HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 14-08 CiUI o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL Report Number: OES 14-08 Date: May 20, 2008 ~1 , I From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance Class Environmental Assessment File: A-1440-001-08 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 14-08 regarding the Class Environmental Assessment for the Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance be received; 2. That the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) be authorized to assume a leadership role in the partnership with the City of Pickering to undertake the project; 3. That all costs not to exceed $300,000 be approved by the Chief Administrative Officer and Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to expedite the required works; 4. That a report be presented to Council upon completion of the Class Environmental Assessment; and 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. Executive Suml:l1ary: The City of Pickering received a grant from the Province of Ontario in 2007, in the amount of $300,000 to conduct a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) and work plan to improve the harbour entrance into Frenchman's Bay. As the TRCA has the experience and knowledge of conducting such studies along Lake Ontario, City staff had requested that they assume a leadership ro~e in a partnership with the City to complete the Class EA. By Resolution #A12/08 the TRCA Watershed Management Board, on February 29, 2008 endorsed the concept of TRCA staff accepting a leadership role in the completion of the Class EA, design and funding partnership for the reconstruction of the Harbour Entrance. City staff and TRCA staff have had a very preliminary meeting and we are confident that this can be accomplished with City and TRCA expertise and some consultant assistance. Report OES 14-08 May 20,2008 Subject: Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance Page 2 2, L) We are seeking City Council endorsement to now move forward with this project as approved in the 2008 Budget. Financial Implications: In the 2008 Capital Budget, Council approved the Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance Project in the amount of $300,000 in account 5780 Parks, project number 5780-0818. This project is to be financed by a Provincial grant of $300,000 received in 2007. TRCA will manage the project, incur the costs and the City will reimburse them. Sustainability Implications: 1. Improved harbour entrance will improve the economic viability of marina business and tourism on Frenchman's' Bay. 2. The work when completed should improve safety and navigability for all entrance users. 3. The work when completed may improve environmental aspects and the overall health of the Bay and its wetlands. Background: The City of Pickering has for years considered opportunities to improve the entrance to Frenchman's Bay environmentally and to create a destination for Lake Ontario boating enthusiasts. The grant, received in 2007, from the Provincial Government provides the opportunity to bring the project one step closer to reality. With the assistance and leadership of TRCA, City staff are certain a proper full design and work plan can be achieved for the Harbour Entrance. Upon completion, this plan and the approved Class EA will lay the ground work for submissions to other levels of government for funding of the work to improve the entrance to Frenchman's Bay to boost the economic viability and tourism. Funding has been approved in the 2008 Capital Budget of the City of Pickering to undertake the work plan and Class EA. Attachments: 1. Correspondence form Director, Operations & Emergency Services to TRCA dated January 4, 2008 CORP0227 -07/01 revised Report OES 14-08 May 20, 2008 Subject: Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance Z. ,/ ~J 0 Page 3 2. Correspondence from TRCA dated March 25, 2008 with approved Resolution from TRCA Watershed Management Advisory Board. Prepared By: ~ ,."'~ ///;: ........... --- /"'~ .-- ',' L..{. . . / Everett E3untsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Approved/Endorsed By: /' ./ ~_5.:.~ Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer /.] , ""J ) '~'".::7'-" ><'";~~~.':':':::~~-' ~>~'~~.. EB:mld Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council-. y / \' ,., "--.......-. CORP0227-07/01 revised Cllff (1~ I .- / 00,,/ If'- 0 r-; Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplill1ade Pickering, On~ario Canada LJ V 6K7 Direct Access 905.420A660 Toll Free 1.866.683.276D cityofpickering.com I OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Department 905.420.4624 hlcsimile 905.420.4650 0&(,5-a d m i n@city.pickering.on.ca , ''1 d. I January 4, 2008 Mr. Larry Field Toronto & Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) 5 Shoreham Drive Downsview, ON M3N 184 Subject: Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance - File: A-2800-004 As discussed recently, the City of Pickering received a Provincial Grant in 2007, in the amount of $300,000 to complete an Environmental Assessment, Work Plan and Financing Strategy for the Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance. The City will be budgeting this project for commencement in 2008. As the TRCA has the experience and knowledge of conducting such studies along the Lake Ontario Waterfront, the City is requesting that TRCA take a lead role and partner with the City of Pickering to complete this project. The resources and expertise of you and your staff would be invaluable in completing the project and engaging the right consulting and agency involvement to ensure a successful project. Please advise if the TRCA would be able to assist, in a lead role capacity, with this project understanding that the City's approval of all costs will be required. Your 'response should include an estimate of associated costs and possible timeframe for completion. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request. ~ ---. EB:mld Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering /(n VrL~' onserRvaNiTon for The Living City ~S f.~ '""'"':"^C'L'M'"N'" . -2 t.',; :', .f--..~ ~. r"i t t I. 2 t~ ..-..:,;~ ' I P()f\1' OE5 i4-0g 7 Tuesday, March 25, 2008 Everett Buntsma, NPD, CMM Director, Operations and Emergency Services City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex One the Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1 V 6K7 Dear Mr. Buntsma, RE: Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance Further to your letter of January 4, 2008, requesting the TRCA take a lead role and partner with the City of Pickering to undertake the above noted project, the attached staff report was taken to our Watershed Management Advisory Board (WMAB) meeting #05/07, held on February 8, 2008. The attachment also includes the WMAB Resolution #054/07. At Authority meeting #01/08, held on February 29, 2008, the following resolution was adopted: RES. #A12/08- FRENCHMAN'S BAY HARBOUR ENTRANCE PROJECT City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham. Acceptance of the City of Pickering's request for Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to take a lead role and partner with the City on completion of the environmental assessment, design and funding partnership for the reconstruction of the Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance. (Watershed Mgt. Res. #054/07) Moved by: Seconded by: Gay Cowbourne Gino Rosati THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) accept the lead role in partnership with the City of Pickering to undertake the environmental assessment, public consultation, design, approvals and funding partnership for the reconstruction of the Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance; - 1 - .. ./2 Member of Conservation Ontario 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N 1 S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca a.. ~"~\ ~'"R'~ ;'-~\_l#'i ;'~'i .; f.d-- ~. POl~ T # () E-:'::> f 4-0'6 ..+- - 2 - J (.... ,,~) 1~1 THAT staff be authorized and directed to work with the City of Pickering in the detailed work planning, consultant selection, establishment of a Community Liaison Committee and preparation of the environmental assessment and detailed engineering drawings, and implementation funding partnership with all levels of government and the Frenchman's Bay Stakeholders; THAT TRCA participation be subject to funding being available from the City of Pickering; AND FURTHER THAT the City of Pickering be so advised. CARRIED We will be arranging a working session in the near future with your staff to finalize a work plan, the details for the class environmental assessment, terms of reference for required consultant services (i.e. coastal engineering), composition for the Community Liaison Committee and a detailed budget. We look forward to another successful partnership with the City of Pickering in implementing this strategic component of the City's Waterfront Vision and Plan. Yours truly, d ~~./~ /-~/ ..' / . .L- (../')0./ !~Y. ield:Z-CIP, RPP Manager - Government Liaison Enclosure cc: Thomas Quinn, City of Pickering Gillis Paterson, City of Pickering Richard Holborn, City of Pickering Nick Saccone, TRCA Adele r:reeman, TRCA Laura Stephenson, TRCA Connie Pinto, TRCA ~. ..~ 1 DES /4-~O g ., 4" , '1, j . l) RES.#D54/07 - FRENCHMAN'S BAY HARBOUR ENTRANCE PROJECT City of Pickering, Regional Municipality of Durham. Acceptance of the City of Pickering's request for Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to take a lead role and partner with the City on completion of the environmental assessment, design and funding partnership for the reconstruction of the Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance. Moved by: Seconded by: Bryan Bertie Gay Cow bourne THE BOARD RECOMMENDS TO THE AUTHORITY THAT Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) accept the lead role in partnership with the City of Pickering to undertake the environmental assessment, public consultation, design, approvals and funding partnership for the reconstruction of the Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance; THAT staff be authorized and directed to work with the City of Pickering in the detailed work planning, consultant selection, establishment of a Community Liaison Committee and preparation of the environmental assessment and detailed engineering drawings, and implementation funding partnership with all levels of government and the Frenchman's Bay Stakeholders; THAT TRCA participation be subject to funding being available from the City of Pickering; AND FURTHER THAT the City of Pickering be so advised. BACKGROUND At Authority Meeting #10/03, held on January g, 2004, Resolution #A292/03, was approved as follows: CARRIED THA T staff be directed to prepare a Pickering Harbour Company Waterfront Regeneration Project (the "Project'') on a multi-year basis in the City of Pickering, Region of Durham as a component of the Region of Durham's waterfront multi-year project; THA T prior to preparation of the Project, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TACA) obtain written support and a partnership commitment from the City of Pickering and the Pickering Harbour Company for such a major watet1ront initiative, THA T the TRCA, in preparing the Project, including a funding partnership, seek commitments from, but not limited to, the Government of Canada, the Province of Ontario, the Regional Municipality of Durham, the City of Pickering and the Pickering Harbour Company; AND FURTHER TI-{A T the City of Pickering and the Pickering Harbour Company be so advised. 170 ~1 E N Ti+ _~:J.... -4-" ')CqOR Ttt()ES f r. ,.of?' ru.t ,. t.t .'-:2.-_ ,1 'I ~..1" I In 2005, the City of Pickering adopted the 'Framework for a five year implementation plan for Pickering Waterfront and Frenchman's Bay.' At Authority Meeting #6/05, held on July 22, 2005, Resolution #A 172/05 endorsing the City of Pickering's waterfront priorities was approved as follows: THA T the report entitled "Framework for a Five Year Implementation Plan for Pickering Waterfront and Frenchman's Bay" prepared by Suzanne Barrett and Nicole Swerhun for the City of Pickering and TRCA dated June 24, 2005 be received; THA T the development of a Five Year Implementation Plan for Pickering Waterfront and Frenchman's Bay be endorsed as requested by the City of Pickering Council at its meeting held June 27, 2005; THA T staff be directed to work with the City of Pickering in the development of a Five Year Implementation Plan for Pickering Waterfront and Frenchman's Bay with priority emphasis on the development of a stormwater management master plan for Frenchman' s Bay watershed as a major initiative to improving watershed health; AND FURTHER THA T the City of Pickering be so advised. RA TIONALE Moving forward with the environmental assessment, community consultation, detailed design and securing a funding partnership is consistent with the City of Pickering's Five (5) Year Implementation Plan and priorities for the waterfront: 1. Frenchman's Bay Watershed Stormwater Management Master Plan; 2. Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance; 3. Completion of Waterfront Trail; 4. Education and Community Stewardship. These priorities have also been endorsed by the Authority and direction to continue with strategic acquisitions to implement the City of Pickering waterfront vision and plans. Based on TRCA experience with waterfront environmental planning and implementation, including 35 years of partnership facilitation in working toward a waterfront vision and plans, staff recommend to the Authority that TRCA accept the City of Pickering's request (see attachment 1) to take a lead role and partner with the City of Pickering to complete this project DETAILS OF WORK TO BE DONE TRCA staff will initiate the preparation of a detailed work plan for the approval of City of Pickering staff. Detailed discussions will also occur with the Ministry of the Environment on the environmental assessment approach and utilization of the City's Municipal Infrastructure Class Environmental Assessment Staff will also be proposing membership suggestions to the community liaison committee for the city's concurrence. 171 '1 !:J" GES 14-61 /1 tj q- f_ '5 7 FINANCIAL DETAILS The City of Pickering received a provincial grant in 2007 in the amount of $300,000 to fund the environmental assessment, community consultation, detailed design, approvals and securement of implementation funding partnership with all levels of government and key stockholders in Frenchnlan's Bay. All costs including consultants, TRCA project management and technical staff and other associated costs will be covered by the provincial grant and subject to approval of invoices by the City of Pickering Report prepared by: Larry Field, extension 5243 Email: Ifield@trca.on.ca For Information contact: Larry Field, extension 5243; Connie Pinto, extension 5387; Laura Stephenson, extension 5296 Emails:lfield@trca.on.ca;cpinto@trca.on.ca;lstephenson@trca.on.ca Date: January 30, 2008 Attachments: 2 172 'J ~ Iii OES 14--og 7 4 ,) Attachment 1 ;r~- /:.," - .;;~.~,~.~~~.;:.'" ,-:~~~.. Pid:t>ring Civic Complex Olle The Esplanade Pickning.. Onlario C.o.d. Ll V 6K1 Direct Ac:-ess WS.OD.W;,o 1011 Fre" 1.8(,(,.583.276(1 tit y-ofpicke ring,com OPERATIONS & EMERCENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DrpMtment 9{bA20,1~2.-J Fdcimde 905.420.4650 o&e5-adl!lin(~Vd()' pic-kerll1 g_onx<l January 4, 2008 Mr Larry Field T Olonto & Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) 5 Shoreharn Drive Oownsview, ON M3N 1S4 Sut)J8Ct Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance - File: A-280Q-Q04 As discussed recently the City of Pickering received 3 Provincial Grant in 2007, in the amount of $300,000 to complete an Environmental Assessment. Work Plan and Financing Stralegy for the Frenchman's Bay Harbour Entrance The City will be budgeting this project far cormnencernent In 2008 As the TRCA has the experience and knowledge of conductillg such studies along the lake Ontano Waterfront. trw City is requesting that THeA take a lead role and paliner WllIl the City of Pickering to cornplete thiS project The resources and expertise at you and your stati would be invaluable in completing the project and engaging the right COil suiting and agency involvement to ensure a successful project. Please advise if the n::CA would be able to assist, in a lead role capacity. With tllis project understanding that the City's approval of all costs will be required Your response should Include an estimate of associated costs and pOSSible tlmefrarne for completion Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request EBmld Copy Chief Admimstrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Division Head. Municipal Property & Engineering 173 ~ OES --lit -08' I, i Li~ ,.l "7 '-? I Attachment 2 Frenchman I S Bay Harbour Entrance Project 174