-08 regarding the City Services & Leisure Guides and Supplements be received; 2. That Quotation No. Q-62-2008 submitted by York Region Printing for the printing of 'the City Services & Leisure Guides and Supplements in the amount of $91,145.90 (GST extra) be accepted; and 3. Further, that the appropriate officials at the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: City Council approves funds annually in the Current Budget for the printing of the City Services & Leisure Guides and Supplements. The City produces three seasonal Guides for residents to become aware of services provided in and by the City of Pickering. The City Services & Leisure Guide contains information pertinent to all newcomers and existing residents. The City Services & Leisure Guide is the venue to . communicate the good news about our City, its services, the staff and opportunities each season. Quotations have been received and the low bid submitted is in the amount of $91,145.90 (GST extra). The City's purchasing policy requires this award value to have Council approval of the quotation in order to proceed. This Guide is produced each year and the costs are included in the annual Current Budget. Each fall quotes are received for the following year's printing contract. Quotes are issued in the fall to allow sufficient lead time for preparation and printing of the Guide. In prior years, the amount has been below the threshold required for Council approval. Report OES 38-08 October 20, 2008 Subject: -5 Quotation No. Q-62-2008 City Services & Leisure Guides and Supplements Page 2 The Manager, Supply & Services, the (Acting) Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the "Division Head, Culture & Recreation recommend acceptance of the low quotation submitted by York Region Printing. Financial Implications: 1. Quotation Amount Q-62-2008 - Quotation for City Services & Leisure Guides and Supplements Part A - City Services & Leisure Guide 3 Guides @ $26,790 ea $80,370.00 Part B - Supplement 3 Supplements @ $1,341.45 ea Subtotal PST GST GST Rebate Total Amount 4,024.35 84,394.35 6,751.55 4,219.72 (4,219.72) $91,145.90 The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has reviewed the financial implications in this report and concurs. This amount will be included in the 2009 Current Budget. Additional costs for delivery of approximately $5,700 will also be provided in the 2009 Current Budget. Sustainability Implications: Residents await the distribution of this product. The City Services & Leisure Guide has a shelf life of 6 months. Residents find this communication valuable for leisure program registration however keep the Guide for phone numbers and information regarding various City services. The product is printed on 1000/0 recycled high bright 35 lb. newsprint. The covers are printed on Hannoart Gloss from well managed forests and controlled sources. Although many residents have access to electronic messaging, many people only have access to the Guide. The entire Guide is posted on the website and is available in larger print versions for accessibitity to information. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 38-08 October 20, 2008 Subject: 4 Quotation No. Q-62-2008 City Services & Leisure Guides and Supplements Page 3 Background: The City of Pickering has provided a communication tool to residents since the early 1970's. The newsletter updated residents on community activities and encouraged the community to give input toward recreation programming. The newsletter has grown into a corporate communication tool, providing residents with a snap shot of City Services such as Planning, Municipal Property, Bylaw and Animal Services. Information such as how to access the Customer Care Centre, phone numbers for all city departments and council members, information about Fire Prevention and Library Services as well as advertisers such as Durham Region Transit and various community sport groups, use this as a proven method of communication. Currently the Green Pages communicate our sustainable messages while Communities in Bloom report on and encourage our community to "Participate in Pickering". Seniors programs & clubs encourage older adults to get active and socialize while the Free Teen Programs offer activities and planning sessions for youth to shape the future of Pickering's events and programming. Parents find summer camps, sport and leisure opportunities for their children and see the benefits of Family Fitness and membership opportunities. Aquatics, Arenas, Parks and Events - Pickering has it all and we encourage everyone to come out, get active, and enjoy all the aspects we have to offer. Tourists as well as our community participate in event destinations such as our concerts, Artfest and Pickering Museum Village. The City Services & Leisure Guide encourages community members to become involved in all aspects of City life. Today the Guide continues to be the main method of generating revenues for fee for service programs and memberships. Participants register by phone, fax and "Click to Reg" on the internet. The process has improved and the glossy cover guide is welcomed in each home 3 times per year. Production commences in November and the product is received in March of 2009, July 2009 and November 2009. This Guide is produced each year and the costs are included in the annual Current Budget. Each fall quotes are received for the following year's printing contract. Quotes are issued in the fall to allow sufficient lead time for preparation and printing of the Guide. In prior years, the amount has been below the threshold required for Council approval. The Operations & Emergency Services Department, Culture & Recreation Division recommends the acceptance of the low bid submitted by York Region Printing for Quotation No. Q-62-2008 in the amount of $91,145.90 (GST extra). York Region Printing has performed this work for the City for many years to our complete satisfaction. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report rOES 38-08 October 20, 2008 ! ) Subject: Quotation No. Q-62-2008 City Services & Leisure Guides and Supplements Page 4 The report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply & Services who concurs with the foregoing. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services memorandum of Supply of Bids dated September 30, 2008 2. Supply & Services memorandum dated October 6, 2008 -( Prepared By: /..----.~. ;~ ./ /'." ;--"-/i(<l~~) /:~j ,-" . (,~.-I..l ,.........' ( Tina Tays-- I Supervisor, Marketing, Research & Communications ---~ , (" (~r'-" (/-1 --'- Stephe'h-Reynolds Division HE3,ad, Culture' & Recreation I Approved/Endorsed By: c. /::;~-=-~:_2~_,,\---- ~~ Gillis Paterson - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer ." ( t ;' _ Vera'A. Felgema'cher C.P.P., CPPO, CPPB, C.P.M" CMM III Manager, Supply & Services SR:lg Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration //__. of Pickering ~"cou ,ciL.._ G/t:;//' .' " ;' .....- ) L- , i!- .? /") {i ;~ -.....--...-.....".... CORP0227-07/01 revised Citq~. I~I ~II PICKERING n -- ,e,.::.- 1I~ "v L_ L .....'c' ,.jcj c) " t:"" U MEMO To: Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation September 30, 2008 From: Jill Hone Buyer Tina Tays Supervisor, Marketing, Research & Communications Copy: Subject: Q-62-2008, City Services & Leisure Guides and Supplements Closing: Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 12:00 Noon Quotations have been received for the above service. Seven companies were invited to bid. One acceptable bid and two "Unable to Bids" were received by the deadline of Tuesday, September 30, 2008, 12:00 Noon. The quotation shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and time. The summary of bids is attached along with a copy of the quotation submitted. Please confirm that the low bid from York Region Printing is acceptable in writing. Kindly forward a purchase requisition to proceed. Thank you, CULTURE. RECREATION -.. RECEIVED c-~? ~ 36 o~ FILE NO. , I ABEY TO o FWD OCOPV o CIRCULATE MAYOR COUNCIL CAO CLERK CUL It REC CORP SERVICES MPE HUMAN RESOURCES MPE OPS CENTRE LEGAl FAC OPERATIONS OFFICE SUSTAIN C.R SUPERVISORS PLAN. DEV /)// ~(..7' ,'" f I"~ II () /1 .. ;/-P(l;l~. j Jill Hone Ijh Attachment (~)~ <~ ?O-", .F)C--2 ./ 'J ~~)U C (J '7 ,. f~ACr' ;2 uf2 2 Summary of Bids (PST/GST Extra) Description York Region Printing PART "A" City Services & leisure Guide Price/1000 $772.405 Extension/edition of 35,000 $25,284.00 Additional copies of guide/1 000 $506.00 Additional 8 inside pages $43.03 .........:... .... ..........< .............. ....c < .... ..... ...... ..... ........ ., .. .... ........ PART "B" Supplement Newsprint supplement/1 000 $89.43 Extension per supplement of 15,000 $1 ,341 .45 .. PART "e" Distribution Billed directly at the City's Rural distribution by Canada Post Canada Post rate Urban Distribution by Metroland, Billed directly at our preferred News Advertiser rate MOI8MCIMOITAJR3., .UTJU~ W'Il~~""'~_'LI~~""""""""-r_" IC3V~3J3fi -'_"_~''''_''''_M_.. ,__ _'_""_"'~" ~"~~._., __.__~~_..._ ! OV1 ~tH1 _......._,-~_...----'..~..._.. ",>"-'''- ...,.~~.-..i-.,._. ".~_.~._...._ _ I 01' Y ~;lap. =t~~~~~~~?E5~~~~~_~~.M . ~t;i~i~~f~~i;f~~~1~~~i~ t )I'1:Ar~;..,z 3:J1~1~ll.. r., <llllOn'i\lt3QO :)41i ~...~.""., .. "'"<::IRl'I -....=:..T......."-l.,.....~..................... .' '~30 '* ~-AJ~' .' i I~R(;al ",'A3~ue ~i&:> . S"ep em er Page 2 ' . Q-57-2007, City Services & Leisure Guides and Supplements, 2008 Cilq o~ /.--.., L OE~; 33 ~ at; d MEMO To: Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation October 6, 2008 From: Jill Hone Buyer ~a Tays Supervisor, Marketing, Research & Communications Copy: Subject: Q-62-2008, City Services & Leisure Guides and Supplements' Closing: Tuesday, September 30,2008,12:00 Noon This information is subsequent to my memo of September 30, 2008 and your response of October 2, 2008 recommending award of this work to York Region Printing. In accordance with Purchasing Policy Item 04.07, goods and services with an estimated total purchase price exceeding $81,000.00 are subject to Council approval. The total value of this work is approximately $90,094.35, exclusive of PST and GST. Therefore, in addition to your formal approval and purchase requisition, Council's approval is also required before we can proceed with the award. I will hold purchase requisition 3270 on file pending receipt of your notification of Council approval. Thank you, CULTURE ~ RECREATION DIVISION RECEIVED (: cft-_. ~ ( bK FILE NO. \. ABEY TO o FWD o COPY o ORCULATE MAYOR COUNCIL CAO CLERK CUL & REC CORP SERVICES MPE HUMAN RESOURCES MPE OPS CENTRE LEGAL FAC OPERATIONS OFFICE SUSTAIN C8cR SUPERVISORS PLAN 1& DEV / \ 1/ "" . "'1,/ l ~ /', 1 .:~. jj(.,.cl.. . ~~j 17 {; J ill Hone /jh