HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 35-08 Citlf (1~ REPORT TO PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE , I, 2, '1 "J t Report Number: PO 35-08 Date: September 2, 2008 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Terms of Referen ce Collaborative Study Management Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 35-08, of the Director, Planning & Development, regarding the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program, be received; 2. That the draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program, provided as Appendix I, be endorsed; 3. That the collaborative management approach to the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program between the City of Pickering and the Seaton Landowner Group (North Pickering Development Management Inc.) be endorsed; 4. That, to formalize the collaborative management approach, the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to enter into a Management Committee agreement with the Landowner Group that is consistt?nt with the terms and conditions set out in Section 2.2 of this Report; 5. That the issuance of a Request for Proposals by the Seaton Landowner Group for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program be authorized to the consulting firms listed below, following the execution of the Management Committee agreement between the City and the Landowner Group: . Bousfields Inc. . Malone Given Parsons Ltd. . Macaulay Shiomi Howson Ltd. . planningAlliance . Planning Partnership . Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. . Walker Nott Dragicevic Associates Limited · Weston Consulting Group Inc., and . Young Wright/IBI Group Report PD 35-08 September 2,2008 Subject: Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program I It · ?) 2 Page 2 6 That the following City staff be appointed to the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Management Committee: the Director, Office of Sustainability; the Director, Planning & Development; and the Manager, Policy; and 7. Further, that a copy of this Report and Council's resolution be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, the Ontario Realty Corporation, the Region of Durham, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, the Trustee for the North Pickering Development Management Inc., and the SernasGroup (on behalf of the Landowner Group). Executive Summary: The Provincial Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP) sets out a vision for the Seaton Community as an urban place exemplifying sustainability, supporting 70,000 residents and 35,000 jobs. To implement the Plan, the CPDP requires further detailed planning studies and changes to the official plans for both Pickering and Durham Region. The city is responsible for certain studies and plans. These have been combined into a comprehensive Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (the Program). Consultants are needed to carry out this Program. Accordingly, a Terms of Reference for the Program has been prepared and it is provided as Appendix I to Report PD 35-08. The starting point for the Program is identifying performance measures and benchmarks for a sustainable community. The Program also requires completion of a number of other studies, and the completion of neighbourhood plans, related Pickering Official Plan amendments and Development Guidelines. Community, agency and First Nations consultations are integral parts of undertaking the Program. The Neighbourhood Planning Program was originally designed with the City hiring the consultant and running the Program, with the assistance of a steering committee. However, a collaborative approach to the management of the study is now proposed. A "Management Committee" comprising three representatives each from the Landowner Group and the City (staff) is suggested. The Chief Administrative Officer supports this approach. The use of the collaborative approach is subject to an agreement between the City and the Landowner Group setting out the roles and responsibilities of City Council, City staff, the Landowner Group I Trustee and the Management Committee. The agreement should be entered into prior to a request for proposals being released to retain consultants for the Neighbourhood Planning Program. As part of the collaborative approach, the Landowner Group would be sending out the request for proposals, and selection of the consulting team would come back to City Council for endorsement. Report PD 35-08 September 2,2008 Subject: Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Page 3 :~ 3 The collaborative study approach is recommended as it offers greater potential to resolve issues in a manner acceptable to the City and the Landowner Group during the study process, rather than at the end of the process. This may lessen the likelihood of a challenge to the Ontario Municipal Board. ' Financial Implications: The benefitting landowners are responsible for the cost of the Neighbourhood Planning Program. The Council approved Planning & Development budget for Professional and Consultative Services has a line item for this work in the amount of $800,000. This expenditure was offset by an equivalent revenue provision from the landowner group, to ensure no net cost to the City. City costs will be for indirect matters such as staff time. It is anticipated that this project will utilize significant staff resources. Sustainability Implications: The development of sustainability performance measures and benchmarks will be instrumental in guiding the development of the related studies and informing the neighbourhood plans, urban design guidelines, monitoring program, and development review decisions. Background: 1.0 Context 1.1 The City is responsible fO,r preparing Neighbourhood Plans for Seaton. In May 2006, the Province approved the Central Pickering Development Plan (CPDP). The CPDP requires the City to undertake "neighbourhood plans" for the urban part of Central Pickering that is known as Seaton. It also requires that a number of other studies be prepared to inform the neighbourhood plans. The Provincial Plan sets out a vision for the Seaton Community. The vision is of an urban place exemplifying social, economic and environmental sustainability. The Plan supports intensity, vibrancy, mixed uses, quality urban design, and transit-, cycling- and pedestrian-supportive development. The Plan envisions 70,000 people calling Seaton home and 35,000 jobs in Seaton. The City supports this vision for new urban development. The CPDP establishes basic designations for land uses and roads. It also sets out goals, objectives and policies, as well as an implementation framework. As part of the implementation, the CPDP requires additional planning studies and formal amendments to the Pickering Official Plan and the Durham Region Official Plan. This new work will guide future application review, servicing and development. Report PO 35-08 September 2,2008 ~~ect: Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program .......?'. ) Page 4 1.2 The studies and plans that the City is responsible to undertake have been combined into a comprehensive Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program, grounded in sustainability. The draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (see Appendix I to this Report) requires community, agency and First Nations consultation is an integral part of undertaking the Program. , There are three main parts to the work to be undertaken through the Neighbourhood Planning Program: (i) The first part, which will form the foundation for the subsequent tasks, is identifying performance measures and benchmarks for a sustainable community (see Task 3.1.1 in the draft Terms of Reference). The City's Sustainable Development Guidelines and benchmarking work are important inputs to this component of the program. The deliverable for this part is the Sustainable Development Program. (ii) The second part is the completion of a number of other studies identified by either the CPDP or the City to further inform and create the neighbourhood plans (see Tasks 3.1.2 - 3.1.6). These deliverables include: . Urban Design Guidelines . Affordable Housing Strategy . Retail Market Analysis . Community Services and Fpcilities Plan, and . Neighbourhood Plans (iii) The third part of the work (Tasks 3.1.7 and 3.1.8) is the synthesis of the earlier work into the formal legislative documents. These deliverables include: . draft Pickering and Regional Official Plan Amendments, and · draft Development Guidelines for inclusion in the Compendium to the City's Official Plan A brief overview of the process for preparing the draft Terms of Reference is provided as Attachment #1. The Terms of Reference were prepared working through the Seaton Advisory Committee. The Advisory Committee as well as the Landowner Group support the Terms of Reference. Copies of the two earlier versions of the Terms of Reference, as well as comments received are available for viewing at the City's Planning & Development Department. They will also be made available through the City's Seaton website. It is recommended that the draft Terms of Reference be approved. Report PO 35-08 September 2,2008 Subject: Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Page 5 L: ,- ,} :) 1.3 The management of the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program is proposed as a collaboration between the City and the Landowner Group. Initially, the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program was conceived in a traditional manner with the City hiring the consultant and running the Program with the assistance of a steering committee. The developers would have had one representative on the steering committee. Other members of the committee would have included the City (with four representatives) and one each from the Province, the Region and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. During preparation of the Terms 'of Reference, the study management (rather than the detail of the required studies and plans) was a key topic of concern for the Landowner Group. Following discussion among senior staff including the Chief Administrative Officer, a possible collaborative approach to the management of the Program was identified. This approach would see the Program run by a Management Committee, with equal representation from City staff and the Landowner Group (three each). Agency and other government representatives will be involved in their essential technical support and commenting role, rather than the study management. This collaborative approach is recommended to Council. 2.0 Discussion 2.1 The process by which the detailed planning takes place is as important as the resulting studies and plans. The key benefit in using a collaborative management approach to the Neighbourhood Planning Program is the opportunity to identify and resolve issues during the course of the study, as opposed to at the end of the study. This approach recognizes both the City's and the Landowner Group's interests in the development of these lands. Cooperatively addressing potential issues in a manner acceptable to both the City and the Landowner Group is preferable as it may reduce the likelihood of developer appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board. While it is expected that the results of the Neighbourhood Planning Program will be a model for sustainable development, the collaborative management process for developing the plans may establish an improved model for planning. 2.2 The terms and conditions of the collaboration need to be formalized. A Management Committee agreement between the City and the Landowner Group is recommended. The agreement would outline the roles and responsibilities for City Council, City staff, the Landowner Group / Trustee and the Management Committee. The agreement for the collaborative approach recognizes Council's ultimate responsibility to complete the Neighbourhood Planning Program and to operate Report PO 35-08 September 2,2008 Subject: Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Page 6 Sb in an open and transparent manner. At the same time, the agreement recognizes the Landowner Group's responsibility to fund the Program and their interest in the study process. To date, staff have identified the following responsibilities of the different parties: Landowners Group / Trustee · Enter into the Management Committee agreement with the City · Appoint 3 representatives to the Management Committee · Prepare draft Request for Proposals (RFP) for review by the Management Committee · Issue the RFP following execution of the Management Committee agreement, approval by the Management Committee, and Council consideration of the Terms of Reference · Enter into a consulting service contract with the consultant recommended by Management Committee and endorsed by Council · Provide copies of the consulting service contract and any amendments to City · Pay consulting invoices approved by the Management Committee Manaqement Committee · Approve the form of the RFP, consulting service contract and all amendments · Review all responses to the RFP and make recommendation to Council regarding award of the consulting service contract . Approve all invoices for payment · Approve all deliverables City Staff · Prepare report to Council recommending award of the consulting service contract · Prepare updates to Seaton Advisory Committee · Prepare bi-monthly status reports to Council · Prepare reports to Council seeking direction on any matter on which Management Committee cannot reach a consensus City Council · Enter into Management Committee agreement with Landowners Group / Trustee · Consider and, if in agreement, endorse Management Committee's recommendation regarding award of consulting service contract · Will make the final decision on any matters on which Management Committee cannot reach a consensus It is recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to enter into a Management Committee agreement, consistent with the framework above, and that such agreement be executed prior to the release of the RFP. Report PO 35-08 September 2, 2008 Subject: Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Page 7 z. 7 ',,} . 2.3 City staff and Landowner Group have identified preliminary list of consultants to receive RFP. The scope of work required by the Neighbourhood Planning Program is significant. It is expected that multi-disciplinary teams will be required, led by a planning firm. City staff and the Landowner Group have identified nine major firms that are recommended to receive RFPs. The firms are: · Bousfields Inc. · Malone Given Parsons Ltd. · Macaulay ShiomiHowson Ltd. . planningAlliance . Planning Partnership · Sorensen Gravely Lowes Planning Associates Inc. · Walker Nott Oragicevic Associates Limited · Weston Consulting Group Inc., and · Young Wright IIBI Group 3.0 Next Steps Should Council concur with the recommendations in this Report, it is anticipated that the Landowner Group I Trustee will enter into the Management Committee agreement, appoint three people to the Program Management Committee, the Management Committee would endorse the Request for Proposals, and the Landowner Group I Trustee would send out the RFP. Report PO 35-08 September 2, 2008 Subject: Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program ,) d Page 8 Appendix: Appendix I. Draft Terms of Reference for Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (dated August 18, 2008) Attachment: 1. Steps in preparing Terms of Reference Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Cath~~ Manager, Policy Neil Carro c, RPP Director, Planning & Development ~7~ Thomas E. Melymuk, MCIP, RPP Director, Office of Sustainability CRjf Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Director, Operations & Emergency Services City Solicitor Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Cou~( . ., APPENDIX I to REPORT PD 35-08 Draft Terms of Reference for Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (dated August 18,2008) 7 () -\ '1 '-.' ," .1 n CENTRAL PICKERING DEVELOPMENT PLAN L+ U SEATON NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING PROGAM 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction Over the next 20 years, a significant amount of Pickeri. .... new growth will occur in the existing urban area as infill and intensificati'The City is also planning for the development of a greenfield urban ar ,000 jobs and 70,000 persons. This urban area is referred to as the SEt on unity. The City of Pickering and the Seaton Lal"lQowner Group, t their Trustee, the North Pickering Community Management Inc. (NCPM , seeking the professional services of a qualified Consultiqgi> Team to rtake the Neighbourhood Planning Program for laods in the$eaton Communi . The study will be undertaken in cooperation with th~>province of Ontario, the Region of Durham, and in consultatio . h the public, encies and other stakeholders. The selection of the Consu is to be he satisfaction of the City and the Seaton Landowner 1.2 Seaton Communi.~Y'.Location a Seaton is botlnaed gener~.Uy by HI Y 7 to the north, the West Duffins Creek to the west, the C. P. Railway to the th, and the boundary between the City of Pickering and the Town of Ajax on th ~ast. The Seaton Community, together with lands to the\JV~~rto the boundary between the City of Pickering and the City of .....>- Town of Markham, comprise Central Pickering (see map, ment#~), he Seaton lands occurred following Nat continued fa rm rs beg River, rou serve the f and its enviro have >a. rich cultural history. Early occupation of the land retreat of the Wisconsin glacier in about 9500 BC. First cupation and settlement of the area until Euro-Canadian o dominate starting in the 1800s. The hamlets of Green d Whitevale, which abut the Seaton lands, developed to mmunities and remain today as small settlements. Whitevale are designated as a Heritage District. Following a recent history of expropriation by the Province for the development of a new community, designation of the lands as "urban area", numerous planning studies, and finally a land exchange between the Province and several developers, the future of the Seaton lands is now one of urban development. 18 August 2008 Page 1 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Draft Terms of Reference ,j '1 1_+ Nevertheless, over 50% of the land in Seaton is being retained in a rich and extensive natural heritage system. Lands in the natural heritage system will remain in the ownership of the Province. Through the land exchange, about half of the developable lands (about 620 ha) are now in the ownership of four major developers. The Province has retained ownership of about one-third of the residentially-designated lands (about 225 ha), and all Qf the employment lands (about 400 ha). 1.3 Central Pickering Development Plan The most recent planning study complet as by the Province of Ontario in 2006. The Province completed the Cent Ickering DeveloPITl~pt Plan (CPDP), under the Ontario Planning and O~tllplopment Act. A significant amount of background and planning work wa pleted 'ng the preparation of the CPDP. The Plan contains land use de tiond detailed goals, objectives, policies and implementation strategies fo . Most importantly, the Plan contains a clear vision for a sustainable munity. 1.4 Sustainable Pickering Pickering Counc' 2005. The envlronme responsibl undertaken b initiatives relat prQ~~~tiOn, jqpcre the first municipality in Ontario to establish an Office ustainability tcrQverse d guide Pickering's transformation from a suburban co unity to a susta.inable City. It is the City's expectation that the development of Se~tQn will make. a substantial contribution to this transformation, and set a new benChmark for sustainable community development in Ontario and Canada. ed a compre'1~nsive Sustainable Pickering program in grounded On five sustainability objectives (healthy y, healthy. economy, responsible development, and Various< initiatives have been and are being 'Sipcu1nersunder each of these objectives, including imateicnallge, energy management, environmental waste reductiOn and sustainable development. 1.5 Initiating the Neighbourhood Planning Process On May 22, 2007, Council passed Resolution #114/07 authorizing staff to initiate the process for hiring an appropriate consulting firm to prepare neighbourhood plans for Seaton. 18 August 2008 Page 2 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Draft Terms of Reference " , I; 2 it _ The Terms of Reference for this Study were prepared by City staff with input from 'the Seaton Advisory Committee, senior City staff, landowner representatives, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing representatives and the Region of Durham representatives, City Council approved the Terms of Reference on XXXX, 2008, 1.6 Public Engagement & Consultation The City of Pickering and the Seaton Landowner are committed to public involvement, participation, openness and acco . addressing land use issues. The public includes the City's resid~ , eople, landowners, relevant public agencies, and other interested groups and I jduals. In keeping with the City's fundamental approach to 'g business, inclus' nd meaningful public involvement must also be integra the undertaking of th ~ighbourhood Planning study. Section 4.0 of the Terms of Reference identifies the requirements for the Consulting Team to outlin(;} their specific approach to public stakeholder and First Nations consultation. 1.7 The Consulting Team The City of Pickering and the Group are looking for a superior interdisciplinary consulting tea he Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program. As project ma your pas experience demonstrates your abilities to coordinate major multi linary projects of a similar scope and scale, exer' strong financial cont integrate and/or inform work underway through rela studies by rs, a reatively address competing interests. Your m demonstrates song Ie dership skills and a commitment to I sustainable development set out in the Central expertise in sustainable community development, urban d '1 market assessment, parks and recreation, transportation, engl , landscape ecology, communication, consultation and engag riting and drafting policy. Your team values the extensive base of leted for the Central Pickering Development Plan, recent reports by t ovince and the Landowner Group, and related work by the City of Pickering, ahd is willing to build upon it. 18 August 2008 Page 3 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Draft Terms of Reference Ii 7 i-i~ ~) 1.8 Consultant Selection The Evaluation criteria to be used by the Selection Committee for reviewing the proposals and recommending a consulting team to Council may include, but shall not be limited to, the factors listed below. The Selection Committee may apply different weights to the different factors: · Overall completeness and quality of submission . Relevant company experience, scope and value . Professional qualifications and experience of p · Understanding of Provincial, Regional an development of Seaton . Experience with planning and developing. innovative an in the GTA, and with sustainable cOlTlrTlunity design . The quality of the public and First Nqtions consultation progra · Creative approach to completing the study · Approach to incorporating leading edgesustaihable community design · Approach to integrating informing related implementation studies . Detailed project schedul Ie and workiprogram . Cost effectiveness to deli . The advice of references pr ided in · The oral and Vi~l.Jal presentatiol'll if liar completed projects ersonnel objectives for the 2.0 THE PROJECT 2.1 he p . ct is to undertake the Neighbourhood Planning Program PD entifies a number of implementation studies and the studIes; The CPDP identifies the following studies as being r 0 the neighbourhood planning program: development of sus ance measures and benchmarks; preparation of neigh and related amendments to the Pickering Official Plan; a retail ma is; and the affordable housing strategy. To complete the neighbourh anning program, the City has identified several other matters that need to be addressed (such as urban design guidelines, development guidelines, and a community services and facilities plan). 18 August 2008 Page 4 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Draft Terms of Reference ! . i . i!t 4 2.2 Relationship to Other Implementation Studies Where other implementation studies have been completed by others, the consulting team shall integrate, where appropriate, the findings and recommendations of those studies into the Neighbourhood Planning Program. Where studies are in progress or commence during the cqurse of this project, the consulting team shall where appropriate integrate available information, findings and conclusions, and inform those studies through'VY~rk on the Neighbourhood Planning Program. The chart on the following page lists the the key topics of that study related to t status of the studies, and the propone Study Name - Topics related to Neighbourhood Planning Pro ram Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) EconomiC Development Study - Detailed land uses and - Detailed road pattI? - Urban Design - Sustainabilit - Phasing 1m lementati Durham/York/Toro NaturalH Sys MasterTrails n Stu Principles for trail heads,n~1work - . NHS/ develo mentinterface Seaton Trail Management Plan Completed In ro ress In progress In progress Water Balance tud Fiscal Impact Stqy(Pickering) - Phasin Fiscal Impact Study (Regional) - Phasin Completed In progress In progress studies, some of Program, the Proponent Province Province Province Oak Ridges Moraine Trust; Cit ; TRCA Province Landowners Landowners 18 August 2008 Page 5 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Draft Terms of Reference Ii r-' '+ ,') Master Environmental Servicing Plan - Phasing - Precise location of road/creek crossings - Location and size of stormwater management facilities - Location and size of major community facilities - Trail network - 3-D Groundwater Model - Major utility placement - Ener mana ement plan Transit Development Charge By-law (Regional; excludes Seaton. Note: Completed* November 2007, effective Janua 1, 2008) Development Charges Study & By-law (Regional water, sewer, roads and soft services. Note: By- law excludes Seaton for water and sewer, but includes Seaton 'for roads and soft services Water Supply, Sanitary Sewera d Transportation EA (Regional) - Detailed locations of water, roadsiSlpd se~~r - Phasin Conformity amendments ([)l.Jrham R Official Plan) Development Charges Study<~I8y-law water, sewer aOdjransit for Seaton onl Conform it amel1dments (Pickerin . Official an) Development Charges $tl;lgy& 8y..law (City;..; excludieato In progress Completed* Pending *Under appeal Pendin In progress Pending Completed Landowners Region eglon Region Region Region Cit City City Toronto and Region Conservation Authorit 18 Aug ust 2008 Page 6 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Draft Terms of Reference ti 6 '-I ) 3.0 DETAIL OF WORK TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE CONSULTANT 3.1 Neighbourhood Planning Program 3.1.1 Seaton Community Sustainable Development Proqram The CPDP identifies six broad sustainable community prh0lciples. The principles include: . fostering a healthy natural environment; . encouraging a healthy built environment; · ensuring economic health; · creating opportunities for public eduCption and public areness; · fostering social and cultural well-being; and . providing appropriate measures for monitoring and measuffhgsuccess. The preparation, review and approval of develop ent applications within Seaton will be carried out with the vi to achievingtl1ese principles. Performance measures ar Neighbourhood Plans to pia sustainability. and incorporated in the .g success at achieving Building on City's. work including our Measuring Sustainability initiative, . Draft Sustainable Development Guidelines for Neighbourhood~ and for.8r~ft Plan~,>Rezonings, Site Plans and Building Permits, and Draft Sustainable NeighbQurhood Scorecard, Partners for Climate Protection plan, and the sustainable development principles and guidelines in the CPI;)P, the consulting team shall prepare the Seaton Community Sustainable Development Program; Tl1e... Program shall.. include: the preparation of sustainability performance mea:~~res and beQ~hmarks for the development of Seaton, integrating the sustainability guidelines from the Highway 407 (Seaton) Economic Development Study, performange measures and benchmarks for matters including but not limited to energy conservation, building and community design, transit usage, cultural heritage conservation, accessibility for the disabled, air quality, human health promotion and environmental net gain; the monitoring process; identification of short, medium and long term actions that address integration of the community sustainability principles in the Neighbourhood Plans; and implementation of the Program into the development review and approvals process including recommended official plan policy support. 18 August 2008 Page 7 -^---"'-....__-._..;._~.~.'-"I"""~""'~""""..".,.,"""'.',.,00_''"''___~...........,_..,''''.~'''-'''"'''-.,~",.;c Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Draft Terms of Reference ., "7' '-t- ! 3.1.2 Urban Desiqn Guidelines Urban design guidelines help bridge the gap between policy, zoning and site development, and knit together public and private spaces. With higher intensities of development, urban design becomes a key element to creating livable communities. Building upon the neighbourhood development prinqiples and guidelines in the CPDP, the urban design and sustainability guideline contained in the CPDP, and the City's existing design principles and..cons ations in the Pickering Official Plan, the consulting team shall prep rethe urba~>design guidelines for Mixed Use Areas and Residential Area he Guidelines shall: use text, graphics, drawing and maps as requjr~ address urbanfQ~m, architectural control, landscaping, public realm, ~1:r-tscapes, focal points,qnd significant views and vistas; place particular emp is on deY~lopment in Mixed Use Areas and development adjacent to i arte an 911ector roads; and identify recommended official plan policy support.lin idelines will become the basis for the draft Development Guidelines (see task 1.8). Urban design guidelines have been prepared for mployment Lands through the Provincial Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Econom Development Study, and are the basis for Development Guidelines (see task 3.1.8) covering the Employment L 3.1.3 Affordable PO .to@ Seaton Community provide an adequate range of housing rtunities thafrespond to existing and future needs and characteristics of the~tltjcipated population in terms of form, location, size, cost and tenure. Tn~ CPDI1~.~quires the preparation of a strategy detailing the means to achieve>>a 25%.'>target of new residential units in housing forms consiqered affordable to low and moderate-income households. The strategy shall identify appropriate housing forms and shall be implemented through the neighbourhood plqns. Contributions to the 25% target may vary by neighbourhood. In the context of the overall housing objectives for Seaton, the consulting team shall prepare an Affordable Housing Strategy to achieve a 25% target of new residential units in housing forms considered affordable to low and moderate-income households. The Strategy shall identify: the appropriate housing forms considered affordable to low and moderate-income households; the recommended distribution of such forms within and between 18 Aug ust 2008 Page 8 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program DraftiTerms of Reference 4d neighbourhoods; and the recommended official plan policy and other implementation measures to achieve the target. 3.1.4 Retail Market Analysis The CPDP designates lands for mixed uses. The mixed use designations permit, in addition to medium and higher density residential s, the introduction of retail uses. The CPDP requires a retail market analy assess and rationalize the amount of retail floor space to serve the popul' Seaton. The consulting team shall prepare a Retail Ma The analysis shall: determine the amount, location, hierarchy and distributio retail uses for the population in Seaton, in keeping with.tnevision of Seaton a sustainable, mixed-use, transit-supportive and pedestrian-friendly commu and identify recommended official plan policies toirriplement th~<results of the lysis. In completing the Retail Market Analysis, concentration of commercial floor space is proposed exceeding 56,000 m2 or larger on an individual or cumulative basis, the analysis is requiredto~Dsure the pr()p(:)~al does not unduly affect the planned function and viability riygther Dowrit~Vyn Pickering or other local Centre. 3.1.5 The Seaton Landowner Group pr. 2005, and is to be used as input to t ed a retail market analysis in September study. ulturar; recreational and other public uses are an essential development of the Seaton Community. shall prepare a Community Services and Facilities Plan for provision of recreation, parks (including open space and ng libraries) and other municipally provided facilities. The and Facilities Plan shall: include the projected for Pickering and Seaton for the next 20 years (to build out); include an a sment of trends in parks, recreation and leisure services over the next 20 years (to build out); identify leading examples of best practices regarding parks and recreation and municipal facility development demonstrating sustainable development, successful joint and mixed use facilities, and other strategies to achieve land use efficiencies; identify the community needs and uses in all areas of recreation programs, facilities, services, parks and open space and other facility needs including an appropriate hierarchy, function, and 18 August 2008 Page 9 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Draft Terms of Reference " i\ it 'J property and facility sizes and locations; and the anticipated timing and phasing of uses relative to the timing of development. For clarification, in identifying joint and mixed use facilities, the consultant should look at integration of facilities among different providers (Regional, City, school board, places of worship, etc.). A Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) is u be completed during 2008. One deliverable of number and general locations of major commuqil service facilities, secondary schools, neighbournOod an recreation complexes. The consultant should confirm or facilities information from MESP in lighl/ofthe work from in Planning Program, ay, and anticipated to ESP is to identify the , including emergency mmunity parks, and ise the community rhood 3.1.6 Neiqhbourhood Plans The CPDP requires the pr Central Pickering Developm the Pickering Official Plan objective in respect of emp! accommodate 35, s" and for a communit pulation .on of Neighppurhood Plans to implement the NeighbotJ(l;lpod Plans will become part of t. The .CPDP states that it is an n for a community that will ing and mixed use, to "Plan o 70,000 esidents". Some developers within Seaton have prepared and submitted to the City draft plan of subdi iea ther developers have prepared concept plans for their lands. e pia . put to the preparation and analysis of hbourh pi consulting/team s prepare Neighbourhood Plans for all lands in the ton Communi whet the lands are part of the natural heritage system, ployment I s, or the mixed use and residential designations. The cons ng team sh ; identify appropriate neighbourhood boundaries combining more th<ilJl one pocket of developable land where appropriate; and prepare a comprehensive Neighbourhood Plan for each neighbourhood. The Neighbourhood Plans shall: address the list of matters detailed in Appendix A to this Terms of Reference; integrate where appropriate the results of the background and other related studies such as but not limited to the Highway 407 (Seaton) Economic Development Study, Natural Heritage System Management Plan and Master Trail Study, and the Master Environmental Servicing Plan; use policies, designations, schedules and maps as necessary; 18 August 2008 Page 10 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Draft Terms of Reference ,-- (.., ,) t.J and implement the vision of a sustainable, mixed use, transit-supportive community. 3.1.7 Draft Conformity Amendment to the Pickerinq Official Plan Amendments are required to the Pickering Official Plan to bring it in to conformity with the CPDP. The Neighbourhood Plans will also incorporated into the Official Plan by amendment. The consulting team shall prepare: draft policyahd sctJedule amendments to Pickering Official Plan incorporating the Seaton Neighbour. od Plans as well as revisions to other sections of the Official as may be uired to reflect the findings of the outcomes of the Seat mmunity NeighbolJrhood Planning Program; and prepare draft revisions informational text anq to the maps in the Plan as necessary. ocument to the Pickerin The consulting team shall also identify d that may be required as a result of the Picke 3.1.8 Draft Develo ment Guidelines for the Com Official Plan esign gt../idelines and other development controls are ed Development Guidelines. The Development a Compendium Document to the Pickering Official T cOhsulting teat'11 all prepare dr Development Guidelines for Seaton. The idelines shall: identifY appropriate lands or corridors requiring Development Guidelines; inC()rporate~~!~vant material from the Neighbourhood Planning Rrpgram that is to be Counqllaadopted, rather than form part of the Official Plan. 4.0 COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND FIRST NATIONS CONSULTATION Community<qonsultation is an integral part of undertaking the neighbourhood planning study. Community consultation provides an opportunity to explore and test options with the public, agencies, development industry and others, The Consulting Team shall: design and undertake effective and inclusive Community Outreach and First Nations Consultation programs, with the objectives to engage, obtain comments from, and exchange information with, members of the community, on an on-going basis during the study; describe their 18 August 2008 Page 11 "",..' ....""'-~........_"""""-,~~-..-........,.~.,"'->",~-~--,.""'~~"._--....;.;-""""._""">.., Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Draft Terms of Reference ''', '1 " I approach to public, agency and other stakeholder consultation, including how the community Outreach Program will engage and obtain the views of Pickering's multicultural population, and other groups who are less inclined to participate in traditional planning processes; describe their approach to engaging First Nations, Metis and other aboriginals in this process; and prepare a Community & Agency Consultation Report and a First Nations Consultation Report. For the reports listed below, it is anticipated tha a "Final" Report will be required. The Ma e direction during the course of the Study on ether any pa require both the draft or revised draft versi , a "Revised Draft" and pmmittee may give ar report does not 5.0 DELlVERABLES 1. Seaton Community Sustainable Development Program 2. Urban Design Guidelines (for required areas) 3. Affordable Housing Strategy 4. Retail Market Analysis 5. Community Services and 6. Neighbourhood Plans (for 7. Draft Pickering Official Plan Plan Amend t 8. Draft Deve 0 ent Guidelines 9. Consult Report(s)>for Comm , Agencies & First Nations For the delivetables listed in section the c;itypf Pickering the followihg: , the Consulting Team shall forward to · Foreach<"Draft" Report: 25 draft copies (paper); one copy in digital format using the osoft Office suite of applications (all mapping to be provided in AutoCad.d .dxf);Pl'le copy in PDF); or each "R ed Draft" Report: 25 copies (paper); one copy in digital at using t Microsoft Office suite of applications (all mapping to be . ed in Aut d.dwg or .dxf); one copy in PDF); · For eport: 100 copies (paper); one camera ready copy of the final v copy of the final version in digital format using the Microsoft suite of a Ications (all mapping to be provided in AutoCad.dwg or .dxf format). 6.0 SCHEDULE AND WORK PROGRAM 18 August 2008 Page 12 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Draft Terms of Reference ,: ') ,J .!_ The Consulting Team is to provide a detailed work program and schedule as part of the response to this RFP. It is an objective to complete the study within 8 - 12 months. 7.0 STUDY MANAGEMENT The City of Pickering and the Seaton Landown~r will jointly manage the study. A Management Committee consisting of3 memb~t~..each from City staff and the Landowners Group will be established to provide' strategic direction to the Consulting Team, and liaise with .th~ Seaton AdvisorY mmittee. The Management Group will also be responsible for supervising t udy work to ensure that it is carried out in accordance with the ms of Refere ,~and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering and th~Lan90 r Group. 7.1 General The Consulting Team shall meet ith the Management Group on a regular basis as well as at milestones durin udy. The Management Group shall monitor study progress, liaise with t Cons~ltant, the Province and the Region of Durham, and exercise budgetery contrqla8.e revisions to the Terms of Reference. The ment Group may identify additional issues for which options may n ce to generate discussion, when additional public input may be req and whether both draft and revised draft reports are required in all instances; The M gement Group shall also be responsible for the circulation ors prooti .es and approval of consultant liaison with the public and othe nc s. Inad the Consulting Team shall be responsible for recording, typ and distribu ing minutes of the Management Group meetings, sUbl~yt to proval of the Management Group. 7.3 Technical Support Team A TechnipaI Sup Team will be established to provide technical advice and guidance to.the nsulting Team. The Consulting Team shall meet with the Technical Support Team as needed to address issues, obtain comments and at milestones during the study. The Consulting Team shall be responsible for recording, typing and distributing minutes of Technical Support Team meetings. 7.4 Seaton Advisory Committee of Council 18 August 2008 Page 13 Central Pickering Development Plan Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program Draft Terms of Reference z ,) The Seaton Advisory Committee of Council receives updates from, and provides advice and guidance for the consideration of, senior City staff and others as may be invited, on the many related studies and activities respecting the development of Seaton. It is anticipated that the Consulting Team would update the Committee at milestones during the study. APPENDICES A Detailed Requirements for Neighbourhood Plans B Selected List of Resources Available 18 August 2008 Page 14 I' " }f1i/ \ ~ - _iV .~^. ~ II ~ \e II ~--l :: ~i~ :: I ~ I i ~'ljJ'-~L~ I ! r-:~"~I\ i ~',,, ,,-J/ .~ 2 f~ #:~ 0 :: ~:: ;5 11\.11 ~~~I I~ i l"I)~' ~'.~' V-~ rL-A~LJ-:: " ~ '----- ~ f\~'~~>< / ~ i \' ~: ( i ~ I. YiX X V~ I! ""?- 9. a, 12 H~ ~ ~ [ i... ....,., ) !.9U&'l flM ~S '1~m~m~vX~~~t 1 i i.1 W ... '.;'~.~~^ ~;;;~ ~m';R ~I ~~~ r\.i:v: ~ :: ~1 X {):: ~ >()K XX ~ >< o ~ ____~,:~ X' ? ::X >( *' ~ X l>< >< .... ~ ~ ,f'.v "X Y , Z WHITEVA ./ V" >< -~ 5 ~..! \ 1 ;pi V'.Y1 Vi" Y \( '\l' "-~~ r Ii ~~~~~~I~ ~x~~ i~_ 1~ ~XS;~} Ii N V ~~~" ~~::I< ;(..... " ,,,)< i,jX " '>~ " ,I ~ I> )I> -,.,... ?( " x >< YD x Ii 1 ~ ,)< bi " V-. V vi ~fx ~ > )< ~ )<yx ~ :: :, _ ~_ ",,"U:)< bi ~ ~ y -y'h. ^' 7\:8~. LL ~ :~ '- i~~ xWQ<:':k^x.: ,: 0 ~ !::\ i~ ~ ,X~~~ ;; ~ ~ i; (J l ~/ ~;1 :: 0 Ii ~ i\ ...... ~ >< y ~i . L, ii i r ii - ~ ~ I ~ x r -::~ " :: ~~ :: :: \ Ii ~ [( n...n :x ii II ~ ~ g ~HERi ~~ _ jl "~~~-~~ ~ ~ I~ I ~~ - ~j~~~~ ~: {~~',,~ i n '- ~~ \) - ~:Q &[g"~j" I .. ~~ jt~J'<~Bf;\t~ .~ ~J U ~ --" :: ~ ~ r;::$ F-:;.-- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ru 6 ~. ~ o ..... r-- ~ "..... t.o I.L" "MI-:f . _cf:.i f'\-_ g J2r _ I.: . ::;:J , ..d'l"'lI1 ~ U i hl ~ "' JIF? A ~ -j ~ ! [{fd~ 11"1~ I_A ~ ~ ;;;:p.lr I~ ~""I 5 r-~' ~ r'S~: IITI\J ~\i~ ",,"71:~ ........-1 . ~ m:t::J .1 _ .1I"~::r ~ n ~nl~ " City of Pickering Planning & Development Department l..4 ,) . Attachment #1 to Terms of Reference x ~ -, <( LL o D CENTRAL PICKERING ~ THE SEATON COMMUNITY DATE: AUG. 13,2008 Doto Sources: @ Teronet Ent8r"p..-jse'9 Inc. and its suppliers, All right!; Reserved. Not 0 plan of survey. Q 2005 MPAC Qnd its suppliers. All rigtlts Reserved. Not 0 pic" of Survey. S l5 / ...... : AiJJ ' ~~ ~ Ii 1 ) ~,: " II " III" V \l: iii .~ 'JP l' Appendix A to Draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program - Detailed Requirements to be Addressed in Neighbourhood Plans (must be read in conjunction with section 3.1.6 of the Terms of Reference) '-) :J Housing and Mixed Use 1. The Neighbourhood Plans shall include: (a) preparation of the transportation network including transit, arterial, collector and local road, and a pedestrian and bicycle systems plan based on the overall network developed through the Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP), and considering the/flPsults of the Master Trail Plan component of the Natural Heritage System Management Plan and Master Trail Plan Study; (b) consideration of previously cQmp ed archaeological and heritage assessments; (d) identification of detail (e) ures. (c) identification of drainage system/facility locations, type, quality and sedimentation targets functional servicing p and stormwater management izing and)<::lj~charge quantity, he findingso~)the MESP and 2. (a) ood structure with an appropriate mix of nd visitors; integration<?f co.<~rcial, resi ial and employment uses, both horizontally and vertically, to ens that neighbourhood centres are popular and active <::lestinations, supporte ransit and proximity to open space; (c) pre)' ion of a r ... ge of sizes of lots and blocks to encourage a variety of hou type d sizes, and to create flexibility and options for intenslficat'o~iPClrticularly within mixed use nodes and corridors; (d) consideratln of pedestrian requirements for safety and comfort In the location of transit stops, day care centres and community facilities; (e) provision of the highest development density at the neighbourhood centres; (f) provision of variations in the design of blocks and streets around natural elements such as woodlots, creeks and topography, to enhance views and achieve a distinctive neighbourhood character; Appendix A to Draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 August 2008) Page 2 ,--- /" :-_i b (g) permission for individual lots to integrate elements of the surrounding natural and cultural heritage; (h) making the garage a subordinate elements of the residential development; (i) providing for laneways to support alternative garage locations, where appropriate; and U) ensuring that surface parking areas are not dominant features of mixed use development areas. (a) facilitating the early introd on of tra transportation facilities, and ..retail and service residents' needs; rate appropriate strategies to velopment Plan (CPDP) for 3. The Neighbourhood Plans shall identify and i realize the objectives of the Central Pic~ higher density, transit supportive developni services, alterative to accommodate (b) setting achievable uses along transit ets for the construction of higher def;\$ity residential (c) providing for financiar)~~~e affordable housing; and the creation of higher density and/or (d) enabling dev 4. The NeighbourhQ!::?d Pia thep,.OVisionof{~taif.~:md service commercial uses in the com ity> to serve the needs of residents and businesses, such that sufficientrit~.il and commercial uses are planned to meet local needs, in forms and Id~~t.ions consistent with the objectives and polices of this Plan ~qr urban design; (b) ideM ablishing a hierarchy of retail and commercial uses for the c t addresses, among other matters, city and region-wide market and supply considerations, the Pickering Official Plan policies wi spect to the primacy of the Downtown Core, and taking into consideration the results of the Seaton Retail Market Analysis. Employment 5. With respect to Employment, the Neighbourhood Plans shall establish policies: (a) reflecting the objectives and primary locations for employment from the CPDP; Appendix A to Draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 August 2008) Page 3 '7 (b) requiring high performance standards for development and site design in the employment areas; (c) requiring employment areas to be readily accessible by alternative modes of transportation, including vehicular, transit, bicycle and pedestrian; (d) implementing the results of the Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Economic Development Study completed by Hemson Consulting Limited, et al (April 2007); 6. Schedules 6, 7, 8 and 9 to the CPDP serve a$ mples of the key principles and policies to be addressed by the Neighbo d Plans, and together with the policies of the CPDP, provide a vision for g the goals and objectives of the CPDP. The Neighbourhood Plans sh e prepared having regard for the contents of those four schedules: (a) (b) (c) (d) General 7. Schedule 6: Neighbourhood PI~pning Guidelines - ay Neighbourhood; Schedule 7: es - CentraF~~,ghbourhood; orate an appropriate policy framework, the development review process, the quired by this Terms of Reference, pmmlJnlty Sustainable Development Program, as required by Qfthe Terms of Reference; (b) Guidelines, as required by section 3.1.2 of the Terms of (c) ousing Strategy, as required by section 3.1.3 of the Terms (d) the Retail Market Analysis, as required by section 3.1.4 of the Terms of Reference; and (e) the Community Services and Facilities Plan, as required by section 3.1.5 of the Terms of Reference. Appendix A to Draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 August 2008) . :1 , ) ~.,. Page 4 8. Subject to the refinements that may be made through the various implementation studies, including the Neighbourhood Planning Program, the Neighbourhood Plans shall incorporate: (a) the basic structural elements of the CPOP, as shown on the following four Schedules to the CPOP: (i) Schedule 2: Land Use; (ii) Schedule 3: Natural Heritage System; (iii) Schedule 4: Transportation Network; and (iv) Schedule 5: Servicing System; (b) the goals set out in Part 2 of the CPOP the following: (i) Natural Heritage; (ii) Cultural Heritage; (iii) Social, Institutional, Op ce and ReCreational Facilities; (iv) Transportation and T (v) Servicing; (vi) Employment; and (vii) Housing and Mixed Use. Natural Heritage System 10. Neighbourhpqd P lopment polici~~ to r CPOP; riate land use policies and I H ge System Designation, tei~~pp, the results of the Natural Master Trail Plan Study, and the results 9. Cultural Herita shall es Ish the appropriate design, land use and the Cultural Heritage objectives and policies of the 11. More specifically respect to Cultural Heritage, in the preparation of Neighbourhood Plans" recognize the importance of cultural heritage features by: (a) where po~~ifj)le, creating a development pattern that reflects the historic concessiori'grid in order to integrate wood lots, hedgerows, tree lines, and filed pattern into the new urban pattern and Natural Heritage System; (b) protecting and maintaining cultural heritage landscape elements such as treelines, hedgerows and the rolling topography, where feasible; (c) ensuring new development and land uses near or adjacent to cultural heritage landscape features respect cultural heritage patterns and their integrity; Appendix A to Draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 August 2008) Page 5 :'j 9 (d) viewing the Natural Heritage System and open spaces associated with social facilities as opportunities for cultural heritage resource integration and protection; (e) requiring the urban design guidelines prepared as a component of the Neighbourhood Plans address conservation of significant cultural heritage resources and landscape features, and the integration of significant views associated with these features into the design of the new urban community. In particular, these considerations shall be an integral element of the design of public spaces. I the preparation of the urban design guidelines, the assessment and r endations contained in the Fall 2005 Report entitled "Cultural cape Assessment Central Pickering: Seaton Lands" prepar endy Shearer Landscape Architect Limited shall be considered;!> nd (f) integrating and conserving locally significant or related features, where appropriate into neighb . ual heritage buildings designs. 12. Further with respect to Cultural Heritage, the design and Neighbourhood Plans for s adjacent t().~/'l.g including parts Whitevale Heritage Cons District shalE aration of the he Hamlet of (a) demonstrate an appr area's existing charact and recreational and ren referr to as Hamlet Herit itional design and compatibility with the of soci~l, institutional, open space terns to serve as a buffer and (b) direct north;~outhand east-w.<arterial road assignments away from the Quilt up areaof the Hamlet of W . .. vale; protect where feasible, built heritage features and structures; and ensure that new development is generally consistent with the character of existing buildings. 13. The relevabtNeighbOl.Jrhood Plans shall: (a) address he Hamlet Heritage Open Space adjacent to Green River; (b) enable the expansion of the Brougham Pioneer Cemetery; and (c) identify appropriate trail and pedestrian connections to the hamlets. 14. The Neighbourhood Plans shall incorporate an appropriate set of policies about First Nations cultural and spiritual connection to the Area and strategies for dealing with long-term protection of archaeological resources through the development process, including, but not limited to, the following: Appendix A to Draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 August 2008) Page 6 , 'I I) LJ (a) requIring the development process to be undertaken In a respectful manner; (b) requIring as a condition of development approval, the retention of an appropriate archaeological monitor, preferably of First Nations' ancestry and funded by the proponent of the development; and requiring for licensed archaeologists to assess any land alteration and/or grading in the Natural Heritage System considered to have archaeological potential. (c) 15. The consultant shall actively seek the input considering the most appropriate actions to commemoration, long-term manageme archaeological sites. advice of First Nations in ith respect to the protection, r mitigative excavation of Social, Institutional, Open Space and Rec 16. With respect to Social, Institutional, 0 Neighbourhood Plans shall: (a) reflect the objectives Facilities, the (b) (c) 'ding for social, recreational or cultural of the natural or build environment benchmarks developed through the 17. The implement t active transpo s shall incorporate an appropriate policy framework to s of the CPOP, with respect to transportation, transit, d the road network. 18. In particular with respect to Transportation, the Neighbourhood Plans shall establish a policy framework: (a) requiring road connections to be completed through conditions of draft approval; (b) establishing a robust local road network to support arterial functions; Appendix A to Draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 August 2008) Page 7 . '1 t) I (g) (h) (i) U) (c) defining a street structure based on a modified grid that provides a high degree of permeability, access to key locations, and supports pedestrian and bicycle movement; (d) designing roads with reduced rights-of-way dimensions wherever possible to promote intimate streetscapes and neighbourhoods with sense of place, while respecting operational and safety requirements; (e) incorporating where appropriate, narrow lanes, on-street parking and central medians in the road design to encourage slow moving traffic through residential areas and mixed use neig~bourhood centres; (f) d roads through conditions of supporting the requirement for interco plan of subdivision approval; designing streets as public sp identifying conditions ;of sub street trees and boulevard I shade, contribution to neighbour runoff; link with tt'lf:!. open space system; address alternative tr pooling, bic c1e storage in order ncourage earlie age of developm including park and ride, car cessible transit stop pads) f public transit from the 19. Further with respe assessments Nel nform ongoing or future environmental sail: (a) identify locati9~.p whet~(road widenings should be undertaken in a manner that protects, incorporates and/or commemorates key heritage characteristics, SllCh as treelines and hedgerows associated with traditional roadallowanCe$iand identify the required development measures (special grading and drainage, road widening off-set to one side) to protect these features; (b) in recognition of the unique heritage character of the Whitevale Road corridor from the Hamlet of White vale to the proposed Whitevale Road By-pass: (i) integrate new development along this corridor in a manner that is compatible with the existing cultural heritage value or interest of the landscape, properties and structures; (ii) determine an appropriate road cross-section, traffic management measures and accessibility that are compatible with the character of this corridor; Appendix A to Draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 August 2008) Page 8 r~ ') . > (,w_ (iii) evaluate and recommend appropriate measures such as lower rights-of-way widths, a pedestrian oriented streetscape and reduction of motorized vehicular traffic, as a way of conserving heritage attributes, context and character of the corridor; (iv) address Pickering Council's Resolution #04/06 (see attachment) respecting the potential extension of the Whitevale Heritage Conservation District easterly to Sideline 16 in light of previous Whitevale Heritage District Background Study, landscape work prepared under the Natural Heritage System Management Plan, the Landscape Study by Wendy She er, and the ability to achieve the population and development op' es of the CPDP; and (v) identify locations where ro ss-sections should feature drainage ditches instead of c utters to extend or maintain the visual character of rural rOal!!fs in neighbourhood. II also: 20. With respect to transportation, theN,eighbourhood Plan (a) encourage minimum rights-of~ways widths on roads ''lVhere feasible and appropriate; (b) ape detail for road cross-sections to achieve ic realm, with particular emphasis on the and acrQss the road; and tionr"the Neighbourhood Plans shall be I demand sensitivity to determine that the and community design objectives of the (c) terchanges, the GO station, ccommodate more intensive 21. Also. witg<[espect accompanied with an t~~flsportation netvvork, GPDP will be achieved. Servicing 22. The Neighbourhood lans shall incorporate policies on the phasing and timing of development co.' g: (a) the results of the Highway 407 (Seaton) Economic Development Study; (b) the results of the MESP; (c) the results of the Regional Class Environmental Assessment; (d) the results of the Fiscal Impact Studies; (e) creation of a transit supportive community; and Appendix A to Draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 August 2008) Page 9 I~, 71 " \.... (f) the City and Regional objectives to enable the development of jobs in the Prestige Employment Lands ahead of or concurrent with residential development. 23. With respect to servicing, the Neighbourhood Plans shall establish policies as follows: (a) requIring the submission of functional servicing plans prior to draft subdivision approval, and outlining the requ' ments of those plans based on the CPDP, the MESP and, where priate, the Regional Class Environmental Assessment; and an nding of the design of best management practices identified in and Regional EA; and; (b) integrating the results of the MESP and, whe propriate, the Regional Class Environmental Asses$rnent, with ect to stormwater management, utilities, ground and surface water p~tfqrmance standards, aquatic habitats, and energy man~gemen Implementation .Qt cause a financial burden Municipality of Durham with Neighbourhood Plans shall rk for t implementation of financial ding such matters as: 24. aring agreements and development Impact Studies being undertaken for the City of of Durham; and (c) ition of appropriate conditions of development approval of development of community services and facilities to by all benefiting parties, as conditions of development J: \Documents IPlanning \Seaton Neighbourhood Plan \AppendixAtoSeaton Terms 18August2008 .docx Attachment #1 to Appendix A " r: r) Lt CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT CLERKS DIVISION DIRECTIVE MEMORANDUM _P~ action as required ~lerX to Action - Copy of Correspondence to Follow Receive as Information January 23, 2006 From: Debi A. Bentley City Clerk RECEIVED JAN 7- 5 2Q06 0\- p,\\<ER\NG CITY ~- f<. I~'F':;ELOPMENT PLANN\N~pc>-';'TMENT D., To: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Direction as per Minutes of the Meeting of City Council held on January 16, 2006 Designation of Heritage Conservation District COUNCIL DECISION RESOLUTION #04/06 WHEREAS section 8.1 of the Pickering Official Plan states that Council shall respect the City's cultural heritage, and shall conserve and integrate important cultural heritage resources from all time periods into the community; and WHEREAS section 8.4 of the Pickering Official Plan states that City Council, in consultation with its heritage committee, shall implement the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act, including the designation under the Act of heritage conservation districts where appropriate; and WHEREAS policy 2.13(n) of Council adopted Amendment 13 to the Pickering Official Plan, which implements the results of the City's Growth Management Study, states that for the Central Pickering Area, Council shall recognize the heritage character of the Whitevale Road Corridor and require the design of new development to be compatible with the existing heritage, features and sites; and WHEREAS policy 2.13(1) of Council adopted Amendment 13 to the Pickering Official Plan identifies the need for a neighbourhood planning process for Central Pickering; and Attachment #1 to Appendix A Directive Memorandum January 23. 2006 / r- i:) ~) WHEREAS the City of Pickering has designated by by-law the Hamlet of Whitevale and its surroundings, including lands on either side of Whitevale Road to the east of Sideline 26 as a heritage conservation district; and WHEREAS Heritage Pickering, the City's heritage committee, has approached Council requesting a potential extension of the heritage conservation district designation through Seaton along Whitevale Road, from the east limit of the existing heritage conservation district to Sideline 16, extending one half a concession in width north and south of Whitevale Road and including Whitevale Road itself (the "Study Area"); and WHEREAS section 40 of the Ontario Heritage Act permits the Council of a municipality, in consultation with its heritage committee, to undertake a study of an area of the municipality for the purpose of designation of a herUage conservation district; and WHEREAS section 40.1 of the Ontario Heritage Act permits a municipality undertaking a study under section 40 of the Act to designate by by-law a defined area as a "heritage conservation study area" for a period of up to one year. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby directs staff, as input to the neighbourhood planning process for Seaton, to undertake a heritage study of the Study Area in the context of an urbanizing area consistent with the City's Growth Management Study I Amendment 13, and prepare an appropriate by-law designating such area as a heritage conservation study area; and THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all landowners within the Study Area, Heritage Pickering, the Minister of Culture, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ontario Realty Corporation, the North Pickering land Exchange Team, and DEL Property Management. Idw Copy: Chief Administrative Officer City Clerk , ,- tl () Appendix B to Draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program - Selected List of Resources Available The Regional Municipality of Durham Official Plan, Consolidation June 5, 2008 Pickering Official Plan, Edition 5, June 2008 City of Pickering Sustainable Development Guidelines - Consultants' Final Report, prepared by Dillon Consulting Limited et ai, May 2007 Working Draft Sustainable Neighbourhood Scorecard, City of Pickering, May 2007 Sustainable Indicators - The Benchmarking Process ity of Pickering, June 2008 City of Pickering Growth Management Study: ase 2: Preferred Growth Management Concept and Structure Plan, onsulting Limited, Sorenson Gravely Lowes Planning Associate Inc., Josep ssociates Inc., Enid Slack Consulting Inc., February 2004 Central Pickering Development Plan, Mi .rs and Housing, May 2006 Summary of Background Studies: Cultural~~rita~~i;~ousing a Natural Heritage System, Soci nstitutional;Qp~nSpace and Re tional Facilities; Transportation Ne ater and Wa$tewater Servicing System; for Proposed Central Pickering Deve an, Ministry f Municipal Affairs and Housing, July 2005 DurhamlTorontoNork Area Infrastructure and Service- February 2007 Highway 407 (Seaton Lands) Economic lopment Study, Final Report, Hemson Consultin I, for Qntario Realty Corp .on, April 2007 High ands)F;conorriicQ~y pment Study, Appendices, Hemson Cons tariotRealty Corporation, April 2007 Seaton EnvitgUrnental Servicing Study, Existing Conditions Summary Sernasiet ai, for the North Pickering Community Management Seaton Commun nvironmental Servicing Study, Existing Conditions Appendices, prepar as et ai, for the North Pickering Community Management Inc., Aug 08 Natural Heritage System Management Study and Master Trail System, Draft Report, Schollen & Company Inc., et ai, for MMAH, draft March 2008, Water Budget Assessment for the OPDA Development Planning Area (Seaton), Clarifica, Water Resources and Environmental Consulting for MMAH, July 2005 A Watershed Plan For Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek, A Report of the Duffins Creek and Carruthers Creek Watershed Task Forces, Toronto & Region Conservation for the Living City, August 2003 Study, Transportation and Ministry of Transportation, Appendix B to Draft Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Program (18 August 2008) Page 2 is 7 Ontario Realty Corporation, Class Environmental Assessment, Environmental Study Report, Acquisition of Oak Ridges Moraine lands in Richmond Hill and the Sale or Disposal and Severance of lands in Pickering (Seaton), Marshall Macklin Monaghan, January 2006 Cultural landscape Assessment, Central Pickering: Seaton lands, prepared by: Wendy Shearer Landscape Architect Limited, date stamped February 28, 2006 Seaton Built Heritage Assessment, Prepared for the North Pickering Land Exchange Team, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Planning and Development Division, Prepared by: Andre Scheinman, Heritage Preservation ultant, November 2004 Seaton Cultural Heritage Resources Assessme mary Report, Volume I, by Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limite onsultants, July 1994 Seaton Cultural Heritage Resources Asse$s nt, T 'cal Appendix, by Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limited-prirne Consultan Iy 1994 Volume II Seaton Cultural Heritage Resources sment, Confiden pend ix, by Hough Stansbury Woodland Naylor Dance Limited-F'rime Consultants, July 4 Volume III The Hamlet of Whitevale H "age ConserM~t'()l'lDistrict Stu Background Report, prepared by The Town ~ring, Augustt989 The Hamlet of Whitevale Herita rict Study, The District Plan, prepared by The Town of Pickering, Whitevale Heritage Conservation Di Draft Plan Applicatiphs and S9 porting December 2007 ared by The City of Pickering ain Metrus lands in Seaton, ion for certain Lebovic lands in Seaton, , Compiled Plan, Sernas, January 2008 for Seaton Landowners Group, September 2005 ATTACHMEN11 I TO RF-';)Rl # PO \, '\ - (.,: I;' 6B PREPARATION OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE SEATON NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING PROGRAM The following major steps were taken in preparing the draft Terms of Reference: 1. City Council authorized staff to undertake Neighbourhood Planning Program for Seaton Resolution # 114/07, on May 22,2007 2. Preparation of draft Terms of Reference considering discussions regarding Seaton study processes, content, timing, at various Seaton Advisory Committee meetings (remainder 2007) 3. Presentation of Seaton Planning process and overview of draft Terms of Reference to senior staff on January 14, 2008 4. Presentation of Seaton Planning process and overview of draft Terms of Reference at Seaton Advisory Committee meeting on January 17, 2008 5. Release of a draft Terms of Reference, dated February 6, 2008, for comment to Mayor, Council and senior staff on February 6, 2008 6. Release of a draft Terms of Reference, dated February 6, 2008, for comment to Seaton Advisory Committee members, other members of City Council, key stakeholders, and senior staff on February 15, 2008 7. Review and discussion of comments received between February and May 2008 8. Release of next draft of Terms of Reference, dated June 2, 2008, for comment at Seaton Advisory Committee meeting on June 10, 2008 9. Review and discussion of comments received during June and July 10. Release of revised draft Terms of Reference, dated August 18, 2008, for Council consideration through Report to Planning & Development Committee, PO 35-08, scheduled for consideration by Planning & Development Committee on September 2, 2008