HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 32-08 REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ,\ ", , l' >\ ~ ~ \,.,c Report Number: CS 32-08 Date: June 9,2008 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Leash Free Area within the City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 32-08 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the City of Pickering establishes a leash free area on Valley Farm Road Hydro Lands, included with Report CS 32-08 as Attachment No.1, for a six month trial period; 3. That a volunteer Leash Free Working Group be officially formed and work with City staff during the six month trial period to monitor the leash free area; 4. That By-law 5495/99 Parks and By-law 6811/07 Responsible Pet Ownership be amended to allow dogs to be off leash in City designated Leash Free Areas; and, 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: On May 15, 2008 the City along with the volunteer leash free working group hosted a public meeting in order to receive input from residents regarding the establishment of a potential leash free area within Pickering. From completed surveys and feedback received at the meeting, it is being recommended that the City establish a dedicated leash free area on Valley Farm Road Hydro Lands for a six month trial period. Report CS 32-08 Date: June 9, 2008 Subject: Leash Free Area within the City of Pickering Page 2 '1 /1. (, It is also recommended that a volunteer Leash Free Working Group be officially formed. The Leash Free Working Group will be comprised of at least six members for the area and be responsible for the following: · observing the behaviour of dogs and owners using the area; specifically identifying and educating irresponsible pet owners and advise Animal Services if enforcement of violations is required · perform "Dog Watch" duties to identify and educate irresponsible pet owners · organize "off leash" area cleanups at least four times per year · repair areas damaged from dogs digging · consult with Animal and By-law Services for enforcement as required. Financial Implications: The proposed leash free area will be operated, enforced and administered at a low cost within current levels of service. The amount of $30,000 has been included in the 2008 Capital Budget for Operations and Emergency Services Staff is recommending that the amount be used for fencing to enclose the entire area and create a small corral where the dogs enter and exit. Initial clean up of the area, signage identifying rules and regulations and dog waste diversion receptacles and site furnishings as necessary. Once the leash free area has been established the Leash Free Working Group will be responsible for the general maintenance and upkeep of the area. Sustainability Implications: Once complete, the area will become part of the City's Dog Waste Diversion Program. The dog waste will be removed on a regular basis and disposed in an environmentally responsible manner. The concerns and analysis presented address responsible pet ownership within the healthy society objectives. Background: Currently within the City of Pickering, dogs are only allowed to be leash free when on the owners property and are required to be under the owner's control at all times. The primary concern with leash free areas is that dogs may be more able to escape from the owner's control. Most municipalities rely on the Dog Owners Liability Act to make owners Report CS 32-08 Date: June 9, 2008 Subject: Leash Free Area within the City of Pickering Page 3 " ,- 1\ i J. I' - responsible and accountable for their pets, regardless of the location or circumstances. Citizens of Pickering are governed by the provisions of our new Responsible Pet Ownership by-law. At the present time, there are no leash free areas within the City of Pickering. The City of Toronto currently has over 32 leash free areas, Mississauga - 7, Oakville - 5, Ajax - 2, Oshawa -1 and Brampton -3. Leash free areas in urban areas are becoming more common. On September 18, 2006, correspondence was received and a delegation was heard from representatives of the Pickering Leash Free Working Group, submitting a formal request to engage the City of Pickering in the investigation for establishing designated off-leash areas for dogs within the City of Pickering. Council referred the matter to City staff to work with the group to determine the feasibility of potential sites within Pickering. On June 11, 2007 Report CS 27-07 was presented to Council regarding potential sites identified by the Leash Free Working Group. Recommendations included offering a public meeting for the purpose of obtaining comments on the possible establishment of leash free areas and regulations within Pickering. On November 19, 2007 a memorandum was presented to the Chief Administrative Officer and Council identifying the four possible locations to implement Leash Free Areas. During the first week of May, 2008, 1,176 letters were mailed out advising residents of the public meeting which took place on Thursday May 15, 2008 as well as providing them with a 3 page survey explaining the potential sites. The meeting was advertised in the News Advertiser on May ih and 14th, the City's website as well as through handouts created by members of the Leash Free Working Group. The public meeting took place on May 15, 2008 in the Council Chambers at the Civic Complex. The meeting was well attended with a total of 53 people in attendance. At this meeting, residents and park users engaged in discussions with staff and the volunteer Leash Free Working Group regarding the 4 potential sites. A total of 43 surveys were received, with the majority of respondents in favour of designating an area for dogs to run off leash. The following is a synopsis from the surveys that were returned from residents. . Only 26% of residents responded to the survey . 33 residents agreed to leash free areas . 11 residents do not want leash free areas Report CS 32-08 Date: June 9, 2008 Subject: Leash Free Area within the City of Pickering Page 4 '1 L~ 1, i · Of the total surveys returned 26 residents were dog owners, 17 were not dog owners and 1 survey did not advise if they were or not · Special features within any leash free area included fencing, dog waste recycling bins, area large enough for dogs to run around and sufficient parking. The following is the total number of resident's preferred location for the leash free area. PINEGROVE DIANA, WHARF VALLEY NO OTHER PARK PRINCESS STREET FARM RD. PREFERENCE OF WALES PARK 2 11 4 1 5 3 Although the majority of individuals who completed the survey indicated that they would like the leash free area established at Diana, Princess of Wales Park, we found that residents who were not in support of any off leash areas were equally vocal in expressing negative concerns pertaining to that same site. Diana, Princess of Wales Park is currently comprised of a skate park, soccer fields, children's playground, basketball and beach volleyball courts and the soon to be established community garden. The Pickering Official Plan (Town Centre Neighbourhood 8) identifies the future connection of Diefenbaker Court to Pickering Parkway, along the west side of the corridor which would ultimately have a negative impact on a leash free area if established there. Based on the feedback provided, results of the public consultation and extensive research conducted by staff and the volunteer Leash Free Working Group, staff recommend that an off leash area no less than 1f2 acre be designated at the Valley Farm Road Hydro Lands on the portion north of the pathway and east of the road. The property is currently used by the City under an agreement with Hydro One. Once Council approves the recommendations, the expanded use will be confirmed with Hydro One. As part of the design implementation, the City will employ risk reduction strategies such as appropriate signage, fencing and perhaps dividing the area into two areas, for large and small dogs. The implementation of an off leash area will be undertaken in a manner that does not impede the na~ural character of the site Attachment: 1. Map of proposed location-Valley Farm Road. Report CS 32-08 Date: June 9, 2008 Subject: Leash Free Area within the City of Pickering Page 5 ~ :', ') I : l.. Prepared By: Approved I Endorsed By: . c:=<0f~/:. ~' ~is A. Paterson Director,9.erporate S~rvices & Treasurer ....i/~_,......~. i.... /~, . /// /// '- ~ Ever~;t~Wl;~ma V Director, Operations & Emergency Services Y1 / .-') \~, .' r')l.Lt\ILcl(, Lindsey Brenner Supervisor, Animal Services ::u ~".,' , . n . \', I'" ' .. ," '~_\.A ) ( ~.k ~> cr. I. Debi A. Wilcox 7 City Clerk Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council <./ ... '" TO REPORT# CS SUBJECT AREA >- W -.-J ---3 :;; cr: o 00 0::- 00:: )-0:: IO U ~SUJ FINCH LODGE :::tJ o )> CJ o <( o n:: OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION ATTACHMENT FOR OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT PROPOSED DOG LEASH-FREE AREA VALLEY FARM ROAD - OPEN SPACE SCALE: DATE: APRIL 28 /2008 N.T.S L:\MPandE\ Thematic Mappif1g\MopB\O&:~ - Dlrsctor\AHo-=hment for Reporl z w o >- o OJ w z .r w I- 0 ~~ U1 w 0:: U w 2 n:: o DRIVE >- <( I lf) [!J A VEN U E o <( o n:: o <( o 0::